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Although the Afghan constitution declares

that non-Muslims are free to practice

their faith

“No law can be contrary to the beliefs and

provisions of the sacred religion of Islam”

“There is no god but God, Muhammad is

the messenger of God”

Eternal, transcendent and absolutely one

Humans aren't in the image of Allah

The Shia say the successor of the Prophet

was his cousin and son-in-law, Ali

difference religious practice, traditions,


Bahraini uprising, the Iraq War, and most

recently the Syrian Civil War

The sunnah is a source of Islamic law,

second only to the Quran.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Means "followers“ or "faction" or "party“

A prophet is appointed by God alone,

only God has the prerogative to appoint

the successor

Three Universal Truths

Life is always changing

Life based on possessing things or persons doesn't make you happy

There is no eternal, unchanging soul and "self" is just a collection of changing characteristics or attributes

Four Noble Truths

Human life has a lot of suffering

The cause of suffering is greed

There is an end to suffering

The way to end suffering is to follow the Middle Path

influential by Mahayana Buddhism

especially on the Abrahamic religions of

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

cosmic struggle between right and

wrong, the primacy of ethical choice in

human life



Pashtun 1,491,000

Tajik 958,500

Uzbek 319,500

Hazara 319,500

Amiak 142,000

Turkmen 106,500

Baloch 71,000

Other 142,000

Sunni Islam (2nd largest religion)



Most are Muslim

Eastern Orthodox

"semi-nomadic lifestyle,"

Today, most of them are farmers and cattle breeders.

Mainly Twelver Shia Muslims

A small number of Hazara are Sunni

Systematic discrimination, ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Shia Hazara people

Sunni Muslim background

found as a minority group in Afghanistan

Uzbeks From USSR


Uzbeks From Afghanistan

majority of Tajiks follow Sunni Islam,

although small Twelver and Ismaili Shia

minorities also exist in scattered pockets




Bahraini uprising

- aimed at achieving greater political freedom and equality for the majority Shia population

The Taliban Islamic movement They seized Kabul, on 27/9/96. The Taliban

announced their intent of establishing a pure Islamic society

It is modeled after their own interpretation of the teachings of the Qur'an the Muslim holy book, composed of the words of Allah

"RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE." Religious Intolerance in Afghanistan. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.

The Turkmen of Afghanistan." The Turkmen of Afghanistan. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.

"Theosophical Society in America." Zoroastrianism: History, Beliefs, and Practices -. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.

"The World Factbook South Asia: Afghhanistan." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 3 Dec. 2014.

"Library." Shi'a Islam Origins, Shi'a Islam History, Shi'a Islam

Beliefs. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.

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