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Page 1: Augmented Reality: The next big thing?

Matt Jones

SVP, Strategy + Creative

Jack Morton Worldwide

Page 2: Augmented Reality: The next big thing?

Setting expectations

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Google is good for information.

Speakers are good for insight (hopefully).

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Augmented reality.

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The next big thing?

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In 2009, I hated social media.

This year, I think I hate AR.

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Now what is augmented reality?

What counts as AR?

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Optical recognition by computer.

Computer-added visual layers.

Creating a new (augmented) reality.

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Not to be confused with...

Virtual Reality

QR codes

Location-based data

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Optical recognition by computer.

Computer-added visual layers.

Creating a new (augmented) reality.

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‘It’ is in front of you.

AR creates an augmented experience of ‘it’.

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Visual search

Recognition-based data

Human 2.0

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‘It’ is not there.

AR creates an augmented reality where ‘it’ is now there…to be interacted with.

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Virtual mirror/lens

Context-sensitive product visualization

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Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should do it

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A gimmick

A ‘new’ interface

A way to lock content

A way to collect data

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Page 38: Augmented Reality: The next big thing?
Page 39: Augmented Reality: The next big thing?

Stop looking at what has already been done.

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Very soon “wow that’s cool” is not going to be enough of a

reason to invest in AR…

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So let’s focus on the post-novelty era of augmented reality

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Let’s take a step back and be clear why we are all here…

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Design +Events


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Design +

Real-time engagement

of brand communities

through experiences

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Design +

Real-time enhancement

of brand experiences

to build communities

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AR as a way to engage people

AR as way to enhance their reality

AR as a new platform for creativity and expression (as long as it serves one of

our two objectives)

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How do brands want to engage their communities?

What experiences are brands trying to enhance?

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Rich, engaging, immersive

Pull, not push


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Are you engaging people?

Are you involving people?

Are you persuading people?

Are you influencing people?

Are you co-creating with people?

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How do brands want to engage their communities?

What experiences are brands trying to enhance?

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Are you solving a problem?

Are you improving something?

Are you adding value?

Are you being real?

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So let’s think about digital…

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The smartest digital hot shots are trying to humanize their


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Online social networks are still rooted in real world friendships

and real world experiences

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The smartest social media thinkers recognize that

it’s just plumbing…a way to connect people with

communities, stories, and ideas

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AppsAugmented Reality

Physical World HyperlinkingSocial Media

Mobile DevicesGeolocation-Based Content

Interactive Multimedia3D + Holographic Technology

Touch InterfacesIt all matters

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Live experiences

Real experiences

Human experiences

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What mattered in 2000 is still what matters in 2010.

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Engaging, life-enhancing experiences…communities and

movements anchored by powerful social stories…

creativity, utility, narrative, and purpose…all that remains ‘the

next big thing’.

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