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A bulletin commenting an appropriate current news events, clarifka- tion of portions of Journals and answers of a general nature to ques- tions not found in the existing Journals,

PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS is published weekly by America West Publishers, Inc. P.O. BOX 986 Tehachapi, CA. 93581. Subscription rate is $20 per (13 issues) First Class mailing. COPYRIGHT 1990 by America West Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this copyrighted material for private non-profit use is expressly encouraged, for commercial purposes it is strictly forbidden.


8/24/90 HATONN


As you moved through the Falk- lands “crisis” and into early sum- mer of 1982, it was a time of ever increasing danger for America.

The timetable for nuclear war was still in effect. That timetable called for Nuclear War One to erupt by mid-September, 1982. The American Bolsheviks who controlled the U.S. Pentagon were not slowing down in their war preparations. That was true in spite of the fact that part of their war plan had been crippled.

The covert warfare that spawned the so-called Falklands crisis had all but ruined the Pentagoon plans for final victory in the forthcoming war; but the Bolshevik war-plan- ners had a suicidal streak in their thinking, and they were bent on war regardless of the conse- quences and you were to be sacri- ficial lambs, at any rate.

Headlines were growing larger about the Falklands War,between Argentina and Britain. Heavy losses were reported on both sides. Argentina had lost her only cruiser, the General Belgrano, plus several minor vessels and a number of aircraft. Britain had so far admitted losing five major ships--two destroyers, two frigates, and a container ship full of war

material. Those reports reflected the scale of the fighting to some extent but they were incomplete and totally distorted. As in every war, the truth always becomes the first casualty.

Please keep in your mind the in- formation and truth already pre- sented to you prior to this chapter in that an entirely new nuclear war strategy against Russia was being developed in Washington. It was being worked out by an elite mili- tary-planning group in extreme se- crecy under the code name “Project z”. It was a “rush” project calling for Nuclear War One itself to begin by September of 1982.

Project Z was continuing to move fast at the secret war-planning room in downtown Washington. The process of fleshing out the ba- sic war plan was already under way. Then the first complete draft of the total Project Z war plan was ready. The plan was essentially completed with nothing left to do but make minor refinements. The existence of the major new U.S. nuclear war plan was creeping into the news. On May 30, 1982, right at the Memorial Day celebration of remembering your war dead, an article about it appeared for the first time in the New York Times. The article was by Richard Hal- loran and carried the headline: “PENTAGON DRAWS UP FIRST STRATEGY FOR FIGHTING A LONG NU- CLEAR WAR”.

“Defense Department policymakers in a new five-year defense plan have accepted the premise that nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union could be protracted, and have drawn up their first strat- egy for fighting such a war.”

Of course, it was to mislead the public away from any perception of immediate, like within three months, all out war--begun by the U.S. with a first strike.

The article went on to mention that the plan was laid out in an un- published document of 125 pages. It was drafted for approval by Set- retarv of Defense Casper Wein- berger. ,

The U.S. Pentagon was controlled by the Bolsheviks who formerly controlled Russia. Weinberger was the highest visible agent of the Bolsheviks in the U.S. Govern- ment at that time. Note I said, “visible”.

The nuclear war plans of the Bol- sheviks were moving most quickly; but the U.S. Government was a house divided. The Bolsheviks were opposed by their bitter rivals, the Rockefeller cartel. Their top “visible” operative in the federal government at the time was Sec- retary of State Alexander Haig. The often visible feuding between Haig and Weinberger was only a

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pale shadow of that deadly power struggle behind the scenes. Un- like the Bolsheviks, the Rocke- feller faction did not want nuclear war. In a word, they couldn’t “afford” it. They would lose every- thing, and so the Rockefeller fac- tion was working feverishly to head off the Bolshevik nuclear war plan.

The new anti-Bolshevik rulers of Russia were also against nuclear war. The anti-Bolshevik, antinu- clear-war attitudes of the Rocke- feller cartel and the Kremlin led to a limited coalition between them. The most spectacular result from this Rockefeller-Russian coalition was the Falklands War raging be- tween Argentina and Britain.

The Falklands was the “visible” af- termath to covert warfare which took place during April, 1982, of which we have just written. The Rockefeller cartel and the Rus- sians joined forces to destroy cer- tain major military installations and weapons reserves. These were key ingredients in the final phase of the Project Z war plan.

The whole operation began at South Georgia Island on April 3. With the help of Argentina a joint Rockefeller-Russian commando team was able to knock out the gi- ant hidden naval base there. The base, built during the 1960’s, was originally controlled through the U.S. Government by the Rocke- feller cartel, but the Bolsheviks ac- quired control of the bases in the late 1970’s when they also seized control of the American Pen- tagon.

The major base was contained within a giant man-made cavern hollowed out inside a mountain near the water. With the camou- flaged ship entrances sealed, the base was bombproof; but the joint Rockefeller-Russian commando team succeeded in attacking the base by drilling a shaft through the mountain. Then a compact Rus-

sian neutron bomb was inserted through the shaft and detonated inside the cavernous naval base. The process took several weeks. The Thatcher government, which- -like the U.S. Pentagon--is Bol- shevik controlled (and this should give you a bad case of hives this very day in view of the mess in the Middle East), dispatched the Royal Navy.

First, it was supposed to dislodge the heavily-armed Rockefeller- Russian military force before it could destroy the naval base, then it was to move on to the Falklands for the publicly-admitted fighting.

The Royal Navy arrived several days too late to save the secret base on South Georgia Island. But by that time the panicking Thatcher government had already committed some two-thirds of the Royal Navy to the South Atlantic. On top of that, at least one British ship had already been sunk by Russia in connection with the se- cret South Georgia operation. That left the Thatcher govern- ment with no choice but to engage Argentina in battle, otherwise it would have been impossible to ex- plain away Britain’s huge deploy- ment to the South Atlantic, much less the heavy losses which had been sustained.

On April 30 the British blockade of the Falklands was just begin- ning. Later that day the entity President Reagan announced that the U.S. was actively siding with Britain (another breakout of hives, please). The announcement was a victory for the Pentagon war faction. Right away warfare around the Falklands started heat- ing up quickly. On May 1 the British launched bombing raids against the airport at Port Stanley, and on May 2 a British submarine torpedoed Argentina’s second largest ship, the cruiser General Belgrano. It sank within 24 hours, leaving a death toll of more than 300 Argentine sailors. The sinking .

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of the Belgrano was expected to demoralize the Argentines, but in- stead, it enraged them. The Bel- grano had been sunk at a time when it was not threatening the British forces. The Argentines decided it was time to start playing their ace-in-the-hole against Britain.

Argentina had been given certain promises in return for making the secret South Georgia operation possible. One of these was the promise of covert military as- sistance by Russia against Britain. Specifically, it was pledged that the Russians would intervene in parallel with Argentine air and naval operations in ways designed to even the odds. In this way Ar- gentina’s military leaders could take full credit for both their own and covert Russian attacks on the British. At the same time, the procedure was designed to keep Russia’s role in the fighting quite obscure.

On May 4, the Argentine Air Force decided to put Russia’s promises to the test. A pair of Fighter bombers headed out over the Atlantic to attack the Royal Navy. Acting on reconnaissance data provided by Russian Spy Satellites, they headed straight for the fleet. As the two low-flying Argentine jets appeared on the horizon, they were picked up by British fleet radar. At the same time, a Russian Cosmosphere hov- ering many miles above the fleet took final aim at one of the ships. The ship was one of Britain’s newest, most modern, most sophisticated ships designed specifically to shield ,,the fleet against air attack. The ship was a Type-42 guided missile destroyer, H.M.S. Sheffield. Long before the two Argentine jets were close enough to attack, the Cosmo- sphere fired its charged particle beam-weapon downward at the ship. The white-hot beam of sub- atomic particles blasted through the aluminum superstructure just

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behind the bridge near the top of the ship. In a split second the beam seared through layers of metal downward into the bowels of the ship.

The aluminum of the ship itself was instantly ablaze. The Argen- tine Fighter pilots witnessed the spectacular explosion and intense white flames from nearly 20 miles away. They promptly turned back toward home, having expended no missiles. Bewildered survivors from the Sheffield later said there had been no warning before the blast.

I am going to tell you right now, a great portion of the current show of power is to cause a stand-off with Russia who does not wish an all-out nuclear war. It is not Iraq who is being forced into a corner and Hussein knows, if attacked, he can most likely count on Russia to come to his assistance. You still cannot handle the Cosmosphere beams but it becomes obvious that your own forces will introduce such heinous ground weaponry, such as chemicals, etc., that the whole world is held hostage--THE WHOLE WORLD! If Russia brings into play the space weapons it causes all-out and total nu- clear/particle beam war. You ones are going to have to face the fact that the wondrous U.S., as you once knew it, is now headed by evil beyond your imagination-- hand-in-hand as a walking shadow with England. You have pushed your innocent children into the role of the “Anti-God” for all the world to see and witness.

You do not hear from the “people” on your controlled media pictures--you only hear from the puppet or hostage leaders who are telling you exactly that which you are intended to hear. YOU ARE ONLY A BREATH AWAY FROM TOTAL ANNIHILA- TION AT WORST AND ALL- OUT WAR AT BEST. YOU HAVE NO SHELTER SYS-



Argentina’s leaders were being coached by Rockefeller cartel operatives in what to say publicly about war developments. They claimed that a French-made mis- sile called the Exocet had been used to sink the Sheffield; but to those who know the characteris- tics of the Exocet missile, the Sheffield disaster remained a total mystery.

The Exocet is a type of missile known as a sea-skimmer. It is de- signed to skim along just above the water, striking a ship almost at the water line. Films of the Exo- cet were shown on your TV and clearly demonstrated that charac- teristic. But the Sheffield was blasted close to the very top of the superstructure; in fact, that is said to be the reason for the relatively low casualty toll in the destruction of H.M.S. Sheffield. Had the same blast been aimed low and close to the water line, the ship would have heeled over and very quickly been sunk and almost all of the crew would have been lost.

On the evening of May 4, Admiral Martin Wemyss, former director of British naval warfare, was inter- viewed about the Sheffield disas- ter on ABC Nightline. Ted Kop- pel began with the words:

“Admiral Wemyss, how is it that such a modern ship would not have been able to first of all detect, and then destroy, that Argen- tine aircraft?”

Admiral Wemyss answered,

“I think that’s an extremely good question, and I can- not give you a straight an- swer. In my book, this should not have hap-

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For the next two weeks talks be- tween Argentina and Britain continued with United Nations Secretary General Perez de Cuel- lar attempting to mediate.


Meanwhile, the Thatcher govern- ment continued to add to the British armada in the South At- lantic. Even the luxury liner, Queen Elizabeth II, was comman- deered and turned into a troop ship. It sailed with some 3200 troops aboard on May 12.

The strategy of the Bolshevik- dominated Thatcher government was very simple. They knew very well they were sending the Royal Navy into a trap, but they believed that by multiplying naval strength in the South Atlantic virtually be- yond reason, they would win. They were making the British commitment so huge compared to that of Argentina that a total Ar- gentine rout of the British would look unreasonable. It would en- able the question of covert Rus- sian aid to Argentina to be raised openly and credibly, and that could help set off the very nuclear war which they knew Russia was trying to avoid.

And what do you have going right now in Saudi-Arabia? I thought I might be reaching into your rea- soning mind just a wee bit. You are setting up the absolute same scenario in the Saudi desert while you cook your children in suits de- signed to save a few from that which you, yourself, plan to kill them with--chemical warfare. I am sorry, children of the lie--this is simply the way it IS.

Following that brute-force strat- egy, the Thatcher government continued to put every available ship into the South Atlantic fray. As of the end of May, over 100

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British ships were either in the war zone or heading toward it. That was almost the entire Royal Navy! The attitude was: For every ship the Russians and Argentines would sink, the Thatcher govern- ment would just send two more-- anything to make sure Britain re- took the Falklands because if that was not accomplished, the Thatcher government would fall and that would be a major setback to Bolshevik power in Britain. Where do you think that leaves you right now? Thatcher is stronger than ever and spends a lot of time in the good old U.S.A. in top secret meetings!

On May 19 the last ditch talks at the United Nations finally col- lapsed. Britain was ready at last to invade. After talks ended that evening, it was announced that the British War Cabinet would meet the following morning. Suppos- edly, the meeting would decide whether or not to give the go- ahead for invasion--but it was all a ruse to help create an element of surprise against Argentina and against Russia.

The first stage of an elaborate invasion strategy was already going into action. On the evening of May 19, the British invasion fleet was divided up into two groups-- one group was 150 miles due east of Port Stanley; the other, 100 miles to the northeast. Shortly be- fore midnight, Washington time, both invasion forces started heading toward shore. Russian Cosmospheres and submarines went into action working together. Both British assault groups came under fire. At least two ships critical to the assault were hit and heavily damaged. By 2:00 AM. Washington time both assault forces aborted their moves toward the Port Stanley area. In re- sponse, Russian forces disen- gaged. The Russians believed they had thwarted the British inva- sion; but they were wrong.

The two large invasion groups threatening Port Stanley the night of May 19 were actually carrying out a diversionary action. British strategists knew that the Russians had the muscle available to stop any invasion. The only chance of success lay in convincing the Rus- sians that they had stopped the in- vasion, and then somehow sneak- ing troops ashore. So the two large invasion forces of May 19 actually were staging decoy ac- tions! Most of the British invasion troops were no longer aboard the troop carrier, Canberra, or the as- sault ships. Instead, they had been transferred to other ships which normally were not used for am- phibious purposes.

On the morning of May 20 the elaborate British deception continued. Up until the previous day, British statements had been referring to an imminent all-out invasion, but on the morning of May 20 the statements changed abruptly. British Defense Ministry spokesmen suddenly started saying that the British would confine themselves to small hit-and-run raids for a while. The Bolshevik military planners in London wanted to further convince Russia that the invasion had been stopped the previous night. It worked.

Small groups of British ships be- gan moving around the Falklands as if to plant small raiding parties here and there. In the early morning darkness of May 21 one of those small groups of ships moved into the north end of the Falkland Sound between the is- lands. Contrary to press reports, the troop ship, Canberra, was not among them, nor was an assault ship. Those ships would have tipped off the Russians, monitor- ing everything from Cosmospheres far above, that a major landing was afoot. Instead, the key ship that moved into San Carlos Bay was the hospital ship, Uganda. Under cover of darkness the Uganda

moved close to shore. British as- sault troops, crammed like sar- dines into the Uganda, clambered down the sides of the ship on rope ladders into motor launches. The launches ferried the troops a short distance ashore, one group after another. As soon as they were ashore, the troops had orders to spread out fast. In that way, they rendered themselves unsuitable targets for any attack by the Rus- sian Cosmospheres patrolling miles above. Particle beam- weapons are devastating against concentrated targets but very inef- ficient against personnel scattered over a wide area.


By the time daylight revealed what was really going on, it was too late. The British invasion o$ the Falk- lands was underway. Once the British got ashore with a sizable number of troops, ? Britain’s chances of regaining control of the islands started increasing quickly. Covert Russian help for the Ar- gentines was much more feasible at sea and in the air than on land under those circumstances.

You were given reports about a number of devastating air attacks by the Argentines. Up to then the British hadradmitted losing at least five ships plus several helicopters and Harrier Jump-jets, but slowly the British ground forces rein- forced and started advancing across East Falkland Island toward Port Stanley. As of May 31, British ground forces were closing

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in on the main Argentine garrison at Port Stanley. The operation was being portrayed in the press and news in the U.S. as a relatively easy task but I believe you now see that that was a great deviation from the truth of it.

British casualties in land battles were far greater than ever ad- mitted and at sea the Royal Navy took extremely heavy losses that were not even hinted at, so far as the controlled press was con- cerned. Many ships were badly damaged, and all--I repeat--ALL of the original contingent of the Sea Harrier Jump-jets were put out of action. Both British aircraft carriers, the Hermes and the In- vincible, had been rendered inca- pable of launching jets. The Har- riers which still were operating around the Falklands were a dif- ferent type from the sharp-nosed, blue-painted Sea Harriers. They were painted in green and brown camouflage. My friends, they were U.S. Marine Corps Harriers, and they were operating from an American ship !! I’m sorry, little dreamers.


Yes, I realize that which we outlay here is in variance with official sto- ries--but that is exactly what these Journals are about--TRUTH! And yes, Zita, precious--you are the first to pronounce the fact that Henry Kissinger was the supplier of/or “Deep Throat” of Watergate fame, as he was setting up Nixon for the Big Fall!. The cycles of life and intrigue are most interesting indeed, are they not? We will cover a bit of “Watergate” in retro- spect, very soon.

The things being revealed herein are at variance but this is the war you never see. Photos of British amphibious exercises taken at As- cension Island were passed off as pictures of the Falklands invasion. British Broadcasting Corporation

broadcasting facilities on Ascen- sion Island were taken over weeks prior by British military. You then began to hear daily reports from Ascension Island that were claimed to be originating with the task force. Even more than usual, the truth had been the first casu- alty in the Falklands War.


The Bolshevik military planners and the Thatcher government in Britain were trying every way to find some way to use the Falklands War for their own purposes. They were not slowing down in their fast timetable for Nuclear War One.

Within a few short weeks there would be a highly visible clue to the status of the Bolshevik nuclear war schedule. And now, I refer to the upcoming FOURTH space shuttle flight. All of the space shuttle flights up to that point had been totally military in nature. The space shuttle was the Pen- tagon’s only hope to regain a mili- tary toe-hold in space for the coming war in planning. Now a new thing came into public atten- tion and that was that the fourth shuttle flight would be for military purposes.

Shuttle flight number four was scheduled for June 27.


The third shuttle flight had been the first successful mission. A hardened laser-armed Superspy Satellite was orbited in March to obtain fresh reconnaissance data on Russia. It was the first updat- ing of Russian target data since Russia destroyed America’s Spy Satellites some four years prior. Target data from the new satellite was integrated into the Project Z nuclear war plan.

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Shuttle four was being prepared for a different mission. Under the Project Z war plan, the coming nuclear war would begin with a surprise nuclear attack by Ameri- can Stealth planes into Russia. They would attempt to knock out all of Russia’s space bases--four Cosmosdromes for rockets plus Cosmosphere installations in Siberia. If all would go as planned, all of those installations would be blown up with H-bombs simultaneously. As soon as that would happen, the rest of Amer- ica’s nuclear arsenal would be launched at Russia.

There still remained one weak point in the Bolshevik’s first-strike plan against Russia. The Ameri- can Bolsheviks would have to as- sume that the first phase of the at- tack plan had succeeded as of a given time. The reason was that the U.S. had no means of verifying if the initial Stealth attack had succeeded. When Russia de- stroyed America’s Spy Satellites four years prior she also destroyed your high-flying Early Warning Satellites. That left the Bolshevik war planners without any way to tell if their bombs had exploded in Russia. Space Shuttle number four was intended to solve that problem.


The supersecret Department of Defense pay load would be?a cryo- genic infrared Sensor System. It was designed to look down at Rus- sia from geostationary orbit. It would detect the explosions of American H-bombs in Russia when they would happen. The moment that it flashed a signal confirming the explosions to the Pentagon, the rest of the Ameri- can nuclear first-strike against Russia would be set in motion.

In order to do its job, the Air Force infrared Sensor System would have to be placed in geosta- tionary orbit. That orbit is over 22,000 miles high over the equa- tor. The shuttle itself could not go

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that high; it could only go to low Earth orbit, perhaps 150 miles up. To take the Air Force Sensor Sys- tem the rest of the way, it had to be mounted on a rocket. The shuttle would carry the whole assembly--Sensor System, rocket, and all, into low orbit. From there the rocket would take the Sensor System out to the desired location far above the equator.

Dharma, enough for this entry. When we continue, we will take up the economic attack on the U.S. Constitution. We must move smartly along now, chelas, for this becomes critical, relative informa- tion to get into public awareness for you are standing at the precipice of disaster and if you all continue to play the game of “disbelieve”, you are destined to great holocaust. You, Dharma, shall pay no further attention to those who denounce our work-- there is no longer time to even re- spond to such distraction; let those ones find their own confirmation for the masses of humanity stand poised for catastrophe and the few must not prevent the masses from having the truth of that which IS upon you. So be it and Saalome’ God shall walk closely by thine side as we march into the valley of the shadows for God ordains that the truth shall go forth and through that truth shall man come again into freedom. Salu.

8123190 KORTON


I Am Korton. I come in the Light of the Father/Creator, God. Dear Ones, it is with great relief and joy that we of the Host send blessings of Love to our sister who has come forth into the Light in Love and strength. She shall continue to receive greater and greater in- sight into that which she has expe- rienced and the gaining of great wisdom shall be the gift in return for the courage to act rather than

stand in the victim mode. To do it in Love rather than anger and vengeance allows God to act. That which you do in the mode of darkness, in anger, hate, fear, vengeance, etc., blocks God’s par- ticipation for He is none of those things. God cannot, and will not, act with you in those avenues for they are expressions of darkness. God acts in Light, Love, concern, and caring and it must be under- stood that He does not come from weakness, but He must have an avenue of Light to work through in order that His Power can be loosed into the situation. And you must come wholly in the Light, for you cannot serve two masters.

In coming to the final crossroads, man must not only awaken to the Truth of the lies, he must come into alignment and take back his power, but by the use of avenues through which the power of God can flow. He must in calm, quiet deliberation withdraw his support by knowing the Truth, stopping the flow of financial blood and by insisting that the Constitution is the Law of this land. He, will thereby, begin the return unto God’s Laws and, once there, shall discover the Kingdom, and Satan shall be bound out just as he has been from the Pleiades, BY MAN’S OWN DOING. There shall be the accounting and many will then migrate unto wondrous adventures among the stars. Many in their choice shall accompany him, but will do so in the knowing- ness of what their choice shall mean.

The Master Germain does devote his whole focus unto this end and that is a most powerful avenue of strength. He is most active and many receive of his wisdom with- out the conscious understanding that he is the source of their inspi- rations and insights. He does love mankind greatly and has been a powerful force in the plan for the salvation of mankind.

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The darkness is indeed upon you, in a far greater measure than you are able to grasp, even those of you who read the Journals are un- able to retain the fullness of the material and translate it into your practical lives. That is where you shall gain your greatest change of perception as to the Truth. It is when it moves from the realm of watching it taking place out there to where it involves you within your own house and under your own roof. Were it only financial, or in other physical manifested ways, it would not be so insidious.

It is that Satan and his dark forces work in man’s life at the very core of his expression toward himself and his loved ones, friends and as- sociates, and man does not com- prehend. Instead man heaps it upon a God that punishes, in their ignorance. The facts of multiple Soul experience, of the power of resentment and hateful thought, and all other expressions of dark- ness separate him from his broth- ers and his God. The avenue of expression of God cannot come through those attitudes and ac- tions whether in thought or word or deed. Again let it be stressed, it is by your actions you are mea- sured. Saying you do something, but indeed when the chips are down and the situation difficult, you lash out from the victim stance of “they are doing it to me”, you are indeed giving away your power.

In truth, you are but experiencing based on that which has been your previous perceptions and are con- tinuing to live within that which has preceded this experience. In- deed, you are not even ‘within this experience. You are still back in your own self-made bubble, sepa- rate from the true experience, feeling isolated, lonely and vic- timized by those outside your pri- vate bubble. The experience is going on and you are not within the happening of it.

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The whole focus of this message so far is within the emphasis upon the understanding that God can act only within the expression of Godness. When you are acting in any way that is other than the na- ture and expression of God, there is no power of Light to support you. You are running on dark, dark gasoline power. When you have done all that you can do, the credit card expires and you are left in the used car lot shrouded in darkness and despair. The flush of dark energy is gone and destruc- tion is all that is left. YOU and only you, have followed=rong shepherd through lack of discern- ment and must begin the lesson again, or come into the realization and acceptance. The test shall come again, but if you are in the wisdom, you shall pass with flying colors.

Man must learn the lessons through experience that he may know who he is and that the Laws of God and Creation are supreme. Within them lie the blessings of His Love which are inconceivable to the conscious mind. BUT EACH MUST FACE THE DARKNESS AND CHOOSE GOD WITHIN HIS OWN COURAGE. The laws are simple. They are 10 in number. They are easy to follow when placed in “I shalls” and when any situation does not fit into those I shalls, by measuring them against the “Thou shalt nots”, the decision to be made is plain.

The great test is within man’s own consciousness when he is faced with stretching or justifying mov- ing beyond them. It is that mo- ment of decision that places the purpose, intent and focus. You choose Light or dark in that in- stant. Many opportunities shall be given you by your Soul/God Spirit to know that you are outside the Law, and each time you make your choice. Forgiveness is instant in the changing of the action, but al- ways the intent is the measuring

stick. That measuring stick is a most sensitive instrument and the presence of darkness within it is most apparent to discernment. When in the higher realms, and to those who read energy fields, the presence is visibly apparent. There are few who are of integrity and honesty and with practiced discernment who do not at least have a sense when there is dark- ened intent involved. It is why you instantly distrust someone and are on your guard as to getting in- volved with them.

But remember, when Satan has his intent focused on one of you, he can be most seductive. Even the physical eye can see beauty that others see not and wonder where your discernment is. He has not qualms about using any means to use you for his purposes, and he does not want the Word in the form of the Journals to reach the

You must be most awake sheeple! and aware that you, in innocence, do not allow yotirselves to be used. Look carefully at yourself in mo- ments of isolation and the feeling of being used, for indeed you may well be, but not by those you ac- cuse. You may be the instrument of darkness and you cannot fault the discerning ones who love you enough to call your attention to what is going on. You may open your consciousness to receive of the input in genuine concern that you have been deceived or retreat further into the darkness of your own self pity and isolation of victimhood. Indeed, Satan rel- ishes his victims in the moment and casts them aside for the next willing one. God never abandons you, and walks always within you that you need never be alone or abandoned.

Light draws greater Light unto it- self, thusly you shall find your brethren. They will assist you in coming into Truth within yourself, and it may bring pain unto you for the giving up the dark beliefs and the allowance of the Light of the /. .

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truth of what you have allowed is not easy for the ego to accept. It is in the willingness of the person to genuinely desire oneness expressing in the nature and ex- pression of God (humility) in crises moments that require a 180 degree change of mind, that bring the wisdom and growth the Soul has long awaited. It is the triumph of Light over dark, God over Sa- tan enacted in experience.

It is that split second change of the mind that is the crucial pivotal point. When one has held beliefs of darkness to them and experi- enced them over and over as truth, it is most difficult to make that turn around and always Satan is there to remind you of all the past experiences that reinforce that which he is desirous of you to con- tinue. In most cases, through your dark intent to prove again that the belief is Truth, Satan is using you to block the expression of Light into not only your life, but that of others involved. In fact, this is the purpose, in particular, for mem- bers of this group. Emotional cri- sis causes a blocking of connection to the Light and the inertia and pain can impair and distort what would otherwise be a great inroad to power by God through that per- son, or that group. Those of you within this focus need kxamine this repetition (plagiarizing) most carefully in Light of your own be- havior patterns. You do create your own reality bv your decision as to how to experience and inter- pret each situation. When you must justify your position, best you look carefully at what lies beneath your need to do so. This is not easy, for the ego gets most uncom- fortable when its well-established habits come under scrutiny of Truth. The TFuth must be within you, within your considerations of self’s purposes, and the measuring stick of INTENT determines what the result of the focus shall be. It requires great desire for Truth and even greater honesty to dig about inside and come up with Truth and

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not more justifications for the con- tinuance of something that causes your pain in its continuation. There is courage required to change of the whole of the situa- tion. If you have had repeated pain within a flow of similar situa- tions within your pattern of expe- rience, more than once, best you look with honesty into it, for you are receiving of this repetition that you may resolve this within your Soul experience pattern. You can only do this by the changing of your mind and the open accep- tance that you have been living in illusion and the truth is not at all what you have perceived it to be. The moment of decision before you accept it again in the old pat- tern of behavior will arise more than once, but each time you must be awake and alert that you do not re-establish the pattern again. When the “sub-conscious” pro- graming is clear, it will not return again. Discernment! Dis- cernment! Forever that is the name of the game. Not discern- ment of others, dear ones, but dis- cernment of self.

Others are not your responsibility unless it involves you directly. Then it is vou who must change of your patterned behavior so that the other must change their pat- tern of behavior in response. Thus it is, that opportunity for change is brought forth. Whether it be into Light of understanding and wisdom or to remain in dark- ness of refusal to change is per- sonal choice. By the fruits it shall be known. That is IT in a nutshell.

I move now to clear the frequen- cies that you may use of your day in its most constructive mode. I ask that you consider this im- portant message in the inner spaces of your “self’. Korton out!




by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

You are sitting upon the bomb ready to be burst and you hide within the lies. This book is truth and we are now writing in se- quence so that you might see the correlation between the lies of one decade heaped upon the next- -but the play is the same. Satan intends to win or pull as many with him as is possible--there will be many, dear friends.

We come forth as the Hosts of Heaven, sent to bring you truth and show you the way for God would never leave his children in darkness. Who will see the light and who will hear the symphony of the universe? We come with instructions for your journey--who will receive? God holds his hands unto you that you might not fall. Whose life-ring do you await? God stands at thine door--is Satan already within?

You have followed the lie and turned from God unto the halls and dins of the dark master who now sets the ultimate trap. Who will walk with us into the light?


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In our atomic age no invention of the science of psychology - not even the psychiatrist’s couch - has surpassed the old fashioned prayer for restoring mental balance. Prayer changes things and the first thing it changes is the one praying.

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.

If you fail to prepare, you are pre- paing to fail.

It is inportant that you have road maps and blueprints to your life. It is a proven fact that people never exceed their goals. A per- son with a hazy goal never exceeds a hazy goal.




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