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  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages


  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



    CommodoreLarry Wolfe

    Vice CommodoreDirk Kruidenier

    Rear CommodoreBill Newton

    All of the improvements to theNVYC are amazing. Therestrooms are completed, the

    on-demand hot water heater and the

    hood over the gas range are installed,the cement handicap sidewalk andparking pad are poured, the outsidesecurity cameras are operating andthe dishwasher-sanitizer is in the gal-ley. The board approved new blindsfor the front windows. Finally, ourburgees are back in place. Thank youto all of the volunteers.

    Seven men and five trucks fromNapa Sanitation ran a TV camerathrough 174 of sewer line and re-ported it all clear. They could not in-

    spect the last 13 up to the club. Wewill check the pipe when we install aneeded clean out. Looks like the cityworked to tame the dust on RiversideDrive with gravel and grading.

    We are looking forward to the Au-gust 13 cruise-out to Benicias Ped-dlers Fair and the following DeltaCruise; 19 boats are signed up. Cap-tain Ken Graham is holding a SafetyWorkshop on Marlin Spike Seaman-ship on August 11 at the club. BeniciaYC will cruise in Labor Day Weekendto defend the perpetual Bocce Balltrophy. Its our job to bring it back toour clubhouse...come on down andsupport the players.

    Mark your calendars: The Changeof Watch will be November 20 at theNapa Valley Country Club.

    Live Your Dream - Larry

    Here we are and the sum-mer is half over. Theweather has been chilly

    almost cold, and most are wonder-

    ing where is the sun. Events forthe month include the Delta cruiseas well as the Pittsburg YachtClub August 20_22. Come down tothe club to welcome them.

    The Labor Day weekend is Sept3-5 and the Benicia Yacht Clubwill be at our docks for most ofthe weekend. They have devel-oped a full schedule outside of theclub except for the annual BocceBall tournament. This will startat noon on Sunday, Sept 5th..

    Karen and Charlie Agnew will besupervising the contest. If you areconcerned that we control thematch, please register with Karento compete. The Bar will be openduring and before the event. TheBenicia YC always has a lot ofmembers attend so it will be fun.On Sept 12, the 49ers open their

    season at 1:15 PM and we areplanning a party at the club tokick off the season. We want toput those new flat screen TVs togood use and develop that footballcamaraderie as we begin the 2010season. Raiders fans that are look-ing for equal time should volun-teer for the 10:00 AM kickoff slot.This is the time of year where Ipersonally am exiting my footballwithdrawals, and becoming ahappy football camper.

    Happy boating, especially thoseon the Delta cruise.

    If you have not been to the clublately you need to take a tripdown there and see what has

    changed! You might not recognize

    the place with an updated galley, agreat range hood and soon a dish-washer. Super bathrooms withhandicap access and now a handi-cap ramp provide better access tothe club. Many of your club mateshave been very busy. Chris Fultz isthe man in charge. Larry Wolfe andI are the laborers. We have had acontractor, Duane Heskett, doingmuch of the heavy work. Thanks toClay Parker for getting the securitysystem up and running.

    I want to take the bulk of this col-umn to recognize one of our unsungheroes: Evelyn Silveri. She neverreceives much attention and neverexpects it either. Since before we

    joined in 2000, she has been Mem-bership Chairperson and we re-member many a great cruise-outwith Evelyn and Barney!I cant recall one board meeting

    when Evelyn has not been in atten-dance to give a report and updatethe Board on membership. Evelynensures that the paper work is com-plete, the check is received, newmembers welcomed and name tagsand burgees delivered (if they havea boat). She is a one woman Wel-come Wagon.Evelyn, thank you very much for

    your time and effort. We appreciateyour consistent positive attitude andcommitment to our club.

  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



    Friday Dinners

    August 6 - PotluckHosts: Naidene & Ken Graham

    August 13- Bring an Appetizer to share.

    Bar will be open.

    August 20 - Barbecued Burgers, Salads,

    Baked Beans and Dessert.

    Hosts: Linda & Larry Sharp

    Lori Cranston & Sven Oja

    August 27 - Lazy Cook Sloppy Joes,

    Relish Tray, Chips, Dessert

    Hosts: Joyce & Bob Craven

    Nancy & Bob Gurley

    Bar Open 6pm - Dinner 7pm


    Birthdays:Bob Craven - 8/1

    Kerry Nord - 8/3

    John Salmon - 8/6

    Antoinette Alegria - 8/7

    Ken Graham - 8/7

    Ray Sercu - 8/7

    Keith Poehlmann - 8/8

    Roseanna Munoz-Goodfellow - 8/12

    Nancy Mueller - 8/12Valerie Aguirre - 8/18

    Nancy Lessler - 8/19

    Pat Hildreth - 8/23

    Lori Fultz - 8/24

    John Ahmann - 8/25

    Harold Moskowite - 8/26

    Sally Craig - 8/27

    Sherrill Schager - 8/29

    Dirk Kruidenier - 8/31

    Anniversaries:Tom & Pat Hildreth 8/13

    Bruce & Jerry Butler - 8/19

    Larry & Linda Sharp - 8/19

    Barney & Evelyn Silveri - 8/25

    Phil & Sally Craig - 8/27

    John & Judy Ahmann - 8/28

    Joe & Greta Vallerga - 8/28

    Captains: warm up your engines...

    Benicia Cruise-Out August 13-15

    Cruise Director Mark Cordero reports

    Friday Night dinner at BYC. Cocktails at 5:30pm, dinner at 7:30 pm. Menu: Western barbecue buf-fet dinner with entertainment after dinner. Call Markto sign up.

    Saturday: Peddlers Fair from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.Saturday evening: Cocktails at 159 East B, Point

    Benicia on the waterfront at Marks townhouse.5 - 6:30 pm.

    Saturday dinner on your own. Dining optionsinclude: Union Hotel (707.746.0110), Sailor Jacks(707.746.8500), First St. Caf (707.745.1400),Sandovals Mexican Food (707.746.7830), Benicia YC(707.746.6600). Reservations in advance are recom-

    mended.Please monitor Channel #72 on the radio, dead-

    line to sign up is August 10. Questions? Call Mark at707.738.6419.

    Delta Cruise August 15-23

    Cruise Director Bob Weeks reports

    The NVYC Delta Cruise is land cruiser friendly.Please join us for one or more nights during our cruise.We will start from Benicia August 15 and go to SolanoYC in Suisun for 2 nights then Sugar Barge at BethelIsland for 2 nights. Next is Driftwood YC in Antiochfor 2 nights. Well head home on August 23. There isdry parking at Benicia, Solano YC and Driftwood YC.Full hookups are available in Rio Vista and SugarBarge. Its not too late to sign up for any part of thecruise.

    Please call me for more information: 707.253.2276or [email protected].

  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



    Just when you thought Napa Valley Yacht & Kennel Club

    was really out of control, a gorilla showed up... Some

    even played Bocce Ball. Just another July 4th weekend!

    1.Bocce winners: Bob Magoon, Charlie Agnew, Kurt Stahr, Bill Bopf.

    2.Bocce Runners-up: Joy Magoon, Linda Wolfe, Marialice Bopf,

    Dominique Stahr. 3.Jacquelynn Buresh with Little Poodle prize for

    Maggie. 4.Petie Newton - winner of Rowdy Dog award. 5.Lulu Wolfe

    - winner best Black & White dog. 6.Gunny & Wags Champlin winners

    of Twins category. 7.Bob & Elizabeth Parkers Wendy - winner of Big

    Poodle award. 8.JR & Dana Robbers with James and Daria enjoy

    lunch on the deck. 9. Best Gorilla Award - Don Kong.










    All photos: Linda Wolfe

  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



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  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



    Officers, Board of Directors, Committees - 2010

    Board of Directors:Commodore: Larry Wolfe - 253.9158

    Vice Commodore: Dirk Kruidenier - 554.1098Rear Commodore: Bill Newton - 224.0306

    Treasurer: Steve Vartan - 224.6553Secretary: Bob Weeks - 253.2276Staff Commodore: Clay Parker - 224.0188Directors: Charlie Alegria - 257.8299

    Don Buresh - 548.2545Chris Fultz - 287.5038Bob Stephenson - 255.6012Lynn Pritchett - 255.6619

    Avi Strugo - 337.5614

    Staff Chairs: Rear CommodoreFleet Captain: Bob Magoon - 252.2018Web: Clay Newton

    Newsletter Editor: Ellen Vartan - 224.6553Advertising: Kathie Peterson - 738.3130Merchandise: Angela & Art Lewis - 252.8586

    Membership: Evelyn Silveri -255.1254Bldg & Grounds: Al Mueller - 967.8836

    Chris Fultz - 287.5038Public Relations: Lynn Pritchett - 255.6619

    Staff Chairs - Vice CommodorePort Captains: Bill Newton - 224.0306

    Don Buresh - 548.2545Galley Captain: Nancy Weeks - 253.2276

    Social Chairs: Mary Parker - 224.0188Seeta Kruidenier - 442.1098

    Bar Captain: Don Buresh & Sharon Phillips 548.2545

    Supplies:OD Coordinators: Mark & Nancy Lessler


    Other Staff: CommodoreLong Range Planning - Steve Vartan - 224.6553

    Sunshine: Evelyn Silveri - 255.1254Jackie Finnegan - 255.6638

    Christmas Seniors: Karen Agnew - 255.8115PICYA Delegates: Maxine Maas - 255.4110

    Larry Wolfe - 253.9158

    Board of Directors Meeting 7-13-2010Minutes

    Meeting called to order at 1730 hours, July 13, 2010at NVYC Clubhouse by Commodore Larry Wolfe.Present: Larry Wolfe, Bill Newton, Chris Fultz, BobWeeks, Bob Stephenson, Steve Vartan, Donald Buresh,

    Avi Strugo, Staff Commodore Clay Parker. Excused:Lynn Pritchett


    Door to rear of bar has been repaired afterattempted break-in

    Maxine Maas reported on PICYA. Next meetingwill be at Sequoia YC in Redwood City

    Fire suppression system will be installed soon in thegalley

    New handicap ramp will be installed soon

    Dana Robbers will get prices for silverware anddishes

    Discussion of installing tent or awning over the deckMotions passed:

    June 2010 minutes approved

    Financial report approved

    Nominating Committee approved: Clay Parker,Karen Agnew, Jon Lander, Donna Mendelsohn,Evelyn Silveri

    Janitorial fee raised to $195. with new galley

    Remove one GFI breaker from each of our powerpedestals in hopes to solve dock power problems

    Chris Fultz authorized to spend $1200. for newcabinet under large TV

    $200. authorized for new blinds for front windows

    Welcome new member Tom Lupori Club Dates Reserved: July 17, George and Dale

    Cliff; July 14,Aug 11, Sept 8 safety workshops;October 3, Soren Axelsen.

    Respectfully submitted, Bob Weeks - Secretary(ed. note: The above is a synopsis of the NVYC Board of Directors

    Meeting. If you wish further information, please contact Bob Weeks.)


    Tom Lupori1024 Ameno Ct.Lafayette, CA 94549


    TLupori @aol.com

    Sponsors: Mark Lessler & Donald Buresh.

    Editors NotesThank you to Maxine Maas, a membersince 1995, for being our ever faithful dele-

    gate to the PICYA. She represents our clubat monthly meetings all around the BayArea. The PICYA is an umbrella organiza-tion of 96 yacht clubs around the Bay andDelta which makes it possible for our clubto enjoy reciprocal cruising and visiting

    privileges to these clubs. We appreciateher dedication and service to the NVYC.

  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 NVYC Newsletter 8 Pages



    Napa Valley Yacht Club100 Riverside DriveP.O. Box 5851Napa, CA 94558www.nvyc.org

    August - 2010Live Your Dream

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