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  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    Small BusinessesBig Results


    Joe Ford, Julie Mann and Shelley Davis Mielockrun very dierent businesses. However, thesethree entrepreneurs have a common threadrunning through their successul careers.

    All three held signicant positions in corporate America beore deciding to venture out on their

    own and start a business.Ford, Mann and Davis Mielock traded in thecomort o their corporate jobs or the headaches,stress, long hours and the daily grind o trying toturn a passion into a prot.

    The obvious question or such daring careermoves iswhy? All three have had days whenthey asked themselves the same question.However, the trio said, without hesitation, that the

    rewards o running a successul small businessar outweigh the down side.

    I can look in the mirror and say I was good orI was bad today, and I can control that, saidFord.

    My greatest reward has been taking my own ideaand turning it into something, responded DavisMielock.

    There is also the satisaction in helping otherpeople realize their own goals.

    Every day I look at my clients and can say, Ihelped them, said Mann.

    Ford, Mann and Davis Mielock represent anoten under appreciated but critically importantcomponent o the national and regionaleconomythe engine o small business.

    Joe FordCo-onderNetntge Mreting

    Ford and his business partner Adam Heinge heldcomortable analyst positions at another greatlocal companySpartan Internet beore theyventured to become entrepreneurs. Ford andHeinge elt that there was a market to specializein search engine marketing. There were manymonths o careul planning and meticulousspreadsheet analyzing the potential new businessrom every possible angle.

    Finally, we decided weve just got to do this,said Ford.

    The duo started Netvantage in 2008 and ransmack into the national credit crisis, whichmade credit and nancing a challenge. The rstew months were tough according to Ford, butNetvantage was able to leverage partnerships with web development rms and ad agenciesto help secure new clients. Today, Netvantage

    has nine employees and bright prospects or theuture. However, growth brings its own set ochallenges.

    Now that we are are established, I nd I worry alot more, said Ford with a chuckle.


    Jlie Mnn, CEO & PresidentJMnn Conslting GropTe RocStr Fctor

    Julie Mann, a Lansing native, held positionsas a human resources executive or two majorcorporations in the Chicago area or several years

    beore returning to Michigan. Mann started herHR Manager-on-Call consulting practice in2009, and has been helping small and medium-sized businesses manage a myriad o HR relatedissues.

    JMann Consulting has helped more than 40organizations in the past two years, and maintainsa blue chip roster o clients. Mann recently starteda new businessThe RockStar Factory, a stang

    company that matches talents o people lookingor work to the needs o employers. Mann isrequently sought as a speaker on HR issuesand doubles as a radio talk show host all whileenjoying the hectic lie o small business owner.

    In a large business, it takes a long time to seethe ruits o your labor, said Mann. When you work with small business, you see an almostimmediate impact.

    Selle Dis MielocFonder, Cie Imge EpertMiesel Imge Conslting

    When Shelley Davis Mielock was in her 20s,all she wanted was a ull time job with benets.Shelley enjoyed a successul career in banking,rising rom teller to director within a ew years.

    It was a question rom one o her bosses thatsparked a yearning or a new challenge in DavisMielock. That question:

    What are your goals?

    From that point, Davis Mielock, who came rom aamily o entrepreneurs, knew she would start herown business. Ater analyzing her own passions,which include training and helping people, she

    chose the image consulting business, whichempowers people to present themselves withcondence and proessionalism.

    l-r: Julie Mann, Shelley Davis Mielock and JoeFord

    Ford, Mann and Davis

    Mielock represent an

    oten under appreciated

    but critically important

    component o the

    national and regionaleconomy the engine

    o small business.

    continued on page 4

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus



    2011Board o Directors


    Ron SimonAuto-Owners Insurance Company

    PAST CHAIRVic Verchereau

    Farm Bureau Insurance Company

    CHAIR ELECTNancy McKeague

    Michigan Hospital Association


    Hicks & Mullett, PLLC

    TREASURERMichelle Gallagher

    Gallagher & Associates

    PRESIDENTTim Daman

    Lansing Regional Chamber

    Diision Directors


    Fifth Third Bank

    GOvERNmENT RELATIONSKevin McKinneyMcKinney & Associates

    mARKETING & COmmUNICATIONPaula Cunningham

    Capitol National Bank


    Steven HessAccident Fund Insurance Company of America



    Ross Woodstock

    PRINTINGSpartan Printing, Inc.

    mAILINGHot Prospects Direct

    COvER PHOTOCourtesy o Trumpie Photography

    Tim DamanPresident and CEO

    Lansing Regional

    Chamber of Commerce

    I have come to admire to

    entrepreneurial spirit and work

    ethic of many hard working men

    and women who have taken their

    small ventures and grown them into

    thriving businesses over the years.

    The Greater Lansing region is ortunate to be home to major

    corporations that have invested hundreds o millions o dollars into

    our economy and provide tens o thousands o jobs. While we can

    all be proud o the enormous contributions that our major corporatecitizens continue to provide, it is equally important to recognize the

    vital role in job creation played by another segment o our economy

    small business.

    Greater Lansing mirrors the rest o the nation when it comes to

    the importance o small business and jobs. The Small Business

    Administration reports that small businesses represent 99.7 percent

    o all employer rms in the country and employ hal o all private

    sector workers. Small businesses pay 45 percent o the total U.S.private payroll and have generated 60-80 percent o net new jobs

    over the past decade.

    I have come to admire to entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic o

    many hard working men and women who have taken their small

    ventures and grown them into thriving businesses over the years.

    Three o those business people are proled in this months FOCUS

    cover story.

    When one listens to Shelley Davis Mielock, Julie Mann and Joe

    Ford talk about the rewards and challenges o building a small

    business you can hear terms that would be uttered by thousands o

    other small business owners who have been there and done that.

    Words like:

    Courage. Tenacity. Patience.Well-rounded. Believe.

    The stories we share in FOCUS are those o Shelley, Julie and Joe

    but, they could easily have been the stories o many others in our

    region who have sweated out trying to make a payroll, sacriced

    personally and proessionally, been orced to be on seven days

    a week, and spent months on end wondering i all the eort was

    really worth it.

    To those o you that have stories like Shelley, Julie and Joe, let mesay thank you or all that you do or our region. Major corporations

    may be the oundation o our economy, but you are the backbone

    o our success.

    A MessageFrom The President


    Starting Small and

    Dreaming Big

    Melanie BergeronTwo Men & A Truck International

    Lon BohannonNeogen Corporation

    John BrownJackson National

    Life Insurance Company

    Denyse FergusonLEAP

    Patrick DeanDean Transportation

    Joe FordNetvantage Marketing

    Pat GillespieGillespie Group

    Mark Kellogg FraserTrebilcock

    Bill KimbleC2AE

    J. Peter LarkLansing Board of Water and Light

    Deborah MuchmoreMarketing Resource Group

    David MulderMeijer

    Brian PriesterLSJ Media

    Timothy SalisburyPNC Bank

    Jean G. SchtokalFoster, Swift, Collins & Smith

    Heather Shawa-DeCookDemmer Corporation

    Dennis SwanSparrow Health Systems

    Ryan VartoogianSpartan Internet

    Mark BurnhamMichigan State University

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    Thank YouRenewing Members

    WelcomeNew Members


    Please remember to use the member login portion of the Chamber website to keepyour contact information up-to-date. This will ensure that you receive all Chamber

    communications in a timely manner. Contact us at 517.487.6340 if you have

    any questions or are not receiving our communications.

    Biophotonic Solutions, Inc.

    Bishop International Airport

    Capital Area Massage Therapy

    Capitol Income Consultants

    Chase Creative Unlimited

    EmploymentGroup, Inc.

    Health Care Association o MI

    Kingsmen Construction, Inc.

    Michigan Certied DevelopmentCorporation

    Netarx, A Logicalis Company


    Strategic Wealth Group

    Principal Financial Group

    American Rental, Inc.

    Miller, Caneld, Paddockand Stone, P.L.C.

    Loomis, Ewert, Parsley,Davis & Gotting, P.C.

    Quest Sotware, Inc.

    Gongwer News Service

    Springer Prosthetic &Orthotic Services, Inc.

    Nuthouse Sports Grill

    Michigan Public Power Agency

    Hawk Hollow Gol Club &Banquet Facility

    Sleep InnH.J. Umbaugh & Associates

    Hooters o Lansing

    Jimmys Pub

    The Sterling Corporation

    Dykema Gossett

    Studio Intrigue Architects, LLC

    Cameron Tool Corporation

    Michigan Forest Products CouncilAerotek, Inc.

    Mortons Fine Catering &Lakeview Banquet Center


    MilestonesWed like to oer a special salute

    to these great organizations that

    reached milestone anniversaries

    as Chamber members this month.

    Thank you or your continued

    support through the years!

    Principal Financial Group35 years

    American Rental, Inc.30 years

    Miller, Canfeld, Paddockand Stone, P.L.C.

    30 years

    Loomis, Ewert, Parsley,Davis & Gotting, P.C.

    20 years

    Quest Sotware, Inc.20 years

    Gongwer News Service20 years

    Springer Prosthetic &Orthotic Services, Inc.

    15 years

    Nuthouse Sports Grill15 years

    Michigan Public Power Agency15 years

    Hawk Hollow Gol Club &Banquet Facility

    15 years

    Sleep Inn10 years

    H. J. Umbaugh & Associates10 years

    Hooters o Lansing10 years

    Jimmys Pub5 years

    The Sterling Corporation5 years

    Dykema Gossett5 years

    Studio Intrigue Architects, LLC5 years

    Cameron Tool Corporation5 years

    Michigan ForestProducts Council

    5 years

    Aerotek, Inc5 years

    Mortons Fine Catering &Lakeview Banquet Center

    5 years

    Small BusinessesBig Results

    Its amazing when you arepassionate about somethingand deliver the best service youcan, things happen, said DavisMielock.

    Since 2008, Davis Mielock hasnot only built a thriving business,but has also become a nationally

    sought-ater speaker and radiotalk show host.

    Words o Wisdom

    What one piece o advice wouldthese successul entrepreneursoer to others hoping the start orgrow a business?

    Believe in yoursel, oered DavisMielock.

    Stick to your core and do whatyou do really well, suggestedFord.

    Just do it, said Mann. I youhave what it takes, you will besuccessul.

    continued rom page 1

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    Award honors individuals who strive towards thehighest levels o proessional accomplishment,women and men who excel in their chosen eld,have devoted time and energy to their community,and who open paths so that other women mayollow.

    ATHENA nomination inormation can be oundonline and will be accepted until August 31. Visit http://lansingchamber.org/weborm/athena-nominations.

    ATHENA Nominations Being Sought

    Ten Over the Next Tenis an annual programthat honors the areasup-and-coming youngbusiness proessionals.

    The Lansing RegionalChamber o Commerceis partnering with Grand River Connection orthe th year to showcase 10 o the regionsyoung proessionals that are expected to make a

    dierence with their business contributions overthe next 10 years. The nominees are judged basedon their proessional achievement, communityinvolvement and personal success.

    The Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce

    is pleased to honor young proessionals that arebecoming tomorrows business leaders and uturestakeholders in our region, said Tim Daman,president and CEO o Lansing Regional Chamber

    Ten Over the Next Ten Recognizes Young Professionals

    Nominations are being sought or the 2011 ATHENA Award recipient. Many o the regionsmost outstanding leaders have been recognizedduring the 28 year history o the award, includinglast years recipient, Nell Kuhnmuench. The 2011recipient will be announced at the ATHENA Awardpresentation on December 8.

    The ATHENA Award celebrates the potential oall women as leaders o the community andrecognizes those who support them. The ATHENA



    accountants, insurance agents and businessadvisors, will provide ree business consultationor one year. The panel will consult to help thebusiness owner achieve networking, capital,operational and strategic goals. The program will also help enhance the business ownersleadership and management skills or uturebusiness endeavors.

    ATHENA Powerlink Applications Due September 15

    Are you a woman business owner looking toenhance your leadership and management skillsthrough consultation rom other women businessowners and proessionals? Apply or the ATHENAPowerlink program, a national mentoring programthat connects selected women business owners with a skilled advisory panel. The advisorypanel, which is made up o lawyers, bankers,

    o Commerce. The success o Ten Over the NextTen would not be possible without our valuedpartnership with Grand River Connection.

    This years Ten Over the Next Ten awardpresentation will take place on September 27 rom

    6 to 8 p.m. at the Country Club o Lansing. Theprogram is sponsored by Capitol National Bankand the Lansing State Journal. To see a list oprevious recipients, please visit lansingchamber.org.

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    A recent survey o Lansing residents likely to votein November would give the current Lansing CityCouncil a D+ or handling issues voters view asmost important or the city. About 64 percent ovoters believe the City Council is out o touchwith voters priorities and 60 percent believe theLansing City Council is uncooperative. LansingsMarketing Resource Group, in partnership withthe Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce(LRCC), conducted the telephone survey o 300city residents rom June 9-12.

    The voters are sending a message to the Lansing

    City Council that they are ailing when it comes tohandling important issues, said Kristin Beltzer,LRCC senior vice president o GovernmentRelations and Public Aairs. Voters are lookingor resh aces with new ideas. The Lansing CityCouncil could be in or some changes when itcomes time or the November election.

    Voters surveyed also gave the Lansing CityCouncil a D+ or balancing the budget and settingthe right priorities or spending tax dollars, anda C- or being tough on crime and keeping citygovernment and services unctioning well.

    Survey respondents said their top priorities are:tough on crime (22 percent); scal responsibility(21 percent); roads, bridges and sidewalks (18percent); balancing the budget (16 percent);attracting new jobs (14 percent); and City services(4 percent).

    Despite the ailing grades given to the LansingCity Council, Mayor Virg Bernero received a 57percent approval rating rom survey participants.

    Lansing Voters Grade City Council: D+



  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    Business Watch Program



    Compliance issues for dealing with

    US Munitions List articles, tech orservices.



    or licenses to export.

    Jean Schtokal, who is a shareholder with thelaw rm o Foster Swit Collins & Smith PC, willbe the main presenter at the conerence. Jeansinternational business law experience is expansiveand includes international trade, distribution,manuacturing and licensing arrangement;

    establishment o subsidiaries, branch oces andacilities; joint ventures and strategic alliances, aswell as acquisitions and direct investments.

    Registration inormation is available by calling KimLangenberg at 517.853.6445 or [email protected].

    ITAR Training Available on August 30

    The Honorable David I.Adelman, U.S. Ambassadorto Singapore, will make just one stop in Michiganduring an upcoming tourand that will be in Lansingon September 14th. Ambassador Adelman will address a statewidecommunity and will talk

    about the benets o strengthening oureconomic relationship with Southeast Asia.

    Ambassador Adelmans appearance will bepart o a program taking place on Wednesday,September 14 rom 8:30 a.m. until 1:30p.m. at the MSU Union. The program is beingsponsored by the Lansing Regional Chambero Commerce, Global Business Club o Mid-Michigan, U.S. Commercial Service and

    Foster Swit Collins & Smith PC.

    U.S. Ambassador to

    Singapore To Speak

    in East Lansing

    David I. AdelmanU.S. Ambassadorto Singapore

    Individuals involved in exporting products ormaterials that may be used in a military application,will want to attend a special International Trac inArms Regulations (ITAR) conerence being oeredby the Procurement and Technical AssistanceCenter (PTAC). The ITAR conerence will be heldrom 9 a.m. until noon, on Tuesday, August 30at the Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce,located at 500 E. Michigan Avenue in Lansing.

    The introductory training session is geared orindividuals who have questions about what ITARCompliant or ITAR Certied mean, as well as

    concerns about the registration process. Topicscovered include:


    denitions Identifyingwhomustregisterwiththe

    Directorate o Deense Trade Controls Pointers on how to complete the

    required orm

    businesses to sign-up or inormational alerts.

    Organizations that have partnered with theLansing Police Department include: DowntownLansing Inc., Lansing Economic DevelopmentCorporation, Lansing Regional Chamber oCommerce, Old Town Commercial Association,

    Businesses on the Lookout

    The Lansing Police Department has partnered with the business community to present theBusiness Watch Program. Free to use, theBusiness Watch Program gives business owners

    and employees techniques and strategies on howto help minimized business-related crimes. Theprogram oers saety training sessions and allows

    Meijer, South Lansing Business Association, andWestside Commercial Association.

    For additional inormation and to sign-up or theprogram, visit the Lansing Police DepartmentBusiness Watch Programs website at http://www.lansingmi.gov/police/

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    Scott R. Eldridge, anassociate in the Lansingoce o the law rm oMiller Cnfeld, was cho-sen as Favorite Lawyerin Lansing in the LansingCommunity Newspapers2011 Peoples Choice


    Lis OConnor, thepresident and ownero Plicom, has beenappointed to the MsonPlic Scools Fond-

    tion bord o Directors.

    The local CPA and busi-ness advisory rm oMner Costerisn is proudto announce the additionoRn a. Gilert and EricJ. Toome to its proes-sional sta.

    Crol breed, J.D., has been named director o theRisk Management and Insurance Center (RMIC)atOliet College.

    Gr McR o FosterSwit Collins & Smit,

    PC is now authorized toestablish EB-5 immigra-tion Visas throughout the

    entire state o Michiganat the International Michi-gan Investments RegionalCenter.

    MSu Federl Credit unionproudly announcedJmesW. Llod, DvM, P.D. asa member o the MSUFCUboard o directors.

    Cliord W. Tlor, ormerChie Justice o the Michi-gan Supreme Court ando counsel in the Lansingoce o Miller Cnfeld,presented A Forum onMethods o Judicial Selec-

    tion along with retired U.S.Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor.

    Mner Costerisn is pleased to announce JereC. Steens, CPa, CITP will be the new presidento the Firm; Did M. Rec, CPa will serve asvice president; Jmes E. Nqist, CPa will serveas treasurer and Steen b. Roins, CPa, CMahas been appointed as secretary eective July 1,2011.


    As Motion Mreting & Medis sales stylist,Stenie Wieer is the go-to sales person or cur-rent trends in marketing.

    Origmi brin Injr Re Center is pleasedto announce Eric hnn, Nicole Mrp, Scott

    kdw, & Tom Jdd have received a certicate inLEAN Healthcare Training. Origamis recreationaltherapist, Jennier Cisss, received a specialtycertication by the National Council or Therapeu-tic Recreation Certication (NCTRC) in PhysicalMedicine/Rehabilitation!

    Cb Ricrd Ellis/Mrtin (CbRE) is pleased to wel-come Jlie Obrien to the established industrialteam o Blair Moore and Bob Cullum.

    Jos Pittsle, a junior studying constructionmanagement at Michigan State University andale Newmn, a reshman studying constructionmanagement at Ferris State University have joinedClr Constrction through internships to assistin the companys upcoming projects.

    MSu Federl Credit unionawarded anwr howas the 2011 Millionaireor a Day in-state winnerandxier holmes as theout-o-state winner. TheMillionaire or a Day con-test was open to MSUFCUDollar Dog members, ages

    5 to 12, who made a deposit o $10 or morebetween May 2 and May 30, 2011.

    Tri-Str Trst bn, with oces in Saginaw,Frankenmuth and EastLansing, announced thatGreg brogn has becomea board member.

    Tim Strsz o Williamston, Mich. recently joinedthe Opportnit Resorce Fnd (te Fnd) asvice president o lending.

    MembersOn The Move


    Send your news toAubrey Zimmerman

    at azimmerman@


    anwr how

    Jere C. Steens Did M. Rec

    Jmes E. Nqist Steen b. Roins

    Rn a. Gilert

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus




    Trscott Rossmn received a national 2011Bronze Anvil Award o Commendation rom thePublic Relations Society o America or its workwith the Detroit Medical Center.

    Plicom Inc. has selected our nonprot organi-

    zations to be recipients o ree marketing servicesduring its second annual Pro Bono Publico! event.The 2011 Pro Bono Publico! clients include: Han-nahs House (Lansing), Lansing Educational Advancement Foundation, The Detroit Area Dia-per Bank (Canton) and Special Days Camp (AnnArbor).

    More than 100 LaFCu employees accepted thechallenge to lead healthier lives at the launch oLAFCUs Walk or Wellness program.

    MessgeMers announced that it has beenawarded our 2011 Bronze Telly awards orits video work on Help Stop Hunger, We AreH.O.G., 2011 Manitou Promotion, and Mes-sageMakers Building Tour.

    MSu Federl Credit union broke ground at the siteo their new North Marsh Road Branch located atthe corner o Marsh Road and Saginaw/Business69 in Bath Township. The new branch is slated to

    open in the summer o 2012.

    hstings Mtl has committed $100,000 overour years toward an endowed scholarship undor Oliet College insurance students.

    C2aE, a ull-service architectural, engineering,and planning design rm is proud to announce itcelebrated its 45-year anniversary on June 28.

    Clr Constrction has been selected by Engi-neering News Record (ENR) as one o the Top400 Contractors in the U.S.

    Storm On Demnd, the cloud computing armoLiqid We, Inc., has taken the cloud marketto new heights by adding Storm Servers with anastonishing 96GB o RAM.

    Crstl Montin Resort & Sp has earned Best

    Resort and Best Service honors in the 2011 Mich-igan Meetings & Events Readers Choice Awards.

    The intrepid Motion Mreting & Medi #Meet-Michigan crew wrapped up their 11-day socialmedia road trip through all 83 counties Tuesday,July 12 at Campus Martius in Detroit.

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus




    Former Michigan StateUniversity and NBAbasketball great Steve Smith

    will be the keynote speakerat the rst o our outstandingEconomic Club Luncheonsplanned or the remainder o

    2011. Smith will speak at the event planned orSeptember, with the nal date to be determined inthe next couple o weeks. Smith will be speakingon the business side o his sports career.

    Steve Smith nished his our-year career as the all-

    time leading scorer in Michigan State history, with2,263 points. Smith led the Spartans to a Big TenChampionship and Sweet Sixteen appearance in1990. He was inducted into the MSU Athletics Hallo Fame in 2001. Smith went on to a 14-year NBA

    career with our dierent teams, and appearedin the NBA All Star game in 1998. Steve Smithis well known or his charitable work, including

    making a $2.5 million donation to help und theClara Bell Smith Student Athlete Academic Centerat MSU, which is named or his mother.

    The October Economic Club Luncheon willonce again be combined with the third annualHealthcare Forum. Sparrow Health System CEODennis Swan will serve as the keynote or thatevent. The morning Healthcare Forum will eatureprominent leaders in the healthcare industry.

    A new twist to the Economic Club series takesplace in November. The Annual Celebration oRegional Growth, which has been a separate,stand-along event, is being incorporated into

    the Economic Club series or the rst time. TheCelebration recognizes businesses or neweconomic investment and job creation in the

    Greater Lansing region. Companies that havebeen honored over the past ve years, have madecombined investments o more than $1 billiondollars in the region.

    The 2011 Economic Club series will conclude onDecember 15 with the annual economic orecastor next year. This years presenter is Bloombergeconomist Richard Yamarone.

    All Economic Club events take place rom 11:30a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at the MSU Kellogg Center.Single tickets are $40 and a table o eight is $300.Registration and urther inormation is available atwww.lansingchamber.org.

    Former MSU Basketball Great Steve Smith Headlines

    Fall Economic Club Series


    Diversity in the workplace is essential or asuccessul business today. In order or businessesin the capital region to compete at the state,national and international levels, employersmust have an array o diverse and creative ideascoming rom people o diverse backgrounds,cultures, experiences and qualities. WorkplaceDiversity is imperative in order to make theLansing region expand and fourish. The Lansing

    Regional Chamber o Commerce and PublicPolicy Associates, Inc. are partnering to presentthe 2011 Employer Conerence on WorkplaceDiversity.

    This years conerence will ocus on making thebusiness case or managing human dierencesin the 21st century economy. The conerenceis scheduled rom 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. onThursday, August 25 at the Lansing Center indowntown Lansing.

    Topics to be covered include an opening rom Dr.Steve L. Robbins o S.L. Robbins & Associatesexplaining how diversity is the social network

    o innovation. A panel o the regions leadingexecutives will also discuss their experiences inbuilding workplace diversity.

    The keynote speaker will be J. Peter Lark, generalmanager o the Lansing Board o Water and Light,who will share the power o diversity at BWL andthe steps they are taking to build awareness andunderstanding.

    Attendees will not only learn the value o diversityand how it can help their workplace but help tocontinually build and improve the diversity o theGreater Lansing region. For more inormation or to

    register ($55) or the 2011 Employer Conerenceon Diversity, visit www.lansingdiversity.org.

    The Diversity Imperative for Success

    2011 Employer Conference on Workplace Diversity

    Workplace DiversityConference

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus


    The Mason Area Chamber o Commerce Ambassadors provided a ribbon cutting onJune 28, 2011 or the 125th anniversary o Mason State Bank, located or all o thoseyears at 322 S. Jeerson Street in downtown Mason. Pictured assisting bank presidentTim Gaylord are Aleasha Wood, Don Allen, Marty Colburn, Ingrid Nova, Jessica Bannis-ter, Loretta Farnsworth Kerry Minshall, Vickie Vandenbelt, Kathy Minsky, Megan Kolberg,Johnie Johnson, Gary Organek, Kathy McEwan, Johnnie Hall, Pam Elliott, Myrna Corts,Cheryl Hendrickson, Marsha Rockhold, Liz Luttrell-Wilson, Linda Chamberline, KathyWakeeld, Kathy Baker, Denise Townsend, Pat Weiler, Jamie Robinson, Bonnie Root,Cheri Nemer, Lori Wallace, Shelley Shannon, Jane Shirk, Florence Arras, Donna Heinz,Kelly Merritt, Debbie Duane, Bob Warnke Debbie Cwiertniewicz, Tom Peterson, Robin

    King, and Tom Botsord. MACC Courtesy Photo.

    Lyman & Sheets Insurance Agency (L-r): Tony DeLuca

    (LRCC), Matt Waligorski, Cynthia Eiseler (LRCC), Dave

    Drayton, Del Dreja and Peter DeWan

    The Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce recently

    presented Auto-Owners Insurance Company with aplaque honoring the rm or again being recognized asa Fortune 500 company. Picture l-r are: Ron Simon,Chairman, Auto-Owners Insurance Company; TimDaman, CEO, LRCCC; and Je Tagsold, President,

    Auto-Owners Insurance Company.

    ChamberIn Action


    Past Presidents o the Lansing Regional Chamber continue to make a valuable contribu-tion through periodic meetings at which they discuss community and Chamber relatedissues. Pictured at their most recent meeting in July are, l-r: Jack Davis (1997); TimDaman (current LRCC CEO); Charles Blockett Jr. (2008); Vic Verchereau (2010); JohnTruscott (2009); Pat Haynes (1988); Marianne Samper (1996); Jim Anderton IV (1977);Tom Chirgwin (2002); Jack Roost (1984); Louis (Ned) Legg (1969) and Robert Kinning(1993).

    Rizzi Designs hosted the Chambers July Member Mixer.

    Owner Rochelle Rizzi recently bought and renovated thishistoric home, which was the Superintendents house at theSchool or the Blind, recently dubbed Old Town Manor.

    Enjoying the July Member Mixer are, l-r: GaryDoty, Peggy Doty and Suzanne Huand.

  • 8/6/2019 August 2011 Focus





    PERMIT NO. 622

    The Stadium District

    500 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 200

    Lansing, MI 48912

    Ph. 517.487.6340

    lansingchamber.orgAddress Correction Requested

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