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August 2015 Volume 19, Issue 2 JAY NORBY DISTRICT GOVERNOR


2 DG Jay

3 VDG Dick

4 2nd VDG Tom

4-15 Club Events & Activities

16 DG Jay Visit Request Form

17 DG Jay’s Travels & History of 5M9

17 Contact Info

18-21 Youth Outreach Scholarship/Poster Info


The Hackensack Lions held an informative program on PROJECT NEW HOPE on June 24th. Project New Hope is a camp/retreat for any combat veteran and his/her family, with 24 hour counselors. It is completely free for veter-ans and their families.

Lion Dick Labraaten spoke about the program and the benefits to the veteran, and Lion Dale Johansen spoke about his personal experiences that he suffered in the military and the adjust-ments he had to make after returning home.

Returning veterans face the challenge of transition from war to civilian home life. Spouses and children also struggle with trying to adjust and may need a place of healing to work on these issues.

Hackensack Lions President, Rodney Damm Presented Dick and Dale with a $1000 donation for Project New Hope and thanked them for their efforts bringing this information to Hackensack and the public.

Underwood Area Lions go on the road to grill up and sell their famous Pork Chops! To date for 2015, 15 events have been completed, 8875 chops have been served with 1292 volunteer hours and 6175 miles driven by those volunteers to attend events selling these amazing chops. So far a Net Profit of $23,000 has been realized. We have 6 more events to go and about 2100 more chops to grill. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteers and loyal pork chop eaters.

Underwood Area Lions are having a lot of fun with our Gambling Projects. We have a Meat Raffle at 6PM & BINGO at 7PM every Tuesday at the Underwood Legion. We have started theme week. Some themes have been Cinco De Mayo, Hula, Hat Day, Hippie Day and (pictured below) Dress Up Day. We also have BINGO on Sunday’s at 2PM November-April at the Stalker Lake Bar & Grill. You can find our Pull Tab Machines at the Underwood American Legion, Stalker Lake Bar & Grill and Zorbas on Ottertail. We also have Video Racing Pull Tab games on special occasions.

In FY 14-15 we donated $49,371.70 from our gambling funds. 78% local, 18% to surrounding MN communities. (41% of these MN

community donations are Lions Projects or Clubs) and finally 4% Global (Lions Projects)

Come out and join us any time.

Watch the UNDERWOOD AREA LIONS FACEBOOK PAGE for upcoming events!


District Governor —Jay Norby

I bring you greetings from our International President, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada from Japan. Dr. Yamada’s theme this year is DIGNITY, HARMONY, HUMANITY. The origami crane is his symbol. The crane represents long life and peace.

DIGNITY—as we strive to serve the needs of others let us always remember to respect the dignity of those we serve. As we reach out to others with hands of service, let us always remember it is not a handout, it is a hand up.

HARMONY—as we build others up, let us always remember serving others isn’t just an act of kindness; it is also a means to build understanding and harmony.

HUMANITY—as we show empathy for the less fortunate in our respective communities, let us extend empathy to all who are suffering around the world. And, as we continue to serve human kind, let us remember that serving humanity is not a duty, it is our responsibility.

Dr. Yamada is asking us to bring hope and dignity through service with our Centennial Service Challenge—to reach our goal of benefiting 100 Million people for our 100th Anniversary. Lions Children First—Dr. Yamada is asking Lions to develop hands-on projects to help children in need. The Reading Action Program—to give the gift of literacy. And, LEO Spotlight on Children—having LEOs bring hope to vulnerable children.

He is asking Lions to strengthen your club to better serve the Community through the “Ask One” program. Utilizing the programs available at LCI such as the “Blueprint for a Stronger Club”, “Club Excellence Program”, “Your Club, Your Way” programs to name a few.

Creating Harmony through Effective Leadership. Taking advantage of the “Leadership Resource Center” with online courses and utilizing our Global Leadership Team.

Dr. Yamada would like us to build bridges for Humanity by supporting LCIF’s work, Club Twinning with another Lions Club. Humanitarian Missions, Host a Youth Exchange young adult and sponsoring the Peace Poster Contest.

Dr. Yamada’s motto is….. “Be Kind. Be Open. Be Curious. Be Strong. Be Generous. Be Sincere. Be Loyal. Be Honest…….Be a Lion”

My goals for this year are

Start one new Lions Club and one new LEOs club by the end of the year.

Have all clubs in the district end their year a Plus One in membership

See an increase in female membership for our district

Have all clubs …….

engage their communities to ensure relevant / important service

Collaborate with other local organizations to share resources and manpower

Be community leaders and a source of pride for your community.

What do we need to ask ourselves?

Are we relevant? Does your community know that you exist? Would a specific project suffer if there were no Lions Club in your Community? If you can answer YES to all of these questions, and maybe a few more, you have a strong club. Membership is necessary and getting new members in important. Getting and keeping new members will ensure the future of your club long after we are all gone.

Melvin Jones, the founder of this great organization, had a personal motto that we would do well to remember. “YOU CAN’T GET VERY FAR UNTIL YOU START DOING SOMETHING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE.”

Thank you for your time and dedication to Lions DG Jay Norby

Richard the Lionhearted Vice District Governor - Dick Stebbins

Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 3

Welcome back to District Governor Jay and 1st Lady PDG Linda. After attending the Lions International Convention in Hawaii, DG Jay is energized and very ready to take over the leadership of 5M9. Zone Fairs are being held this month at three different locations. Further information will be sent out at a later date as arrangements are not yet finalized. Make plans to attend the one for your zone. The President, Secretary and Membership Chair of each club are required to attend, but all club members should give some serious thought to attending. So much is learned at these Zone Fairs for all members and you will be “in the know” as is said. Project Chairs will be at these Fairs to meet with you and schedule a program at your club. It’s always good to learn how your donations are being used to further Lions projects. It will help your membership to understand how very important the donations are that we give to our projects. In August, Lion Sue and I will be going to Leader Dog in Rochester, MI. This will be a great learning experience for us, and a chance to get to know our counterparts from the other districts of 5M. Good luck to all the new (& returning) club officers for the 2015-2016 term. I hope this will be a great experience for you and spark your interest to go beyond the club level and explore all the interesting things that Lions has to offer. Also, remember to support the other clubs at their fundraisers this summer I am looking forward to this year. The team of DG Jay, and 2nd VDG Tom Plagman and I have been meeting and planning this year’s happenings. It will be another busy year, but fun. Most fun of all, it will be getting to meet all the Lions in our great District 5M9. Enjoy the rest of this summer – enjoy your club’s summer projects and of course, have fun!! FARE THEE WELL


Upcoming Webinars from LCI Harmony Among Generations Understanding generational differences can assist with both member recruitment and retention. This train-ing explores diverse motivations among Lions and how each constituency can find and value varying per-spectives. Don’t miss our most popular webinar! Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 12:00pm (12 Noon) CDT Friday, August 14, 2015, 7:00pm (19:00) CDT Goal Setting and Action Planning Optimize club success by strategic goal planning and execution! This online training offers tools for defin-ing SMART goals, developing an action plan, and managing goals for the best results. Wednesday, September 2, 2015, 12:00pm (12 Noon) CDT Friday, September 11, 2015, 7:00pm (19:00) CDT


One of the highlights of this summer of 2015 for me will be the visit to Aitkin by a very special individual who just happens to be a Lion.

Hanna Elshoff of the Chatfield, MN. Lions of District 5M1 came to Aitkin on a very unusual conveyance. An E.L.F. E.L.F. stands for Electric, Light and Fun. It is a solar powered bicycle that she is riding for the next two years on a two pronged mission. First to raise awareness for the Lions Leader Dog program and on a more personal note to get the autograph of former President Jimmy Carter.

On June 12th Hanna visited Aitkin. She told stories about her trip, how it started, where she is coming from and why she is seeking former President Jimmy Carter’s autograph.

She told stories about her early life in Germany and her ultimately being saved by the liberation US forces during World War II, her eventual immigration to Fort Dodge, Iowa and her belated quest for US citizenship.

As of today, July 25, she is at Lions Clubs International headquarters in Chicago, Il. Yes, she rode her bike into Chicago. This is one gutsy lady.

You can follow Hanna on Facebook at Hanna’s Dream Ride.

2nd VDG Tom Plagman


Hosted by IPDG GLORIA ANDERSON Sunday, October 4, 2015

Bluffton Community Center Gather at 1:00 pm with a program to follow

Refreshments throughout the afternoon.

Plan to attend. You never know who will receive awards so come support your fellow Lions from throughout District 5M9!

6:00 PM—TUESDAY, AUGUST 18TH Lions Shelter on County Hwy 108 Steak, Potato, Veggie, Dinner Roll & Beverage for only

$10 by Chef Doug Trana RSVP 877-234-9701 by Thursday AM

Proceeds will benefit Lions International Projects, Henning College Scholarships, Food Shelf & HS Clubs

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HENNING LIONS CLUB/OAKWOOD CLUB TOURNAMENT Where: Oakwood Golf Course * 47388 County Hwy 16 * Henning, MN 56551

When: Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 10am Shotgun Start

Who: All ages and genders

Format: 4-Person, 18 hole Scramble Tournament (18 team max)

Fees: $50/person (includes golf, cart, prizes, dinner)

Registration: Teams can register in person at Oakwood Golf Course or by calling (218) 583-2127

Contests: Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, Longest Putt – one winner for each 9-hole round. ***Oakwood Supper Club & Oakwood Golf Course will supply prizes for these contests***

Hole-In-One Contest: $150 Insurance premium covers $10,000 cash giveaway for a Hole-In-One during the tournament. A “WIN $10,000 CASH” sign can advertise the cash giveaway.

Beer Sales: Oakwood Supper Club will handle all liquor sales during the event.

Tournament Winner: There is a Net winner (Peoria system Handicap applied) and Gross winner (best overall score). Cash or Prizes are awarded to each. $100 will be awarded to each.

Games: Betting hole – each person can bet even money, up to $10, they will land within the designated circle on the #7 green. Splash 4 Cash – $5 to play – each participant gets 3 chances to make a ball into a plastic swimming pool full of water. The person with the most made balls wins ½ the money. Tie-Breaker will include a sudden death chipping contest until a winner is determined.

Other Money-Makers: Mulligans ($20/team), Skins (low score on each hole wins money)

Dinner: To be served at conclusion of tournament: $10 for Steak, Potato, Salad, Breadstick (comes out of entry fee money).

Proceeds: Henning Lions scholarship fund Henning Community benefits Henning High School clubs Henning Food Shelf Lions International projects

YOU ARE INVITED TO CAMP NEEDLEPOINT & EXPO! The American Diabetes Association, Minnesota Area is currently planning our two largest programs of the year: Camp Needlepoint/Daypoint and our Diabetes Expo. I personally want to invite the members of your club to visit one or both of these programs this year.

Camp Needlepoint sessions are Sunday, August 16 to Saturday, August 22 and Sunday, August 23 to Saturday, August 29. Since registration and camper pick-up are the Sundays and Saturdays, we ask that you schedule a day during the week. The time at camp will include a tour of the camp facility, lunch with the campers and an opportunity to meet the medical staff, counselors and campers. Camp is located just south of Hudson, Wisconsin. Contact Susan Klimek at 763-593-5333, ext. 6591 or email [email protected] to schedule your visit. We ask that you not show up without first contacting us as we need to know who is on-site for the safety of the campers and staff.

Our Diabetes Expo will be held on Saturday, October 10th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Hall E. It is billed as “everything you need to know about diabetes under one roof” including workshops, cooking demonstrations, fitness activities, free health screenings, an “Ask the Expert” area, and vendors offering the latest diabetes products and services. Last year over 8,300 people attended and we’re expecting more this year. As a Lion, you and/or your club can get involved in several ways:

We invite you to come to learn more about diabetes.

We need many day-of-event volunteers for this activity. Lions Clubs may want to volunteer as a club. Many clubs helped last year; by wearing their vests they gained more recognition for Lions Clubs and what they do in the community. Volunteer for a few hours (time slots are 8:15 AM – 12:00 PM or 11:30 AM – 3:15 PM) or for the entire day. Please contact Molly Duerr at 763-593-5333, ext. 6652 or at [email protected] if you or a club would like to volunteer.

Several areas outside of the Twin Cities worked on organizing buses to and from the Expo for members of their community. Clubs from several communities in your district could set up a bus route with several stops to pick up people. Work with your local clinics, hospitals, churches, etc. to get the word out. If you are thinking about having a bus please contact Molly Duerr at 763-593-5333, ext. 6652 or [email protected] for more information. All people will have free admission to the Expo and there will be free bus parking at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

We appreciate the support we have received from Lions Clubs in the past and invite you now to see how your funding is helping people with diabetes.


Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 10

YEAR END MEMBERSHIP TOTALS The final numbers are in for the 2014 -2015 year. Clubs in our District worked very hard on increasing their members. We had 81% of the clubs add new members, 52 out of 64 clubs. On the down side we had 87% of the clubs drop members, 56 of 64 clubs. There were 22 clubs that ended up with a positive gain. We added 230 new members and lost 264 for a net loss of -34 members for the year. Even though we didn't meet our goals, we are making great gains. Compared to 2013 - 2014 we did 25% better! The 264 members lost is a 32% decrease from last year. We are moving in the right direction and need to be very proud of that. We need to build on what we have started in the coming years.

On the multiple level we ended up -31 members. We had 6 Districts that added members and 6 Districts that lost members. We added 2163 members and lost 2194 members in the multiple. The GMT is looking forward to another fun and exciting year increasing our membership and making our clubs stronger!

Thank you for all your hard work this past year!

GMT Coordinator

Lion Randy Beaver


The Park Rapids Lions held their annual White Cane Days. We go to 3 Park Rapids locations in groups of 2 or 3 Lions with our white canes and people are so willing to give. We send the donations to MN Lions Vision Foundation. The Park Rapids Lions have been doing this activity for about 20 years. Pictured Clockwise starting at the left are Coralyn Lempola & Millie Wilson at Coborn’s, Don Stone & Dean Johnson at Ace Hardware, Boyd & Ruby Sharp & Larry Freshe at Hugo’s and Art Yliniemi & Dave Southward at Ace Hard-ware.

Right: Some Deerwood Lakes Lions attended the Bluffton Lions Ladies Luncheon on July 12th. They had a

wonderful time with great food. Pictured L-R: Lions Nancy Campion, Diann Bates,

IPDG Gloria Anderson (Bluffton) Pat Hendrickx (Perham Lakes) PDG Margaret

Van Erp (Bluffton) & Donna Sappa.

The Laporte Lions Club recently installed new officers. Pictured below are L-R: Linda Adelman, Member at Large; Charles Troxel, Past President and Director; Dwight Powell, President; PDG Judy Brasgalla performed

the installation of officers; Margaret Renskers, Lion Tamer; Jenny Kolodji (and Tola), Tail Twister; Walt Renskers, Director; Connie Greenway, Historian; Oz Adelman, Director; Jerry Japs, Treasurer; and Lani

Greenway, 1st Vice President. Congratulations to all!

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Wayne Nelson (pic R) receiving Melvin Jones Fellowship from DG

Jay Norby & Pres. Chuck

Les Nettum (pic left) & Skip Olson (pic right) received the

Hellen Keller Award.

Dennis Gilbertson (pic left) and Glen Sitz (pic

right) received the Leader Dog Award.

Right: Roger Larum and Rick Neameyer

(not pictured) received the Hearing

Foundation Award.

Below: top—bottom: Tom Riedman, Rick Julian and Ray Lottie all received

the Can Do Canine Award.

If anyone is in need of information on Can Do Canines please contact Co-Chair Bonnie Genin.

Bonnie has brochures and registration forms she would love to share with your club.

You can reach Bonnie at 218-346-2583 or 218-841-1231


DEER CREEK LIONS celebrated Take a Kid Fishing Day on July 8,2015. Everyone had a terrific time and each boy received a new fishing rod and reel followed by a delicious meal of fish!


President Jim Fry; 1VP Jane VonRuden (not pictured); 2VP Karen Gray; Secretary Kathy Fry; Treasurer Rita Stelzer; Tail Twister Mark Pergande; Lion Tamer Eldon Bergman; 1st Year Directors Fred Daggett (not pic-tured) & LeRoy Hausmann (not pictured); 2nd Year Directors Corey Baker and Leo Beyer; Safety Officer

Dave Ferguson (not pictured); Membership Chair Karen Cates; Past President Mark Flemmer.

Frazee Lions recently helped clean up Main

Street. Volunteers included Dawn Flemmer, Nathan Schwendeman &

family, and Gary and Karlene Negen.

Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 14

Garrison Lions Celebrate Community at local Garrison Play Days – July 24th and 25th, 2015

Garrison Lions participated in the annual Play Days parade. We feel it is just one more way to make Lions a visible participant in contributing to the community.

Sharon Hannon, President of Garrison Lions, rode along with our mascot Lion in the parade encouraging all to

“Walk on the Wild Side, Join Lions” Garrison Lions members and a few grandkids joined the parade again this year. As it is tradition, we throw beads, candy, and stuffed animals to the crowd. Needless to say, we are well received by children and adults. Always, a fun time for all.

Perham Lakes & New York Mill Lions hosted the Hwy 10 Baseball Tournament on June 27th in Perham. This tourna-ment is held yearly and focuses on teenage suicide. Above

Perham Lakes Lions prepare to serve lunch. Right New York Mills Lions w/PDG Don H. man the grills. This year there

were 250 participants.

Parkers Prairie Lions enjoyed a very nice evening for their Annual Ladies Night at the Double Eagle Country Club. Above: new officers were installed by PDG Jim Arvidson with Andy Steidl as the new

President. Left: President Gary Olson was recognized for his Dedicated Service & Leadership

to the Club for the past year. Right: Doug Hoffman was welcomed as a new member.


It was beautiful, partly cloudy, and warm afternoon that greeted the 107 kids at Kamp KACE (Kids Against Cancer Everywhere) when they loaded onto our small armada of 28 donated pontoons and boats for an afternoon of fishing on Big Cormorant Lake. There was a gentle west wind to make it very comfortable on the vessels. You could not have ordered a better day. Well over 165 individuals from the Kamp Kids to chaperones participated in the days outing. Many of the cancer survivors come to camp with a brother or sister to share in the camp activities with them.

One pontoon piloted by a Cormorant Lake Sportsman’s club member had l group of very young ladies on board who had not fished much before and said “no way are we touching a Worm”! Well, by the end of the day they all caught fish, but fishing was not the important thing, having the night crawlers crawling over their arms was way more fun! They had a great time.

The Cormorant Lions rounded up 10 volunteer pontoons with captains and first mates as well as help with the ice cream social and fish frying. The Cormorant Lakes Sportsman’s Club, with the help of J&K Marine, had 5 pontoons in the mix, some with 9 kids plus counselors (one for each three kids on board).

It sounded like everyone caught some fish with a few diehard fisherwomen catching “a lot”. All had a great time on the water. Many rock bass and bluegills were landed and even a few nice sized small mouth bass and walleye were hooked by the kids fishing with the 12 boats form the F-M Walleyes fishing group.

Many of the fish caught were kept and cleaned by a group of dedicated soles from Vergas Lions Club and a Cormorant Lakes Sportsman’s Club member, for a big fish fry the next day. Many happy faces were on the kids eating “The fish that I caught” (“This are the ones I caught? Sure they are!”) It was a great conclusion to a super day of fishing.

In all reality the boat operators attested that they probably had “more fun” than the kids, if that was possible, and many are looking forward to volunteering again next year. We even have two new volunteer captains already signed up.

A BIG Thanks goes out to Quality Bait of Detroit Lakes for supplying all the bait for the days outing, to J&K Marine for two pontoons and to all the volunteers who donated their time and energy to making the day spe-cial for a great bunch of kids!

Rick Julian CLSC, Cormorant Lion

Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 16

5M9 Service Journal

This publication is of, by, and for the Lions, Lioness, & Leos of

District 5M-9

District Governor Jay Norby (Linda) 1021 5th Ave NW Perham, MN 56573 H: 218-346-3200 C: 218-298-2140 [email protected]

Vice District Governor Dick Stebbins (Sue) 26390 Glen Drive Garrison, MN 56540 H: 320-692-4373 C: 218-251-0275 [email protected]

2nd Vice District Governor Tom Plagman (Michele) 38292 Deer St Aitkin, MN 56431 H: 218-927-3544 C: 218-839-1177 [email protected]

Cabinet Secretary Tambrey Kullhem 32538 470th St Palisade, MN 56469

H: 218-845-2315 [email protected]

District Treasurer Eldon Bergman (Vi) 50726Wymer Lake Loop Frazee, MN 56544 H: 218-334-5841 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor/Diva Tracey Buhl (Randy) 28000 Redhead Drive Underwood, MN 56586 C: 218-841-1877 [email protected]

Please submit stories and photos by the 15th of each month for the following months newsletter. When possible, send photos in jpeg format and articles as a word document. Use of pdf is also acceptable.

Contact me for assistance or with questions. Thank You Tracey Buhl


1928-1929 The International aspect of Lionism was accentuated at the tenth annual District Convention, held at Minot, North Dakota, on May 23-24, 1929. An equality of Hands Across the Border was shown with delegations coming from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Because of the great distances a number of clubs were not represented, but there were 409 registered. The principal speaker was International President Ben A. Ruffin. Both the Club Presidents and the Club Secretaries held meetings, and discussed club programs for small towns, interesting meetings, holding the membership, collections and club records. Bismarck, North Dakota, won the attendance prize, taking into consider-ation the number of delegates and visitors, and the distance traveled. International Vice-President Earle W. Hodges, New York, had been scheduled to attend, but he was unavoidably absent, and was ably repre-sented by District Governor Joseph R. Adams of Chicago, Illinois. A splendid address was made by Lieutenant Governor W. I. Nolan of St. Paul, and a most instructive talk by Mr. E. T. Lios, Playground expert, of Chicago. Ralph A. Trubey of Fargo, North Dakota, was elected District Governor, and the 1930 District Convention was awarded to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Number Clubs in 1928 …..46 Number Members 6/30/28 ….1,860 Number Clubs in 1929….100 Number Members 6/30/29…..3,510 Gain in the year……………54 Gained in the year…….……..1,650 To be continued…….Compiled and edited by PDG Judy Brasgalla, 5M 9 rian

AUGUST 2—Cabinet Mtg—Pillager 4—Conv Mtg— Emily Outing 50Lakes 5—Garrison Lions 9—Parkers Prairie Parade 10—Deerwood Lakes Lions visit 13—Convention Mtg—Cragun’s 15—Cormorant Days Pancake Brkfst 24—Detroit Lakes Lakers DG Visit SEPTEMBER 1—Menahga Lions DG Visit

6—McGregor Corn Feed 9—Walker Lions DG Visit 10—Perham Lakes Lions DG Visit 13—Rothsay Lions Charter Night 14—Cass Lake Lions DG Visit 16—Conv Mtg—Emily Outing 50 Lakes 17-20 USA/Canada Forum 24—Akeley Lions 40th Anniversary 25-27—PDG Linda’s PDG Reunion 28—Nisswa Lions DG Visit

DG Jay’s Travels

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