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  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    Volume XVIIII, Issue 4 August/September 200

    2007 - 2008



    President- Ann Paul/Rob Heathmmediate Past President-

    Stanley Krohst Vice President-vacantnd Vice President- vacant

    Treasurer- Stanley KrohRecording Secretary- Susan BurtnettCorresponding Secretary- MichaelTurrisi


    oe Bailey (2007-2009)Michele Northrup (2007-2009)ohn Costin (2006-2008)

    Christine Malzone (2006-2008)Velma Knowles (2007-2009)Vacant

    COMMITTEES & PROGRAMS:ARC at the Park-Mike & Barbara Mullins

    Audubon Adventures- Ann PaulConservation Committee Co-Chair-

    Tom RiesConservation Committee Co-Chair-Dave SumpterField Trip Committee Chair-Mary KeithAvocet Editor- vacantPublicity/PR- Michael TurrisiE-Mail Directory- Michael TurrisiMembership Development- vacantFund Raising-vacantWeb Site- Sabina Espinet-ToddRegional Conservation Committee

    Representative- Rob HeathChristmas Bird Count- Dave BowmanSpecial Events/Tabling Events-vacantEndowment-vacantPrograms- Ann Paul


    Upcoming Programs ........................... 2ARC At The Park News ..................... 2TAS News and Events ........................ 3Announcements ................................... 3Cats Indoors Photos .................. 4.5 & 6Field Trip Report .................................. 7Announcements ................................... 8Membership Application ................... 9

    Message from Avocet Edi

    After over a year of working onAvocet, I am sad to have to refrom the position of newsletter edMoving to Colorado and stahome with my kids has madharder to find the time to take onduties of putting the newsletogether. It has been fun meeeveryone and I know a great volunteer will step up to the tasstill be maintaing the TAS weand look forward to seeing the fuAvocet issues online! See below


    Thanks!Sabina Espinet-Todd



    TAS is in need of a voluntee

    take over the duties of assembour bi-monthly newsletter, Avocet. The job only require

    few hours every other month.

    If you or someone you know

    experience with page layougraphic design (Photosh

    Pages, In Design, etc.) and wlike to help in this area, plecontact Ann Paul by e-mai

    [email protected].

    T A M P A A U D B O N S O C I E T Y


    http://www.tampaaudubon.org/http://www.tampaaudubon.org/http://www.tampaaudubon.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    Meetings are usually held at the ARCxcept for the May, June and July

    programs. Information on the May andune programs can be found below.nformation on the July program will ben the next issue.

    rog Listening Network - Meeting and Field


    August 31, 2007 (Friday) 7:30 PM. Flat-

    woods Park, Thonotosassa, East Hills-

    borough County, Highway 301Tampa Audubon Society and the Hills-

    borough River Watershed Alliance

    See frogs and toads and learn their

    ongs and sounds. Learn about our

    umpy bumpy toads and shiny singing

    rogs along with an understanding of their

    ignificance to our well-being. This

    meeting/outing fills up quickly so call

    arly to be put on the attendee list and

    or more details. Contact Jo Anne

    Hartzler (813) 310-7676.

    ARC AT THE PARKThe Tampa Audubon Society Board ofDirectors supports with appreciation thehanges at the Visitor's Center at Lettuce

    Lake Park. It is a great step forward fornvironmental education and access tohe exhibits that the Parks Department isunding staff to support having the Visi-or's Center open every day during the

    week. The weekends are "manned" byTampa Audubon Society volunteers, ashas been the case for the last seven years.The exhibits are in a constant state of re-newal and improvement, creating interest

    mong our Center visitors. Please wel-

    come Jason and his staff and thank the parkrangers and managers for this positivemove. For more information, see below.

    "Our Education Program is being continuedunder the able leadership of Mike and Bar- bara Mullins. To contact Mike or Barbara,please call them at 390-4696 or email [email protected]. The Lettuce LakeVisitor's Center is now open 7 days a week.

    On Monday - Friday there will be an Inter-pretative Ranger there that may be able toprovide programs or interpretative walks ifscheduled in advance. Please feel free to callor e-mail me if you have any questions orwould like to schedule something. I am alsoin need of volunteers so if you know any-one that may be interested in working at anature center please contact me. We have

    made a lot of positive changes out here andI hope you can all make it out to the park.Below are the new hours to our Nature Cen-ter."Visitor Center HoursMonday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Staffedby Hillsborough County Park Rangers)Saturday - Sunday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm(Staffed By Audubon Volunteers)

    ARC REPORT:In June, we had 690 people visiting the

    ARC, and in July, 600. It has been a very hot

    summer, and seniors, adults, teenagers, and

    children have enjoyed the cool temperatures

    and the exhibits. During June, training for

    the Wetlands Master Naturalist was cen-

    tered at the ARC and I have just finished

    three days of WET & Healthy Watershed

    training this month. The Head Ranger for

    Lettuce Lake Park stopped in to let us know

    that they will be replacing the old air condi-

    tioners soon. During that time, the ARCwill be closed. We don't have an exact date

    for that work but one of the contractors was

    there taking measurments on Aug 8 during

    our WET & Healthy Watershed workshop.

    The Park staff are also going to be working

    on the boardwalk from the tower to the

    building at some point.

    Due to Lettuce Lake Park staff cu

    the ARC is now closed during the

    week. The Park Head Ranger do

    that there will be any additional

    hired in the near future, so the ga

    we made last year in keeping the

    Center open every day have been

    lost. This is a reflection of the ove

    County staff cuts in anticipation o

    State Tax Revenue Reductions.

    I will be working on a plant ID gu

    for the upland species this fall.

    Tampa Audubon's purchase of a n

    printer for photographs and exhi

    should come in handy for that tas

    Hope you all have had a great su

    mer.Mike Mullins, ARC Environment

    Education Director

    Audubon Resource Center at Lett

    Lake Park


    Photography Club:

    The Photography club meets the

    third Saturday of each month.1 p.m. Digital and Wildlife Photogra


    2 p.m. General Photography Club


    The club is open to anyone intere

    in nature photography. The club

    schedules outtings and fieldtrips

    ing the meetings, so to be in the

    know you have to attend.

    Speaker Series:

    On the 2nd Saturday of each mon

    at 11:00 am. Tampa Audubon Soc

    holds its monthly general meetin

    the ARC. These are free and open

    the public.

    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


    mailto:[email protected]://www.tampaaudubon.org/http://www.tampaaudubon.org/http://www.tampaaudubon.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society



    We surpassed our first year totals thisweek by 4 and have a total of 115 fledged79 bluebirds, 15 Carolina chickadees, and5 titmice). We have only one nest re-

    maining with 4 eggs and two with a totalf 4 chicks, so we are clearly at the end of

    he season. And what a great season it'seen.

    Mary Miller

    Tampa Audubon Society

    2007 Field Trips

    Frog Field TripRibbit! Ribbit!

    f you think thats what a tree frog says,hink again or just come and learn theeal songs during the Tampa Audubon

    Society Frog call and identification handsn outing Friday, August 31 at 7:30 PM at

    Flatwoods Wilderness Park located at6400 Morris Bridge Road.

    Well have Florida native and non-nativefrogs to see up close plus a presentation bya frog expert who will teach us how to rec-ognize the calls of all of the frogs native toour area.

    Attendees will also have a chance to par-ticipate in the Frog Listening Network of the

    Hillsborough County River Watershed alli-ance.

    At the end of the presentations, well takeshort walks to some of the wetlands in Flat-woods to hear the frogs calling and to seesome of them in the wild.

    Attendance is free but seating is limited soplease call field trip leader, Jo Anne Hartzlerat (813)310-7676 or Pat Lewis (813)907-6542 to be put on the attendee list. Bring

    flashlights. Doors open at 7:00 so comeearly to sign in, and see the frogs, and pickup other information before the meeting.

    Directions: Go North on I-75 to the Fletcherexit, then take a left and head East. Thesign is minimal so keep your eyes peeled.



    The Results Are IN!Nearly 200 children in Hillsborough Countypainted and drew creative posters wonder-fully depicting happy safe indoor cats andhappy safe outdoor birds during the 2008Tampa Audubon Society Poster Contest,Cats Indoors!

    After weeks of Hillsborough County schoolclasses learning the benefits of keeping catsindoors as well as learning to recognize byappearance, to hear the difference in theirsongs and calls and to understand the dif-ferent behaviors, diets and habitats, severalposter entrants gathered at Lettuce LakePark to participate in a nature walk and thenannouncement of the winners.All of thejudges commented how outstand-ing the posters were and how difficult theywere to judge. Winners received an as-sortment of bird books, bird compact discs,bird feeders, bird beanie babies, and or/birdseed. All entrants won either bird housekits, bird feeder kits, bird whistles, passes tothe Florida Museum of Science & Industry,bird pictures signed by the artist, bird glid-

    ers, bird stickers, posters or books. Each school that had a ning poster earned a bird identtion book and a bird CD for thebrary.We really appreciate the participaof an support from the teacherHillsborough County who dedictheir time and energy to help

    students participate.Posters can be seen at various ltions around Hillsborough Couincluding Lettuce Lake Park, Hborough County Cooperative Exsion Services and HillsboroCounty Animal Services.

    The winners in each age group a

    Ages 6-72nd Place: #47 Joyous PodolskyBanda

    1st Place #45 (Carrollwood Day


    Karianne Buser

    Ages 8-9

    3rd Place #108 (Essrig ElementaAaron E. Matos

    2nd Place #106 (Essrig) HeatherHeadrick

    1st Place #31 (Essrig) Alexis Schu

    Ages 10-11

    3rd Place #97 (Cahoon ) AlexandrBruns

    2nd Place #65 (Anderson) JessicaOShaunnessey

    1st Place #69 (Anderson) Eliana Rsado

    Ages 12-13

    3rd Place #39 (Anderson ElementCorey Barandoe

    2nd Place #43 (Essrig Elementary

    Joshua Menendez1st Place #41 (Anderson Element

    Jason Jackso

    See the posters, birdhousand winners on the followpages!

    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society



    Butterfly Walk at J.B.Starkey Parkby Jo Anne Hartzler

    Until the butterflies decided to make their

    appearances at J.B.Starkey Park inSouthwest Pasco County, those of us onhe walk had a chance to study someeally unique spiders that made the

    woods adjacent to the boardwalk theirome. The tufted legs of the Golden Silkpider contrasted dramatically with the

    ong talons at the end of each leg. Eachemales web had at least one small maleangerously waiting only inches from his


    We also saw the Yellow Garden Spider,

    Velvet ant and a friendly Robber Fly.

    n the silence of the boardwalk came annexpected visitor quietly slipping into aree nearby to check us out. A huge

    Barred owl joined us only feet away over-ead watching and studying us with bobs

    and turns of his head.

    The leps we saw included Cloudless Sul-hur, Dainty Sulphur and Orange Barred

    Sulphur,, Horaces Duskywing, WhitePeacock, Harvester, and Common

    Checkered skipper, Common Buckeye,Zebra Heliconia, Giant Swallowtail, GulfFritillary and Zebra Swallowtail. Theywere brought in by many of the nativelants of the area such as the climbingutterfly pea, poor mans pepper and the

    Common Green Eyes.

    During our walk, we also enjoyed theights and sounds of the Great Crested

    Flycatchers, Carolina Chickadees, Tufted

    Titmouse, Northern Cardinal, Blue-greyGnatcatcher Carolina Wren, AmericanCrow, Pileated and Downey Woodpeckers,Northern Parula Warbler and White-eyedVireo. We finished our walk with a Red-bellied woodpecker feeding her young andreminding us it was time to break for ourown lunch.

    Thank you to everyone who ventured out inthe summer heat and sun to share the won-ders of nature.

    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society



    2007 Audubon Assembly

    November 1- 3

    Cocoa Beach

    Join our state-wide Auduboneaders, chapter leaders, and

    Audubon members from all overFlorida in this once-a-year an-nual meeting to share informa-ion, strategies, and conserva-ion initiatives!

    Enjoy the information-packed programsand exciting awards when Floridasonservation-minded citizens gather this

    November in Cocoa Beach. Join chaptereaders and members, Audubon staff and

    cientists, wildlife professionals, environ-mental advocates, agency and electedfficials to network and learn about how

    Audubon, through working together, ismaking a difference for the environment.

    New location for 2007: Hilton CocoaBeach Oceanfront View HotelKick off the event at a reception on

    Thursday, November 1

    Assembly registration information andetails about programs, exhibits, and fieldrips to nearby birding hotspots will ap-

    ear in the summer Florida Naturalistandwill also be available online in August atttp://www.audubonofflorida.org.

    Hotel InformationPlease note, youneed to make your own hotel reserva-

    ions -- in addition to your AudubonAssembly registration.550 N. Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach,

    FL 32931Reservations: 800-526-2609.Request the Audubon Assembly Rate:119.00/night Audubon Room Rate

    Code: AOF. NOTE: Cut off date forSpecial Rates: OCTOBER 2, 2007, SOMAKE YOUR ROOM RESERVATIONSNOW!

    Upgrades are available at an additionalost including:

    Concierge level - $139

    Oceanfront - $219

    r. Suite - $229

    Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival

    January 18-21, 2008

    MORRO BAY, CALIFORNIA Come towhere the birds are and join Morro Coast

    Audubon Society (MCAS) for our 12th An-nual Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival. Lo-cated on Californias scenic Central Coast,Morro Bay is an important stop on the Pa-cific Flyway and one of the countrys pre-eminent birding spots. The area is recog-nized worldwide for its diversity of bothresident and wintering birds, and at lastyears festival, over 200 species of birdswere identified!The Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival is spon-

    sored by MCAS and gives you the chance to join local and national birding experts on avariety of field trips and workshops. Fieldtrip group sizes are limited to maximizespotting and identification opportunities.The Festival also offers workshops aimed atsharpening your birding skills, as well asevening programs with outstanding speak-ers.

    For more information about the Festival,

    check out our website atwww.morrobaybirdfestival.org, or call (805)772-4677. You can request that your name beadded to the mailing list for our 2008 bro-chure, or register online. Both the brochureand online registration will be available inOctober 2007. The registration deadline is January 4, 2008 and early signups are en-couraged as the most popular events fill upquickly.

    Camp Bayou Outdoor Learning

    Center's Summer Weekend Turtle


    Camp Bayou Outdoor Learning Center(Ruskin, Florida) will be offering threeworkshops on the ecology and conservationof Florida's rich turtle diversity.Join turtle

    researcher and conservationistGeorge L. Heinrich while exploriFlorida's natural areas in search oimperiled species. Attend one ormore workshops that include a Saurday morning classroom sessionCamp Bayou and a Sunday field to a select off-site turtle habitat.These workshops are designed toboth educational and fun.

    1-2 September 2007Gopher Tortoise: Threatened Icothe Uplands(includes field trip: hiking at BalmBoyette Scrub Preserve, southeastHillsborough County)

    15-16 September 2007Diamondback Terrapins: Living

    the Edge(includes field trip: canoeing at Croach Bay, southern HillsboroughCounty)

    29-30 September 2007Florida's Riverine Turtles: Identication, Natural History and Convation(includes field trip: canoeing andsnorkeling on Rainbow Run, Dunlon)

    Limited space is available, so regiearly (adults only).

    For more information please cont

    Heinrich Ecological Services1213 Alhambra Way S.St. Petersburg, FL 33705-4620phone: (727) 865-6255e-mail:[email protected]


    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y


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  • 8/9/2019 August-September 2007 Avocet Newsletter Tampa Audubon Society


    Tampa Audubon Society is

    proud to welcome its newest


    Photo Credit: Joe Bailey

    Sharon JacobiArt CopekVicki FrenchEleanor Evins

    Paul WinchCharles TommelleoMarie PotoAutumn MuellerElinor LeBaronMarie SimmonsChris Rusnak

    JOIN TAMPA AUDUBONJoin in on all the good times.Simply fill out the application andmail it along with payment toTampa Audubon Society. Whenyou join Tampa Audubon Society,you automatically become amember of the National AudubonSociety as well.Your membership supports vital conser-vation issues on the national, state andlocal levels. As a member, you will re-ceive the bi-monthlyAudubon magazine,the quarterly Florida Nautralistmagazineand our local, bi-monthly newsletter, The


    Introductory Membership $25

    (This form is not for renewals)Name: __________________________

    Address: ________________________

    City: ____________________________State:____________ ZIP: ___________

    E-mail: __________________________

    Phone (home): ____________________

    Phone (work): _____________________

    Mail checks (payable to TampaAudubon Society) to:

    Tampa Audubon SocietyPost Office Box 320025Tampa FL 33679

    Recent Contributors toTampa Audubon

    The following have recently

    made generous contribution

    to Tampa Audubon. Thanks

    continued support of our env

    ronmental education initiativ

    Lois J. ParadiseWilliam & Mary Ann SheppardMr. & Mrs. Frank DupuisRichard RauscherThomas CasperGail B. ParsonsSteven MlynarekMargaret CuttsMarilyn BatchellorWilliam H. Walters IIIRuth Troscianiec

    Doris J. KellyJ. Lee BeniceSandra GrantLynn VeltTimothy A. BonsackRich & Ann PaulMary A. KeithRhea HurwitzJon HaaschRichard S. ValentineGerald E. GoebelRuss & Gail KruetzmanJ. Rodgers PadgettMichael & Alicia Le Vine

    Jane M. KemererVal CugatMarilyn GroffConstance D. FarnsworthBetty M. DumasPatricia LewisJerry & Joyce TauntJoel P. ClevelandDaniel A. JonesDorothy EbersbachJerry R. MillerMike FiteColin & Deborah GrimesAnn Debaldo

    Mary M. FergusonPenny Jean StonerMichael TurrisiLee & Linda ShearCatherine M. CasasBetty WargoPeter ChengJames T. & Doris E. TaylorLorraine GenovarClif Livingston

    T A M P A A U D U B O N S O C I E T Y



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