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August - September 2011


Sonja Russell                        -         PresidentDorothy Sparrow                    -         V. PresidentPauline Skevington                -          Chairman

Shirley Easton                        -        V. ChairmanGerry Newman                        -        Treasurer

Inge Hoffman                          -        V. TreasurerSonja Russell                        -         Secretary

Julian King, Rita Ruffles, Jackie Price, Wynne Willey,Roger Pryke, Philip Goldsmith

The next copy deadline for the Echo is:20th September

Please send news, articles etc. to:Sally Harvey

Email : [email protected] : 01728 720766

Page 2


LunchSunday 2nd

OctoberBadinghamVillage Hall

Bonfire Night Friday 29thOctober


BCC AGM Thursday 10thNovember

BadinghamVillage Hall

BCC Coffee Morning Saturday 3rdDecember

BadinghamVillage Hall

Page 3

BADINGHAM VILLAGE HALLTo book the village hall please contact: EMMA CRESSWELLon 01728 638385

[email protected] http:tinyurl.com/2eyrkaTables, chairs and crockery are also available for hire, useful if you are catering for a

large gathering at home. Contact Sonja Russell on 01728 638268.All cancellations must be made a minimum of a week ahead of the booking. If no

Cancellation is made then there will be no refund.Rates are per hour unless otherwise stated

Village Residents Others

Main Hall £6 £8Committee Room £5 £6Both Rooms £8 £9Day Rates £60 £70

The ECHO is produced for the village of Badinghamby the Badingham Community Council

Registered Charity No. 274549

I have just moved house again and I have to say .... NEVER AGAIN!I did try and email everyone I could to advise that I would not haveany phone or internet connection until the 26th but if anyone wasexpecting something to appear in this months Echo but doesn’t seeit then I do apologise.Having been living in Framlingham for the last eighteen months butstill continuing with the Badingham Echo I really do feel that itstime for someone else to take over so please, if you are interested intaking this on, give either Sonja Russell or myself a call. All youneed is a computer and a printer (you only need to print one copythough, not all of them!) and some time and inspiration!


Page 4

Play School Mondays, Wednesdays & Fri-days (term time only)

Village Hall - see page 8 fortimes

Toddler Group Tuesdays Village Hall 10am to 11.30am

Fish Van Tuesdays Approx. 11am on Low Street

Mobile Library Alternate Tuesdays Approx 10.30am outsideVillage Hall

Brownies Wednesdays (term time only) Village Hall 6pm-7.30pm

Bowling see page 28

Football Training Thursdays see page 28

Maypole 2nd Wednesday each month Village Hall 8pm

W.I. 4th Thursday each month Village Hall 7.30pm

Book Club 3rd Monday each month Call to check venue (638981)

Gardeners Club 1st Thursday each month Call to check venue (638728)

Family Service 3rd Sunday each month Badingham Church 10am

Quiz Night 1st Wednesday each month Village Hall 8pm to 10pm


DO YOU ENJOY BOOKS & READING?Fiction-faction-biography-sci-fi?

We are now meeting every third Monday atEach others houses at 3p.m.

Please call Edward or Caroline on638981 if you would like to come.

Short stories-long stories-funny stories

Page 5

BCC Fete Report

June 25th started off rainy and cloudy but by mid-morning withimproved weather to decision was made to hold the Fete in thechurchyard as planned.Stall holders arrived to set up, everyone helping each other tofetch and carry. Tea urn on, bbq lit, beer tent set up and by 1pmeverything was ready. Fetes never happen without a lot of hardwork and many thanks have to be said.Thank you for Victor Warne who set up and manned the PRsystem, Annie and Martin Clarke for their wonderful musicalentertainment (and supplying water), Premier Toilets for theirloan of a Port-a-loo, Bob Foster for the straw bales and BBQ fuel,Chrissie Rolfe for dishwashing crockery and Jonathan for allow-ing us the use of the churchyard.Many people stayed behind to help tidy up at the end of the Fete.Thank you to all these people (including Tom from new Lea) whohelped dismantle tents etc, and to Alistair Porter-hardy whoferried everything back to the Village hall.Many residents willingly gave raffle and tombola prizes whichwere greatly appreciated. The even made approx £380 for theBCC and the feedback from stall holders who were raisingmoney for their village group was that they had had a successfulafternoon.

From the BCC Committee, thank you all once again.

Pauline SkevingtonBCC

Page 6

Maypole is a group of ladies who meet on the secondWednesday of the month. New members are alwayswelcome, as are any guests members may have staying.Anyone interesting in joining us should contact Wynne on01728 638479, Jackie on 01728 638558, Margaret on01728 638183 or Shirley on 01728 638681.

Come and join in the fun!


"The Unfamous Presentation

Saturday 27th August, Sunday 28th August and Bank Holiday Mon-day 29th August

We will be serving refreshments each day - coffee, tea, and lightlunches.

If anyone would be willing to do some baking - cakes, scones or bis-cuits - it would be very much appreciated.

We would also welcome some help to serve refreshments on eachday. If you are able to help with either baking, serving or both please

contact Ann - 638288 - Thank you.

Page 7

2011 INTER VILLAGE GAMESThe 2011 Inter Village games was this year held at Stradbroke with 6 villagesparticipating over 9 days of events in July. Unfortunately Badingham came secondfor the third year on to trot but nevertheless this was a fantastic effort by our 30member team.

The final scores were :

1 Stradbroke 2892 Badingham 275

3 Laxfield 2554 Fressingfield 251

5 Dennington 2356 Mendham 199

Thanks go to Julia Green and the Stradbroke organizers who put on a great games.Many thanks also to the Badingham stewards Chris Neill and Ian Wolstenholme.

The sports talent within Badingham is flourishing and we are looking forward tosecuring our own sports field facilities within the village. However, we also needto attract more people to the games and must have more youngsters participating.As the entry form is usually enclosed in the March/April Echo watch out for it andput your name down early. Let’s see if we can get even more people to become partof our village team.

If participating in the events seems a bit energetic but you would still like to getinvolved you could be invaluable; we are always looking for people to help withrunning the team and the organization. If you have a few hours to spare and fancya very rewarding job then please drop me a line. Unfortunately this will be my lastyear of running the team so we are looking for a new team captain.

If you would like to see information about the team including photos then pleaseaccess our Facebook page “InterVillageGames Team Badingham”

As a small village I think we should be extremely proud that we can put forwardsuch a strong and motivated team. Badingham is building a great reputation as aterrific sporting village, let’s try to continue this and enter an even stronger teamnext year with more participants!

Andy Hill

Page 8


Monday & Wednesday & Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm

(offering flexible sessions between these times)

We welcome children from 2 years of age and are able to acceptgrant funding for 3 & 4 years olds. If anyone has a child who

would like to join the Play School pleasecontact Michele on 01728 638776 (or 01728 638804 during

school hours) for further information.




Forthcoming Events 2011

Bonfire Night - Friday 29th OctoberAGM - Thursday 10th November - Village Hall

Coffee Morning - Saturday 3rd December - Village Hall

Page 9


11.00am Church Service.A family friendly service to give thanks for the Harvest.

12.30 for 1.00p.m. Harvest Lunch in the Village Hall. £7.50 per person with children under 16 free

10% will be given to a Charity and this year it will be forthe famine disaster in Africa

Please join us for either or both of these eventsTickets for lunch available from

Ann Foster 638288 & Carol Bostock Smith 638352

Link Romania Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2011

I will be putting leaflets in the Church for this in September and willneed the completed boxes by the end of October.  For more informationphone 638823.

Sue Olanczuk

Badingham Rounders TeamsTeams for all ages will be playing on Friday nights.

Please let me know if you are interested and Ill send you further details.

Andy Hill01728 638370

[email protected]

Page 10

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Sonja Russell—01728 638268

LEISTON AREAA man and three others admitted dishonesty offences over burglaries on homes

and schools in the Leiston area. Martyn and Christopher Pearce of Saxmundham,Martyn appeared before Ipswich Crown Court and was jailed, his brother Christo-pher was arrested during one of his raids on a house in Leiston, sentenced to a 12Month Community Order and to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, he also wasgiven a 4 month curfew between 9pm - 7.30am.  These brothers were working fora window cleaning business, while awaiting sentencing. The Pearces had beenrenting a room at Savery's property.  The 21 year old lady heavily pregnant wholives in Ipswich was sentenced to a 6 month Community Order for handling stolengoods. The Final defendant Shane Everington of Saxmundham was told he mustdo 150 hours unpaid work after admitting  converting and possessing criminalproperty.  The burglaries occurred between April and October 2010, at homes inOrford and Saxmundham, Leiston Primary School and Leiston Middle School.  Awarrent is out for the arrest of a fifth dependant Luke Squire of Saxmundham, afternot turning up for his sentencing.  If anyone knows of his whereabouts pleasecontact the Police 01473 613500.

BOILER ROOM SCAMS (HSBC)HSBC take their customers financial security very seriously - Boiler Rooms arebusinesses that use high pressure sales techniques to sell "Sure Thing" Invest-ments with the promise of massive returns.  In fact, what they're selling is worthlessstock in often unquoted companies that are either overvalued, or simply don't existat all. Boiler Room Operatives generally Cold-Call their targets, USING PHONENUMBERS from publicity shareholder lists.  Because it's against the law for inves-tors to Cold-Call in the UK, based abroad (Spain, Switzerland & US) where they'rebeyond the jurisdiction of the Fianancial Services Authority (FSA), approach anyone,anywhere. Victims can lose an average £20,000.If you are being targeted by these people, the FSA'S advice is not to worry, don't bepolite just hang up.You should contact the FSA on 0845 6061234 with the details you can remember,or www.fsa.gov.uk they will be able to help you.  (I have more details)

Page 11

JEWELLERY THEFTSSuffolk Police are urging people to take extra measurers to ensure EXPENSIVEand SENTIMENTAL items of Jewellery are kept safe following a series of burgla-ries.  In Stowmarket, Crowfield, Bramford, Higham and East Bergholt since end ofApril 2011, from five houses, Jewellery worth £45,000. The Offenders had enteredthe properties by forcing doors open and windows during the daytime.Basic Security has not been all issues for these burglaries - PLEASE EVERYONEkeep doors and windows locked it will slow offenders down and forcing them maycause a noise and can attract attention.  Once inside the burglars have been ableto search and locate expensive items of Jewellery.  Keep in a secure location,ideally a good quality safe.

MESSAGE SUFFOLK POLICE - CYCLESEvery year many cycles are stolen, Suffolk Constabulary are promoting a freeregistration service, which will ensure the cycle is returned to its owner if recoveredafter theft.  If you lose your cycle please phone Police 01473 613500.

POLICE URGING RESIDENTS TO BE CAUTIOUSWhen dealing with unknown callers after a young couple had received severalphone calls from men claiming there was a problem with their computer. The 25year old man received a call on their landline number and claimed he had troublewith his computer and could he get online.  During the call several pop ups cameup INCLUDING one requesting BANK DETAILS.  The 25 year old thought thewhole thing was strange and ended the call.  Next day the 25 year olds partnerreceived a call from a man again, saying computer problems had to be dealt withurgently, he tried to find out her bank details, he became abusive and she hung up.Thank goodness she did not give him the bank details.Police are urging anyone receiving such calls NEVER GIVE your bank or carddetails.Contact the Police on 01473 613500

BODY FOUND - FRAMSDENPaul Hart (64) went missing from Debenham on 22nd June, his body was found ona farm at Framsden on 24th June,  There did not appear to be any suspiciouscircumstances.

JAILED DRUG DEALERTwo designer watches belonging to a Suffolk drug dealer were auctioned on live, toclaw back profits of crime! The Frank Muller & Jacob & Co. were confiscated fromMatthew Dixon drug dealer of a West Suffolk Drug Gang. The watches were up forsale on "Bumblebee Auctions" (see Echo June/July) website - Frank Muller made£3,000, Jacob & Co made £530, the third watch a Cartier sold locally by Police for£1,000. Other items include £7,000 in cash, Yamaha Motorcycle sold locally £2,000,White Stretch Limousine £2,600 (Auction), V. W. Golf £2,100 (Auction), a number

Page 12

Badingham Church Bring and Buy  Book Corner

All welcome to come and browse , borrow and buy.

 All money raised is in aid of local Charities and the maintenanceand up keep of our church

Selections of Fiction , Non Fiction and Children's books availableplease feel free to come and look at any time.

We just ask you to give a donation if you wish to take a book away.

If you have any unwanted books in good condition and wish to donate them,then please leave them inside on the benches in the church porch.

We thank you for your contribution.

 Big thank you for all who have already come and brought books!

of electrical items £358 through Bumblebee Auctions.  Matthew Dixon was jailed for5 years.  Dixon convicted of conspiracy to supply £400,000 of cocaine, had assetsconfiscated to the value of £32,000 under proceeds of Crime Act , six members ofthe gang were sentenced for a total of 32 years in prison, they were responsible forimporting six kilos of cocaine into both Suffolk and Cambridge.

Please do not get involved in drugs and don't think the Police do nothing, everythingtakes time!!

Congratulations to the Forces.

Sonja RussellHead Coordinator

Page 13


Badingham Church is to have this event on the weekend of August BankHoliday 2011. ‘Unfamous’, is a new word to describe someone/thing orhappening that ought to have been more noted for the difference it made,but is not yet Famous or Infamous.The ‘wheel’ for example is at the hub of every-day life, yet the peoplewhose idea it was, are virtually unknown.Some places would be worthy of a visit, but are not on any tourist guideso are bypassed.Some people have made quite a difference to society, quietly withoutnotice or reward.This UNFAMOUS PRESENTATION will highlight just a tiny percent-age of these, an example of how each and every one of us can ‘make adifference’.If you have something you would like to be considered for inclusion as

‘unfamous’ please contact Victor Warne, 5 Mill Road, Badingham.01728 63835. Email – [email protected]

Page 14


A warm and friendly welcome awaits you on the 4th

Thursday in the month at the Village Hall – 7.30 p.m. start

August - No MeetingSeptember 22nd - ‘The History of Gardening’ Val SulchOctober 27th – ‘The Hoxne Treasure’ Stephen Govier

Date for your diary – Sat. 8th OctoberTable Top Sale in the Village Hall 2-4 p.m.

For further details please contact Margot Wolstenholmeon 01728 638770

Page 15



We have been investigating the idea of having a bulk oil delivery to the village.

The advantages are :-

� Price per litre typically 1.5p- 2p cheaper

� Price for 500 litres same as for 2000 or 4000 litres. Owners of smalltanks not disadvantaged.

� The company delivers in August, November, February and May, avoidinga potential price hike over the Christmas period.

� Once you are registered, the company will ring a few days before theirdelivery date with their price, you can then decide whether or not youwant to buy.

� Fewer tankers on our narrow roads

� 0.04p for every litre sold is given back to the village for a named charity(A local syndicate comprising 3 villages received £1000 last year)

If you are interested in this idea and would like further information, pleasecontact

Janet Barwell 01728 638089Member of Enterprise Badingham Committee

[email protected]

Leaflets also available explaining how to join etc

Page 16

John O’Groats to Lands End

Charity bike ride for Paralympics GB

I’d just like to say thanks to all of you from Badingham who have sponsoredme, helped out, and encouraged me to cycle from John O’Groats to LandsEnd. I started at 7am on Saturday 11th June and cycled into Lands End 9 dayslater...and 2lb’s heavier. Yes only I could cycle 953 miles and gain weight. Mytime was 74 hours 30 minutes and 06 seconds and I finished 96th overall.The ride was hard. It rained every day and the last few days we were cyclinginto 40 mph head winds. The scenery was stunning, cycling across the northScottish coastline in glorious sunshine, over Glen Coe (in the pouring rain),over Shap Fell (in the pouring rain) through Cheddar Gorge, yep you got it...inthe pouring rain!Days started at 5:30 am on the camp site to an early morning wake up call fora 7am start. On the hardest days people were still finishing gone 10pm. I wasin bed at 8pm and usually fast asleep 5 minutes later. Steve and Lindsay Cole(previous Pightlers from Badingham) were stood at the side of the roadcheering me on through Ross on Wye and Steve rode with me for a little while.The British Olympic cycling team were cycling with us on this ride and they areamazing athletes. If you didn't get Olympic tickets make sure you get ticketsfor the Paralympics instead. Sarah Storey (Gold medal winner in Beijing) wonthe entire event in 55 hours and I had the pleasure of cycling with her some ofthe way.

Thanks once again, your generosity and encouragement has been fantastic.



ThanksAndy Hill

Page 17

Badingham Family Service Program for 2011August 21st

Meet up tea coffee and sing song or games etcSeptember 18th Harvest Festival

October 16th Stilling the StormsNovember 20th  All Saints DayDecember 18th  The JourneyDecember 23rd Crib Service

All welcome 10am start at Badingham Church.Half an hour service followed by refreshments.


After 12 years as District Councillor, Winter Rose has decided to stand downat the recent May elections, and our District Councillors are now ColinWalker (re-elected) and Christopher Hudson (newly elected).

Colin Walker and Christopher Hudson share a website www.framlinghamward.comwhich is updated at least once a month. You may like to visit it.

Details for both councillors are listed on the SCDC Website, links below.


Page 18


Cyclists are asked to get into gear for a fundraising ride called On Your Bike! ,

in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice.

Whether you are a serious cyclist or want a family ride out, you will be welcome

to take part in the event on Sunday 11th September.

There are three distances and all routes start and finish in the beautiful grounds

of the Royal Hospital School in Holbrook.

Choose from:

· 75 mile challenge  – For those cyclists wishing to push them-


· 50 mile challenge  – An intermediate challenge taking in pictur-

esque countryside and villages

· 11.5 mile –  A fun ride for all ages and abilities

Cyclists are asked to raise sponsorship and all proceeds will help the Hospice, an

independent charity which costs £6m a year to run, provide services free of

charge for patients throughout Suffolk as well as support for their relatives and


This is the second On Your Bike with last year’s inaugural event attracting 200

cyclists and raising thousands of pounds.

To register online for On Your Bike! visit www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk. Entry

fees in advance are £15 for the longer rides and £5 for the 11.5 mile circuit.

Rides start between 9am and 10am.

Page 19

Heart of Glass StudioHandcrafted Glassware including clocks, mirrors, tableware and

jewellery as well as lampwork beads for jewellery makers.Call 07850 857020 or visit the studio on A1120,

we're open Thurs - Sunday, 11.00 am till 6.00 pm.




If you are planning a spring clean please donate your unwanted items and furniture to

St Elizabeth Hospice. Clothes, accessories, toys, bric-a-brac and good quality furniture

are in demand and can be resold in the charity’s shops. The funds raised through the

shops enable St Elizabeth Hospice to continue to make a real difference to the lives of

their patients and families, friends and carers. You can drop off most items off at the

new St Elizabeth Hospice shop which recently opened in Framlingham in May. But if

you have any furniture to donate please call the Meredith Road shop, on 01473 744080,

and collection will be arranged.

Page 20

Sue, Gary & Maxof

The White Horse Inn

Would like to say a huge thank you to the community ofBadingham for all the immense support, good wishes and kindnessthey have shown to us since we took over the village pub in April.Work is finally drawing to an end and a launch part is planned tokeep your eyes on the notice boards!

The White Horse InnLow Street, Badingham, Suffolk, IP13 8JR

01728 638280

BELL RINGINGThe Bell Ringers meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pmfor practice at either Badingham or Dennington churchand would welcome new members. Just turn up(Badingham on the odd numbered Thursdays and Den-nington on the even numbered Thursdays in the month)or give Mike Bostock Smith a ring on 01728 638352 orOle Jenson, the Tower Captain on 01728 638345.

Page 21

I am pleased to announce that Suffolk Sport has just started processing applica-tions for Fit Villages projects starting in September. Why don't you joinGrundisburgh, Charsfield, Easton, Shotley, Lakenheath, Walpole, Fram-sden, Laxfield and Lidgate by getting involved?!

Bring the community togetherIncrease usage of village facilitiesConvenient and quality local physical activityHelp keep your village aliveFor further information on how to get your village involved and to view currentprogrammes, please visit: www.suffolksport.com/fitvillages or get in touchwith me.If you don't live in a village but feel you know others who might benefit from thisopportunity, please pass this message on. It is open to every village in Suffolk!Best wishes,Henry

Henry TappActive Wellbeing Co-ordinatorSuffolk SportTel : 01394 444289Mob: 07919 166593www.suffolksport.com

As part of the “Fit Villages” project, Suffolk Sport has teamed up with RoundersEngland to hold the inaugural Suffolk Coastal Inter-Village Rounders Tourna-ment.

Taking place on Sunday 11th September at Hollesley Recreation Ground, thetournament will see 8 villages from Suffolk Coastal go head to head in a bid tobe crowned champions!For further details and for an application pack please get in touch with HenryTapp.

Page 22

Page 23

Enterprise Badingham

Badingham's Produce Market

24th September 2011

10am to 12 noon

If weather is fine at the White Horse Pub , Badingham

If wet in Badingham St John the Baptist Church


Stall Holders pitches are free but please bring your own table / stand andbook your pitch, contact details below

No entry charge please come along and support your local village business-es

Calling all suppliers and producers of food , products and services in Bad-ingham !

Part of Enterprise Badingham’s activities we are aiming to

have a Local Produce Market here at Badingham starting this coming Sep-tember.

Please e mail or ring myself Tanya 638894or [email protected]

If you are interested and would like to be included for a stall to sell yourproduce/product.

Page 24

Nightstop is a scheme set up through YMCA Suffolk which provides emergencyaccommodation for homeless 16 and 17 year olds in the homes of approved vol-unteer hosts. Suffolk Nightstop is affiliated to Nightstop UK, an umbrella organi-sation which has been supporting local projects that are dedicated to provideemergency accommodation for young people since 1987.

Nightstop UK believes that all young people have the right to access safe, secureaccommodation which is appropriate to their needs. Nightstop provides emergen-cy accommodation for up to 10 nights for 16 to 17 year olds, during this time theyoung person will be working with YMCA staff & other agencies to secure anappropriate long term accommodation.

Nightstop is trying to reduce the amount of young people that are being placed inB&B’S, as we believe that a young person’s support needs will be appropriatelymet by placing them with in a family environment.Nightstop hosts are not foster carers or counsellors; they are people who are ableto offer a safe and friendly hospitality in an emergency situation. Their commit-ment is not taken lightly as volunteers are the most integral part of the organisa-tion.

To be a host all you need is a spare bedroom, and the ability to listen. We will payfor you to have a CRB and training, which includes child protection, protection ofvulnerable adults and first aid.

For more information, please call Bridie Carson on 07912516824 or [email protected].

Nightstop is run by the St Edmund and Waveney YMCA registered Charitynumber 802285

56 Westgate street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1QG Fax 01284 701712& Ipswich YMCA 2 Wellington street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2NU Fax: 01473



Page 25

If you are interested in advertising a local business or service in theBadingham Echo please contact The Editor


Play Station 22 Controllers

3 Memory CardsPS2 Multi Player Adaptor

29 Games

Call Louise Buckingham01728 638667

Mik & Gill BedsonChapel FarmHigh RoadBadinghamIP13 8LY

At Chapel Farm in Badingham we rear rare breed pigs, sheep and goats.Primarily for our own consumption, but we always have a surplus forsale.So why not try our fantastic joints, chops, sausages or bacon. We canprovide half or whole animals to order as well.Just call Mik or Gill on 01728 638747 or just pop round!


� April - No. 2 - Jean Kelk� May - No. 50 - Linda Alenby� June - No. 74 - Shirley Williamson� July - No. 44 - Rita Ruffles

Page 26

Suffolk Links Loes

Suffolk Links Loes is the new name for Town Travels. It is a“Demand Responsive Transport” service, operating in an areacentred on Framlingham, extending from Earl Soham to Yox-ford and Hacheston and also including Saxmundham railwaystation and 'bus stops. It operates from 7am to 7pm Mondayto Saturday.

To book your journey call 01473 744619 between 9:30am and1:30pm (Monday – Friday) up to seven days before you wishto travel. Journeys can be arrange to connect with regular 'busand train services.

Concessionary fares are available as on regular 'bus services.


I am looking for a cleaningjob for 2 to 3 hours once afortnight on a Tuesday. If

you require any helpplease give me a call. I can

also provide references.

Louise Buckingham01728 638667


Carpet and upholstery cleaningFriendly, local service

Carpet and Fabric ProtectorsApplied

Moth Treatments available01728 660186

Mobile 07867 681571


Local - trained to NVQ2Available for occasional or

regular care of theelderly/disabled.

Contact 07879 862991

Page 27




Tel: 638066


For details pleasecontact:

Lola Reeman01728 638305


Contact Gillian Olszak on 01728 638064 or (mobile)07800734531



TEL:01728-63823850P PER BAG

Page 28

Flybird Installations Ltd

Supply and installation of flyscreenwindows and doors

Inexpensive screens are effective inallowing ventilation whilst preventing

flying insects

Wide range of pest control productsand services

Contact : Chris SparkWeb : www.fbiltd.co.uk

Email : [email protected] : 01728 638110

Local meat!

Half lambs£6 per kilo

(approx £40-£60 per half)

Butchered and packed injoints/chops/mince etc.

and ready frozen

Phone Michael Cole on01728 638776

Doris & Mary

Quality home produced food at reasonable pricesSmall parties catered for e.g. Birthdays,

Christenings& Funerals We can supply Birthday Cakes (Sponge or Fruit), alsoHomemade Suffolk Rusks, Sausage Rolls, Scones, Pies,

Shortcakes, Sponges , and much more.

For more details please feel free to ring us, if noreply please leave your name & number and we

will return your call.Tel : 01728 638322

Page 29

VICTORIA HAYDENBody Control Pilates Teacher

01728 648171 or 07713 277176

Daytime and evening classes1:1 tuition

Classes available atBADINGHAM



Member of The Body ControlPilates Association

Member of The Register ofExercise Professions



Tel : 01728 638667Mob : 07773 008720

Email : [email protected]

Weed Control&

Garden Maintenance

Robert Harvey

01728 63864307906 65661007516 413635

Janet Barwell

Piano Lessons in Badingham

Experienced teacher has a fewVacancies

Beginners to Diploma levelAll ages welcome

Call 01728 638089


Page 30

Service 118 Stradbroke, Laxfield, Framlingham, Ipswich

Monday - FridayStradbroke 07:21 Ipswich, OCM 17:15Laxfield 07:31 Otley College 17:35Pound Corner 07:42 Framlingham, White Horse 18:00Framlingham, Bridge Street 07:52 Pound Corner 18:10Otley College 08:17Ipswich, OCM 08:41

Service 121 Halesworth, Ipswich

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, SaturdayHalesworth, Saxon Way 09:00 Ipswich, OCM 13:45Badingham, White Horse 09:33 Woodbridge, Turban Centre 14:10Woodbridge, Turban Centre 10:17 Badingham, White Horse 14:47Ipswich, OCM 10:45 Halesworth, Saxon Way 15:16

Service 569 Framlingham, Norwich

Wednesday Sch NSchFramlingham, White Horse 09:20 Norwich 13:45 14:45Dennington 09:26 Harleston 14:30 15:30Harleston 10:10 Dennington 15:17 16:17Norwich 10:55 Framlingham 15:23 16:23

Suffolk Links Loes

Our local “demand responsive transport” operates in the area bounded byYoxford, Earl Soham, Hacheston and Saxmundham, between the hours of07:00 and 19:00 Monday to Saturday. Call 01473 744 619 between 09:30and 13:30 (Monday to Friday) up to seven days in advance to book your jour-ney.

Journeys can be to anywhere in the served area and can connect with otherpublic transport, e.g. 'buses in Framlingham to Woodbridge and Ipswich ortrains at Saxmundham to Lowestoft or Ipswich.

Page 31

M.R. King & Sons


M.R. King & Sons have been successfully serving themotorists in The East of England since 1972.

We look forward to adding you to our extensive list ofsatisfied customers.

Lowestoft01502 573955

Saxmundham01728 603435

Lowestoft01502 525425

Halesworth01986 874464

• New & Used Vehicles• Finance• Servicing• Genuine Parts & Accessories• MOT’s• Bodyshop• Valeting• Tyres• Car Hire• Collection Service• Courtesy Cars

All Make SalesNew and Used atOur Woodbridge




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Emergency Services Use your grid reference if possible Dial 999POLICE Badingham Road, Framlingham 01473 613500

Halesworth HQ 01986 835300DOCTOR Pembroke Road, Framlingham 01728 723627DENTIST Framlingham Dental Surgery 01728 723651 VET Castle Vet’s Group, Framlingham 01728 723480 Neighbourhood Watch Sonja Russell 01728 638268 Play School Michele Cole 01728 638776 Primary School Dennington 01728 638206 High School Thomas Mills, Framlingham 01728 723493 Church (St John the Baptist) Reverend Jonathon Olanczuk 01728 638823 Library Bridge Street, Framlingham 01728 723735 White Horse Pub Philippe and Sarah Labat 01728 638280 Village Hall Bookings 01728 638385 Groceries Emmetts, Peasenhall 01728 660250 Window Cleaner Ed Parker 01728 660264 Milk Dairy Crest 01493 660400 Newspapers Patricks of Framlingham 01728 724414 DIY Materials Framlingham DIY 01728 723505 Hair Dressing Service Mandy 01728 638314 Taxi Service Country Cars 01728 638558 Parish Council Sue Piggott 01728 746622 Parish Recorder Victor Warne 01728 638357 Community Council Pauline Skevington 01728 602542 Brownies Jennie Collins 01728 638217 Maypole Wynne Willey 01728 638479 Womens Institute Margot Wolstenholme 01728 638770 Badingham Echo Editor - Sally Harvey 01728 720766


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