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Public health is defined as the combination of sciences, skills and beliefs that are directed to the maintenance and improvement of the health of all people.

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HEALTH?Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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SPECTRUM OF HEALTHIdeal healthPositive healthNegative or marginal healthIn apparent diseaseApparent diseaseDeath

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This confirms to the WHO definition of health

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POSITIVE HEALTHPerfect continuing adjustment between the individual and the environment

This definition indicates that health is a positive dynamic interaction between the individual and his surroundings with proper acclimatization to maintain health

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If the individual is in a state of equilibrium, he looks healthy, but he has no ability to adjust himself to his surroundings, then he is going to fall ill on the slightest adverse stimulus.

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IN APPARENT DISEASEDisease is a state of departure fro normal to the extent that the ordinary physiologic processes of the tissues and organs are not enough to restore the body to its normal functions. This disease is not recognized by the individual but can be discovered by examination and screening tests

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In this type of disease an individual is aware that she/he is suffering from an illness, whether he/she seeks medical care or not.

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HOST FACTORSHeredity and genetic factorsAge and sexHealth status Previous immunologic experiencePhysiologic stateLife style Socio-economic status

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RISK FACTORSThere are factors that make an individual, a family, a group of individuals, or a community more prone to a specific disease due to the presence of a certain factor which is not the direct causative agent.The causative agent may be known or unknown.The risk factors are related to the host or his/herself specific environment.

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VaccinationMotor-vehicle safetySafer workplacesControl of infectious diseasesDecline in deaths from coronary heart disease and strokeSafer and healthier foodsHealthier mothers and babiesFamily planning

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