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> Our mission is to provide quality natural health and beautyeducation and to prepare our students for a fulfilling professional career. We are committed to upholding ourtradition of providing excellence in natural health andbeauty education.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 3

4 ACNT Celebrates 25 Years

6 Degree Pathways8 Student Facilities10 ACNT Student Training Clinics11 Flexible or Fixed12 Student Payment Options14 International Students17 English Training18 Accreditation

20 Natural Medicine Courses

22 Employer Focus - Blackmores24 Student Interviews25 Graduate Interviews26 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy27 Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine27 Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy28 Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)29 Diploma of Nutrition30 Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Sciences31 Advanced Certificate in Iridology / Certificate in Iridology

32 Manual Therapies Courses

34 Employer Focus - Steiner Leisure36 Student Interviews37 Graduate Interviews38 Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies39 Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy40 Diploma of Remedial Massage41 Diploma of Sport (Athlete Support Services)

42 Diploma of Aromatherapy43 Certificate IV in Aromatherapy43 Certificate IV in Massage

44 Beauty Therapy Courses

46 Employer Focus - Voyages Hotels and Resorts48 Student Interviews49 Graduate Interviews50 CIDESCO51 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty and Spa Therapy52 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Aromatherapy53 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Nail Therapy

54 Distance Education Courses

54 Distance Education Course Facilities and Support56 Graduate Interview57 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy58 Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine58 Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy59 Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)60 Diploma of Nutrition61 Certificate IV in Aromatherapy62 Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Sciences62 Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Sports Nutrition63 Advanced Certificate in Iridolgy / Certificate in Iridology

64 Terms and Conditions

65 Enrolment Form

> Contents


Welcome to ACNT’s new web-enabled Prospectus. This Prospectus should be used in conjunction with the ACNT website.Information such as module lists, pricing, virtual tours and timetables are all available online at www.acnt.edu.au

The mouse symbol appears throughout this Prospectus to indicate a web-link.

Reference Key

For an easy reference, each Course Information box contains the following key:

Entire course available byDistance Education

Modules from course availableby Distance Education

Degree pathways availablePlease refer to page 6

Austudy, Abstudy and Youth Allowance Approved

Course available forInternational Students


> ACNT Celebrates 25 Years

In 2007 ACNT Celebrates 25 years! Thisis a long way from humble beginnings inBondi Junction 25 years ago to thecurrent ten storey campus spread acrosstwo buildings in Surry Hills.

ACNT is always expanding and improvingfacilities and reaching 25 years in theindustry is an achievement which thefounders are very proud of. It was onlylast year that two more floors wereadded and were officially opened by Mr.Brad Hazzard, MP, Shadow Minister forEducation who likened ACNT’s journeythrough Sydney to the “progression andacceptance of natural therapies inAustralia and an increase in demand forcourses in natural medicine from thewider community”.

In the 1970s Freida Bielik, Principal and founder of ACNT spent many yearsof sleepless nights at the local hospitalwith her son, Danny, who battledsevere asthma for many of his earlychildhood years.

Freida and her husband Peter were at aloss as to how to treat their son’s healthand through word of mouth werereferred to an osteopath who had beentreating asthma sufferers for many years.

This osteopath treated Danny throughouthis childhood and the results wereastounding. Today he is no longer asufferer of asthma and after amanagement career spanning Asia,Europe and the USA, in 1998 joinedACNT and is now the Managing Director.

Freida was inspired so much by this formof medicine that she went on herself tostudy osteopathy, chiropractic andnaturopathy. Once qualified, Freidastarted a small practice in Bondi. In 1982,along with her husband Peter, ACNT,then known as the Eastern SuburbsCollege of Natural Therapies, wasformed in modest premises in BondiJunction, NSW.

The College then consisted of oneclassroom and four treatment rooms inan office building near the Bondi Junctiontrain station. Quickly outgrowing thepremises the College moved to DoubleBay where Freida and Peter ran a rangeof successful massage weekendworkshops. Demand for these courseswas so high that it was soon necessaryto look for larger premises and so theCollege moved to occupy an entire floorof an office building in Ultimo. Originallyhalf the floor in Ultimo was sublethowever ACNT had to completelyresume the area within weeks as theCollege started its new Naturopathyprogramme. After leasing another floor inthe same building, then additional spacein a building across the street, it wassoon time to move again.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 5

The building in Bay Street, Broadwayseemed huge in comparison to thespace the College occupied in Ultimo,with plenty of room for a clinic,dispensary, larger classrooms, a commonroom and a rooftop terrace. Little didthey know this would soon beinsufficient with demand for ACNT’scourses growing at an astonishing rate.The ACNT Student Clinic then moved toits present position in a federation housein Glebe to alleviate the space problems.However room was still an issue so theCollege temporarily rented premisesacross the street before moving to thecurrent eight storey building in FoveauxStreet, Surry Hills.

In 2004 ACNT added two significantnew facilities at Surry Hills. The new SpaTherapy Training Facility is a day spa in aclassroom providing an unparalleledtraining environment allowing ACNTstudents to take advantage of thebooming industry. Another new additionin 2004 was ‘Nourish – ACNT Café andBookstore’, helping to nourish thebodies and minds of eager ACNTstudents and staff.

In 2006 ACNT expanded its horizonsonce again when the extension of twoadditional floors of the building next doorwere officially opened by Mr BradHazzard. This extension dramaticallyincreased two levels of ACNT not onlyadding more classrooms and offices butalso allowing for extended café,bookstore and library facilities.

After 25 years, ACNT is not only one ofthe largest colleges of natural medicineand beauty therapy in the world, it is alsoone of the most respected privateeducational providers recognised bymany world wide organisations,universities and industry associations.

Freida’s faith in natural medicine was sogreat that she not only believed that itcould cure her son, it became her dreamto educate others in natural medicine.This has successfully been achievedthrough establishing ACNT and her stronginvolvement in the natural therapiesindustry today, including serving as VicePresident of the Australian TraditionalMedicine Society (ATMS).

We hope this true life story inspires youthe way it inspired Freida and her family.

Message from the Principal

Twenty five years ago I could never haveimagined how ACNT would grow intothe thriving college that it is today. I am so proud of all ACNT’s staff andtheir commitment to the College overthe years.

Natural therapies have grown so muchduring the past three decades and Ipersonally feel honoured to be drivingsomething so amazing and life changing.With the high calibre of therapistsentering the natural therapies field eachyear, I am sure that our bloomingindustry will continue to grow withstrength and vigour.

We believe that our success over thelast 25 years is due to our superioracademic programmes with a strongemphasis on the scientific approach,combined with the natural therapiesphilosophy of treating the whole personrather than a symptom.

On behalf of the Board of ACNT, thestaff and faculty I warmly welcome youto Australasian College of NaturalTherapies. We wish you all the very bestin your future career.

Freida Bielik, DO, DC, NDPrincipal,Vice President –Australian Traditional Medicine Society

ACNT is always expandingand improving facilities andreaching 25 years in theindustry is an achievementwhich the founders arevery proud of.



> Degree Pathways

International College ofManagement, SydneyCRICOS Provider 01484M

The International College of Management,Sydney (ICMS) was established in 1996.In the last decade, it has established aproven track record of providing itsstudents with an educational experienceof the highest quality in an environmentthat prepares them for the demands oftheir future career.

ACNT in Sydney have teamed up withICMS to offer Australia’s first spa andhospitality management pathway leadingto a degree issued by MacquarieUniversity. In first year, students maystudy any of the ‘ACNT Pathways toICMS’, and then progress to completetwo years of hospitality training at ICMS.

Upon successful completionstudents receive the relevantdiploma from ACNT and aBachelor of Business

Administration specialising in HospitalityManagement from Macquarie University.Students completing the beauty streamalso complete the internationallyrecognised CIDESCO Diploma.

The uniqueness of the ACNT/ICMSprogram is that specialised institutionsare delivering the training that they arebest known for. ACNT has some of theworld’s best facilities for training spatherapists spread between the mainbuilding in downtown Sydney and thestudent clinic in Glebe.

ICMS is based in a historic buildingsurrounded by 20 hectares of parklandsand has extensive campus facilities,offering an authentic hotel environment.

Australian College of Applied PsychologyCRICOS Provider 01328A

ACNT graduates of the Diploma of Sport(Athlete Support Services) have theopportunity to continue their studies atthe Australian College of AppliedPsychology (ACAP) to give them a realcompetitive edge to an industry that iscompetitive by nature. The Diploma ofSport (Athlete Support Services) at ACNTis a comprehensive massagequalification and is designed to equip thestudents with the necessary skills toenter the diverse world of sport.

On completion of the Diploma of Sport(Athlete Support Services), graduates willreceive advanced standing for the first

year in Bachelor of Applied SocialScience specialising in Sport andPerformance at ACAP.

The Bachelor of Applied Social Scienceresponds to industry demands forgraduates who can work effectively withpeople, who understand and can usepractical and theoretical social science,and who can think critically andanalytically. Drawing on the theory andmethods of sports psychology, the Sportand Performance specialisationemphasises the integration of the mentaland emotional skills needed to elicit peakperformance. Particular attention is paidto stress and performance, self-esteemand motivation, and health psychology.Graduates with the combination ofRemedial Massage, Sports/AthleteManagement and Applied Social Scienceskills will be highly regarded as managersin the Sporting Industry.


Pathways to Bachelor of BusinessAdministration specialising inHospitality Management

> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beautyand Spa Therapy

> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty,Spa and Aromatherapy

> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty,Spa and Nail Therapy

> Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy

Pathway to Bachelor of Applied Social Science

> Diploma of Sport (Athlete Support Services)


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 7

Charles Sturt UniversityCRICOS Provider 00005F

Charles Sturt University (CSU) is one ofthe leading Australian universities forgraduate employment. A surveyconducted by the Graduate CareersCouncil of Australia in 2005 found that84.5% of graduates were in full-timeemployment at the end of their studiesat CSU.

ACNT has arrangements with CSU forseveral courses. On completion of therelevant courses graduates may apply toCSU for entrance into the Bachelor ofHealth Science (ComplementaryMedicine) degree using the ACNTqualification to gain advanced standing.

CSU in collaboration with ACNT are alsoproud to offer a unique programmecombining two qualifications into onethree-year programme – the Bachelor ofClinical Practice (Paramedic). Year one willbe studied at ACNT in Sydney, years twoand three will be taught in Bathurst, NSW.

This is a fantastic opportunity to gainmultiple qualifications in related areas,enabling graduates of this jointprogramme a unique skill set for a careerwith sporting teams or in the medicalenvironment. Students will acquire theknowledge and skills to apply foremployment as ambulance officers inparamedic and emergency care settingsin any state of Australia and overseas.They will also be taught to deal with awide range of musculoskeletal problemsutilising basic and advanced massagetechniques such as trigger points andsports injury treatments.

Charles Sturt University has aMemorandum of Understanding (MoU)with the largest ambulance provider inAustralia, the Ambulance Service of NewSouth Wales (ASNSW). Graduates are notonly actively recruited from thisprogramme by the ASNSW but byseveral other ambulance services as well.Upon successful completion of theDiploma part of the course at ACNT,students will then be qualified to practiceas a massage and/or sport massagetherapist whilst studying the final twoyears of their course.

Pathways to Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degree;

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition)

> Diploma of Nutrition

> Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

> Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy

> Diploma of Remedial Massage

Pathway to Bachelor of Clinical Practice(Paramedic) degree or Bachelor ofHealth Science (ComplementaryMedicine) degree;

> Diploma of Sport (Athlete Support Services)


> Student Facilities

Computer Room

ACNT has up to date computer facilitiesequipped with flat screen monitorsavailable to all ACNT students in thecomprehensive library. The computersare connected to ACNT’s high bandwidthbackbone and use high speed Internetfacilities. These facilities are all providedfree of charge to ACNT students.

Wireless Internet Access

For students with their own notebookcomputers, ACNT offers high speedwireless Internet access. Access is freeof charge and is available in most areasof the Surry Hills campus. Please contactthe library for a configuration sheet.

Library/Media Room

The expansion of ACNT’s library hasallowed for a far more comprehensivereference library of natural medicine andbeauty therapy texts also available isDVD format. Students may utiliseACNT’s library/media room for study andresearch purposes. These facilities areprovided free of charge to ACNTstudents and the library is open Mondayto Friday during semester.

Nourish – The Magazine of ACNT

Nourish with its fresh, vibrant look waslaunched in May 2005 and includesinterviews with ACNT graduates,timetables, clinic information includingprice lists, upcoming courses and generalinformation about the happenings atACNT. Nourish is available from receptionor in PDF format fromwww.acnt.edu.au/downloads or [email protected] to subscribe andreceive a copy in the mail.

Herbal Medicine & AromatherapyManufacturing Room

ACNT has a new dedicated HerbalMedicine and AromatherapyManufacturing Room. Students will usethe brand new facilities as part of therelevant professional courses.


ACNT’s Glebe Student Clinic has a wellequipped dispensary which includesherbal fluid extracts, homoeopathicremedies, Bach Flowers and AustralianBush Flower essences. Students mayuse this dispensary under the guidanceof the clinic supervisors. A number of‘practitioner only’ ranges of vitamins areavailable at a reduced rate for the benefitof students and patients.

Common Areas

Common areas are provided at the SurryHills campus for students’ comfort withfacilities including microwaves,refrigerators, student notice boards,lounges, chairs and tables. Students ofACNT are welcome to eat and drink inthese areas, undertake some quiet studyor find an area to relax between classes.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 9

Online Student Centre

One of the great developments over thelast few years has been the OnlineStudent Centre. The Student Centre is aphenomenal resource available to ACNTstudents studying any course andcontains links to news and courseinformation. There are also links toprofessional associations, libraries,magazines, journals, bookshops andother links pages.

The Online Student Centre is available atwww.acnt.edu.au/students

Student Portal

ACNT’s Student Portal allows studentsto check their own academic records,fee balances and change contact detailsover the Internet from anywhere in theworld. Using the Student Portal, ACNTstudents are able to gain access toinformation faster than ever beforewithout waiting for invoices or academictranscripts to arrive in the mail. Best ofall, ACNT provides this service free ofcharge to all students.

ACNT Online Café (Bulletin Boards)

ACNT’s online bulletin boards allowstudents and lecturers to interact witheach other outside of class hours. Thistremendous interactive tool has provenvastly to improve the learning experienceof students. ACNT has made the bulletinboards accessible to students of anycollege around the world, free of charge,to encourage exchange of ideas andknowledge and enhance globalcommunication amongst tomorrow’spractitioners.The ACNT Online Café isavailable from the Online Student Centreat www.acnt.edu.au/students

ACNT Job Finder

Two of the most frequent questionspotential students ask are “What will Ibe able to do with my qualificationswhen I graduate?” and “How easily will Ibe able to find work after I finish mycourse?” ACNT’s Job Finder was createdin 1998 and has proven to be a valuableservice to students, graduates andemployers alike. Updated on a dailybasis, you will discover an array ofworking opportunities both local andinternational. Many of ACNT’s graduateshave been employed by well knownindustry leaders such as Blackmores,Brauers Pharmaceuticals, GNC LiveWell,Voyages, Chiva Som (Thailand) andSteiner Leisure.

Nourish – ACNT Café andBookstore

Nourish - ACNT’s Café and Bookstorelocated on level one of the Surry Hillscampus is a great place to meet friendsor take a break in bright, comfortable,aroma filled surroundings. Nourish isyour one stop shop for healthy, nutritiousfood, textbooks, general reading andstationery needs.

Online Store

ACNT has its own online store enablingstudents to purchase course notes,books and products from Nourishsecurely over the internet. Please visitwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Bicycle Racks

ACNT provides bicycle racks in the carpark at the Surry Hills campus. Thesebicycle racks are for the exclusive use of ACNT students and staff and areprovided on a space available basis fornon-motorised bicycles only.


“I liked the professionalismof ACNT and the Student Clinic.

Given that I was coming from a

corporate background this was

important to me and I also

wanted to ensure that I got my

qualifications from a credible

institution that would be

recognised in Australia and

around the world.”

Jane Hills

ACNT Graduate

ACNT believes that graduating studentsshould be provided with thorough clinicaltraining in order to prepare them for theirfuture professional life. To this end,students enrolled in all professionalcourses are required to complete theirclinical hours at ACNT’s Student Clinics.Students at the Clinics treat patientsusing therapies such as remedialmassage, aromatherapy, naturopathy,nutrition, homoeopathy, herbal medicine,iridology, reflexology, spa therapy andnatural beauty therapy, under thesupervision of qualified clinic supervisors.Throughout their clinic trainingprogramme, skilled clinic supervisorsmonitor each individual student’sprogress, give tutorials and teachstudents how to record clinical data andprofessionally to liaise with their patientsand clients. The Clinics are a mostenjoyable and enlightening experiencefor ACNT students and many thousandsof satisfied clients can attest that theyare delighted with the facilities and theattention that they receive at the Clinics.Three hours free parking is available atthe Broadway Shopping Complex,located two minutes walk from the Clinicin Glebe.

A wide range of beauty and spatreatments are on offer including facials,waxing, manicures, pedicures, Vichyshower treatments and body wraps.These treatments are all performed bysupervised students and are offered atreduced rates. ACNT is very proud of itsClinics and are confident that studentswho wish to become professionalpractitioners of natural therapy andbeauty therapy will be able to achievethis goal through the experience thatthey will gain from attending ACNT’s‘finishing school’.

When students graduate from ACNTthey are not only well versed in thetheoretical aspect but also in practise,ensuring they are able confidently to jointhe natural and beauty therapy industries.

First Aid

All professional courses require first aidtraining as part of the course curriculumprior to commencing clinical training.Students who are required to completethe module SCI 146 – First Aid – Basic aspart of their course may complete this atany approved training provider in NSW.First aid courses which meet the nationalcompetencies for the National TrainingPackage HLTFA1A will be recognised forcourses requiring first aid training. As aconvenience Re-VIVA First Aid andResuscitation Training delivers thismodule on ACNT premises. Fees areadditional and must be paid directly toRe-VIVA. Information on Re-VIVA coursescan be found at ACNT reception.

Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers for ACNT Student Clinicsmake a fabulous gift and are sure toplease! Gift vouchers are available fromeither of the Clinics or from ACNT’swebsite at www.acnt.edu.au/clinic

> ACNT Student Training Clinics


> ACNT Wellness Centre


“ACNT has a prestigious reputationin the industry and is highlyregarded as the best college forbeauty therapy training withexcellent facilities. I wanted tomake sure that I was studyingwith the best the industry has to offer!”

Jaselle UyACNT Student

> Flexible or Fixed

At ACNT there are so many choices to study natural therapies and beautytherapy. There is a very wide range ofcourses available and students have theflexibility to create a timetable to suittheir lifestyle.

Fixed ProgrammesThis refers to courses that have astructured timetable and are organised so that the modules run consecutivelyi.e. the modules are run one after theother on the days attended. This optionis convenient for most people as itreduces the number of days it isnecessary to attend and quite often isthe quickest way to complete a course.

Mixed Mode – New to 2007This refers to courses that have astructured timetable with a twist. MixedMode is a combination of distanceeducation and on-campus evening andweekend classes. Designed to eliminatethe extra pressures of full-time or part-time commitments, Mixed Mode is ahassle free timetable and offers arealistic structure for full-time workerslooking to further their education.

Flexible DeliveryThis refers to the ability of students atACNT to complete a course at their ownpace. This offers the ultimate in flexibilityfor busy people or those withunpredictable schedules. At ACNTFlexible Delivery students may paymodule by module (this is a pay as yougo system) or may pay the annual fixedcourse price which, in mostcircumstances, affords considerablesavings. Students then sign up for one ormore modules at a time with the abilityto pick and choose from the timesavailable for each of the modules.

Distance EducationSome modules and even entirequalifications can be completed bydistance education and are ideal forpeople who wish to study fromanywhere in the world. Students canchoose to study some modules face toface and some by distance education.

How to EnrolStudents wishing to enrol for anyprofessional course must send in acompleted enrolment form together withthe deposit noted for the specific course.

Enrolments are also accepted over theInternet. Please visit the OnlineEnrolment Centre atwww.acnt.edu.au/enrol where thesecure form can be used to enroldirectly, or print an enrolment formwhich may be faxed or mailed to ACNT.

Students applying for a professionalcourse must have completed their highschool matriculation examination or beeligible for mature age entry, i.e. aged 21years or over at course commencementdate. Students who are under the age of18 at the commencement of a courserequire an interview with ACNT.

Fixed Programme and Mixed Mode

A course must be selected from theProspectus or from the ACNT website.Then, choose from the range of optionalsession times available from thetimetable in ‘Nourish – The Magazine ofACNT’ or from the ACNT website. Thencomplete an enrolment form or enrolonline at www.acnt.edu.au/enrol

Flexible Delivery and Distance Education

Select a course from the Prospectus orfrom the website. Then, choose themodules to study first and the appropriatesessions to attend (or choose to studythe module by distance education – ifavailable). A course advisor can help withthis process and the selection ofmodules. When more modules arerequired, please complete a Module Sign-Up form available from ACNT or fromwww.acnt.edu.au/downloads

A course advisor is always available toguide students through the optionsavailable on (02) 9218 8888 or by e-mailat [email protected]

> The Choice is Yours


ACNT offers a range of ways to finance acourse that will allow students to eithercomplete a course debt free or avoid theGovernment’s huge imposts. ACNT hasmany different methods to assist withthe payment of fees.

These facilities are just another way thatACNT is making natural therapies andbeauty therapy education moreaccessible to the Australian community.

Payment Option 1 - Prepay and SaveThis is an ideal way for students to paytheir course fees before theycommence study with ACNT and evenreceive a discount. This payment optionis available to students wishing toprepay a professional course. Thisoption is only available to studentsstudying face to face on campus,studying professional courses wherethe fixed programme duration is oneyear or more.

> Prepay and Save payments are onlyaccepted by direct debit or by creditcard

> No ACNT service fee is payable

> The first payment of the Prepay andSave plan must be paid in addition tothe $450 deposit for the course, inorder to commence the plan

> Payments will be deducted fortnightly

> No cheques or over the counterpayments will be accepted

> Students who prepay the entire coursefees from two months or longer priorto the commencement of the coursewill receive a 5% discount off the totalcost of the course, or a 5% discountoff the annual cost of the course forcourses longer than one year

> Students who prepay the entire coursefees from two weeks to two monthsprior to the commencement of thecourse will receive a 3% discount offthe total cost of the course, or a 3%discount off the annual cost of thecourse for courses longer than one year

Payment Option 2 - Annual PaymentStudents must pay the entire annualcourse fee, two weeks or more prior tothe commencement of a professionalcourse.Students using this paymentoption will receive a 5% discount whichwill be deducted from the fixed courseprice. This discount is only available tostudents studying face to face oncampus, studying professional courseswhere the fixed programme duration isone year or more and is only available tostudents who are NOT participating in aPrepay and Save plan (Payment Option 1).

Payment Option 3 - SemesterPaymentWhere a course has a duration of oneyear or more, two payments of 50% ofthe fixed price of the course must bemade. Each payment must be receivedtwo weeks prior to the commencementof each semester. This option is onlyavailable to students studying face toface on campus, studying professionalcourses where the fixed programmeduration is one year or more.

> Student Payment Options

Pay Fees In Confidence ACNT students have the added

confidence that the fees of both

Australian and international students

are well protected by Australia’s

largest body of private education

providers, the Australian Council for

Private Education and Training

(ACPET), through their Australian and

Overseas Students Tuition Assurance

Schemes (ASTAS & OSTAS).


Payment Option 4 - Pay While YouStudyACNT offers Pay While You Study plansto students for a variety of courses. Pay While You Study allows for regularpayments to be made throughout astudent’s course and are available toAustralian students for mostprofessional courses, subject to anapproval process being successful.Terms and conditions apply and chargesare payable. Please contact the StudentFinance Officer for details.

> Payment for Pay While You Study isaccepted by direct debit or by creditcard and a service fee is charged

> The first payment of Pay While YouStudy must be paid in addition to the$450 deposit for the course in order tocommence the plan

> Six equal fortnightly payments will bededucted for each semester of study

> No cheques or over the counterpayments will be accepted

> Penalties will be incurred for late ormissed payments, and/or cancellation

> Withdrawal from the course willnecessitate immediate and fullpayment of any remaining payments

This option is only available to studentsstudying face to face on campus,studying professional courses wherethe duration is one year or more. Thisoption is not available to internationalstudents.

Payment Option 5 - Module byModule PaymentStudents may pay for each modulewithin their course as they progress,paying for modules one at a time.

The entire cost of a course may behigher than paying the fixed courseprice using this option, however noadditional fees or charges are payableand no approval process is required.Please see the module price list at theback of this Prospectus or contact acourse advisor for further details. Thisoption is not available to internationalstudents.

> Students may pay for each module upto two weeks prior to thecommencement of each moduleaccording to the module prices at theback of this Prospectus

> Students may not change from thisModule by Module payment to anyother method of payment after threemodules of a course have been started

Deferred Student LoanThe National Australia Bank’s TertiaryStudent Package (TSP) loan is forstudents who are over 18 years of ageand are studying full time and allowsstudents to borrow between $2,000 and$20,000 to cover the cost of fees.

This loan is available to ACNT full timestudents who are either Australiancitizens or permanent residents. Termsand conditions apply and fees arepayable.

For more details please contact theNational Australia Bank on 13 22 65.Please apply to the bank at least onemonth prior to course commencementas ACNT cannot hold places pendingloan approval.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 13

ACNT has many courses that areapproved by the Australian Governmentfor the acceptance of internationalstudents. ACNT is host to hundreds ofinternational students, from countries asdiverse as Canada, the USA, the UK,Thailand, Indonesia, New Zealand,Sweden, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong,China, Malaysia, Germany, Italy, Brazil,the Czech Republic, the Netherlandsand Singapore.

ACNT assists international students asmuch as possible and can be contactedby telephone, email and by fax. All enquiries will always receive aprompt response. ACNT has dedicatedemail addresses for overseas students –[email protected] (Englishlanguage), [email protected] (Japaneselanguage) and [email protected] (Koreanlanguage).

ACNT also has a web page specificallydesigned for overseas students atwww.acnt.edu.au/international Updated information about enrolmentprocedures can be found here, as wellas links to various Govermentdepartments and a page detailing theaddresses and telephone numbers of allthe Australian Embassies, Consulatesand High Commissions around the world.

Studying in Sydney, AustraliaSydney is one of the most beautifulcities in the world, centred around theworld’s most celebrated harbour. Thereare hundreds of things to see and do inSydney when not studying. ACNT iseight minutes by train from the airport,five minutes by train from the HarbourBridge, Opera House, Circular Quay,The Rocks, Darling Harbour and threeminutes from the Queen VictoriaBuilding and the rest of Sydney’soutstanding shopping district. ACNT isalso walking distance from the largestChinatown in the southern hemisphere.

Australia’s beaches and wildlife are wellknown around the world and Australia isincreasingly becoming better known forits excellent food, fine wines, sportingprowess, science and technologyleadership and world class educationsystem. Add this to a relaxed outdoorlifestyle and agreeable weather and itbecomes apparent that Sydney is clearlyone of the top cities in the world forinternational students.

Cost of Living Australians enjoy one of the higheststandards of living in the world. Therelatively modest cost of living inAustralia is one of the main contributingfactors to our high standard of living.The Australian Governmentcommissioned a study to compare thecost of studying in Australia to othercountries and found that the total costof studying in Australia (including tuitionfees and living expenses) is consistentlylower than that of the United States andthe United Kingdom (source:Commonwealth Department ofEducation, Science and Training).

AccommodationA wide variety of high standardaccommodation is available in Sydney.As it is located close to Central Station,ACNT is convenient to just about everysuburb of Sydney.

Accommodation may be found in threemain categories: homestay, individual orshare accommodation. ACNT can assiststudents with their accommodationrequirements as well as organise pick upand welcome at Sydney InternationalAirport. Bookings may be made throughACNT. For further information pleaseemail [email protected]

Fees and PaymentPlease note that all fees are charged inAustralian Dollars. In all correspondencewith ACNT the use of Australian Dollarswill be assumed unless otherwise noted.

Fees for each course are outlined onthe relevant website pages. Fee payment for international studentsis slightly different than for Australianstudents. International students mustpay a $450 enrolment fee whenenrolling at ACNT in addition to thecourse fees.

When enrolling, a minimum of one halfyear’s fees must be paid, in addition tothe $450 enrolment fee to ensure classplacement. If the duration of the courseis six months or less the entire coursefees plus the $450 enrolment fee mustbe paid in full at the time of enrolment.

> International Students


ACNT subscribes to theOverseas Tuition AssuranceScheme (OSTAS) run by theAustralian Council forPrivate Education and

Training (ACPET) to ensure theprotection of international student fees.

Fees may be paid in person, by mail,telephone or over the Internet. ACNTaccepts cash, cheques from Australianbanks, Visa and MasterCard. Cash andcheques must be in Australian Dollars.

ACNT will also accept international bankdrafts in Australian Dollars. A bankshould be able to assist with this.

Please include additional funds to payfor the receipt of the money transfer.For assistance with international moneytransfers please contact ACNT.

Overseas Student Health Cover(OSHC) International students studying inAustralia must have private healthinsurance as a condition of a StudentVisa. Australia's national health system,Medicare only covers Australian citizensand permanent residents.

OSHC fees are paid to ACNT at thetime of enrolment. The cost of theOSHC differs depending upon theduration of a course. At the time ofprinting, the cost of single cover for oneyear is $342 and $171 for six months,however please check with ACNT forthe most up to date information.

There may be exemptions to thepayment of OSHC for students fromNorway and Sweden. Please check withACNT for details before applying.

Finance for British CitizensUK citizens may be eligible for financialassistance from the UK Government.ACNT is registered with the UKDepartment for Education and Skills asa Learning Provider. Please contactACNT for more information.

English Proficiency All courses at ACNT are taught in theEnglish language. ACNT courses requirea high level of proficiency in written andoral English.

ACNT requires students to demonstratean English proficiency equivalent to anIELTS score of 6.0. ACNT has partneredwith some of Sydney’s premier Englishlanguage colleges to assist students whomay not have sufficient English languagecapabilities, refer to page 17 for details.

Visas With the exception of New Zealandcitizens, all people wishing to enterAustralia require a visa or ElectronicTravel Authority (ETA) before arriving inAustralia. New Zealand citizens areissued with a visa on arrival.

International students enrolling beforearriving in Australia must apply to theAustralian Government for a StudentVisa. Student Visas allow students toreside in Australia for the duration oftheir course.

Once in Australia, students may applyfor permission to work up to 20 hoursper week during semester andunlimited time during holidays.Application is made to the Departmentof Immigration and Multicultural Affairsand a fee is payable.

Issuance of a visa or work permit is at thediscretion of the Federal Government.

Please refer to the ‘How to Enrol’section on page 16 for more information.

It is a requirement of a Student Visa thatstudents advise ACNT immediately ifthey change their Australian contactdetails. Where students fail to satisfycourse requirements relating toattendance or academic performance,ACNT is required to send a noticeinforming students of this to thestudent’s last known residential address.If this address is not current, automaticStudent Visa cancellation could occurwithout notification. Such cancellationmay not be revoked if it has occurredwhere students have failed to keep theprovider informed of their address.

Information about Student Visas can befound on the website of the Departmentof Immigration and Multicultural Affairswebsite at www.immi.gov.au

School Age DependentsAustralia prides itself on having one ofthe highest quality education systems inthe world. International students whointend to come to Australia with schoolage dependents are required to pay thefull fees for school age dependents fortheir schooling at either a governmentor non government school.

New Zealand Citizens At ACNT New Zealand citizens followthe same enrolment procedure asAustralian students. New Zealandcitizens are exempt from applying for aStudent Visa and OSHC requirementsand may study any course. NewZealand citizens pay the sameenrolment fee as Australian students.


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 15

How to EnrolEnrolment at ACNT is the first stepbefore applying for a visa. A student can enrol at ACNT by fax, mail or overthe Internet. A printable enrolment form can be downloaded atwww.acnt.edu.au/downloads or enrolelectronically at www.acnt.edu.au/enrol

To enrol a minimum payment of onehalf year’s fees for the course togetherwith the $450 enrolment fee, plusfunds for the compulsory OSHC isrequired.

Japanese and Korean Course AdviceCourse advice is available in bothJapanese and Korean.



Toll Free NumbersACNT can be called toll free from somecountries. Please note that courseadvisors are available during normaloffice hours in Australian EasternStandard Time (AEST), Monday toFriday.

> USA 1 866 257 3290

> UK 0800 028 9931

> New Zealand 0800 446 589

From other countries please call +61 2 9218 8888 (call charges apply) ore-mail [email protected]


Courses Available for International StudentsACNT has a number of full-time, nationally accredited courses which havebeen approved for the acceptance of international students.

Course Duration Page

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy 3 years 26

Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition) 2 years 28

Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies 1 year 38

Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy 1 year 39

Diploma of Remedial Massage 1 year 40

Diploma of Sport (Athlete Support Services) 1 year 41

Diploma of Aromatherapy 1 year 42

Certificate IV in Aromatherapy 15 weeks plus clinic 43

Certificate IV in Massage 15 weeks plus clinic 43

Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty and Spa Therapy 1 year 51

Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Aromatherapy 1 year 52

Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Nail Therapy 1 year 53

If alternative visa arrangements are able to be made, international students may be eligibleto study other courses. Please check with International Student Recruitment at ACNT.


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 17

English Language Training Add-on Courses ACNT has teamed up with some ofAustralia’s foremost authorities in Englishlanguage training.

Students whose first language is notEnglish can complete English languagetraining prior to entry into their chosenACNT course. The entire enrolmentprocess can be completed through ACNT.

ACNT can assist students to choose theEnglish language programme that is bestsuited to their existing language skills, andcan help to organise a smooth entry intoan ACNT course.

To determine what level of Englishlanguage training is required, pleasecontact ACNT at [email protected]



Australian Centre forLanguagesCRICOS Provider 00031Dwww.aclenglish.com

With 18 years of experience teachinginternational students, ACL specialises inEnglish for Academic Purposes coursesthat provide Direct Entry to many ofAustralia's leading universities and colleges.ACL also offers General English as well asinternships in a variety of industries. ACLprovides an exciting international studyenvironment, with impressive learningcentre and computer facilities, located in anhistoric building close to Sydney Harbourand the city centre.

ASPECT ILACRICOS Provider 00042A & 01165Dwww.aspectworld.com

The Aspect Group comprises 24 colleges inAustralia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland and theUSA. Aspect ILA Sydney started in 1989and has grown into one of the premierlanguage learning schools in Australia. A strong academic base matched with acommunicative style has students learningEnglish and enjoying the experience.Aspect College occupies a six level buildingin the Sydney CBD (approximately tenminutes walk from ACNT).

GEOS St Mark’sCRICOS Provider 00045Jwww.geos-sydney.com.au

GEOS St.Mark's Sydney is a member ofGEOS corporation and has been teachingEnglish since 1973. The college offersEnglish language programmes, greataccommodation options and a busy socialcalendar offering a complete lifeexperience. GEOS St Mark’s attractsstudents from over 30 different countriesenabling students to make friends with like-minded people and enjoy discoveringeverything Sydney has to offer.

Universal EnglishCollegeCRICOS Provider 00053Jwww.uec.edu.au

Universal English College (GV Sydney) isregarded as one of Sydney’s leading Englishlanguage schools with over 16 years ofexperience in the industry. The college isrecognised for the quality of its educationalprogrammes, its professional services, itsfacilities, and most of all its attention tostudents’ individual needs. UniversalEnglish College offers an excellent range ofprogrammes including three levels ofEnglish for Academic Purposes (EAP).

The Australian College ofEnglish (ACE)CRICOS Provider 00289Mwww.ace.edu.au

The Australian College of English (ACE) iswell known all over the world for the qualityof its English language and teacher trainingprogrammes. ACE was established inSydney in 1981, making it the longestestablished independent English languagecollege in Australia. Students successfullygraduating from ACE's Academic Englishcourses with the required grades can gaindirect entry into ACNT courses without theneed for an IELTS score. ACE has threeconveniently located campuses in Sydney.

Sydney English LanguageCentre CRICOS Provider00051M www.selc.com.au

SELC is an international language school,with students who come to study Englishfrom over 30 countries. Famous for morethan 20 years for its quality education andgreat atmosphere, it is 10 minutes from theworld-famous surf of Bondi Beach and, inthe other direction, the busy cosmopolitanarea of Sydney's CBD.

SELC offers a range of interesting coursesfor all levels from beginner to advancedincluding English for Academic Purposesand Cambridge Preparation. Students haveaccess to all modern language learningfacilities and can take part in an excitingsocial program in their free time.

Embassy CESCRICOS Provider 01682Ewww.embassyces.com.au

Embassy CES Sydney campus is located inAustralia’s most cosmopolitan, dynamic, yetrelaxed city. It is one of more than 20Embassy CES schools worldwide. Studentschose to study with us because they knowthat the Embassy CES global brand has areputation for quality and for putting theneeds and expectations of our studentsabove all else. Our Darlinghurst Sydneycampus shares its facilities with MartinCollege and Charles Sturt University StudyCentre and is a vibrant and energeticlearning hub for both international andAustralian students.

Access Language CentreCRICOS Provider 01738Ewww.access.nsw.edu.au

Access Language Centre is convenientlylocated only one block from Sydney’s CentralStation and is around the corner from ACNT.Courses include General English, AcademicEnglish, IELTS Preparation, and English forWork. Access specialises in work experienceprogrammes such as Internship and Work &Study and its central location allows studentsto combine work with study. The IELTSPreparation and Academic English coursesare designed to improve students’ levels ofIELTS within a short period of time.

Pacific GatewayInternational CollegeCRICOS Provider 02137Mwww.pacificgateway.net

Pacific Gateway offers a wide range ofintensive study programs such as EnglishCommunication Program, Business English,IELTS & English for Academic Purposes,TOEIC Preparation, Cambridge ExamPreparation, TESL program, InternationalBusiness Skills and Power Speaking. After school students also have theopportunity to take part in differentworkshops that help them to improve theirEnglish. Workshops include AustralianConversation Club, Movie Club, ReadingClub, Grammar and Accent Reduction.

> English Training


In 1993 ACNT was the first College inNSW to gain VETAB accreditation for thefull time Advanced Diploma ofNaturopathy course. This accreditationwas a major breakthrough for the naturaltherapies profession.

ACNT has since gained accreditation formany professional courses. Manycourses are also Austudy, Abstudy andYouth Allowance approved.

ACNT programmes are also recognisedby many Australian and internationalassociations. Whilst there are manyassociations in Australia covering a varietyof natural and beauty therapy professionsACNT has chosen to associate only withthe most reputable.

In 2003 ACNT became the first naturaltherapies college in the world to becomea CIDESCO International School.Founded in 1946 with its head office inZurich, Switzerland CIDESCO isrepresented in over 33 countries. TheCIDESCO Diploma is the world’s mostprestigious qualification in the field ofaesthetics and beauty therapy.

ACNT also offers international diplomacertification in a number of therapiesthrough the International TherapistsExamination Council (ITEC) based inLondon, UK and the InternationalFederation of Aromatherapists (IFA)based in London, UK.

Associations and Educational Bodies


> Association of Massage Therapists

> Association of ProfessionalAestheticians of Australia (APAA)

> Association of Remedial Masseurs(ARM)

> Australian Beauty Therapy ExaminingBoard

> Australian College of AppliedPsychology (ACAP)

> Australian Council for PrivateEducation and Training (ACPET)

> Australian Natural TherapistsAssociation (ANTA)

> Australian Traditional Medicine Society(ATMS)

> Charles Sturt University

> Commonwealth Register ofInstitutions and Courses forOverseas Students (CRICOS code 00220K)

> Homeopathic Association of NSW(HANSW)

> International College ofManagement, Sydney

> Lymphoedema Association ofAustralia

> National Herbalists’ Association ofAustralia (NHAA)

> NSW Vocational Education and TrainingAccreditation Board (Institution code 90410)


> Association of Massage Therapistsand Wholistic Practitioners

United Kingdom

> British Complementary MedicineAssociation (UK)

> British Lymphology Society

> Federation of Holistic Therapists (UK)

United States of America

> American Association of DruglessPractitioners (USA)


> International Federation ofAromatherapists (IFA)

> Comité International D'Esthetique etCosmetologie (CIDESCO)

> International Therapists ExaminationCouncil (ITEC and ITECProfessionals)

> Accreditation


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 19

Industry Support andAcknowledgementsACNT wishes gratefully to acknowledgethe support and contributions made bythe following organisations:

> Alternative Health Business Solutions

> Australian College of AppliedPsychology

> Blackmores Professional Services

> Brauer Biotherapies

> Bullivants

> Charles Sturt University

> Doctors Formula

> Eagle Pharmaceuticals

> Firm-n-Fold

> GNC Livewell

> International College ofManagement, Sydney

> International Dermal Institute

> Jurlique

> Life-Span

> Lions Soccer Club

> Martin and Pleasance

> Mancine Laboratories

> Manly Warringah Community College

> MediHerb

> Metagenics

> Nature and Health Magazine

> North Sydney Bears Rugby LeagueClub

> Phytomedicine

> Phytology

> Royal Hospital for Women

> Select Botanicals

> Steiner Leisure

> Sydney Football Club

> Sydney Swans Football Club

> The International Dermal Institute

> University of New South Wales

> Voyages Hotels and Resorts

“Now more than ever our profession is under constant scrutiny.The reason for this is because ourexpertise is needed now more than ever.Thus it is important that our educationproviders offer exemplary standards ofeducation. ACNT has been at theforefront of providing this standard formany years. However there is no restingon laurels. ACNT strives to improve eachyear and the end result of this ispractitioners who graduate with thebest possible preparation to face thesatisfying role of being a practitionerin primary health care.”

Bill Pearson – President, AustralianTraditional Medicine Society


> Contents22 Employer Focus

24 Student Interviews

25 Graduate Interviews

26 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

27 Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine

27 Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

28 Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)

29 Diploma of Nutrition

30 Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Sciences

31 Advanced Certificate in Iridology / Certificate in Iridology

> Natural Medicine


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 21

> Top Five Reasons to Study Natural Medicine at ACNT

1. ACNT has degree pathways to established Australian universities enabling students and graduates to further their education.

2. ACNT offers an exceptionally high quality of curriculum with a strong emphasis on human health sciences creating highly educated practitioners who are sought after by the industry’s leading companies.

3. ACNT has affiliations with many highly regarded associations recognised both nationally and internationally. These relationships open up a world of opportunities for ACNT students and graduates.

4. ACNT students studying naturopathy will gain additional qualifications in nutrition, western herbal medicine, homoeopathy and iridology ensuring that graduates are highly educated in all modalities of natural medicine.

5. ACNT places a high emphasis on clinical training. ACNT’s Student Training Clinics are second to none with specialist equipment and first class clinical facilities.


Blackmores began in the 1930s inQueensland, Australia and was the visionand passion of Australia's pioneeringnaturopath, Maurice Blackmore. Thecompany is customer-focussed andinspires people to take control of, andinvest in, their health and wellbeing.Blackmores is a leader in developing andmarketing products, both consumer andpractitioner-only brands, and services thatdeliver a more natural approach to healthbased on expertise in vitamins, minerals,herbs and other nutrients.

The core belief of taking a holisticapproach to managing one’s health isevident in many of the activities thecompany undertakes in supporting staffand the community. As an example,Blackmores Naturopathic AdvisoryService is staffed by qualifiednaturopaths and has taken more than55,000 calls from consumers, healthprofessionals and pharmacy staff overthe past year as well as responding tomore than 10,000 email requests forhealth advice.

The company is strongly committed toresearch and development. An expandedresearch program is progressing rapidlywith continued support for many studiesand trials for the efficacy of both existingproducts (for further conditions) andproducts on the drawing board.

Blackmores has been listed as one of thetop employers in Australia, winning aHewitt Best Employers Award for 2005.As a company Blackmores has longrecognised the importance of retaininghigh quality staff and keeping theworkforce motivated and passionate.Career development and training withinthe company is strongly supported.

> Employer Focus

> Blackmores

“There is nothing more natural than

good health – that’s the message my

father and our company,

Blackmores, have been delivering for

more than 70 years. I believe

education and accreditation are vital

to our industry’s credibility and

growth. For over 20 years,

Australasian College of Natural

Therapies has contributed to raising

standards, training people and

building links between those

individuals and organisations who

have an interest in a more natural

approach to health. I am proud that

Blackmores has had such a long

association with you.”

Marcus Blackmore

Chairman, Blackmores Ltd.


An Interview with Pam Stone,Director of Education, Blackmores

What can ACNT graduates expectwhen starting work withBlackmores?

ACNT graduates can expect to work withlike minded people who are committedto promoting and applying the principlesof naturopathy.

Where can they work?

Qualified naturopaths are employed inseveral departments within the company,including Education and Advisory,Professional, New Product Development,Technical, Sales and Scientific Affairs.

What is the quality of ACNTgraduates?

ACNT graduates working at Blackmoresdisplay a professional approach anddemonstrate a high standard ofknowledge of natural therapies.

What are the career prospectsfor graduates?

ACNT graduates who take up a rolewithin Blackmores can find excellentcareer opportunities in different areas ofthe company. Our Naturopathic AdvisoryService employs qualified naturopaths ineither part or full time roles, our TrainingDepartment offers opportunities todevelop a career in training people at alllevels, from healthcare professionalssuch as GPs, pharmacists, naturopaths,to trade and consumer training.

Naturopaths are employed in ourProfessional Department, in ProductDevelopment and technical areas asmedical writers and in sales roles.

Additional qualifications in business ormarketing would also place a graduate inan excellent position to take on roles inother areas of the company. Blackmoresemploys more naturopaths than anyother company in the world.

Is there anything else that youwould like to add?

Blackmores places the highestimportance on education, as we strive tomotivate people to take control of theirown health and wellbeing. We applaudthe emphasis of ACNT in providingquality educational programs, to equipgraduates with skills and direction thatwill allow them to lead fulfillingprofessional lives, to make a positivedifference to the health of others, and toassist in establishing natural healthcaresolutions as the first choice for allAustralians.


“ACNT offered, and still continues

to offer a more science basedcourse, which I see as essential for

working in healthcare. Studying at

ACNT has enabled me to follow my

career path of choice. The sheer

breadth of study offered has given

me the scope I needed to specialise

and to develop my skills early

on in my career.”

Alison Bull

ACNT Graduate

Product Development

Technical Support


ACNT 2007 Prospectus 23

Name: Rosaria Nithart

What course are you studying? Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition). I also plan to study theAdvanced Diploma of Naturopathy.

Why did you decide to do your course?I wanted to have a career change after morethan 15 years spent in corporate business.Last year I strongly felt that I wanted to offermy life a new start, and to have a moreinteresting career. Nutrition is the basis ofeverything and I have always beeninterested in it; I deeply believe that we arewhat we eat. If only people were moreaware of what they eat, there would be farless diseases.

Are you enjoying your course?Yes, a lot.

Why did you choose ACNT?Last summer my husband came backhome from the Australian Embassy in Pariswith an ACNT Prospectus. I would havenever imagined how much my life couldhave changed in such a short time!

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course?I have plenty of ideas about myprofessional future. It will depend uponmany things. However, if I go back toEurope I would like to practise as anutritionist and naturopath. Anotherinteresting project would be that ofteaching young children and their familiesabout the importance of nutrition, I believeit is extremely important that theyunderstand the need of having a healthydiet. The sooner healthy nutrition habits aretaken the better for the whole family.Nutrition is prevention and many seriousconditions could be greatly avoided with alittle effort and more information.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I worked as Personal Assistant for manyinternational companies in Italy and France.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?Completely, 100%! And the best thing isthat once you get started studying naturaltherapies, you never want to stop studying!This is such a fascinating area and there areso many interesting therapies to learn thatthe only wish is to increase your knowledgeas much as possible.

What is the best part of studying at ACNT?There is such an international environment,and lecturers are very competent and highlyqualified. It is extremely interesting forstudents to be in touch with therapists whonot only share their knowledge and passionwith us but also their daily experience asnaturopaths and nutritionists. Otherinteresting aspects are the variety ofmodules offered by ACNT and the flexibility,thanks to which students can upgrade theircourses very easily.

Name: Paul J Stout

What course are you studying?Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy.

Why did you decide to do your course?After a back injury and being out of workfor three years I needed to study to get arespectable job. I have always beeninterested in natural remedies rather thanmodern day medicine. I thought there mustbe a better way than just treating thesymptom. I had been on pain killers anddisliked taking them as they were onlycovering the problem and not curing it. I wanted to get back to basics without theside effects.

Why did you choose ACNT?After looking around ACNT were moreorganised and more professional. I foundthe ACNT course offers more qualificationswhen you graduate.

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course?I’d like to start my own business as anaturopath. Ideally I would like to manage apractice, something similar to a medicalcentre where patients could be treated bynaturopaths, homeopaths, massagetherapists and a G.P. A place wherepatients can come and be looked after andreceive the best treatment possible whichcovers all aspects of medicine.

Are you enjoying your course?Yes. The second year was the toughest. Inthe end though it all comes together.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?Prior to my back injury I was a ComputerAnalyst Programmer for Qantas.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?It has motivated me to look at my ownhealth, my family’s health and to helpothers.

Anything else you’d like to add?Herbal medicine has its place, as doeshomoeopathy, massage and modern daymedicine. The idea is that we all cometogether and find the best possible cure forthe patient.

> Student Interviews


> Graduate Interviews

Name: Alison Bull

What course did you study? Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (BHScNaturopathy).

Why did you decide to do your course? Naturopathy has been my career of choicefrom about the age of twelve. I had workedin the industry since I was 14, so it was anatural progression to become a qualifiedNaturopath.

Why did you choose ACNT?ACNT offered, and still continues to offer amore science based course, which I see asessential for working in healthcare.

When you started your course did youhave a career in mind? I started in 1999 and always thought Iwould love to practise. Throughout theprogression of my course I discovered thatthere was potential for me to also work inresearch, which sparked an interest inpursuing this avenue down the track.

Where do you work?I currently work in a multidisciplinary clinicas a consulting Naturopath at HealthwiseClinic North Sydney. I also hold a technicalrole in the Research and DevelopmentDepartment at Blackmores Ltd.

Do you enjoy your career? I love the mix of research and practise, Inever get bored as there is alwayssomething new I can try both in practiseand when formulating for a new product.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I had just completed a degree inPsychology.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction? Studying at ACNT has enabled me to followmy career path of choice. The sheerbreadth of study offered has given me thescope I needed to choose to develop myskills in a specifically early on in my career.

What do you aim to do in the future? I will continue to mix both practice andresearch and development, however,consolidation of my psychology backgroundwith naturopathy is the future direction formy clinical practice.

What is the best part of your job/career?The rewards of work are intellectual,spiritual and communitarian nature. Theopportunity to make a difference to peopleon an individual level and also for a widerpopulation, while also being at the forefrontof a rapidly growing area of research is veryfulfilling.

Name: Jeff NiewenhuizenJeff is the Holistic Health Manager at ChivaSom International Health Resort in Thailand.

What course did you study?I studied an Advanced Diploma ofNaturopathy at ACNT finishing back in1999. Since then I've been in Thailand.

Why did you decide to do your course?I’d always been interested in healingespecially through diet. After seven years inthe police force I thought that a change incareer was worth looking at, so after a yearof travelling I thought I would give naturaltherapies a go. I had some knowledge ofwhat naturopaths did so I looked into it andchose that direction.

Why did you choose ACNT?I was travelling in Thailand at the timewhen my sister sent some prospectuses tome. I had a look at a few different collegesand ACNT sounded good and it was easyfor me to get to since my family are inWollongong.

What position do you hold at Chiva Som?At present I’m the Holistic HealthDepartment Manager, answering to theHealth and Wellness Director. Originally Icame in 1999 as a locum naturopath for sixweeks whilst the naturopath at the time,another ACNT graduate, Stephanie Lawler,went on holidays. I returned in 2000 on a full time contract.Since that time I've moved more intomanaging the whole Holistic HealthDepartment. I now manage a number ofholistic therapists specialising in bodywork,nurses, including those specialising incolonic hydrotherapy, a number of doctors,chiropractors, acupuncturists as well as thetherapy side of our five naturopathicallytrained Health and Wellness Advisors.

Are you enjoying your job?It’s inspirational as Chiva Som is regardedthe best destination resort in the world. Onthe therapist side it’s hard to beat, there’snot many other places where a naturopathcan get free reign to add in treatments andtherapies as we have done here; last yearwe added bioterrain testing along with liveblood analysis, trained by one of the mostknowledgeable practitioners in the UK.

Do you believe your training at ACNTassisted you in this opportunity?I think the commitment that ACNT has toproviding strength in all the naturopathicmodalities has been invaluable. The crosssection of skills and abilities of naturopathsto think laterally across modalities hasenabled a comprehensive approach tohealth which means that we have beenable to raise our standards here, improvingmany areas with only a limited ability toincrease staff. I don’t think I could haveimplemented a number of things withoutthe assistance of our five naturopaths.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 25

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is an umbrella term thatencompasses many forms ofcomplementary and natural medicinemodalities. A naturopath is a personwho practices several of these formsor modalities and who also has a solidgrounding in the medical sciences.The three major modalities withinnaturopathy are nutrition,homoeopathy and herbal medicine.

ACNT trained naturopaths are holisticpractitioners who throughout this coursewill gain extensive knowledge in avariety of health sciences includingchemistry, biochemistry, pathology,symptomatology, diagnosis andpharmacology. In addition to thesehealth sciences a wide range of naturaltherapies subjects such as herbalmedicine, nutrition, homoeopathy,iridology and other naturopathicmodalities are also taught ensuring thatACNT graduates are highly regardedprofessionals.

Upon successful completion of thiscourse graduates will be awarded thefollowing qualifications: the AdvancedDiploma of Naturopathy, the AdvancedDiploma of Western Herbal Medicine,the Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathyand the Diploma of Nutrition.

The modules may be studied face toface or by distance education, or acombination of the two.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Three years full time

Flexible Delivery and Part Time Options:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 044543E)

Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualifications:

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy(HLT60502)

Advanced Diploma of WesternHerbal Medicine (HLT60102)

Advanced Diploma ofHomoeopathy (HLT60602)

Diploma of Nutrition (40112SA)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6NP

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Advanced Diploma of NaturopathyNTIS CODE HLT60502


Clinic Training and First AidAdvanced Diploma of NaturopathyPlease contact a course advisor for clinichours. This course requires the completionof 'Apply Basic First Aid - HLTFA1A'.

Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal MedicineThis course requires 250 hours of practicalclinical training and the completion of'Apply Basic First Aid - HLTFA1A'.

Advanced Diploma of HomoeopathyThis course requires 250 hours of practicalclinical training and the completion of'Apply Basic First Aid - HLTFA1A'.

Please refer to page 10 for moreinformation.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the followingcourses will receive electronic notes:

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

Printed notes may be purchased from‘Nourish – ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’or online at www.acnt.edu.au/nourish

www.acnt.edu.au/6HO 27

What is Herbal Medicine?

Herbalists are trained in the use ofherbal medicines using a combinationof hundreds of years of experienceand modern scientific methods to helppromote health and restore balance indisease. Herbalists believe that usingcomplex herbs rather than isolatedconstituents ensures a much moreeffective and holistic treatment.

This course is based on the westernherbal medicine tradition which reachesback to Greek and Roman times andbeyond to Ancient Egypt. It covers thehistory and principles of herbal medicineand compares the traditions of the major

systems of Ayurvedic and Chinesemedicine. Students will learn theprinciples of plant identification, actions,indications and prescriptions of hundredsof herbs, as well as how to manufacturea range of herbal preparations.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Three years part time

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6HM

Please refer to the key on page 3


What is Homoeopathy?The central theme of homoeopathy isthe principal of ‘similia similabuscurantur’ which translates as ‘likecures like’. Homoeopathy is a systemof medicine that works by givingpatients a dilute dose of a substancethat in a cruder form would causesymptoms similar to that which thepatient is experiencing. Homoeopathyhas been used successfully onhumans as well as animals.

The preparation of homeopathicmedicine is a unique procedure with themedicines in some instances beingdiluted beyond a measurable level. Atthis point medicines increase theirtherapeutic potential with their sideeffects being simultaneously minimised.

This course is designed to take studentsfrom the most fundamental theoreticalbasis to a level of being a safe andcompetent homeopathic practitioner.Studies will focus on classic homeopathicprinciples including history and philosophy,intensive materia medica (the study ofhomeopathic medicines, case taking andprescribing), pharmacy, manufacturing ofremedies, and clinical application.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Three years part time

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6HO

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Advanced Diploma ofWestern Herbal MedicineNTIS CODE HLT60102

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy



What is Nutrition?

Natural nutrition is an understandingof the metabolic pathways involved inthe breakdown of ingested nutrientsand how many disease states may beprevented by correcting the deficiencystate using diet and vitamin, mineraland amino acid supplements.

This course is a more comprehensiveversion of the Diploma of Nutritioncourse with more advanced training innutrition and diet related fields, healthsciences, diagnostics as well astreatment modalities.

Some of the additional areas coveredinclude nutritional management in renal,cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrineand immune disorders, palliative care,pregnancy and paediatrics; diagnosticlaboratory techniques, iridology,additional symptomatology and diagnosismodules as well as counselling. Theadditional treatment modalities includeBach Flowers, Australian Bushflowersand Schuessler Tissue Salts.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 250 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in this course willreceive electronic notes. Printed notesmay be purchased from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgrade tothe following qualifications at ACNT, withadvanced standing for modules alreadystudied:

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western HerbalMedicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Two years full time

Flexible Delivery and Part Time Options:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 052764C)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6NU

Please refer to the key on page 3




> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Two years part time

Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5NU

Please refer to the key on page 3



www.acnt.edu.au/5NU 29

> Diploma of Nutrition

What is Nutrition?

Natural nutrition is an understandingof the metabolic pathways involved inthe breakdown of ingested nutrientsand how many disease states may beprevented by correcting the deficiencyusing diet and vitamin, mineral andamino acid supplements.

This course encompasses many aspectsof natural nutrition and is designed togive graduates a thorough understandingof the human body in health and disease.It also involves the impact of nutritionalintervention on the maintenance of health.

Students will gain a comprehensivescientific and traditional understanding ofholistic nutrition through the study ofhuman sciences such as anatomy,physiology, pathology, pharmacology,nutritional and dietary concepts. Thistogether with clinical experience willenable students to apply nutritionalassessment, dietary and supplementalintervention at a professional level.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 100 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in this course willreceive electronic notes. Printed notesmay be purchased from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgrade tothe following qualifications at ACNT, withadvanced standing for modules alreadystudied:

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition)

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western HerbalMedicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

What is ‘Nutritional Sciences’?

This course is suitable for graduates ofother professional courses who believethat a grounding in basic naturopathicnutrition would complement theirother therapies. It is also designed forthose students who require aknowledge of nutrition for the purposeof working within the healthimprovement industry, e.g. health foodstores, health resorts, aerobic exercisecentres and gymnasiums.

The course principally coverscarbohydrates, proteins and fats,digestion, absorption and metabolism,advantages and disadvantages of themany foods people eat and diets for boththerapeutic and everyday use.

Students who wish to become a fullyqualified nutritionist will need tocomplete the Advanced Diploma ofApplied Science (Nutrition) which isoutlined on page 28 in this Prospectus.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in this course willreceive electronic notes. Printed notesmay be purchased from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgrade tothe following qualifications at ACNT, withadvanced standing for modules alreadystudied:

> Diploma of Nutrition

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition)

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western HerbalMedicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Six months part time

Flexible Delivery and Evening Options:

Consult course advisor

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/2NU

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Advanced Certificate inNutritional Sciences




What is Iridology?

Iridology is a form of diagnosis usingthe iris of the eye. The colours andmarkings of the iris reflect the state ofthe body making iridology a very usefuldiagnostic tool. Most naturopaths andallied health professionals use iridologywhen looking for areas of potentialhealth weaknesses in a client; oftensomething seen in the eye will confirma diagnosis or suggest a new path ofinvestigation.

At ACNT iridology is based on theAustralian and German systems.Students will learn topics such as thehistory and principles of iridology,anatomy and physiology of the eye andassociated structures, cause andinterpretation of iris colours and theidentification and interpretation of iris-sclera and pupil signs.

The iridology modules in the Certificateand Advanced Certificate of Iridology areidentical, however the Advanced Certificatealso contains additional modules.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in this course willreceive electronic notes. Printed notesmay be purchased from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgrade tothe following qualifications at ACNT, withadvanced standing for modules alreadystudied:

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western HerbalMedicine

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition)

> Diploma of Nutrition

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Course InformationFlexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

Additional InformationComplete module lists and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/2IR orwww.acnt.edu.au/1IR

Please refer to the key on page 3

> Advanced Certificate in Iridology/ Certificate in Iridology

www.acnt.edu.au/2IR | www.acnt.edu.au/1IR 31

> Contents34 Employer Focus

36 Student Interviews

37 Graduate Interviews

38 Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

39 Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy

40 Diploma of Remedial Massage

41 Diploma of Sport (Athlete Support Services)

42 Diploma of Aromatherapy

43 Certificate IV in Aromatherapy

43 Certificate IV in Massage

> Manual Therapies


> Top Five Reasons to Study Manual Therapies at ACNT

1. ACNT has degree pathways with Charles Sturt University, the Australian College of Applied Psychology and the International College of Management, Sydney for manual therapy courses enabling students and graduates to further their education.

2. ACNT offers an exceptionally high quality of curriculum with a strong emphasis on sciences creating highly educated practitioners who are sought after by the industry’s leading companies.

3. ACNT has affiliations with many highly regarded associations recognised both nationally and internationally. These relationships open up a world of opportunities for ACNT students and graduates.

4. ACNT offers one of the widest range of courses in manual therapies in Australia including the unique Diploma of Remedial Massage and Spa Therapy course. Exclusive qualifications such as this make ACNT graduates exceptionally employable.

5. ACNT places a high emphasis on clinical training. ACNT’s Student Training Clinics are second to none with specialist equipment and first class clinical facilities.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 33

US-based Steiner Leisure is a globalorganisation that operates one of thelargest networks of spas in the world.Their portfolio includes spas in cities andresorts around the world as well as thelargest network of spas on cruise linersin the world.

Founded in 1901 by Herman Steiner inLondon, Steiner Leisure operates spasunder many different brands including:

Elemis Day Spas – Includes spas inLondon, England, and Las Vegas,Connecticut and Florida in the USA.

Mandara Spas – an upmarket, luxury spachain located mostly in major hotels inexotic locations such as Aruba, theBahamas, Thailand, Fiji, Indonesia,Malaysia, Guam, Saipan, Tahiti, Moorea,Bora Bora and Hawaii. Mandara Spas atSea operate spas on the deluxe SilverSea Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines andOrient Line.

Steiner Spas at Sea – Steiner is theworld’s largest operator of spas on cruiseships, running over 100 spas for around19 of the world’s best known cruise linesincluding Carnival Cruise Line, CelebrityCruises, Cunard Cruise Line, DisneyCruise Line, Holland America Lines,Orient Cruises, Princess Cruises,Radisson Seven Seas, Royal CaribbeanCruise Line and Windstar Cruises.

In order to operate these spas SteinerLeisure requires a veritable army ofmassage and beauty therapists. Steinerchooses to source their therapists onlyfrom the world’s best colleges, includingAustralasian College of Natural Therapies(ACNT).

ACNT graduates are hand picked toattend Steiner’s own training facility inLondon, England for rigorous trainingbefore being given their assignment,whether it be providing massageservices in a land based spa in Bora Boraor providing beauty therapy serviceswhilst sailing around the Caribbean.

> Employer Focus

> Steiner Leisure

“I will always be grateful to

ACNT for being so professional

and having such a

comprehensive ‘Job Finder’ on

their website. If it were not for

this level of professionalism, I’m

sure I would not have been

considered for a world-class

career and found such a

wonderful journey to embark


Natalie Lindenau

ACNT Graduate

Therapist, Steiner Leisure









An interview with Janine Leagh,Recruitment Manager Australasia,Steiner Leisure

What can ACNT graduates expectwhen starting work withSteiner?

Hard work! We put all our staff throughan intensive three to six week trainingprogram in London, England prior tojoining our five star spa teams. On joininga vessel staff can expect to work a fiveday week plus continuous trainingonboard. Our Spas run at the highestpossible standard and our staff canexpect to be part of the finest spa teamswhilst travelling the world and gettingpaid for it!

Where can they work?

All over the world.

What is the quality of ACNTgraduates?

ACNT graduates are of a high quality andwork well within our five starenvironment.

What are the career prospectsfor graduates?

We have an excellent ManagementTraining Program as well as many careeropportunities such as Operations, landbased resort spas worldwide, trainers,sales etc.

Is there anything else that youwould like to add?

Ensure you sign up today to become partof the best industry in the world!

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 35

> Student Interviews

Name: Marianne Gegeckas

What course are you studying? Diploma of Sport (Athlete SupportServices).

Why did you decide to do your course?I have loved and played sports ever since Iwas a child.

Why did you choose ACNT?ACNT had a tailor made course that suitedme and I liked the fact that I was able toadd other modules in addition to mycourse.

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course? I would like to become a sports massagetherapist working with sporting people andteams.

Are you enjoying your course?I love the course and the extra modules Iam studying such as Australian BushFlowers, Bach Flowers and Aromatherapy.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I was a Personal Assistant for the pastthree years but the job didn’t satisfy me. I was always looking for a career in naturalhealth. After leaving my job I lookedaround at massage courses and foundACNT.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?The understanding of all the wonderfulmodules at ACNT has deepened myinterest for health and wellbeing evenmore. Now I definitely know that being amassage therapist is the right path for me.

What is the best part of studying atACNT?Deepening my knowledge and meetingmany great people!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?I strongly recommend ACNT to others.

Name: Martin Roddis

What course are you studying?Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies.

Why did you decide to do your course?The diploma was so comprehensive itseemed to integrate so many of thesubjects that I was interested in and wouldgive me insights into many more that Ididn’t have a clue about. The comprehensivemix of different modalities, theoretical andpractical based content seemed to providea real balanced approach to the industry.

Why did you choose ACNT?After extensive research I decided that thedepth and quality of the course, togetherwith personal recommendations, that ACNTwas the best choice. There are otherproviders but the international reputationand flexible approach of ACNT made it theonly real choice.

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course?I have just re-established contact with myold meditation teacher back in England whoafter finding out I was studying thesemodalities asked me to help him establish acleansing centre in Bali.

Are you enjoying your course?The course has been both enjoyable andinformative and it’s given me a real taste foreducation again after being out of thesystem for over 15 years. I believe that Iwill be back to ACNT to take up morecourses and specialise more in some of themodalities I have only done the basics in.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I managed my own IT business with officesin England and Australia working long hoursand getting very little back in terms of jobsatisfaction.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?One year ago I did not plan on having ahealth business in Bali, and being thenewest member of staff starting out in anew career. ACNT has given me theopportunity to stop and change thedirection my life was going in.

What is the best part of studying atACNT?Apart from the great location, it has to bethe degree of professionalism from theteaching team and their ability to imparttheir knowledge in a structured andpractically focussed manner. The varioussubjects all seemed to just come togetherfrom studying anatomy and physiology tothe practical application of that knowledgein class and in the Clinic.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?Over and above the course structure andcontent, I would like to say that ACNT hasdemonstrated on a number of occasionsthat it’s an organisation made up of realpeople that actually do take an interest andcare for the students.


> Graduate Interviews

Name: Natalie Lindenau

What course did you study?Diploma of Remedial Massage.

Why did you decide to do your course? I was interested in the natural therapyindustry and the Diploma of RemedialMassage was a good course to enter theindustry with.

Why did you choose ACNT?Professionalism and cost effective paymentplan.

When you started your course did youhave a career in mind? I wanted to be a Massage Therapist to startwith, and then see where that could takeme. Since making the decision to become aqualified Remedial Massage Therapistthrough ACNT, a world of opportunitiesopened up to me – literally!

What did you do once you finished yourcourse?Immediately after graduating, I found workalongside a well-respected Physiotherapistin Wollongong. Most of the clientele werefootball players, amongst private patients,where I acquired 18 months of practicalwork in mostly sports injuries and deeptissue massage.After those 18 months, I got the travel bugand stumbled across an advertisement onthe Job Finder website of ACNT. It read‘Steiner Cruise Ship Employment in the SpaIndustry’. I had heard about cruise ship jobsbeing hard work with low pay and notmuch time off. However, there wassomething about this advert that had an airof class about it and made me think twice. I attended interviews and two weeks later Ireceived a letter in the mail stating I hadbeen successful in my application and couldI please commence 12 weeks training inLondon, England. I was ecstatic!

Did you enjoy your position at SteinerLeisure?In summary, yes it was hard work, howeverthe sights and experiences made it wellworth it.

The highlights of my time on the shipwould definitely be experiencing manyEuropean countries, Scandinavia, Russiaand of course Africa. I can’t forget tomention the cruise that was booked outentirely by a very famous person, who thencancelled at the last minute – a nonrefundable policy at late notice enabled thecruise to be given to the staff, so weenjoyed the facilities of a 6 Star Cruise Shipamongst the Greek Islands to ourselves for12 days! And thirdly, the amounts of moneyto be made were definitely in your sights. If you looked after your guests they wouldtip very generously.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction? It gave me the opportunity to travel and seemany parts of the world, which in turn,helps develop a person’s maturity. I willalways be grateful to ACNT for bothproviding the professional qualifications,and having such a comprehensive ‘JobFinder’ section on their website. If it werenot for this level of professionalism, I’msure I would not have been considered fora world-class career and found such awonderful journey to embark upon.

Name: David Granata

What course did you study? Diploma of Sports Injury Therapies,Certificate IV in Massage, Diploma of Sport(Athlete Support Services).

Why did you decide to do your course? To get into this field and hopefully to getinto physiotherapy.

Why did you choose ACNT?It was recommended to me and themodules being studied in this coursesounded interesting and after reading aboutthe College it sounded good.

When you started your course did youhave a career in mind? Yes I wanted to do, and still want to dophysiotherapy.

Where do you work?As a sub-contractor at the InternationalTerminal at Sydney Airport massaging forTurrific Health Services.

What position do you hold?Massage Therapist.

Do you enjoy your career? Yes so far so good. I’m enjoying what I doand am getting good feedback off clients.

Would you recommend manual therapiesas a career? Yes definitely, it is a growing industry andvery interesting.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I came straight from school.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction? It has moved me closer to my goal and Ihave earned a qualification whilst doing so.

What do you aim to do in the future? Study physiotherapy and own my ownclinic/practice. If the opportunity arises Iwould like to work in close relation with aprofessional sporting team.

What is the best part of your job/career?Good feedback…when I massage a clientthe best part is when I receive goodfeedback, that way I know I’ve done my jobwell, and the client is happy. The othergreat thing is that you can always studymore and go forward in your studies.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 37

What is ‘Integrated BodyTherapies’?Integrated Body Therapiesencompasses a wide variety oftherapies that involve the physicalmanipulation of the muscles and fasciaof the body as well as stimulation ofenergy flow and organ systems. Suchtherapies include remedial massage,reflexology, shiatsu, trigger pointtherapy, and exercise therapy.

This is the most comprehensive coursein Integrated Body Therapies on offer inAustralia today and is for the student whowants to study a large number of subjectsrelating to the musculoskeletal system.Students will learn a variety of techniquessuch as remedial massage, shiatsu,lymphatic drainage, trigger point therapy,aromatherapy, reflexology, exercisetherapy, myofascial release andbiomechanics.

This course includes the full curriculumof the Diploma of Remedial Massagecourse from the National Health TrainingPackage HLT02 and graduates receivethis qualification in addition to theirDiploma of Integrated Body Therapies.Students also complete the fullCertificate IV in Aromatherapy curriculumand additionally receive this qualification.

This course is compliant with the nationalstandards for massage practitioners.These standards may be required bysome health funds, employers andassociations as well as other colleges’and universities’ recognition programmesfor further study.

The Diploma of Integrated BodyTherapies course allows graduates topractice as remedial massagepractitioners and has a very high level ofrecognition with employers in Australia.

Graduates of this course may beeligible to sit ITEC (InternationalTherapy Examination Council)Diploma examinations. Fees are

payable. ITEC is a leading UK basedaccreditation body.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 200 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in the entire coursewill receive ACNT’s own massage DVD,an ACNT t-shirt that must be worn duringclinical training, a container of ACNTmassage balm and two towels that mustbe brought clean to each lecture.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualifications:

Diploma of Remedial Massage (HLT50302)(CRICOS Code 044541G)

Certificate IV in Aromatherapy(90626NSW)(CRICOS Code 054848E)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5BW

Please refer to the key on page 3



> Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

www.acnt.edu.au/5MP 39

What is Remedial Massage andSpa Therapy?

This course is the integration ofremedial massage therapy techniqueswith spa therapy skills to preparestudents for an exciting career in themulti billion dollar spa therapyindustry. Massage therapists with spatherapy skills are in demand in dayspas and medi-spas not only inAustralia but internationally.

In addition to completing the full Diplomaof Remedial Massage course (refer topage 40) students will learn spaoperations, body treatments and a widerange of spa therapy treatments such asVichy Shower, Indian Ayurvedic headmassage, body wraps and scrubs.

ACNT has invested heavily in facilitiesand equipment specifically for spatherapy training. ACNT’s Spa TherapyTraining Facility is a ‘day spa within aclassroom’, with floor to ceiling wraparound glass providing an unparalleledtraining environment for future spa andmassage therapists.

Students studying this course will alsolearn stone therapy, which is a treatmentusing heated and chilled hand carvedstones. Students will learn variousmassage techniques that can beperformed using different stones foradded benefits that would not bepossible with the therapist’s own hands.

Graduates of this course may beeligible to sit ITEC (InternationalTherapy Examination Council)Diploma examinations. Fees are

payable. ITEC is a leading UK basedaccreditation body.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 150 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in the entire coursewill receive ACNT’s own massage DVD,an ACNT t-shirt that must be worn duringclinical training, a container of ACNTmassage balm and two towels that mustbe brought clean to each lecture.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Degree Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Business Administrationdegree specialising in HospitalityManagement through ACNT’sarrangement with the InternationalCollege of Management, Sydney.

Graduates of this course may alsoupgrade to a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to pages 6 and 7 for moredetails.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualification:

Diploma of Remedial Massage(HLT50302) (CRICOS Code 044541G)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5MP

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Diploma of Remedial Massageand Spa Therapy


What is Remedial Massage?Remedial Massage involves the use of massage and a wide range ofdiagnostic techniques to treat a varietyof ailments pertaining to themusculoskeletal system. A remedialmassage practitioner has the ability toprovide a comprehensive treatmentplan based on their ability todetermine the underlying cause ofmany musculoskeletal problems.

Students will be taught to deal with awide range of musculoskeletal problemsutilising basic and advanced massagetechniques such as trigger points, sportsinjury treatments, myofascial release andlymphatic drainage. A strong emphasis isplaced on anatomy, basic pathology, aswell as symptomatology and diagnosis.

This highly comprehensive course is partof the Nationally Recognised HealthTraining Package HLT02 and includes thefull curriculum of the Certificate IV inMassage course taught at ACNT. Thiscourse is compliant with the nationalstandards for massage practitioners andhas a very high level of recognition withemployers in Australia.

Graduates of this course may beeligible to sit ITEC (InternationalTherapy Examination Council)Diploma examinations. Fees are

payable. ITEC is a leading UK basedaccreditation body.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 150 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive ACNT’s own massage DVD,an ACNT t-shirt that must be worn duringclinical training, a container of ACNTmassage balm and two towels that mustbe brought clean to each lecture.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Upgrade PathwaysGraduates of this course may upgrade tothe following qualifications at ACNT, withadvanced standing for modules alreadystudied:

> Diploma of Remedial Massage andSpa Therapy

> Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

> Diploma of Sport (Athlete SupportServices)

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Mixed Mode:

One year

Evening and Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 044541G)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5MA

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Diploma of Remedial MassageNTIS CODE HLT50302

What is Diploma of Sport(Athlete Support Services)?

This course is a comprehensivemassage qualification and is designedto equip students with the necessaryskills to enter the diverse world ofsport. Australia is a great sportingnation, consisting of not only themany great athletes but also vastnetworks of individuals who supportthe athletes, assisting them inrealising their dreams.

In addition to the full curriculum of theDiploma of Remedial Massage, studentswill learn how to use sports massageacross a wide range of sports makingthis course ideal for aspiring coaches,trainers and sports massage therapists.Students will also learn sports nutrition,sports psychology and sports tapingtechniques to assist athletes in both therehabilitation process after an injury andas a means of future injury prevention.

This course also includes sportsmanagement which teaches thedevelopment, implementation andmanagement of sports programmes andathlete services as well as staffmanagement, project planning,establishing, maintaining and reviewingrecords, market research and risk analysis.

Students studying this course have theopportunity to work with many excitingorganisations and sporting teams. In thepast ACNT students have worked withthe elite Sydney Swans Football Club andSydney FC as part of their clinic training.These experiences are invaluable tostudents in shaping them as sportsmassage therapists and will preparethem to deal with a diversity of sportinginjuries and conditions.

Graduates of this course may beeligible to sit ITEC (InternationalTherapy Examination Council)Diploma examinations. Fees are

payable. ITEC is a leading UK basedaccreditation body.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 200 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive ACNT’s own massage DVD,an ACNT t-shirt that must be worn duringclinical training, a container of ACNTmassage balm and two towels that mustbe brought clean to each lecture.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Upgrade PathwaysGraduates of this course may upgradeto the following qualifications at ACNT,with advanced standing for modulesalready studied:

> Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

> Diploma of Remedial Massage andSpa Therapy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree PathwaysGraduates of this course may upgrade toeither a Bachelor of Clinical Practice(Paramedic) degree or a Bachelor ofHealth Science (Complementary Medicine)degree through ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Graduates of this course may alsoupgrade to a Bachelor of Applied SocialScience degree through ACNT’sarrangement with the Australian Collegeof Applied Psychology.

Please refer to pages 6 and 7 for moredetails.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 052763D)

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualification:

Diploma of Remedial Massage(HLT50302)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5MS

Please refer to the key on page 3



> Diploma of Sport(Athlete Support Services)

www.acnt.edu.au/5MS 41

What is Aromatherapy?Aromatherapy is the scientific use of pure volatile chemical substancesknown as ‘essential oils’. Essentialoils have been prized for theirfragrance as well as their restorativeeffects on the body, mind and spiritfor thousands of years. An aromatherapist is trained in variousapplications of these essential oils.

This internationally accredited trainingprogramme is ideal for those peoplewishing to become highly qualifiedclinical practitioners of aromatherapy andis an extension of the Certificate IV inAromatherapy course.

This course includes advanced training inareas such as aromatherapy for the agedand infirm, pregnancy, labour and infancyand reflexology plus highly specialisedsubjects covering the advanced clinicalapplication of essential oils and clinicalaromatherapy modules dealing witharomatherapy treatment for differentorgan systems and advanced prescribingtechniques.

This is one of the most comprehensivecourses in aromatherapy on offer inAustralia today.

This course also includes the fullcurriculum of the Certificate IV inMassage from the National HealthTraining Package (refer to page 43 for details).

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 170 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive ACNT’s own massage DVD,an ACNT t-shirt that must be worn duringclinical training, a container of ACNTmassage balm and two towels that mustbe brought clean to each lecture.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Upgrade PathwaysGraduates of this course may upgrade to other qualifications at ACNT and to adegree through ACNT’s arrangementwith Charles Sturt University. Graduates may upgrade to the followingqualifications at ACNT, with advancedstanding for modules already studied:

> Diploma of Remedial Massage

> Diploma of Integrated Body Therapies

> Diploma of Remedial Massage andSpa Therapy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Industry AccreditationThis qualification is accreditedby the London-basedInternational Federation ofAromatherapists (IFA) in the

UK allowing recognition of thisqualification in a number of countriesaround the world. Separate examinationsare held for the IFA qualification andextra fees may be payable.

Graduates of this course may beeligible to sit ITEC (InternationalTherapy Examination Council)Diploma examinations. Fees are

payable. ITEC is a leading UK basedaccreditation body.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Mixed Mode:

One year

Flexible Delivery:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 052762E)

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualification:

Certificate IV in Massage (HLT40302)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/5AR

Please refer to the key on page 3



> Diploma of Aromatherapy


What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the art of using theparts of a plant that produce itsdistinctive volatile aromatic chemicals,known as ‘essential oils’, in a widevariety of functions. An aromatherapist is trained in variousapplications of these essential oils.

This course provides a broad base inaromatherapy and covers the principlesand application of aromatherapy as wellas the underlying science. Students willlearn the chemistry and pharmacology ofessential oils, their actions, indicationsand contraindications, aromatherapymassage, as well anatomy andphysiology, basic pathology andsymptomatology.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 50 hours of practicalclinical training and the completion of'Apply Basic First Aid - HLTFA1A'. Pleaserefer to page 10 for more information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in the entire coursewill receive the same materials as in theDiploma of Aromatherapy course.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme: Fifteen weeks full time

Mixed Mode: One year

Flexible Delivery: Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 054848E)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/4AR

Please refer to the key on page 3




> Certificate IV in Aromatherapy

What is Massage?

Massage is the process of physicalmanipulation of muscle tissueresulting in increased blood flow andreduced tension, which in turn leadsto greater healing ability, fewer achesand pains and a general sense ofhealth and wellbeing.

This course integrates deep tissuetherapeutic massage techniques withsciences including anatomy andphysiology, pathology andsymptomatology and diagnosis.

This course also covers exercise therapyand includes 100 hours of practicalclinical training.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 100 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course Inclusions

Students enrolling in the entire coursewill receive the same materials as in theDiploma of Remedial Massage course.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme: Fifteen weeks full time

Mixed Mode: One year

Flexible Delivery and part time options:

Consult course advisor

(CRICOS Code 044540G)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/4MA

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Certificate IV in Massage



> Contents46 Employer Focus

48 Student Interviews

49 Graduate Interviews


51 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty and Spa Therapy

52 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Aromatherapy

53 Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty, Spa and Nail Therapy

> Beauty Therapy

44 www.acnt.edu.au

> Top Five Reasons to Study Beauty Therapy at ACNT

1. ACNT leads the market by offering the most comprehensive coursesin beauty therapy on offer in Australia. The courses successfully integrates many aspects of natural therapies with traditional beauty therapy, training a new and exceptionally unique generation of therapists.

2. ACNT offers an exceptionally high quality of curriculum with a strong emphasis on the combination of sciences, traditional beauty therapy and natural therapies creating highly educated practitioners who are sought after by the industry’s leading companies includingVoyages Hotels and Resorts and Steiner Leisure.

3. ACNT is accredited by many highly regarded associations such as CIDESCO, ITEC, IFA and the APAA which are recognised both nationally and internationally. These relationships open up a world of opportunities for ACNT students and graduates.

4. ACNT has invested heavily in dedicated state of the art beauty therapy classrooms where students train in a day spa environment.

5. ACNT places a high emphasis on clinical training. ACNT’s Student Training Clinics are second to none with specialist equipment and first class clinical facilities.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 45

Voyages is a unique Australian travelcompany offering premium holidayexperiences in some of Australia's mostremote and breathtaking locations. Thecompany operates award-winning toursand resorts in spectacular naturalsurroundings from the red heart of CentralAustralia, the soothing green depths of theDaintree Rainforest, the vibrant colours ofthe Great Barrier Reef, to the vast canyonsand rugged alpine mountains of Tasmania.Voyages is singularly focussed on providingguests with incredible, memorableexperiences, which they would not be ableto enjoy anywhere else in Australia.

The resorts are located in some of themost sensitive and complex ecosystems of Australia and as such the company hasmade a commitment to nurture, protectand share these environments and culturaldestinations through a sustainableenvironmental tourism practice and byrespect for and support of the localcultures in which it operates.

With Australia's largest range of luxuriousresort spas Voyages boasts the greatestnumber of spa treatment rooms withinAustralia enabling significant careeropportunities for massage, spa and beautytherapists throughout the portfolio of hotelsand resorts.

The Voyages lifestyle includes working andplaying in some of Australia's mostdesirable ecotourism environments, someof them located in the heart of designatedWorld Heritage sites or National Parks.Imagine being able to snorkel the GreatBarrier Reef, take a camel ride at sunset toUluru or ride a horse at Cradle Mountain inTasmania on your day off!

> Employer Focus

> Voyages Hotels and Resorts


An interview with Helena Keenan,Spa Training Manager, Voyages

What is your position at Voyages?

My title is Spa Training Manager. It is aGroup role and I am responsible fortraining the spa staff on all sevenproperties in the use of Sodashi Productand the menu of services at each spa. I also assist in the implementation ofcustomer service standards andrecruitment.

What can ACNT graduates expectwhen starting work with Voyages?

The Voyages ethos is to offer holidayexperiences that nurture body, mind andsoul. They do this by specialising inresorts or lodges that are located inremote and natural environmentsallowing guests to experience all thenatural beauty that Australia has to offer.Hence, our spa menu reflects this with afocus on pampering and relaxation.

Where can they work?

Our spa facilities are located mainly alongthe Eastern seaboard of Australiabeginning at Heron Island and moving upto Brampton Island, Dunk Island, BedarraIsland, Silky Oaks Lodge (in the DaintreeRainforest), and Lizard Island. Lastly butnot least we have a beautiful facility atCradle Mountain Lodge in Tasmania.

What is the quality of ACNTgraduates?

ACNT graduates meet with the very high standards expected of our staff. They always demonstrate a goodunderstanding of what is needed whenworking in a hospitality environment witha strong customer service focus.

What are the career prospectsfor graduates?

For those who are interested infurthering their career within the spaindustry, working within the Spa Divisionof Voyages is a wonderful way to get asolid grounding in their practice as atherapist but also to gain a strongknowledge in business management. For those who demonstrate the rightleadership qualities there are careerpaths within Voyages to move up to SpaSuperviser and eventually to SpaManager. This experience once gainedcan take you anywhere.

“Studying at ACNT has changed

my life a huge amount, I feel

that the world is my oyster now!

I am well qualified and I am able to

travel with my work. ACNT has

really equipped me for work in a five

star resort, the lecturers drill the five

star service and quality into us and

this is invaluable.”

Esther Castell

Spa Therapist, Lizard Island



> Student Interviews

Name: Maria Caleo

What course are you studying?Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty andSpa Therapy.

Why did you decide to do your course?I have always been interested in the dermalaspect of beauty therapy and the differentspa therapies available to help differentconditions.

Why did you choose ACNT?I chose ACNT because it wasrecommended to me by a friend and I wasimpressed with the way they conductedthe Career Information Evening for thosestudents wanting to enrol in a specificcourse.

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course? I would like to open my own chain ofbeauty and spa clinics both here andoverseas.

Are you enjoying your course?Indeed I am.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?By trade I am a medical technologist,involved in the pathology aspect.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?ACNT has given me the necessaryknowledge to use in the future when I amready to start my own business. Toplecturers have inspired me to continue andpursue this career path.

What is the best part of studying atACNT?Meeting a lot of interesting people andacquiring the right information to assist mein my chosen career.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?I would like to thank all the beautiful peoplefrom ACNT who made my year a verymemorable one. From our inspiringPrincipal, to my helpful Course Advisor, theMarketing Team, all the staff at Nourish,and all of the ACNT Team. They all mademy time at ACNT very memorable. Thankyou all so very much.

Name: Jasselle Uy

What course are you studying?Advanced Diploma in Natural Beauty andSpa Therapy.

Why did you decide to do your course? I have always had an interest in beauty andlooking after oneself especially with the useof natural therapies.

Why did you choose ACNT?ACNT has a prestigious reputation in theindustry and is highly regarded as the bestcollege for beauty therapy training withexcellent facilities. I wanted to make surethat I was studying with the best theindustry has to offer.

What career do you have in mind whenyou have completed your course? My dream is set up my own professionalday spa with an emphasis on inner health.

Are you enjoying your course? Yes, very much so – I am definitely enjoyingthe challenges of study.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I had enrolled in a number of universitycourses focusing on languages and I had acouple of part time retail jobs. I eventuallydiscovered that my real interest andpassion was in beauty therapy, especiallynatural approaches to beauty.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?Studying beauty therapy at ACNT has mademe realise the importance of inner health. Ithas also opened my eyes to the endlessopportunities available to me in my chosencareer.

What is the best part of studying atACNT? The best part of studying at ACNT isknowing that I am learning from some ofthe most knowledgeable and experiencedteachers in the industry.

Anything else you’d like to add? Getting to meet fellow students withinteresting and diverse backgrounds addsto the appeal of studying at the ACNT.


> Graduate Interviews

Name: Belinda Novak

What course did you study? Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty andNail Therapy.

Why did you decide to do your course?It has been a lifelong ambition of mine tobe a beauty therapist.

Why did you choose ACNT?My dad suggested I go to ACNT’s CareerInformation Evening and compare colleges.I was actually enrolled at another collegeand I knew I had to change my enrolmentafter meeting the staff and seeing how faradvanced ACNT is in relation to otherbeauty colleges. I know I made the rightchoice.

When you started your course did youhave a career in mind?Most definitely, beauty therapy!

Where do you work?Tonic Day Spa located inside the HillsLodge Boutique Hotel, Baulkham Hills,Sydney. I love my job, and my boss! Howlucky am I?

What position do you hold?Beauty Therapist.

Do you enjoy your career?Absolutely. I love everything about it.Meeting people, the products and theadvancement that is always being made inthe industry.

Would you recommend beauty therapy asa career?Yes. If you enjoy meeting people from allwalks of life then you’ll really enjoy it.

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I worked in retail, telecommunications andsales for over 15 years.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction?It has made my dreams a reality. Every dayI pinch myself and thank goodness for mygood fortune.

What do you aim to do in the future?Travel overseas with my career, hopefullyobtaining work on cruise ships or perhapscome home and build the mobile beautybusiness I have already kicked off.

What is the best part of your job/career?Making my clients’ days more enjoyable,even if for just a short while. Helping themswitch off from their stress and troubles.

Name: Esther Castell

What course did you study?Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty andNail Therapy.

Why did you choose ACNT?Initially I saw an advertisement in thenewspaper and from there I contactedACNT. It looked like a really great collegewith excellent facilities. The CIDESCOaccreditation was a big drawcard, not tomention ACNT’s reputation!

Where do you work?Voyages Lizard Island resort, Great BarrierReef, Queensland, Australia.

What position do you hold?Spa Therapist.

Do you enjoy your career? Yes, very much so, I love it!

Would you recommend working as abeauty/spa therapist? Yes, I really would. Lizard Island is such abeautiful place, everyone is just lovely. I’vemade some wonderful friends!

What were you doing before you decidedto study?I was working as a Production Assistant fora fashion company.

How has studying at ACNT changed yourlife/career direction? It has changed my life a huge amount, Ifeel that the world is my oyster now! I amwell qualified and I am able to travel withmy work. ACNT has really equipped me forwork in a five star resort, the lecturers drillthe five star service and quality into us andthis is invaluable.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 49


CIDESCO Accreditation

In 2003 ACNT was awarded the distincthonour of being named the first naturaltherapies school in Australia to become a CIDESCO International School.

Founded in 1946 with its head office inZurich, Switzerland, CIDESCO isrepresented in over 33 countries andissues the world’s most prestigiousqualifications in the field of aestheticsand beauty therapy.

CIDESCO International Schools areoverseen by CIDESCO to ensure thatthey adhere to the most rigorousstandards of education, assessment andfacilities and that graduates are of thehighest calibre.

International qualifications are supportedby industry and are easily transportableboth nationally and internationally.Opportunities and advancementpossibilities are much greater forCIDESCO Diploma holders and for thosewho are serious about building a careerand not just having a job.

ACNT students have the added advantageof working towards ACNT qualifications,Australian Nationally Recognised Trainingqualifications as well as their internationalCIDESCO qualification(s).

ACNT students will automatically sit atleast one CIDESCO examination.


Many major international employersinsist on the CIDESCO Diploma for alltherapists in their practices and spas. A CIDESCO Diploma gives graduates adistinct advantage against otherpractitioners as well as offering instantrecognition in dozens of countries aroundthe world.

Students studying any of ACNT’sAdvanced Diplomas of Natural BeautyTherapy will sit the CIDESCO Diplomaexamination as part of the coursecurriculum.

CIDESCO Diploma inAromatherapy

This additional CIDESCO Diploma aimsto broaden a therapist’s knowledge in thefield of aromatherapy. A therapist withboth of these CIDESCO diplomas will bewell placed to further their career bothlocally and internationally.

ACNT students studying the AdvancedDiploma of Natural Beauty, Spa andAromatherapy will sit both the CIDESCODiploma and the CIDESCO Diploma inAromatherapy examinations as part ofthe course curriculum.

CIDESCO Spa Diploma

The CIDESCO Spa Diploma is aprestigious qualification and is one of thefirst spa qualifications in the world. Thisdiploma raises the level ofprofessionalism in the spa industry.

ACNT students studying the AdvancedDiploma of Natural Beauty and SpaTherapy will sit both the CIDESCODiploma and the CIDESCO Spa Diplomaexaminations as part of the coursecurriculum.

Upgrade Opportunities for Graduates

As Australia’s foremost natural therapiescollege, ACNT is able to offer opportunitiesfor beauty therapists to continuallyupgrade their skills in many new areasthat would not be available elsewhere.

Graduates of ACNT’s beauty courses willhave already completed a number ofmodules that are common with othercourses at ACNT. ACNT beauty therapygraduates can upgrade their qualificationto a number of other qualifications,including courses in massage therapy,nutrition, herbal medicine and evennaturopathy.


“A sound practical andtheoretical education is aprerequisite for the demandingrole of the Skin andHealthcare Professional(Beauty Therapist) and ACNTis committed to ensuringthat the highest standardsare enhanced - for whichwe congratulate them -always looking ahead.“

Helene Bramwell President CIDESCOINTERNATIONAL


> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beautyand Spa Therapy

www.acnt.edu.au/6BP 51

What is Natural Beauty and Spa Therapy?

Natural beauty and spa therapy is anintegration of all the aspects of beautytherapy with a holistic approach toindividual health and wellbeing. UsingACNT’s vast resources and knowledgeof human health and natural therapiesthis course teaches beauty therapiststo be professionals able to assist theirclients, not only with beauty and spatreatments, but also with a widerepertoire of natural therapy adviceand treatments.

The Advanced Diploma of Natural Beautyand Spa Therapy teaches the use andbenefits of natural skin preparations. Thecourse teaches the fundamental beautytherapy techniques such as facials, bodywraps, waxing and comprehensivelyintegrates them with reflexology,aromatherapy, massage and lymphaticdrainage treatments.

ACNT's most advanced spa courseprovides the history, practical applicationand advanced techniques in spa therapyenabling students to gain the world'smost prestigious CIDESCO Spa Diploma.Graduates of this programme willbecome some of the most highlyqualified and sought after therapists inAustralia and around the world.

Spa Therapy Training

Spa Therapy is a multi billion dollargrowth industry not just in Australia butaround the world. ACNT has investedheavily in glamorous state of the artfacilities for spa therapy training.Advanced spa therapy training is includedas an integral part of this course. By gaining expertise in the use of variousspa treatments such as stone therapy,hydrotherapy and Indian Ayurvedic headmassage, ACNT graduates will have upto the minute skills which will opendoors in both the spa and beauty therapyindustries.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 210 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive a comprehensive beautytherapy kit including an ACNT uniformjacket, a text book, manicure andpedicure instruments, nail enhancementinstruments, brushes, sponges,

a make-up cape, head band, two largetowels and three small towels. TheCIDESCO examinations are also includedin the fixed course cost.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish and must paythe CIDESCO examination fees separately.

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Industry AccreditationThis course leads to theworld’s most prestigiousqualifications in the field ofaesthetics and beauty

therapy, the CIDESCO Diploma and theCIDESCO Spa Diploma.

This course also leads to theITEC (International TherapyExamination Council) Diploma, aleading UK based accreditation

body. The ITEC Diploma is required bysome employers, particularly in the UK,Japan and South Africa.

Separate examinations are held forCIDESCO and ITEC diplomas. Extra feesare payable for students wishing to sitthe ITEC examination. HoweverCIDESCO fees are included in the ACNTfixed course cost.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto Australia’s first spa and hospitalitymanagement pathway; a Bachelor ofBusiness Administration degreespecialising in Hospitality Managementthrough ACNT’s arrangement with theInternational College of Management,Sydney.

Please refer to page 6 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery and part time options:

Consult course advisor

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualification:

Diploma of Beauty Therapy (WRB50105)(CRICOS Code 037712G)

CIDESCO Qualifications:


CIDESCO Spa Diploma

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6BP

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Incorporating the Diploma of Beauty Therapyfrom the National Beauty Training PackageACNT IS A CIDESCO



What is Natural Beauty, Spa and Aromatherapy?Natural beauty, spa and aromatherapyis a combination of threecomplementary modalities, naturalbeauty therapy, spa therapy andaromatherapy. Natural beauty and spatherapy is an integration of all theaspects of beauty therapy with aholistic approach to individual healthand wellbeing.

Using ACNT’s vast resources andknowledge of human health andnatural therapies this course teachesbeauty therapists to be professionalsable to assist their clients, not onlywith beauty and spa treatments, butalso with a wide repertoire of naturaltherapy advice and treatmentsspecialising in aromatherapy.

This course teaches the use and benefitsof natural skin preparations and thefundamental beauty therapy techniquessuch as facials, body wraps andexfoliation. All of this is comprehensivelyintegrated with natural therapies such asmassage and lymphatic drainagetreatments and of course a solidgrounding in aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is the art of using theparts of a plant that produce itsdistinctive volatile aromatic chemicals,known as ‘essential oils’, in a widevariety of functions. This additionalCIDESCO Diploma aims to broaden atherapist’s knowledge in the field ofaromatherapy.

Students who are particularly interestedin aromatherapy are able to easilyupgrade to the Diploma of Aromatherapy.

Spa Therapy TrainingSpa Therapy is a multi billion dollargrowth industry not just in Australia butaround the world. ACNT has investedheavily in glamorous state of the artfacilities for spa therapy training. By gaining expertise in the use of variousspa treatments such as stone therapy,hydrotherapy and Indian Ayurvedic headmassage, ACNT graduates will have upto the minute skills which will opendoors in both the spa and beauty therapyindustries.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 210 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive a comprehensive beautytherapy kit including an ACNT uniformjacket, a text book, manicure andpedicure instruments, nail enhancementinstruments, brushes, sponges, a make-up cape, head band, two large towelsand three small towels. The CIDESCOexaminations are also included in thefixed course cost.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish and must paythe CIDESCO examination fees separately.

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Industry AccreditationThis course leads to theworld’s most prestigiousqualifications in the field ofaesthetics and beauty

therapy, the CIDESCO Diploma and theCIDESCO Diploma in Aromatherapy.

This course also leads to theITEC (International TherapyExamination Council) Diploma, aleading UK based accreditationbody. The ITEC Diploma is

required by some employers, particularlyin the UK, Japan and South Africa.

Separate examinations are held forCIDESCO and ITEC diplomas. Extra feesare payable for students wishing to sitthe ITEC examination.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto Australia’s first spa and hospitalitymanagement pathway; a Bachelor ofBusiness Administration degreespecialising in Hospitality Managementthrough ACNT’s arrangement with theInternational College of Management,Sydney.

Please refer to page 6 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery and part time options:

Consult course advisor

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualifications:

Diploma of Beauty Therapy (WRB50105)(CRICOS Code 037712G)

CIDESCO Qualification:


CIDESCO Diploma in Aromatherapy

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6BA

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty,Spa and Aromatherapy


> Incorporating the Diploma of Beauty Therapy from the National Beauty Training Package

www.acnt.edu.au/6BN 53

What is Natural Beauty, Spa and Nail Therapy?

Natural beauty, spa and nail therapy isa combination of beauty treatmentssuch as facial treatments, exfoliation,masks, wraps and nail therapy as wellas the more traditional treatments suchas manicures, pedicures and waxing.

This course combines three verypopular and complementary modalities,natural beauty, spa therapy and nailtechnology, integrating natural therapytreatments such as aromatherapy,massage and reflexology.

Graduates of this programme will becomesome of the most highly qualified andsought after therapists in Australia.

As Australia’s leading natural therapiescollege ACNT authoritatively teaches theimportant science components such asanatomy, physiology, natural nutrition andaromatic chemistry and pharmacology.

Employers and other sources in thenatural beauty industry world wide haveindicated that this combination oftherapies, together with ACNT’sexceptional level of education, givesACNT graduates a distinct advantage inthe marketplace.

Spa Therapy TrainingSpa Therapy is a multi billion dollargrowth industry not just in Australia butaround the world. ACNT has investedheavily in glamorous state of the artfacilities for spa therapy training. Bygaining expertise in the use of variousspa treatments such as stone therapy,hydrotherapy and Indian Ayurvedic headmassage, ACNT graduates will have upto the minute skills which will opendoors in both the spa and beauty therapyindustries.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 260 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information.

Course InclusionsStudents enrolling in the entire coursewill receive a comprehensive beautytherapy kit including an ACNT uniformjacket, a text book, manicure andpedicure instruments, nail enhancementinstruments, brushes, sponges, a make-up cape, head band, two large towelsand three small towels. The CIDESCOexamination is also included in the fixedcourse cost.

Students paying module by module maypurchase these items from ‘Nourish –ACNT’s Café and Bookstore’ or online atwww.acnt.edu.au/nourish and must paythe CIDESCO examination feesseparately.

All students will receive electronic notes. Printed notes may be purchasedfrom Nourish.

Industry AccreditationThis course leads to theworld’s most prestigiousqualification in the field ofaesthetics and beauty therapy,the CIDESCO Diploma.

This course also leads to theITEC (International TherapyExamination Council) Diploma,a leading UK based

accreditation body. The ITEC Diploma isrequired by some employers, particularlyin the UK, Japan and South Africa.

Separate examinations are held forCIDESCO and ITEC diplomas. Extra feesare payable for students wishing to sitthe ITEC examination. HoweverCIDESCO fees are included in the ACNTfixed course cost.

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto Australia’s first spa and hospitalitymanagement pathway; a Bachelor ofBusiness Administration degreespecialising in Hospitality Managementthrough ACNT’s arrangement with theInternational College of Management,Sydney.

Please refer to page 6 for more details.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

One year full time

Flexible Delivery and part time options:

Consult course advisor

Additional Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualifications:

Diploma of Beauty Therapy (WRB50105)(CRICOS Code 037712G)

Certificate III in Nail Technology(WRB30204)(CRICOS Code 039889K)

CIDESCO Qualification:


Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/6BN

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Advanced Diploma of Natural Beauty,Spa and Nail Therapy

> Incorporating the Diploma of Beauty Therapyand Certificate III in Nail Technology from the National Beauty Training Package



> Distance Education

> Distance Education Course Facilities and Support

ACNT recognises that not all students are able toattend classes on campus or at the times available.This may be due to geography, health issues orwork commitments. For these reasons ACNToffers courses by distance education using the‘directed learning’ model.

The ‘directed learning’ model is where studentsreceive a study guide which walks them throughtheir course. This study guide becomes the ‘virtuallecturer’ directing students through each lesson.ACNT has made every effort to ensure thatdistance education students really feel part of theACNT community.

Both in-house and distance education studentscomprise people from all walks of life and from allparts of the world.

ACNT’s distance education students have accessto ACNT’s world class course facilities andsupport. Students can contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world by email, telephone,fax or mail with one single point of contact.

Due to the timely nature of electroniccorrespondence and for the ease of students,distance education students are stronglyencouraged to have access to an Internetconnected computer.

Students choose to study distance education atACNT for the following reasons:

> ACNT’s distance education courses and modulesare equivalent to ACNT’s on campus coursesand offer an exceptionally high quality ofcurriculum with a strong emphasis on sciences,creating highly educated practitioners who aresought after by the industry’s leading companies.

> ACNT has degree pathways to establishedAustralian universities enabling students andgraduates to further their education.

> ACNT uses the ‘directed learning’ model to assiststudents with distance education studying.

> ACNT students studying naturopathy will gainadditional qualifications in nutrition, westernherbal medicine, homoeopathy and iridologyensuring that graduates are highly educated inall modalities of natural medicine.

> ACNT distance education students cancomplete an entire qualification withoutattending campus for any part of the course,including clinical training.

> ACNT’s distance education students haveaccess to world class course facilities andoutstanding support:

> Students can contact ACNT at any time fromanywhere in the world by email, telephone, faxor mail with one single point of contact.


> Contents56 Graduate Interview

57 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

58 Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine

58 Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

59 Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)

60 Diploma of Nutrition

61 Certificate IV in Aromatherapy

62 Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Sciences

62 Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in

Sports Nutrition

63 Advanced Certificate in Iridology

/ Certificate in Iridology

> ACNT provides Internet bulletin boards in the‘Online Café’ that allow students and ACNT’sDistance Education Division to interact in anopen forum.

> ACNT offers a Study Support Service whichenables distance education students to contacta dedicated tutor should they require additionalassistance with their course.

> ACNT has a Student Portal which allowsstudents to check their academic records, feebalances or to change their contact details overthe Internet from anywhere in the world. TheStudent Portal enables students to gain accessto information faster than ever before withoutwaiting for invoices or academic transcripts toarrive in the mail.

> Students may purchase course notes, books,product, uniforms and merchandise via ACNT’sOnline Store.

> ACNT offers an Online Student Centre which isa central point of contact and contains a varietyof areas including the ACNT Study SupportService, the Online Café, seminars and specialevents information, the ACNT Student Portal,the ACNT Distance Education Portal as well aslinks to professional associations, libraries,magazines, journals and the online ACNT Store.

> All course notes are included.

ACNT 2007 Prospectus 55


Gina Evans

What course did you study?

I studied the Diploma of Nutrition bydistance education.

Why did you decide to do thiscourse?

I have always been interested in nutritionas I have always battled with controllingmy weight. I also believe in using food asmedicine and preventing future illness bykeeping a healthy diet. Until I studied thiscourse I wasn't sure what "healthy" was!I'm happy to say now I do understanddiet and it has helped me to get controlof my own issues with food.

Why did you choose ACNT?

I originally started out with anothercollege, however after feelingdissatisfied with their service I foundACNT. ACNT were so helpful with all thequestions I had, the decision to leave myformer college was easy. Since thenanother friend of mine has also movedover from the other college to join ACNT.

What were you doing before youdecided to study?

I worked with disabled people for acompany that specialised in helpingpeople with brain injuries. I also workedas a waitress for a while. I was neversatisfied with my work, even though Idid feel compassion for my clients, Ialways felt that something was missing.I realised that I wasn't passionate aboutwhat I was doing so I did some soulsearching to find my true calling. I knewit would be health related as I always hadan interest in the human body. In the endI decided upon nutrition.

How did you find the course?

When I made the decision to study I wasworried that I may have trouble as Ihadn't studied at this level of educationbefore. I was mostly concerned aboutthe science subjects like Chemistry andAnatomy and Physiology. Once I gotstarted I was pleasantly surprised to findthat if I put in the effort it required Ialways did well. Now that I havecompleted the Diploma, I feel so proudto have accomplished this, especially as Ilook back and remember the fear offailure I once had.

How has your life changed sincestudying?

Oh where do I start? I've learned somuch about the human body, aboutmyself and about life in general. I haveshed just over 40 kilograms in body fatand totally transformed as a result. I don't think I would have been able tolose weight healthily without having theknowledge I gained from studying. I havelearned how to set realistic goals formyself and see them through. I nowknow what I am capable of achieving,anything! I have noticed an improvementin every area of my life since I startedthis course.

What is the best part aboutstudying at ACNT?

The best part of studying with ACNT iswithout a doubt having the staff from theCollege to help you with anything youmay need. I found the Distance EducationManager, Amy, and the tutor Leah to besuch a help. I couldn’t have done itwithout their support. Any time I neededassistance they were there. They werealways prompt in their replies to myemails and phone calls. It never seemedto be a hassle for them to be of help tome. I felt completely comfortable inasking for assistance. I always feel acertain satisfaction after learningsomething new. The course notes thatare written for distance education arefantastic too. They make it so much easierto understand the material rather thanrelying on textbooks alone.

What do you intend to do withyour qualification?

I have just registered my new business,Weightloss Plus -www.weightlossplus.com.au Obviouslyfrom the name you can see I would like tospecialise in weight loss. I believe with theDiploma of Nutrition and the personalexperience I have of losing weighthealthily, I will be able to help others withtheir own transformation. I have a websitewere people can get general informationregarding healthy weight loss so they canalso make some changes. Over the nexttwelve months I plan on studying tobecome a personal trainer and completethe remaining subjects to get the Bachelorof Health Science (ComplementaryMedicine) degree through ACNT’s degreepathways. There is still so much I want tolearn, I will probably never stop studying.

> Graduate Interview

www.acnt.edu.au/DE6NP 57

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is an umbrella term thatencompasses many forms ofcomplementary and natural medicinemodalities. A naturopath is a personwho practices several of these formsor modalities and who also has a solidgrounding in the medical sciences.The three major modalities withinnaturopathy are nutrition,homoeopathy and herbal medicine.

ACNT trained naturopaths are holisticpractitioners who throughout this coursewill gain extensive knowledge in a varietyof health sciences including chemistry,biochemistry, pathology, symptomatology,diagnosis and pharmacology. In additionto these health sciences a wide range ofnatural therapies subjects such as herbalmedicine, nutrition, homoeopathy,iridology and other naturopathicmodalities are also taught ensuring thatACNT graduates are highly regardedprofessionals.

Upon successful completion of thiscourse graduates will be awarded thefollowing qualifications: the AdvancedDiploma of Naturopathy, the AdvancedDiploma of Western Herbal Medicine,the Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathyand the Diploma of Nutrition.

Suggested Programme of Study

Students may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First Aid

Please contact a course advisor for clinichours. This course requires thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information. For distance educationstudents outside the Sydney MetropolitanArea please contact the DistanceEducation Division to make alternativearrangements for clinical training.

Course Facilities and Support

ACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due tohealth issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course Information

Nominal Duration:

Three years

(Students may take up to two years tocomplete each ‘proposed’ year of study)

Qualifications AwardedNationally Recognised Training Qualifications:

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy(HLT60502)

Advanced Diploma of WesternHerbal Medicine (HLT60102)

Advanced Diploma ofHomoeopathy (HLT60602)

Diploma of Nutrition (40112SA)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Advanced Diploma ofNaturopathy. The distance educationversion of this course is completelyinterchangeable with the on campusversion.

Complete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DE6NP

Please refer to the key on page 3



“The best part of studying withACNT is without a doubt having thestaff from the college to help youwith anything you may need.”

Gina EvansACNT Graduate

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy


What is Homoeopathy?The central theme of homoeopathy isthe principal of ‘similia similabuscurantur’ which translates as ‘likecures like’. Homoeopathy is a systemof medicine that works by givingpatients a dilute dose of a substancethat in a cruder form would causesymptoms similar to that which thepatient is experiencing. Homoeopathyhas been used successfully onhumans as well as animals.

Suggested Programme of StudyStudents may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 250 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10. For students outside the Sydney MetroArea please contact the DistanceEducation Division to make alternativearrangements for clinical training.

Course Facilities and SupportACNT’s distance education students arevery much part of the ACNT studentcommunity and have access to ACNT’sworld class facilities and support (refer topage 54).

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science

(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course Information:Nominal Duration:

Three years

(Students may take up to two years tocomplete each ‘proposed’ year of study)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Advanced Diploma ofHomoeopathy.

Complete module list and more detailedinformation at www.acnt.edu.au/DE6HO

Please refer to the key on page 3


What is Herbal Medicine?Herbalists are trained in the use ofherbal medicines using a combinationof hundreds of years of experienceand modern scientific methods to helppromote health and restore balance indisease. Herbalists believe that usingcomplex herbs rather than isolatedconstituents ensures a much moreeffective and holistic treatment.

Suggested Programme of StudyStudents may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First AidThis course requires 250 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'.

Please refer to page 10 for moreinformation. For distance educationstudents outside the Sydney MetropolitanArea please contact the DistanceEducation Division to make alternativearrangements for clinical training.

Course Facilities and SupportACNT’s distance education students arevery much part of the ACNT studentcommunity and have access to ACNT’sworld class facilities and support (refer topage 54).

Degree PathwayGraduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course Information:Nominal Duration:

Three years

(Students may take up to two years tocomplete each ‘proposed’ year of study)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Advanced Diploma ofWestern Herbal Medicine.

Complete module list and more detailedinformation at www.acnt.edu.au/DE6HM

Please refer to the key on page 3



> Advanced Diploma ofWestern Herbal Medicine

> Advanced Diploma of HomoeopathyNTIS CODE HLT60602


www.acnt.edu.au/DE6NU 59


What is Nutrition?

Natural nutrition is an understandingof the metabolic pathways involved inthe breakdown of ingested nutrientsand how many disease states may beprevented by correcting the deficiencystate using diet and vitamin, mineraland amino acid supplements.

This course is a more comprehensiveversion of the Diploma of Nutritioncourse with more advanced training innutrition and diet related fields, healthsciences, and diagnostics as well astreatment modalities.

Some of the additional areas coveredinclude nutritional management in renal,cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrineand immune disorders, palliative care,pregnancy and paediatrics; diagnosticlaboratory techniques, iridology,additional symptomatology and diagnosismodules as well as counselling. Theadditional treatment modalities includeBach Flowers, Australian Bushflowersand Schuessler Tissue Salts.

Suggested Programme of Study

Students may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 250 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information. For distance educationstudents outside the Sydney MetropolitanArea please contact the DistanceEducation Division to make alternativearrangements for clinical training.

Course Facilities and Support

ACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates of this course may upgrade to other qualifications at ACNT and to adegree through ACNT’s arrangementwith Charles Sturt University. Graduates may upgrade to the followingqualifications at ACNT, with advancedstanding for modules already studied:

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

> Advanced Diploma of Western HerbalMedicine

> Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course Information:

Nominal Duration:

Two years

(Students may take up to two years tocomplete each ‘proposed’ year of study)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Advanced Diploma ofApplied Science (Nutrition) course.

Complete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DE6NU

Please refer to the key on page 3

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nutrition)NTIS CODE 40111SA

> Diploma of Nutrition



What is Nutrition?Natural nutrition is an understandingof the metabolic pathways involved inthe breakdown of ingested nutrientsand how many disease states may beprevented by correcting the deficiencyusing diet and vitamin, mineral andamino acid supplements.

This course encompasses many aspectsof natural nutrition and is designed togive graduates a thorough understandingof the human body in health and disease.It also involves the impact of nutritionalintervention on the maintenance of health.

Students will gain a comprehensivescientific and traditional understanding of holistic nutrition through the study ofhuman sciences such as anatomy,physiology, pathology, pharmacology,nutritional and dietary concepts. Thistogether with clinical experience willenable students to apply nutritionalassessment, dietary and supplementalintervention at a professional level.

Suggested Programme of StudyStudents may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 100 hours ofpractical clinical training and thecompletion of 'Apply Basic First Aid -HLTFA1A'. Please refer to page 10 formore information. For distance educationstudents outside the Sydney MetropolitanArea please contact the DistanceEducation Division to make alternativearrangements for clinical training.

Course Facilities and SupportACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Upgrade PathwaysGraduates of this course may upgrade to other qualifications at ACNT and to adegree through ACNT’s arrangementwith Charles Sturt University. Graduates may upgrade to the followingqualifications at ACNT, with advancedstanding for modules already studied:

> Advanced Diploma of Applied Science(Nutrition)

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Degree Pathway

Graduates of this course may upgradeto a Bachelor of Health Science(Complementary Medicine) degreethrough ACNT’s arrangement withCharles Sturt University.

Please refer to page 7 for more details.

Course Information:

Nominal Duration:

Two years

(Students may take up to two years tocomplete each ‘proposed’ year of study)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Diploma of Nutrition. Thedistance education version of this courseis completely interchangeable with theon campus version.

Complete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DE5NU

Please refer to the key on page 3


NTIS Code 90626NSW


What is Aromatherapy?Aromatherapy is the art of using theparts of a plant that produce itsdistinctive volatile aromatic chemicals,known as ‘essential oils’, in a widevariety of functions. An aromatherapistis trained in various applications ofthese essential oils.

This course provides a broad base inaromatherapy. The course covers theprinciples and application ofaromatherapy as well as the underlyingscience. Students will learn the principlesand history of aromatherapy, thechemistry and pharmacology of essentialoils, their actions, indications andcontraindications, aromatherapymassage, as well anatomy andphysiology, basic pathology andsymptomatology.

Suggested Programme of Study

Students may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Clinical Training and First Aid

This course requires 50 hours of practicalclinical training and the completion of'Apply Basic First Aid - HLTFA1A'. Pleaserefer to page 10 for more information.For distance education students outsidethe Sydney Metropolitan Area pleasecontact the Distance Education Divisionto make alternative arrangements forclinical training.

Course Facilities and Support

ACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Industry Accreditation

This qualification is accredited by theLondon-based International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA) allowingrecognition of this qualification in anumber of countries around the world.

Separate examinations are held for theIFA qualifications. Extra fees may bepayable directly to this organisation.

Course Information:Nominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:

Fifteen weeks

(Distance education students are giventwice the nominal duration to completethe course)

Additional Information:This course is the distance educationversion of the Certificate IV inAromatherapy. The distance educationversion of this course is completelyinterchangeable with the on campusversion.

Complete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DE4AR

Please refer to the key on page 3

> Certificate IV in Aromatherapy

www.acnt.edu.au/DE4AR 61


> Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Sciences

What is ‘Nutritional Sciences’?This course is suitable for graduates ofother professional courses who believethat a grounding in basic naturopathicnutrition would complement theirother therapies. It is also designed forthose students who require aknowledge of nutrition for the purposeof working within the healthimprovement industry, e.g. health foodstores, health resorts, aerobic exercisecentres and gymnasiums.

The course principally coverscarbohydrates, proteins and fats,digestion, absorption and metabolism,advantages and disadvantages of themany foods people eat and diets for boththerapeutic and everyday use.

Students who wish to become a fullyqualified nutritionist will need to completethe Advanced Diploma of AppliedScience (Nutrition).

Suggested Programme of StudyStudents may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Course Facilities and SupportACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Fixed Programme:Fifteen weeks

(Distance education students are giventwice the nominal duration to completethe course)

Additional InformationThis course is the distance educationversion of the Advanced Certificate inNutritional Sciences.

Complete module list and more detailedinformation at www.acnt.edu.au/DE2NU

Please refer to the key on page 3


What is Sports Nutrition?This course has been designed formanual therapists, nutritionists andnaturopaths who work with athletes and other sports people.

Practitioners will learn advanced anatomyand physiology as well as human exercisephysiology, chemistry and biochemistry.This will enable practitioners to understandthe importance of organic and inorganicmolecules in a person’s diet and how theyare assimilated into the human body.

Additionally practitioners will learn theadvanced concepts of sports nutrition and how to assess a nutritional or herbalproduct and gauge its efficiency inachieving the desired results for theathlete.

Suggested Programme of StudyStudents may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visit ourwebsite for more information.

Course Facilities and Support

ACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part ofthe ACNT student community and haveaccess to ACNT’s world class facilitiesand support (refer to page 54). In additionstudents may contact ACNT at any timefrom anywhere in the world bytelephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Course Information

Nominal Duration:

Flexible Delivery (Please consult a course advisor)

Additional InformationComplete module list and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DERSN

Please refer to the key on page 3


> Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Sports Nutrition





What is Iridology?

Iridology is a form of diagnosis usingthe iris of the eye. The colours andmarkings of the iris reflect the state ofthe body making iridology a very usefuldiagnostic tool. Most naturopaths andallied health professionals use iridologywhen looking for areas of potentialhealth weaknesses in a client; oftensomething seen in the eye will confirma diagnosis or suggest a new path ofinvestigation.

At ACNT iridology is based on theAustralian and German systems.Students will learn topics such as thehistory and principles of iridology,anatomy and physiology of the eye andassociated structures, cause andinterpretation of iris colours and theidentification and interpretation of iris-sclera and pupil signs.

Suggested Programme of Study

Students may start by enrolling in one ormore of the modules, provided that anyprerequisites are satisfied. Please visitour website for more information.

Course Facilities and Support

ACNT’s distance education courses arehighly suitable for students who areunable to attend on campus study due to health issues, work commitments orsimple geography. ACNT’s distanceeducation students are very much part of the ACNT student community andhave access to ACNT’s world classfacilities and support (refer to page 54).In addition students may contact ACNTat any time from anywhere in the worldby telephone, email, fax or mail, with onededicated contact for all queries.

Upgrade Pathways

Graduates may upgrade to the followingqualifications at ACNT, with advancedstanding for modules already studied:

> Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy

Please contact a course advisor for moreinformation.

Course InformationNominal Duration:

Six months

(Distance education students are giventwice the nominal duration to completethe course)

Additional InformationThese courses are the distance educationversion of the Advanced Certificate inIridology and the Certificate in Iridologyand are both completely interchangeablewith the on campus version.

Complete module lists and more detailed information available atwww.acnt.edu.au/DE2IR orwww.acnt.edu.au/DE1IR

Please refer to the key on page 3

> Advanced Certificate in Iridology/ Certificate in Iridology

www.acnt.edu.au/DE2IR | www.acnt.edu.au/DE1IR 63

Terms and Conditions‘College’ means Australasian College of NaturalTherapies Pty. Ltd.

‘Student’ or ‘Students’ means any person enrolledin a course at The College, whether they are astudent attending face-to-face classes or studyingby distance education.

1) A student shall not be entitled to qualify for aCollege diploma or certificate or award by reasonof enrolment, or attendance, or satisfactoryexamination results and the final determination ofa Student’s qualification for the College’s diploma,certificate or other award shall be entirely withinthe discretion of the College Board. In theexercise of its discretion the College Board shallhave regard to:

a) Whether in the opinion of the College Boardacademic and technical skills have beenobtained to a satisfactory degree;

b) Whether in the opinion of the College Board astudent will be a suitable member of theprofession (and in this the College Board shallhave specific regard to the Student’s behaviourand character);

c) Whether all academic, administrative andfinancial obligations to the College have beensatisfied by the student;

d) A Student’s right of audience and right tomake submissions before the College Board

A student shall have a right of appeal against adetermination of the College Board not to awardhim or her the College’s diploma, certificate oraward to the College Board of Appeal and suchright must be exercised within seven (7) days ofsuspension or expulsion.

2) A student may be suspended or expelled fromthe College at any time and the determination tosuspend or expel shall be at the absolute discretionof the College Board. In the exercise of itsdiscretion the College Board shall have regard to:

a) Whether all fees have been paid up to date;

b) Whether the Student has upheld andmaintained the College’s rules and regulationsas set out in the Protocols and Procedures forStudents;

c) Whether the Student has engaged inmisconduct;

d) A student’s right of audience and right tomake submissions before the College Board

3) No Student may diagnose, prescribe or practiceunless under College supervision or with writtenCollege approval until fully qualified in theirchosen professional course. Graduates of shortcourses are not eligible for professionalassociation accreditation.

4) The College reserves the right to alter anyinformation included in this Prospectus or anyother document the College may publish fromtime-to-time including course structure andcurricula, course offerings, pricing, modulestructure, module offerings, terms and conditions.

5) The College may choose, at its discretion, tonot offer a course or a module at any time ordiscontinue offering a course or module inprogress without notice. The College will not beliable for a Student’s inability to complete aqualification in this event nor will the College beresponsible for other costs the Student may haveincurred as a result of the course or module beingdiscontinued.

6) By enrolling in a course at The College,Students agree to be bound by all terms andconditions in this Prospectus and in the Protocolsand Procedures for Students both as may beamended from time-to-time. The Protocols andProcedures for Students are available fordownload from www.acnt.edu.au or from TheCollege.

7) All durations mentioned in this Prospectus arenominal durations and are based on enrolment inFebruary 2007 and may be subject to changewithout notice. Please check the latest copy ofNourish or visit www.acnt.edu.au for moreinformation.

Late Payment PenaltyFees paid later than the due date will incur a LatePayment Fee which, at the time of printing, is10% of the overdue amount. Students who donot pay their fees on time will not be admitted toclasses or be able to sit examinations. Studentswho are seriously delinquent with their fees mayface expulsion. Please note that it is the student’sresponsibility to ensure that ACNT has receivedfees due. A Statement of Account is availablefrom the Student Finance Officer at any time orusing the ACNT Student Portal.

> Terms and Conditions


www.acnt.edu.au/enrol 65



57 Foveaux St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia PO Box K1356, Haymarket, NSW 1240, Australia Phone 02 9218 8888 Fax 02 9281 4411 Email [email protected] Web www.acnt.edu.au




























If you are unsure which options are available to you, please contact a course advisor. For Prepay and Save or Pay While You Study a separate form must be completed. These formsare available from ACNT or may be downloaded at www.acnt.edu.au




RPL Policy: Students may apply to ACNT for recognition of any relevant courses or subjects undertaken at ACNT or at other institutions. Requests for RPL will not be considered oncea course or subject has started except in the case of late enrolment. Students seeking an RPL are required to complete the RPL section on this enrolment form and the ACNT RPLform (available from the Student Centre of the ACNT website or from the ACNT Campus). No financial credit will be given for RPL.






Code: AD/EF/024 V10 Australasian College of Natural Therapies Pty Ltd NTIS Code 90410 CRICOS Code 00220K ABN 46 003 063 732




The information contained on this enrolment form is collected by the College in order to provide you with services and/or products, to communicate with you and tocommunicate with nominated people in the event of an accident and/or emergency. This information is collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy which isavailable from the College or at www.acnt.edu.au


Any request for a refund must be made on a Request for Refund form which is available from the College. The form may be lodged in person at the College or sent bymail to Australasian College of Natural Therapies, PO Box K1356, Haymarket, NSW 1240, Australia.In the event of a student deciding against commencing a course or withdrawing prior to the completion of the course the following refund policy will apply:a) Where the Request for Refund form is received at the College 28 days or more prior to the commencement date of the course, 80% of the course fees paid will be

refunded less the enrolment fee and deposit. The refund will be paid within four weeks of the date the Request for Refund form is received.b) Where the Request for Refund form is received at the College less than 28 days prior to the commencement date of the course or after the commencement date

of the course, the course fees paid (including the enrolment fee and deposit) will be non-refundable.Where a student studies on-campus the commencement date of the course is considered to be the first day of the delivery of the course.Where a student’s studies include delivery by distance education the commencement date of the course is considered to be the date that their materials aredespatched from the College.In the event that a student does not commence a course due to sickness or personal crises or commences a course and due to sickness or personal crises cannotcontinue, that student may be given due consideration for a partial refund once they have outlined their reasons in writing to the Managing Director. Any such refund is at the discretion of the Managing Director. Substantiating evidence may be required. If a refund is approved, the refund will be paid within four weeks of the date therequest is received. Where the College cancels or is otherwise unable to continue to deliver a course which has already begun but before it is completed, does not start a course on theagreed starting day or a course is not provided in full because a sanction has been imposed on the College, all of the course fees paid to the College for that part of thecourse which has not been delivered will be refunded in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000 and ESOS Regulations 2001. This refund will be paid within two weeks ofthe date of cancellation.All refunds will be paid to the person who originally paid the course fees.The College will provide the student with a written statement detailing how the refund amount has been calculated.This refund policy does not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. The College’s Grievances and Appeals Policy andProcedures do not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies.


If you are intending to come to Australia with school age dependants, you will be required to pay the full fees for their schooling at either a government or non-government school.


Please contact the College immediately if you change any details on this form.For international students, it is a requirement of your student visa that you advise the College immediately if you change your Australian contact details. Where astudent fails to satisfy course requirements relating to attendance or academic performance, the College is required to send a notice informing the student of this tothe student's last known residential address. If this address is not up to date, automatic student visa cancellation could occur without the knowledge of the student.Such cancellation may not be revoked if it has occurred where the student has failed to keep the College informed of their address. Change of Address forms are available from the College or www.acnt.edu.au Change of address can also be made on the Student Portal.



• I understand and agree that fees paid to Australasian College of Natural Therapies Pty. Ltd. (‘the College’) are refundable only in accordance with the College’sRefund Policy, as may be amended from time to time

• I agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions as in the Prospectus and as in the Student Policies and Procedures• I have read and understood and agree to comply with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.• I have read and understood and agree to comply with the Student Policies and Procedures, a copy of which is available from the College or www.acnt.edu.au• As part of my course requirements I will be involved in and participate in class activities with staff, other students and guest lecturers of the College• I release and hold harmless the College, its principals, staff, servants and agents in respect to any property loss or personal injury that I may sustain whilst

participating in my course or attending the College howsoever caused


> “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but willinterest his patients in the care of the human frame, in dietand in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Thomas Edison

Registered Training Organisation National Code 90410 CRICOS Institution Code 00220K 2006 – Australasian College of Natural Therapies Pty. Ltd. – ABN 46 003 063 732.

All rights reserved. No part of this Prospectus may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

recording or otherwise without the express, written permission of Australasian College. Information contained in the 2007 Australasian College of Natural Therapies Prospectus

supersedes any information contained in any previous publications. This publication is not to be considered to form part of any agreement or contract. Any inconvenience arising

from errors in this Prospectus is regretted. This Prospectus should be read in its entirety and in conjunction with the ACNT website. Please contact the College prior to undertaking

any study if you are unclear about any section of this document. Information contained in this Prospectus may be subject to change without notice.

For updates, please visit our website at www.acnt.edu.au AD/P/094 – V1 – 09/06
















































ACNT Surry Hills57 Foveaux StreetSurry Hills NSW 2010Tel: (02) 9218 8888Fax: (02) 9281 4411www.acnt.edu.auE-Mail: [email protected]

ACNT Wellness Centre20 Glebe Point RoadGlebe NSW 2037Tel: (02) 9660 0677Fax: (02) 9660 0198www.acnt.edu.auE-Mail: [email protected]

0757 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 AustraliaPO Box K1356, Haymarket, NSW 1240 AustraliaT: (02) 9218 8888 F: (02) 9281 4411 www.acnt.edu.au [email protected]

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