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NightScripts August 2014 Jim Laughter, Editor

You probably think I’m referring to pornography. Well, I’m not. I am talking about entertaining adults. As writers, we have an opportunity to entertain both adults and children. Our audiences are very different and diverse. Who is your audience?

One of our visitors last month referred to himself as a writer of adult fiction. I thought, that means bodies. Naked? Dead? Parts? I was fascinated. What is adult fiction? Am I mature enough to read it? Who says so? Are there censors in your audience? Does your audience matter?

What is the ultimate adult entertainment? That’s easy; war. Mountains of literature have been written about war, generals, battles, bloodshed, loss, heroics, home front, protests, and degradation. It is the most inhumane of human events yet one of the most popular subjects. Do you write about war or avoid it? Is it a character or scene in your stories? Is war and its characters heroic and tragic or exhilarating and bonding? Who wins? Does it have a face? Does your reader identify with it?

At almost 15, my granddaughter is the best brought up young lady I’ve ever met. She is absolutely not an adult, and the only person on Earth who wants her to be one (right this minute) is her. Still, she has witnessed (in the media) dozens of gruesome murders and sexual assaults, war and torture, vulgarity and promiscuity from adults entertaining and enriching themselves at the expense of others. By default, she knows more about war, sex, and drugs than I did when I reached my majority back in the Dark Ages.

Who writes this stuff? How can we safeguard our children from being jaded at an early age? Where does the responsibility fall? As writers, do we have any responsibility to inadvertent

Lottie WildsThe Commander in Ink


Adult Entertainment

audiences? If so, how do we address it? If not us, who does? Does this aspect enter the creative process? How do we decide? Who decides?

What we watch, read, hear, see, and experience changes our brains by creating new pathways and new brain cells. What we write alters others brains, whether we intend to or not.

So as they say in Hollywood, that’s entertainment! Adult entertainment.

Things I’ve Learned About the Business of Writing

Sitting here editing a new writer’s book all day, I contemplated what I’d like to share for this month’s newsletter. The recent Tulsa NightWriter’s meetings on social media, networking, and my own recent personal conversations with two new authors I’m working with about the business and promotions aspect of being a writer seemed to be a perfect topic to explore further. So here are a few of my insights on things I’ve learned about the business of writing.

You can be a writer all your life, but to be successful, you should treat your art like a business. Schedule time to write—don’t wait until the desire strikes and the stars align. Easier said than done, but

still true. Get involved with others in the writing community. You are not an island—even if it feels like it

sometimes and even if you’re successful. The more your community prospers, the more you prosper. Be a part of making your community prosper.

Volunteer—your success sprouted not only from your own efforts, but the fertile ground tended by the predecessors in your community. You will grow from the experience of giving back. Yes, it’s hard work and exhausting and not always easy, but you will grow and benefit from it. Lead your writer’s group for a season, teach someone to read, offer to help a newbie writer and critique their work, teach a class, donate books to a fund raiser-to the children’s home- to the hospital- to the nursing home. Give back.

Mentor—you will learn more by teaching others how to write and edit and grow. You may find inspiring others inspires you, too.

Edit someone else’s work—this will not only satisfy the truism that writers need to be readers, but it will both help another and will flex your creative muscles in a different, yet, satisfying way. And after all, didn’t someone else take the time to read your first attempts at successful writing? You will also gain a firsthand appreciation for those dear souls who scrutinized your work for errors, for sure. And I find it is quite fun, sometimes, to be someone else’s muse instead of trying to chase my own.

Give honest feedback—even if it hurts. People don’t grow if you molly-coddle them. And we all benefit from honesty. Leave feedback, if not in person for the newbie author, then leave feedback on Amazon, GoodReads, etc., for works you read that are already out there. Even though a thousand people haven’t

left feedback for you and your book, do it for others anyway. Even though a thousand other people have left feedback on the book you read, still do it. It’s the right thing to do.

“Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Not because it is convenient or easy, but because it is the right thing.” by Karen Marie Graham….. (said to my kids for the last 25 years and to you, too. ;-)

Network—yes, you, the introverted author, do need other people. I know, it’s scary and uncomfortable and staying at home and reading a book sounds so much more fun that getting out to meetings. I feel that way, too. I’m tired after work. I don’t want to go out into the world once I get home, either. But we must step outside the comfy cozy world of our own making and engage in the scary, messy, and beneficial world of networking. We need to go to that writer’s group meeting, that seminar, that book event for someone else’s book. Why? You never know who you’ll meet, what opportunity will present itself, or what you might learn. Come take a chance and hang out with your peers. You never know what might happen. It could be cool. Just do it.

Treat your writing like a business. Learn about taxes, write offs, how to market, and about social media. Don’t rely on your publisher, if you have one, to grow your business. They represent more than just you. You are a brand that needs building. And no one will be as motivated as a promoter for your work as you are. If you aren’t great at it, take a class and learn to do it better—or ask another author for help.

Be smart about social media. Diversify your platforms. Use Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, About Me, LinkedIn and Google +, just to name a few. But remember…..a little goes a long way. Be diverse and interesting, interested in others, and avoid the single-minded book promotion focus. Be honest. Avoid controversy but be true to yourself. Readers and fellow writers want to know about you, not just about your book. Promote, but do so wisely.

NEVER give up (and STAY POSITIVE). You are going to make mistakes (it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it). You will be rejected by publishers (TONS of blockbuster authors were). You won’t make any sales at an event (you’re still building a brand, networking, and getting your name out there). You will get a mean review (not everyone will like your book and you won’t like everyone elses—it’s OK). You will offend people (or you will be offended—say sorry and move on). Your book may not be perfect and you will find a typo, or half a dozen, after publishing (all books have them). You will do your best and still not be perfect (it’s OK). You will fail (you only really fail if you stop trying). Never give up. Keep working, refining, learning, building your brand, screwing up, saying sorry and starting over. If you’re going to fail, do so attempting to walk on water…..don’t fail by staying in the boat.

This list is by no means all encompassing. Rather, it is a few of the main thoughts that come to mind tonight as I thought of what I could share for this month’s newsletter. I would LOVE to hear from you on things YOU have learned about being a successful writer. Send them to me at [email protected] and next month I’ll share what YOU have to say! You can even practice getting involved, volunteering, and mentor others when you participate! ;-) And please forgive any typos. I wrote this in an hour because I have been editing someone else tonight. But I’m not giving up. See y’all on August 19th! And keep on writing.

We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can

begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not

conceivably be more wrong. -Karl Popper, philosopher and a professor (1902-1994)

Our August Meeting will be a life celebration of


The Tulsa NightWriters were saddened at the passing of our matriarch Peggy Fielding on May 20, 2014. She was a prolific author that helped many of us learn our craft. Our August 2014 meeting will be dedicated as a life celebration of Peggy. But don’t despair, this won’t be a funeral. Her wishes were to have a night of fun, laughs, and a rip-roaring good time. The program will be led by Peggy’s long-time friends Jackie King and Romney Nesbitt.

You may click here to visit Peggy’s author page at AWOC.COM and on her picture to see her books on Amazon.

If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg

is due to only one ninth of it being above water….. Ernest Hemingway

Our July Speaker is Returning

Our July speaker was author, training program developer, and speaker Cheryl Stinchcomb. She presented a detailed an informative expose on using Pinterest to help reach our target audience and establish our brand of writing. She is the author of Pinterest for Profits, How to Master Pinterest Marketing in 15 Days and Presentation Skills that Rock. In 2013 she launched, Profit Pinning, an online course that teaches entrepreneurs how to master Pinterest Marketing in a 25-day video challenge. Unfortunately, we ran out of time in July so we are bringing her back in October to finish her presentation.

Cheryl has 20+ years of experience writing and developing training materials for prominent companies such as: 

The Walt Disney Company Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 7-Eleven, Inc. Pizza Hut International Outback Steakhouse Council for Hotel & Restaurant Trainers Tropical Smoothie Cafe Los Cabos Mexican Grill & Cantina Waterfront Grill

Cheryl’s biggest passion is inspiring women to be confident in their personal abilities and to live their life to its fullest. Her motto is…Think Big and Live Happy. You can find Cheryl on her online TV show; CherylWEBtv.com.

We hope you enjoyed our July meeting and learned a lot about working on Pinterest. Remember, Carol will be back in October to finish her presentation. We plan to give her the full hour so she won’t have to rush through her program. See you there.


“I’ll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, before long it’s going to be impossible to buy a week’s groceries for $10.00.”

“Have you seen the new cars coming out this year? It won’t be long before $1,000 will only buy a used one!”

“If they raise the minimum wage to $1.00, nobody will be able to even hire outside help at the store.”

“Did you see where some baseball player signed a contract for $50,000 a year just to play ball? It wouldn’t surprise me if someday they’ll be making more than the President.”

“It won’t be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone to watch their kids so they can both work.”

“The fast food restaurant is convenient for a quick meal, but I seriously doubt they will ever catch on.”

“I read the other day where some scientist thinks it’s possible to put a man on the moon by the end of the century. They even have some fellows they call astronauts preparing for it down in Texas!”

The cost of a 1955 Thunderbird was $2,944

"Rich in culture and the arts, the city of Tulsa nurtures artists of all kinds--including writers. SHADES OF TULSA reflects a wealth of topics inspired by the city in short stories, memoirs, and a few poems.

"The professional and aspiring writers in Tulsa NightWriters give readers their view of the life and people of Tulsa. Many of the stories in this collection are written by nationally known writers who live in or near Tulsa and want to celebrate their home.

Written by members of our group, the proceeds from the sale of this book go to support the Tulsa

John Biggs

Linda Trout

Our Members have Brags….

While he was on vacation this month, John Biggs received some good news about several of his international and U.S. short story submissions.

Open Road Review out of India will be publishing “Things Like This” in February of 2015. Open Road is an on line literary journal looking for stories up to 4,000 words. It sometimes includes audio versions of stories. If you are interested in submitting, you can find guidelines here: http://www.openroadreview.in/guidelines/

Firewords Quarterly out of the UK accepted “Footprints” (a reprint that won a People’s Choice Award in The Storyteller Magazine) for publication in August. This is a Kindle and print publication looking for short shorts (under 2,000 words) of any genre. You can find guidelines here: http://www.firewords.co.uk/submit/

Fringeworks out of the UK will be launching their anthology, Cadavers, at Southcart Books (an Independent Oxford, UK bookstore) on August 30. This anthology contains my story, “Girls from Jumbo”. Fringeworks publishes a number of anthologies, most of which are in the horror genre. Guidelines are here: http://www.fringeworks.co.uk/publishing.php

Pure Fantasy and Sci-Fi—at last a U.S. publisher—accepted two stories for an upcoming anthology: “Sassafras” (a reprint that first appeared in Shadow Masters) and “Unfinished Business” (a 6,000 word fantasy set in Oklahoma). Writers can find submission information here: http://www.purefantasyscifi.com

Linda Trout’s next book, LAST HOPE ALASKA, a romantic suspense novel set in Juneau, Alaska

will be released worldwide August 20th. The book will be available for half price from her publisher, The Wild Rose Press, from August 20th – 23rd. She will also be participating in an

Author Fair at Woodland Hills Mall on Saturday, August 23rd from 10am to 4pm.

You can visit Linda at her website, http://www.LindaTrout.com.

Carol Johnson

Sally Jadlow

Sara Sue Hoklotubbe

Sara Sue also received a great review on this new book….

Sara Sue Hoklotubbe’s SINKING SUSPICIONS, which is due for release on September 4, is showcased in Linda Rodriquez’ online series on Books of Interest by Writers of Color. Linda says of Hoklotubbe’s writing: “. . . she writes so well and creates characters that live on the page. . . This is the difference between an author who wants to use a people and their culture to add an exciting, singular touch to his book . . . and an author who really knows what she’s writing about . . . .” Check out the entire review at http://lindarodriguezwrites.blogspot.com/2014/07/sara-sue-hoklotubbes-sinking.html

Sally Jadlow has a new 366 day devotional titled Looking Deeper: A 366 Day Devotional available on Amazon in paperback and e-reader.

Sally JadlowSee my books hereNewest Book: Looking Deeper: a 366 Day Devotional in paperback and here for e-reader.Blogs:GodsLittleMiracleBook.wordpress.comand FamilyFavoritesfromtheHeartland.wordpress.com

Carol Johnson's short story, "The Trouble with Starlings," appears this month in Red Earth Review. The journal, issued twice a year, is published both in print and online formats by Oklahoma City University. Also her short story, "The Quality of Mercy," has been accepted for publication in Red Truck Review, A Journal of Southern Literature and Culture, for release in January 2015.

“She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick.” ― Flannery O'Connor

Sara Hoklotubbe is honored to announce that she has been invited to speak at the Library of Congress National Book Festival in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, August 30, 2014. Her presentation will be at 11:50 a.m. and her book-signing will be 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. The release date of her third mystery, SINKING SUSPICIONS, (University of Arizona Press) has been moved up to September 4, so books will be available for the

Jim Laughter

Galactic Axia Sci/Fi adventure series has been on the kindle top 100 best-seller list for since March 10, 2014. The 5th book in the series, The Wounded Warrior, released July 15th and has been on and off of the list. The Horicon Experience has maintained top 10 ranking since March. Visit Jim at www.jimlaughter.com

Deborah Camp’s historical romance trilogy is now available in a boxed set for $6.99 on Amazon. The set includes “Too Tough To Tame,” “Tough Talk, Tender Kisses,” and “A Tough Man’s Woman.” They are westerns and stand-alone novels, but they include two characters who appear in all three. “Too Tough to Tame” is an Amazon bestselling historical romance.



You have a book inside you. Maybe you’ve written it. Now what?

Attend this seminar and learn what the publishing industry is all about today and how you can achieve your dream, avoid the scams, and see your book published at the lowest possible cost.

When: October 11, 2014 9 a.m.to 1 p.m.Where: 9610 S. Garnett Road (In the Grace Church Chapel Rooms)Cost: $35.00Instructor: Tulsa Author Bill WettermanQuestions call 918-872-8132 To enroll, Email: [email protected] will close the day.


So You Want To Be A

Published Author!

Join us August 8th, 8:00 p.m. at Guthrie Green, when Tulsa Town Hall and The Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers/OSU-Tulsa will present Stardust, a free summer concert featuring Janet Rutland singing hit songs from 1927, the year highlighted in Bill Bryson’s latest book, ONE SUMMER.  Bill will be in Tulsa November 13th and 14th, making special appearances for these great organizations, and this is a great way to get to know his work a little better before his visit.

 “Take a moment from time to time to remember that you are alive."--Bill Bryson

*************************There is a local author program at TCCL (Tulsa Library) for authors wishing to donate a copy of their book for public reading. But you can't just drop the book off. It may not make it to the correct lady.  Send your published work to:

Tulsa City-County Library Attn: Sue AndersonCollection Development Manager1339 N. LansingTulsa, OK 74106

We have other events coming up later in the year that we’ll include in the next couple of newsletters. If you have an event, i.e. book signing, speaking engagement, etc., please send it to [email protected] for inclusion in the newsletter.


71st & Memorial/ Tulsa/Center Court

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


AUTHORSTammy Mullins, M. Carolyn Steele

Nikki Hanna, Gloria Teague, Beth S. Wilson

Karen Marie Graham, Pamela Wetterman

Donna Welch Jones, Sarah Renee Lonelodge

Mary Coley, Renee’ LaViness, Linda Trout

William Wetterman, Tammy Lynn Acuff


*Psycho-Thrillers*Women’s Fiction*Humor


Paranormal*Family Stories*Memoir*Nostalgia

LOCATIONWoodland Hills Mall

71st and Memorial/ Tulsa/Center Court

Every month our authors receive reviews for their published books. The following are just a few submitted this month. Also, if you read a book by a Tulsa NightWriter, be sure to write a review for it on Amazon. We should all support each other’s efforts to perfect and sell our craft.

RED HEELS & Smokin’

Reviews are coming in on Nikki Hanna’s memoir, a bold and hilarious romp through her fifties and sixties. The book is loaded with calamity, laughs, and strong messages. When someone described the author as “an old Bridget Jones,” Hanna said, “I’ll take that.” She warns, “If you bought this book seeking a fresh perspective on aging, you will find it. If you enjoy a spunky book with a saucy tone, this book is for you. If you are easily offended, it is not. If you are a man, this book may take you to a level of confusion you have never before experienced.”

“Wow. This is Erma Bombeck on steroids—with attitude.”. . .David Tinney

“The book is wonderful. Nikki successfully juggles humor, poignancy, the reality of aging, and refusing to 'settle' . . . It's a very funny book. It also is the story of a climb back from the depression that so often hits as we age, to a summit of living happily.”. . .Britton Gildersleeve

“This book is extremely funny and at the same time insightful. Nikki Hanna sees life in a witty and humble way.”. . . Paul Bevilacqua

“The book is occasionally hilariously obscene.”. . . Chris Matthies

Nikki Hanna boldly tells her story with a nakedness few of us would dare. But she does it with such side-splitting humor that we embrace her, root for her, applaud her, and thank her for sharing such hard-won wisdom.”. . . Mona Betz

“Men, brace yourself. Red Heels is off-the-charts funny, but don’t assume it is just a light read. What a personal, painful, insightful journey into her sixties.”

“You had me at [the chapter]‘Invisible.’”. . . Linda Farrar


How I Got My Moxie Back Nikki Hanna

(Order on Amazon , Kindle and www. nikkihanna .com )

“For women under the age of fifty, this book will be an enlightening wake-up call for grace in aging. It is redemptive for older women who haven’t yet realized their sixties can be the best decade ever. A laugh-out-loud experience.”

“A must read for women of all ages. With the bluntness and candidness of a Chelsea Handler; the respect and generosity for women of Oprah Winfrey, and the ability to find the humor in everyday experiences of Nora Ephron and Erma Bombeck, Nikki has provided us with a hilarious look at women.”. . . Toni Ellis

 “Deborah Camp has done it again . . . added another fascinating book to her long list of entertaining reads. THROUGH HIS EYES is a romantic suspense chock full of both . . . steamy, titillating romance and edge of your seat suspense.I loved the paranormal twist with psychics Trudy Tucker and Levi Wolfe. Trudy has the ability to see and feel the horrific acts committed by murderers. Levi can speak to the victims, chronicling the last hours, even minutes, of their life. They team up to end the gruesome spree of a serial killer in the Florida Keys. Along the way, they realize their connection is much more than shared psychic abilities as their hearts and bodies entwine as tightly as their minds.

Some of the scenes viewed by Trudy are graphic. I typically don't like extreme violence but these scenes are necessary to fully translate the villain's evil intentions. While at times intense, the balance is restored with witty banter and sexy encounters between Levi and Trudy.THROUGH HIS EYES is a well written thriller with a healthy dose of romance. It should be on the "must read" list of every romantic suspense reader but more than that, anyone who enjoys a good crime novel or action thriller will definitely want to consider this novel for their library. At 100k words, it's lengthier than most formula books of this genre but is filled with meat, not fluff. A very good read!”

 As a side note, the character of Quintara in these Mind’s Eye books is based heavily on Peggy Fielding.

Deborah Camp’s next book in her Mind’s Eye series is “Through His Touch” and will be released Sept. 1 on Amazon. These books are romantic suspense with paranormal elements. The first one “Through His Eyes” has received some great reviews, including this one from Deborah Sanders on Amazon:

For a long time now I have tried simply to write the best I can. Sometimes I have good luck and write better than I can.

Ernest Hemingway

Sarah Renee Lonelodge “This is a unique story plot with characters so true to life that it was easy to identify with them. The storyline was thought provoking and will appeal to soul searching individuals. Not your cookie cutter romantic fiction. Well written and engaging.”

“Very thought provoking! Great read! Loved this book! I loved the story line and the quotes fit so perfectly into each chapter. I will be waiting for more from this author!”

“Thoughtfully written with very well developed characters. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

“Loved it... Very well written.”


If you receive a good review of your book, be sure to submit it for inclusion in the newsletter. Send it to [email protected] or [email protected].

Death is only the beginning of John & Catherine’s journey. But leaving this world behind entails much more than simply strolling through a gate of gold and pearl. Instead they find themselves with an unconventional angel reliving their own failures and successes one by one. As choices already made are unfolded and examined, John and Catherine are finally able to see the true nature of life. What part of it will determine their eternity?

5.0 out of 5 stars It is beautifully written and a sweet yet liberating look at those ..., July 15, 2014

By DeAnn Ralston - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Promises You Keep (Kindle Edition)

I read this book in two nights! I got completely absorbed in the characters and their unfolding stories. It is beautifully written and a sweet yet liberating look at those who have suffered much in previous relationships. Plus, it has a surprise ending. I look forward to another book from Ms. Graham! 

Lottie Wilds, PresidentKaren Graham, V-Pres.Bill Wetterman, TreasurerPan Wetterman, HospitalityJim Laughter, Editor

Do you have an idea to strengthen the Tulsa NightWriters? Send any ideas, suggestions, speaker recommendation, etc. by email to the officer of your choice.

Click on this banner to visit the Tulsa NightWriters website.

TNW Officers for 2014

President Lottie Wilds [email protected]

Vice President Karen Marie Graham [email protected] Treasurer Bill Wetterman

[email protected] Pam Wetterman

[email protected] Editor Jim Laughter [email protected]

Your 2014 TNW Office


Schedule of 2014 Meetings

August 19 – Peggy Fielding Life CelebrationSeptember 16 Mark CollierOctober 21 – Cheryl Stinchcomb Using Pinterest to Reach your audience. 2015 Officer NominationsNovember 18 – OWFI writing contest panel Officer electionsDecember 16 – Christmas Party

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