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www.autoglassspecialists.netCall today for more information and fnd out why Auto Glass Specialists is your clear choice for auto glasswork.Auto Glass Specialists9175 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123Phone: (858) 627-1770, Fax: (858) 627-1776oll Free: 1 (888) 627-1770,!ast County: (619) 466-4111"orth #nland: (760) 432-0715, South $ay: (619) 422-0717"orth Coastal: (760) 436-7252Auto Glass %eplacementwww.autoglassspecialists.netAuto glass repair processhe windshield of a &ehicle is considered as an important element for the safety of a dri&er. As you compare the safety measures windshield of a &ehicle always come to the top. 'ou can(t su)stitute a windshield to any other safety measures. *ri&ing a &ehicle without a proper windshield is &ery in+urious to your health and life. So all you ha&e to need a windshield which is in a )etter condition. #f your windshield is cracked or )roken, then -uickly repair it. Auto glass replacement is also a pre&enti&e steps done for your own safety. 'ou ha&e to always repair your &ehicle(s windshield either it ha&e a small or )ig damage. Auto glass repair processhe windshield of a &ehicle is considered as an important element for the safety of a dri&er. As you compare the safety measures windshield of a &ehicle always come to the top. 'ou can(t su)stitute a windshield to any other safety measures. *ri&ing a &ehicle without a proper windshield is &ery in+urious to your health and life. So all you ha&e to need a windshield which is in a )etter condition. #f your windshield is cracked or )roken, then -uickly repair it. Auto glass replacement is also a pre&enti&e steps done for your own safety. 'ou ha&e to always repair your &ehicle(s windshield either it ha&e a small or )ig damage. www.autoglassspecialists.nethesmalldamagesofa windshield can )e fulflled in lowercosts)uta)ig damageinthewindshieldof a&ehicleresultsin replacement,itcan(t)e repaired. he small damages ofawindshieldaredone)y the chip repair method, they aredonewhenyour windshieldishit)yany smallparticleslikestoneor itcan)eany)all.$utif thereisa)iggerdamageon the windshield than it will )e donewiththehelpofthe crackrepairmethod.#n crackrepairmethodifthere areoneortwocracksinthe windshieldthanitcaneasily repairs, )ut if the cracks are hugethentheyha&eto replace the windshield.hesmalldamagesofa windshield can )e fulflled in lowercosts)uta)ig damageinthewindshieldof a&ehicleresultsin replacement,itcan(t)e repaired. he small damages ofawindshieldaredone)y the chip repair method, they aredonewhenyour windshieldishit)yany smallparticleslikestoneor itcan)eany)all.$utif thereisa)iggerdamageon the windshield than it will )e donewiththehelpofthe crackrepairmethod.#n crackrepairmethodifthere areoneortwocracksinthe windshieldthanitcaneasily repairs, )ut if the cracks are hugethentheyha&eto replace the windshield.Auto Glass %eplacement Solano $eachwww.autoglassspecialists.net/indshield %eplacement !ncinitasypes of windshield replacements a&aila)le in the market0. he *ealership: his is a windshield which can )e purchased from any of authori1ed automo)ile dealership &ehicle manufacturer company. his glass comes from the original )rand which designed your windshield originally. #t also contains the stamp of the &ehicle making company. #f you own a high class car like $mw of 2ercedes then # will prefer you to go to your dealer.www.autoglassspecialists.net3!2: hese g!asses "an #e $e%ne$ as sa&e as 'he $ea!er g!ass, #(' 'here is !i''!e "hanges in i' !ike )e have seen 'ha' $ea!er g!ass provi$es )in$shie!$s )hi"h are o* 'he sa&e &an(*a"'(ring "o&pan+, #(' ,-. provi$es )in$shie!$s )hi"h "an #e o* an+ "o&pan+, #(' 'he "o!or, si/e an$ $(ra#i!i'+ is !ike 'he origina! one0 he ,-. $is'ri#('or "on'ra"'s )i'h &an+ "o&panies0 he+ a!)a+s "hange 'heir "on'ra"'ors0 he+ never hire on!+ one "on'ra"'or0 1e"a(se i' res(!'s in 'he (pgra$a'ion o* 2(a!i'+0 1+ so&e o* 'hese *ea'(res "(s'o&ers pre*er is a !i''!e #i' &ore 'han o'hers0 1e"a(se 'he pri"e an$ 2(a!i'+ are 2(i'e a3or$a#!e an$ a$4(s'a#!e0Auto Glass %epair Carls)adwww.autoglassspecialists.netAftermarket: A*'er&arke' glass windshields "an #e o* an+ "o&panies0 he+ never $o a "on'ra"' )i'h an+ o* 'he "ar &an(*a"'(rers0 he a*'er&arke' g!asses "an5' &ake 'he )in$shie!$s as sa&e as 'he ,-. $is'ri#('ors #e"a(se o* vario(s !i"ensing an$ "op+righ' !a)s0 1(' 'he &ain *ea'(re o* A*'er&arke' g!ass is 'ha' i' provi$es +o( 'he )in$shie!$s )hi"h are "heaper 'han ,-. an$ o'her g!asses0 6' a!so provi$es +o( a $i3eren' 2(a!i'+ 'han o'her g!asses0 .an+ o* 'he "(s'o&ers $o no' pre*er a*'er&arke' g!asses $(e 'o i's 2(a!i'+0 6' provi$es a 2(a!i'+ )hi"h is !ess 'han ,-. an$ o'hers0Aftermarket: A*'er&arke' glass windshields "an #e o* an+ "o&panies0 he+ never $o a "on'ra"' )i'h an+ o* 'he "ar &an(*a"'(rers0 he a*'er&arke' g!asses "an5' &ake 'he )in$shie!$s as sa&e as 'he ,-. $is'ri#('ors #e"a(se o* vario(s !i"ensing an$ "op+righ' !a)s0 1(' 'he &ain *ea'(re o* A*'er&arke' g!ass is 'ha' i' provi$es +o( 'he )in$shie!$s )hi"h are "heaper 'han ,-. an$ o'her g!asses0 6' a!so provi$es +o( a $i3eren' 2(a!i'+ 'han o'her g!asses0 .an+ o* 'he "(s'o&ers $o no' pre*er a*'er&arke' g!asses $(e 'o i's 2(a!i'+0 6' provi$es a 2(a!i'+ )hi"h is !ess 'han ,-. an$ o'hers0/indshield %eplacement 4istawww.autoglassspecialists.nethe)in$shie!$is"onsi$ere$asani&por'an'&a'eria!*or'hesa*e'+ o* 'he vehi"!e0 As a sa*e'+ &eas(re, i* +o( "o&pare 'he )in$shie!$ o* avehi"!e'oo'her&eas(res,'hen)in$shie!$o*avehi"!ea!)a+s "o&e'o'he'op06'5sare!evan'&eas(re*oro(ro)nsa*e'+06'"an save(s*ro&&an+o*$angero(sa""i$en's06*+o(are$rivinga vehi"!e)i'ho('aproper)in$shie!$,'hen+o(aregivinganopen invi'a'ion'o'heserio(spro#!e&0Drivingavehi"!e)i'ho('a )in$shie!$res(!'sini&proper"!ari'+an$a!sogivesa)ors'!ook'o 'hevehi"!e06'a!so$e"reases'hepri"ean$'heva!(eo*avehi"!e0 7in$shie!$s"an #erepaire$easi!+*ro&an+)here #(''heonean$ 6 &os're"o&&en$'oo'hersisautoglassrepair5a6olla06'is'he oneo*'he#es')in$shie!$srepairingshopin'he)or!$,)hi"hgives +o( a &ore 2(a!i'+ an$ "!ari'+ 'o +o(r vehi"!e0he)in$shie!$is"onsi$ere$asani&por'an'&a'eria!*or'hesa*e'+ o* 'he vehi"!e0 As a sa*e'+ &eas(re, i* +o( "o&pare 'he )in$shie!$ o* avehi"!e'oo'her&eas(res,'hen)in$shie!$o*avehi"!ea!)a+s "o&e'o'he'op06'5sare!evan'&eas(re*oro(ro)nsa*e'+06'"an save(s*ro&&an+o*$angero(sa""i$en's06*+o(are$rivinga vehi"!e)i'ho('aproper)in$shie!$,'hen+o(aregivinganopen invi'a'ion'o'heserio(spro#!e&0Drivingavehi"!e)i'ho('a )in$shie!$res(!'sini&proper"!ari'+an$a!sogivesa)ors'!ook'o 'hevehi"!e06'a!so$e"reases'hepri"ean$'heva!(eo*avehi"!e0 7in$shie!$s"an #erepaire$easi!+*ro&an+)here #(''heonean$ 6 &os're"o&&en$'oo'hersisautoglassrepair5a6olla06'is'he oneo*'he#es')in$shie!$srepairingshopin'he)or!$,)hi"hgives +o( a &ore 2(a!i'+ an$ "!ari'+ 'o +o(r vehi"!e0Auto Glass %epair 5a 6olla.www.autoglassspecialists.netAuto Glass %eplacement7A"8S F3% %!A*#"G 9S

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