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Autoencoders for Image

ClassificationBartosz Witkowski

Jagiellonian University

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science



• Theoretical Background

• Problem Formulation

• Methodology

• Results

Theoretıcal Background

• Artificial Neural Networks

• Deep Neural Networks and Deep Learning

• Autoencoders and Sparsity

• Convolutional Networks

artificial neural networks

• The central idea is to extract linear

combinations of the inputs as derived features

and then model the target as a nonlinear

function of these features

• A feedforward neural network of depth n is a n-

stage regression or classification model,

The outputs of layer l are called activations and are

computed based on linear combinations of inputs

and the bias unit in the following way:



soft-max activation function used as the

last layer (classifier) for K-class


Two types of activation functions:

sigmoid activation and soft-max


When training feedforward networks we

use an average sum-of-squared errors as

an error function

To prevent from overfitting we add regularization

to error function

deep neural networks and

deep learning• Deep vanilla neural networks perform worse

than neural networks with one or two hidden


• In theory deep neural networks have at least

the same expressive power as shallow neural

networks but in practice they stuck in local

optima during training phase.

• It is important to use a non-linear activation

function f(x) in each hidden layer

autoencoders and sparsity

• An autoencoder is a neural network that is

trained to encode an input x into some

representation c(x) so that the input can be

reconstructed from that representation

After successful3 training,

it should decompose

the inputs into a

combination of

hidden layer activations.

With this trained

autoencoder has learned


We can measure the average activations of the

neurons in the second layer:

and add a penalty to the error function which will prevent

the activations from straying too far from some desired

mean activation p (the sparsity parameter).

* Kullback-Leibler divergence

The resulting autoencoder is called a sparse


B is called the sparsity constraint and controls

the sparsity penalty.

stacked autoencoders

convolutional networks

• Better than vanilla neural network.

• Inspired by the human visual system structure

and work by exploiting local connections

through two operations ( Convolution and Sub-

sampling / Pooling)


• Organized in layers of two types:

• Convolution, Sub-sampling


• Biologically inspired operation that reduces the

dimensionality of the input.

Single cell of output matrix is calculated by:

G is Gauss kernel, I is the input matrix. In actual implementation P = infinity

problem Formulation


Dataset: Handwritten digits,

Training Set: 60,000 examples

Test Set: 10,000 examples

Size: 28 x 28


• Architecture-1 Stacked Autoencoders

• Artchitecture-2 Stacked Convolutional


• Visualizing Features


• 784-200-200-200-10 Deep network

• Greedy layerwise training

• Training protocol

• Training Parameters and Methods

greedy layer wise training

• to construct a deep pretrained network of n

layers divide the learning into n stages.

• In the first stage train an autoencoder on the

provided training data sans labels.

• Next map the training data to the feature space.

• The mapped data is then used to train the next

stage auto encoder.

• The training follows layer by layer until the last


• The last layer is trained as a classifier (not as an

autoencoder) using supervised learning.

training protocol

t: the first 30000 images (out of 60000

After training the last stage, the networks n1 through n4

are stacked to form a deep neural network. Use the full

training set to train the deep neural network – this final

step is called fine-tuning.

tuning is that the labeled data can be used to modify the weights W(1) as well, so that adjustments can be ma


• Instead of training the network on the full

image we can exploit local connectivity via

convolutional networks, and additionally

restrict the number of trainable parameters

with the use of pooling.

visualizing featuresActivation of the hidden unit i


difference of cnns and

autoencoders• The main difference between AutoEncoder and

Convolutional Network is the level of network hardwiring.

Convolutional Nets are pretty much hardwired. Convolution

operation is pretty much local in image domain, meaning

much more sparsity in the number of connections in neural

network view. Pooling(subsampling) operation in image

domain is also a hardwired set of neural connections in

neural domain. Such topological constraints on network

structure. Given such constraints, training of CNN learns

best weights for this convolution operation (In practice there

are multiple filters). CNNs are usually used for image and

speech tasks where convolutional constraints are a good


• In contrast, Autoencoders almost specify

nothing about the topology of the network.

They are much more general. The idea is to

find good neural transformation to reconstruct

the input. They are composed of encoder

(projects the input to hidden layer) and

decoder (reprojects hidden layer to output).

The hidden layer learns a set of latent features

or latent factors. Linear autoencoders span the

same subspace with PCA. Given a dataset,

they learn number of basis to explain the

underlying pattern of the data.

Cenk Bircanoğlu

“Thank You For Listening”

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