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Page 1: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

JURIX 2005 – 18JURIX 2005 – 18thth Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information SystemsBruxelles, December 8, 2005Bruxelles, December 8, 2005

JURIX 2005 – 18JURIX 2005 – 18thth Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information SystemsBruxelles, December 8, 2005Bruxelles, December 8, 2005

Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica


Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica


Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Automatic Translation from Textual Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models Representations of Laws to Formal Models

through UMLthrough UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models Representations of Laws to Formal Models

through UMLthrough UML

Pietro MercataliPietro MercataliFrancesco RomanoFrancesco Romano

Pietro MercataliPietro MercataliFrancesco RomanoFrancesco Romano

ITTIG-CNRITTIG-CNR{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it

ITTIG-CNRITTIG-CNR{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it

Luciano BoschiLuciano BoschiEmilio SpinicciEmilio Spinicci Luciano BoschiLuciano BoschiEmilio SpinicciEmilio Spinicci

DSIDSI{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it

DSIDSI{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it

Page 2: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 2222

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML



Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

UML Modelling of the contents of a legislative text and of the applied amendments;

LexLooter plug-in Tool functionalities: UML instantiation, generation of

coordinated text; Application example;

Conclusions and future perspectives

Page 3: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 3333

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

IntroductionIntroduction Motivations:

Legislative text contents liable to Express Textual Amendments (ETAs) may present intelligibility problems

Support for recognition and validation can be achieved using

● NLP and IE tools&techniques (XML markup);● Formal representation of legislative contents (UML);● Automatic generation of the coordinated text;

Goal: Implementing a suitable software tool for automatic

processing a legislative text prone to several ETAs● LexLooter;

Page 4: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 4444

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML



Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives


Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives

Page 5: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 5555

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Express Textual AmendmentExpress Textual Amendment((NovellaNovella))

Kind of normative nexus, where an active disposition affects the passive one, by modifying its text;








Page 6: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 6666

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

2. La presente legge e' finalizzata all'applicazione dei principi di efficienza e di trasparenza nei procedimenti amministrativi, al perseguimento contestuale del servizio al singolo cittadino e della tutela degli interessi pubblici e collettivi.

ETA exampleETA example Regional Statute 43/2003, article 1, comma 1 (ETA)

Regional Statute 52/1999, article 1, comma 2 (Root Law)

1. In article 1, comma 2, of Regional Statute October 14, 1999, n. 52 (Norme sulle concessioni, le autorizzazioni e le denunce d'inizio delle attivita' edilizie [...]), after the words "procedimenti amministrativi," are inserted the following: "al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed".

1. In article 1, comma 2, of Regional Statute October 14, 1999, n. 52 (Norme sulle concessioni, le autorizzazioni e le denunce d'inizio delle attivita' edilizie [...]), after the words "procedimenti amministrativi," are inserted the following: "al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed".

1. In article 1, comma 2, of Regional Statute October 14, 1999, n. 52 (Norme sulle concessioni, le autorizzazioni e le denunce d'inizio delle attivita' edilizie [...]), after the words "procedimenti amministrativi," are inserted the following: "al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed".

1. In article 1, comma 2, of Regional Statute October 14, 1999, n. 52 (Norme sulle concessioni, le autorizzazioni e le denunce d'inizio delle attivita' edilizie [...]), after the words "procedimenti amministrativi," are inserted the following: "al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed".

Page 7: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 7777

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

ETA exampleETA example Regional Statute 43/2003, article 1, comma 1 (ETA)

Regional Statute 52/1999, article 1, comma 2 (Root Law, modified)

2. La presente legge e' finalizzata all'applicazione dei principi di efficienza e di trasparenza nei procedimenti amministrativi, al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed al perseguimento contestuale del servizio al singolo cittadino e della tutela degli interessi pubblici e collettivi.

1. In article 1, comma 2, of Regional Statute October 14, 1999, n. 52 (Norme sulle concessioni, le autorizzazioni e le denunce d'inizio delle attivita' edilizie [...]), after the words "procedimenti amministrativi," are inserted the following: "al soddisfacimento dei bisogni sociali ed".

Page 8: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 8888

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

UML ModellingUML ModellingUML ModellingUML Modelling

Modelling Legislative Acts A UML Class Diagram including:

● Structure of the Text;● Amendment Dispositions;

Instantiating Class Diagram for each legislative act Generating one Object Diagram (UML 2.0) for each

analysed act

Processing algorithms for: Search of partitions and amendment dispositions; ETA application to Root Models; Verification of instatiated structures;

Page 9: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 9999

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Package NIR Law

type, number date...

Articles Partitions

Titolo Articolo Comma...

Text Elements Corpo Rubrica...


Page 10: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 10101010

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Associated to the partitions of the Novella

RepealsInsertions Substitutions

Text strings or entire partitions

References to Law partitions


Page 11: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 11111111

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Change Class

Allow tracking of applied amendments

Included in: Legge (Law) Class Text Elements Partitions

Coordinated Coordinated modelmodel

Page 12: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 12121212

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Adopted Adopted Information Extraction toolsInformation Extraction tools

Adopted Adopted Information Extraction toolsInformation Extraction tools

LexEdit XXI A tool by ITTIG and CELI s.r.l. for XML structural

marking and checking of a legislative text;

Sophia 2.1 A general-purpose FSA linguistic parser

developed by CELI s.r.l., used for automatic recognition and XML marking of ETAs;

Page 13: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 13131313

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Document ProcessingDocument Processing










Page 14: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 14141414

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Model generationModel generation


CoordinatedModel 1

ETAModel 2

CoordinatedModel 2

ETAModel 3

CoordinatedModel 3

... ... ...





ETAModel 1

Page 15: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 15151515

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML



Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives


Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives

Page 16: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 16161616

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

LexLooterLexLooterLexLooterLexLooter Main Features

Plug-in for Eclipse 3.0 framework; OO Design; Integrates UML2 Eclipse library;

Functionalities Implementation of the proposed methodology

● Parsing of XML documents produced by LexEdit XXI and Sophia 2.1

● Instatiating UML model of the analyzed act Verification of the applied amendments Generation of the Coordinated Text Analysis of the text currently in force

Page 17: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 17171717

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML










Example of Coordinated ModelExample of Coordinated Model

Page 18: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 18181818

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Coordinated Text Coordinated Text GenerationGeneration

Coordinated model is converted in HTML using XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) Transformation;

Page 19: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 19191919

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Coordinated Text Coordinated Text GenerationGeneration

Page 20: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 20202020

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Text in force AnalysisText in force Analysis


ETAModel 1

CoordinatedModel 1

ETAModel 2

CoordinatedModel 2

Page 21: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 21212121

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML


Express Textual Amendments

Marked by Sophia   Applied by LexLooter

Str. Repeal Str. Subst. Str. Ins. Str. Repeal Str. Subst. Str. Ins.

Part.Repeal Part. Subst. Part.Ins.   Part.Repeal Part. Subst. Part.Ins.

L.R. 13/2002

8   8

0 2 0 0 2 0

2 2 2   2 2 2

L.R. 43/2003

34   31

0 7 4 0 7 2

7 13 3   7 13 2


42   39

0 9 4 0 9 2

9 15 5   9 15 4

LexLooter successfully applied 39 of 42 ETAs marked by Sophia (93%)

Application Example:Application Example:Tuscany Statute 52/1999Tuscany Statute 52/1999

Page 22: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 22222222

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Unmodelled amendmentsUnmodelled amendments Presence of typing errors (2) prevent correct

matching with text extraction regex;

Missing structural XML markup of the text added by an amendment (1)

partition (e.g. a comma) replaced by more partitions (more commas);

text added by an amendment appears quoted in the novella and cannot be marked by LexEdit

Text normalisation currently implemented (blank removing, quotes reduction, …);

Regex refinement and better LexEdit integration will allow structural markup of added partitions;

Page 23: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 23232323

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Unmarked amendments are also taken into account;

Sophia only marks “well formed” amendments according to modern drafting rules

LexLooter can estimate the number of unmarked amendments using suitable regex matching in the text outside Sophia markups

Suitable warnings notify the number of estimated unmarked amendments or incorrect marking, as well as of unmodelled elements

Unmarked AmendmentsUnmarked AmendmentsUnmarked AmendmentsUnmarked Amendments

Page 24: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 24242424

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Next DevelopmentsNext DevelopmentsNext DevelopmentsNext Developments

Extending Sophia marking rules in order “bad formed” amendments to appear in the UML diagram;

Implementation of a verification algorithm to validate the modelled amendments

Correctness attributes in Change Class to be instantiated in case of “well formed” or “bad formed” amendments(to be notified with suitable warning messages)

Page 25: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 25252525

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML



Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives


Information Extraction&Modelling of Express Textual Amendments using UML

LexLooter plug-in

Conclusions and future perspectives

Page 26: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 26262626

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

ConclusionsConclusions The LexLooter prototype has shown its potential

as a tool supporting the recognition of a legislative text liable to express textual amendments;

as a tool supporting the validation and verification of a legislative text;

Further improvements include: Definition of OCL structural constraints for the validation

of the structure of model, according to legislative drafting; UML Interaction

● Omondo EclipseUML / GMF

Experimentation on an extended corpus of legislative acts is also a priority.

Page 27: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 27272727

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Future WorkFuture WorkFuture WorkFuture Work Interfacing with NirEditor

and adaptation of metadata (DTD NiR)

Evolution of the adopted UML model Inclusion of further structural and textual information

● Article differentiated being-in-force

Non-standard structures● Conditioned amendments

Extension of the methodology to other documentation

Administrative acts

Page 28: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 28282828

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Open Issues (1)Open Issues (1)Open Issues (1)Open Issues (1)

As in other projects, the main goal of this work is to intercept the semantics of a text by adopting textual linguistic analysis techniques.

The textual linguistic postulates three main levels constituting the communicative act:

textual inter-textual extra-textual

Page 29: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 29292929

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Open Issues (2)Open Issues (2)Open Issues (2)Open Issues (2)

We call it the “pre-situational and static model”

The model represents a text which does not take into account factual situations however which interacts in the determining (in continuous evolution) of the meaning of the text itself.

We link the “pre-situational model” to a “normativistic model” which represents the general and abstract legal rule.

Instead the “situational model”, is the model obtained after the positioning of the utterance in the factual situation.

We link the “situational model” to the “interpretative model”.

This model represents the interpreted norm.

In this work the implemented model is built within textual and inter-textual levels without considering the extra-

textual one.

Page 30: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 30303030

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Open Issues (3)Open Issues (3)Open Issues (3)Open Issues (3)

We consider the first institute saturated within textual and inter-textual levels and the second one as a result of the interaction between textual, inter-textual and extra-textual levels.

● In Italian jurisprudence, the difference between enforcement and effectiveness is often exemplified by the war criminal code: in peace time the code is certainly enforced but not effective. The effectiveness will depend upon wartime declaration, but also from real situations not calculable by a representative model of the legislative system being extraneous to the system itself. The war criminal code considers, in fact, cases of “automatic” effectiveness (application) of war criminal law connected to some events, without the needs of a bill, order or other and, in particular, the war declaration which effects, for general rule, the application of the war criminal code (art. 3 c.p.m.g.)

On one hand, the enforcement is implemented by a model built only in the textual and inter-textual level, on the other, the effectiveness to be intercepted demands the covering of the extra-textual level.

In the following, we exemplify this through the difference between enforcement and effectiveness

Page 31: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 31313131

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Open Issues (4)Open Issues (4)Open Issues (4)Open Issues (4) The building of the “situational/interpretative model” demands the

representation of events and the dynamic interaction between the events and the text.

We believe UML, a notation potentially able to represent also extra-textual level for the implementation of more efficient “interpretative models” for the evaluation of the normative product which can be adopted not only by the legislator, but also by lawyers who apply and interpret the law.

Modelling such events and situations needs different UML notations w.r.t. the static diagrams adopted to represent textual and inter-textual levels.

UML notations for the description of dynamic aspects (i.e. sequence, activity diagrams) should be adopted to model extra-textual level and its interaction with the text.

We hope that the proposed issue receives the critical attention from the computer/law community to be developed or demolished.

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P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 32323232

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Thank you for your attention!

Page 33: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

JURIX 2005 – 18JURIX 2005 – 18thth Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information SystemsBruxelles, December 8, 2005Bruxelles, December 8, 2005

JURIX 2005 – 18JURIX 2005 – 18thth Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information SystemsBruxelles, December 8, 2005Bruxelles, December 8, 2005

Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica


Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica


Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Automatic Translation from Textual Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models Representations of Laws to Formal Models

through UMLthrough UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models Representations of Laws to Formal Models

through UMLthrough UML

Pietro MercataliPietro MercataliFrancesco Romano Francesco Romano

Pietro MercataliPietro MercataliFrancesco Romano Francesco Romano

ITTIG-CNRITTIG-CNR{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it

ITTIG-CNRITTIG-CNR{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it{ mercatali, romano }@ittig.cnr.it

Luciano BoschiLuciano BoschiEmilio Spinicci Emilio Spinicci Luciano BoschiLuciano BoschiEmilio Spinicci Emilio Spinicci

DSIDSI{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it

DSIDSI{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it{ boschi, spinicci }@dsi.unifi.it

Page 34: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 34343434

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Additional Slides

Page 35: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 35353535

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML


Expertise of DSI and ITTIG

Experience on information extraction&modelling of technical documentation

● Patents, Software Requirements Specifications;

Experience in analysing legislative texts using structural and semantic information extraction techniques

● Structural XML marking: NormeInRete (NIR) project, NIR DTDs;

● Semantic analysis of Express Textual Amendments;

Page 36: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 36363636

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Detection of Sophia unmarked or incorrectly marked amendments

Possible wrong tags Assessment of unmarked


Warnings Warnings after Sophia XML Analysisafter Sophia XML Analysis

Warnings Warnings after Sophia XML Analysisafter Sophia XML Analysis

Page 37: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 37373737

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Modelling notificationsModelling notifications

Further warnings may be produced at the end of the UML modelling phase

typing errors missing structural markup of added text

Page 38: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 38383838

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Unmodelled amendmentsUnmodelled amendments

Text “Normalisation” currently implemented: emphasized characters (è, é e') quotes (e.g.: “ ” '', ` ´ ' ) removing unnecessary XML tags for the generation of

the coordinated text(e.g.: references tag <rif…> […] </rif>)

blank removing

Next implementation: Refinement of regular expressions for text extraction Integration with LexEdit for the markup of added text

Page 39: Automatic Translation from Textual Representations of Laws to Formal Models through UML

P. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. SpinicciP. Mercatali, F. RomanoL. Boschi, E. Spinicci 39393939

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Automatic Translation from Textual Representation of LawsAutomatic Translation from Textual Representation of Lawsto Formal Models through UMLto Formal Models through UML

Next DevelopmentsNext DevelopmentsNext DevelopmentsNext Developments

Example of coordinated model with verified amendment correctness:

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