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Page 1: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation

As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases

Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

KM model fits well until 1993

Page 2: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

>20 yrs experienceCollege wage /High School wage

Relative wages differ by cohort

< 10 yrs experience

< 10 yrs experience

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

>20 yrs experience

< 10 yrs experienceCollege Grads /High School Grads

Page 3: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Card and Lemieux (2001) strategy—allowing more flexibility in the CES

Define education cohorts with substitution among cohorts


Chain Rule

Revised estimating equation

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Page 4: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



How credible is the minimum wage explanation?

How credible is the minimum wage explanation?

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Page 5: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



How credible is the minimum wage explanation?

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

How credible is the minimum wage explanation?

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Page 6: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Lemieux(2006): Points to the poor fit of the Katz-Murphy model after 1987 as requiring a different explanation for widening inequality in the 1990s+

Unobserved skills

Prices of the unobserved skills

Measurement error in skills

Presumption that εit increases due to pit, but it could be Var(eit) or Var(vit)

90th percentile log wage residuals, different variances

ε90 ε'90

Page 7: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



1) Surge in college supply lowered returns to skill in the 1970s, but residual inequality continued to riseCollege and unobserved skill must be different inputs

2) College/High School premium stops rising in the 1990s, even though the relative supply change is similar to the 1980s. If trend growth is slowing why is residual inequality still rising?

The need for a new explanation

q y g3) If price of unobserved skill is rising, why is black-whote or male-female gap not



Composition of laborComposition of labor market more experienced

→There is no puzzle

Assume initially that

Define for each education-experience group j

Conditional variance of unobserved skill for group j

Variance decomposition using formulation in handout

Group j share of the total population

Page 8: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Problem : cannot observe eit

Conditional variance of jth group wages is

Imposing that

Change in variance from period s to period t

Within group variance

Between group variance

If change is within group, it is due to pricesIf change is between groups, it is due to


Page 9: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Inequality rises when MW falls

Page 10: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Within group error variance—not much going onmuch going on after 1987

Controlling for changes in composition: Data from 1973, 2003

Estimate (P03 |x): probabilityEstimate (P03 |x): probability of being in 2003 data using individual attributes

Higher educated, experienced people downweighted

Vertical distance due to composition, horizontal path due to prices

Page 11: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



What about measurement error?

March CPS: asks Earnings and Hours for the past yearWage = (Earnings/Hours)

May CPS: asks Hourly wage directlyDitto Outgoing Rotation Group

Outgoing Rotation Group: CPS respondents spend 4 months in, 8 months out and then 4 months in

Salaried workers, similar treatment in March, MayHourly workers should have more accurate information in May



Variance in log hourly wages:


hourly wages:Classical measurement error in hourly wages, not in salaried positions

Page 12: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David




Between Group Variance

Classical WOMEN

measurement error does not affect

means: between group variation should not be



Residual Wage Variation


Page 13: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David




Changes in the proportion of workers in the CPS id h lCPS paid hourly

Fraction paid hourly i i i i i


is increasing, raising measured residual inequality by 15-20 percentage points over the sample period

Autor et al---1) What if we consider the upper and lower

tail of the error distribution2) What if we hold prices fixed and let

composition evolve according tocomposition evolve according to

Vertical distance due to change in prices andVertical distance due to change in prices and horizontal movement along path is due to

changes in labor market composition.

Page 14: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Page 15: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. K “T d i U SKearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Page 16: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



Occupational labor markets Is there a polarization of the labor market?


Rising 90/50 inequality Falling 50/10 inequality

What would explain shrinking demand for the median worker with rising demand at the upper and lower tails?

Dictionary of Occupation Titles defines education level and task intensity by occupation

Task intensity of 50 means the occupation is at the median intensity of the task in 1960

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

Mean years of education by occupation

Page 17: Autor Katz Kenney - Economics€¦ · 11/2/2010 1 The Katz-Murphy (1992) formulation As relative supply increases, relative wage decreases Katz-Murphy (1992) estimate Autor, David



ΔE = α + βΔW + εΔE α βΔW ε

β = 3.0 in 1980-1990β = 2.96 in 1990-2000

Autor, David H., Lawrence Katz and Melissa S. Kearney. “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 90(2) (May 2008): 300-323.

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