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CSR at Aviva

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What is Aviva

• Aviva is the world’s seventh largest insurance company and the largest in the UK.

• Main activities are long-term savings, fund management and general insurance.

• One of the leading providers of life and pensions products to Europe and have substantial businesses elsewhere around the world.

• Has a premium income and investment sales of £30 billion and £240 billion of assets under management.

• With 56,000 employees serving 30 million customers worldwide.

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What is CSR• Focus is on responsibility towards all stakeholders rather than only maximization of profit for shareholders.

• Stakeholders consists of :







• Paradigm shift towards the triple- bottom line : People , Planet and Profit ..

• Two way relationship between Business and Society.

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Drivers for CSRInternal forces

“[Aviva’s] leadership, culture, and ethic are the most significant drivers of change. The predominance of such distinctive competencies indicate that Aviva’s innovation and leadership in the area of CSR will be sustained long into the future.”

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CSR Team

Anthony SampsonDirector of CSR

Michelle WolfeCSR Reporting Manager

Annette PendreyCSR Research Manager

Megan CrockfordCSR Assistant

Janneke DijkstraCSR Communications


*NUCS/Aviva Shared Resource – dotted line reporting to Director of CSR

Zelda BenthamEnvironment*


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Aviva Life Insurance (India)

• Joint venture between Dabur (74%) and Aviva plc . (26%)

• Started operations in 2002 ,extending its presence in 25 branch offices in 22 locations across country

• CSR is a critical part and integral part of its activities in India

• Initially concentrated on two aspects: Community and Environment

• Has a CSR programme on all locations

Aviva Life Insurance (India) & CSR

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Aviva India’s CSR Activities

• Aviva India’s community programme focused on supporting the Asharan Hope Foundation ,children’s orphanage and St Joseph’s old age home

• 2003 – hosted a fund-raising event for Asharan , where the theme was “ where there’s life, there’s hope” ( fund raised was £ 2,382 )

• Aviva’s corporate headquarters : during Diwali a special ‘Mela’ organized . Money collected from this and a equal contribution from company was donated to Asharan Hope Foundation

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Aviva India’s CSR Activities

• Aviva Kolkata : the team celebrated Diwali with the 185 residents of the St Joseph’s old age home. Working for benefit for elderly ladies and homeless children

• Aviva’s Head Office Gurgaon : CSR activities are run on voluntary basis by the employees , who visit the slums meet children ,educate them about schooling, basic hygiene and first aid

• At Asansol : Aviva India has tied up with Cheshire home of Burnpur, a missionary org. working for spastic and mentally challenged girls

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Aviva India’s CSR Activities

• At Lucknow : Aviva India associated with NGOs like Chetna (for Orphan Children) ,Drishti (for blind kids), Nirvan (for spastic and mentally challenged)

• At Bangalore : associated with NGOs which work for disabled children and old age home

• At Patna : here the CSR team opened a night school for working children where each employee spends some hours with them

• At Coimbatore : Sponsoring the education of one of the office boys

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Aviva India’s CSR Activities

• At Vadodra : Aviva India associated with two NGOs , Senior Citizen Association and Baroda Citizen council ( has 300 members)

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Aviva India’s CSR Activities

Reference : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTuU7NXJteQ

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CSR in practice



•aim to incorporate them into Aviva,

without creating unnecessary


•How to bring standards to life?

•Discuss their application with staff.

•Encourage feedback.

•Whistle blowing phone-line


•Customer service and satisfaction

(monitoring customer satisfaction)

•Including CSR in core products and


•Micro Insurance

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CSR in practice


•Reporting in accordance with

Gyllenhammar framework

•Employees opinion Surveys -


•flexible working schemes (for e.g.

part-time working, job-sharing, working

from home)

•counselling services

•involving staff in whole programme


•not only adhering to local laws, but

promoting campaigns to bring about

staff awareness

•regular checks

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CSR in practice


•Diversity – equal opportunities in the



• engage suppliers to endorse oAviva

values on Environment, Human Rights,

CSR by, for example, including human

rights, environmental and other CSR

questions into the tender process for


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CSR in practice


•gather data,

•set targets for improvement and

check they are met


- Use of renewable-sourced

energy in the buildings.

- Implementing recycling

initiatives (paper, plastic cups,

cardboard etc)

- Promoting energy efficiency, for

e.g. encouraging employees to

switch off lights, computer

screens at end of the day etc.


•supporting charitable causes and

community activities

•encourage staff involvement, through

volunteering or payroll giving schemes

•consider matched funding

opportunities (company supporting

staff fundraising schemes)

•consider alternative support, such as

gifts in kind (for e.g. donation of old

computers/furniture etc.)

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Where has Aviva got to? • Have a developed CSR programme

• CSR programme covers all Aviva businesses worldwide

• Programme has won us support from investors, staff, some customers &


• Commonly regarded as a leader

• Only UK insurer in both the Dow Jones Sustainability World and STOXX Indices

• Member of FTSE4Good Index Series

• Included in Corporate Knights Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the


• A top rated company within our sector by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors

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Working in partnership• Close relationships with chosen partners:

- Business in the Community

- United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (climate change and asset

management working groups)


- Earthwatch

- BTCV – UK’s largest conservation charity

- Institute of Business Ethics

- International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)

• Participation in external initiatives:

- FORGE – Chair group of banks and insurers

- Global Compact – Chair UK Forum of GC signatories

- Globally Responsible Leadership initiative (EFMD/GC)

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• Recently won the CSR Award for its programme – ‘Street to School’

• In 2003, Aviva received the Gold award for excellence for waste

management by corporation of London

• In 2003, Aviva India came 11th in the “Great Places to work” survey

• In 2003, Aviva was placed in 8th position in the Female FTSE index

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Aviva’s DNA

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