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A soft upholstery system which answers the needs of our rapidly changing workplace.

Away from the Desk, by Orangebox.

Away from the Desk recognises the demands of our work day by creating a space where we can use mobile technology effectively. It allows individual spaces to seamlessly integrate with larger, collaborative configurations, at lounge, table or café height.

Available to 1470mmH, Away from the Desk is designed to absorb & block direct, transmitted, reflected and diffracted sound. This addresses some of the noise pollution challenges in open plan spaces, and provides a more refined acoustic environment.

0800 43 45 46 haworthbyeuroplan.co.nz

Combine personal, collaborative, media working & meeting areas

Recreate the successful dynamics of social environments and bring these into the workplace

Product options can be specified individually or combined within shared work spaces

Modular - Flexible - Power - Data

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