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adivasi calling!!!

Proudly tribal for tribal'sall adivasi at one place

www.adiyuva.in [email protected]

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WHY? [to know why we are doing this]

-     There are no. of individuals with great success in their career.[To utilize available talent/resources for development of our community]-     There are many students are not getting correct career paths due to lack of guidance and financial conditions[with the help of experts & professionals from that field we can guide / help the students]-     Many opportunities are missed due to unaware of advertisement / information etc[to build the knowledge pool to share knowledge & information]-     There are many people’s are ready to spend for our community[with the help of those we can do lot for our community]-     There are lot of organizations for our community, but not dedicated to shape career[with giving quality output, we can make difference with them]

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ABOUT [to know more about]

Is group tribal professionals form different professional backgrounds, to have good communication between all youths.With the help of our knowledge & talent create structure to guide/help needy students & youths to survive with great success in future competition.        Is only group in community with different carrier professionals at same place to guide/help community for their career & future. Independent from any political & social organizations        Is group of peoples from different areas are commonly with vision to dedicate available time for community development internally.

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MISSION [to achieve something]

-     Connect the tribal's-     Create unity among all tribal's-     Make competitive for future completion-     Preserve art & culture

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VISION [to work with some spirit]

-     With the use of latest technology & techniques connect all tribal's at one place.- Share available knowledge & talent for development of our community-     Make independent, rather than individual dependant-     Team work for community-     Create business/career awareness

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COMMITMENT [to wind up with the rules]

-     Respect the culture-     Respect the unity-     Make youths to respect culture

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AIM [ensure the tribal success]

Short term – -       knowledge sharing-       forming group & unified youths-       helping/guiding needy students-       creating business/career awarenesslong term – -       unity in community-       unity in young generation-       making confident, dependant, competitive youth-       preserving art & culture-       creating business awareness

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PLANS [make connections and get results]

Regular events–-       get together with students & all members-       discussion meetings with professionals & leaders-       walk in to have look on different opinionsPeriodically events– -       annual function (all programs)-       career guidance for students & youths-       cultural program (cultural competitions)-       special events (arrange according to requirements)-       occasional programs (arrange according to requirements)-       students, woman’s, teachers, servants, farmers, artist meet (professionals meet )-       guide & promo program in Yatra/mela

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FIELDS TO CONCENTATE [area of work]1.   Education2.   Career / business opportunities3.   Youth unity4.   Art & culture preservation5.   Local schemes awareness6.   Health

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PROCESS [to remove dependability & make concept oriented]

1.   Strategy team should discuss on strategy on listed fields 2.   Respective field in charge should prepare plan for his field3.   All members should finalize after brainstorming on plan in strategy team meeting4.   Respective responsible person should implement identified activities according to plan5.   Filed in charge should submit the periodical progress of activities to strategic team6.   Strategy & plans should be review periodically

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STRUCTURE [to ensure process dependant rather than

individuals]1.   Internal team (strategy planning team)2.   Field wise in charge ( to plan for that field)3.   Active members (to support the work in field)4.   In touch members (to support the activities & share opinions)5.   Supportive members ( support externally)6.   Well wishers (well wisher for activities)

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COMMUNICATION [to make flow of knowledge and information]

1.   Communication will be in form of discussion/meeting/get together at local level2.   Communication via mail/blogs/forums with online members3.   Communication via call/sms will done with remote location members4.   Plans & progress report communication should be form of written/mail

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RULES [to ensure smooth progress of group]

Following rules should be followed by all individuals in group – 1.   Should not be involve in any political activities2.   Should be interested for our vision & activities3.   Should not be expect any personal benefits from group4.   Should not miss represent the group  5.    Following rules should be followed by team internally for proper working – 1.   The individual names & designation should not be publish 2.   Try to avoid more closeness of any political organization & individual3.   Try to avoid individualism in group4.   Assign activities uniformly & observe the progress regularly5.   Should be interested for our vision & activities6.   Should not be expect any personal benefits from group7.   Should not miss represent the group

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ANALYSE & REVIEW [to satisfy the


-       About coverage-       About contacts-       About cooperation-       About feedbacks-       About result-       About image-       About individual working


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