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Page 1: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio

Experiential Learning Activity:

Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2

(NURS 2039)

Student name:

Student ID:


Experience level:


If found, please return to: University of South Australia, School of Nursing and Midwifery, City East

campus, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000.

Page 2: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student


Before you begin you must ensure that you have read through the following resources:

• MIDAC Clinical Assessment Tools 3rd Edition

• Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Foundation Practicum 2 (ELA 2) Course Outline • ELA 2 Quick Guide

The Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs) in this program provide opportunity for you to develop your professional and clinical skills. During the ELA’s you will participate in a pre-clinical workshop in the

School’s HHHS and will engage with the MIDAC/UniSA Clinical Assessment Tool (CAT) for Midwifery Students. You will be expected to successfully undertake an Objective Structured Clinical Activity (OSCA)

in the simulated environment (HHHS) to satisfy the requirements for clinical placement. Any student

who receives a fail grade for an OSCA will not be eligible to proceed to the clinical placement of the course. They may be provided an opportunity to redo the OSCA in discussion with the Course


ELA 2 consists of 1 pre-clinical day, placement for 4 weeks x 5 days per week working across a 24h

roster, and a post-clinical workshop. Please refer to the course objectives for ELA 2 that are detailed

in the corresponding Course Outline, along with the assessment requirements.

Compiling the Portfolio

This portfolio and passport to placement folder is to be taken with you on placement and when

attending your COCE. You can access the Passport to Placement checklist from the CPU link on the

Clinical Experience site. It is important to show this documentation to your Clinical Facilitator and the

midwives you work with. For all ELA’s you will be required to provide and appropriately detail the

following as outlined:

• Learning Plan

• Record of Clinical attendance

• Specified Learning Tools (CAT)

• Standards Assessment for each area

• Midwifery Student Venue Feedback x 2

• Clinical Experience Records (including COCE documentation) with reflections and updated

Cumulative record of minimum experiences

• Critical Reflection

Documentation must be clear, informative and in a report-like style.

No identification in any way may be made of women, babies or their families. Pseudonyms should be

used to de-identify women and their families.

Students are responsible for compiling and maintaining their portfolio. It is your responsibility to keep it

safe and to ensure it is available for review by AHPRA if required for auditing purposes.

Page 3: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Assessment of your portfolio All records for this ELA should be compiled in the UniSA Portfolio folder with the clinical experiences you have documented during this ELA and since your previous ELA completion. You need only submit finished COCE that were completed during this time frame. Please ensure you update the cumulative record for each experience and the ongoing cumulative record of minimum experiences for your program. Please include this record at the beginning of your folder to be signed off by your Course Coordinator or allocated marker. Ensure you submit original paperwork in the folder provided. Once this ELA has been marked, you can keep all documentation in a larger portfolio for evidence of meeting the clinical requirements for the program.

Portfolios will be marked through an interview process. You will be required to attend an allocated

appointment with the Course Coordinator or assigned marker to review your portfolio and provide

feedback and receive a grade.

• Internal students will undertake this interview face-to-face and bring their completed portfolio with them. Allocated interview times will be available on the LearnOnline site.

• External students can undertake a virtual interview; however, the portfolio will need to be submitted prior to the allocated interview time. Please notify your course coordinator if you

wish to have a virtual interview and allocated interview times will be available on the

LearnOnline site.

Attendance Record

You will be required to keep an attendance record that will need to be signed each day of your placement by the midwife you work with or the Clinical Facilitator. Please note if you cannot attend

placement for any reason you must notify the manager of the area you are working in, as well as

contact your Clinical Facilitator. It is a good idea to ask for the contact phone and email for your facilitator and also for the area manager. You will need to make up all missed shifts, you may be able

to make up 1 or 2 days while on placement, but this is not always possible, please communicate with your Clinical Facilitator. Communication is a key skill in midwifery practice and it is important that

you communicate your absence to ensure that you facilitate a positive work environment.

Clinical Assessment Tool for the Midwifery Student

Learning Tools While on clinical placement or through the Continuity of Care Experience (COCE), the Learning

tools/CAT for Midwifery Students will be utilised to inform the clinical assessment component. You will be expected to complete each of the clinical skills learning tool assessments detailed in the CAT

for Midwifery Students as outline below:

• Learning tool 2: Ongoing pregnancy care

• Learning tool 5: Performing and interpreting an antenatal cardiotocograph number

• Learning tool 6: Care of the woman on admission to the birth environment

• Learning tool 8: Care of the woman progressing in labour

• Learning tool 9: Working with pain in labour

• Learning tool 25: Administering an injection to the newborn

* Learning tool 5 will be undertaken as the OSCA. Tools can be downloaded from the LearnOnline

site as needed.

Page 4: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

*It is expected that students will attain a minimum rating of Proficient (P) for all tools

Tools must be completed prior to submission of your portfolio at the required level in order to pass

the course; you will need to work with your Clinical Facilitator to achieve this as there will be very

limited opportunity to assist any student except for very exceptional circumstances.

Standards Assessment

You will also be required to engage in 2 Standards Assessments. The Clinical Facilitator assigned to you for the associated ELA will be responsible for undertaking this assessment.

*It is expected that students will attain a minimum rating of Proficient (P) for the Standards

Assessment for ELA 2

The method of assessment chosen for both the learning tools and the standards assessment component is a modified Bondy scale. You will need to be familiar with the scales used to rate your

practice and you may need to provide the midwife or facilitator with a copy of these prior to

completing your learning tool.

Independent (I):

Refers to being safe & knowledgeable; proficient & coordinated and appropriately confident and timely. Does not require supporting cues

Proficient (P):

Refers to being safe & knowledgeable; efficient & coordinated; displays some confidence and undertakes activities within a reasonably timely manner. Requires occasional supporting cues.

Assisted (A):

Refers to being safe and knowledgeable most of the time; skilful in parts however is inefficient with some skill areas; takes longer than would be expected to complete the task. Requires frequent verbal and some physical cues

Supported (S):

Refers to being safe when closely supervised and supported; unskilled and inefficient; uses excess energy and takes a prolonged time period. Continuous

Dependent (D):

Refers to concerns about being unsafe and being unable to demonstrate behaviour or articulate intention; lacking in confidence, coordination and efficiency. Continuous verbal and physical cues/interventions

Bondy, K, N. (1983). Criterion-referenced definitions for rating scales in clinical evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education

22(9) 376-382

Page 5: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning Plan ELA 2

Learning Objective Course

objectives/ANMC competencies

Resources, Strategies, Activities

Time-line Evidence Outcome

What are you going to learn? Include knowledge/skills/attitude

To which course objective/s, ANMC standards does your learning objective relate?

How do you plan to learn? When and where do you plan to learn?

How will you demonstrate your learning? What evidence will be included in your portfolio?

Provide evidence of how you achieved your objectives.

Acknowledgement: This resource is based upon previous material compiled by A. Gardner (2011).

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Page 7: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Attendance Record for Clinical Placement Student Name: _______________________________________ This is a record of your daily placement attendance: you are required to complete it and make sure it

is signed by a Registered Midwife at the end of the day. This form is to be reviewed by the Clinical

Facilitator at the end of each placement with the Competency Assessment.


Total hours completed Total number of shifts completed

Antenatal Clinic

Antenatal Ward

Labour and Delivery

Postnatal Ward

Domiciliary Midwifery


Midwifery Group Practice


Sick Leave If you are sick you must not attend placement. You need to notify your Clinical Facilitator and the

Ward/Unit Manager that you will not be attending the shift. A medical certificate is required if you are

absent for three or more consecutive days or if you have had more than three days absent within the

placement. Please ensure certificates are presented to your Clinical Facilitator when you next meet

with them and emailed to your Course Coordinator. Your Clinical Facilitator will liaise with the

university about your ability to continue with placement. All leave will need to be made up and if it

cannot be organised with the venue, a make-up placement will be negotiated, otherwise you will need

to complete the placement when this ELA is offered again.

Total hours of sick leave

Total number/s of shift/s missed

Make–up shifts completed

Yes / No

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Page 9: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Attendance Record for Clinical Placement

Student Name: _______________________________________

Date Venue

Area Hours of

attendance RM/ MO

Signature & Date

University facilitator

signature & Date

Page 10: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Attendance Record for Clinical Placement

Student Name: _______________________________________

Date Venue

Area Hours of


RM/ MO Name,

Signature & Date

University facilitator

signature & Date

Page 11: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Skills List ELA 2 Student to sign and date when completed. This form is a guide to ensure students are ready to undertake the

assessment and should be made available to assessor.

Clinical Skill Theory Observation Skill assessed

1 Initial pregnancy assessment

2 Ongoing pregnancy care

3 Abdominal examination

4 Parenting education for the woman and her family

5 Performing and interpreting an antenatal cardiotocograph

6 Care of the woman on admission to birth environment

7 Performing and interpreting an intrapartum cardiotocograph

8 Care of the woman progressing in labour

9 Working with pain in labour

10 Epidural analgesia in labour

11 Insertion of a urinary catheter

12 Care of the woman and baby during an induction of labour

13 Care of the woman and baby with increased needs in labour

14 Care (reception) of the newborn at birth

15 Vaginal examination

16 Maternal and baby wellbeing assessment following birth

17 Facilitating breastfeeding for the woman and baby

18 Breastfeeding challenges for the woman

19 Care of the woman after a caesarean birth

20 Blood sampling of the newborn baby

21 Full examination of the newborn baby

22 Enteral/tube feeding a baby

23 Care of the unwell baby receiving oxygen therapy

24 Care of the baby receiving phototherapy

25 Administering an injection to the newborn

26 Neonatal resuscitation via simulation

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Learning tool 2: Ongoing pregnancy care Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).q

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Correctly confirms the estimated date of birth 1.3; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1

Identifies normal physiological changes and possible discomforts of pregnancy and provides appropriate advise

1.2; 1.3; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.3

Discusses physical wellbeing including diet and exercise 1.3; 1.4; 4.1; 4.3; 5.2

Identifies and discusses the woman’s psychosocial context Links the woman with psychosocial complexities with health professionals and community supports

1.1; 2.2; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.5; 4.1; 5.2; 6.3

Identifies rationale for and contraindications to abdominal examination Performs an abdominal examination, including Inspection

• Assesses size and shape of the abdomen, general skin integrity and notes any scars or skin changes


• Assesses fundal height

• Assesses liquor volume

• Identifies lie, presentation, position and station of presenting part of the fetus as appropriate for gestation


• Determines rate and rhythm of fetal heart and ensures it differs from the maternal heart rate

• Checks history of fetal movements, discusses normal fetal movements with the woman

Uses findings to assess ongoing fetal growth and wellbeing including consideration of previous examinations

1.2; 1.3; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 3.6; 3.7; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.4; 7.1

States rationale for antenatal investigations Is able to explain the investigations and results to the woman and partner/support person

1.2; 1.3; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 3.6; 3.7; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.4; 7.1

Is aware how to access support services such as social work, physiotherapy, psychology, and community resources if required

2.2; 2.7; 2.8; 3.1; 3.3; 3.5; 4.1; 4.3; 4.4; 5.3; 6.3; 7.2

Provides appropriate information to support verbal discussions to promote health and wellbeing as determined by the woman’s needs

1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 4.1; 5.2; 7.1

Provides opportunity for questions and discussion with the woman and partner/support person

1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.4; 4.1; 5.2; 6.2; 7.1

Plans next episode of care in conjunction with the woman and her support person 1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 4.1; 5.2; 7.1

Refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 6.3; 6.4

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

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Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Page 14: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning tool 5: Performing and interpreting an antenatal


Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Ensures woman’s comfort and appropriate positioning throughout Performs abdominal examination to assess fetal position

1.3; 3.6

Ensures CTG machine is accurately reflecting current time and date Ensures CTG is labelled with unique identifier, clinical picture including rationale for CTG

3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 4.2

Applies equipment appropriately to ensure the optimum recording of fetal heart and uterine activity Determines and differentiates maternal pulse to exclude possibility of accidental recording of maternal heart rate as fetal heart rate

3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 3.7; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1

Describes the characteristics of a normal antenatal trace Assesses CTG per current RANZCOG fetal surveillance guideline, including

• Baseline fetal heart rate

• Variability

• Accelerations

• Decelerations

• Identifies appropriate time to remove CTG

1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 7.1

Recognises and appropriately manages abnormal features (if present) 3.5; 3.6; 3.7; 5.1; 6.3

Discusses findings with woman Allows opportunity for questions

1.3; 2.2; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2

Refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 6.3; 6.4

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Page 15: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student
Page 16: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning tool 6: Care of the woman on admission to the birth


Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Welcomes the woman and support person(s) and orientates them to the birthing environment Offers appropriate explanations including communicating any findings and encourages the woman to ask questions to assist with informed consent for all care and procedures

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 2.7; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Creates an environment which facilitates comfort for the woman and support person(s) and supports the progression of labour

1.1; 1.5; 2.1; 2.3; 3.4; 4.1; 5.2

Performs midwifery assessments to assess maternal wellbeing

• Reviews history

• Performs baseline observations – T, P, BP

• Performs abdominal examination

• Assess the frequency, duration and strength of uterine contractions

• Assesses vaginal discharge

• Collects urine sample when woman next empties her bladder and performs urinalysis

• Performs vaginal examination (if indicated)

• Supports woman’s choices to work with her pain in labour

1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 7.1

Performs midwifery examination to assess fetal wellbeing

• Auscultates fetal heart rate and notes deviations from normal

• Correctly performs a cardiotocograph (if indicated)

1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 7.1

Recognises deviations from normal (in both woman and baby) and refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 6.3; 6.4

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Page 17: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student
Page 18: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning tool 8: Care of the woman progressing in labour

Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Creates an environment which facilitates comfort for the woman and support person(s) and supports the progression of labour Offers appropriate explanations including communicating any findings and encourages the woman to ask questions to assist with informed consent for all care and procedures

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 2.7; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Assesses and monitors the progress of labour by

• Assessing the frequency, duration and strength of uterine contractions

• Assessing the descent of the presenting part, abdominally and/or vaginally

• Assessing vaginal discharge (show, blood, and/or rupture of the membranes – describes liquor accurately and implications of findings)

• Performs vaginal examination as indicated

• Observes woman for changes in behaviour

1.3; 3.3; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4

Supports and assesses maternal wellbeing

• Supports woman’s choices to work with her pain in labour

• Assists with position changes and comfort

• Provides advice about nutritional needs and fluid intake

• Encourages frequent bladder emptying

• Provides verbal guidance, encouragement and support

1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 3.6; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4; 6.2; 7.1

Assesses fetal wellbeing

• Auscultates fetal heart rate and notes deviations from normal

• Performs CTG as appropriate

3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 4.3

Recognises and describes the signs of second stage Anticipates and prepares to assist with birth

3.3; 3.6

Supports the normal mechanisms of birth, in the woman’s chosen position 2.1; 2.2; 3.3; 3.6

Describes the principles of active and physiological management of third stage Assists with the birth of placenta and membranes and ensures haemostasis, including estimation of blood loss Performs post birth observations

2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6

Performs thorough inspection of the genital tract to identify any injury and describes appropriately Consults and refers with midwife and/or medical staff for repair as appropriate

2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 3.3; 3.5; 3.6; 6.3

Ensures woman’s comfort and facilitates interaction with her baby Promotes skin to skin contact and encourages early breastfeeding (if appropriate)

1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 3.4; 4.1; 5.2

Thoroughly checks to ensure placenta and membranes are complete Identifies characteristics of a normal and healthy placenta and recognizes deviations from normal

2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 6.3

Recognises deviations from normal (in both woman and baby) and refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 6.3; 6.4

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

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Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Page 20: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning tool 9: Working with pain in labour

Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Discusses expectations and understanding of pain management Responds appropriately to information needs including benefits, potential side effects and complications of choices available

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.8; 3.3; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2; 7.1

Assesses acceptability and effectiveness of the woman’s choices including fetal wellbeing

1.1; 2.1; 3.3; 4.1; 4.3; 5.2; 6.2

Describes and demonstrates knowledge of various ways of working with pain in labour, including

• Promoting being active and position changes

• Use of water including, shower or immersion

• Massage techniques


• Relaxation, including breathing techniques

• Sterile water injections

• Oral analgesia

• Nitrous oxide and oxygen

• Opiates

• Epidural analgesia (see CAT 10)

1.2; 2.8; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.6; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 5.1; 5.3; 5.4; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 7.1; 7.2

Identifies contraindications, including

• Allergies

• Clinical picture such as medical history or obstetric complications

1.3; 3.3; 3.6; 3.7

Refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 6.3; 6.4

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Page 21: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student
Page 22: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Learning tool 25: Administering an injection to the newborn

Please refer to the Bondy scale before completing the tool and use the appropriate rating (I, P, A, S, or D)

within the student/assessor boxes below for each standard (all boxes to be completed).

Expected outcome standard - the midwifery student Midwife Standard Student Assessor

Maintains woman centred, effective communication throughout 1.1; 2.2; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3; 6.2

Throughout the assessment the student demonstrates the following:

• Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

• Practises cultural safety

• Supports the choices of the woman, ensuring informed consent

• Develops plans for midwifery practice

• Demonstrates capability and accountability, working within the expected scope of practice as a midwifery student

1.1; 1.4; 1.7; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.6; 4.1; 5.1; 5.2; 6.2

Offers explanation of the need for procedure and provides written information (if available eg: Hep B) Obtains consent, written and/or verbal

1.6; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 5.2

Reviews baby’s history, checks medication orders Verifies baby’s identity

1.2; 1.3; 3.2; 4.2; 4.4

Prepares and checks equipment 1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.7; 4.4; 5.3

Prepares and checks medication

• Double checks with two registered midwives/nurses

• Observes five rights of administration

• Uses aseptic non touch technique when preparing medication

1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 5.2; 5.3; 5.5

Prepares the baby

• Ensures baby remains warm

• Identifies correct site for injection

1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.7; 4.2; 5.2

Considers use of sucrose for pain relief as appropriate Administers medication using correct technique Maintains aseptic non touch technique

1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.6; 5.2

Records site of injection Monitors baby for signs of reaction Following procedure comforts baby as needed

3.5; 4.2; 5.4

Demonstrates an understanding of the pharmacological/immunological action of the specific medication States rationale for administering medication to the newborn Discusses actual/potential problems which may arise during the procedure and outlines appropriate management

1.2; 2.8; 3.1; 3.2; 3.7; 4.2; 4.3; 6.3

Refers to other members of the health care team in consultation with the woman as needed, per the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral (ACM, 2014)

2.8; 3.1; 3.5; 3.7; 5.2; 5.4; 6.3; 7.3

Documents all care legibly and appropriately 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 5.4

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Overall rating (please circle):

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Page 23: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student
Page 24: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Midwife Standards Assessment

Students will be assessed according to the Midwife Standards for Practice at various time points. Some

students may have two assessments recorded on the one document – one in the Formative and one upon

completion or Summative. If the assessment is only to be completed once during the course please fill in

the section entitled ‘Summative’ and disregard the Formative component. The frequency and timing of

the assessment will differ between universities (please refer to university guidelines for this information).

All sections of this assessment should be completed.

Standard 1: Promotes health and wellbeing through

evidence-based midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

1.1 identifies what is important to the woman as the foundation for using evidence to promote informed decision-making, participation in care, and self-determination

1.2 accesses, analyses, and uses the best available evidence, that includes research findings, for safe, quality midwifery practice

1.3 uses health assessment and health education to support birth and reproductive health, and minimises the potential for complications

1.4 undertakes ongoing processes of reflection to ensure professional judgements acknowledge how personal culture impacts on practice

1.5 supports access to maternity care for the woman

1.6 supports the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based health initiatives and programs, and

1.7 identifies and promotes the role of midwifery practice and the midwifery profession in influencing better health outcomes for women

Standard 2: Engages in professional relationships

and respectful partnerships

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

2.1 supports the choices of the woman, with respect for families and communities in relation to maternity care

2.2 partners with women to strengthen women's capabilities and confidence to care for themselves and their families

2.3 practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

2.4 practises without the discrimination that may be associated with race, age, disability, sexuality, gender identity, relationship status, power relations and /or social disadvantage

2.5 practises cultural safety that is holistic, free of bias and exposes racism

2.6 practises in a way that respects that family and community underpin the health of Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander Peoples

2.7 develops, maintains and concludes professional and personal relationships, and

2.8 participates in and /or leads collaborative practice

Page 25: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Standard 3: Demonstrates the capability and

accountability for midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

3.1 understands their scope of practice

3.2 practises within relevant legal parameters and professional standards, codes and guidelines

3.3 participates in own continuing professional development to maintain the required knowledge and skill base for safe and effective practice

3.4 contributes to a culture that supports learning, teaching, knowledge transfer and critical reflection

3.5 engages in timely consultation, referral and documentation 3.6 uses relevant processes to identify, document and manage complexity and risk

3.7 recognises and responds appropriately where safe and quality practice may be compromised, and

3.8 considers and responds in a timely manner to the health and wellbeing of self and others in relation to the capability for practice.

Standard 4: Undertakes comprehensive


Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

4.1 works in partnership to determine factors that affect, or potentially affect, the health and wellbeing of women, communities and populations

4.2 uses assessment techniques to systematically collect relevant and accurate information

4.3 analyses information and data and communicates assessments and anticipated outcomes as the basis for midwifery practice, and

4.4 assesses the resources that are available to inform planning.

Standard 5: Develops a plan for midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

5.1 interprets assessment data and best available evidence to develop a plan for practice

5.2 collaboratively develops plans until options, priorities, goals, actions, anticipated outcomes and timeframes are agreed with the woman, and/or relevant others

5.3 co-ordinates resources effectively and efficiently for planned actions, and

5.4 documents, evaluates and modifies plans to facilitate the anticipated outcomes.

Standard 6: Provides safety and quality in

midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

6.1 actively contributes to quality improvement and research activities

6.2 practises to achieve the agreed goals and anticipated outcomes that meet the needs of the woman

6.3 is responsible for consultation and referral and/or escalation in situations that are outside the individual’s scope of practice, and

Page 26: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

6.4 provides and accepts effective and timely direction, allocation, delegation, teaching and supervision.

Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to improve

midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

7.1 evaluates and monitors progress towards planned goals and anticipated outcomes

7.2 revises plan and actions based on evidence and what is learned from evaluation

7.3 uses evaluation and reflection to inform future practice and professional development.

Formative assessment - Overall grading

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..












Page 27: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Summative assessment - Overall grading

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..












Page 28: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Midwife Standards Assessment

Students will be assessed according to the Midwife Standards for Practice at various time points. Some

students may have two assessments recorded on the one document – one in the Formative and one upon

completion or Summative. If the assessment is only to be completed once during the course please fill in

the section entitled ‘Summative’ and disregard the Formative component. The frequency and timing of

the assessment will differ between universities (please refer to university guidelines for this information).

All sections of this assessment should be completed.

Standard 1: Promotes health and wellbeing through

evidence-based midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

1.1 identifies what is important to the woman as the foundation for using evidence to promote informed decision-making, participation in care, and self-determination

1.2 accesses, analyses, and uses the best available evidence, that includes research findings, for safe, quality midwifery practice

1.3 uses health assessment and health education to support birth and reproductive health, and minimises the potential for complications

1.4 undertakes ongoing processes of reflection to ensure professional judgements acknowledge how personal culture impacts on practice

1.5 supports access to maternity care for the woman

1.6 supports the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based health initiatives and programs, and

1.7 identifies and promotes the role of midwifery practice and the midwifery profession in influencing better health outcomes for women

Standard 2: Engages in professional relationships

and respectful partnerships

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

2.1 supports the choices of the woman, with respect for families and communities in relation to maternity care

2.2 partners with women to strengthen women's capabilities and confidence to care for themselves and their families

2.3 practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice

2.4 practises without the discrimination that may be associated with race, age, disability, sexuality, gender identity, relationship status, power relations and /or social disadvantage

2.5 practises cultural safety that is holistic, free of bias and exposes racism

2.6 practises in a way that respects that family and community underpin the health of Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander Peoples

2.7 develops, maintains and concludes professional and personal relationships, and

2.8 participates in and /or leads collaborative practice

Page 29: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Standard 3: Demonstrates the capability and

accountability for midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

3.1 understands their scope of practice

3.2 practises within relevant legal parameters and professional standards, codes and guidelines

3.3 participates in own continuing professional development to maintain the required knowledge and skill base for safe and effective practice

3.4 contributes to a culture that supports learning, teaching, knowledge transfer and critical reflection

3.5 engages in timely consultation, referral and documentation 3.6 uses relevant processes to identify, document and manage complexity and risk

3.7 recognises and responds appropriately where safe and quality practice may be compromised, and

3.8 considers and responds in a timely manner to the health and wellbeing of self and others in relation to the capability for practice.

Standard 4: Undertakes comprehensive


Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

4.1 works in partnership to determine factors that affect, or potentially affect, the health and wellbeing of women, communities and populations

4.2 uses assessment techniques to systematically collect relevant and accurate information

4.3 analyses information and data and communicates assessments and anticipated outcomes as the basis for midwifery practice, and

4.4 assesses the resources that are available to inform planning.

Standard 5: Develops a plan for midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

5.1 interprets assessment data and best available evidence to develop a plan for practice

5.2 collaboratively develops plans until options, priorities, goals, actions, anticipated outcomes and timeframes are agreed with the woman, and/or relevant others

5.3 co-ordinates resources effectively and efficiently for planned actions, and

5.4 documents, evaluates and modifies plans to facilitate the anticipated outcomes.

Standard 6: Provides safety and quality in

midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

6.1 actively contributes to quality improvement and research activities

6.2 practises to achieve the agreed goals and anticipated outcomes that meet the needs of the woman

6.3 is responsible for consultation and referral and/or escalation in situations that are outside the individual’s scope of practice, and

Page 30: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

6.4 provides and accepts effective and timely direction, allocation, delegation, teaching and supervision.

Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to improve

midwifery practice

Student Formative

Assessor Formative

Student Summative

Assessor Summative

7.1 evaluates and monitors progress towards planned goals and anticipated outcomes

7.2 revises plan and actions based on evidence and what is learned from evaluation

7.3 uses evaluation and reflection to inform future practice and professional development.

Formative assessment - Overall grading

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..












Page 31: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Summative assessment - Overall grading

Independent (I) Proficient (P) Assisted (A) Supported (S) Dependent (D)

Student name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..

Assessor name and signature:……………………………………………................................. Date:………………………………………..












Page 32: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Record of daily feedback

Student’s name: ______________ ID: _______________

To the Registered Midwife: Students are required to obtain daily written feedback to support their learning and to determine progress throughout their placement. Please provide the student with feedback in each of the areas indicated below. To assist you, cues have been provided overleaf.

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________

Page 33: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student


Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________


Ability to expresses self clearly and concisely

Ability to communicate appropriately with all staff, women and their families

Ability to explain care to women and family/significant others

Effectiveness of clinical hand over

Ability to provide effective education to women and their families

Ability to write clear, concise and legible notes in a timely manner

Ability to accurately document all observations and recognise deviations from normal

Team work

Ability to work effectively with midwives and the multidisciplinary team

Ability to problem solve, resolve problems and negotiate

Clinical Competence/safety

Demonstrated competence in the relevant area of midwifery practice in accordance with the appropriate standards

of practice

Ability to provide culturally appropriate and safe midwifery care

Ability to recognise own limitations and seeks assistance from senior staff where appropriate

Ability to work in accordance with hospital procedures and policy

Demonstrated initiative whilst caring for women and their babies

Demonstrated knowledge of maternal and neonatal conditions and/or the ability and initiative in seeking further


Understanding the medications administered to women and neonates, and administers medications according to

medication safety standards

Understanding of the Midwife Standard for Practice

Page 34: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Organisational/priority settings/time management

Ability to effectively prioritise workload and complete all allocated care within a reasonable timeframe

Ability to be, creative, innovative and flexible when approaching issues within a healthcare setting

Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the clinical setting

Demonstrated critical thinking skills in application of skills in practice

Ability to recognise and report changes in the woman or baby’s condition promptly

Ability to give logical rationales for midwifery care performed

Page 35: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Record of daily feedback

Student’s name: __________________________________ ID: _______________

To the Registered Midwife: Students are required to obtain daily written feedback to support their learning and to determine progress throughout their placement. Please provide the student with feedback in each of the areas indicated below. To assist you, cues have been provided overleaf.

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Page 36: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________


Ability to expresses self clearly and concisely

Ability to communicate appropriately with all staff, women and their families

Ability to explain care to women and family/significant others

Effectiveness of clinical hand over

Ability to provide effective education to women and their families

Ability to write clear, concise and legible notes in a timely manner

Ability to accurately document all observations and recognise deviations from normal

Team work

Ability to work effectively with midwives and the multidisciplinary team

Ability to problem solve, resolve problems and negotiate

Clinical Competence/safety

Demonstrated competence in the relevant area of midwifery practice in accordance with the appropriate standards

of practice

Ability to provide culturally appropriate and safe midwifery care

Ability to recognise own limitations and seeks assistance from senior staff where appropriate

Ability to work in accordance with hospital procedures and policy

Demonstrated initiative whilst caring for women and their babies

Demonstrated knowledge of maternal and neonatal conditions and/or the ability and initiative in seeking further


Understanding the medications administered to women and neonates, and administers medications according to

medication safety standards

Page 37: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Understanding of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) National Competencies for the Registered


Organisational/priority settings/time management

Ability to effectively prioritise workload and complete all allocated care within a reasonable timeframe

Ability to be, creative, innovative and flexible when approaching issues within a healthcare setting

Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the clinical setting

Demonstrated critical thinking skills in application of skills in practice

Ability to recognise and report changes in the woman or baby’s condition promptly

Ability to give logical rationales for midwifery care performed

Page 38: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Record of daily feedback

Student’s name: __________________________________ ID: _______________

To the Registered Midwife: Students are required to obtain daily written feedback to support their learning and to determine progress throughout their placement. Please provide the student with feedback in each of the areas indicated below. To assist you, cues have been provided overleaf.

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________

Date: Clinical Venue: Area:

Communication/Team work: _____________________________________________________________________



Clinical competence/safety: _____________________________________________________________________



Organisation/priority setting/time management: _____________________________________________________



Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking: ______________________________________



Areas for Improvement: _________________________________________________________________________


Page 39: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Additional comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Midwife’s name, signature & date _________________________________________________________________


Ability to expresses self clearly and concisely

Ability to communicate appropriately with all staff, women and their families

Ability to explain care to women and family/significant others

Effectiveness of clinical hand over

Ability to provide effective education to women and their families

Ability to write clear, concise and legible notes in a timely manner

Ability to accurately document all observations and recognise deviations from normal

Team work

Ability to work effectively with midwives and the multidisciplinary team

Ability to problem solve, resolve problems and negotiate

Clinical Competence/safety

Demonstrated competence in the relevant area of midwifery practice in accordance with the appropriate standards

of practice

Ability to provide culturally appropriate and safe midwifery care

Ability to recognise own limitations and seeks assistance from senior staff where appropriate

Ability to work in accordance with hospital procedures and policy

Demonstrated initiative whilst caring for women and their babies

Demonstrated knowledge of maternal and neonatal conditions and/or the ability and initiative in seeking further


Understanding the medications administered to women and neonates, and administers medications according to

medication safety standards

Page 40: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

Understanding of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) National Competencies for the Registered


Organisational/priority settings/time management

Ability to effectively prioritise workload and complete all allocated care within a reasonable timeframe

Ability to be, creative, innovative and flexible when approaching issues within a healthcare setting

Knowledge level/ability to link theory to practice/critical thinking

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the clinical setting

Demonstrated critical thinking skills in application of skills in practice

Ability to recognise and report changes in the woman or baby’s condition promptly

Ability to give logical rationales for midwifery care performed

Page 41: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

2019 Cumulative record of portfolio requirements



Achieved ELA 1

Achieved ELA 2

Achieved ELA 3

Achieved ELA 4

Achieved ELA 5

Running Total



Antenatal Care

Antenatal episode of care 100 100

Abdominal palpation 10 10

Complex antenatal care 15 15

Intrapartum Care

Labour and spontaneous vaginal birth

30 30

Active care 1st

stage labour 10 10

Vaginal examination 10 10

Complex intrapartum care 15 15

Postpartum Care

Postnatal episode of care 100 100

Complex postpartum care 10 10

Neonatal Care

Physical examination of the newborn

20 20

Complex neonatal care 10 10

Continuity of Care Experiences




Completed 15

Learning tools University lecturer name, signature and date evidence reviewed and assessed as complete

Page 42: Bachelor of Midwifery Student Practice Portfolio€¦ · Student Practice Portfolio Experiential Learning Activity: Midwifery Practice Development Practicum 2 (NURS 2039) Student

2019 Cumulative record of portfolio requirements

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