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    My Dear Friends,

    I know that many of you have been deluged and dupedfor eons into making you believe in "stories" that have

    one common thread in all of them (if you bother

    analyzing them at all) -- the desire to cover the Truth of

    who you really ALL are, where you ALL originate and

    came from, and the strong desire to hide your true

    origin as sacred and glorious parts of the ONE Eternal


    By belittling you, they all have disempowered you and

    put you in a state of fear and slavery to the sole

    satisfaction of your senses, and have blocked the

    realization that you all carry the infinite and Zero/

    Infinite Point Energy within, and need no technological

    attire to manifest it.

    You were born, naked, with all the necessary and

    sufficient equipment within your Spiritual make-up to

    far surpass and overcome the sub-gods and dark

    energies that have been trying to keep your real

    Divinity down. You have allowed yourself to cover your

    Eternal One Reality with a cover of skin and dark


    Infinity cannot be restricted by others, it can only be

    made dormant by our own selves, only with our own

    accord and by our free will. If we believe in our

    condition of being born in a diminished sinful state andunder the control and leadership of Higher beings, then

    we become what we believe we are. Man is the only

    being amongst all created beings who carries within his

    created-self the ability to become fully the Eternal and

    Infinite Power and Divinity. No other form of

    expression of The One can attain the full range of the

    totality of the Tree of Life from top to bottom and back

    to top - only man can. Each and every single one of you

    can. Not even the Archangels are given that ability.

    Drop all notions of Masters, Avatars, enlightened ones,

    and your fascination with them. It is only the message

    which is important, not the illusory individuation. If a

    message is about the Truth of One, and unification of

    all, then it is the product of Love, or the force trying to

    bring us back to our true Source.

    Such a force can and would only state that all men are

    created equal under One and bestowed with the same

    ability to re-member and be granted equal right to

    happiness. And you should pay close attention to such a

    message for it originates from Truth.

    If a message tells you that all men are not created equal

    in the One Eye of One, for they have different abilities,and are therefore not bestowed with the same divine

    right to experience happiness, then it is the product of

    the counter-force of Fear / Control and is originating in

    untruth. To believe such fear messages and to become

    hypnotized by them, is to believe in your inferior

    status, in the notion of "them" - whoever them is - as

    superior endowed beings, and you as inferior.

    Is one of your brain cells superior to a kidney cell? Of

    course not, they all have their place and role within the

    perfection of your biology. Should you then bestow

    more blood-carried nutrients to a brain cell, and have

    other cells suffer? Of course not, for they should all get

    automatically all that they require in order to be

    happily functioning.

    To favor one part of One, at the expense of another, is

    to operate in a state of lack and emergency, and that is

    not the way of One, which is only about happiness ofthe One Being in all its Oneness.

    Back to OnenessThe Piece du Resistance, The Real, Painful to Hear, All Liberating ONE Truth

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    There is only One Being in the Universe.

    One. A-men.

    The One created first two forces within the One

    Being: two direction/pulls for Its perceptual trip as

    mankind, which is men without the notion of the unity

    of the A/Aleph/Alpha - the One.

    There are only two real forces within that Being.

    There are only two forces operating within each and

    every one of you.

    Both operate at once.

    Both need to exist.

    Both have a very Creative and important role, for without

    them Creation just cannot be.

    You choose at all moments between these two forces.

    You alone have free will of choices.

    These two primordial forces cannot ever make any

    choice for you.Both have no creative input beyond offering you at every

    moment two choices originating from each.

    One force promotes within your inner and outer

    reality perception of Oneness, Love and reconnection

    to the Origin/Source of the trip of man, and another

    force promotes, within yourself and without, fear/

    separation, ideas of superiority and inferiority, and

    feelings of disconnection from the real Original Source

    of who you really are...


    The Only trip the One consciousness can really have is

    a perceptual trip of awareness within the infinite

    recesses of the One Mind.

    On one pole of the Tree of Life (trip of One to man(y)

    and back to One) operates the force called Fear or

    what some traditions call the S (called Seth, Serpent,

    question mark with the head/dot down, Satan, reptilian

    etc.. force) which is the divisive Creative force within

    us, all of which wants us to believe and go back to the

    strong belief of the illusory many, lack of control and

    empowerment, etc. and has used fear and control for


    It is the downward force within the Holy Tree of

    Life which causes the One to leave Its stationary point

    as the top of the Tree where the crowning glory of

    One exists forever (Kether/crown) and fall into the

    illusion of being many - through the very creative and

    fearful instruments which that fear/forcefield begets.

    This is the force which brings the Kingdom all the

    way to the bottom of the Tree, having the King/Queen

    (at the highest point of awareness there is no feeling of

    gender, for all is One) forget that sHe is the King (the

    One). Its role is to ensure that none of us remembers

    that fact. For the key to redemption back to One is

    belief. All any individual has to do in order to perceive

    that he/she is One with One, is to believe without a

    speck doubt that he/she left that perception as the

    King which he/she is, and can always reconnect to his/

    her crown above.

    This Fear force operates and uses masquerades and

    lies. It does it very creatively, since it is a force

    originating from the All, and it keeps on feeding us,

    throughout all the ages, misconceptions, prepared

    stories (false His-story laden with confirming

    holographic inserts) which would and could become

    palatable to many, and fit the myths and beliefs of the

    space/time constraints experienced.

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    This force is connected to all of us from within, and can

    inspire all of us. It is part of One. It is metaphorically

    the gravitational force of the two forces created in

    order for Creation to be such a Creative trip and path

    for the One True Reality. This is the force which

    pulls us down within our trip as One within the Tree of

    Eternal Life which we have never, ever left, no matter

    how much that force tries to ensnare us and convince

    us of the opposite fact.

    The other force, operating on the other pole of the

    Tree of Eternal Life is the force of Pure Integrative

    Love, as a desire to unify and bring us back to our

    origin as One. It delights in lifting us from our anchored

    state of fear and disbelief in our Being the One. It tells

    us to let go of old beliefs of separation and elitism for

    they no longer serve us, and tend to keep us static in

    pain, and dormancy. It is also connected to each and

    every one of us, from within, lying often covered with

    all the deceiving dark thoughts and programs of fear

    which we have invited and allowed in. It is the Spark

    of Holy One within each and every One of us: the

    Real and Eternal Holy of Holies.

    Loving Truth originates in the heart of One

    and man.

    Fear and deception originate in the brain of One and


    Both are needed to sustain life and free will for One

    and man within It.

    You are what you believe you are.

    Man's life is not a trip about powers, inborn-talents, but

    a trip in awareness. The key is BELIEF. You are

    exactly what you believe that you are. If you believe in

    your limited self and inferior status, that is who you

    express. If you believe in your unlimited Self and your

    Divinity as One, that is who you are.

    There is no Karma, no past lives and/or contracts

    based on this, all this is created by Fear as a way for

    you to retard your evolution into the full realization of

    who you really are: One.

    This is the trip of One:

    From One to the many as man, and back to One. A

    trip from Love to Fear, and back to Love again: The

    Eternal cycle of Creation for the us in One. It is the

    evening and morning of a cycle of Creation for the


    You were neverreally born, and you will neverreally

    die. That is totally impossible. You have no real End, and

    no real Beginning in the Eternity of your stories as Oneexperiencing again and again the many. Birth and Death

    are all illusions. You are, were, and will always be

    ETERNAL BEING, ETERNAL ONE, no matter what

    you experience, think, or do.

    However the expressions of your Being might become

    painful or delightful, based on how far from the Truth

    of One you situate yourself. Fear will always beget

    pain, and pain will beget awakening back into Love.

    We plunge from One, slowly but surely into fear, as

    One experiences the many, and the pain of the

    experience propels the many to rejoin the Pure Loving

    Truth of One as we remember who we really are...

    One Being.

    Fear has invented, fed, and carefully cultivated the

    plethora of divisive stories, elitist theories, religious

    fallacies, prepared fear myths such as anti-Christ,

    heavens and hell, false prophets, secret dark societies,

    many scientific paradigms, and even Holographic inserts

    mimicking reality (anciently seen Dragons, elves,

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    angelic and demonic realms, sub-gods and creators in

    human or super-human form, recently appearing ET's,

    UFOs, paleontological, geological, astronomical,

    archeological findings, and many scientific laboratory

    results, and so on, which innumerable human beings

    have been visibly witnessing throughout the ages.

    Much of Fears' written books, and projected recorded

    arsenals of virtual sound/light reality inserts, are

    typically targeting the ones who are most ready to

    accept and embrace the false paradigms which they are

    trying to create and sustain. These are just stories

    created by Fear itself. They are constantly and

    repeatedly fed, in an acceptable format for their times,

    by the force of Fear, in order to take us away from our

    real reality as One, and our purpose to rejoin The

    One Reality on this planet of operation - especially at

    this important nexus in time/space.

    Look closely at Hurricane Katrina. Although it was

    obviously created from the level of the Oneness of

    Nature, The One, there are already built-in and

    prepared stories originating from the pole of Fear -

    supported by some Fear/inspired military and

    governmental research, which oppose other lessons

    which would impute the event to a lesson by One

    about the necessity and glory of Oneness.

    Weather manipulation can be shown coming from

    H.A.A.R.P and other governmental projects.

    Illuminati and other 5th column plots can be found

    in the unlimited bag of tricks of the ultimate trickster

    (Fear Itself). Choose the trick stories, and you have just

    been tricked into remaining in a prison of your own

    making. You have just been tricked into remaining in the

    Dark matrix, and not choosing the Light one. They both

    exist - superimposed at once - within your awareness.

    It is not the veracity of each story that is at stake, it is

    your abilityto see beyond the story and understandwhy it needs to be presented to you by Fear at the

    same time as another loving lesson ofOneness is

    given. Otherwise how could you, as One, ever have free

    will of choices and be able to travel the Tree of your

    awareness of Life up and down at will? Observe

    please what polarity originates a story, and see the real

    plot behind the explanation given.

    Remember that the Divine rule is that we all need, as

    the Real One, to have free will. For that to occur, Fear

    will prepare for each event in our lives a message or

    explanation based on and fueling fear/separation, and

    Love will offer another perspective which tries to unify


    It is only for us, for we all are the One, to make the

    choice between the two polarities of explanation


    If we choose the Fear side, they we enter evermore

    fear-based realities as we are pulled even lower and

    deeper in the pure magical crystal river of Life.

    If we choose the Truth of One explanation and message

    (Love) then we are lifting ourselves ever higher andcloser to our true essence and are heading to our

    ultimate reward when we will, as One, crown ourselves

    back in the crowning achievement that it will be when

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    we finally can proudly say that we overcame all

    illusions/Fear and unconditionally embraced, no matter

    what was projected at us, the Truth ofallof us being

    ONE and Only: Source Itself.

    Both polarity forces. Fear / Separation and Unifying

    Loving Oneness, are only allowed to influence us... but

    never to control us, for true control is


    Free will always operate for mankind, and we areultimately responsible for the choices we make,

    whether we acknowledge it or not.

    Only measure a story, message, or a life situation by the

    following criteria and make it the litmus test of

    evolution: If the situation brings you closer to

    Oneness, enter it and choose it. If it brings you closer

    to fear/separation, fear of lack, and elitism, please do

    not give it energy for it will grip your reality and

    manifest further. Remember you are the One, you are

    the only one granted free will.

    Remember that you were, are, and never will be

    separatedfrom the One, no matter what you believe or

    perceive of it, for you are right now and forever The

    One and ALL ONE within One.

    Remember who you are, and where you are heading,

    no matter what happens in between:One.

    All ancient traditions tell us that when man was

    created, many Creator-sub gods and angels became

    jealous of this dimension. They of course knew that we

    were the One in a unaware state, and fully knew that

    we all had the power at any time to awaken into the

    FULL and total realization of being One, even if only

    one of us did so. We were, as One, the Only One given

    full free will to awaken to Source as One. For all

    One is interconnected as Oneness. They also were told

    and suspected that in that case their role would

    probably stop, as intermediary forces/stations. So they

    tried to block us from awakening.

    They created, inspired, and fed us unlimited and

    copious stories that if believed in, would guarantee in

    their eyes that we would forever forget who we really

    are: The One Source of All, including them.

    In reality they became also casualties of the Fear force

    and did not understand that ultimately their role would

    also evolve within the total awakening of Oneness and

    Love within One.

    So, we lived our miserable and perceptual short

    existence, and repeated in many ways the same fearpatterns adapted to our changing circumstances.

    Nevertheless, some remembered, threw away all past

    programming, belief systems, all books, all writings, and

    fairytales, and opened themselves to their true Self.

    They united and made infinite Love to the Oneness

    within their shining heart, and in that act, the Pure

    Untouched Source, pulsating Life within the Heart

    of all, started shining bright and mighty across all

    Universes and the totality of One awoke to Oneness.

    And the many operated in Oneness, filled with Love for

    and in the notion of One, as they knew and expressed

    within and without that they were One.

    This is already written.

    This is the story of Creation.

    This your true Story.

    The only Truth there is, was, and can be.

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    So Are You Ready?Do you want to find out how you can not just predict, but also

    influence, your reality?

    Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing skills paired together will

    give you the ultimate edge to the life of your dreams. Step out of thebubble of reality you think youre in, and face the Matrix if you dare.

    Only when you have the courage to do so, will you be able to

    control it, rather than have it control you.

    Now that you know what the true Story of Creation is about, youre

    ready to Unleash your Higher Mind Potentials!

    COPYRIGHT 1997-2010 Gerald O'Donnell.All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for

    commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

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