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Page 1: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

What did Nemo want to do with his fellow friends?

What was his father’s attitude?

Why did the father and the son quarrel with each other?

What would be their feelings when the son said “I hate you, da






Page 2: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions




How did you feel about your parents when you were a child?

Did your attitude towards them change when you grew into a

teenager? Explain the change, if any.

Recall a conflict you once had with your parents. Explain why

you were upset by your parents.

What would you do when you could not agree with your

parents? Use an incident from daily life to support the


Page 3: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Here is an inspirational story about the love between fathers and children. Listen carefully and answer a few questions.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions





When the boy was young, why did he think that boys and

grown men should not cry?

What kind of man had the boy thought his father was?

What incident changed his understanding of his father?

What did he realize after his talk with his father in the dark?


Page 4: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

The Day My Father Cried

When I was young, I thought that boys and grown men shouldn’t cry. Tears were signs of being weak and sissy, which a man isn’t supposed to be. This was even reinforced in my young mind when the Cure came out with the song, “Boys Don’t Cry,” in the early 1980s.

But just this last June, I discovered that courage isn’t all about trying to keep all the pain inside. Courage isn’t all about trying to hide tears. It’s the opposite — tears reinforce the heart’s courage. And I saw this in my father.

My 18-year old sister died in a traffic accident. With it, I saw how vulnerable my father’s heart was. My siblings and I were used to seeing him as an iron-willed, authoritarian father.

For three days after my sister died, he wouldn’t talk. He would just sit quietly outside our house in the dark. On the fourth night, I sat beside him and asked him to tell me what he feels about everything.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Page 5: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

It had been years since I laid my hand on my father’s shoulder last time as we drifted farther and farther apart while I was growing up. That night though, I sensed my father trying to control his pain and I wanted him to be able to let it out. We had all cried over what happened except him. All of us except him.

The simple touch and my words, “Dad, it’s not your fault.” broke my father’s dam. In the darkness, he began to cry. I felt his shoulders shaking as he whispered, “Where did I go wrong? All I ever wanted was for my children to grow up right. Why couldn’t your sister wait?”

I understood then why he preferred to be in the dark. By being there, he hoped to spare his family of a father’s pain. His tears, though we didn’t see them before that night, were there all the same.

I saw his courage that night, when my father cried with my hand on his shoulder, and understood his pain.

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Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Page 6: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

“Chicken Soup for the Soul” is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of short, inspirational stories and motivational essays. Many have a short, simple story about an event, a person, or an everyday miracle that exemplifies the best of the human spirit.

The 101 stories in the first book of the series were compiled by motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. The first book sold over 2 million copies and launched the series. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages world-wide.

1. “Chicken Soup for the Soul”

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Warm-up Questions

Page 7: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

There have been numerous volumes of “Chicken Soup” issued. As of January 2006, there were over 105 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific groups of people, e.g. Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul, Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Volunteer’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Grandparent’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover’s Soul, etc.

Background Information

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Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Page 8: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. They have dedicated their lives to the personal and professional growth of others.

Jack Canfield is one of America’s leading experts in the development of human potential and personal effectiveness. He is both a dynamic, entertaining speaker and a highly sought-after trainer. Jack has a wonderful ability to inform and inspire audiences towards increased levels of self-esteem and peak performance.

2. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Page 9: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Mark Victor Hansen is a professional speaker who, in the last twenty years, has made over four thousand presentations to more than 2 million people in thirty-two countries. His presentations cover sales excellence and strategies; personal empowerment and development; how to triple your income and double your time off. Mark is a prolific writer and has authored Future Diary, How to Achieve Total Prosperity and The Miracle of Tithing ( 征收什一税 ).

Page 10: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

3. Publisher Comments on “Chicken Soup for the Soul”

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Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

Two of America’s best-loved inspirational speakers share the very best of their collected stories and favorite tales that have touched the hearts of people everywhere. Canfield and Hansen bring you wit and wisdom, hope and empowerment to buoy you through life’s dark moments.

It’s like homemade chicken soup that warms the chill and heals the ill. This collection of 101 stories is based on the belief that true testimonies of goodness and loving transformations can nourish us to the bone and heal the cynicism in our hearts. Indeed, most every story seeps in deeply. It’s hard not to shed a tear of gratitude, feeling thrilled to have been touched and soothed so easily.

Page 11: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

4. New Year’s Eve

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

New Year’s Eve is the last day of the calendar year, or December 31 in the Gregorian calendar ( 阳历 ). Since most of the world uses this calendar, New Year’s Eve is celebrated around the globe.

Celebrations on this night typically include going to parties or gathering in public places. One of the most famous gatherings occurs at Times Square in New York City. At 11:59:00 p.m., a six-foot shimmering ball (actually an apple) is lowered 70 feet in sixty seconds. When the apple reaches its destination at midnight, bells ring, confetti ( 彩色纸屑 ) is tossed, and everybody shouts “Happy New Year!” This tradition began in 1907 after New York City outlawed firecrackers for New Year’s Eve. The lowering of the ball is followed by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” and drinking a toast to the new year.

Page 12: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Background Information

Video Watching

Listen and Think

Warm-up Questions

5. “Auld Lang Syne”

The song, “Auld Lang Syne,” playing in the background, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the new year. At least partially written by Robert Burns in the 1700s, it was first published in 1796 after Burns’ death. Early variations of the song were sung prior to 1700 and inspired Burns to produce the modern rendition. An old Scotch tune, “Auld Lang Syne” literally means “old long ago,” or simply, “the good old days.”

Page 13: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Fill in the table below with relevant information from the text about the writer’s attitude towards his father. Be sure to make use of the clues from the text.Table Completion


Questions and Answers

Time The writer’s attitude towards his father

Clues from the textthat indicate the attitude

The writer respected his father very much and he was proud of having such a good father.

When the writer was a child

He was glad to be surrounded by his classmates because he was Doctor Eppley’s son. (Para. 2)He beamed when people compared him to his father. (Para. 2)

Page 14: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers

Time The writer’s attitude towards his father

Clues from the textthat indicate the attitude

When the writer was a teenager

The writer became defiant (挑衅的 ) and rebellious and he wanted to be independent.

He was unhappy when people referred to him as Doctor Eppley’s son, and he told them that he was Harold and could manage well on his own. (Paras. 3 & 4)He started to call his father “Sam” and did not stop doing so even after he knew this bothered his father. (Paras. 4–8)He went to a university far away from home to escape from his father’s good name. (Para. 9)

Page 15: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers

Time The writer’s attitude towards his father

Clues from the textthat indicate the attitude

After the car accident

The writer was grateful to his father and he respected his father even more.

He hugged his father at the New Year’s party and thanked him sincerely. (Para. 31)He called his father “Dad” instead of “Sam.” (Para. 31)

Page 16: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and try to understand correctly the feelings of the speakers. Choose the most suitable heading for each sentence from the list of headings below.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers

Page 17: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers 1 “If you are anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy.” (Para. 2)

2 “Why are you acting so stubborn lately?” (Para. 5)

3 “Well, Sam,” I replied, “I suppose that bothers you.” (Para. 6)

4 I glared at him.  “Sam, I’m sick of being treated like a child. I’m in college now. Don’t you think I know how to drive?” (Para. 17)

5 “Why didn’t you look where you were going?” (Para. 21)

6 “Do you have insurance? Can you pay for this? Who are you?” (Para. 24)

7 “I didn’t realize who you were.” (Para. 26)

8 “Are you hurt?” (Para. 28)

9 “Thank you, Dad. Happy New Year.” (Para. 31)

A. furious and accusatoryB. apologetic and rather regretfulC. annoyed and hurtD. angry and blamingE. grateful and respectful

F. defiant and rebelliousG. annoyed and defiantH. complimentary and encouragingI. concerned and worried










Page 18: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

1. What did the people in the town of Enosburg think of Doctor Eppley?

2. Why did the writer go to a university far away from home?

3. How did the writer like his university life?

Because he was tired of being regarded as “Doctor Eppley’s son” only. He wanted to be independent.

They thought he was a good man, a smart, honorable and industrious man who lived an honest life.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers

He liked his university life as he became independent of his father. He was proud of himself because he made friends and was well liked by the others without the help of his father.

Page 19: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

4. Compare the attitudes of the woman in the car accident before and after she learned that the writer was Doctor Eppley’s son. Why do you think she changed her attitude?

The woman was furious and quite rude towards Harold at first. She questioned whether he had insurance and put the blame for the car accident on Harold alone. As soon as she learned that Harold was Doctor Eppley’s son, she apologized that she had not recognized him at first. She then changed her attitude because she knew that Doctor Eppley was a respectable man and felt the son of such a good man as Doctor Eppley could easily be forgiven.

Table Completion


Questions and Answers

Page 20: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Many teenagers believe that growing up is a struggle to be

independent. They want to be free from their parents’ control

and they want to be different. Read the following text and see

how a young man struggles to stand on his own two feet.

Detailed Reading

Page 21: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

My parents moved to Vermont when I was still an infant. A soft-spoken man, my father settled quietly into his medical practice in a small town called Enosburg. Soon the local people accepted him as one of their own. Word passes quickly in small Vermont towns. They know

The Doctor’s Son Harold Eppley with Rochelle Melander

Detailed Reading

good people when they meet them. Around town the neighbors greeted my father as “Doc Eppley.” And I soon learned that as long as I lived in Enosburg I would always be known as “Doctor Eppley’s son.” On the first day of school, my classmates crowded around me because I was the doctor’s son. “If you’re anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy,” my first-grade teacher said.I couldn’t stop beaming.

Page 22: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Somewhere in the midst of my teenage years, however, something changed. I was sixteen years old and the neighbors still called me “Doctor Eppley’s son.” They said that I was growing up to be an honorable and

industrious young man, living an honest life just like my father. I groaned whenever I heard their compliments.

Detailed Reading

I wondered how I would ever fit in with my teenage friends. I hated being followed by my father’s good name. And so when strangers asked me if I was Doctor Eppley’s son, I replied emphatically, “My name is Harold. And I can manage quite well on my own.”As an act of rebellion, I began to call my father by his first name, Sam.

Page 23: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Detailed Reading

“Why are you acting so stubborn lately?” my father asked me one day in the midst of an argument.

“Well, Sam,” I replied, “I suppose that bothers you.”“You know it hurts me when you call me Sam,” my father shou

ted.“Well, it hurts me when everybody expects me to be just like y

ou. I don’t want to be perfect. I want to be myself.”I survived my last years of high school until finally I turned eig

hteen. The next fall I enrolled in college. I chose to attend a school far from Enosburg, a place where nobody called me “Doctor Eppley’s son.”

One night at college I sat with a group of students in the dormitory as we shared stories about our lives. We began to talk about the things we hated most about our childhoods.“That’s easy,” I said. “I couldn’t stand growing up in a town where everybody always compared me with my father.”

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Detailed Reading

of new friends. I had become popular in my own right, without my father’s help. For two weeks I enjoyed being back in Enosburg. The main topic of interest at home was my father’s new car.

The girl sitting next to me frowned. “I don’t understand,” she said. “I’d be proud to have a father who’s so well respected.” Her eyes filled with tears as she continued, “I’d give anything to be called my father’s child. But I don’t know where he is. He left my mother when I was only four.”

There was an awkward silence, and then I changed the subject. I wasn’t ready to hear her words.

I returned home for winter break that year, feeling proud of myself. In four months at college, I had made a number

Page 25: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Detailed Reading

“Let me take it out for a drive,” I said.My father agreed, but not without his usual warning, “Be caref

ul.”I glared at him. “Sam, I’m sick of being treated like a child. I’m

in college now. Don’t you think I know how to drive?”I could see the hurt in my father’s face, and I remembered ho

w much he hated it whenever I called him “Sam.”“All right then,” he replied.I hopped into the car and headed down the road, savoring the

beauty of the Vermont countryside. My mind was wandering. At a busy intersection, I hit the car right in front of mine before I knew it.

The woman in the car jumped out screaming: “You idiot! Why didn’t you look where you were going?”

I surveyed the damage. Both cars had sustained serious dents.

Page 26: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Detailed Reading

I sat there like a guilty child as the woman continued complaining. “It’s your fault,” she shouted. I couldn’t protest. My knees began to shake. I choked back my tears.

“Do you have insurance? Can you pay for this? Who are you?” she kept asking. “Who are you?”

I panicked and, without thinking, shouted, “I’m Doctor Eppley’s son.”

I sat there stunned. I couldn’t believe what I had just said. Almost immediately, the woman’s frown became a smile of recognition. “I’m sorry,” she replied, “I didn’t realize who you were.” An hour later, I drove my father’s battered new car back home. With my head down and my knees still shaking, I trudged into the house. I explained what had happened. “Are you hurt?” he asked. “No,” I replied.

Page 27: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Detailed Reading

“Good,” he answered. Then he turned and headed toward the door. “Harold,” he said as he was leaving, “Hold your head up.”

That night was New Year’s Eve, and my family attended a small party with friends to celebrate the beginning of another year. When midnight arrived, people cheered and greeted each other. Across the room I saw my father. I stepped toward him.

My father and I rarely hug. But recalling the day’s events, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. And I spoke his real name for the first time in years. I said, “Thank you, Dad. Happy New Year.”

Page 28: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

1. What can you infer from the sentence?

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.

Word passes quickly in small Vermont towns.

Towns in Vermont are small; people usually know each other and tend to share with each other what they know.


Detailed Reading

Page 29: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

If you’re anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy. Detailed Reading

1. What is the meaning of the sentence?

The teacher believes that the boy can become a very clever student if he can learn something from his father.

2. What was the author’s attitude toward this remark?

The author was very happy to hear it because at that moment he was quite proud to be the son of his father.

Page 30: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

I groaned whenever I heard their compliments.

1. What does the sentence imply?

The boy did not agree with the neighbors’ opinions. As a teenager, he wanted to be independent and wanted his own identity.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.


Detailed Reading

Page 31: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

I wondered how I would ever fit in with my teenage friends.

1. Paraphrase the sentence.

I wanted to know how I would get along well with other children around me.

2. Why was it difficult for him?

Because he had a father with such a good reputation and who was so unusual and outstanding, the boy seemed different to his friends.

Detailed Reading

Page 32: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

I survived my last years of high school until finally I turned eighteen.

What can you infer from the sentence?

The boy had difficulty living in the shade of his father, but he managed to go through those last few years in his high school.

Detailed Reading

Page 33: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

I’d give anything to be called my father’s child.Detailed Reading

1. What is the meaning of the pattern “… would give a lot/anything/the world to do sth.”?

It is an idiomatic expression which means the speaker is very eager to do something or have something.

2. Paraphrase the sentence.

I would like very much to be called my father’s child.

Page 34: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

My father agreed, but not without his usual warning.Detailed Reading

1. What is the function of “not without” in this sentence?

It is double negation. It is for emphasis.

2. Paraphrase the sentence.

My father agreed to let me drive his car, but he warned me to be careful, as he usually did.

Page 35: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

I hit the car right in front of mine before I knew it.

What is the meaning of the sentence?

He was absent-minded when he was driving. He did not notice the other car until he crashed into it.

Detailed Reading

Page 36: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

My father and I rarely hug. But recalling the day’s events, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

1. Why did the boy hug his father on the New Year’s Eve?

He realized the importance of the union between him and his father. He regretted for being so ignorant before.

2. What is a father’s real name? A child should call his or her father “Dad” instead of his first name.

Detailed Reading

Page 37: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

settle in/into sth.:

It takes a few months to settle into life at college.

We only moved house last week and we haven’t settled in yet.

Detailed Reading

NB: settle (sb.) in/into sth. 在这个短语中,动词 settle 后也可以加宾语;介词 into 和 in 可以互换,例如:

We settled the children in/into new schools when we moved to London.

get used to (new surroundings, etc.)

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He beamed his approval of the new idea.

He beamed on his visitors.

1. v.

This program is beamed to European countries at 10:00 daily.

2. n.

Detailed Reading1) smile brightly and happily

2) emit or transmit

这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites.

The old lady opened the door with a beam.

The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.

1) a bright and happy look or smile

2) a ray or shaft of light

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Detailed Reading


beam with satisfaction 满意地微笑beam with joy 眉飞色舞 , 笑逐颜开a beam of light 一束光线a beam of delight 笑逐颜开

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fit in with:

He doesn’t fit in with these people.

His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.


fit in (with) 适合;适应;符合;协调fit into 适应;协调fit on 装上; ……把 置于原处;试穿fit oneself for ……作好 的准备

Detailed Reading (cause to) match or agree

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on one’s own:

She lives on her own.

Traveling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer.

我独自去旅游 , 我可以决定什么时候出发上路 , 在什么地方多玩一会儿。

Detailed Reading without help

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stubborn: adj.

She won’t do what I ask — she’s very stubborn.

Detailed Reading


as stubborn as a mule 像骡子一样顽固 ; 非常固执a stubborn resistance 顽强的抵抗a stubborn illness 顽疾a stubborn problem 棘手的问题

NB: 名词形式为 stubbornness 。

determined, esp. to an unreasonable degree; with a strong will

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survive: v.

She survived her husband by five years.

The house survived the storm.

1. vt. continue to live or exist after

2. vi. to remain alive or in existence

The man was very ill, but he survived.洪水过后,生还者极少。

Detailed Reading

Few survived after the flood.

NB: 名词形式为 survival 。

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enroll: v.

[(as, in)] make (oneself or another person) officially a member of a group

We enrolled in the evening class.

我们吸收他为会员。We enrolled him as a member of the society.

Detailed Reading

NB: enroll 为 American English 拼法,在 British English 中,该词拼写为 enrol ,二者对应的名词形式分别为 enrollment 和 enrolment 。

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compare with: examine or judge (one thing) in relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or difference

Living in a town can’t compare with living in the country.

Detailed Reading


compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较compare favorably with 优于;不亚于not to be compared with 相差极远,远不如

侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。指两物有类似或相似之处,从而“把(一物)比作(另一物)” 。指“把……用……作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。

comparecompare to

compare withcontrast

CF: compare, compare to, compare with & contrast 这些动词和动词短语均含“比较”之意。

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Detailed Reading

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases above. Change the form where necessary.

1. The poet his lover a rose in his poems.2. Her actions sharply her promises.3. If you her work his, you’ll find hers is much

better.4. Scientists sometimes the human brain a





to_________ ____contrasted with

tocompare ____________

_________ __________________

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frown: vi.bring the eyebrows together in anger or effort, causing lines to appear on the forehead

The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class.

He frowned as he tried to work out the sum.

Detailed Reading


Pattern:frown at (on, upon) 不赞成,不以为然

He frowned on the use of so much salt in the food.

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would give anything/a lot/the world (to do sth.):

He would give the world to make her happy.

Detailed Reading

NB: 一个类似的短语是 would give the world to know sth. 为了知道某事愿付出一切代价

would very much like (to do or have something)

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awkward: adj.

1. causing difficulty or uncomfortable feelings; inconvenient or embarrassing

There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say.

2. not smooth or grateful; ungainly

Aunt Lena came to visit us at an awkward time.

The child is still awkward with his chopsticks.

Detailed Reading

Collocation:an awkward remark 令人窘迫的评论an awkward silence 令人尴尬的沉默an awkward time 不方便的时间an awkward question 棘手问题an awkward situation 困难处境

Page 50: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

in one’s own right:

She is a peeress in her own right, i.e. not merely by marriage to a peer (贵族 ).

Elizabeth II is Queen in her own right.

Detailed Reading


as of right/by right 基于正当的权利stand on one’s own rights 坚持自己的权利within one’s rights 不超越自己的权利范围

because of a personal claim that does not depend on anyone else

Page 51: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

glare: v.

这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视 , 一句话也没有说。The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.

She glared at me.Detailed Reading





CF: glare, stare, gaze & peer 这些动词都有“看,瞧”之意。

(at, on, upon) look in an angry way

Page 52: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1. The old lady through her spectacles at the contract.2. He didn’t shout or swear, but just silently at me.3. The child at the toys in the shop window.4. He at the word trying to remember what it meant.5. He furiously at me when I contradicted him.



Detailed Reading


Page 53: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

be sick of:feel annoyance, dislike, and impatience from too much of something


Get out! I am sick of the sight of you.

I am sick of waiting around like this.

Detailed Reading


sick of waiting 等得不耐烦sick of it all 完全厌倦了这一切sick and tired 筋疲力尽的be sick and tired (of) 十分厌倦be sick of doing nothing 闲得发腻

Page 54: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

wander: vi. (in, off)

The child wandered off and got lost.

The children wandered in the woods.

1. walk or move in a leisurely, casual or aimless way

2. move slowly from a fixed point or place

His mind is wandering.

Detailed Reading


wander about/over the world 漫游世界wander from the subject/point 离题wander from the path of righteousness 迷失了正途

NB:注意 wander 和 wonder 是形近词,但是意思不相同。 wonder 表示“惊讶 , 怀疑 , 想知道”。

Page 55: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.


在你出价买那房子之前 , 先找人鉴定一下。Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it.

survey the international situation

1. v. look at, examine, or consider sth. as a whole

2. n. a detailed inspection or investigation

According to a recent survey, in Shanghai there are about 2.5 million migrant workers.

Detailed Reading

a survey of air pollution

an annual survey


NB:surveyor n. 测量员,检查员

Page 56: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

sustain: v.

Detailed Reading


CF: back, uphold, support & sustain 这些动词均有“支持,支援,拥护”之意。





He sustained a severe blow on the head.

1. suffer (harm or loss)

2. keep (sb. or sth.) alive or in existence

You should eat good sustaining food, i.e. food that gives strength.

sustain a fatal injury

sustain losses


Page 57: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1. The book’s weakness is the author’s inability to an argument.

2. You must the argument with facts.3. She her husband with the money she earns from

teaching. 4. The judge the lower court’s decision.





Detailed Reading

NB: 名词 sustenance 表示“营养、食物”。

There’s not much sustenance in a glass of orange juice.

Page 58: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

guilty: adj.

She looked guilty as I came in.


I felt guilty about visiting her so rarely.

be guilty of a crime 犯罪plead guilty to a crime 认罪a guilty conscience 负罪感


Detailed Reading [(of)] having broken a law or disobeyed a rule

Page 59: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

complain: v.

Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather.

Detailed Reading

Pattern: complain

about/of They complained about the food.

Jean is always complaining about something.

NB:complain常与 that 从句连用。

他们抱怨说书的价格提高了。They complained that the price of books had increased.

They complained that the wages were too low.

express feelings of annoyance, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, etc.; say in an annoyed, unhappy, dissatisfied way

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protest: v.

They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug.

Detailed Reading

Pattern: protest about/at/against

protest that …

游客们对那家饭店低劣的服务表示不满。The tourists protested about the bad service at the restaurant.

They protest against the government’s defense policy.

express one’s disagreement, feeling of unfairness, annoyance, etc.

Page 61: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

choke back:

He tried to choke back his tears.

It is very difficult to choke back her anger.

choke down 用力咽下;强抑制住,按捺住choke in 激动得说不出话来 , 紧张得发呆


Detailed Readingcontrol (esp. violent or very sad feelings) as if by holding them in the throat

Page 62: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

insurance: n. [U (against)] guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death, etc. in return for regular payment

People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs. 他自称是个保险公司的推销员 , 但后来发现原来是个骗子。He claimed to be an insurance salesman but later was found to be a fraud.

provide insurance against ……提供防止 的措施an insurance policy 保险单labor insurance 劳动保险accident insurance 意外保险automobile insurance 汽车保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险


Detailed Reading

A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition.

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Detailed Reading

枪炮声使群众惊慌失措。The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.

He panicked and ran as fast as he could to safety.

1. v. (panicked, panicking) (cause to) feel sudden uncontrollable, quickly-spreading terror or anxiety

2. n. a sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people

When the theater caught fire, there was a panic.

The banks were panicked into selling dollars.

Pattern: panic at/over sth. panic into

a stock-market panic 股市恐慌

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eve: n.

Detailed Reading [U usu. cap.] the night or day before the stated religious day or holiday

New Year’s Eve 除夕

on the eve of ……在 前夕

Page 65: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

rarely: adv.

Detailed Reading


CF: rarely, hardly, scarcely & barely 这些副词均含“几乎不”之意。




He rarely comes here anymore.

not at all often

大本钟很少出差错。Big Ben has rarely gone wrong.

Page 66: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1. There is enough food. 2. I eat in restaurants. 3. They had time to catch the plane. 4. I could hear the speaker.




Detailed Reading

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Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


1. 开业行医 settle into one’s medical practice

2. 把他当成了自己人 accept him as one of their own

3. 消息传播得很快 word passes quickly …

4. 簇拥 crowd around

5. 忍不住眉开眼笑 … can’t stop beaming

6. 融入我那些少年朋友的圈子 fit in with my teenage friends

7. 能管好自己的事 manage quite well on one’s own

8. 出于反叛 as an act of rebellion

9. 满了十八岁 turn eighteen

10. 上了大学 enroll in college

Listening Comprehension

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13. 尴尬的沉默 an awkward silence

14. 靠自己的本事 in one’s own right

15. 你开车难道不看路吗? Why didn’t you look where you

were going?

16. 被撞瘪了 sustain serious dents

17. 眼泪在眼眶里转 choke back one’s tears

18. 似曾相识的笑容 a smile of recognition

19. 想起了白天的事 recall the day’s events

20. 用双臂搂着他的肩膀 wrap one’s arms around his shoulders

Useful Expressions

Listening Comprehension

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


11. 把我比作我父亲 compare me with my father

12. 我会不惜一切地 I’d give anything to

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Useful Expressions

Listening Comprehension

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Task one: Blank Filling

Directions: Here is another story from Chicken Soup Series: Chicken Soup for the Soul (2). Listen to the story carefully and finish the following two tasks.

Steeped with Meaning As far back as I can remember my mom was always the first

that I came to with every tear and every laugh. When I lost a tooth and when I found a friend, when I fell from my bike, and when I got back on it, she was there. She never me; she let me set my own expectations. She was proud when I succeeded and when I didn’t. She always listened; she seemed to know when I was asking for advice and when I just needed a good cry. She my excitement with her own and divided my frustrations with her empathy and

. When she picked me up from school, she





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Useful Expressions

Listening Comprehension

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


always asked about my day. And I remember one day asking about hers. I think I was a little surprised that she had so much to say. We had late night talks (because she was already asleep), nor early morning ones (because I was not yet up), but in between the busy hours of our filled days, we found the time to fill each other’s ears with stories and hearts with love. She slowly more and more of her own life with me, and that made me feel more open with her. We shared and hopes, frustrations and fears. Learning that she still had blocks to build made me more with my own. She made me feel that my opinions were never and my thoughts never silly. What surprises me now is not that she always remembered to tell me “sweet dreams”, but that she never forgot to tell me that she believed in me. When she started going through some changes in her life, I had the to tell her that I believed in her too.







Page 71: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Listening Comprehension

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Task two: Discussion

1. What roles did the mom play?

She was both a mother and a friend to the child.

Communication between parents and children is most important. Parents and children can learn from each other and get closer.

2. What is the theme conveyed in the passage?

The relationship between parents and children is like tea. The longer it is steeped, the better it tastes.

3. How do you understand the title “Steeped with Meaning”?

Page 72: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Work in groups of three or four and discuss whether you find the types of teenager behavior listed below acceptable or not. Give your reasons.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Behavior Acceptable Reasons

Yes No

(1) Talk back when your parents scold you for

something you did wrong.

(2) Be unwilling to introduce your parents to your friends because they look like people who have received little education.

(3) Call your parents by their names/nicknames.

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Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

(4) Refuse to do housework on the pretext ( 借口 ) that you need to study.

(5) Tell your parents almost everything that has happened to you at school.

Page 74: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

(1) “Talk back when your parents scold you for something you did wrong.”

Most students may say that they should not talk back rudely, but sometimes misunderstanding may give rise to such impolite behaviour and teenagers should talk it over with their parents. If they have indeed done something wrong, they should apologize and promise not to make the same mistake again. They should understand that they are lucky to have someone to tell them what is right and what is wrong.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 75: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

(2) “Be unwilling to introduce your parents to your friends because they look like people who have received little education.”

Most students may think this is not the right thing to do, even though some may actually do so. Reasons why they should not do so may include: their parents have brought them up with much love and labor. Not introducing them to friends can be hurtful and imply that they look down upon their parents. (The teacher can ask a follow-up question: “Why would some students feel reluctant to introduce their parents to their friends?” Answers may vary and the teacher may ask the students to make comments on each of the possible answers.)

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 76: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

(3) “Call your parents by their names/nicknames.”

Some may feel it is not very respectful to call their parents by their names/nicknames as this is not quite acceptable in Asian cultures. Some may feel that it is OK to do so as long as their parents do not feel uncomfortable. Some children may actually use their parents’ nicknames to show they are close to each other.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 77: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

(4) “Refuse to do housework on the pretext (借口 ) that you need to study.”

Some may consider this as acceptable as they think they have lots of homework to do and their schoolwork should be given priority. Some may consider this as unacceptable as they believe that students should also be considerate towards their parents who usually have to do lots of housework after work and that children should be willing to help out; on the other hand, learning to do some housework is also important in the process of growing up.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 78: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

(5) “Tell your parents almost everything that has happened to you at school.”

Possible reasons for considering this as acceptable are: a. parents are more experienced people so that they can give us good advice; b. it is an enjoyable experience to share with our parents what we think and do; c. my parents like me to share with them everything that happens at school.

Some possible reasons for not considering this as acceptable are: a. it is not quite practical to tell almost everything that happens to me at school as both my parents and I are busy; b. my parents may not be so interested in all the details; c. I prefer to keep something to myself rather than sharing them with others, including my parents, etc.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

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Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Directions: Pictures in this section are based on the text you have learned. You are required to talk about them first in small groups and then in class.

Page 80: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 81: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 82: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 83: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 84: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 85: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 86: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Directions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions about the generation gap.

Generation Gap

1. What is the generation gap?2. What are the causes of the generation gap?3. How to bridge the gap?

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

1. Discussion

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Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

What is the generation gap? I think it means differences in attitudes, or lack of understanding between younger people and older people. Yes, there is a point in this definition: differences. What kind of differences are they? Between generations we can find differences in culture and differences in living styles. That’s right. The old like traditional culture while the young long for renewal. The old live a traditional life while the young prefer a modern style. The old want their children to act as they wish while the young want to walk their own ways. There are so many differences between generations because each has a different deposit of culture and experiences. To some extent the generation gap has become a social problem. And we find it absolutely difficult to solve because there’s no way to smooth away these differences. How can we bridge it?







Page 88: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

As a matter of fact, the generation gap results from lack of understanding. Mutual understanding depends on how well two generations communicate. It’s a pity that we don’t have enough communication now. But I think the most terrible thing is not this but our ignorance of communication.Yes, let’s take our daily life for instance. On the one hand, many parents try to provide good living environment for their children. But they only want their children to study well and seldom want to know what they’re thinking about. On the other hand, children are always complaining about their parents but neither do they want to understand their parents. I don’t think communication between generations is difficult. Remember how you made your first friend? Just be brave and have a talk. And in this way the generation gap can be bridged, I am sure.






Page 89: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

2. Homework for WritingUseful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Let’s Bridge the Generation Gap based on the discussion you have had. You should choose at most three ways from the discussion and develop them with your own words. Your composition should be no less than 120 words.

Page 90: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

1. Best to bend while it’s a twig.


2. Like father, like son.


3. Wit once bought is worth twice taught.


4. Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. — Francis Bacon, British philosopher

幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。 —— 英国哲学家 F. 培根

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

Page 91: Background Information Video Watching Listen and Think Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.

5. Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself. — Edward Gibbon, British historian

每个人都受到两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的来自自己。 —— 英国历史学家 E. 吉朋

6. Example is always more efficacious than precept. — Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic

身教胜于言教。 —— 英国作家、批评家 S. 约翰逊

Useful Expressions

Optional Classroom


Picture Talking

Discussion and Writing

Proverbs and


Listening Comprehension

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