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So, that bitch have dropped you finally. Be fun! Maybe you can will be happy now. Stay calm. But if you are still crying and pity yourself, keep calm, don't be a rag and listen here.


You must take a bottle of Jack Daniel's and drink it. Be a man, give yourself to be a drunk as a pig at least once.


Take your motorbike, turn off headlights and ride at night street. Find a policeman and kick his ass. You can spend an interesting night with interesting people.


Change 500 bucks by 50 dollars and go to strip bar. Push in it to each girl into thong. Find the best girl and order a private dance. Then slam her ass and have a fight with security.


Find her new boyfriend's car, broke it window and piss into interior. If you want you can do little bit more. You understand what I mean...


If you have never tried LSD it is time to do. Will be better if you do that with that bitch from strip bar. You will have a lot of new feels. I promise.


When you will free from drink and drugs go to the highest bridge and jump bungee. It is obligatory ask to instructor to do a bungee little bit longer.


Buy white t-shirt and do print on it "I'm free and I have a big dick" and your phone number. Go for a walk on central park from morning to evening. After go to home and wait to calls.


Buy monkey's suit, go to zoo. Find cage with monkeys and climb inside. After that you must screaming and spitting in the people. If you are lucky may be someone give to you banana.

Take all rest your money and buy an one way ticket to Tai. I hope you know what to do there. It is no matter who behind there.



Come back home, call to ex-girlfriend and tell her "Thank you, darling for you leave me. It is the best what happend to me"

Don't thank me

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