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  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    Bah' Propaganda in America

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Response to the Nine Manifestations

    Physical ResurrectionPart 1The Denial and the ApologeticOther Relevant Texts

    Part 2General Redefinition of Resurrection in Bah' Literature

    Redefinition of Jesus Resurrection

    The !"pt# To"$

    The Case of the Traveller

    Part 1: The First Examination of the Bb at Tabr ! Notes

    Part 2: "##e$ations "$ainst the Bbs an% Bah&s

    Part 3: Bbsm's Ba()$ro*n%

    The Missin$ Prophe(+

    Bahai aith ! Baha'i aith" Bah' Propaganda in America# part $ of %

    This is a se$ment of an essa+ ,hi(h presents -*otes from a boo) b+ Professor E%,ar% ./Bro,n ,ho is fa0orab#+ mentione% in Bah& ,ritin$s/it is a fas(inatin$ a((o*nt ofho, the Bah& Faith ,as presente% in the North "meri(a b+ its ear#+ prose#+tiers/

    Part 1Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 5

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    There is a se(tion in Professor Bro,n's boo)%aterials for the &tud# of the B$ Religion,hi(h is tit#e%($rahi" George )ha#ru'llh and the Bah' *ropaganda in A"erica/iiThis se(tion %ea#s ,ith r/ 6ha+r*#h 7or 6heira##a8 ,ho 9rea(he% "meri(a in the(o*rse of the +ear 1;3 an% a#most imme%iate#+ be$an his propa$an%a/< "#so mentione%

    is the 0io#ent (#ashe% bet,een the t,o $ro*ps that forme% one fo##o,in$ ="bbs Efen%ia/)/a/ ="b%*>Bah an% the other fo##o,in$ his ha#f brother M*hamma% ="#/ ="b%*>Bah ,as a fo##o,er of his father Bah&*#h ,hi#e M*hamma% ="# ,as a fo##o,er ofBah&*#h's ha#f brother Mr ?ah+ a/)/a/ @*bh>i>Ee# or "a# 7for more on this iss*esee o*r arti(#e Anit+ E-*a#it+ an% To#eran(e an% The ase of the Tra0e##er Part 28/

    *rofessor !d+ard G, Bro+n

    Professor Bro,ne ,as $i0en some notes ta)en at r/ 6ha+r*#h's #e(t*res/ TheProfessor states that the+ 9thro, so m*(h #i$ht on the metho%s emp#o+e% b+ him an% theform $i0en to the Bah& %o(trine in "meri(a that thin) it ,orth ,hi#e to -*ote them in

    f*##< he %oes so in his boo) ,hi#e ,e ,i## -*ote in part/

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    $rahi" George )heiralla - )ha#ru'llh

    The notes states9r/ 6heira##a has ma%e the most asto*n%in$ statements re$ar%in$ Beh Bah&*#hb*t the proofs bro*$ht for,ar% are sa%#+ inferior to the (#aims set forth so it seems to me/Most of them are 0erses ta)en from the propheti( boo)s of the Bib#e/ "((or%in$ to this%o(tor Beh ,as .o% Cimse#f/ Ce tea(hes that $o% %i% not manifest throughthepersona#it+ of Beh as in the (ase of Des*s b*t that Ce rea##+ ,as .o% an% that Ce ,i##not (ome a$ain %*rin$ this (+(#e/ e are a## (a##e% *pon to be#ie0e this or e#se fore0er#ose o*r (han(e of sa#0ationThose ,ho %ie ,itho*t hearin$ of Beh are rein(arnate%an% ha0e another (han(eG those ,ho ha0e a#rea%+ hear% %o not/ Be#ie0ers see their frien%s,ho are not in the earth>bo%+

    Mr ?ah+ is s(ar(e#+ spo)en of b*t ,hen he is mentione% he is (a##e% @atanthere isnot the s#i$htest referen(e thro*$ho*t the entire (o*rse to the %e0e#opment of (hara(teran% those ,ho (#aim an inner $*i%an(e are parti(*#ar#+ (ens*re% an% ri%i(*#e%"t the#ast #e(t*re the peop#e are to#% if the+ be#ie0e in the HManifestation' to ,rite a #etter to="bbs Efen%i ,ho is a rein(arnation of Des*s hrist statin$ their be#ief an% be$$in$ toha0e their names re(or%e% in the HBoo) of the fa0orites/' The+ are informe% that"braham Da(ob Moses Dosh*a an% anie# are rein(arnate% an% are at "(re the HCo#+P#a(e/' The %o(tor f*rther sa+s that he has been sent b+ the Father an% Des*s hrist to%e#i0er the messa$e (on(ernin$ the HManifestation' to the peop#e of this (o*ntr+///

    Ce (#aims there are fift+>fi0e mi##ion be#ie0ers at the present time/ " $reat m+ster+ isma%e of the ,ho#e thin$ an% the i%eas are $i0en o*t in min*te portions as ,e it seemsare a((o*nt s#o, of *n%erstan%in$ in this (o*ntr+/ The Hmessa$e' or Hpith' as it is (a##e%is not $i0en *nti# the e#e0enth #esson/

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    noti(e% that his intense ea# an% #o0e for the (a*se ma)e him at times *se extra0a$ant#an$*a$e an% ha0e ma%e %*e a##o,an(e for this/fi0e mi##ion be#ie0ers he to#% *s in his #ast

    #e(t*re that there ,ere fort+ mi##ions at the time of Beh's %eath in 1;2/

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    0pp/ 11;>12J

    0ip/ 121

    Bahai aith ! Baha'i aith" Bah' Propaganda in America# part & of %

    This is a se$ment of an essa+ ,hi(h presents -*otes from a boo) b+ Professor E%,ar% ./Bro,n ,ho is fa0orab#+ mentione% in Bah& ,ritin$s/1t is a fas(inatin$ a((o*nt ofho, the Bah& Faith ,as presente% in the North "meri(a b+ its ear#+ prose#+tiers/

    Part 1Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 5

    The notes ,hi(h ,e be$an to (onsi%er in part 1 f*rther state9The be#ie0ers are $i0en some m+sterio*s name ,hi(h open#+ the+ a#,a+s (a## HThe.reatest Name/' t is $i0en 0er+ pri0ate#+ an% in a 0er+ so#emn manner/ The+ ares*ppose% to ma)e *se of it ,hen in nee%/ am sorr+ to sa+ that some peop#e ha0e sent the

    #etter for the sa)e of the rest of the tea(hin$ an% for a m+sterio*s somethin$ ,hi(h the+hope to $et

    Man+ thin$s (annot exp#ain for exp#anations ,ere not $i0en b*t ,e ,ere to#% that ,esho*#% )no, in the f*t*re/ That f*t*re has ne0er (omeLit ma+ be reser0e% for thebe#ie0ers/ Besi%es the %o(tor re-*este% the st*%ents to ta)e no notes *p to abo*t the tenth#e(t*re ,hen the *se of pen(i#s an% paper ,as a##o,e%

    There is #itt#e (han(e for %is(*ssion at an+ #e(t*re as the %o(tor has an extreme#+ f*nn+,a+ of te##in$ peop#e ,ho oppose his 0ie, in the (#ass that the+ are Hex(*se%/' f (o*rsethe+ ha0e to #ea0e an% in profo*n% si#en(e the s*rprise% offen%er arises pa()s *p ,hat

    be#on$s to him an% ma)es as $ra(ef*# an exit as he (an *n%er the tr+in$ (on%itions

    "t the first #e(t*re the peop#e are re-*este% not to ta#) o0er ,hat the+ are to#% ,itho*tsi%ers/ "n air of m+ster+ is o0er the ,ho#e affair an% infinitesima# thin$s are mostenormo*s#+ ma$nifie% an% the ,a+ in ,hi(h some matters are minimie% in or%er tomaximie other points in the tea(hin$ is tr*#+ remar)ab#eG mean interpretations of theEn$#ish Bib#e/ n #esson fi0e it is (#ear#+ state% that Beh ,as a Manifestation of .o% b*tin #esson e#e0en he is .o% Cimse#f/ ,as m*(h p*#e% an% as)e% r/ 6heira##a abo*t it/Ce 0er+ h*mb#+ attempte% to exp#ain an% be$an b+ sa+in$ that Beh ,as a Manifestationon#+ b*t before he en%e% he (ertain#+ spo)e of him as bein$ .o%Des*s ,as the $reatestone e0er on this p#anet/ 7" $reat %ifferen(e is ma%e bet,een Des*s an% BehG .o% is sai%

    to ha0e manifeste% throughDes*s/8

    some pra+ an% *se the ,ron$/a"eG the+ ,i## not re(ei0ee (omm*ni(ate ,ith .o%thro*$h ta#)in$ ,ith Cim/ Ase of the ri$ht/a"eis the pass>,or%/ hen +o* be(omeHbe#ie0ers' the H.reatest Name' ,i## be $i0en to +o* to be *se% in time of nee%/ Pra+ersare pass>,or%s an% ,e ha0e *se% pra+ers of o*r o,n ma)in$G ha0e *se% the ,ron$ pass>,or%G sho*#% not (ompose them/ f ,e %o not *se the ri$ht pass>,or% .o% ,i## hear b*tCe ,i## not ans,er

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    f +o* *se these pra+ers earnest#+ +o* ,i## ha0e %reams or 0isions ,hi(h ,i## (ome topass/ promise +o* that +o* ,i## ha0e re0e#ations if +o* *se themMan+ ha0e been sentb+ .o% Noah Moses an% othersG b*t the tea(hin$s ,ere a## (orr*pte%/ hen the+be(ome so .o% sen%s another/ "t #ast Ce sent Des*s Cis Be#o0e% son/ Brahmins an%

    B*%%hists %o not )no, ,hat their tr*e re#i$ion is/ The Mohamme%an is the most (orr*ptof a##/ " fe, %a+s 7'm not s*re abo*t the exa(t n*mber of %a+s8 after the %eath ofMohamme% his tea(hin$ ,as (orr*pte%

    There are 2 O2 #etters (a##e% the HIetters of Luddon' an% e0er+ #etter si$nifies a $reatpo,er ,hi(h (an on#+ be re(ei0e% b+ spe(ia# permission from hea%>-*arters 7"(re8/Luddonmeans presen(e of .o% or presen(e of the "#mi$ht+The finite (annot(omprehen% the infiniteG this is ,hat is bet,een .o% an% *s/ 7Rea% from saiah x#ii 1JBro,ne's footnote: 9Tho*$h ha0e %one m+ best to 0erif+ an% (orre(t these referen(esto the Bib#e here an% in some other (ases ha0e fai#e% to %o either an% so #ea0e them asthe+ stan%-*artersE%en means thepara%ise of .o%/ t is not a p#a(e/ No tree of )no,#e%$e an% e0i# (an $ro, in the soi#G it isnot a rea# tree 7rea% Re0e#ation xxii 2 as one proof8/ Ri0ers mentione% in .enesis 7ii 1JL148 are not rea# ri0ers for +o* ne0er see ri0ers bran(hin$ into fo*r hea%s/ 7e ,ereto#% in a #ater #e(t*re that the HManifestation' is the bi$ ri0er an% the fo*r bran(hes are thefo*r sons of Beh/8There are three "%ams > the ra(e o*r an(estor an% ,e sha## )no, the other 7Beh8 ,hen,e $et to the Hpith/' "%am spo)e the 6*r%ish #an$*a$e ,hi(h has no a#phabet an% is ashort spo)en #an$*a$e on#+/ @i#en(e ,i## pro0e this/ "%am %oes not mean Hre% earth'G itmeans the Hs)in' or Hs*rfa(e/' E0e means #ife n "rabi(1a++ from the same root asha## H#i0in$' an% ha#t H#ife/'/.o% $a0e "%am an% E0e H(oats of s)in' to ,it the bo%+/ Ce ma%e b*t t,o (oats of s)in/The meanin$ of H(oats of s)in' is Cis Hima$e/' "%am an% E0e obe+e% the #a, ofm*#tip#i(ation an% $a0e tents to other so*#s/ The+ ha% t,o (hi#%ren ain an% "be#/ Theseare not materia# (hi#%ren/ ain means the materia# an% "be# means the spirit*a# an% theseare a#,a+s at ,ar/There are three bib#es: the Cebre, the E$+ptian an% the ha#%ean/ The Cebre,borro,e% from the E$+ptian an% the E$+ptian from the ha#%ean/ "## ha0e the samea((o*nt from "%am to Moses/ e ,ere in E%en the Para%ise of .o%/ The serpentis%om s*$$este% to *s that ,e sho*#% $o hi$her an% be as $o%s/ e as)e% .o% for this$reat pri0i#e$e an% ,e ,ere a##o,e% to (ome to earth ,here this $reat pri0i#e$e is to be$aine%/ The Hf#amin$ s,or%' is the earth/ *r ,i## is free at a## timesG ,e (an (hoose

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    Those ,ho o0er(ome ret*rn to E%en/ The tree of )no,#e%$e an% tree of #ife are .o%/hen ,e be(ome a%opte% (hi#%ren ,e eat of the tree of #ife/ ain the materia# is (asto*t/ ain's Hmar)' is .o%&s ima$e the s)in7O8 7t is the thi()est )in% of fo$ ri$ht here/8Those ha0in$ the Hmar)' ne0er be(ome the a%opte% (hi#%ren of .o%G the+ brin$ this *pon

    themse#0esG it is not a p*nishment/ ain ,ent to the Ian% of No% .enesis i0 1K ,hi(hmeans ,an%erin$/ mpossib#e to #i0e ,ith .o% *n#ess ,e ha0e the ima$e/ "## $o to theIan% of No% ,ho %o not (on-*er/ 7The Pro%i$a# @on ,as -*ote% as proof that Des*sta*$ht these i%eas/8 e #earn to )no, the $oo% from the e0i#

    Noah's "r)/LThe ar) is a s+mbo# of .o% an% means prote(tion/ The Temp#e of@o#omon is the same/ The (#ean anima#s Hb+ se0ens' 7.enesis 0ii 28 are the be#ie0ersG Hb+t,o' means the be#ie0ers' parents ,ho are prote(te% be(a*se of the be#ie0ers/ J persons,ent into the ar)G 4J first an% then 3J/ The trans#ation is ,ron$/ HRa0en' means(a#amities an% H%o0e' pea(e/ 7" (*rio*s stor+ ,as re#ate% in ,hi(h a %ot (a*se% b+ a f#+(han$e% a (hara(ter ,hi(h meant h*sban% to mean m*#e/8

    The (#ass ,ere then permitte% to as) -*estions/ These are a fe, of the statements in

    ans,er to -*estionsThe a((o*nts of reation in .enesis ,ere $i0en b+ three %ifferentpersons.o% ma%e %iseaseG it exists be(a*se of the perfe(tion of the #a,G it is the res*#tof the #a,/ e m*st a## %ie/ t is possib#e to (omm*ni(ate ,ith others ,itho*t ph+si(a#(onta(t

    The (#ass ,ere as)e% to $i0e their i%eas as to the meanin$ of the bib#i(a# referen(es in the;th #esson b*t s(ar(e#+ an+ one ans,ere% satisfa(tori#+/ @ome sai% Des*s ,as referre% tob*t this ,as %enie% ,ith $reat ener$+ b+ r/ 6heira##a an% saiah ix K ,as $i0en as

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    proof/ Des*s ,as not Hthe "#mi$ht+ .o% the E0er#astin$ Father the Prin(e of Pea(e'G he,as not a r*#er/ The ans,er ,hi(h seeme% to $i0e satisfa(tion ,as that a manifestation of.o% ,as foreto#%/ Re0e#ation i ,as rea% as e0i%en(e that Des*s bore ,itness to theManifestation/ Dob xix 25G Ee)ie# x#iii 4G saiah #xiii 1 an% D*%e 14 are proofs of theManifestation

    n 152>153 the n(arnation of .o% 7Beh8 appeare%Beh %e(#are% himse#f .o% to the,or#% in 1KKMi(ah (ontains an a((o*nt of "(re the Ne, Der*sa#em/ n 1K;>1JBeh sent tab#ets to the %ifferent r*#ers (a##in$ *pon them to thro, their )in$%oms at hisfeet an% ,orship him

    The Mi##enni*m is to (ome in 1;1G this is the Res*rre(tion ,hen one o*t of e0er+ three,i## be(ome a fo##o,er of Beh" messa$e sai% to be from Des*s hrist an% a%%resse% to the st*%ents in hi(a$o ,herethere ,ere abo*t thirt+ ,as rea%n 152>153 .o% "#mi$ht+ appeare%/ Ce ,as born inPersia amon$ the Mohamme%ansG %e(#are% himse#f .o% in 1KK an% %eparte% in 1;2

    Ce marrie% t,o ,i0es ne name% Na,,b the mother of ="bbs Efen%i an% his sisterBahi++aG the other entit#e%%ahd(i(l# the mother of M*hamma% ="# i+&*#h an%Ba%=*#hG the+ are the Hanointe% ones' or Ho#i0e trees/' Peop#e obQe(t to theHManifestation' be(a*se of his bein$ marrie%/ " rea# man o*$ht to marr+G a mon) is thein0ention of priests/ .o% (ame as a man ha% a father an% mother f*#fi##e%

    n saiah x#0 7;L811 ,e are reb*)e% for thin)in$ .o% sho*#% %o as ,e thin) best/ The$reatest reason ,h+ .o% sho*#% marr+ is that the ra(e is $rafte% thro*$h Cis ha0in$(hi#%ren/

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    Next ,e are to#%:9The interestin$ a((o*nt of the Bbs entit#e% Ta'r8hu'l(B$i##a. a+ %ifthu B$i'l(A$+$7HCistor+ of the Bbs or the 6e+ to the .ate of the .ates'8 (ompose% in "rabi(b+ r Mr M*hamma% Mah% 6hnCa"u'd( Da+la7e%itor of the Persian paper

    1i8"at8 an% p*b#ishe% at airo b+ the Press of "#>Manr in 1321 71;J3>48/Fa# of.*#p+a$nto hi(a$o to sprea% the Bb propa$an%a6no,ers' ,rites as fo##o,s 7p/58:ne0er before in the histor+ ofthe ,or#% has a Mohamme%an se(t ta)en root amon$ a hristian peop#e ,itho*t the ai%of the s,or%/

    be#ie0e it ,o*#% not ha0e happene% to>%a+ ha% it (ome bearin$ its o,n proper namef#+in$ its o,n nati0e (o#o*rs/ t has s*((ee%e% be(a*se #i)e a (o*nterfeit (oin it haspasse% for ,hat it is not/ Most of the (on0erts har%#+ rea#ie ,hat the+ ha0e embra(e%

    an% ,hither the+ are %riftin$/ (onsi%er it a %*t+ therefore to te## the "meri(an peop#e,hat )no, of this se(ret an% m+sterio*s se(t an% ,hat are its ori$in (hara(ter an%p*rposes/press %ea#s (hief#+ ,ith the histor+ an% %o(trines of the Bbsan% be$ins as fo##o,s: Hs hrist #i0in$ in the ,or#% to>%a+O There are tens of tho*san%sof persons ,ho be#ie0e that Ce isG that the 6in$%om of Cea0en has been estab#ishe% *ponearth an% that the prophe(ies of the boo) of Re0e#ation an% the 6oran are a#rea%+ inpro(ess of f*#fi##ment/

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    "#so -*ote% is a #etter ,ritten to r/ 6ha+r*#h b+ Mr Casan 6h*rsn onNo0ember 3Jth 1;JJ:9 (ame here espe(ia##+ to brin$ +o* ba() to +o*r a##e$ian(e to ="bbs Efen%i an% amprepare% to sta+ ten +ears if ne(essar+/ f +o* ret*rn to ="bbs Efen%i ,i## (a*se the

    "meri(an be#ie0ers to fo##o, +o* as hea% in e0er+thin$ e0en better than heretofore/ f+o* ,i## not #isten to me an% be(ome a fo##o,er of ="bbs +o*r abo%e ,i## be in thebo,e#s of the earth/

    (ome here be(a*se of pit+ for +o* an% to sa0e +o*/ f +o* ,i## not #isten +o*r #ife ,i##be short/ f ="bbs Efen%i sho*#% $i0e me the ,or% to (*t +o* to pie(es or to tear +o*re+es o*t or to )i## +o* ,i## %o so at on(e/ fear not the (onse-*en(es to m+se#f/ ?o*)no, that am from 6h*rsn an% that the s,or% of 6h*rsn is so po,erf*# that if ab#o, is str*() ,ith it it ,i## (*t from abo0e the stars to the %epth of the earth an% ,i##(*t e0en the fishes of the sea/ Bah/i>6h*rsn's pamph#etentit#e%Risla(i(Bushr +a A#a(i( )u$r7HThe Tra(t of .oo% Ti%in$s an% the Most .reat @i$n'8< in ,hi(h 9="bbs Efen%i isspo)en of as Hthe Ior% of the or#% an% .oa# of the Peop#es the Most Nob#e M+ster+ of.o% &irru'llh one of the tit#es often $i0en to ="bbs Efen%i the Most Mi$ht+ Bran(hof .o% an% Cis En%*rin$ Proof in the or#%'

    H*r obQe(t at present'to $#a%%en the Frien%s of .o% ,ith $oo% ti%in$s of a ,on%erf*#e0ent ,hi(h happene% in the (it+ of De%%a an% of a (#ear si$n an% e0i%ent mira(#e fromthe ,ritin$s of the ho#+ pen of Cis Co#iness ="b%*>Bah///7ma+ the Iife of the or#%sbe a sa(rifi(e to the %*st of his footsteps8/' "fter this brief intro%*(tion the a*thorpro(ee%s to %es(ribe as fo##o,s the #ife an% %eath of Mr ?ah+ of sfahn an% the,or%s of ="bbs Efen%i ,herein that %eath ,as foresha%o,e%/

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    the %eath of Mr ?ah+ of sfahn an% then or%ere% that he be poisone% $i0in$ 0i0i%meanin$ toself(fulfilling prophec#/

    Professor Bro,ne then states9This Mr ?ah+ ,as ori$ina##+ an "a# b*t in the +ear of Bah&*#h's H"s(ension'

    7i,e,%eath8 1;2 he (ame to =")) met ="bbs Efen%i b+ ,hom he ,as 0er+ ,e##re(ei0e% an% ,rote a ref*tation of @*bhi>i>"a#/ "fter a ,hi#e he %eparte% to De%%a 7theport of Me((a on the Re% @ea8 ,here he be(ame intimate ,ith a ,e##>)no,n Bah&name% CQQi Mr C*sa+n of Ir ,hose %a*$hter he present#+ as)e% an% re(ei0e% inmarria$e/

    hen the %isp*te bet,een ="bbs Efen%i an% his ha#f>brother M*hamma% ="# be(amea(*te an% the Bah& (omm*nit+ ,as rent as*n%er b+ this s(hism Mr ?ah+ be(amethe tr*ste% a$ent an% fer0ent s*pporter of M*hamma% ="# in ,hose fa0o*r he (arrie% onan a(ti0e propa$an%a/

  • 8/12/2019 Baha'i Propaganda in America


    9Cere fo##o,s CQQi M*## C*sa+n of Ir's narrati0e of ,hat too) p#a(e as(omm*ni(ate% b+ him in a #etter to CQQi Mr Casan of 6h*rsn:

    H rea% the Tab#et to Mr ?ah+ an% he #istene%/ sai%: H"ss*re%#+ tho* sa+est in th+heart H %o not be#ie0e in the ,or%s thereof/'' Ce ans,ere% Ht is e0en soG ha0e no sort

    of be#ief either in him or his father i,e,Heither in ="bbs Efen%i or Bah&*#h/'/'brea)ers ,i## be o0erta)en b+(a#amities s*(h that the+ sha## f#ee bare>hea%e% to the mo*ntains an% %eserts b*t sha##fin% there no ,a+ of es(ape/ brother M*hamma% ="# e-*a#s if it %oesnot ex(ee% that in ,hi(h the Bah&s $enera##+ ho#% the "a#s an% far s*rpasses the%is#i)e entertaine% b+ an+ of these three parties for the a%herents of other (ree%s ,hi(hstan% entire#+ o*tsi%e the Bb>Bah& (ir(#e/

    This phenomenon ho,e0er is not pe(*#iar to Bbism/ "t a## e0ents this se(on% s(hismamon$st the Bb (omm*nit+ ,hi(h be$an a#most imme%iate#+ after Bah&*#h's %eathin 1;2 an% (*#minate%in 1;5 ,as sin$*#ar#+ fier(e an% bitter an% in %*e (o*rsenat*ra##+ exten%e% to the "meri(an Bah&sThe #ast ne,s ha% of brhm 6ha+r*#h,as in a #etter from hi(a$o %ate% "pri# 4 1;1 in ,hi(h he ,rote: HThe Bah&mo0ement in "meri(a be(ame s#o, an% %*## sin(e the sa% %issension rea(he% the estnineteen +ears a$o i,e,in 1;/

    tho*$ht then that to (a## the peop#e to this .reat Tr*th ,as e-*i0a#ent to in0itin$ theminto a -*arre#/ B*t the 0isit of ="bbs Efen%i ="b%*>Bah to this (o*ntr+ his fa#setea(hin$s his misrepresentations of Bah&ism his %issim*#ation an% the )no,#e%$e thathis en% is ni$h aro*se% me to rise *p for he#pin$ the ,or) of .o% %e(#arin$ the Tr*than% ref*tin$ the fa#se atta()s of theo#o$ians an% missionaries/ No, am str*$$#in$ har%to 0i0if+ the a*se of .o% after its ha0in$ re(ei0e% b+ the 0isit of ="bbs Efen%i a %eath>b#o,/'

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    ;(April ;Bah an% @ho$hi Effen%iBah'u'llh and the /e+ !ra7i#mette I/: The Bah&P*b#ishin$ ommittee 1;2 12th e%/ 1;5J8 pp/ 4; KJ2pp/ 1K2>1K43pp/ 1K4>1K54p/ 1K55pp/ 1K5>1KK

    Kpp/ 1KK>11

    Bahai aith ! Baha'i aith" Response to the )ine *anifestations

    " $reat %iffi(*#t+ ,ith Bah&sm's Manifestations of .o% is that the Manifestations(ontra%i(t ea(h other in %o(trina# matters/ These %o(trines (annot be re(on(i#e%/ This isnot on#+ tr*e of minor iss*es s*(h as rit*a# b*t these %isa$reements (*t to the heart ofe0er+ f*n%amenta# tea(hin$/

    Fran(is Be(),ith has ,ritten9"## roa%s #ea% to .o%'0e hear% so man+ peop#e sa+

    B*t ,hen the+ $et to Donesto,nThe+ be$ to #oo) the other ,a+/at #east the one that ,e rea% ,as/The+ a## be#ie0e in #o0e an% $oo%ness/ The+ on#+ %iffer on matters of (reation sinhea0en he## .o% an% sa#0ation/

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    9man+ of the prophe(ies are a%mitte%#+ Hsea#e%' sa+in$s an% the Tr*e E%*(ator himse#fis the on#+ ne ,ho (an brea) the sea#s an% sho, the rea# meanin$s (ontaine% in the(as)et of ,or%s/218/

    e (an )no, ,ho is of .o% an% ,ho is not9No, b+ this ,e )no, that ,e )no, Cim if ,e )eep Cis (omman%ments/ Ce ,ho sa+sH )no, Cim' an% %oes not )eep Cis (omman%ments is a #iar an% the tr*th is not in him/B*t ,hoe0er )eeps Cis ,or% tr*#+ the #o0e of .o% is perfe(te% in him/ B+ this ,e )no,that ,e are in Cim/ Ce ,ho sa+s he abi%es in Cim o*$ht himse#f a#so to ,a#) Q*st as Ce,a#)e%< 71st Dohn 2:3>K8/

    " ,arnin$ a$ainst not hee%in$ s(ript*re9Be#o0e% %o not be#ie0e e0er+ spirit b*t test the spirits ,hether the+ are of .o%Gbe(a*se man+ fa#se prophets ha0e $one o*t into the ,or#%/ B+ this +o* )no, the @pirit of

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    .o%:E0er+ spirit that (onfesses that Des*s hrist has (ome in the f#esh is of .o% an% e0er+spirit that %oes not (onfess that Des*s hrist has (ome in the f#esh is not of .o%/ "n% thisis the spirit of the "nti(hrist ,hi(h +o* ha0e hear% ,as (omin$ an% is no, a#rea%+ inthe ,or#%/

    ?o* are of .o% #itt#e (hi#%ren an% ha0e o0er(ome them be(a*se Ce ,ho is in +o* is$reater than he ,ho is in the ,or#%/ The+ are of the ,or#%/ Therefore the+ spea) as of the,or#% an% the ,or#% hears them/ e are of .o%/ Ce ,ho )no,s .o% hears *sG he ,ho isnot of .o% %oes not hear *s/ B+ this ,e )no, the spirit of tr*th an% the spirit of errorK8/

    There is a ,e##>)no,n (on(ept he#% b+ the Mormons re$ar%in$ the Bib#e their th "rti(#eof Faith states in part 9e be#ie0e the Bib#e to be the ,or% of .o% as far as it istrans#ate% (orre(t#+/< The -*estion is ho, (an the+ )no, ,hat has or has not beentrans#ate% (orre(t#+O o the+ *se hermene*ti(s to %etermine thisO o +o* examine theman*s(ript e0i%en(e to %etermine thisO "re histor+ an% ar(haeo#o$+ (ons*#te% in ma)in$

    s*(h %eterminationsONo the pra(ti(a# ans,er is that ,here0er the Bib#e (ontra%i(ts Mormon %o(trine theBib#e m*st be in error/ Ii)e,ise ,ith Bah&smLan+ Bib#i(a# texts or in fa(t an+ of thetexts from the ,or#%'s ho#+ boo)s that seem to s*pport Bah&sm are (onsi%ere% tr*e,hi#e an+ text that (ontra%i(ts Bah&sm is (onsi%ere% (orr*pt mistrans#ate%misinterprete% or s+mbo#i(/

    hat a## of this means is that the Bah& ha0e no f*n(tiona# s+stem of hermene*ti( orexe$esis/5Co,e0er e0en ,ith a##e$ori(a# an% #ibera# han%#in$ of the texts it is sti## notpossib#e for the Bah&sm to #o$i(a## an% 0iab#+ mer$e a## of the ,or#%'s re#i$ions/Cin%*ism be#ie0es in rein(arnationLthe Bah& Faith %oes not/B*%%hism be#ie0es in the (+(#e of rebirthLthe Bah& Faith %oes not/s#am be#ie0es that M*hamma% ,as the #ast prophet an% that the U*r&an is the fina#re0e#ation of .o%Lthe Bah& Faith %enies both %o(trines/oroastrianism be#ie0es in t,o e-*a# an% opposite $o%sLthe Bah& Faith %oes not/hristianit+ be#ie0es that Des*s is the on#+ Person ,ho (an offer sa#0ationLthe Bah&Faith %oes not/The #ist (o*#% $o on e0er+ re#i$ion has essentia# %o(trine that the Bah& Faith %enieseither in ,ho#e or in part/

    n (on(#*sion Bah&sm (#aims to *nif+ the ,or#%'s re#i$io*s s+stems ,hi#e in rea#it+ it ison#+ the empt+ (ari(at*re of ea(h ,or#% re#i$ion that (an be *nifie%/ The (#aim that theManifestations ha0e (ome to $i0e *s an a%%itiona# pie(e of the .o%'s pie is notreasonab#e be(a*se it is not (onstr*(ti0e to (#aim that ,hat .o% has ,ante% *s to )no,abo*t Cim is that Ce is one an% man+ an% tri*ne an% apart from the *ni0erse an% partof the *ni0erse a## at the same time/

    1Ex(erpt from Fran(is D/ Be(),ith ##*sion of Te(hni-*e 7*np*b#ishe% poem 1;282@te0e T*rner ree% 7a satiri(a# poem on the mo%ern min%8 as -*ote% in Ra0i a(harias an Man #i0eitho*t .o%O pp/ 42>443D/ E/ Ess#emont M/B/ C/B/ F/B/E/"/ Re0ise% b+ ="b%*>Bah an% @ho$hi Effen%i Bah&*#h an% the

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    Ne, Era 7i#mette I/: The Bah& P*b#ishin$ ommittee 1;2 12th e%/ 1;5J8 p/ 1J4D/ E/ Ess#emont M/B/ C/B/ F/B/E/"/ Re0ise% b+ ="b%*>Bah an% @ho$hi Effen%i Bah&*#h an% the

    Ne, Era 7i#mette I/: The Bah& P*b#ishin$ ommittee 1;2 12th e%/ 1;5J8 p/ 15@imp#+ state% hermene*ti(s is the proper interpretation of texts ,hi(h ta)es into (onsi%eration thin$s s*(h ashistori(a# an% $rammati(a# (ontext/ Exe$esis is #ettin$ a text spea) for itse#f instea% of rea%in$ pre(on(ei0e%notions into the text 7,hi(h ,o*#% be iso$esis8/

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    ResurrectionBahai aith ! Baha'i aith " Physical Resurrection# Part $ of &

    The Denial and the Apologetic

    Other Relevant Texts

    Part 1Part 2

    The 0enial and the Apologetic"

    "s +o* rea% the Bah& %enia# of the ph+si(a# res*rre(tion )eep the fo##o,in$ -*estion in

    min% 9h+ sho*#% it be tho*$ht in(re%ib#e b+ +o* that .o% raises the %ea%O< 7"(ts2K:8/

    9Euestion/Lhat is the meanin$ of hrist's res*rre(tion after three %a+sOAns+er/LTheres*rre(tion of the i0ine Manifestations are not of the bo%+/ "## that the i0ineManifestations %o has a spirit*a# an% %i0ine si$nifi(an(e an% ha0e no (onne(tion ,ithmateria# thin$s/

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    The apost#e Pa*# ,rote9B+ this $ospe# +o* are sa0e% if +o* ho#% firm#+ to the ,or% prea(he% to +o*/ther,ise +o* ha0e be#ie0e% in 0ain/ For ,hat re(ei0e% passe% on to +o* as of firstimportan(e: that hrist %ie% for o*r sins a((or%in$ to the @(ript*res that he ,as b*rie%

    that he ,as raise% on the thir% %a+ a((or%in$ to the @(ript*res an% that he appeare% toPeter an% then to the T,e#0e/ "fter that he appeare% to more than fi0e h*n%re% of thebrothers at the same time most of ,hom are sti## #i0in$ tho*$h some ha0e fa##en as#eepK8/

    f Des*s ha% not ph+si(a##+ risen from the %ea% an% ph+si(a##+ appeare% to e+e,itnesses,hat %oes it mean that 9Ce appeare% to more than fi0e h*n%re% of the brothersfo*n%e% are the thin$s abo*t ,hi(h +o* ha0e been ta*$ht48/

    f e0ents s*(h as the res*rre(tion ha% not o((*rre% the %is(ip#es ,o*#% ha0e ne0er

    en(o*ra$e% s)epti(s see)ers or e0en be#ie0ers to (he() o*t the fa(ts an% ens*re thetr*th of their tea(hin$s/ There are man+ examp#es in the Ne, Testament of the %is(ip#esnot on#+ pro(#aimin$ that the+ themse#0es are e+e,itnesses b*t the+ appea# to the)no,#e%$e of their a*%ien(e in sa+in$ 9+o* +o*rse#0es )no, of this< or 9+o* +o*rse#0esha0e seen this< 7For some examp#es see 2n% Peter 1:1KG 1st Dohn 1:3G Dohn 1;:35G "(ts2:22 2K:24>28/

    t seems that the main reason that the Bah& ha0e for %en+in$ the ph+si(a# res*rre(tion is

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    be(a*se the+ (#aim that Bah&*#h is the ret*rn of Des*s hrist/ f Des*s res*rre(te%ph+si(a##+ then as it is ,ritten Cis bo%+ ,o*#% bear the s(ars an% ,o*n%s of Cisf#o$$in$ (r*(ifixion an% spear thr*st/ @in(e Cis bo%+ bears the ,o*n%s then as it is,ritten at Cis @e(on% omin$ Ce ,o*#% be re(o$nie% b+ Cis ,o*n%s/ Des*s is pi(t*re%in hea0en as the Iamb ,ho #oo)e% 9as tho*$h it ha% been s#ain< 7Re0e#ation 5:K8/ f

    hrist rose ph+si(a##+ an% ,i## ret*rn ph+si(a##+ ,e ,o*#% )no, ,ith abso#*te (ertaint+that Bah&*#h is not Ce/

    The niversal 1ouse of Justicehas ,ritten9if one rea%s the bib#i(a# a((o*nts ,ith an *nbiase% min% one (an see that the e0entsre#ate% are far from t+pi(a# of a ph+si(a# bo%+/ t is tr*e that Des*s te##s %o*btin$ Thomasto fee# Cis ,o*n%s to %emonstrate that it ,as rea##+ Ce b*t Q*st before that Ce ha%s*%%en#+ appeare% in a room ,ith #o()e% %oors/ n a simi#ar manner after spea)in$ ,itht,o fo##o,ers on the roa% to Emma*s Des*s s*%%en#+ %isappears/ Ce a#so appearss*%%en#+ in %ifferent parts of the Co#+ Ian% in Der*sa#em .a#i#ee an% so forth/'

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    b*rie% an% res*rre(te%/ Ce then as(en%e% in the 0er+ same ph+si(a# bo%+ that %ie% ,asb*rie% res*rre(te% an% ,as seen an% han%#e%/

    Th*s ,e expe(t Cis ret*rn in the 0er+ same ph+si(a# bo%+ that %ie% ,as b*rie%res*rre(te% ,as seen an% han%#e% an% as(en%e%/ Both before an% after Cis %eath an%res*rre(tion Des*s ma%e it (#ear that Cis res*rre(tion ,o*#% be ph+si(a#G before Cis %eathb+ prophe(+ an% after,ar% b+ eatin$ %rin)in$ an% a##o,in$ Cimse#f to be han%#e%/

    9Des*s ans,ere% an% sai% to them Hestro+ this temp#e an% in three %a+s ,i## raise it*p/' Then the De,s sai% Ht has ta)en fort+>six +ears to b*i#% this temp#e an% ,i## +o*raise it *p in three %a+sO' B*t Ce ,as spea)in$ of the temp#e of Cis bo%+< 7Dohn 2:1;>218/

    9M+ Father #o0es Me be(a*se #a+ %o,n M+ #ife that ma+ ta)e it a$ain/ No one ta)es itfrom Me b*t #a+ it %o,n of M+se#f/ ha0e po,er to #a+ it %o,n an% ha0e po,er tota)e it a$ain< 7Dohn 1J:1>18/

    9Ce ha% sai% this Ce sho,e% them Cis han%s an% Cis si%e/ Then the %is(ip#es ,ere $#a%,hen the+ sa, the Ior%Then Ce sai% to Thomas HRea(h +o*r fin$er here an% #oo) atm+ han%sG an% rea(h +o* han% here an% p*t it into m+ si%e/ o not be *nbe#ie0in$ b*tbe#ie0in$'< 7Dohn 2J:2J 28/

    onsi%er the fo##o,in$ text for an extreme#+ (#ear *n%erstan%in$9the+ rose *p that 0er+ ho*r an% ret*rne% to Der*sa#em an% fo*n% the e#e0en an% those,ho ,ere ,ith them $athere% to$ether sa+in$ HThe Ior% is risen in%ee% an% hasappeare% to @imon' "n% the+ to#% abo*t the thin$s that ha% happene% on the roa% an%ho, Ce ,as )no,n to them in the brea)in$ of brea%/ No, as the+ sai% these thin$s Des*s

    Cimse#f stoo% in the mi%st of them an% sai% to them HPea(e to +o*/' B*t the+ ,ereterrifie% an% fri$htene% an% s*ppose% the+ ha% seen a spirit/ "n% Ce sai% to them Hh+are +o* tro*b#e%O "n% ,h+ %o %o*bts arise in +o*r heartsO Beho#% M+ han%s an% M+feet that it is M+se#f/ Can%#e Me an% see for a spirit %oes not ha0e f#esh an% bones as+o* see ha0e/' hen Ce ha% sai% this Ce sho,e% them Cis han%s an% Cis feet/ B*t,hi#e the+ sti## %i% not be#ie0e for Qo+ an% mar0e#e% Ce sai% to them HCa0e +o* an+foo% hereO' @o the+ $a0e Cim a pie(e of a broi#e% fish an% some hone+(omb/ "n% Cetoo) it an% ate in their presen(e< 7I*)e 24:33>438/

    The text is so (#ear that it nee%s no exp#anation/ Co,e0er #et *s re0ie,G the be#ie0ers,ho ha% pre0io*s#+ ha% their faith shattere% $ather an% rete## that the Ior% has 9risen1J8/

    9No, ,hi#e the+ ,ere sta+in$ in .a#i#ee Des*s sai% to them HThe @on of Man is abo*t tobe betra+e% into the han%s of men an% the+ ,i## )i## Cim an% the thir% %a+ Ce ,i## be

    raise% *p/' "n% the+ ,ere ex(ee%in$#+ sorro,f*#'< 7Matthe, 1:22>238/

    9"n e0i# an% a%*#tero*s $eneration see)s after a si$n an% no si$n ,i## be $i0en to itex(ept the si$n of the prophet Donah/ For as Donah ,as three %a+s an% three ni$hts in thebe##+ of the $reat fish so ,i## the @on of Man be three %a+s an% three ni$hts in the heartof the earth< 7Matthe, 12:3;>4J8/

    9Ce be$an to tea(h them that the @on of Man m*st s*ffer man+ thin$s an% be reQe(te% b+the e#%ers an% (hief priests an% s(ribes an% be )i##e% an% after three %a+s rise a$ainK38/

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    ther (omments abo*t Cis res*rre(tion:9Moses sai%///that the hrist ,o*#% s*ffer that Ce ,o*#% be the first to rise from the%ea%< 7"(ts 2K:22>238/

    9Des*s ,ho ha% %ie% ,hom Pa*# affirme% to be a#i0e< 7"(ts 25:1;8/9Cim .o% raise% *p on the thir% %a+ an% sho,e% Cim open#+< 7"(ts 1J:4J8/

    9.o% raise% Cim from the %ea%/ Ce ,as seen for man+ %a+s b+ those ,ho (ame *p ,ithCim from .a#i#ee to Der*sa#em ,ho are Cis ,itnesses to the peop#e< 7"(ts 13:3J>318/

    Des*s 9,hom .o% raise% from the %ea% of ,hi(h ,e are ,itnesses< 7"(ts 3:14>158/

    9Des*s hrist o*r Ior% ,ho ,as born of the see% of a0i% a((or%in$ to the f#esh an%%e(#are% to be the @on of .o% ,ith po,er a((or%in$ to the @pirit of ho#iness b+ the

    res*rre(tion from the %ea%< 7Romans 1:3>48/9Therefore ,e ,ere b*rie% ,ith Cim thro*$h baptism into %eath that Q*st as hrist ,asraise% from the %ea% b+ the $#or+ of the Father e0en so ,e a#so sho*#% ,a#) in ne,nessof #ife< 7Romans K:48/

    9For to this en% hrist %ie% an% rose an% #i0e% a$ain that Ce mi$ht be Ior% of both the%ea% an% the #i0in$< 7Romans 14:;8/

    9"n% sin(e ,e ha0e the same spirit of faith a((or%in$ to ,hat is ,ritten H be#ie0e% an%therefore spo)e' ,e a#so be#ie0e an% therefore spea) )no,in$ that Ce ,ho raise% *pthe Ior% Des*s ,i## a#so raise *s *p ,ith Des*s an% ,i## present *s ,ith +o*< 72n%orinthians 4:13>148/

    9For the #o0e of hrist (ompe#s *s be(a*se ,e Q*%$e th*s: that if ne %ie% for a## thena## %ie%G an% Ce %ie% for a## that those ,ho #i0e sho*#% #i0e no #on$er for themse#0es b*tfor Cim ,ho %ie% for them an% rose a$ain< 72n% orinthians 5:14>158/

    9B*t ,hat %oes it sa+O HThe ,or% is near +o* in +o*r mo*th an% in +o*r heart' 7that isthe ,or% of faith ,hi(h ,e prea(h8: that if +o* (onfess ,ith +o*r mo*th the Ior% Des*san% be#ie0e in +o*r heart that .o% has raise% Cim from the %ea% +o* ,i## be sa0e%;8/

    9b*rie% ,ith Cim in baptism in ,hi(h +o* a#so ,ere raise% ,ith Cim thro*$h faith in the,or)in$ of .o% ,ho raise% Cim from the %ea%< 7o#ossians 2:128/

    9the #i0in$ an% tr*e .o%an%Cis @on from hea0en ,hom Ce raise% from the %ea%e0en Des*s ,ho %e#i0ers *s from the ,rath to (ome< 71st Thessa#onians 1:;>1J8/

    9For hrist a#so s*ffere% on(e for sins the Q*st for the *nQ*st that Ce mi$ht brin$ *s to

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    .o% bein$ p*t to %eath in the f#esh b*t ma%e a#i0e b+ the @pirit b+ ,hom a#so Ce ,entan% prea(he% to the spirits in prison< 71st Peter 3:1>1;8/

    9There is a#so an antit+pe ,hi(h no, sa0es *sLbaptism 7not the remo0a# of the fi#th ofthe f#esh b*t the ans,er of a $oo% (ons(ien(e to,ar% .o%8 thro*$h the res*rre(tion of

    Des*s hrist< 71st Peter 3:218/.enera# (omments re$ar%in$ res*rre(tion:9 ha0e hope in .o% ,hi(h the+ themse#0es a#so a((ept that there ,i## be a res*rre(tionof the %ea% both of the Q*st an% the *nQ*st< 7"(ts 24:158/

    97as it is ,ritten H ha0e ma%e +o* a father of man+ nations'8 in the presen(e of Cim,hom he be#ie0e%L.o% ,ho $i0es #ife to the %ea% an% (a##s those thin$s ,hi(h %o notexist as tho*$h the+ %i%< 7Romans 4:18/

    9Beho#% te## +o* a m+ster+: e sha## not a## s#eep b*t ,e sha## a## be (han$e%Lin a

    moment in the t,in)#in$ of an e+e at the #ast tr*mpet/ For the tr*mpet ,i## so*n% an%the %ea% ,i## be raise% in(orr*ptib#e an% ,e sha## be (han$e%< 71st orinthians 15:51>528/

    9?es ,e ha% the senten(e of %eath in o*rse#0es that ,e sho*#% not tr*st in o*rse#0es b*tin .o% ,ho raises the %ea% ,ho %e#i0ere% *s from so $reat a %eath an% %oes %e#i0er *sGin ,hom ,e tr*st that Ce ,i## sti## %e#i0er *s< 72n% orinthians 1:;>1J8/

    9B+ faith "braham ,hen he ,as teste% offere% *p saa( an% he ,ho ha% re(ei0e% thepromises offere% *p his on#+ be$otten son of ,hom it ,as sai% Hn saa( +o*r see% sha##be (a##e%' (on(#*%in$ that .o% ,as ab#e to raise him *p e0en from the %ea% from ,hi(hhe a#so re(ei0e% him in a fi$*rati0e sense< 7Cebre,s 11:1>1;8/

    thers ,ere res*rre(te% as ,e## ,hi(h be$s the -*estion ho, %o the Bah& re%efinethese res*rre(tions an% ,hat meanin$ %o the+ p#a(e *pon themO:9Then beho#% the 0ei# of the temp#e ,as torn in t,o from top to bottomG an% the earth-*a)e% an% the ro()s ,ere sp#it an% the $ra0es ,ere opene%G an% man+ bo%ies of thesaints ,ho ha% fa##en as#eep ,ere raise%G an% (omin$ o*t of the $ra0es after Cisres*rre(tion the+ ,ent into the ho#+ (it+ an% appeare% to man+< 7Matthe, 2:51>538/

    9Des*s ans,ere% an% sai% to them H.o an% te## Dohn the thin$s ,hi(h +o* hear an% see:The b#in% see an% the #ame ,a#)G the #epers are (#eanse% an% the %eaf hearG the %ea% areraise% *p< 7Matthe, 11:4>58/

    Peter 9)ne#t %o,n an% pra+e%/ "n% t*rnin$ to the bo%+ he sai% HTabitha arise/' "n% sheopene% her e+es an% ,hen she sa, Peter she sat *p< 7"(ts ;:4J8/

    9No, a $reat man+ of the De,s )ne, that Ce ,as thereG an% the+ (ame not for Des*s'sa)e on#+ b*t that the+ mi$ht a#so see Iaar*s ,hom Ce ha% raise% from the %ea%/ B*tthe (hief priests p#otte% to p*t Iaar*s to %eath a#so be(a*se on a((o*nt of him man+ of

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    the De,s ,ent a,a+ an% be#ie0e% in Des*sTherefore the peop#e ,ho ,ere ,ith Cim,hen Ce (a##e% Iaar*s o*t of his tomb an% raise% him from the %ea% bore ,itness/ Forthis reason the peop#e a#so met Cim be(a*se the+ hear% that Ce ha% %one this si$n11 1>18/

    onsi%er a#so that "braham ,as to#% to sa(rifi(e saa( 7see saa( or shmae#O8 b*t ,aspre0ente% from %oin$ so at the #ast moment/ The Ne, Testament (omments on this e0entin the fo##o,in$ manner:9B+ faith "braham ,hen he ,as teste% offere% *p saa( an% he ,ho ha% re(ei0e% thepromises offere% *p his on#+ be$otten son of ,hom it ,as sai% Hn saa( +o*r see% sha##be (a##e%' (on(#*%in$ that .o% ,as ab#e to raise him *p e0en from the %ea% from ,hi(hhe a#so re(ei0e% him in a fi$*rati0e sense< 7Cebre,s 11:1>1;8/

    "braham )ne, that .o% ha% ma%e (ertain promises an% that these promises re-*ire% thathis son saa( be a#i0e in or%er to p#a+ his part in them/ #ear#+ "braham be#ie0e% in theph+si(a# res*rre(tion/ f he %i% not then ho, ,o*#% he expe(t a s+mbo#i( res*rre(tion to

    enab#e saa( to a((omp#ish his tas)OThe @(ript*re is (r+sta# (#earG o*r earth#+ ph+si(a# bo%ies are a mere tent ,hi#e ,hat ,e#oo) for,ar% to is a hea0en#+ %,e##in$ a ho*se an in(orr*ptib#e str*(t*re/ That ,e ,i##not en% *p na)e% means that ,e ,i## not en% *p the ,a+ that the Bah& tea(h that ,e ,i##en% *p ,e %o not ,ish to be *n(#othe% i/e/ ,e %o not ,ant to en% *p %isembo%ie%spirits/ e expe(t to be (#othe% in ne, eterna# ph+si(a# bo%ies/This is the hope of e0er+ hristian an% that ,hi(h Des*s ass*re% *s of b+ the fa(t of Cisph+si(a# res*rre(tion/ "s ,e -*ote f*##+ in the next (hapter @ho$hi Effen%i ,rote that9after Cis as(ension< Des*s' 9%is(ip#es per(ei0e% spirit*a##+ Cis tr*e $reatness an%rea#ie% Ce ,as eterna# in bein$ that this is ,hat has been reporte% s+mbo#i(a##+ in theNe, Testament an% been mis*n%erstoo%/ Cis eatin$ ,ith Cis %is(ip#es after res*rre(tionis the same thin$/38/


    Note that Prof/ Ri(har% a,)ins has ma%e fa*#t+ statements abo*t the res*rre(tion an%that ha0e respon%e% to these in an essa+ entit#e%The "post#e Thomas : Patron @aint of@(ientistsO

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    1="b%*>Bah &o"e Ans+ered Euestions7i#mette I/: Bah& P*b#ishin$ Tr*st 1;J reprinte% 1;;;8 p/1J32bi%/ p/ 1J43D*sti(e @t Rain5inding 0o""on Ground(1o+ "an# $eliefs do #ou share +ith "e"$ers of the Bah'0o""unit#F 7ou "a# $e surprised7B#oomin$ton N P*b#ishe% b+ @pe(ia# %eas 1;;8 p/ 114&elected 3ritings of Bah'u'llh and A$du'l(Bah. Bah' 3orld 5aith7i#mette I/: Bah& P*b#ishin$Tr*st 1;K8 p/ 3;

    5Ani0ersa# Co*se of D*sti(eResurrection and Return of Jesus ; (tober 1;;K@ho$hi Effen%i1igh !ndeavours6 %essages to Alas8a7"#as)a: Bah& P*b#ishin$ Tr*st 1;K8 pp/ K;>JThis meetin$ too) p#a(e at the "#b*-*er-*e Bah& enter on Febr*ar+ 1Jth 2JJ1

    Bahai aith ! Baha'i aith " Physical Resurrection# Part & of &

    General Redefinition of Resurrection in Bah' Literature

    Redefinition of Jesus Resurrection

    The !"pt# To"$

    Part 1Part 2

    ,eneral Redefinition of Resurrection in Bah' .iterature"

    9"((or%in$ to the Bah& tea(hin$ the Res*rre(tion has nothin$ to %o ,ith the $rossph+si(a# bo%+/ That bo%+ on(e %ea% is %one ,ith/ t be(omes %e(ompose% an% its atomsne0er be re(ompose% into the same bo%+/fo*r ho*rs b*t an era ,hi(h has no,be$*n an% ,i## #ast as #on$ as the present ,or#%>(+(#e (ontin*es/ t ,i## (ontin*e ,hen a##tra(es of the present (i0i#iation ,i## ha0e been ,ipe% off the s*rfa(e of the $#obe/

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    9E0en Cis res*rre(tion ,as ma%e ph+si(a# missin$ the point entire#+/

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    res*rre(tion %oes not ans,er to this fa(t nor %oes it ta)e it into a((o*nt 7see Dohn 2:1;>211J:1>1G "(ts 2:24 1:31G Romans 1:4 4:24 :11G 1st Thessa#onians 1:;>11G 1st Peter3:18/ Note that to sa+ that the Father Des*s an% the Co#+ @pirit res*rre(te% Des*s is not a(ontra%i(tion b*t rather proof for the %o(trine of .o%'s tri*ne nat*re/

    The Bah& re%efinition is abso#*te#+ *na((eptab#e be(a*se it ,as the ph+si(a#res*rre(tion of Des*s hrist that (a*se% the %is(ip#es to pa+ ,ith their 0er+ #i0es in or%erto sprea% the $ospe#/ Iet *s remo0e this histori(a# re(or% from %*st+ b#a() an% ,hitepa$es an% 0ie, it for ,hat it isLa rea# #ife o((*rren(e/

    To sa+ that 9the %is(ip#es ,ere tro*b#e% an% a$itate% after the mart+r%om of hrist< is tosa+ the #east/ These peop#e the t,e#0e apost#es in parti(*#ar ha% forsa)en abso#*te#+e0er+thin$ for Des*s/ From the moment that Des*s (a##e% them to fo##o, Cim *nti# Ce ,as(r*(ifie% the+ ,ent thro*$h a #on$ pro(ess *nti# the+ (ame to a((ept Cim as the #on$a,aite% Messiah an% to be .o% in the f#esh/ "#tho*$h the+ ha% a (on(ept of the Messiahthat ,as biase% b+ the nat*ra# De,ish %esire of free%om from .enti#e oppressors the+ too

    hope% for a Messiah ,ho ,as a (on-*erin$ )in$ an% not a s*fferin$ ser0ant/e sometimes fin% them bi%%in$ for a hi$h position in the Messiani( 6in$%om9Then Dames an% Dohn the sons of ebe%ee (ame to him/ HTea(her' the+ sai% H,e ,ant+o* to %o for *s ,hate0er ,e as)/' Hhat %o +o* ,ant me to %o for +o*O' he as)e%/ The+rep#ie% HIet one of *s sit at +o*r ri$ht an% the other at +o*r #eft in +o*r $#or+'< 7Mar)1J:35>38/

    9Then the mother of ebe%ee's sons (ame to Des*s ,ith her sons/ @he bo,e% %o,n infront of him to as) him for a fa0or/ Ce as)e% her Hhat %o +o* ,antO' @he sai% to himHPromise that these t,o sons of mine ,i## sit one at +o*r ri$ht an% one at +o*r #eft in+o*r )in$%om< 7Matthe, 2J:218/

    "t #east t,o Messiani( (on(epts ,ere pre0a#ent in D*%aism the s*fferin$ ser0ant an% the(on-*erin$ )in$/

    Ta#m*%>@anhe%rin ;a9R/ "#exan%ri sai%: R/ Dosh*a oppose% t,o 0erses: it is ,ritten "n% beho#% one #i)e theson of man (ame ,ith the (#o*%s of hea0enG an/ S 13 ,hi#st e#se,here it is,ritten beho#% th+ )in$ (ometh *nto thee #o,#+ an% ri%in$ *pon an ass e(h/ YLf the+ are meritorio*s he ,i## (ome ,ith the (#o*%s of hea0enG if not #o,#+ an%ri%in$ *pon an ass/fi0e %a+s ,here theMessiah ben Doseph ,i## %ie/ The Messiah ben a0i% ,i## then appear/ The De,s ,i## atfirst ref*se to a((ept him sa+in$ that the tr*e Messiah ha% a#rea%+ appeare% an% been

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    s#ain b*t .o% ,i## sho, them that he is in tr*th the Messiah/ Ce ,i## then s#a+"rmi#i*s/

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    is %enie% b+ the Bah&La ph+si(a# res*rre(tion/ Des*s si%e% ,ith the Pharisees in thisre$ar% as seen in Matthe, 22:32G I*)e 2J:3G Mar) 12:2/The @a%%*(ees a#so ha% an en(o*nter ,ith Des*s Ce respon%e% b+ statin$9B*t (on(ernin$ the %ea% that the+ rise ha0e +o* not rea% in the boo) of Moses in theb*rnin$ b*sh passa$e ho, .o% spo)e to him sa+in$ H am the .o% of "braham the

    .o% of saa( an% the .o% of Da(ob'O Ce is not the .o% of the %ea% b*t the .o% of the#i0in$/ ?o* are therefore $reat#+ mista)en< 7Mar) 12:2K>28/

    f Des*s ,as not res*rre(te% an% these men %i% prea(h the $ospe# then this ,as the moste#aborate an% most ma#i(io*s hoax e0er perpetrate% on the fa(e of the Earth an% in a## of)no,n histor+/ f the+ %i% prea(h the $ospe# then the+ %e0ote% their #i0es to somethin$that the+ a## )ne, to be a #ie/ n fa(t ,ith the ex(eption of D*%as ,ho (ommitte% s*i(i%ean% Dohn ,ho %ie% of o#% a$e the other apost#es an% (o*nt#ess %is(ip#es ,o*#% ha0e been$i0in$ their 0er+ #i0es for a #ie/ Moreo0er the+ ,o*#% be responsib#e the b#oo% of(o*nt#ess mart+rs thro*$h the a$es/ The+ ,o*#% ha0e #i0e% an% %ie% for a %e(eption an%the+ ,o*#% ha0e )no,n that the+ (o*#% expe(t nothin$ b*t the harshest Q*%$ment an%

    %amnation after %eath/ @*re#+ at #east one of them ,o*#% ha0e *n(o0ere% the (onspira(+/Man+ peop#e ha0e %ie% for somethin$ the+ be#ie0e% in b*t the+ a#,a+s be#ie0e% that the+%ie% for the tr*th/Cere is ho, the "post#es %ie%9Peter>(r*(ifie%G "n%re,>(r*(ifie%G Matthe,>the s,or%G Dohn>nat*ra# a#tho*$ha((or%in$ to tra%ition he s*r0i0e% bein$ boi#e% in oi# firstG Dames son of "#phae*s>(r*(ifie%G Phi#ip>(r*(ifie%G @imon>(r*(ifie%G Tha%%ae*s>)i##e% b+ arro,sG Dames brotherof Des*s>stone%G Thomas>spear thr*stG Bartho#ome,>(r*(ifie%G Dames son of ebe%ee>thes,or%/

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    str*() those ,ho sa, them/ Then the+ hear% a #o*% 0oi(e from hea0en sa+in$ to themHome *p here/' "n% the+ ,ent *p to hea0en in a (#o*% ,hi#e their enemies #oo)e% on128/

    t seems that the Bah& Faith ha0e painte% themse#0es into a (orner a$ain/ First ,e point

    o*t that a((or%in$ to Bah& interpretation 9(#o*%s< are not (#o*%s 9the Ior%< is notDes*s 9risin$ from the %ea%< is not risin$ from the %ea%/ No, if ,e app#+ the Bah&interpretation of 9(#o*%s< then the 0erse sa+s that ,e ,i## be (a*$ht *p an% meet the Ior%in o*r bo%ies this (ontra%i(ts the Bah& %o(trine that states that there is no ph+si(a#res*rre(tion/ f ,e app#+ the nat*ra# (ontext*a# p#ain interpretation ,e #earn that ,e,i## be (a*$ht *p an% meet the Ior% ,hi#e Ce an% ,e are on!in (#o*%s i/e/ in the air/

    e a#so note that the text %efines ,ho the Ior% in the (#o*%s is as Des*sG the same Des*s,ho ,a#)e% the earth some 2JJJ +ears a$o/ The $ospe# is #itera##+ b*i#t *pon theph+si(a# res*rre(tion ,itho*t it a## of Des*s' %is(ip#es ,o*#% ha0e repente% of ha0in$fo##o,e% a fa#se Messiah an% Des*s ,o*#% be b*t a footnote in histor+ somethin$ to the

    #i)es of 9Fort+ +ears before the %estr*(tion of the @e(on% Temp#e there #i0e% ?esh*a aNaarene a fa#se Messiah ,ho ,as exe(*te% for b#asphem+/< Nothin$ (o*#% be f*rtherfrom the tr*th an% nothin$ b*t the ph+si(a# res*rre(tion (o*#% a((o*nt for it/

    The (on(ept of a spirit*a# res*rre(tion is *tter#+ forei$n to De,ish be#ief an% @(ript*re,hi(h *n%erstan%s res*rre(tion to be ph+si(a#/ The "post#es ne0er tho*$ht that Des*s ha%res*rre(te% spirit*a##+ the+ mi$ht ha0e $one as far as thin)in$ that Des*s mi$ht be a $hostor spirit b*t res*rre(te% in a non>ph+si(a# manner ne0er9Des*s Cimse#f stoo% in the mi%st of them an% sai% to them HPea(e to +o*/' B*t the+,ere terrifie% an% fri$htene% an% s*ppose% the+ ha% seen a spirit/ "n% Ce sai% to themHh+ are +o* tro*b#e%O "n% ,h+ %o %o*bts arise in +o*r heartsO Beho#% M+ han%s an%M+ feet that it is M+se#f/ Can%#e Me an% see for a spirit %oes not ha0e f#esh an% bonesas +o* see ha0e< 7I*)e 24:3K>3;8/

    Rather in hearin$ of Des*s res*rre(tion Thomas %emonstrates the histori(a# (ontext,hi(h is the be#ief in ph+si(a# res*rre(tion b+ ref*sin$ to be#ie0e it *n#ess he (o*#%ph+si(a##+ han%#e Des*s' ph+si(a##+ res*rre(te% bo%+/9Ce sho,e% them Cis han%s an% Cis si%e/ Then the %is(ip#es ,ere $#a% ,hen the+ sa,the Ior%Then Ce sai% to Thomas HRea(h +o*r fin$er here an% #oo) at m+ han%sG an%rea(h +o* han% here an% p*t it into m+ si%e/ o not be *nbe#ie0in$ b*t be#ie0in$/ "n%Thomas ans,ere% an% sai% to Cim HM+ Ior% an% m+ .o%'< 7Dohn 2J:2J 28/

    The 4mpty Tom-"ne thin$ that the Bah& %o not seem to attempt to %o is exp#ain the empt+ tomb/ "s ,e(onsi%er this iss*e noti(e the %ifferentiation ma%e bet,een a0i% an% Des*sG one %ie% an%sta+e% %ea% ,hi#e one %ie% an% rose a$ain/f a0i% it ,as sai%9Men an% brethren #et me spea) free#+ to +o* of the patriar(h a0i% that he is both %ea%an% b*rie% an% his tomb is ,ith *s to this %a+< 7"(ts 2:2;8/

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    f Des*s is ,as sai%9"n% that Ce raise% Cim from the %ea% no more to ret*rn to (orr*ption< 7"(ts 13:348/

    The Ro"ans6

    Roman so#%iers ,ere or%ere% to $*ar% the tomb/ f the Romans ha% (han$e% their min%san% ,ent from $*ar%in$ the tomb to stea#in$ Des*s' bo%+ then ,hen Cis %is(ip#es ,eret*rnin$ the Roman ,or#% *psi%e>%o,n the Romans (o*#% ha0e pro%*(e% the (orpse/

    The Je+s6

    f the De,s sto#e Cis bo%+ the+ ,o*#% ha0e ha% to fi$ht off Roman so#%iers to $et to itan% the+ ,o*n% ha0e ha% to brea) the Roman sea# on the $ra0eLboth are (rimesp*nishab#e b+ %eath/ The+ ,o*#% ha0e ha% to fin% a ,a+ to mo0e the h*$e stone thatsea#e% the tomb/ f the+ ,o*#% ha0e s*((ee%e% the+ a#so (o*#% ha0e %ra$$e% Des*s' bo%+thro*$h the streets in or%er to pro0e that Des*s ,as %ea% an% %ea% for $oo%/

    The 3o"en6The first %is(ip#es at the empt+ tomb the first to report the fa(t that it ,as empt+ ,ere,omen 7see Matthe, 2:1G Mar) 1K:2G I*)e 24:1G Dohn 2J:18/ n those %a+s a ,oman'stestimon+ ,as 0ie,e% as so *tter#+ *se#ess that it ,as not a%missib#e as e0i%en(e in a(o*rt of #a,/ f the res*rre(tion ,ere a m+th or a fabri(ate% #ie the ,riters of the $ospe#s

    ,o*#% ha0e )no,n better than to (#aim that ,omen ,ere the first ,itnesses/

    The 3rong To"$6f the ,omen ,ent to the ,ron$ tomb if the men ,ho (ame after,ar%s a#so ,ent to the,ron$ tomb an% if the Romans ,ere $*ar%in$ the ,ron$ tomb the+ (o*#% ha0e as)e%Doseph of "rimathea ,ho o,ne% the tomb/

    The Disciples6

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    For the reasons re#ate% abo0e if the %is(ip#es ha% sto#en the bo%+ the+ a#so ,o*#% ha0eha% to fi$ht off the Roman so#%iers bro)en the Roman sea# an% mo0e% the h*$e stone/The+ ,o*#% ha0e ,i##in$#+ %ie% for a #ie an% ,o*#% be responsib#e for %ra$$in$ mi##ionsof hristian mart+rs thro*$ho*t histor+ to the $ra0e ,ith them/ n fa(t (har$in$ that the+sto#e the bo%+ ,hi#e it %oes not pro0e that the+ %i% so %oes pro0e that the tomb ,as

    empt+/That the %is(ip#es sto#e an% b*rie% the bo%+ is pre(ise#+ ,hat the Bah& spe(*#ate9on(ernin$ the #o(ation of the b*ria# site of Des*s' sa(re% remains a #etter %ate% 22Mar(h 1;2 ,ritten on beha#f of the Ani0ersa# Co*se of D*sti(e to an in%i0i%*a# be#ie0erstates: Pi#$rims ha0e re(or%e% in their notes ora# statements ma%e b+ ="b%*>Bah an%@ho$hi Effen%i to the effe(t that the %is(ip#es hi% the bo%+ of hrist b+ b*r+in$ it *n%erthe ,a## of Der*sa#em an% that it is no, *n%er the h*r(h of the Co#+ @ep*#(her/ TheCo*se of D*sti(e )no,s of nothin$ in the ritin$s of the Faith ho,e0er exp#i(it#+(onfirmin$ these statements/148/Thereafter she rea#ies that it is Des*s/ b0io*s#+ she (o*#% not ha0e hi%%en the %ea%bo%+ of the 0er+ person ,ho stoo% before her an% spo)e to her/ Co,e0er this ma+ a## be*nne(essar+ sin(e it appears that the abo0e -*ote% statement is in%i(atin$ that the Bah&%o not 9offi(ia##+< tea(h that 9the %is(ip#es hi% the bo%+/Bah an% @ho$hi Effen%iBah'u'llh and the/e+ !ra7i#mette I/: The Bah& P*b#ishin$ ommittee 1;2 12th e%/ 1;5J8 p/ 212bi%/ p/ 223Dbi%/ p/ 24Prepare% *n%er the s*per0ision of the Nationa# @pirit*a# "ssemb#+ of the Bah&s of the Anite% @tates an%ana%a ,ith the appro0a# of @ho$hi Effen%i The Bah' 3orld7Former#+: Bah& ?ear Boo)8A Biennial

    nternational Record. :olu"e April ;HApril ;1J5;Ta$lets of A$du'l(Bah. :ol, 7hi(a$o I/: Bah& P*b#ishin$ @o(iet+8 pp/ 1;2>1;31J@ho$hi Effen%i1igh !ndeavours6 %essages to Alas8a7"#as)a: Bah& P*b#ishin$ Tr*st 1;K8 pp/ K;>J11Rabbi "bba Ci##e# @i#0erA 1istor# of %essianic &peculation in srael. 5ro" the 5irst Through the &eventh0enturies7Bea(on Ci## Boston: Bea(on Press 1;28 pp/ 43>4412Dosh M(o,e##%ore than a 0arpenter7heaton I/: Ii0in$ Boo)s T+n%a#e Co*se P*b#ishers n(/1;8 p/ K113@e#e(te% ritin$s of Bah&*#h an% ="b%*>BahBah' 3orld 5aith7i#mette I/: Bah& P*b#ishin$Tr*st 1;5K8 p/ 3;14Ani0ersa# Co*se of D*sti(eResurrection and Return of Jesus ; (tober 1;;15R>hristian Resear(h nstit*te 9Point>b+>point Response to "B's Peter Dennin$s Reportin$: The @ear(hfor Des*s "ire% Mon%a+ D*ne 2K 2JJJ< op+ri$ht 2JJJ p/ 4

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    The Case ofthe

    TravellerBahai aith ! Baha'i aith" The Case of the Traveller# Part $ of The First Examination

    of the Bb at Tabrz / Notes

    n this essa+ ,e present an ex(erpt from E%,ar% ./ Bro,ne A Travellers /arrative

    si(/ (ompose% b+ ="b%*>Bah a/)/a/ ="bbs Efen% in 1K "/1

    e -*ote here from the (hapter entit#e% 9Note M/ The First Examination of the Bb atTabr< ,hi(h is part of the extensi0e exp#anator+ notes other texts %o(*ments an%bio$raphi(a# note b+ Mi(hae# Bro,ne/ The e0ent ,hi(h is bein$ reto#% is tho*$ht to ha0eta)en p#a(e in 14 "/

    n or%er to be as fair as possib#e ,e present some of the exp#anations in(#*%e% ,ith this

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    a((o*nt in or%er to #et the e%itor spea) for himse#f/ o not (ome to an+ (on(#*sions,itho*t rea%in$ these ,hi(h appear at the en% of the text re$ar%in$ the examination/

    Note that in the -*otes be#o, 9XXX< is *se% to %esi$nate "rabi( ,or%s ,hi(h are notrepro%*(e% here/ Co,e0er a trans#ation is *s*a##+ offere% 0ia a footnote/


    The irst 42amination of the B- at Ta-r5"

    9f ,hat too) p#a(e in this assemb#+ ,e ha0e fo*r a((o*nts besi%es that ,hi(h is(ontaine% in the present ,or) ,hereof t,o > those (ontaine% in the Ra,at*&s>@af an%the 6isas*>&A#am > are a#most i%enti(a#/

    The 0ersion (ontaine% in the Nsi)h* &t> Ta,ri)h is s*bstantia##+ a mere (on%ensation ofthese an% (ontains #itt#e ne, matter tho*$h the or%er of the pro(ee%in$s is some,hat%ifferent#+ $i0en/ The a((o*nt (ontaine% in the Tr)h>i>Da%% is re#ati0e#+ 0er+ brief an%in the main a$rees ,ith ,hat is state% in the present ,or)/ Bb tra%ition in shorts*pp#ies *s ,ith no %etai#e% narrati0e of this e0ent the reason for this bein$ apparent#+that the assemb#+ in -*estion ,as he#% ,ith (#ose% %oors an% that the Bb 7so far as ,e(an te##8 ,as *ns*pporte% b+ the presen(e of a sin$#e frien%

    The (hief persons ,ho too) part in this examination of the Bb ,ere:>Nsir* &%>nMr no, 6in$ then ro,n>Prin(e of Persia ,ho ,as at this time abo*t sixteen +earso#% an% on ,hom the $o0ernment of ZarbaiQn ha% on#+ re(ent#+ been besto,e%G CQM*## Mahm% entit#e% Nim*>&A#am the +o*n$ Prin(e&s t*torG M*## M*hamma%Mma)n entit#e% C*QQat*>s#m an eminent @he+)h %i0ineG CQ M*rta>6*#Maran% entit#e% m* >C*%G CQ Mr &"# "s$har the @he+)h*>s#mG an%7a((or%in$ to the present ,or)8 Mr "hma% the mm>D*m&a/ @hort#+ after these ha%assemb#e% the Bb ,as bro*$ht in an% 7a((or%in$ to the M*s*#mn b*t not the Bba((o*nts8 ,as motione% to a seat of hono*r/beatin$ iron+ an% mo()er+ ,as p*rs*e% appear to me to be fa(ts pro0e% no #ess b+the M*hamma%an than b+ the Bb a((o*nts of these in-*isitoria# pro(ee%in$s/28:>HCe,ho is %o*btf*# ass*mes the performan(e of the a(t (on(ernin$ ,hi(h he %o*bts ,hether it re#ates to then*mber of in(#inations 7ra)&a8 or notG ex(ept in (ases ,here the performan(e of the a(t (on(ernin$ ,hi(h he%o*bts ,o*#% (a*se n*##it+ of the pra+er ,hen he ass*mes its omission/ f then he be %o*btf*# ,hether it ist,o or three in(#inations ,hi(h he has performe% he ass*mes threeG if he be %o*btf*# ,hether he has performe%

    the in(#ination or the prostration or not he ass*mes that he has performe% themG an% if he be %o*btf*# ,hether hehas performe% the re(itation 7)ar&at8 he ass*mes that he has performe% it/ B*t on the other han% if he be%o*btf*# ,hether he has in(#ine% t,i(e or on(e he ass*mes that he has in(#ine% on#+ on(eG an% if he be %o*btf*#,hether he has performe% fo*r in(#inations of pra+er or fi0e he ass*mes that it is fo*r/'fifth of the spoi#s to$ether ,ith,hate0er is in(omparab#e in 0a#*e or bea*t+ be#on$s to the Bb/ f he be no #on$er a#i0e it is to be he#% in tr*stfor HCim ,hom .o% sha## manifest' 728 f ,hat remains the ,arriors ,ho ha0e ,on it ta)e ,hat s*ffi(es fortheir nee%s/ 738 The resi%*e is $i0en to the poor a## of ,hom so far as possib#e are to be ma%e parta)ers in the

    bo*nt+/ @ho*#% an+thin$ sti## remain o0er it ma+ be expen%e% on b*i#%in$ or repairin$ shrines et(/Prin(e interposes to (he() themira(#e %esi$ne% to restore his %+in$ father to hea#th/

    The three ,ho are rea%+ approa(h the @hh as petitioners s*rro*n% him an% fire t,oshots at him > The @hh's retainers (ome *p an% )i## one of the (onspirators > "nothershot is fire% ,o*n%in$ the @hh in the sho*#%er/in @hh on @*n%a+ "*$*st 15th 152 tho*$h

    0er+ #i$ht#+ to*(he% on in the present ,or) is so f*##+ %es(ribe% b+ the t,o M*s*#mnhistorians Ia%+ @hei# .obinea* Po#a) 6aem>Be$ an% others that sha## (onfinem+se#f here to repro%*(in$ the s*bstan(e of ,hat ,as to#% me abo*t this e0ent b+ thenephe, of one of the three Bbs a(t*a##+ en$a$e% in the p#ot

    "((or%in$ to this a((o*nt then the Bb (onspirators ,ere ori$ina##+ se0en in n*mberb*t fo*r of them %re, ba() at the #ast moment from the proQe(te% enterpriseone of thethree Bbs 7apparent#+ the Nr8 %re, a pisto# from his po()et an% fire% at the @hh/M*## Fath*&>##h of 6*m then thre, himse#f *pon the 6in$ an% %ra$$e% him from hishorse on to the $ro*n% meanin$ to (*t his throat

    "s soon as it ,as e0i%ent that the attempt ha% fai#e% an% that the @hh sti## #i0e% otherretainers ,ho ha% at first h*n$ ba() hastene% for,ar% to bear a part in the sei*re of thet,o s*r0i0in$ assassins 7for @%i)/ of anQn ha% a#rea%+ been )i##e%8/ The t,o (apti0eson bein$ interro$ate% %e(#are% that the+ ,ere Bbs an% that the+ ha% ma%e the attempt,ith a 0ie, to a0en$in$ the b#oo% of their Master/&A#am 9This is a ,or) of 35J pa$es(ontainin$ bio$raphi(a# noti(es of 153 eminent @hi&ite %i0ines amon$st ,hom the a*thorMr M*hamma% ibn @*#e+mn>i>Tana)b*n in(#*%es himse#f/

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    Referen(e is ma%e to 9Tr)h>i>Da%%s*pp#ies *s ,ith m*(h ne, matter/ "s the0ersions embo%ie% in the #atter are ren%ere% s*ffi(ient#+ a((essib#e to the E*ropean rea%erb+ 6aem>Be$&s narrati0e sha## (onfine m+se#f here to $i0in$ a brief presentation of thea((o*nt a((or%in$ to the Bb tra%ition/i>Ee# to Beh Bah&*#h/brother ,ho at thetime ,as the #ea%er of the Bb/ n other ,or%s ref*sin$ to (on0ert from Bbsm toBah&sm/

    Referen(e is ma%e to Casht Bihisht a ,or) ,ritten b+ an Ee# a*thor:1J9Mr "sa%*#h%e(#are% himse#f to be HCe ,hom .o% sha## manifest'MrC*se+n &"# Beh&*#h after a protra(te% %is(*ssion ,ith him instr*(te% his ser0antMr M*hamma% of Man%arn to s#a+ him ,hi(h ,as a((or%in$#+ %one/i>Ee# $i0in$ instr*(tions that the poisone% si%e ,as tobe t*rne% to,ar%s his brother/ "s it happene% ho,e0er the foo% ha% been f#a0o*re% ,ithonions an% @*bh>i>Ee# %is#i)in$ this f#a0o*r ref*se% to parta)e of the %ish/

    Mr C*se+n &"# fan(+in$ that his brother s*spe(te% his %esi$n ate some of the foo%from his si%e of the p#ateG b*t the poison ha0in$ %iff*se% itse#f to some extent thro*$hthe ,ho#e mass he ,as present#+ atta()e% ,ith 0omitin$ an% other s+mptoms ofpoisonin$/ There*pon he assemb#e% his o,n fo##o,ers an% intimates an% %e(#are% that@*bh>i>Ee# ha% attempte% to poison him/i>Ee#&s #ife an% it ,as arran$e% that M*hamma% &"#the barber sho*#% (*t his throat ,hi#e sha0in$ near an% on #ea0in$ the bath instant#+too) another #o%$in$ in "%rianop#e an% separate% himse#f entire#+ from Mr C*se+n&"# an% his fo##o,ers/Bah an% other partisans of Mr C*se+n &"# to s*n%r+

    T*r)ish statesmen an% offi(ia#s to the fo##o,in$ effe(t:>H"bo*t thirt+ tho*san% of *sBbs are (on(ea#e% in %is$*ise in an% aro*n% onstantinop#e an% in a short ,hi#e ,esha## rise/ e sha## first (apt*re onstantinop#e an% if @*#tn &"b%*>&" an% hisministers %o not be#ie0e in o*r re#i$ion ,e sha## %epose an% %ismiss them from theirr*#e an% a%ministration/ "n% o*r 6in$ is Mr ?ah+ @*bh>i>Ee#/'The #etters ,ereforth,ith #ai% before the Persian "mbassa%or an% at a Qoint assemb#+ of T*r)ish an%Persian offi(ia#s it ,as %e(i%e% to exi#e the Bb (hiefs to some remote is#an% or fortresson the (oast/i>Ee# an% Mr C*se+n &"#Beh&*#h not to the same b*t to t,o %ifferent p#a(esBefore the transfer ,as a(t*a##+effe(te% ho,e0er Mr Nasr*#h ,as poisone% b+ Mr C*se+n &"# at "%rianop#e/

    The other three Ee#s ,ere assassinate% short#+ after their arri0a# at "(re in a ho*se,hi(h the+ o((*pie% near the barra()s the assassins bein$ &"b%*>6arm M*hamma%&"# the barber C*se+n the ,ater>(arrier an% M*hamma% Da,% of 6a0n/H ph#ebotomist of the i0ine Anit+ Throb #i)e the arter+ in the bo%+ of theontin$ent or#% an% %rin) of the b#oo% of the &B#o() of Cee%#essness& for that he t*rne%asi%e from the aspe(t of th+ Ior% the Mer(if*#'i>@ha)hs @a++h8 pp/ 13>142bi%/ p/ 13D/ E/ Ess#emont M/B/ C/B/ F/B/E/"/ Re0ise% b+ ="b%*>Bah an% @ho$hi Effen%iBah'u'llh and the

    /e+ !ra7i#mette I/: The Bah& P*b#ishin$ ommittee 1;2 12th e%/ 1;5J8 p/ 32 a#so Dess+(a R*sse##.a0er The Bah' 5aith Da+n of a /e+ Da# 7Ne, ?or): Ca,thorn Boo)s n(/ ,ith permission of the Bah&P*b#ishin$ Tr*st 1;K8 p/ 5K a#so @ho$hi Effen%i God *asses B#7i#mette I/: Bah& P*b#ishin$ Tr*st 1;44Kth e%/ 1;J8 p/ K2 a#so Dohn C*%%#eston The !arth is $ut One 0ountr#7R*t#an% .ate Ion%on: Bah&P*b#ishin$ Tr*st The Nationa# @pirit*a# "ssemb#+ of The Bah& of The Anite% 6in$%om 1;K 2n% e%/ 1;J8

    p/ 1534Ess#emont p/ 335Tra0e##er's Narrati0e pp/ 323>324/ 9"((or%in$ to Nsi)h*&t>Ta,r)h the (onspirators ,ere ori$ina##+ t,e#0ein n*mber/ f these the names of fo*r on#+ > @%i) of anQn Mr &"b%*>ahhb of @hr M*## Fath*&>##h of 6*m an% M*hamma% B)ir of NaQafb% > are $i0en/ t is s*bse-*ent#+ state% that a## sa0e three %re,

    ba() at the #ast an% that of these three one ,as 9a man of Nr< 7pres*mab#+ the same Mr M*hamma%mentione% abo0e8/ Ia%+ @hei# 7op/ (it/ p/ 248 sa+s that fo*r Bbs too) part in the atta()/3K3/ 9Most of the Bbs0o,e% a##e$ian(e to Beh an% thereb+ be(ame Beh&sG some fe,ref*se% to transfer their a##e$ian(e from Mr ?ah+ @*bh>i>Ee# 7,ho himse#f stren*o*s#+ resiste% Beh&s(#aims ,hi(h he re$ar%e% in the #i$ht of an *s*rpation an% a rebe##ion8 an% these ,ere then(eforth )no,n asEe#s/< p/ x0ii119The Beh&s re0erse this stor+ as ,e## as the fo##o,in$ in e0er+ parti(*#ar %e(#arin$ the Mr ?ah+ @*bh>i>Ee# attempte% to poison Mr C*se+n &"# Beh&*#h an% after his fai#*re sprea% abroa% the report that theattempt ha% been ma%e on himse#f/244

    9The fo*n%er of the @he+)h s(hoo# ,ith ,hi(h in its ori$in the Bb mo0ement is so(#ose#+ (onne(te% ,as @he+)h "hma% of "hs 7often b*t apparent#+ erroneo*s#+,ritten Iahs8 152>53L12K>2 "he a$ain 0isite% Persia to,ar%s the en% of his#ife an% that on this o((asion he passe% thro*$h 6a0n ,here he pai% a 0isit to CQM*## M*hamma% Ta)/

    The #atter -*estione% him (on(ernin$ his 0ie,s on the res*rre(tion an% after a 0io#enta#ter(ation %e(#are% them to be hereti(a#/ n (onse-*en(e of this man+ other %i0ines ,hoha% hitherto re$ar%e% @he+)h "hma% a#most as a saint be$an to #oo) as)an(e at him ore0en to %isp#a+ open hosti#it+

    The (hief points ,herein @he+)h "ham%'s %o(trine is re$ar%e% as hetero%ox are state% asfo##o,s/ Ce be#ie0e% that the bo%+ of man ,as (ompo*n%e% of parts %eri0e% from ea(h ofthe nine hea0ens an% the fo*r e#ementsG that the $rosser e#ementa# part perishe%irre0o(ab#+ at %eathG an% that on#+ the more s*bt#e (e#estia# portion ,o*#% appear at theres*rre(tionhe be#ie0e% himse#f to be *n%er the spe(ia# $*i%an(e of the mmsespe(ia##+ as it ,o*#% appear the mm Da&far>i>@%i)/

    Ce re$ar%e% the mms as (reati0e for(es -*otin$ in s*pport of this 0ie, the expressionXXX H.o% the Best of reators' o((*rrin$ in 6*r&n xxiii 14G Hfor' sai% he Hif .o% bethe Best of reators Ce (annot be the so#e reator/' Ce a#so a%%*(e% in s*pport of this0ie, the tra%ition ,herein the fo##o,in$ ,or%s are attrib*te% to &"#:>XXX H am the

    reator of the hea0ens an% the earth' Ce e0en ,ent so far as to assert that in re(itin$ theopenin$ (hapter of the 6*r&n 7XXX8 the ,orshipper sho*#% fix his tho*$hts on &"# as herepeats the ,or%s XXX HThee %o ,e ,orship'@he+)h "hma% "hs& ,as s*((ee%e% athis %eath b+ his %is(ip#e CQ @e++i% 6im of Resht 1;3>;4L143>44

    he attaine% s*(h eminen(e that on the @he+)h's %eath he ,as *nanimo*s#+ re(o$nie% asthe #ea%er of the @he+)h s(hoo#@e++i% 6im ha% not exp#i(it#+ nominate% as*((essor" n*mber of the #ate @e++i% 6im's imme%iate %is(ip#es repaire% %ire(t#+

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    after his %eath to the mos-*e at 6fa an% there ,ith fastin$ 0i$i#s an% pra+ers so*$htfor .o%'s $*i%an(e in the (hoi(e of a spirit*a# %ire(tor/

    Ca0in$ (omp#ete% their re#i$io*s exer(ises the+ %isperse% ea(h in his o,n ,a+/ M*##C*se+n of B*shra,e+h pro(ee%e% to @hr an% on his arri0a# there pai% a 0isit to Mr&"# M*hamma% the Bb To him first of a## %i% the +o*n$ prophet the Bb anno*n(e

    his %i0ine missionafter a menta# str*$$#e ,hi(h #aste% se0era# %a+s M*## C*se+nbe(ame firm#+ (on0in(e% that the Master so ea$er#+ so*$ht for an% so earnest#+ %esire%ha% at #en$th been fo*n%

    Th*s %i% he be(ome the H.ate of the .ate'it ,as from the o#% @he+)h part+ that themost eminent s*pporters of the ne, faith ,ere for the most part %eri0e%/ t m*st not bes*ppose% ho,e0er that a## the fo##o,ers of the #ate @e++i% 6im a((epte% the ne,%o(trine/

    " (onsi%erab#e n*mber hea%e% b+ CQ M*hamma% 6arm 6hn of 6irmn *tter#+%e(#ine% to a%mit the Bb's pretensions 7for so the+ re$ar%e% his (#aims8 an% thesebe(ame the bitterest an% most 0io#ent of his perse(*tors/ f those %o(tors ,ho heape%

    ins*#t on the Bb %*rin$ his first examination at Tabr an% those ,ho t,o +ears #aterratifie% his %eath>,arrant in the name of re#i$ion se0era# ,ere @he+)hs/

    Cen(e it is ne(essar+ to re(o$nie (#ear#+ the %ifferen(e bet,een the re#ations of Bbismto the o#% an% the ne, @he+)h s(hoo#/ From the bosom of the former it arose an% in$reat meas*re %eri0e% its stren$thG ,ith the #atter it ,as e0er in fier(est (onf#i(t/ f@he+)h "hma% "hs& an% @e++i% 6im of Resht both Bbs an% @he+)hs spea) ,ithre0eren(e an% affe(tionG b*t CQ M*hamma% 6arm 6hn an% his fo##o,ers are aso%io*s in the e+es of the Bbs as Mr &"# M*hamma% the Bb an% his a%herents areexe(rab#e1in the opinion of the mo%ern @he+)hs/

    The Bb sti$matie% CQ M*hamma% 6arm 6hn as Hthe U*intessen(e of Ce##>fire'7XXX8 an% Hthe inferna# Tree of a))*m'CQ M*hamma% 6arm 6hn ,rote at #eastt,o treatises 7one (a##e% Hthe (r*shin$ of Fa#sehoo%' XXX8 in ref*tation an% %en*n(iationof the Bb %o(trinesa @he+)h %o(tor exp#aine% ho, the @he+)hs (hief#+ %iffere%from that of other @hi&ites/ Cis ans,er ,as in s*bstan(e as fo##o,s:>

    HThe B#sars i/e/ non> @he+)h @hi&ites ho#% that the H@*pports' or essentia# prin(ip#esof re#i$ion 7XXX8 are fi0e,e on#+ a((ept threeb*t to these ,e a%% another ,hi(h ,e(a## the HFo*rth @*pport'7XXX8 0i/ 748 that there m*st a#,a+s be amon$st the @hi&itessome one perfe(t man 7,hom ,e (a## XXX Hthe perfe(t @hi&ite'8 (apab#e of ser0in$ as a(hanne# of $ra(e 7XXX8 bet,een the "bsent mm an% his (h*r(hthere m*st a#,a+sexist in the h*r(h of the mms some 0isib#e hea% ,ho enQo+s their spe(ia# spirit*a#$*i%an(e an% ser0es to (on0e+ their ,ishes an% their ,is%om to a## tr*e @hi&ites than to

    the a(t*a# persona$e ,ho f*#fi#s this f*n(tion/?et o*tsi%e the @he+)h (ir(#e both amon$st the B#sars an% the Bbs it (ertain#+bears the se(on% meanin$ as ,e##G an% it is (ommon#+ asserte% that CQ M*hamma%6arm 6hn re$ar%e% himse#f an% ,as re$ar%e% b+ his fo##o,ers as bein$ this HFo*rth@*pport' or hanne# of .ra(e from the @pirit*a# or#%/

    t is e0i%ent#+ this se(on% meanin$ ,hi(h the term bears in the present text an% if it boreit from the first it is e0i%ent that there ,as ori$ina##+ 0er+ #itt#e %ifferen(e bet,een thepretensions of Mr &"# M*hamma% the Bb an% those of CQ M*hamma% 6arm

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    6hn sin(e both in the first instan(e (#aime% to be neither more nor #ess thaninterme%iaries bet,een the absent mm an% his h*r(h exa(t#+ in the same sense as,ere the fo*r ori$ina# H.ates' 7"b,b or Bbs8 ,ho ser0e% as a (onne(tion bet,een theT,e#fth mm an% his fo##o,ers %*rin$ the perio% of the HIesser ((*#tation/'Bah sai% that these 1335 %a+smean 1335 so#ar +ears from the CiQrat/ 7F#i$ht of M*hamma% from Me((a to Me%inamar)in$ the be$innin$ of the M*hamma% era/8 "s the CiQrat o((*rre% in K22 "// the%ate referre% to is therefore 1;5 7i/e/ K22`13358 "// "s)e%:Hhat sha## ,e see at the en% of the 1335 %a+sO' he rep#ie%: Ani0ersa# Pea(e ,i## befirm#+ estab#ishe% a Ani0ersa# #an$*a$e promote%/ Mis*n%erstan%in$s ,i## pass a,a+/The Bah& a*se ,i## be prom*#$ate% in a## parts an% the oneness of man)in%

    estab#ishe%/ t ,i## be most $#orio*s

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    the one>h*n%re%th anni0ersar+ of the e(#aration of Bah&*#h in the .ar%en of Ri%0nBa$h%%/252 7or 1;J e%/ p/25J8 ,e fin% the ne, rea%in$ of this text:

    9n a tab#e>ta#) at ,hi(h the ,riter ,as present ="b%>Bah re()one% the f*#fi##mentof anie#'s prophe(+ from the %ate of the be$innin$ of the M*hamma%an era/ ="b%>Bah's Tab#ets ma)e it (#ear that this prophe(+ refers to the one h*n%re%th anni0ersar+ ofthe e(#aration of Bah&*#h in Ba$h%% or the +ear 1;K3:LNo, (on(ernin$ the 0ersein anie# the interpretation ,hereof tho* %i%st as) name#+ HB#esse% is he ,ho (ometh*nto the tho*san% three h*n%re% an% thirt+>fi0e %a+s/'These %a+s m*st be re()one% as so#ar an% not #*nar +ears/ For a((or%in$ to this(a#(*#ation a (ent*r+ ,i## ha0e e#apse% from the %a,n of the @*n of Tr*th then ,i## thetea(hin$s of .o% be firm#+ estab#ishe% *pon the earth an% the i0ine Ii$ht sha## f#oo%the ,or#% from the East e0en *nto the est/ Then on this %a+ ,i## the faithf*# reQoi(e

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