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• Balance Theory


Social network - Imported theories

1 Various theoretical frameworks have been imported for the use of social

network analysis. The most prominent of these are Graph theory,

Balance theory, Social comparison theory, and more recently, the Social

identity approach.


Major depressive disorder - History

1 In the mid-20th century, researchers theorized that depression was

caused by a chemical imbalance theory|chemical imbalance in

neurotransmitters in the brain, a theory based on observations made

in the 1950s of the effects of reserpine and isoniazid in altering

monoamine neurotransmitter levels and affecting depressive symptoms.


Crystallization - Crystal size distribution

1 The theoretical crystal size distribution can be estimated as a

function of operating conditions with a fairly complicated mathematical process called population balance theory (using population balance



Evolutionary theory - Gene flow

1 During the development of the modern synthesis, Sewall Wright's

developed his shifting balance theory that gene flow between partially

isolated populations was an important aspect of adaptive

evolution. However, recently there has been substantial criticism of the importance of the shifting balance


Fritz Heider

1 In 1958 he published The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, which expanded upon his creations of

balance theory and attribution theory


Cognitive dissonance - Other related phenomena

1 Balance theory suggests people have a general tendency to seek

consonance between their views, and the views or characteristics of others

(e.g., a religious believer may feel dissonance because their partner

does not have the same beliefs as he or she does, thus motivating the

believer to justify or rationalize this incongruence)


Cognitive dissonance - Balance theory (P-O-X Theory) (Heider)

1 According to balance theory there are three things interaction: (1) you

(P) (2) another person (O) (3) an element (X). These are each

positioned at one point of a triangle and share two relations:


Attitude (psychology) - Attitude formation

1 pp 295 [http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-

content/uploads/2011/01/TLBrink_PSYCH13.pdf] Other theories include balance theory, originally proposed

by Heider (1958), and the self-perception theory, originally

proposed by Daryl Bem.


History of macroeconomic thought - Monetary theory

1 They developed the Cambridge equation|Cambridge cash-balance

theory, which looked at money demand and how it impacted the



Implicit Association Test - Heider's balance theory

1 In 1958, Fritz Heider proposed the balance theory, which stated that a

system of liking and disliking relationships is balanced if the product of the valence of all

relationships within the system is positive


Implicit Association Test - The balance–congruity principle

1 The nodes in the principle of balance–congruity are equivalent to

the concepts in Heider's balance theory, and the three involved

nodes/concepts make up a system


Implicit Association Test - Balanced-identity research design

1 Anthony Greenwald and his colleagues introduced the balanced-identity design as a method to test correlational predictions of Heider’s

balance theory


Implicit Association Test - Typical results of balanced-identity research design with implicit measures

1 According to a derivation of Heider’s balance theory, since there are three

concepts in a typical balanced identity design, the identity is balanced either when all three

relations are positive or when one positive and two negative relations

are present in the triad system


Balance theory

1 'Balance Theory' is a motivational theory of attitude

change, proposed by Fritz Heider.Heider, Fritz (1958)


Balance theory - P-O-X model

1 To predict the outcome of a situation using Heider's Balance Theory, one

must weigh the effects of all the potential results, and the one

requiring the least amount of effort will be the likely outcome.


Balance theory - Examples

1 Balance Theory is also useful in examining how Testimonial|celebrity

endorsement affects consumers' Attitude (psychology)|attitudes

toward products.John C


Balance theory - Examples

1 Heider's balance theory can explain why holding the same negative attitudes of others



Self-perception theory - Reviving self-perception theory: the truce experiment

1 According to G. Jademyr and Yojiyfus, the perception of different aspect in the interpreting theory can be due to many factors, such as circumstances

regarding dissonance and controversy. This can also be

because of balance theory as it applies to the attitude towards accountability and dimensions.


Genetic drift - Founder effect

1 Sewall Wright was the first to attach this significance to random drift and

small, newly isolated populations with his shifting balance theory of



Sewall Wright - Evolutionary theory

1 This was Wright's shifting balance

theory of evolution


Sewall Wright - Plant and animal breeding

1 The concentrated study of these two groups of mammals eventually led to the Shifting Balance Theory and the

concept of surfaces of selective value in 1932


Shifting balance theory

1 The 'shifting balance theory' is a theory of evolution proposed in 1932 by Sewall Wright,

suggesting that adaptive evolution may proceed most quickly when a population divides into

subpopulations with restricted gene flow. The name of the theory is borrowed from Wright's metaphor of fitness landscapes (evolutionary

landscapes), attempting to explain how a population may move across an adaptive valley

to a higher adaptive peak. According to the theory, this movement occurs in three steps:


Shifting balance theory

1 Although shifting balance theory has been influential in evolutionary biology, inspiring the theories of

quantum evolution and punctuated equilibrium, little empirical evidence exists to support the shifting balance

process as an important factor in evolution.


Sertraline - Pfizer advertisements

1 An essay published in the journal PLoS Medicine criticized these

advertisements for their reliance on the serotonin imbalance theory of

depression, although the monoamine hypothesis of antidepressant action

was a leading theory at the time


Founder effect - General

1 Sewall Wright was the first to attach this significance to random drift and

small, newly isolated populations with his shifting balance theory of



Irving Kirsch - Research on antidepressants

1 Kirsch challenges the chemical-imbalance theory of depression,

writing It now seems beyond question that the traditional account

of depression as a chemical imbalance in the brain is simply



Bertram Gawronski - Representative publications

1 *Langer, T., Walther, E., Gawronski, B., Blank, H. (2009). When linking is stronger than thinking: Associative

transfer of valence disrupts the emergence of Balance theory|

cognitive balance after attitude change. Journal of Experimental

Social Psychology, 45, 1232-1237.


Behavioral intention - Extension from the theory of reasoned action

1 The theory of reasoned action was in turn grounded in various theories of attitude such as learning theories,

Expectancy-value theory|expectancy-value theories, consistency theories (such as Heider's Balance Theory,

Osgood and Tannenbaum's Congruity Theory, and Festinger's Dissonance

Theory) and attribution theory.Fishbein, M


Paradox of tolerance - Homophily and intolerance

1 This dilemma has been considered by Aguiar and Parravano in Tolerating

the Intolerant: Homophily, Intolerance, and Segregation in

Social Balanced Networks, modeling a community of individuals whose relationships are governed by a

modified form of the Balance theory|Heider balance theory.


Evolved - Gene flow

1 During the development of the modern synthesis, Sewall Wright developed his shifting balance

theory, which regarded gene flow between partially isolated

populations as an important aspect of adaptive evolution. However,

recently there has been substantial criticism of the importance of the

shifting balance theory.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-balance-theory-toolkit.html

Biological psychiatry - Mid 20th century

1 These were popularly called the chemical imbalance theory of mental health disorders.


Biological psychiatry - Latest biological hypotheses of mental health disorders

1 New research indicates different biological mechanisms may underlie some mental health disorders, only

indirectly related to neurotransmitters and the

monoamine chemical imbalance theory.


Rock Hyrax - Social behaviour

1 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022375 In addition, hyraxes are the first non-human species in which Balance

theory|structural balance was described, i.e


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