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Page 1: Balanced math program

The Inclusive ClassroomThe Inclusive Classroom

Meeting the Needs of all your Math StudentsMeeting the Needs of all your Math Students

Page 2: Balanced math program

A Balanced Math Program

Inclusiveness Learning Styles Differentiated Instruction Accommodations Embracing Diversity

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Create an Inclusive Environment

• All students need to feel safe and cared for to learn

• Know all your students, their likes, dislikes, strengths and needs

• Consider using a program like Tribes Learning Communities

• Always use inclusive language. Calling students “guys” is not inclusive

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Learning Styles• People learn in many different ways but

there are dominant styles• Most teachers are auditory/visual• Make sure you use all the learning

styles every week• Use kinesthetic, auditory/visual every


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Dunn & Dunn

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Learning Styles Strategies

In Pairs, brainstorm strategies and activities for teaching math to students with diverse learning strategies

Join with another group to share your findings

Put together point form notes with both groups strategies, we will copy & share all the strategies

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Students with Exceptionalities

Most classes have students with exceptionalities It is important for us to understand and

empathize with our studentsSimulation Activity - Go to the table with a card

that matches yours and proceed with the simulation for that exceptionality

Group Share - How did it feel? What did you learn? What will you take back to your practice?

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Fitness/Stretching BreakFitness/Stretching Break

All children need breaks ADD & ADHD especially Stretch along with me or do your

own, do what works for you to reenergize your body and mind

All children need breaks ADD & ADHD especially Stretch along with me or do your

own, do what works for you to reenergize your body and mind

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Students with exceptionalities need to be accommodated

Differentiated Instruction can really helpSpecific accommodations are listed in

your handoutLet’s take a few minutes to discuss them

and add some of our own

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Embracing DiversityEmbracing Diversity

Know your students’ cultural background and consider culture when planning

Acknowledge and highlight contributions of different cultures to math knowledge base

Create tasks that are culturally relevant to all students (differentiate)

Know your students’ cultural background and consider culture when planning

Acknowledge and highlight contributions of different cultures to math knowledge base

Create tasks that are culturally relevant to all students (differentiate)

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Differentiate Instruction

» I will model a Differentiated Hands on Lesson

» Your job is to be the student you were during the simulation

» Think about how your needs are met or not met

» I will model a Differentiated Hands on Lesson

» Your job is to be the student you were during the simulation

» Think about how your needs are met or not met

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