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    Baldrige Assessment andOrganizational Learning:


    2001, ASQ

    Self-assessment using the Malcolm Baldrige Award

    Criteria for Performance Excellence (CPE) has become

    a widespread practice among all types of organiza-

    tions. Empirical evidence suggests that Baldrige

    Award-based assessment typically results in improve-ments to managerial processes. Although the notion of

    process change is embedded within the CPE frame-

    work, the criteria do not explicitly address how an

    organization manages such change. In this article,

    the linkage between the criteria and change manage-

    ment is described. It is suggested that an effective

    process change management model can be derived

    from the framework of the criteria for performance

    excellence. Using concepts from the literatures on

    organizational change, assessment, and learning, a

    model for managing change in the context of the cri-

    teria is generated. The change process model parallels

    the model of strategic change that has been historical- ly well specified by the CPE and refines the criteria

    notion of learning. These two models are linked by the

    exchange of information between the organizational

    performance review item and diagnostic self-assess-

    ment activities. Suggestions on how the organization-

    al performance review item in the criteria can be

    expanded to incorporate change management as an

    explicit area to address are made.

    Key words: evaluation, organizational change,

    quality management, self-assessment

    Self-assessment using the Malcolm Baldrige Award

    Criteria for Performance Excellence (CPE) has been an

    increasing phenomenon inside organizations (for

    example, Jordan 1994; Knutton 1994; Zaremba and

    Crew 1995; Brereton 1996; Wu, Wiebe, and Politi 1997;

    Caravatta 1997; Fountain 1998). Data suggest that

    many firms are using self-assessment as the basis for

    improvement. For example, a study of 70 companies in

    the United Kingdom revealed that approximately two-

    thirds had at least experimented with self-assessment

    using a quality management framework similar to the

    CPE (Finn and Porter 1994). Here, self-assessment

    using the CPE means an evaluation of an organiza-

    tions performance management processes against the

    criteria, with the objective of identifying key strengthsand opportunities for improvement. Key strengths can

    be leveraged and refined, while opportunities for

    improvement are intended to lead to actions that will

    take the organization to higher levels of performance.

    Self-assessment activities are governed primarily by the

    organizations managers, although external

    consultantsoften current or former Baldrige Award

    examinersmay be included to enhance objectivity.

    The increase in self-assessment coincides with the

    diffusion of the CPE as a basis for evaluating perfor-

    mance management system effectiveness. In additionto the national award program for manufacturing, ser-

    vice, and small business, which has been in existence

    since 1988 (nonprofit, education, and health care sec-

    tors were added in 1999), many state and local quality

    award programs based on the CPE have been initiated.

    NIST (1998) reported that Baldrige Award-based state

    quality award programs increased from 6 in 1991 to 43

    in 1997. Many of these programs also allow nonprofit

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    service organizations and government agencies to

    apply. The CPE have spread internationally as well, as

    some 25 countries have developed Baldrige Award-

    based award programs (Nabitz, Quaglia, and Wangen

    1999).As the CPE becomes the basis for more formal

    award programs, applicants are motivated to conduct

    internal assessments to prepare for the formal evalua-

    tion process (Meyers and Heller 1995; Blazey 1998).

    Regardless of whether firms enter the formal award

    process, increased diffusion of the criteria exposes more

    managers to the framework, which, in turn, encour-

    ages increased use of the CPE for organizational evalu-

    ation or assessment (Herrington 1994).

    Few formal studies have investigated the conse-

    quences of Baldrige Award-based self-assessment. In aninvestigation of a self-assessment that included organi-

    zations using criteria other than the CPE, Van der Weile

    et al. (2000) found that self-assessment generally led to

    better agreement on the organizations strengths and

    improvement opportunities and better planning.

    Organizations that practiced self-assessment also

    appeared to realize better improvements in market

    share and profitability than organizations that did not

    practice self-assessment.

    Anecdotal evidence suggests that Baldrige Award-

    based self-assessment frequently leads to organization-al changestemming from managerial actions to

    improve management processes and practices based on

    assessment findings (Meyers and Heller 1995; Markels

    1999; Prybutok and Spink 1999). In the criteria, such

    process change is supported by the core value of

    organizational learning. Organizational learning

    refers to continuous improvement of existing

    approaches and processes and adaptation to change,

    leading to new goals and/or approaches (NIST 2000,

    2), and is described as a four-stage learning cycle

    that includes planning, execution of plans, assessmentof progress, and revision of plans (NIST 2000, 7).

    Indeed, the CPE scoring guidelines clearly seek evi-

    dence of systematic evaluation and improvement

    and organizational learning/sharing as key man-

    agement tools for strengthening the effectiveness of

    these processes (NIST 2000, 45). Although the frame-

    work encourages process change, the criteria, however,

    do not explicitly address how an organization manages

    such change. The authors premise is that managing

    the process change resulting from self-assessment

    should be viewed as a critical leadership process in the

    criteria.As Baldrige Award-based self-assessments represent

    a catalyst for change, organizations need a clearly

    defined approach for effecting change to its key man-

    agement processes that result from self-assessments. In

    this article, the link between the CPE and change man-

    agement is described. It is suggested that an effective

    process change management model can be derived

    from the framework of the criteria for performance

    excellence. Using concepts from the literatures on

    organizational change, assessment, and learning, a

    model for managing change in the context of the crite-ria is generated. The implications of this work, includ-

    ing how the CPE might be expanded to incorporate

    process change management as an explicit area to

    address are also discussed.

    STRATEGIC CHANGE VERSUSPROCESS CHANGEIt is important to differentiate between organizational

    changes resulting from strategy development and imple-mentation (that is, strategic change), and organiza-

    tional changes resulting from self-assessment (that is,

    process change). The theoretical aspects of strategic

    change are well captured by the CPE (Ford and Evans

    2000). Indeed, a key objective of the CPE is to provide a

    framework for performance management excellence

    based on the development and implementation of strate-

    gy (NIST 2000, 6). Strategic change stems from strategic

    objectives, which the CPE defines as follows :

    An organizations major change (authors

    emphasis) opportunities and/or the fundamentalchallenges the organization faces. Strategic objec-

    tives are generally externally focused, relating to

    significant customer, market, product/service, or

    technological opportunities and challenges.

    Broadly stated, they are what an organization

    must change (authors emphasis) or improve to

    remain or become competitive. Strategic objec-

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    tives set an organizations longer-term directions

    and guide resource allocations and redistribu-

    tions. (NIST 2000, 29)

    Strategy might be built around or lead to any or

    all of the following: new products, services, andmarkets; revenue growth; cost reduction; busi-

    ness acquisitions; and new partnerships and

    alliances. Strategy might be directed toward

    becoming a preferred supplier, a low-cost produc-

    er, a market innovator, and/or a high-end or

    customized service provider. (NIST 2000, 12)

    This empirical view aligns closely with the theoreticalnotion of strategic change (for example, Ansoff 1965,

    Andrews 1971, Hofer and Schendel 1978, Nadler andTushman 1989). Strategic change is broad in scope, is

    driven by environmental forces, and is tied closely tothe organizations ability to achieve its goals.

    In contrast, change resulting from self-assessmentactivities might be viewed as more of an operationalexercise. These changes result from an examination oforganizational processes and aim at changing organi-zational infrastructures the organizations

    processes for achieving results. Evans (1997) noted thatthe CPE requirements addressed a number of infra-structural processes; he identified more than 40 man-agerial processes in the 1996 version of the Baldrige

    Award criteria. These managerial processes are oftenthe focus of self-assessment activities.

    Empirical evidence supports the notion that

    Baldrige Award-based assessments result in process

    change. Solectrons first feedback report in 1989 sug-

    gested a lack of customer focus and long-range plan-

    ning. The company subsequently initiated a customer

    executive survey to identify long-term technology and

    production needs and established ahoshin kanri

    strategic planning process (Markels 1999). When aBaldrige Award-based self-assessment of a health care

    organization revealed weaknesses in the organizations

    ability to collect and analyze information, manage-

    ment subsequently approved a $50 million information

    system upgrade (Prybutok and Spink 1999). Self-

    assessment findings at an AT&T division suggested that

    many employees did not recall the divisions strategic

    vision, which prompted managers to increase meetings

    and interactions with employees to improve communi-

    cation (Meyers and Heller 1995). One of the 1999

    Baldrige Award winners, BI, a consulting firm inMinneapolis, did not receive the award until its tenth

    tryclear evidence of continual process change in the

    face of evolving criteria.

    Although change to a business process tends to have

    lasting effects, the change tends to be narrow in scope.

    Unlike strategic change, which motivates organization-

    wide changes in behavior, process change is often con-

    fined to a particular unit, division, or function of the

    organization. For example, changing an organizations

    process for measuring customer satisfaction usually

    requires substantive adjustment to a limited number of functional areas, such as marketing or information

    systems. Nadler and Tushman (1989) labeled such

    change as tuningincremental change of narrow

    scope to increase organizational efficiency, but usually

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    Table 1 Strategic versus process change.

    Strategic change Process change

    Theme of change Shift in organizational direction Adjustment of organizational processes

    Driv ing fo rce Usual ly env ironmen ta l fo rcesm arket, Usual ly in ternal"How can we bett errival, technological change align our processes?"

    Typical antecedent Strategic planning process Self-assessment of management system

    How much of the Typically widespread Often narrow divisional or functionalorganization changes?

    Examples Entering new markets Improving information systemsSeeking low cost position Establishing hiring guidelinesMergers & acquisitions Developing customer satisfaction measures


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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    not in response to an immediate problem. In Table 1,

    the characteristics of strategic change are separated

    from those of process change.

    The processes for developing and implementing

    strategic change have been addressed by scholars instrategic management. Recently, Ford and Evans

    (2000) demonstrated that the criterias processes for

    managing strategic change, centered on the CPEs

    strategic planning framework, aligned considerably

    with scholarly theory. However, the link between the

    notion of process change and theory is not as direct.

    The characteristics of process change just noted resem-

    ble the change construct often addressed by organiza-

    tional scholars, particularly those researchers who have

    defined the organizational development (OD) literature

    (see, for example, Bennis, Benne, and Chin 1962;Leavitt 1965, 11441170; Beckhard and Harris 1977;

    Beer 1980; Dyer 1981; Harrison 1989; McLennan 1989).

    Consider the following definition by Beer (1980, 10).

    Organizational development is a system-wide

    process of data collection, diagnosis, action plan-

    ning, intervention, and evaluation aimed at: (1)

    enhancing congruence between organization

    structure process, strategy, people, and culture;

    (2) developing new and creative organizational

    solutions; and (3) developing the organizationsself-renewing capacity.

    Although the notion of change in the OD context

    displays some of the general character of strategic

    change (for example, change determination followed

    by change implementation), there are some important

    differences as well. First, unlike the notion of strategic

    change, change in the OD context tends to be driven by

    internal motivation to improve the existing relation-

    ship between various organizational elements (revisit

    Beers definition above). Usually, there is little analysis

    of the organization inside the larger market and com-petitive environment. Consequently, the view of organi-

    zational change in the OD context usually assumes a

    narrow perspective (Lundberg 1989, 6182; Woodman

    1989). Second, consistent with the clinical groundings

    of OD in behavioral and organizational psychology,

    change in the OD context usually follows a diagnosis

    of the current, usually dysfunctional, organizational

    situation (for example, Levinson 1972). The data gen-

    erated from diagnosis provide better understanding of

    the organizational system by its members (Alderfer

    1976). Finally, once the pathology has been diagnosed,

    then a change is determined and implemented throughwhat is commonly termed an intervention (for

    example, Kotter 1978). The intervention changes orga-

    nizational work and behavior in a way that the organi-

    zation is better able to achieve its objectives.Effective organizational diagnosis and intervention

    promotes a state of congruence (Nadler and Tushman1980) between organizational objectives and the struc-tural variables for achieving those objectives. Consider,

    for example, an organization that is pursuing an exter-nal market focus. An organizational diagnosis might

    reveal that particular aspects of the organizationsstructure do not support a market-focused orientation.For example, supervisors might be practicing com-mand-and-control behavior that inhibits individuals

    from making fast, customer-oriented decisions. Thereward system might encourage cost reduction ratherthan customer satisfaction. Service representatives maynot know how to effectively interact with customers

    when a problem arises. Effective intervention wouldeliminate these dysfunctions, and promote better con-gruence between the organization and its objectives.

    In this context, it is possible to view Baldrige Award-based self-assessment as a process for achieving effec-tive organizational diagnosis and intervention. Indeed,self-assessment appears to contribute to what has beenlabeled in the OD literature as implementation theo-ry (Bennis 1966; Argyris 1970; Porras and Robertson1987, 157). Implementation theory focuses on specif-ic intervention activities necessary to carry out achange initiative.

    The CPE can be viewed as supporting processes tomanage both strategic change and process change. The

    processes for managing strategic change in the CPEhave been well defined historically and align consider-ably with scholarly work (Ford and Evans 2000). A

    framework for managing process change is also presentin the criteria, although it is less obvious. It can bearticulated by coupling elements of the CPE to theoreti-cal notions from organizational research. In the fol-lowing sections a CPE-based framework for managing

    process change is developed.

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    THE CPE AND CHANGEMANAGEMENT STRUCTUREThe CPE are built upon a set of 11 core values and con-

    cepts (Table 2). The core values serve as the foundationfor substantive requirements of the criteria (NIST 2000,

    2). Evans and Ford (1997) found evidence to support

    this claim. Using an earlier version of the CPE, the

    researchers found that the criterias substantive content

    significantly reflected the core values and concepts. The

    core value of managing for innovation, introduced in

    the 2000 criteria, suggests a strong change management

    orientation. In the Baldrige Award context, innovation

    relates to making meaningful change to improve an

    organizations products, services, and processes.

    Organizations should be structured in such a way

    that innovation becomes part of the culture and daily

    work. (NIST 2000, 4) The criteria also note that,

    although many people associate the notion of innova-

    tion to technology, [innovation] is applicable to all key

    organizational processes that would benefit from break-

    through improvement and/or change. (NIST 2000, 4)

    This core value supports the practice of Baldrige Award-

    based self-assessment, since self-assessments frequently

    drive improvement of key managerial processes that

    affect organizational performance. As noted, this type of

    change is labeled as process change.

    How do the substantive requirements of the CPE

    encourage or specify process change? The criteria are

    focused primarily on strategic change. Since their

    inception, the CPE have gradually evolved from a tacti-

    cal focus on quality improvement toward a focus on

    the development and implementation of strategic

    change that provides centrality to the CPE framework

    (Ford and Evans 2000). Although process changes may

    be realized in the CPE model via the deployment

    of action plans, strategic change processes seem

    inappropriate for managing the development andimplementation of most process changes. Process

    changes are narrow in scope (Table 1); they lack the

    broad, organizationwide imperative that befits change

    to be installed via the CPEs strategic planning process.

    Nevertheless, process changes are important to an

    organizations future growth and effectiveness. A different CPE requirement provides structure for

    managing process change. The requirement, termedorganizational performance review, appears underthe leadership category of the criteria. The intent of the

    organizational performance review isTo cover all areas of performance, thereby pro-

    viding a picture of the state of health of your

    organization. This includes not only how well

    you are currently performing, but also how well

    you are moving towards the future. It is antici-

    pated that the review findings will provide a reli-

    able means to guide both improvement and

    change. (NIST 2000, 30)

    According to the CPE, the organizations senior

    leadership is expected to conduct the performance

    review. Leadership involvement in organizational

    processes has been a historical theme of the CPE, and it

    reflects a long-standing core value of the framework

    (Table 2). The substantive questions that organizations

    must answer in response to this item appear in Table 3.

    A distinguishing feature of the organizational per-

    formance review is its big picture perspective. Rather

    www.asq.org 13

    Table 2 Core values and concepts of the Baldrige Award criteria.

    Visionary leadership Customer driven

    Organizational and personal learning Valuing employees and partners

    Agility Focus on the future

    Managing for innovation Management by fact

    Public responsibility and citizenship Focus on results and creating value

    Systems perspective 2001,ASQ

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    than focusing on the status of a particular strategic ini-

    tiative, the organizational review encourages managers

    to step back from operations and assess the overall stateof the organization and its future viability. The broad

    perspective of the organizational review sets it apart

    from the conventional diagnostic managerial control

    systems (Anthony 1965; Merchant 1985) that con-

    tribute to the effective achievement of strategic change.

    The organizational performance review item pro-

    vides an outlet for using the findings of Baldrige Award-

    based self-assessments to initiate change. Self-assess-

    ments generate process-oriented feedback that enables

    managers to obtain a snapshot of how well organiza-

    tional processes are functioning and of where processimprovements can be made. Such feedback should be

    valuable in the conduct of the organizational perfor-

    mance review, since the intent of the organizational

    review is to provide a reliable guide for both improve-

    ment and change (NIST 2000, 30).

    The CPE specify that the data used in the organiza-

    tional performance review stem from information that

    comprise the business results category of the criteria

    (NIST 2000, 10). Business results encompass a number

    of areas, including those related to customers, financial

    performance, human resources, supplier/partners, andother operational results indicative of organizational

    effectiveness (NIST 2000, 2426). Since interventions

    stemming from Baldrige Award-based self-assessments

    are focused on improving management processes, it is

    likely that the business results category related to organi-

    zational effectiveness would be highly reflective of self-

    assessment activity. Organizational effectiveness results

    are intended to capture measures or indicators of pro-

    duction and support processes, as well as progress toward

    accomplishing key organizational performance goals(NIST 2000, 26). Organizational effectiveness results

    would likely include key measures of accomplishing the

    process change resulting from self-assessment.

    The information and analysis category provides the

    conduit for connecting business results with the orga-

    nizational performance review. The information and

    analysis category examines the organizations perfor-

    mance measurement system and how the organization

    utilizes performance data and information (NIST 2000,

    16). Analysis provides a basis for effective decisions and

    helps managers prioritize and select opportunities forimprovement, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of

    change strategic objectives (NIST 2000, 27). The crite-

    ria require the provision of information and analysis to

    support the senior executives performance review, par-

    ticularly the effectiveness of the analysis to address the

    overall health of the organization (NIST 2000, 17).

    Baldrige Award-based self-assessments can be viewed as

    the analytical tool that generates the process-based

    findings that are used in the conduct of the organiza-

    tional performance review.

    To summarize, the CPE, through the organizationalperformance review, information and analysis, and

    business results items, provide a general framework for

    managing process change. The criteria, however, lack a

    specific approach for managing diagnostic activity and

    ensuring the successful implementation of interven-

    tions. These researchers suggest that Baldrige Award-

    based self-assessments provide a substantive, diagnostic

    Table 3 Questions that compose the CPE Organizational Performance Review item (NIST 2000, 10).

    How do senior leaders review organizational performance and capabilities to assess organizational health, competitiveperformance, and progress relative to performance goals and changing organizational needs? Include the key performancemeasures regularly reviewed by your senior leaders.

    How do you translate organizational performance review findings into priorities for improvement and opportunities forinnovation?

    What are your recent performance review findings, priorities for improvement, and opportunities for innovation? How arethey deployed throughout your organization and, as appropriate, to your suppliers/partners and key customers to ensureorganizational alignment?

    How do senior leaders use organizational performance review findings and employee feedback to improve their leadershipeffectiveness and the effectiveness of management throughout the organization?


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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    component for the organizational performance review.

    Self-assessments generate findings for senior managers

    to conduct the organizational review. Before specifying

    a Baldrige Award-based model for managing process

    change, some theoretical perspective to lend some con-tent validity to the prospective model is sought.

    INSIGHTS FROM THELITERATUREThree literature streams provide useful theoretical

    insight upon which a model based on self-assessment

    and the CPE can be based. These literatures relate to

    organizational assessment, organizational learning,

    and organizational change.

    Organizational AssessmentIn the organizational context, assessment refers to the

    process of measuring the effectiveness of an organiza-

    tion from the behavioral or social-system perspective

    (Lawler, Nadler, and Cammann 1980, 9). A distinguish-

    ing feature of organizational assessments is a holistic

    perspective. True to the tenets of systems theory

    (Forrester 1958; Churchman 1968; Ackoff and Emery

    1974) and to the widely noted linkage between the

    organization and its environment (Lawrence andLorsch 1967), the unit of analysis is the organizational

    system and its relationship to performance, rather than

    myopic focus on the systems individual moving parts.

    An important factor in organizational assessments

    is the model (or models) upon which the evaluation is

    based. Models help answer an important question:

    What gets assessed? Hausser (1980, 132161) noted

    that all organizational assessments employ models,

    regardless of whether the model is explicit or not.

    Models used in organizational assessments are primar-

    ily models of organizational behavior and functioning(Nadler 1980, 119 131). An assessment model

    includes constructs that reflect aspects of organization-

    al behavior, and at least one construct that reflects an

    outcome or effectiveness measure.

    Many aspects of organizations can be assessed.

    Examples include culture (Schein 1985; Kilmann

    1985, 351369; Kotter and Heskett 1992), work and

    group behavior (Hackman and Oldham 1975;

    Hackman 1987, 315342; Ancona 1990), and politics

    (Pfeffer 1981; Enz 1989). Each organizational aspect,

    of course, may require a different model.

    In the context of this work, the authors are primari-ly interested in models used in the assessment of overall

    organizational effectiveness. Drawing from the intent

    of organizational performance review item defined in

    the criteria, the managerial questions may be several,

    including the following:

    How healthy are we as an organization?

    Are our organizational processes capable of

    achieving long-term objectives?

    How can we improve the structure of our

    organization? An effective model that assesses organizational

    effectiveness helps answer such questions. Scholars

    have developed a variety of organizational effectiveness

    models. (See Cameron and Whetten 1983 for some

    frameworks.) The variation among these models is

    considerable; the models content depends mainly on

    the developers perspective of just what constitutes

    organizational effectiveness (Cameron 1986).

    Consider, for example, the number of possible ways that

    organizational effectiveness can be measured. Dozensof organizational effectiveness indicators have been

    observed or proposed. (See Goodman and Pennings

    1977 for a review.)

    Consistent with Nadlers (1980, 119131) general

    depiction of an assessment model, the CPE framework

    reflects a model of organizational functioning. The

    criteria contain several constructs that reflect processes

    of organizational behavior (leadership, strategic plan-

    ning, customer and market focus, information and

    analysis, human resource focus, and process focus),

    and a construct that reflects the output of those process-es (business results). Although the CPE framework has

    been empirically derived from the collective wisdom of

    practitioners, it resembles some of the organizational

    effectiveness frameworks found in the literature. For

    example, Day and Wensley (1988) proposed an organi-

    zational effectiveness model based on concepts of

    customer focus and sustainable competitive advantage

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    that closely parallels the CPE model. Thus, the CPE

    framework can be viewed as an empirically derived

    model for assessing organizational effectiveness.

    Organizational LearningSelf-assessment encourages organizational learning. In

    its basic form, organizational learning can be viewed

    as the organizations detection and correction of error,

    where error is a mismatch between the organizations

    intentions and what really happened (Argyris 1989, 5).

    Learning that results in improved organizational per-

    formance usually derives from experience or action

    (Fiol and Lyles 1985; Huber 1991; Nevis, DiBella, and

    Gould 1995, 73). In this sense, organizations learn by

    doing. Although recent work appears to have elevatedthe status of the learning organization (Senge

    1990), many believe that all organizations engage in

    collective learning as work progresses (Child and Kieser

    1981, 2864; Schein 1993).

    A fundamental concept in the literature is the dis-

    tinction between single- and double-loop levels of

    learning (Argyris and Schon 1978). Single-loop learn-

    ing is the most common level of learning, and encom-

    passes the organizations ability to perceive deviations

    from perceived performance and fix them. Single-

    loop learning occurs, for example, when managersdetect that a problem in implementing a specific strate-

    gic initiative and then take action to correct the devia-

    tion. Most diagnostic management control systems

    (Anthony 1965; Lorange and Scott Morton 1974; Otley

    and Berry 1980; Merchant 1985; Simons 1995) exhibit

    single-loop learning characteristics.

    Double-loop learning is more sophisticated, since

    the organization must review the underlying assump-

    tions that created the problem to be fixed in the first

    place, and adapt a better set of assumptions to support

    future performance. Extending the earlier example, inaddition to correcting the immediate deficit from plan,

    managers might also step back and question their

    assumptions and policies that led them to believe that

    the strategic initiative was effective and could be imple-

    mented. Such questioning might cause them to revise

    some key organizational processes, such as leadership

    processes or processes for understanding market behav-

    ior, so that future strategic initiatives will be more effec-

    tively implemented. Diagnosis of assumptions and

    processes, and subsequent improvements, characterize

    double-loop learning.

    Organizational learning is enhanced when peoplegather for dialogue, which is defined as a sustained

    collective inquiry into the processes, assumptions, and

    certainties that compose everyday experience (Isaacs

    1993). An important consequence of effective organiza-

    tional dialogue is the reduction of defensive routines

    (Argyris 1985). A defensive routine is a policy, practice,

    or action that prevents people involved in a group

    activity from being embarrassed or threatened, and, at

    the same time, prevents people from learning how to

    reduce the causes of embarrassment or threat.

    Defensive routines can adversely impact the organi-zations ability to implement large-scale strategic

    change (Janis 1989). Argyris (1989) reported the results

    of an experiment where executives learned to overcome

    defensive routines by engaging in dialogue that forced

    the managers to articulate their underlying assump-

    tions and reservations about particular strategic

    decisions to be implemented in their organizations.

    After the experiment, most managers reported that their

    strategies were being implemented more effectively.

    The organizational performance review item in the

    CPE encourages double-loop learning. The organiza-tional performance review requires managers to assess

    the organization from a holistic perspective, where the

    focus is on the evaluation of processes that produce

    results. The review process encourages dialogue about

    the current assumptions behind current structural

    decisions. Consequently, defensive routines that hinder

    good decision making are better understood and likely


    Note that Baldrige Award-based self-assessments

    enhance the double-loop learning process, since the

    CPE framework provides specific guidance on problem-

    atic processes that require improvement.

    Organizational ChangeHow does self-assessment and organizational learning

    translate into organizational change? The linkage

    between self-assessment and organizational change is

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    not well understood (Ford 2000); however, some gener-

    al concepts of change developed in the organizational

    literature can be drawn.

    Change has been commonly portrayed as moving

    through three phases. Lewin (1958) called these phas-es: unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. Beckhard

    and Harris (1977) proposed a conceptually similar

    model, referring to three organizational states: the

    current state, the transition state, and the future state.

    A large portion of change management research

    can be placed in the initial phase. In the organization-

    al literature, much has been written about diagnosing

    the current state of the organization and determining

    the appropriate change based on the diagnosis

    (Levinson 1972; Alderfer 1976; Beckhard and Harris

    1977; Harrison and Shirom 1999). Considerably less isknown about the other two phases of change, which

    deal primarily with implementation.

    Scholars have developed a wealth of frameworks to

    model the organizational change process. Some of the

    more prominent organizational models used in the

    context of change management include the following:

    Weisbords (1976) six box model; Nadler and

    Tushmans (1980) congruence model; the McKinsey

    seven-Smodel (Peters and Waterman 1982); Tichys

    (1983) change framework and TPC (technical, politi-

    cal, cultural) matrix; and the Burke-Litwin model(Burke and Litwin 1992).

    Few change models have been rigorously validated

    (Nadler 1980, 119131). Rather, the validity of most

    change models has been tested less formally, usually

    through consultant-based applications with clients and

    through comparison to empirical observation (for

    example, Weisbord 1976; Tushman and OReilly 1997;

    Burke and Litwin 1992; Kotter 1995). The plethora of

    change models in use suggests that there are many

    viewpoints of how organizational change is achieved.

    The success by which a number of these models havebeen employed by scholars and consultants in empiri-

    cal situations suggests that a number of these view-

    points are valid.

    One commonality among these change models is a

    teleological perspective of organizational change. Van

    de Ven and Poole (1995) suggested the teleological

    perspective as one of four categories of change process

    theory. Teleological change theory posits that organiza-

    tions change through an iterative process of goal

    setting, implementation, evaluation, and revision. The

    unit of analysis is the individual organization. Unlike

    other theories of change that suggest the environmentas the dominant change force (Alchian 1950; Hannan

    and Freeman 1977; Aldrich 1979), teleology represents

    change as a deliberate undertaking by individuals

    affiliated with the organization.

    The CPE framework contains components of teleo-

    logical change theory. Most visibly, these components

    are reflected in the CPEs overall orientation as a

    framework for developing and implementing strategic

    objectives. (See Ford and Evans 2000 for an overview.)

    Using the teleological perspective, the management of

    large-scale strategic change can be viewed as a two-stepmodel of moving from strategy development to strategy

    implementation. The more narrow process change can

    be viewed in a similar fashion. In the OD paradigm, an

    organizational change is determined through diagno-

    sis, and then implemented via an intervention.

    At a fundamental level, managing change requires

    two basic categories of structured activities: one set

    related to determining the change, and one set for

    implementing the change. Depending on the type of

    change, for example, a strategic change versus a

    process change (Table 1), the structure that reflects thetwo general constructs likely differs. Precisely how the

    constructs would differ depending on the scope of the

    change is an opportunity for future research.

    Self-assessment can contribute to both the change

    determination and change implementation categories

    of change process. Regarding change determination,

    self-assessment provides information that leads to

    effective diagnosis of organizational problems. If the

    self-assessment is done using the Baldrige Award crite-

    ria, the information largely points to key managerial

    processes that can be improved via process change. Theappropriate changes, or interventions, can then be


    Regarding change implementation, self-assessment

    can be viewed as enhancing managerial control (Ford

    2000). One problem that hinders the effectiveness of

    diagnostic managerial control systems is that many

    processes requiring control are difficult to measure or

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    quantify (Simons 1995). Monitoring and controlling a

    change in culture, for example, has been notoriously

    difficult, due in part to the lack of objectiveparticu-

    larly quantitativedata that can be generated about

    the changes status. Self-assessment provides objectiveinformation on the status of current process interven-

    tions, perhaps initiated from a previous assessment

    cycle, which may be difficult to capture using other

    means. For example, routine Baldrige Award-based

    assessments can update managers on the status of an

    initiative to implement remedial training programs for

    service personal, or to realign the reward system with

    the organizations new strategy. If the assessment find-

    ings suggest that the implementation is not effectively

    proceeding, then managers can follow up. Effectively

    following up on useful information allows managers tokeep things on track, which is the hallmark of diag-

    nostic managerial control systems (Merchant 1985;

    Simons 1995).Self-assessment findings might also lead to longer-

    term improvement in change implementation by pro-

    viding managers with insight on the effectiveness of theorganizations change process itself. For example, a

    Baldrige Award-based self-assessment might reveal that

    the various functional areas, such as production,research and development, and customer service, have

    varied views on the objectives of the organization andthe importance of the current strategic thrust. Such

    feedback might encourage managers to deeply exam-ine the organizations general processes for communi-

    cating change initiatives; substantive changes made to

    the general communication process will affect theimplementation of not only the current change initia-

    tive, but future initiatives as well.


    MANAGEMENT STRUCTUREIt has been suggested that the CPE framework specifiesboth strategic change (well defined) and process

    change (weakly defined) in its substantive require-

    ments. The two fundamental constructs of change

    development and change implementation allow elabo-

    ration on the relationships between strategic change

    and process in the context of the criteria.

    In Table 4, key points from the literature are high-

    lighted and connected to relevant elements of the CPE.

    The CPE requirements linked to strategic planning

    describe a model for creating, deploying, and monitor-

    ing strategic change in organizations, as shown inFigure 1. Organizational performance review provides

    the initial direction and catalyst; strategic planning

    and deployment provides the process for deployment;

    and measurement and analysis of performance the

    means of monitoring and control. Organization perfor-

    mance review is linked to both strategic planning and

    deployment since findings from the performance

    review can be applied to change the trajectory of strate-

    gy implementation as well as toward revision to strate-

    gic plans. The strategic planning category represents

    the core process for developing and implementing alarge-scale strategic initiative in the organization. For

    example, the strategic planning category and its link-

    ages to other CPE categories provide the structure for

    installing a particular change. This structure facilitates

    single-loop learning, since change implementation

    structure provides for the detection of a deficit from

    plan and its subsequent correction.

    Although the organizational performance review

    item provides a useful element to the single-loop,

    change-specific strategic change process portrayed in

    Figure 1, the real value of this item may be in its poten-tial to provide a big picture assessment of the perfor-

    mance management system as a whole and its ongoing

    capability to achieve results. In effect, it requires man-

    agers to evaluate how do we change in general? Such

    inquiry facilitates the determination of whether the

    organization has the processes in place to sufficiently

    adapt to current and, perhaps, future environmental


    Figure 2 presents a conceptual model of a process

    change management structure, using items derived

    from an analogy with Figure 1. This model refines thelearning cycle concept in the criteria, links it more

    clearly to areas to address (item 1.1b,) and provides a

    construct suitable for further study and empirical

    research. Specifically, organizational performance

    results, particularly those related to organizational

    effectiveness, are used by senior managers in a self-

    assessment mode. The self-assessment is a big pic-

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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    ture evaluation of how the organization, through itsmanagement processes, is achieving its long-term

    objectives. Managers learn about any assumptions and

    design flaws in current processes that are impeding the

    organization from achieving success. For the organiza-

    tion to better adapt in the future, the fundamental

    processes that derive and implement change must be


    The answers obtained from self-assessment can

    facilitate double-loop learning. Managers engage in

    dialogue as part of the organizational review to under-

    stand fundamental organizational processes and theimpediments to achieving long-term results. Changes

    to these processes, such as improved leadership activi-

    ties, better customer listening posts, or a more efficient

    value chain, reflect a revised managerial perspective

    a change in the assumptions and policies that under-

    pin the design of processes that produce results.

    The models in Figures 1 and 2 are linked by the

    relationship between the organizational performancereview item and the need for diagnostic self-assess-

    ment. Findings from the organizational performance

    review may provide insight on the organizations ability

    to manage change, which might help the diagnostic

    self-assessment effort. Self-assessment provides infor-

    mation on the status of change initiatives and the

    effectiveness of the organizations change process in

    general. This information may be useful for effective

    strategic management. This change management

    information could be made available to the strategic

    management process if self-assessment findings werereviewed as part of the organizational performance

    review. Information exchange between the organiza-

    tional performance review item and diagnostic self-

    assessment of change process helps connect processes

    for managing strategic change with those for manag-

    ing process change.

    Such a framework offers some advantages over

    www.asq.org 19

    Table 4 Key literature concepts and relationship to CPE change management structure.

    Key literature concept Relationship to CPE as change management structure

    Large-scale change as a process of change determination CPE Strategic Planning category as core process for developing

    and change implementation. and implementing strategic change.

    Single loop learning occurs when a deviation from expected The Strategic Planning category, and its linkages to other CPEperformance is detected and corrected. categories, provides structure for the monitoring and control of a

    particular strategic initiatives implementation.

    Assessment as the process of measuring the effectiveness Organizational Performance Review item requires managers toof an organization from the behavioral or social system assess organizational performance relative to goals and changingperspective. needs.

    Data from the Information and Analysis category provideanalytical content for the Organizational PerformanceReview item.

    A model used for assessing the organizations ability to The CPE include six categories (Leadership, Strategic Planning,achieve change should contain variables that reflect change- Customer & Market Focus, Information & Analysis,

    related activity and at least one variable that reflects change Human Resource Focus, Process Management) that reflectachievement. processes used to achieve strategic results, and one

    category (Business Results) that reflects the output of the processes.

    Double-loop organizational learning occurs when managers The Organizational Performance Review item requiresquestion the underlying assumptions and processes that cause managers to assess the general health of the organizationproblems, and subsequently adjust these underlying processes. in relation to its objectives, and to take process-centered

    action to ensure organizational alignment.

    A key mechanism for organizational learning is dialogue, In the Organizational Performance Review, managers engagewhich tends to encourage the reduction of defensive routines in a "big picture" inquiry of whether the current processesthat impede strategic change. in place are achieving strategic organizational objectives.


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    4.1 Measurementof organizational


    Figure 1 Baldrige Award criteria-based model of strategic change.


    4.2 Analysisof organizational


    1.1b Organizationalperformance


    2.1 Strategydevelopment

    2.2 Strategydeployment

    7.0 Businessresults

    Self-assessment:Diagnosis ofopportunities

    (Fig. 2)



    of changeperformance

    Figure 2 A model of self-assessment and change management.


    Analysisof change


    Self-assessment:Diagnosis ofopportunities




    Organizationalperformancereview 1.1b

    (Fig. 1)


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    Baldrige Assessment and Organizational Learning: The Need for Change Management

    other models of change. Unlike most of the abstract

    models proposed in the literature, the constructs of the

    CPE model have been detailed by the substantive CPE

    requirements. Since the CPE represent the collective

    wisdom of practitioners, the model garners consider-able face validity among managers. Specificity and face

    validity are important characteristics of useful assess-

    ment models (Nadler 1980, 119131).

    A unique feature of a CPE-based change model is

    that it considers change management at three levels of

    analysis. The measurement and analysis of organiza-

    tional performance provides a framework to assess pri-

    orities for change in terms of their relevance and

    impact to the organization. The substantive require-

    ments for strategy development and deployment

    encourage managers to evaluate activities during a

    specific change. Such strategic controls help managers

    to monitor the implementation of large-scale change,

    to diagnose specific problems during installation, and

    to effectively correct significant deviations between per-

    formance and plan. The organizational performance

    review prompts a higher-level assessmentmanagers

    must evaluate the organizations overall ability to

    achieve change. This big picture evaluation is con-

    sistent with the classic perspective of organizational

    assessment (Lawler, Nadler, and Cammann 1980).

    IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CPEAND RESEARCHIn this investigation, the link between the Baldrige

    Award criteria and organizational structure for manag-

    ing change was explored. It was concluded that the

    CPE encourages managers to engage in a self-assess-

    ment of the organizations ability to change and adapt.

    Self-assessment encourages organizational learning,particularly learning of the double-loop variety, that

    results in the adjustment of the processes used by the

    firm to develop and implement strategic change.

    Indeed, self-assessment contributes to Adlers (1999)

    notion of enabling bureaucracy, since self-assess-

    ment provides structure that supports and improves

    organizational processes.

    While organizational learning is a key core value

    and its importance is clearly reflected in the criteria

    scoring guidelines, the criteria do little to explicitly

    require an effective approach and deployment. Change

    management capabilities embedded in the Baldrige Award criteria should be made more explicit at the

    process-change level. Although the organizational per-

    formance review item prompts managerial assessment

    of overall performance, the language of the item could

    be oriented more toward evaluating the organizations

    ability to change. The question How are [performance

    review findings] deployed throughout your organiza-

    tion, and, as appropriate, to your suppliers/partners

    and key customers to ensure organizational align-

    ment? (NIST 2000, 10) does not clearly articulate the

    importance of change management. To strengthen thecriteria in this respect, the authors suggest changing

    the title of item 1.1b from Organizational

    Performance Review to Organizational Performance

    Review and Managing Change, and adding an

    additional diagnostic question.

    How do senior leaders effectively manage organiza-

    tional change to promote organizational learning and

    appropriate improvements to the organizations man-

    agement infrastructure?

    In the accompanying notes to the criteria item, the

    authors also suggest a reference to self-assessment asone of the possible means for generating diagnostic

    information that could contribute to developing effec-

    tive change initiatives and for monitoring the imple-

    mentation of those initiatives. These additions would

    strengthen the CPEs application as a diagnostic self-

    assessment tool, and provide clearer guidance to senior

    leadership toward improvement efforts.

    From a research standpoint, scholars have been

    slow to embrace both the CPE and the phenomenon of

    self-assessment. Van der Weile et al.s (2000) recent

    investigation of self-assessment practices and perfor-mance constitutes a rare formal study of these two

    areas. Their findings suggested that self-assessment

    helps managers focus on process strengths and areas

    for improvement, and that performance benefits may

    accrue to organizations that practice self-assessment

    routinely. But little is known about how self-assessment

    actually focuses managements attention or how subse-

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    quent improvements occur. Lathams (1997) findings

    suggested that characteristics of the feedback report to

    the client organization are an important factor in the

    effectiveness of a Baldrige Award-based self-assessment.

    Ford (2000) proposed that the defining element of theself-assessment process is the venue, usually a meeting,

    where managers gather to analyze and discuss self-

    assessment findings. Such a meeting might encourage

    information sharing, consensus building, and organi-

    zational learningperhaps by reducing defensive

    routines (Argyris 1985) that impede effective execution

    of planned change. Since there are many organization-

    al variations on how Baldrige Award-based self-assess-

    ments are conducted (for example, some with feedback

    reports/some without, some with review meetings/some

    without), it should be possible to conduct some com-parative studies to better pin down the salient variables

    of self-assessment process.

    Early research and anecdotal evidence suggests that

    Baldrige Award-based self-assessment findings can be

    applied toward improving managerial processes,

    toward planning of future change initiatives, or per-

    haps even toward correcting the trajectory of change

    initiatives in progress. These plausible outcomes of self-

    assessment require elaboration and verification. Case

    studies that identify outcomes of self-assessment events

    and that follow the outcomes through the organization

    would be useful in shedding light onto the mechanism

    of self-assessment process and how outcomes of the

    process feed into other organizational processes for

    managing change.

    Finally, conditions under which self-assessment

    might be practiced should be investigated. Van der Weile

    et al.s (2000) findings suggest, for instance, that small-

    er organizations may not practice self-assessment to the

    degree that larger organizations do. Ford (2000) sug-

    gested other possible antecedents, such as the perceived value of the assessment model, factors present in the

    organization that promote learning, and management

    involvement. Research that studies the salient properties

    of the self-assessment process, its downstream conse-

    quences, and the conditions that encourage the practice

    of self-assessment should put scholars and managers on

    a path toward better theory and practice.

    Postscript While this paper was being prepared, the Baldrige

    Award criteria were undergoing their annual revision.

    Coincidently, the following question was added to thenew Organizational Profile (formerly called the

    Business Overview) in the 2001 Criteria.

    How do you maintain an organizational focus

    on performance improvement? Include your

    approach to systematic evaluation and improve-

    ment of key processes and to fostering organiza-

    tional learning and knowledge sharing.

    This question is intended to help the applicant and

    examiners set a context for an applicants approach to

    performance improvement, since it is an assessment

    dimension used in the scoring system to evaluate the

    maturity of organizational approaches and deploy-

    ment. However, it is not part of the actual criteria and

    hence, is not directly included in the scoring or com-

    ment evaluation as has been suggested.


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    Matthew W. Ford is a visiting assistant professor of operationsmanagement and entrepreneurship at the Universi ty of Cincinnati. He received his Ph.D. in operations management fromthe University of Cincinnati. His research interests include strate-gic operations, quality management, corporate entrepreneurship,and the implementation and control of change. Prior to receivinghis doctorate, Ford served as corporate quality systems managerfor a large U.S. manufacturer, where his duties included thedesign and management of a Baldrige Award-based self-assess-ment program for the companys operating divisions.

    James R. Evans is professor of quantitative analysis and opera-t ions management and the director of the Total Qual i tyManagement Center in the College of Business Administration atthe University of Cincinnati. He holds a Ph.D. in industrial andsystems engineering from Georgia Tech and has published over70 papers in academic research journals and has served onnumerous journal editorial boards, including currently Quality

    Management Journal. He is lead author ofThe Management andControl of Quality(5th edition), and Total Quality: Management,Organization, and Strategy(2nd edition), as well as other bookson management science, operations management, simulationand risk analysis, statistics, and creative thinking. Evans servedas an examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

    Award from 19941996, senior examiner from 19971999,and alumni examiner in 2000; is a senior examiner and memberof the training team for the Ohio Award for Excellence; and is ajudge for the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce SmallBusiness of the Year Award.

    The authors may be contacted as follows: College of Business Administration, University of Cincinnati, PO Box 210130,

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0130; 513-556-7052; Fax: 513-556-5499; E-mail: [email protected] .

    www.asq.org 25

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