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THE IMPORATANCE OF BIODIVERSITY TO THE ENVIRONMENTWhat Is Biodiversity ???Biodiversity is known as biological diversityBiodiversity refers to wide variety of organisms on EarthWHY IS BIODIVESI!Y I"#O!$%!&!he variety of 'lants and animals 'rovide many so(rces of food to h(mans and animals and other living organisms#lants take in carbon dio)ide from the air and release o)ygen into it#lants and animals are also habitats for other living organisms * !he forest is the habitat of many wild animalsWetlands incl(de swam's+ marshes and ,ood 'lains* !hey assist in ,ood control by absorbing+ storing and slowly releasing the water"angrove swam's 'rovide coastal 'rotection from storms and soil erosion-orests and wetlands .lter water again and again+ making it clean eno(gh for h(mans to drink+ bath and grow cro'sThe existence of various flora and fauna beautifies our environmentBiodiversity is tr(ly a living wealth of this 'lanet* /ife wo(ld be im'ossible witho(t it*PREPARED BY:JAAYSREE


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