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Download - Bandana Pattern



1/3 yard fabric for exterior1/3 yard of fabric for liningCoordinating thread

1-Cut out one exterior and one lining piece, with fabric on fold. 2-Place exterior and lining pieces right sides together, and pin in place. 3-Transfer circle markings to pattern pieces on one side of the bandana. 4-Circles will indicate the portion of the bandana to be left open for turning.5-Sew around the bandana using 3/8” seam allowance. 6-Clip corners of the bandana near, but not through, seam allowance.7-Turn the bandana right side out.8-Press the bandana flat.9-Topstitch the bandana 1/4” away from edge, securing open portion of the bandana.10-Using a button hole foot, adjusted for a 5/8” button, sew a button hole 4” away from one tie end of the bandana.11-Using a seam ripper, open up the button hole. 12-Feed the remaining tie through the newly created button hole to “tie” the bandana.

Pattern and Tutorial for personal use only. Pattern copyright Tricia Jones 2014, leafytreetopspot.blogspot.com

Pattern and Tutorial for personal use only. Pattern copyright Tricia Jones 2014, leafytreetopspot.blogspot.com

Pattern and Tutorial for personal use only. Pattern copyright Tricia Jones 2014, leafytreetopspot.blogspot.com

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