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Page 1: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

1 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Page 2: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011


Page 3: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

3 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

DISCLAIMER : The Bangalore Branch of ICAI is not in anyway responsible for the result of any action taken on the basisof the advertisement published in the newsletter. The members, however, bear in mind the provision of the code of ethics whileresponding to the advertisements. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the Branch Newsletter are those of the authors

and do not necessarily reflect that of Bangalore Branch of ICAI.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS - May & June2011Date/Day Topic /Speaker Venue/Time CPE Credit

04.05.11 Enterprise Risk Management Branch PremisesWednesday CA. R Raghuraman 06.00pm to 08.00pm

07.05.11 Workshop on “FDI Investments Branch PremisesSaturday in India - Latest Amendments” 10.00am to 01.00pm

CA. R Sharath Rao & CA. Gautham LokandeDelegate Fee: `̀̀̀̀ 250/-

09.05.11 Discussion on the Public Trusts Bill 2011 Branch PremisesMonday Shri. K G Raghavan, CA. Dr. N Suresh & 05.00pm to 08.00pm

CA. N Nityananda Details at page no: 13

11.05.11 Capacity Building through Information Branch PremisesWednesday and Knowledge Management for CAs 06.00pm to 08.00pm

CA. B C Chechani

12.05.11 Appeals and Revisions under Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer JainThursday Income Tax Act 1961 College Auditorium,

Mr.H Naginchand Khincha Next to Bangalore Stock ExchangeDelegate Fee: `̀̀̀̀ 250/- 05.00pm to 08.00pm

14.05.11 Seminar on Investment Banking Opportunity Branch PremisesSaturday CA. Raghunath A & CA. Srinivas MRS 09.45am to 05.00pm

Delegate Fee :`̀̀̀̀ 500/- Details at page no: 15

18.05.11 Indian Constitution : Public Accountability, Branch PremisesWednesday Distribution of Tax to State & Centre 06.00pm to 08.00pm

Shri. T Sethumadhavan, IA & AS (Retd)

23.05.11, Workshop on “Accounting Standards” Branch PremisesMonday to CA. K. Gururaj Acharya, 04.00pm to 08.00pm27.05.11 Workshop Co-ordinatorFriday (except25.05.11 Delegate Fee:`̀̀̀̀ 1000/- Details at page no: 14Wednessday)

25.05.11 LLP & Multi Disciplinary Partnerships Branch PremisesWednesday CA. D S Vivek 06.00pm to 08.00pm

27.05.11 National Seminar on XBRL Lalit Ashok, Kumara Krupa,Friday Delegate Fee: `̀̀̀̀ 1750/- Details at page no: 17 High Grounds,Bangalore - 560 001

10.00am to 05.30pm

01.06.11 Discussion on Finance Act 2011 Branch PremisesWednesday CA. K K Chythanya & CA. H Padamchand Khincha 06.00pm to 08.00pm

08.06.11 Service Tax-Recent Budget Amendments Branch PremisesWednesday CA. A Saiprasad 06.00pm to 08.00pm

18.06.11 “Golden Jubilee State Level Conference” Jnana Jyothi Convention Centre,Saturday & SAMVIT - POTENCY OF KNOWLEDGE Central College Campus,19.06.11 Details at page : Inside back cover Palace Road,Bangalore-560 001Sunday 09.00am to 06.00pm

3 hrs

3 hrs

2 hrs

3 hrs

6 hrs

2 hrs

16 hrs

6 hrs

2 hrs

2 hrs

Note : High Tea at 5.30 pm for programmes at 6.00 pm at Branch Premises.

Advertisement Tariff for the Branch NewsletterColour full pageOutside back ` 30,000/-Inside back ` 24,000/-

Advt. material should reach us before 22nd of previous month.

Inside Black & WhiteFull page ` 15,000/-Half page ` 8,000/-Quarter page ` 4,000/-

Editor : CA. Venkatesh Babu T.R.

Sub Editor : CA. Ravindranath S.N.

2 hrs

2 hrs

12 hrs

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TAX UPDATES MARCH 2011CA. Chythanya K.K., B.com, FCA, LL.B., Advocate



a) 2010-11(15) KCTJ Part 11 & 12

b) 38 VST – Part 3 to 5

c) 39 VST – Part 1


[2011] 38 VST 488 (Ker) HC:Cheerans Auto Agencies v. State ofKeralaIn the instant case an exchange melawas conducted by a dealer engagedin the sale of two wheelers. Oldvehicles of customers were purchasedat a price fixed by broker who wasarranged by the dealer. The price ofthe old vehicle was reduced from theprice of the new vehicle purchased bythe customer. There was no privity ofcontract between the customer and thebroker. The Kerala High Court notedthat the transaction as between thebroker and dealer was not relevant.The Court held that the dealer wasliable to declare and pay tax on thepurchase and sale of old vehicles. TheCourt noted that failure to do sowould amount to evasion of tax.It isan important case for dealers whowould promote exchange sales andsuch dealers would do well toremember that such exchange wouldmean purchase by them of goods fromURDs. Such purchase may beexigible to purchase tax.

[2011] 38 VST 501 (Guj) HC:Gopal Rayon Industries Pvt. Ltd. v.State of Gujarat and OthersIn the instant case the Petitioner hadmade payment of Entry Tax under theForm meant for payment of Value

Added Tax, however the fact of thesame was clearly stated therein thatthe amount paid was towards EntryTax and the counterfoils of the samewere deposited regularly withdepartment. In such a case the GujaratHigh Court held that the departmentwas not entitled to treat the entire taxas not paid and the dealer as in default.The Court set aside the assessmentOrder and held that the demand forthe entire tax with interest and penalty,attachment of bank account andrefusal to grant input tax credit by theDepartment was unwarranted. TheCourt further while directing theDepartment to refund of the sums paidunder the wrong Form and alsodirected the dealer to pay the tax withthe correct Form.This ubiquitoushigh-handedness of the Departmentsometimes leads to farcical/ludicrousactions on their part – blinded by theself-clothed cloak of power, theirthought process is mired. Thedirection of the Hon. High Court tomollify the Department’s pedanticapproach with the instruction torectify the defect with the usage of thecorrect Forms seems to be the olivebranch for the belligerentDepartment!

[2011] 39 VST 44 (All) HC:A.C.P.L. Jewels Private Ltd. v. Unionof India and othersIn the instant case the Allahabad HighCourt dealing with the matter of stocktransfer/goods returned and the non-availability of Form F, while relyingon the judgement of the Apex Courtin Ambica Steels [2009] 24 VST 356,held that where the State (s) is/are,issuing Form F, the assessee would be

provided Form F for makingassessment; where however Form Fwas not being issued by the State(s),it would be open for the assessingofficer to complete the reassessmentproceedings on its own merits afterexamining the transaction betweenthe parties, keeping in mind thecircumstance that the assessee was notin a position to obtain the Form F, forno fault of his.Procedural lapses/adherence should/could neverestablish a factual aspect of a case.The acts have intents and purposeswhich cannot be gauged by theabsence/presence of certainprocedural document. A document byno means can be the sole criteria toestablish the intents and purposes ofan act.


a) 331 ITR – Part 4 & 5

b) 332 ITR – Part 1 & 2

c) 197 Taxman – Part 2, 4 to 6

d) 8 ITR(Trib) – Part 1 to 3

e) 129 ITD – Part 1 to 4

f) 136 TTJ – Part 4 to 6

g) 42-B BCAJ – Part 6

h) 4 International Taxation – Part 3


[2011] 331 ITR 449 (P&H) [FB] HC:CIT v. Varindera Construction Co.In the instant case the High Courtdecided on the extent of applicabilityof Circular F.No. 279/Misc. 56/07/-ITJ dt. June 5, 2007, with regard tothe monetary limits applicable forappeals filed by the Department. TheCourt held that the Circulars whichstipulate the said monetary limitswould only control or rather need tobe satisfied at the time of filing of theappeals and not at the time of hearing.

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5 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

In other words, it was clarified thatthe limits prevailing at the time offiling are be considered and not thelimits prevailing at the time of hearingon the question of law.

[2011] 332 ITR 1 (Delhi) HC:CWT v. Motor and General FinanceLtd.In the instant case the Delhi HighCourt was dealing with the aspect ofbest judgement assessment under theWealth Tax Act. The Court dealt withthe aspect of second proviso toSection 16(5), which dispensed withthe requirement of issue of notice in acase where a notice was already issuedpursuant to Section 16(4). The Courtnoted that the said proviso stated sowithout any qualification as to eitherclause (i) or (ii) of sub-section (4). TheCourt therefore held that the samemeant that if a notice under clause (i)in the case where return was not filedor a notice under clause (ii) callingupon to file documents, etc., had beenissued, that was enough to dispensewith issue of another notice of hearingopportunity contemplated in the firstproviso to sub-section (5).Applyingthe aforesaid ratio in the context ofIncome tax Act, it would mean that aprior issue of notice under sec 142(1)would permit the assessing officer toeffect a best judgement assessmentwithout issuing a show cause notice.This should put on alert thoseassessees who have received a noticeunder sec 142(1) on whatever countas in all such cases, the AO maysurprise them by handing over bestjudgment assessment without notice.

[2011] 332 ITR 58 (SC)Electronics Corporation of IndiaLtd. v. Union of India and OthersInthe instant case the Apex Court heldthat the Committee on Disputes which

had been suggested by the Apex Courtitself, for the purpose of decidingdisputes between entities of State hasoutlived its utility and in view of thechanged scenario the earlier orders ofthe Apex Court in certain cases hadto be recalled. The idea behind thesetting up of that Committee was toensure that the resources of the Stateare not frittered away in inter selitigation between entities of the Statewhich was best resolved by anempowered Committee. However,despite the best efforts of theCommittee the mechanism did notachieve the results for which it wasconstituted while on the contrary ithad in fact delayed litigation.

[2011] 332 ITR 63 (Bom) HC:CIT v. Parle Plastics Ltd. andanother

The Bombay High Court in the instantcase dealing with the deductionallowable under Section 80-IA heldthat while computing the deductionunder the said Section for the purposeof determination of business income,depreciation as per the provisions ofSection 32 had to be necessarilyallowed even in a case where the samewas not claimed by assessee.With duerespect, this decision is not in line withthe provisions of section 80B andsection 80AB. The overruling ofnature of section 80AB over all othersections was re-emphasized in IPCALab [266 ITR 521] by the Apex Court.

[2011] 332 ITR 122 (Karn) HCH. Ebrahim and others v. Dy.CITand anotherIn the instant case theKarnataka High Court was dealingwith the liability of directors ofprivate company in liquidation asprovided under Section 179. TheCourt held that ‘tax’ as contemplatedby the said Section did not include

penalty and interest.Further the Courtnoted that as per the said Section inorder to not penalise the Directors itmust be proved that there was absenceof gross neglect or misfeasance orbreach of duty on their part. In theinstant case where the Company hadfailed to the file returns for more thana decade and amounts were due toCommercial Tax Department andbanks, it was held that the Directorswere liable.With due respect, the Hon.High Court may have missed the thenprevailing section 139(1) which didnot mandate a company to file areturn unless it had total incomechargeable to tax. The facts revealthat the returns were not filed as therewere losses. In such cases, nonexecutive directors cannot be fastenedwith the liability.

[2011] 332 ITR (St.) 1: C B D TInstructions – Instruction No. 3 of2011, dated 9th February, 2011The CDBT vide the aforesaidinstruction has raised the monetarylimit for filing of appeals by theDepartment before the ITAT, HC andSC. The aforesaid Instruction is insupersession of Instruction No. 5 of2008, dated May 15, 2008. The limitsare as follows:Appeal before ITAT –Rs.3,00,000Appeal before HC –Rs.10,00,000Appeal before SC –Rs.25,00,000The Departmenttherefore would not be able to file theappeal unless the tax effect is abovethe said limit at the various stages. Thesame is effective as from appeals tobe filed on or after 9th February 2011.

[2011] 332 ITR 222 (Delhi) HC : CITv. Dynamic Vertical Software IndiaP. Ltd.In the instant case the assessee hadpurchased/imported software from‘M’ and sold in the Indian market. The

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AO had treated the payment made bythe assessee to ‘M’ as royalty and haddisallowed the expense under Section40(a)(i) for want of deduction of taxunder Section 195. The Delhi HighCourt held that the assessee havingpurchased the software from ‘M’ andselling the same in the Indian was actingas a dealer of ‘M’ and the same couldnot be termed as ‘royalty’ and thereforeSection 40(a)(i) could not be invokedin his case.The aforesaid decision is abig relief and will overrule the earlierdecision of Delhi ITAT in Gracemac(Microsoft) case. An adverse decisionhas been dictated in the open court bythe Karnataka High Court in the caseof Synopsis Ltd., although the saiddecision is yet to be released.

[2011] 332 ITR 224 (Delhi) HC: KimRoyal Dutch Airlines and another v.Dy. DITIn the instant case the Delhi HighCourt while setting aside the Orderrefusing stay without consideringexistence of prima facie case held thatsuch an Order must be a composite oneand that is should specifically deal withthe existence of a prima facie case.

[2011] 332 ITR 253 (Bom) HC: CITv. Qatar AirwaysIn the instant case agents of airlinecompanies were permitted to sell airtickets at any rate between the fixedminimum commercial price and thepublished price. In the matter ofdeciding the liability to deduct tax, theBombay High Court held that thedifference between the commercialprice and the published price did notamount to commission or brokerageand therefore the provisions ofSection 194H was not attracted. TheCourt while holding so observed thatit would be impracticable andunreasonable to expect the assesseeto get a feed back from its numerous

agents in respect of each ticket sold.The permission granted to the agentsto sell the tickets at a lower price couldneither amount to commission norbrokerage in the hands of the agent.

[2011] 332 ITR 255 (Ker) HC :Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd. v.Assist. CIT (TDS)In the instant case the Kerala HighCourt held that in a case of sale of SIMcards and recharge coupons the samewas not in the nature of sale of goods.The commission or brokerage paid forthe said mobile telephone service inthe nature of discount given todistributors was liable to TDS underSection 194H.

[2011] 197 Taxman 249[2010] 6taxmann.com 120 (Mum.) : BhatiaNagar Premises Co-operative SocietyLtd. v. Union of IndiaThe Bombay High Court in the instantcase held that Section 50C, dealingwith the special provisions for fullvalue of consideration (stamp valueetc.) in certain cases of sale of land orbuilding etc., was within the legislativecompetence and was not violative ofArticle 14 of the Constitution.

[2011] 10 taxmann.com 4(Ker.)[2011] 197 Taxman [BN - LI][Issue-5] : CIT v. O. Abdul RazakIn the instant case it was held that anassessee setting up own businessabroad satisfies the condition of goingabroad for purpose of employment asis covered by Explanation (a) toSection 6(1)(c). It was noted that forthe purpose of the said Explanation,employment includes self-employmentlike business or profession taken up bythe assessee abroad.

[2011] 10 taxmann.com 87 (Mum –ITAT) [2011] 197 Taxman [BN –LXV] [Issue – 6] : Tata SonsLimited v. Dy. CIT

In the instant case it was held that anassessee is entitled to benefit ofSection 91, that is entitled to taxcredits, even though he was coveredby scope of India-US & India–CanadaDTAA. It was observed that the factthat a taxpayer is entitled to make aparticular claim, in accordance witha tax treaty provision, does notdisentitle him to make the claim inaccordance with the provisions of theAct. It was noted that the provisionsof Section 91 are to be treated asgeneral in application and the saidprovision would yield to the treatyprovisions only to the extent theprovisions of the treaty werebeneficial to the assessee.

[2011] 10 taxmann.com 78 (Ahd. –ITAT) [2011] 197 Taxman [BN –LXVI] [Issue – 6] : N a v i n eFluorine International Ltd v. ACIT

In the instant case it was held thatitems of scrap which are not generatedout of assessee’s manufacturingactivities would not form part of thedefinition of the scrap as wasprovided in Explanation (b) to Section206C. Therefore, it was held that theassessee could not be held to be indefault for not collecting tax at sourceunder Section 206C(6) on sale of suchscrap.

[2011] 8 ITR (Trib) 187 (Delhi) :Amadeus India Pvt. Ltd. v. Assist.CIT

In the instant case the Delhi Tribunalheld that the power of the TPO underSection 92CA was limited to makingadjustments in respect of transactionsas was referred to him. It was heldthat he had no power to take up anyother transaction suo motu.Thisdecision has been effectively nullifiedby amending the provisions of section92CA by the Finance Act, 2011.

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7 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



The appellants were engaged inproviding taxable service under thecategory of clearing and forwardagents. A show-cause noticeproposing to confirm service tax forthe period April 2001 to March 2003on the said activities was issued whichwas dropped by the AdditionalCommissioner vide his order. Thesaid order had attained finality as thesame was not appealed against.Another show-cause notice for theperiod July 2003 to March 2005 wasissued invoking the longer period oflimitation on the finding that theactivities of promoting the businesson commission basis amounted tobusiness auxiliary services (‘BAS’).However, it was held that the Revenuewas fully aware of the activities andhence if the Revenue was of theopinion that the appellants activity fellunder BAS, it should have eitheradvise them to pay service tax orshould have proceeded to take actionwithin the normal period of limitation.As the income from BAS wasreflected in the ledger account andbalance sheet, there was no wilfulsuppression or mis-statement with anintention to evade payment tax ascontended by the Revenue. Hence, theshow-cause notice issued invokingextended period cannot be sustainedand the pre-deposit of tax was waivedand the stay petition was allowed.

[Rama Paper Mills vs. Commissionerof Central Excise, Meerut. 2011 (22)S.T.R 19 (Tri - Delhi)]

The appellant was providing theservice of mandap keeper and duringthe course of investigation it wasfound that the appellant was alsoengaged in renting of party plot tovarious customers for which,consideration was received partly incash. Accordingly, it was found thatthe appellant had short paid servicetax and after adjudication, service taxdemand was confirmed with interestand penalties under sections 76 and78 of the Finance Act, 1994. Theappellant contended that penaltyunder section 78 may be reduced to25% which they had already paid bythem and the penalty under section 76may be set aside since penalty cannotbe imposed under both sections.However, it was held that the penaltyunder section 78 was paid beyond 30days from the date of the order inoriginal. The reason given by theappellant that the party plot is not usedon a regular basis and hence the orderwas received by them late cannot beaccepted. Based on the decision of theHon’ble High Court of Kerala in thecase of Krishna Poduval [2006(1)STR 185 (Ker)], it was held thatimposition of penalty are distinct andseparate even if offences arecommitted in the course of sametransaction. Hence the appeal was

dismissed. [Dhaval Corporation vs.Commissioner of Service Tax,Ahmedabad. 2011 (22) S.T.R 26 (Tri– Ahmd.)]

The applicants had filed applicationfor the waiver of pre-deposit of dutyand penalty. The Commissioner(Appeals) directed the applicants todeposit an amount of Rs. 10 lakh forhearing which, was deposited by theapplicants by way of reversing thecredit. The Commissioner (Appeals)did not accept such reversal on theopinion that the pre-deposit should bemade in cash or through PLA anddismissed the appeal. The applicantsrelied on the decision of the Hon’bleAllahabad High Court in the case ofIndia Casting Co. vs. CEGAT, NewDelhi [1998 (104) ELT 17(All.)],wherein it was held that theassessee is entitled to make pre-deposit by way of reversal fromCenvat account. It was held that theapplicant is entitled to make pre-deposit by reversal of credit based onthe above cited decision. Therefore,the pre-deposit of the remainingamounts of duty and penalty waswaived and the stay application wasallowed. [Ballarpur IndustriesLimited vs. Commissioner of CentralExcise, Customs and Service Tax,BBSR-I. 2011 (22) S.T.R. 125 (Tri –Kolkata)]

The petitioner, a Governmentcontractor entered into contracts forconstruction of residential complexwherein nothing was mentionedwhether the service tax would be paideither by the petitioner or by therespondent. After the execution of thecontract, the respondent issuednotices to the petitioner to depositservice tax. The petitioner, relying on

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the resolution No. 12 taken up by theBoard of Directors of the respondentcontended that the when there was nocondition for payment of service taxand the contract was alreadyexecuted, the service tax would bepaid by the respondent, but in all casesfor future the service tax would bepaid by the contractor. The petitionerrelied on the decision of the ApexCourt in the case of ABL InternationalLimited vs. Export Credit GuaranteeCorporation in India Limited (2004)3 SCC 553 where it was held that, theState being a party to the contract hasan obligation to act fairly, justly andreasonably as per Article 14 of theConstitution of India. Accordingly, itwas contended that the respondent isliable to pay tax under the contract.However, it was held that the liabilityto pay tax is on the service provider.It cannot be said that the petitioner isnot liable to pay tax as a serviceprovider. Having decided that theliability would be of the petitioner,whether the petitioner is entitled to bereimbursed under the contract has tobe decided by a Court of competentjurisdiction. The petitioner would befree to make an application before thecompetent authority which shalldecide the same and accordingly thepetition was dismissed. [RavishankarJaiswal vs. Jabalpur DevelopmentAuthority. 2011 (22) S.T.R 5 (MP)]


The petitioner filed petition againstthe denial of deduction on thediscounts by the respondent on theground that the discounts had beengranted through credit notes raisedsubsequent to the tax invoices whichresulted in reduction of the turnoverand thereby the tax liability. The

petitioner contended that the decisionof the respondent is arbitrary, illegaland ultra vires as per sections 2(36),4 and 30 of the Karnataka ValueAdded Tax Act, 2003 read with Rule31 of the Karnataka Value Added TaxRules, 2005. In the decision in thecase of Deputy Commissioner of SalesTax (Law), Board of Revenue (Taxes),Ernakulam vs. Advani OerlikonPrivate Limited [(1950-2004) 7 SCST7115 : AIR 1980 SC 609 : (1980) 45STC 32 (SC) : (1980) 1 SCC 360, theApex Court, with reference to thetaxable turnover, while defining whatis ‘sale price’ and ‘trade discount’, hasheld that the discount extended is notincludable in taxable turnover. Hencethe impugned order passed theAssessing Officer was quashed.However, it is for the AssessingOfficer to restrict calculation of thetaxable turnover based on thediscounts and to calculate the actualtax to be paid. Accordingly, the writpetitions were allowed. [TVSundaram Iyengar and Sons Limited,Bangalore vs. State of Karnataka andAnother. 2011 (70) Kar. L. J 372(HC)]

The appellant is a registered dealerengaged in manufacture and sale ofgranite monuments. The AA held thatthe consumable machine tools usedin sawing and polishing the graniteare parts of machinery and levied theentry tax. The appellant contendedthat the machine tools concerned areconsumables and in the First Scheduleto the Karnataka Tax on Entry ofGoods Act, 1979, there is no entryspecified for such consumables.However, it was held that the Statecan levy entry tax on goods specifiedunder Schedule I only by issuance of

a notification. There is no suchnotification under section 3(1) to levytax on consumables. The goodsinvolved in the present case are ofconsumables since they are used forthe purpose of drilling or to bore holesin the wall or any hard substance byloosening their sharpness though notcompletely exhausted. Tools like drillbits, cutters are consumables for thereason of being exhausted fastly andare not accessories. Hence, theimpugned orders passed by the AAand FAA holding that the goodsconcerned as machinery parts andaccessories are against the law.Accordingly, the appeal was allowedand the impugned orders of AAlevying entry tax on machine tools asaccessories as confirmed by FAAwere set aside. [V Ramanna Naidu vs.State of Karnataka. 2011 (70) Kar. L.J155 (Tri.) (DB)]

The appellant is engaged in thedesign, manufacture, supply andinstallation of UPVC doors andwindows and had claimed deductionof 25% of the contract value towardslabour charge. The PA had disallowedthe labour deductions claimed on theground that the manufacturingactivities are completed at the factorylevel itself and the excise duty iscollected at the applicable rates on theassessable value and hence theactivity carried on by the appellant isa sale of UPVC doors and windowsand not a works contract.Reassessment order was passedexcluding excise duty and cess fromthe contract value in arriving at thededuction for labour charges.However, it was held that the valueof contract is aggregate amount forwhich the goods are sold. It cannot

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9 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Sub: XV Batch of the Course on Finance for NonFinance Executives under the aegis of ManagementDevelopment Programmes (MDP)

Duration: June 2011 to October 2011

Timings: 03.00 pm to 06.30 pm (Only on Saturdays)

Course Fee: Rs.12000/-

Course Contents: Financial Accounts & Company Accounts Direct Taxes Financial Analysis Project Reports Indirect taxes Corporate Finance Cost Accounts


The course is open to Non-Finance Executives such asEngineers, Architects, Doctors, Human Resourcepersonnel, Department Heads, Administrators and otherexecutives.

The course does not call for any prior knowledge inAccountancy, Finance and Tax Laws. The coursecoverage will be basic in all subjects.

We request you to pass on this information to yourClients to avail the benefits of this course.

Contact Tel : 080 - 30563500 / 511 / 512

E-mail : [email protected] /[email protected]

be said that the excise duty and cessrefers only to the value of the goodsand is not part of the contract value.The appellant had charged thecustomers excise duty and as result,the contract value has increased.Hence, 25% of the value of thecontract which includes excise dutyand cess is to be considered forarriving at the labour charges fordeduction. Accordingly, the orderpassed by FAA holding that the exciseduty does not form part of the contractvalue to calculate labour charges forthe purpose of claiming deductionwas set aside. [Fenesta BuildingSystems, Bangalore vs. State ofKarnataka. 2011 (70) Kar. L.J 216(Tri) (DB)]

The petitioner challenged thereassessment order passed by therespondent and the consequentialdemand on the ground that thepetitioner was not granted anopportunity to of personal hearing.The petitioner contended that therespondent had not followedprinciples of natural justice by not

granting an opportunity for personalhearing despite specific request.However, it was held that the Statutedoes not provide for the giving ofopportunity of hearing. Conditionprecedent for passing an order is theissuance of show-cause notice. Noratio is laid down to the effect that thereassessment order has to be quashedif the personal hearing is not afforded.Provisions of Act or Rules framedthereunder do not provide for personalhearing. Section 39(1)(b) of theKarnataka Value Added Tax Act, 2003only speaks of the opportunity ofshowing cause against the proposedreassessment. When the statueprovides only for giving ofopportunity of showing cause, theopportunity of personal hearingcannot be imported into the statue.Hence, reassessment of tax andsubsequent notice of demand cannotbe said be vitiated fore not givingpersonal hearing. [NavayugaEngineering Company Limited,Bangalore vs. State of Karnataka andAnother. 2011 (70) Kar. L.J 145 (HC)]

The petitioner made certainpurchases from M/s. Kaytee SwitchGear Limited (‘the Company’) andhad paid input tax at 12.5%. Thepetitioner subsequently sold the goodsat 4% and made a claim before therespondents for the refund of theexcess input tax paid which, was paidby the respondent. However, therespondent refused to pay interest onthe delayed refund. The Company hadfailed to remit the tax collected fromthe petitioner and the respondentinitiated coercive steps and recoveredthe same with interest and penalty. Itwas held that the respondent isentitled to retain the input tax at 4%and consequent interest and penaltyon delayed payment. The respondentis liable to refund the excess input taxtogether with interest as per section50 of the Karnataka Value Added TaxAct, 2003 read with Rule 128 of theKarnataka Value Added Rules, 2005.[Kirloskar Electric Company Limitedvs. The Assistant Commissioner ofCommercial Taxes and Another. 2011(70) Kar. L.J 305 (HC)]

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ICAI CAMPUS INTERVIEW AT BANGALORE – A SNAPSHOTCA .K. Raghu, Chairman, CMII of ICAI & Chief Coordinator – Placement Programme

The Committee for Members in Industry of the Institute conducted campus interviews at Hotel Bangalore Internationalfrom 22nd to 25th March 2011. 21 Companies participated in the placement programme at Bangalore Centre.

The organizations participating were as under –

Public Sector Companies● Coal India Limited● BEL

CA Firms

● S.R Baliboi &Associates

● PWC● Deloitte Haskins

& Sells● Phillipose & Co

Banking Sector

● Canara Bank● Axis Bank● Bank of Baroda

Other Companies

● ITC● Robert Bosch● Reckitt Benckise● Sunrise Sports (India) Pvt. Ltd● United Spirits Ltd● Puma Sports Pvt. Ltd● Weir Minerals India Pvt. Ltd

IT/ ITES Companies

● Infosys Technologies● Wipro Ltd● HSBC Technology &

Services● TCS● Cognizant


1. 226 Candidates attended the Campus Interviews and received 112 offers. 108 offers were accepted by the candidates.

2. The candidates were mostly from the States of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, WestBengal, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

3. The highest pay package offered was Rs 14 lacs by Reckitt Benckiser and average pay package offered was 6.0 lacs.

I had the opportunity and occasion on 25th March 2011 to interact with the executives of the companies & the candidates.

This initiative was supported by the Bangalore Branch under the Chairmanship of CA T RVenkatesh Babu. We wouldlike to wish all the candidates a very bright career ahead.

Campus Placement Programme For Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants Exclusively structured for Small &Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) & the Small and Medium sized CA Firms

CA .K. Raghu, Chairman, CMII of ICAI & Chief Coordinator – Placement Programme

The schedule for Campus Interview, May-2011 The CMII provides opportunity to the employers to interact with newly qualified Chartered Accountants and makes allarrangements at its centres, thereby providing a cost effective mode of recruiting newly qualified Chartered Accountants.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is pleased to welcome all Firms of Chartered Accountants (CAs)and leading companies to the forthcoming Exclusively Structured Campus Placement Programme for Small & Medium SizedEnterprises (SMEs) and the Small and Medium Sized CA Firms. In its endeavor to provide quality Accounting, Finance, Tax,Audit and Management Consultancy personnel to small and medium sized Industries and to provide a platform to the newlyqualified Chartered Accountants, CMII would be conducting Campus Placement Programme as per below mentioned schedule.

Campus Interview Dates

Centres Dates

Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi 18th & 19th May, 2011

Ahmedabad, Indore, Kanpur, Ludhiana , Pune, 19th May, 2011Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Hyderabad , Jaipur & Nagpur.

Last date for Company Registration for all the centres 2nd May 2011 ( Upto 05:00 PM)

Last date for Shortlisting by Companies for all the centres 12th May 2011 (Upto 05:00 PM)

Consent sending by Candidates 15th May - 16th May 2011 Upto 11:00 AM (Morning)

Page 11: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

11 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Details of Certificate Course on International Taxation

Course Coordinator for Bangalore Centre:CA. K. RaghuCentral Council Member, ICAIEmail: [email protected] [email protected]

We are pleased to announce that Second Batch atBangalore Centre of Certificate Course on InternationalTaxation is scheduled in the first week of June 2011subject to the minimum registration of 50 candidates.The other details are mentioned below:A. General

The Certificate Course on International Taxation shallcomprise of a course of theoretical/ practical trainingand a certificate in the appropriate form shall be grantedto those who qualify for the same, as hereinafterprovided.

B. Duration of the Course

200 hours consisting of

Workshop (including case study) 100 hours

Self Study 100 hours

C. Eligibility for Admission

No candidate shall be admitted to the said course unlesshe is a member of the ICAI at the time of admission.

D. Names of the cities where the course is to beconducted

The above-mentioned Certificate Course beingorganized by the Committee on International Taxationof ICAI at various places across the country initially atDelhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore,Kanpur, Kolkata and thereafter in other cities.

E. Registration

Registration will be on first come first serve basis. Theregistration form along with the requisite fee may besent to the Nodal Officer at the mentioned address.

F. Overall scheme

The participants would be required to attend theworkshop on Saturday and Sunday. They would also be

ANNOUNCEMENTIncome tax jurisdiction in Bangalore City:

Under e-filing scenario, quoting correct jurisdiction of income-tax assessing officer isassuming lot of importance. Therefore, an excel sheet facilitating easy finding of jurisdictionis being hosted in the website of Bangalore branch for the benefit of members. The excelsheet can be downloaded also. Please visit www.bangaloreicai.org

required to devote time for self study and case studygiven to them. Participants would be grouped forpreparing case studies. The participants must completethe self study hours and case study for appearing in theAssessment test.

G. Course fee

Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only)inclusive of first assessment fee shall be payable atthe time of Registration. Course fee once paid is non-refundable under any circumstances.

H. Evaluation

Participants who successfully complete the workshopwith at least 90% of attendance would be eligible toappear in the Assessment test.

I. Periodicity of Examinations

Assessment shall be conducted after the completion ofworkshop at such date and time as may be decided bythe Committee.

J. Eligibility to qualify

A candidate has to secure 60% marks in aggregate inthe Assessment test.

K. Limit to the number of attempts for the Assessmenttest

There will be no limit to the number of attempts for theassessment test. The participants can re-appear for thetest and the re-appearance fee will be Rs. 1000/-. Theparticipants will be allowed to re-appear for the test onlyafter six months from the first attempt.

L. No. of seats

For every session -50

M. CPE Hours100 CPE Hours will be provided to all the registeredmembers as per the CPE guidelines.

For further details please contactAssistant SecretaryICAI, [email protected], 080 30563541 / 543

Page 12: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011




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Page 13: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

13 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Certificate Course on ValuationFirst Batch of Course on Valuation is proposed to commence from 2nd week of June 2011 at BangaloreCertificate course on valuation was launched in compliance of the decision of the Council of the Institute of theChartered Accountants of India for its members and students of CA course who have qualified the final examinations.In the light of the emerging diversities & complexities in valuation jobs, the course has been designed to empowerthe members to be the leaders in the global service market. The objective of the Course is To enable the members to gain acumen, expertise and indepth knowledge on various methods of valuation; To empower the members with the technical skills as well as analytical and decision-making discretion in the

valuation job; To provide through knowledge of the global best practices as well as procedural and documentation aspects

of the valuation job; To provide expertise on the legal and regulatory framework of the valuation job in the cross-border transactionsApart from the comprehensive theoretical aspects, this course, first of its kind in India, will sharpen the expertiseand excellence of our members through multiple case studies across the industry and service sector likepharmaceuticals, retail, manufacturing, banking, insurance, valuation, mining, infrastructure, private equityvaluation, and cross-border transactions.

The duration of the course will be 300 Hours comprising of:

Self Study 200 hours Class room teaching 50 hours

Case Study in Groups and project preparation 50 hours

Course Fee is ` 20000/-

The candidates registered for the Course will have to attend the class room training on alternate Saturdays/ Sundays

You may also contact Institute’s Office at Bangalore - 080 3056 3541 / 3543 , [email protected]

Course Coordinator for BangaloreCA K Raghu, Central Council MemberMob: 9341219091E-mail: [email protected]

For any query, please contact:Course Coordinator:Corporate Laws and Corporate Governance CommitteePh: 0120 3045969 E-mail: [email protected]

Date: 09.05.201(Monday)

Time: 05.00pm to 08.00pm

Venue: Branch Premises


1. Shri. K G Raghavan, Senior Advocate2. CA. Dr. N Suresh3. CA. N Nityananda

CPE3 Hrs

Discussion on the Karnataka Public Trusts Bill 2011

The Karnataka Public Trusts Bill affect all public trusts and societies which are in the fields of education ,medical relief and other charitable activities in the state of Karnataka.

The State government will be exercising direct and indirect control on activities and also impose restrictionson property acquisitions, disposal and also borrowings by the trusts which will have far reaching implications. Aswe CAs, it is imperative on our part to be fully knowledgeable on the implications of these bills once it is operativeand represent the government. Hence this discussion.

Page 14: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011










AS- 1-Disclosure of A/c’ing PoliciesAS – 3 – CFSAS – 4 - Contingency & events after B/s dateAS – 5- P&L for period / prior & changes in a/c policies

Speaker : CA. Vinayak PaiAS – 14 – AmalgamationsAS – 21- CFSAS – 23- Investment in associates in CFSAS – 27- Interest in Joint VenturesSpeaker : CA. Vikas OswalAS – 2 - Valuation of InventoryAS – 13 - InvestmentAS – 19- LeasesAS – 24- Discontinuing Operations

Speaker : CA. Naina Gadia

AS – 7- Construction ContractsAS – 9- Revenue RecognitionAS – 11- Effects of changes in forex ratesAS – 12- Govt grants

Speaker : CA. Cherian K Baby

AS – 30, AS – 31, AS – 32 - Financial Instrument

Speaker : CA. S Sundaresan

AS – 17- Segment ReportingAS – 18- Related PartyAS – 20- EPSAS – 25- Interim Reporting

Speaker : * CA. Shyam Ramadhyani

AS – 6- DepreciationAS – 10- Fixed AssetAS – 26- Intangible AssetAS – 28- Impairment of Asset

Speaker : CA. Pritesh K Shah

AS – 15- Employee BenefitAS – 16- Borrowing CostAS – 22- Taxes on IncomeAS – 29- Provision /Contingent asset & liability

Speaker : CA. Ganesh Swaminathan

DateSession 1

(04.00pm – 06.00pm)


Session 2(06.00pm – 08.00pm)


Workshop on “Accounting Standards”Organized by

Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAIat Branch Premises between 04.00pm & 08.00pm

on Monday, 23rd, Tuesday, 24th, Thursday, 26th and Friday, 27th, May 2011The mandatory status of an Accounting Standard implies that while discharging the attest functions, it will be the duty

of the members of the Institute to examine whether the Accounting Standard is complied with in the presentation of financialstatements covered by their audit. In the event of any deviation from the Accounting Standard, it will be their duty to makeadequate disclosures in their audit reports so that the users of financial statements may be aware of such deviation.

The workshop would deal with: ❖ Highlights of each standard. ❖ Specific issues in each standard. ❖ Common mistakescommitted in the financial statement with regard to the standard. ❖ Key difference with IND-AS.

For further details please contact:Mrs. RoopashreeTel: 080-30563500 / 3513 Email: [email protected]

*Confirmation awaited

Delegate Fees: `̀̀̀̀ 1,000/-

Workshop Co-ordinator:CA. K Gururaj Acharya

CPE16 Hrs

“VIEW CPE HOURS CREDIT AT THE CLICK OF A MOUSE”Follow the simple procedures as below:-1. Log into Website; www.cpeicai.org2. Log in by feeding your 6 digit membership number (XXXXXX)3. Feed Password as-cpe followed by 6digit membership number (e.g. cpeXXXXXX)4. Page of Event Attendance (structured Learning) of year 2011 will open.5. To view CPE Credit of other calendar year click in the corresponding year6. Click ‘ULA Attendance’ to view unstructured learning activities credit of particular calendar year.

Page 15: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

15 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

One day seminar on

“Investment Banking Opportunity”Organized by

Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAISaturday, 14th May 2011

at Branch Premises between 09.45am & 05.00pm

Investment Banking domain is growing its relevance in India and offers great opportunity for CA professionals.CA skill set is apt for Investment Banking. Keep in this in view, in the interest of our members, this seminar is

being organized.

Session Timing Topic

1st Session 09:45 AM – 10:30 AM Relevance of Business Finance

2nd Session 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Role of Investment Banking in Business Finance

3rd Session 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Investment Banking Boom

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM Tea Break

4th Session 11:45 AM – 01:30 PM Functional Scope of Investment Banking

01:30 PM – 02:15 PM Lunch Break

5th Session 02:15 PM – 02:45 PM Professional Skill-set for Investment Banking

6th Session 02:45 PM – 03:45 PM Opportunities for CAs in Investment Banking

03:45 PM – 04:00 PM Tea Break

6th Session 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM Opportunities for CAs in Investment Banking (Contd...)

Speakers:CA. Raghunath A & CA. Srinivas MRS

Delegate Fees: `̀̀̀̀ 500/-

For further details please contact:Mrs. RoopashreeTel: 080-30563500 / 3513Email: [email protected]


Mr.K.Raghu, Central Council Member has been appointed as:

1) Director of XBRL India (Section 25 Company) as a nominee of ICAI to promote the use of XBRL (ExtensibleBusiness Reporting Language) in India. XBRL India is a member of XBRL International, a consortium of 550organizations worldwide.

2) ICAI representative on the MCA 21 Stakeholders Committee constituted by Ministry of Corporate Affairs forensuring continuous improvement in service delivery under MCA 21.

Members can send their views and suggestions to [email protected] to make MCA 21 more user friendly.

CPE6 Hrs

Page 16: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011



5th May 2011 Payment of Excise Duty for April 2011

Payment of Service Tax for April 2011 by Corporates

6th May 2011 E-Payment of Excise duty for April 2011

E-Payment of Service Tax for April 2011

7th May 2011 Deposit of TDS/TCS Collected during April 2011

10th May 2011 Monthly Returns for Production and Removal of Goods and CENVAT Credit for April 2011

Monthly Return of excisable Goods Manufactured & Receipt of Inputs & Capital Goods by Unitsin EOU,STP,HTP for April 2011

Monthly Returns of Information relating to Principal Inputs for April 2011 by Manufacturer ofSpecified Goods who Paid Duty of Rs.1 Crore or More during Financial Year 2010-11 By PLA/CENVAT/Both

12th May 2011 Half Yearly Return for ESI Contribution for the Half year ending 31st March 2011

15th May 2011 Payment of EPF Contribution for April 2011

Return of Employees Qualifying to EPF during April 2011

Quarterly Returns for Tax Deducted at Source Payments during January to March 2011

Quarterly Returns for Tax Deducted at Source Collected during January to March 2011

Statement of Tax Deducted at Source from Interest, Dividend, or any other sum payable to NonResident during January to March 2011.

20th May 2011 Monthly Return and Payment of CST and VAT Collected During April 2011

21st May 2011 Deposit of ESI Contributions and Collections for April 2011

25th May 2011 Consolidated Statements of Dues and Remittances Under EPF and EDLI for the April 2011

Monthly Returns of Employees Joined the organisation during April 2011

Monthly Return of Employees left the organisation during April 2011

30th May 2011 TDS Certificate for Deductions made except Salaries for the quarter January to March 2011

Annual Return for Professional Tax for the Financial year 2010-2011.

31st May 2011 Issue of TDS Certificate for Deductions from Salaries for the Financial year 2010-2011

Return of TDS from Contributions paid by the Trustees of an approved Superannuation Fund.

Requirement of Land / Building for Bangalore BranchBangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAI is looking out for land /building for outright purchase /long leasefor additional premises within the city of Bangalore. Minimum required land is 15,000 sqft. upto20,000 sqft. The land should be situated close to the Bangalore Metro Station and having easyaccessibility and wide roads. Any builtup building facility of about 20,000 sq ft. and having adequateparking facilities can also be considered. The branch is also open to consider long lease of atleast25 years. Please mail the details of land or building available to [email protected]

Page 17: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

17 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

National Seminar on XBRL – Extensible Business Reporting Language

Organized byXBRL IndiaJointly with the

Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPE)and Committee for Members in Industry (CMII) of the ICAI

Hosted by: Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAIDate & Time 27th May , Friday, 2011 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Technical Session – 1

An Introduction to XBRL

● What is XBRL● XML/XBRL Basic Concepts● Advantages of XBRL● Global XBRL Initiatives

SpeakersCA. Jayshree Narayanan CA Atul BhedaBangalore Central Council Member


Technical Session – 2

XBRL Taxonomies● Key concepts of taxonomies● Indian GAAP Taxonomy● Mapping, Tagging and assigning context● Creating Instance documents

SpeakersMr. K. BalachandranIris Business Services, Mumbai

Technical Session – 3

Financial reporting and XBRL● XBRL based Financial Reporting- Case Studies● XBRL based Regulatory Reporting - Case StudiesSpeakersMs. Gargi RayInfosys Technolgies LtdBangalore

CA K.RaghuProgramme Chairman andDirector, XBRL India

CA. Atul BhedaProgramme Coordinator andDirector, XBRL India

CA Sumantro GuhaChairman -CPE Committee of ICAI

CPE6 Hrs

Venue: Hotel Lalit Ashok Kumar Krupa, High Grounds Bangalore - 51

Delegate Fees

Member ` ` ` ` ` 1750/- Non Member ` ` ` ` ` 2000/-

For further details please contact

Mrs. RoopashreeTel : 080-30563500 / 3513Email: [email protected]

Cheque / Cash in favour of “Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAI”

CA. Venkatesh Babu T.R.Chairman -Bangalore Branch

Technical Session – 4

XBRL Implementation Tool

● Implementing XBRL solutions● Overview of XBRL Generation Process● XBRL Tools and Solutions – Case studies● Taxonomy Editing and Extensions

SpeakersMr. Aman Puri Ms. Shweta GuptaFujitsu Consulting India, Iris Business Services,New Delhi Mumbai

Technical Session- 5

Opportunities for Chartered Accountants inXBRL India- Roadmap

SpeakersCA Anand JangidInfosys Technologies LtdBangalore

CA.K. RaghuCentral Council Member

Page 18: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011



Timings Topics to be discussed

Technical Session 1 Taxation of Employees10:45 a.m. – 01:00 p.m. Expatriates & On-site employees, Residential status, Allowances,

Foreign tax Credit with holding Tax ESOP’s etc.

Technical Session 2 Indirect Tax issues impacting the IT Industry01:45 p.m –03:45 p.m. Classification and Valuation of Services, Exemptions,

Abatements & Special Rates, CENVAT Credits

Technical Session 3 VAT – Issues currently affecting the IT industry04:00 p.m. – 05:30 p.m. Customization of software, Manpower deployment, Maintenance Contracts,

Double Taxation (Vat & Service Tax), Upgrade of Software & Hardware,Sale in the course of import, Recent Judgments

DAY 2Technical Session 1 Service Tax - Issues specific to the IT/ITES Industry10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Export and Import of Services, Expediting refunds, Goods v/s services

Technical Session 2 Accounting Standards for the IT Industry - Issues11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Technical Session 3 International Taxation – Framework for the IT Industry02:00 p.m. – 03:15 p.m. Royalties and Technical Fees – Judicial Trends, Withholding Tax - Issues

Technical Session 4 International Taxation– Other issues03:30 p.m. –05:00 p.m. Transfer Pricing – Recent trends, Transfer Pricing – Issues arising during


National Conference for IT Industry at BangaloreOrganised by Committee for Members in Industry

Hosted by Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAI24th and 25th June (Friday & Saturday), 2011

at Hotel Le-Meridian, Sankey Road, BangaloreTiming: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm

Inaugural Session by

CA G. Ramaswamy, President, ICAI &

CA. Jaydeep N Shah, Vice-President, ICAI

CPE12 Hrs

Delegate Fees : `̀̀̀̀ 3000/- for Members, `̀̀̀̀4000 /- for Non MembersPayment should be made by Cheque / DD in favour of “Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAI” payable at Bangalore andshould be sent to - Bangalore Branch of ICAI, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan,16/O, Millers Tank Bed Area, Vasant Nagar, Bangalore - 560 052

Programme Chairman Programme CoordinatorCA K.Raghu CA Venkatesh Babu

Chairman – Committee for Members in Industry Chairman, Bangalore Branch of SIRC of ICAI

For Registration and Further Details please contact :

Bangalore branch of the ICAI : Telephone- 080- 3056 3541 Email: [email protected]

Page 19: Bangalore Branch of ICAI May 2011

19 May2011

Bangalore Branch of SIRCof the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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