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  • + OlgaGil [email_address] Banking the Future Curso master de Banca Universidad de Cantabria Santander, El Solaruco, 28 de Noviembre 2008
  • + OlgaGil Future, what is Future? Definitions and translation
  • + OlgaGil Future? Tools to consider with notable brand examples 1. Blogs ( Johnson & Johnson , Delta Air Lines ) 2. Bookmarking/Tagging ( Adobe , Kodak ) 3. Brand monitoring ( Dell , MINI ) 4. Content aggregation ( Alltop , EMC ) 5. Crowdsourcing/Voting ( Oracle , Starbucks ) 6. Discussion boards and forums ( IBM , Mountain Dew ) 7. Events and meetups ( Molson , Pampers ) 8. Mashups ( Fidelity Investments , Nike ) 9. Microblogging ( method , Whole Foods ) 10. Online video ( Eukanuba , Home Depot ) 11. Organization and staffing ( Ford , Pepsi ) 12. Outreach programs ( Nokia , Yum Brands ) 13. Photosharing ( Rubbermaid , UK Government ) 14. Podcasting ( Ericsson , McDonalds ) 15. Presentation sharing ( CapGemini , Daimler AG ) 16. Public Relations - social media releases ( Avon , Intel ) 17. Ratings and reviews ( Loblaws , TurboTax ) 18. Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities ( British Airways , Saturn ) 19. Sponsorships ( Coca-Cola , Whirlpool ) 20. Virtual worlds ( National Geographic , Toyota ) 21. Widgets ( Southwest Airlines , Target ) 22. Wikis ( Second Life , T-Mobile Sidekick ) Peter Kim http://mashable.com/2008/11/07/social-media-marketing-plan/
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the customer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Bret Taylor: CEO Friendfeed
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Semantic web http://feel.uoc.edu En breu soon
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Eduardo Arcos
  • + OlgaGil What about companies, how do they know what the consumer thinks ? 2
  • + OlgaGil 2
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to focus better on the customer, given that I know the customer ? 3
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil How one goes over changing behaviour, and start to do grand planning ? 4
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Future? what are the conclusions? Today Oportunities Just tools Please, your turn
  • + OlgaGil Banking the Future Thank you

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