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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2013 Vol. 39, Issue 50 bcclassified.com www.starjournal.net $1.35 incl. TaxPM0040030872


S E R V I N G T H E N O R T H T H O M P S O N VA L L E Y F R O M H E F F L E Y C R E E K TO B L U E R I V E R7 7 8 1 9 5 5 0 0 1 7 8

Marijuana referendum

pettition fizzlesat two-thirds mark

..... page 3

Shave for the brave at Gilbert Smith

Kids love a Christmas ParadeThe Barriere Christmas Parade on Friday, Dec. 6, had a number of brightly lit � oats participate. Even though the temperature outside was especially chilly, the kids riding on the Bethany Baptist Church � oat were full of enthusiasm and the spirit of the season. Find more pictures on page 11.

STAR/JOURNAL photo: Margaret Houben

By Elli Kohnert / North Thompson Star/Journal

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. (GSFP) held a ‘Shave For The Brave’ event last week in support of Mike Kennedy, a 30 year employee of the company who was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Greg Smith, GSFP general manager, says the event was to show support for Mike and the journey he is undertaking as he starts cancer treatments. Support was shown by 35 workers; which included Smith, Kennedy and one woman, Lynn Wright, who all had their heads shaved. For every head shaved, GSFP paid $100 into a pot that will be used to purchase a cancer treatment related item for a cancer facility in the southern Interior. Ron Wallace Trucking also lent their support by paying $50 for every head shaved, a number of other donations were received, with the � nal total at approximately $6,000.

Kennedy says he was really exited about doing this for the � ght against cancer, and that he was “overwhelmed” by the turnout of so many to lend their support.

As Kennedy himself now goes through the cancer treatment process, he will also be look-ing into what cancer treatment related item the group will purchase with the dollars raised.

During the ‘Shave For The Brave’, there was an atmosphere of fun, caring and ca-maraderie in the GSFP lunchroom where the shearing took place, and when Mike Kennedy took the clippers to his boss Greg Smith ,there was much laughter and teasing all around.

Kennedy’s daughter Jenny volunteered to put the clippers to work, as did Lynn Wright and others in attendance. Each person who had their head shaved received a toque with the Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. logo.

North Thompson Star/Journal

“The CRTC said yes ...The Bear will live!” an-nounced DJ Steve Shannon, with great enthusiasm bright and early on Tuesday morning.

Shannon, who is the owner of North Thompson Radio and 93.1 The Bear radio station in Barriere, has been waiting virtually on ‘pins and needles’ since Sept. 12 of this year, while waiting for the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunica-tions Commission) to announce their decision on whether or not The Bear can take to the air, .

“Barriere is  about to reap the bene� ts of hav-ing  its very own radio station, and my goal is to make sure the radio station is an intricate part of this community and its inevitable growth,” said Shannon, “This is a wonderful community, and the tremendous moral support from the residents dur-ing this long radio station application process has been amazing.”

Shannon says the CRTC have a few technical tests to perform before the station can go live, but he hopes to be on the air near the end of December.

Green light for The BearBarriere radio station has been approved

“The CRTC said yes ...The Bear will live!” an-

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. (GSFP) held a ‘Shave For The Brave’ event

STAR/JOURNAL photos: Elli Kohnert

GSFP general manager Greg Smith stands by Mike Kennedy as he shows the toque he now gets to wear after daughter Jenny Kennedy shaved his head. (Right) Kennedy takes the clippers to his boss, Greg Smith.

Coroners Service replies to body

removal concernsLetter to editor

..... page 4

“Did you hear the one about...?”

Counter Attack road checks

..... page 6

BSS Jr. Boys win Cougar ClassicTournament Champions

..... page 12

A2 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

Ministry of Health

VICTORIA – Nine new doctors have been hired in rural B.C., thanks to an initiative announced this spring by the provincial gov-ernment and the BC Medical Association.

“It is great news that nine physicians have been hired as a result of this incen-tive to better support the health of rural families,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “I have seen � rst-hand in Clearwater what a positive impact this program has had in supporting rural health care and in-creasing the resiliency of smaller communi-ties.”

The Rural Phy-sicians for British Columbia incentive provides recruited doctors with a one-time payment of $100,000 when they commit to a three-year return of service in a designated rural community.

A total of 17 com-munities are eligible for the funding and almost half of these communities now

have at least one new doctor.

Communities ben-e� ting from the new doctors are Clear-water, Terrace, Chet-wynd, Bella Coola, Hazelton, Princeton, Nakusp and Port Hardy.

The doctors come from various loca-tions and are at dif-ferent stages in their professional careers ranging from relative-ly new physicians to others that have been practicing for over a decade.

Of the new physi-cians, eight are gen-eral practitioners and one is a specialist in anaesthesiology.

“Being a doctor in a rural community can be challenging, but it’s  also extremely re-warding,” said BCMA president Dr. William Cunningham, a rural doctor who works in Duncan. “The new incentive encourages doctors to give rural practice a try.

After three years in those communities, I am optimistic they will build roots and stay for the longer-term. This program

is part of the BCMA’s commitment to help provide the highest standard of health care for our patients – when and where they need it.

“The incentive was developed by the Joint Standing Commit-tee on Rural Issues, which is comprised of the provincial government and the BCMA.The commit-tee develops programs that strengthen rural health care and en-courage physicians to live and practise in ru-ral and remote areas of the province.

The communities were selected by the Joint Standing Com-mittee on Rural Is-sues, in collaboration with regional health authorities, based on a number of factors including the degree of dif� culty the com-munity has experi-enced in recruiting hard-to-� ll physician positions.

“The � nancial in-centive and guaran-teed income made the transition and worry a lot easier, as it is a big jump. Our visit to the community really

helped. Everyone was amazing to us,” said Dr. Steven Broad-bent, who recently moved from the U.K. to Clearwater.

P a r t i c i p a t i n g physicians receive $50,000 when they begin working in the community. The re-maining $50,000 is paid once they have completed one year of service.

The full amount must be repaid if the three-year commit-ment is not ful� lled. B.C. has a compre-hensive set of incen-tive programs to en-courage doctors to set up and maintain practice in rural areas of the province.

More information is available at: www.health.gov.bc.ca/pcb/rural_recruitment.html


A sizeable propor-tion of British Colum-bians feel it is time to implement a higher speed limit on the prov-ince’s highways, a new Insights West poll con-ducted in partnership with Black Press has found.

The online survey of a representative provin-cial sample also shows that a majority of resi-dents believe that photo radar should not be brought back.

Across the province, 37 per cent of resi-dents (and 39 per cent of drivers) think the speed limit on British Columbia’s highways should be higher than it is, while more than half (55 per cent) believe it should stay the same, and just one-in-twenty (� ve per cent) want it to be lower.

“The fascinating is-

sue on this question is the gender gap,” said Mario Canseco, Vice President, Public Af-fairs at Insights West. “While half of men in B.C. would like to see a higher speed limit, just one-in-four women concur with this view.”

More than half of British Columbians (53 per cent) and driv-ers (56 per cent) believe the province should not bring back photo radar, which was introduced in the 1990s as a measure to curb speeding, but was abandoned in 2001.

While almost half of residents aged 55 or old-er (48 per cent) would like to see photo radar come back, support is decidedly lower among residents aged 18-to-34 (36 per cent) and 35-to-54 (31 per cent).

“I supported photo radar initially because when used in high-collision locations, else-

where in the world, it has a remarkable record for reducing death and injuries,” comments Driveway Editor Keith Morgan. “It never op-erated that way in BC and soon became pub-lic enemy number one where it was perceived as merely a cash cow for a greedy provincial gov-ernment.”

Residents were also asked about the quality of British Columbia’s road and infrastructure. More than seven-in-ten (74 per cent) rate it as “good” (68 per cent) or “very good” (six per cent), while only 22 per cent deem it “bad” (19 per cent) or “very bad” (three per cent).

Overall, only 16 per cent of British Colum-bians believe that the province’s roads are “not too safe” or “not safe at all” for motorists, while four-in-� ve (82 per cent) consider them “very safe” or “moder-ately safe.”

Results are based on an online study con-ducted from October 23 to October 27, 2013, among 838 British Co-lumbians who are aged 18+ and are Your In-sights panel members. The data has been statis-tically weighted accord-ing to Canadian census � gures for age and gen-

der. To view the detailed data tabulations, click here http://www.insight-swest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Speed-Limit_Tables.pdf.

Black Press is home to some of the old-est, most established newspapers in B.C. and Alberta, including the North Thompson Star/Journal and the Clear-water Times. From ru-ral voices in Chilliwack and Quesnel, to urban voices in Greater Van-couver, Victoria and Red Deer, market by market these are the leading newspapers in their respective com-munities. In print and online, these urban, suburban and rural newspapers provide cli-ents a superior blend of localized news coverage and unmatched inte-grated marketing solu-tions.

Founded in 1975, Black Press now pub-lishes more than 170 titles in British Colum-bia, Alberta and Wash-ington state, as well as the Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Advertiser, Akron (Ohio) Beacon-Journal and San Francisco (Calif.) Examiner daily newspapers. The com-pany is administered and majority owned by David H. Black of Vic-toria, B.C.

A third of British Columbians call for higher speed limit

A sizeable propor-

Incentive program attracting rural doctors

Submitted photo:

Dr. Steven Broadbent (l) is welcomed to Clearwater by Kamloops-North Thompson MLA and provincial health minister Terry Lake recently. A number of incentives from the province helped Broadbent make the move from the United Kingdom.


A third of British Columbians


tion of British Colum-bians feel it is time to

A third of British Columbians A third of British Columbians

WANTED: news, photos, event information, and letters for your community newspaper –

The North Thompson STAR/JOURNAL


It’s that time of year again to put your name forward if you are interested in being part of a Committee of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District!

We are accepting applications from persons interested in serving the communities of the Regional District on any the following Committees:

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January 3, 2014, to:

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NORTH THOMPSONFUNERAL SERVICES4638 Barriere Town Road, Box 859Barriere, BC, V0E 1E0

North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A3

By Jeff NagelBlack Press

The Sensible BC campaign to spark the decriminalization of marijuana in B.C. is of� cially up in smoke after falling short of its goal. Pot activists got 210,000 signatures or about two-thirds of the 300,000 needed –  10 per cent of voters in all 85 B.C. rid-ings – for their initiative petition to potentially trigger a referen-dum. They had aimed for a tar-get of 450,000 to provide a buffer against disquali� ed signatures.

“It’s a pretty remarkable ac-complishment,” Sensible BC head Dana Larsen.

“We’ve de� nitely demonstrat-ed a high level of organization and support for this cause. Had we been operating under the rules of pretty much any other refer-endum system in the world, we would have quali� ed to be on the ballot.”

He said the 4,500 registered petitioners – triple the number at the start of the 90-day cam-

paign  –  reached the threshold required by Elections BC in 19 electoral districts and got at least eight per cent in � ve more.

Successful local campaigns happened on much of Vancouver Island, the Kootenays and other parts of the Interior.

But in the vote-rich Lower Mainland that holds the most districts, marijuana advocates came up short.

They reached the 10 per cent threshold in just Vancouver-West End and Vancouver-Mount Pleasant, with no other local wins in the rest of Metro Vancouver or the Fraser Valley. They came closest in the three North Shore ridings with eight per cent plus.

Sensible BC aimed to compel the province to pass legislation banning police from expending any time and resources on simple marijuana possession.

Larsen said canvassers were harried in some areas by opponents and at times by calls to police as they tried to collect signatures on SkyTrain

and BC Ferries.The outcome is nowhere near

the 700,000 signatures gathered by Fight HST forces en route to their winning referendum.

But Larsen argues the prov-ince must now look “very seri-ously” at the marijuana issue, particularly as states such as Washington and Colorado move to full pot legalization.

He says history shows even failed campaigns can have im-pact.

A prior initiative in 2002 push-ing proportional representation got 98,000 signatures but led to a citizens assembly on electoral reform and ultimately two refer-endum questions on the issue.

Signatures were being deliv-ered to Elections BC Monday and Larsen said Sensible BC will take a break over Christmas before deciding when to mount a new petition campaign, along with other forms of political en-gagement.

“We’re de� nitely going to do it again,” he said.

Marijuana referendum petition � zzles at two-thirds mark

The Sensible BC campaign


The dates and loca-tions of community forums to discuss the wording, delivery and legacy efforts for a for-mal apology to B.C.’s Chinese community for historical wrongs have been con� rmed by Minister of Interna-tional Trade and Minis-ter Responsible for the Asia Paci� c Strategy and Multiculturalism, Teresa Wat.

Community forums

will be held on:* Thursday, Dec. 19,

2013 - Kamloops* Sunday, Jan. 12,

2014 - Vancouver* Tuesday, Jan. 14,

2014 - Kelowna* Monday, Jan. 20,

2014 - Richmond* Wednesday, Jan.

22, 2014 - Prince George

* Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014 - Burnaby/Co-quitlam

Over the coming weeks, the exact time and venue of each fo-

rum will be posted on: http://www.embracebc.ca/

The upcoming com-munity forums build on the successful forum held on Nov. 17, 2013, in Victoria, Canada’s oldest Chinatown.

The input received at the community forums and online submissions, will guide the wording, delivery and legacy ef-forts of a formal apolo-gy. In the next sitting of the legislature, the gov-ernment plans to intro-

duce a motion regard-ing a formal apology to British Columbia’s Chinese community for historical wrongs.

If you are interested in providing feedback, but are not able to at-tend any consultation events, feedback can be sent directly to: [email protected]

For more informa-tion about the pub-lic consultation visit: http://www.embracebc.ca/

Consultations dates set to right historical wrongs to B.C.’s Chinese community

The dates and loca-

Consultations dates set to right historical

33 years of successThe annual Candlelight and Holly Christmas Gift Gallery was held last weekend in the Legion basement hall. A large number of artists displayed numerous works of exceptional quality that more than satis� ed those looking for that special Christmas present. STAR/JOURNAL photo: Elli Kohnert

A2 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

Ministry of Health

VICTORIA – Nine new doctors have been hired in rural B.C., thanks to an initiative announced this spring by the provincial gov-ernment and the BC Medical Association.

“It is great news that nine physicians have been hired as a result of this incen-tive to better support the health of rural families,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “I have seen � rst-hand in Clearwater what a positive impact this program has had in supporting rural health care and in-creasing the resiliency of smaller communi-ties.”

The Rural Phy-sicians for British Columbia incentive provides recruited doctors with a one-time payment of $100,000 when they commit to a three-year return of service in a designated rural community.

A total of 17 com-munities are eligible for the funding and almost half of these communities now

have at least one new doctor.

Communities ben-e� ting from the new doctors are Clear-water, Terrace, Chet-wynd, Bella Coola, Hazelton, Princeton, Nakusp and Port Hardy.

The doctors come from various loca-tions and are at dif-ferent stages in their professional careers ranging from relative-ly new physicians to others that have been practicing for over a decade.

Of the new physi-cians, eight are gen-eral practitioners and one is a specialist in anaesthesiology.

“Being a doctor in a rural community can be challenging, but it’s  also extremely re-warding,” said BCMA president Dr. William Cunningham, a rural doctor who works in Duncan. “The new incentive encourages doctors to give rural practice a try.

After three years in those communities, I am optimistic they will build roots and stay for the longer-term. This program

is part of the BCMA’s commitment to help provide the highest standard of health care for our patients – when and where they need it.

“The incentive was developed by the Joint Standing Commit-tee on Rural Issues, which is comprised of the provincial government and the BCMA.The commit-tee develops programs that strengthen rural health care and en-courage physicians to live and practise in ru-ral and remote areas of the province.

The communities were selected by the Joint Standing Com-mittee on Rural Is-sues, in collaboration with regional health authorities, based on a number of factors including the degree of dif� culty the com-munity has experi-enced in recruiting hard-to-� ll physician positions.

“The � nancial in-centive and guaran-teed income made the transition and worry a lot easier, as it is a big jump. Our visit to the community really

helped. Everyone was amazing to us,” said Dr. Steven Broad-bent, who recently moved from the U.K. to Clearwater.

P a r t i c i p a t i n g physicians receive $50,000 when they begin working in the community. The re-maining $50,000 is paid once they have completed one year of service.

The full amount must be repaid if the three-year commit-ment is not ful� lled. B.C. has a compre-hensive set of incen-tive programs to en-courage doctors to set up and maintain practice in rural areas of the province.

More information is available at: www.health.gov.bc.ca/pcb/rural_recruitment.html


A sizeable propor-tion of British Colum-bians feel it is time to implement a higher speed limit on the prov-ince’s highways, a new Insights West poll con-ducted in partnership with Black Press has found.

The online survey of a representative provin-cial sample also shows that a majority of resi-dents believe that photo radar should not be brought back.

Across the province, 37 per cent of resi-dents (and 39 per cent of drivers) think the speed limit on British Columbia’s highways should be higher than it is, while more than half (55 per cent) believe it should stay the same, and just one-in-twenty (� ve per cent) want it to be lower.

“The fascinating is-

sue on this question is the gender gap,” said Mario Canseco, Vice President, Public Af-fairs at Insights West. “While half of men in B.C. would like to see a higher speed limit, just one-in-four women concur with this view.”

More than half of British Columbians (53 per cent) and driv-ers (56 per cent) believe the province should not bring back photo radar, which was introduced in the 1990s as a measure to curb speeding, but was abandoned in 2001.

While almost half of residents aged 55 or old-er (48 per cent) would like to see photo radar come back, support is decidedly lower among residents aged 18-to-34 (36 per cent) and 35-to-54 (31 per cent).

“I supported photo radar initially because when used in high-collision locations, else-

where in the world, it has a remarkable record for reducing death and injuries,” comments Driveway Editor Keith Morgan. “It never op-erated that way in BC and soon became pub-lic enemy number one where it was perceived as merely a cash cow for a greedy provincial gov-ernment.”

Residents were also asked about the quality of British Columbia’s road and infrastructure. More than seven-in-ten (74 per cent) rate it as “good” (68 per cent) or “very good” (six per cent), while only 22 per cent deem it “bad” (19 per cent) or “very bad” (three per cent).

Overall, only 16 per cent of British Colum-bians believe that the province’s roads are “not too safe” or “not safe at all” for motorists, while four-in-� ve (82 per cent) consider them “very safe” or “moder-ately safe.”

Results are based on an online study con-ducted from October 23 to October 27, 2013, among 838 British Co-lumbians who are aged 18+ and are Your In-sights panel members. The data has been statis-tically weighted accord-ing to Canadian census � gures for age and gen-

der. To view the detailed data tabulations, click here http://www.insight-swest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Speed-Limit_Tables.pdf.

Black Press is home to some of the old-est, most established newspapers in B.C. and Alberta, including the North Thompson Star/Journal and the Clear-water Times. From ru-ral voices in Chilliwack and Quesnel, to urban voices in Greater Van-couver, Victoria and Red Deer, market by market these are the leading newspapers in their respective com-munities. In print and online, these urban, suburban and rural newspapers provide cli-ents a superior blend of localized news coverage and unmatched inte-grated marketing solu-tions.

Founded in 1975, Black Press now pub-lishes more than 170 titles in British Colum-bia, Alberta and Wash-ington state, as well as the Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Advertiser, Akron (Ohio) Beacon-Journal and San Francisco (Calif.) Examiner daily newspapers. The com-pany is administered and majority owned by David H. Black of Vic-toria, B.C.

A third of British Columbians call for higher speed limit

A sizeable propor-

Incentive program attracting rural doctors

Submitted photo:

Dr. Steven Broadbent (l) is welcomed to Clearwater by Kamloops-North Thompson MLA and provincial health minister Terry Lake recently. A number of incentives from the province helped Broadbent make the move from the United Kingdom.


A third of British Columbians


tion of British Colum-bians feel it is time to

A third of British Columbians A third of British Columbians

WANTED: news, photos, event information, and letters for your community newspaper –

The North Thompson STAR/JOURNAL


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A4 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal


359 Borthwick Avenue, Box 1020,Barriere, B.C., V0E 1E0


The North Thompson Star/Journal is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council consid-ers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.

Editor ia l ; by Tom Fletcher

Ottawa puts on pipeline push

The federal government stepped up its sales pitch for new pipelines to the B.C. coast last week, as it prepares for the imminent release of the federal review panel’s report on the feasibility of the Enbridge Northern Gateway project.

Transport Minister Lisa Raitt and Natural Resources Minister Joe Oli-ver arrived in Vancouver to release an expert panel’s report on the current state of tanker safety on the  West Coast. It was the � rst of two reports that tell the Stephen Harper govern-ment in blunt terms how steep a hill it must climb to enable energy exports to Asia.

Oliver gave a speech to the Van-couver Board of Trade the following morning, where he vowed to imple-ment one of the panel’s key recom-mendations. Legislation is coming to ensure that polluters, not taxpayers, must pay for any environmental dam-age from resource development and transport.

The panel was chaired by Gordon Houston, a former Prince Rupert har-bourmaster and CEO of Port Metro Vancouver. Its report details the little-noticed fact that coastal waters around Victoria and Vancouver are already congested with shipping traf� c, includ-ing Alaska oil tankers, and are at “very high risk” of an incident.

Of course that “very high risk” should be seen in the B.C. context, where there has never been a serious oil spill at sea in a century of continuous petroleum shipping.

The report calls for potential pol-luters to show they are prepared for a “worst case” discharge like the 1989 Exxon Valdez grounding in Alaska. It tells Ottawa the Canadian Coast Guard must be properly funded to serve as incident command.

Oliver recounted efforts made so far, including annual tanker inspec-tions, increased aerial surveillance and marine markers. And he reminded his audience that Canada’s only energy ex-port customer, the U.S., is about to sur-pass Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest petroleum producer.

The second federal report was from

Doug Eyford, a lawyer who has been meeting for months with aboriginal communities in northern B.C. and Al-berta.

He found, as Enbridge has report-ed, that many aboriginal communities are working with energy producers to get the economic activity they so des-perately need. (Most urban people likely don’t believe this, because the con� ict-addicted media report most-ly protests.)

Eyford’s report is no whitewash either. It reminds Ottawa that B.C.’s unresolved aboriginal title and a gen-eral lack of trust of both the energy in-dustry and the federal government are key obstacles to the largest economic opportunity in the world today, the rise of Asia.

Eyford was dealing with the profu-sion of gas pipeline projects that are set to cross northern B.C., as well as the Enbridge and Kinder Morgan Canada oil proposals. The entrenched opposi-tion is against oil, particularly heavy oil in tankers.

Politics and protesters aside, these are the facts for B.C. The prosperous provinces in Canada today are Alber-ta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland, based mainly on energy development. The rest are struggling.

B.C. continues to lose skilled work-ers to Alberta, where oil sands devel-opment continues to expand despite the continuing chorus of U.S.-� nanced misrepresentation of its environmental impact.

It’s a key moment in Canadian his-tory. This is where we see if we can go beyond our status as a client state of the U.S.

This year’s B.C. election, where pandering to urban protest back� red on the NDP,  suggests  a new serious-ness in the public mood.

More people understand today that our comfortable modern society with free-access health care is a fragile thing. We have it better than most of the world, for now.

Tom Fletcher is B.C. legislature re-porter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tom� etcherbc Email: t� [email protected]

To the editor;The BC Coroners Service would like to clarify

some of the issues which have recently arisen about body transport and coroner services in the North Thompson area.

Coroner services for the North Thompson area have traditionally been provided by coroners based near Kamloops. These coroners rotate to ensure ser-vices are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for Kamloops and surrounding communities. It is nei-ther feasible nor desirable that one coroner be situ-ated in the North Thompson area given the small number of deaths requiring coroner services and the necessity for that individual to be on call 24/7/365.

With respect to body transport, the BC Coroners Service is a publicly funded agency and, like all other branches of government, is required to provide its services in the most ef� cient and effective way pos-sible. With this in mind, the Coroners Service earlier this year issued a competitive bid proposal for body

transport services in a number of areas of the prov-ince, one of which included North Thompson. The winning bidder was required to be able to attend all scenes within the area within 90 minutes, which is the standard requirement for transport services in rural and remote areas.

The company that won the bid, C. Thompson & Sons, has been meeting those guidelines consistently, and its employees have been dealing with deceased persons and their families with the dignity and re-spect that we expect from all our contractors. We note we have received no complaints about delay or the performance of the contractor in regards to cases in the Barriere-Clearwater area.

We look forward to continuing to provide profes-sional and ef� cient death investigation services in the North Thompson area.Larry MarzinzikRegional Coroner Interior RegionBC Coroners Service

Coroners Service replies to body removal concerns

Al KirkwoodPublisher

Jill HaywardEditor

Margaret HoubenOffice Clerk

Lisa QuidingProduction

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A5

To the editor;Following a series

of inaccurate media re-ports centered around Canfor Corporation’s (TSX:CFP) recent joint venture announcement in China, the organiza-tion is issuing a state-ment. 

Canfor Corporation President and CEO Don Kayne responded to the reports saying, “a small number of media outlets in Brit-ish Columbia have ran factually incorrect reports about the re-cent announcement of our joint venture with Tangshan Caofeidian Wood Industry. Speci� -cally, reports that this initiative will mean that Canfor will be export-ing raw logs to China are completely inaccu-rate, as are suggestions that the announcement is connected to the clo-sure of our Quesnel fa-cility.” 

Setting the record straight:

- Canfor does not export raw logs. All ex-ports from our Cana-dian and US facilities are shipped as manu-

factured lumber, pulp and paper. 

- The closure of our Quesnel facility was necessary due to a lack of available � bre owing to the mountain pine beetle epidemic in the region. The facility was pro� table and would have continued operat-ing as such had we had suf� cient � bre to supply the mill. 

- The proposed facil-ity in Caofeidian will be a secondary manufac-turing operation that will custom cut our lumber into speci� c di-mensions for individual customers on an on-demand basis. This is work that must be done in-market. 

- Logs from the B.C.

interior will not be processed at the Cao-feidian facility, and the facility is in no way intended to undertake work that is being done or could be done in our Quesnel mill or any of Canfor’s other facili-ties. 

- In fact, we are en-tering into a supply agreement with the new facility, which will en-sure that � nished lum-ber from BC continues to � ow to China. By partnering with the fa-cility Canfor can build on our current mar-ket share and not al-low species from other countries to service the secondary industry in China. Canfor Corporation

More independent forest companies wanted in B.C.

To the editor;In the Fall issue of Truck Logger, Dwight Yochim stated that continued consolidation of the for-

est companies in B.C. was not in the best interests of either the people of B.C. nor the forest industry contractors. Right on; they are in no one’s best interests! Dwight also suggested that any one company should be restricted from owning more than 20 per cent of the AAC in any region. Dwight’s suggestion is in the right direction but his percentage is not even close to what it should be; rather it should be � ve per cent as per the proposal below.

Senior Ministry people, led by Mr. Thomson, have just met with the senior forest industry reps to garner their views on this matter; and, very disappointingly but all too likely, to garner information as to just how their upcoming new discussion paper should be worded!

It is all too obvious that West Fraser and Canfor, via their proposed tenure trades and consolida-tion of same, are already advantageously positioning themselves for the tenure rollover – which they strongly favor.    However, some companies are not so anxious to move ahead on this.

The public are de� nitely not in favor of the government’s proposal, and it is mystifying me why both the Ministry (directed by Christy Clark) and these large forest companies are.  Christy did issue con-� icting directions to Steve Thomson in her Ministry Directives, wherein she simultaneously directed him to proceed with the Tenure rollover and to strongly position the government in preparation for the upcoming SLA discussions/negotiations.

If the tenure rollover occurs, the U.S.will go ballistic and nail us to the cross in the next SLA negotia-tions, as such rollovers will give ever more control to the forest industry.

However, there is a way out of this dilemma.  If the government and the forest industry give the pub-lic something in return for agreeing to roll-over the volume based tenures it could work.  Here’s how:

In exchange for the rollover privilege the forest industry gives back a portion of the AAC so that the subsequent AAC allocation picture in B.C. looks like this:Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%)  Forest Companies:      TFLs  50%Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45% Licences

BCTS’s allocation would be devolved to the communities and woodlot licensees. In addition, no company would be allowed to hold more than 50 per cent of the AAC in any TSA

nor would the accumulated AAC of any company be more than � ve per cent of the provincial AAC.  These caveats would help ensure there was reasonable competition for the publicly held timber in local areas and, in the worst case scenario, there would be at least 20 independent forest companies in B.C.

 Continued consolidation of the forest companies is not in the best interests of the people of B.C.  When the forest companies state that they need to be big to be globally competitive, my response is – go for it; get as big as you want.  The above caveats put absolutely no restrictions on how big you may, or want, to be.   Your growth into a global giant just must be supported by the purchase and/or consolida-tion of companies or tenures outside of B.C., which many of you are already doing.

 The U.S. has long stated that for the Countervail duty to disappear, B.C. must sell at least 50 per cent of its wood on a truly competitive basis. The above proposal does just that.     Further consolidat-ing B.C.’s forest company AAC allocations will not – so why hesitate?   Any entity, be it the B.C. gov-ernment or the forest companies, that complain about the current SLA agreement (and I agree it is a bad one) can only expect a crying towel in return.   It is the forest industrys’ and the B.C .government’s fault for the current agreement and they can, and certainly should, position themselves to change it.

These proposals, supported by extensive rationale statements, have all been submitted to the govern-ment.  Hopefully they will be given respectful consideration – at least equal to that given to the forest industry.Fred Marshall RPF P.Ag. Cert.Arb., Marshall Forestry ServicesGreenwood, B.C.

Forest Companies:      TFLs  50%Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%

BCTS’s allocation would be devolved to the communities and woodlot licensees.

Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%)  Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%)  Forest Companies:      TFLs  50%Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%

Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%) 

Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45% LicencesNations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%

BCTS’s allocation would be devolved to the communities and woodlot licensees.

Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%) 

Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Forest Companies:      TFLs  50%Entity               Tenure Type BC AAC allocation (%) 

Communities, First Woodlot Licences  5%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%Nations & Individuals TFLs, CFL/Woodland 45%

BCTS’s allocation would be devolved to the communities and woodlot licensees.

Students bring joy to the seasonSeveral Barriere Elementary School students were on hand to perform a short Christmas skit and sing several Christmas songs for those attending the free Community Christmas Lunch held at the Christian Life Assembly Church on Monday, Dec. 9.

Statement from Canfor

STAR/JOURNAL photo: Margaret Houben

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HOT CHOCOLATE & COOKIES • 1 - 4:30pmInterior Savings Credit Union


starts at 5pm - Homemade Soup & Buns- by donation for Food Bank

CHRISTMAS WRAPPING by NT Funeral to be done in office next to IDA

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BREAKFAST WITH SANTA - DEC. 14Barriere Lions Hall 10am - 1pm

6th AnnuAl

Dec. 14, 10am-1pm • Lions HallHosted by Success By 6, Aboriginal Engagement Success By 6

and Barriere Lions Club

Breakfast & Crafts 10am to 12:30pmPictures with Santa 10:30am-11:15am & 11:45am-12:30pm

Admission donation. Monetary - proceeds to Success By 6Food items - for Barriere Food Bank

A6 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

“E” Division R.C.M.P. Traf� c Services

Police of� cers often deal with the aftermath of horrible crashes, and the impact those crashes have on grieving loved ones. Whether it is a fatal or se-rious injury collision the life altering consequences to the families involved is immeasurable. What is missed by the impaired driver is the lifelong burden that families will have to endure as the result of their stupid and irresponsible decision.    

  “We don’t call these accidents,” says Corpo-ral Robert McDonald, spokesperson for RCMP Traf� c Services. “There’s nothing accidental when someone makes the decision to get behind the wheel when they are impaired.” Sadly too many people in this province still don’t grasp the gravity of im-paired driving. That’s the conclusion of the BC RCMP Traf� c members, who recently shared true stories of impaired drivers they have dealt with dur-ing their careers.

We hope that by sharing these alarming stories, early in the Counter Attack season, will provide an extra incentive for people to � nd alternate ways of getting home, such as public transit, cabs or a desig-nated driver,” says Cpl. McDonald

 “Please, take time to consider your actions. You don’t want to be on this list next year, or worse, on the list of people that have killed or seriously in-jured someone as the result of being impaired.  In possession of all his ‘facilities’

  The suspect’s defense lawyer in an impaired driving trial asked a Traf� c police of� cer who was testifying in a packed courtroom, if he’d provided his client with an opportunity to use the facilities. When the police of� cer tried to be discreet in his an-swer, the judge instead instructed him to offer a full description. The police of� cer then described how the defendant had to use the wall to steady himself, but swayed so much that he urinated on two differ-ent urinals and the wall. When the laughter in the courtroom died down the defense lawyer simply said, “No more questions your honour.” Should have listened to his wife

A traf� c team was working on a roadblock on the Lougheed Highway. A van pulled up with a male driver, who smelled of liquor. Police admin-istered an Approved Screening Device (ASD) test, and the driver blew a FAIL. As the traf� c of� cer was explaining the process to the driver, a woman in a taxi claiming to be his wife showed up. However, the man was alone in his van, and had not made any calls while police were dealing with him. The

mystery was solved when the woman told the traf� c of� cer she had been with her husband at a party. She then said to her husband, “I told you that you had drunk too much, and to take the taxi with me!”Burning up

One recent Halloween night in the Lower Main-land, a driver sat intoxicated in his car, while his vehicle’s engine burned. The public tried to help him before police showed up, but the driver was too intoxicated to realize the danger and refused to exit his car. Members of the public stepped in – at their own risk, to pull the driver from the vehicle. When police arrived the driver was too intoxicated to blow. Nonetheless he was charged with Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle While Impaired, and the public who assisted him were given a police commendation.Is this the highway?

A constable was sitting in his marked police car pulled over on the shoulder of Highway 99, north of Squamish.  A vehicle pulled up beside him in the slow lane, and the driver stopped, rolled down her passenger window, asked the constable where the highway was. The constable asked her to pull in front of his police car, and the driver again asked where the highway was, and stated she was trying to get from Vancouver to Squamish. She had just driven over 20 kms northbound on the highway, looking for the highway, and a town she had al-ready passed.Warning didn’t do much

A male driver pulled up to a roadblock, and was cocky and nonchalant about the check, despite hav-ing the odor of liquor on his breath. Police adminis-tered an ASD test, and the driver blew a FAIL. The driver was then offered a second ASD test, and blew a second FAIL. Upon learning about the FAIL re-sults (seizing driver’s license, 90-day driving prohibi-tion, vehicle impoundment) the driver became very irate, and let loose with a barrage of insults. The last thing he said before getting in his taxi was that he was going to � ght the IRP and win. His reason… apparently last week he had also been drinking, but had only blown a WARN. As it transpired, he had been issued a three day driving prohibition just six days earlier by another member of the same Traf� c team.

Across B.C. the RCMP will be out in full force at Counter Attack road checks this holiday season, looking for drivers under the in� uence of alcohol or drugs. Police encourage everyone to make a plan before they head out to holiday festivities.

“Did you hear about the driver who….?”Police of� cers often deal with the aftermath of

Lions for literacyThe Barriere Lion’s Club Annual Book Fair annually raises funds to

promote literacy within the area. Pictured is Lion’s Club president,

Len vanNieuwkerk, presenting a cheque for $500, realized from this

year’s event, to Barriere and Area Literacy Outreach coordinator Jill

Hayward. Hayward says the Lion’s Club are “...consistent supporters

of learning and literacy within the area, and we very much appreci-

ate their continued efforts to improve the social wellbeing of our


STAR/JOURNAL photo: Margaret Houben

“E” Division R.C.M.P. Traf� c Services

With the holiday season upon us RCMP of� cers from across the British Columbia took part in a Counter Attack impaired driving blitz to help reduce the impact of impaired driving on our roadways – and were disappointed by the re-sults.

On Dec. 7, of� cers from 97 detachments in British Columbia checked 32, 877 vehicles across the province. Despite the public-ity of the event, and education of the dangers of impaired driv-ing, too many drivers still chose to get behind the wheel of their vehicle after consuming drugs or alcoholic beverages.  

Across the province, pre-

liminary results from the blitz included:

• 5 Impaired Driving charg-es under the Criminal Code of Canada

• 104 90-days Immediate Road Side Prohibitions with 30 vehicles impounded

• 94 warn results with either 3/7/30 day Immediate Road Side Prohibitions

• 17 Roadside suspensions for Drugs

  “Impaired  driving acci-dents are 100 per cent prevent-able.    All people have to do is to plan ahead before consum-ing alcohol, it’s not hard  - if you drink don’t drive,” Cpl Mc Donald “E” Division Traf� c Services says. “Driving while impaired is simply not accept-

able, and it is not worth hurt-ing innocent people or yourself. Plan ahead, arrive home safely and everyone will be able to have a happy holiday season with friends and family.”

The RCMP in British Co-lumbia will be out in force during the holidays target-ing Impaired Drivers. We will continue to work with our key partners such as ICBC, BCAA, MADD and Operation Red Nose to educate the motoring public of the dangers of im-paired driving.

We want everyone to enjoy the festive season, and to police themselves when it comes to consuming alcohol, but if they can’t the police will be there to do it for them.

RCMP disappointed by results of 2013 Counter Attack blitz night

With the holiday season

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Citizen of the Year BanquetAl Fortin

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$18 each

Barriere legion Hall (downstairs)681 Shaver Road, Barriere, BC

tickets available at the Star/Journal, Barriere legion and insight tire or call 250-672-5611 for info

North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A7

North Thompson Star/Journal

 Hear ye, hear ye!

An Old Fashioned Christmas, brought to you by the Thompson Valley Players will be happening at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere this Saturday, Dec. 14.  The doors open at 6 p.m., and the Grade Seven Fundraisers will be offering a conces-sion until show time at 6:30 p.m., and then again at intermission. 

The show will be approximately two hours long and is jam-packed with lots of local entertain-ment. Some of the featured entertain-ers include;    Brittany Waite, Seanna Arm-strong,  Jessica Kenne-dy, Gordie West, Gary Pfeifer, Leah Pepper Jones with some of the Community Cho-rus, the Red Hat La-dies,  and of course skits from the Thomp-son Valley Players.  There will also be special guest appear-ances by Santa Claus, Mrs. Clause, and it is rumoured  that the  grumpy old Grin-ch may stop by and try to  crash the party (but we are told Santa and the elves  promise they’ll make him  be-have).

Dan Sweetnam has been working with the junior TV Players and will be hosting the eve-nings event, and Dan promises the audience that they won’t be dis-appointed!

Admission to An

Old Fashioned Christ-mas is only a toonie, with no charge for children under six. The group is also col-lecting items for the food bank if anyone would like to donate. 

So bring the whole family and join the TV Players in a festive

night of carols, re� ec-tion and good old traditional Christmas fun. 

And don’t forget Breakfast With Santa earlier in the day on Dec. 14, at the Barri-ere Lions Hall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Santa is the special guest of

Success By Six at this event, and afterwards he’ll have a good af-ternoon nap and a run with the reindeers be-fore he pops in to the Old Fashioned Christ-mas variety show.

Join Santa in Barri-ere on Dec. 14, at these two great events!

For The Record:

The photograph on page 6 of our Dec. 5, 2013, edi-tion, incorrectly identi� ed Ambas-sador Jenna Zi-etsov in the photo. We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.

Enjoy An Old FashionedChristmas with TV Players

Hear ye, hear ye!

GRADE 8EFFORT HONOUR ROLLBlaine ChantlerChant CopleySakwuwa Dunstan-StanyerGeri-Lee GenierAaron HernandezDawson HuberKathleen JanisDarrell JulesMadison KerslakeBraeden KrauseWyatt MacLarenKatelyn PalmerKatherine PelayoTyler SchillingLauren TremblaySheldon VansickleSammy-Jo Williams

MERIT HONOUR ROLLBlaine ChantlerDawson HuberGeoffrey KoesterDakota McBride

ACHIEVEMENT HONOUR ROLLChant CopleyIsaiah DucharmeSakwuwa Dunstan-StanyerGeri-Lee GenierAaron HernandezKathleen JanisDarrell JulesBraeden KrauseWyatt MacLarenWilliam NobleKatelyn PalmerAndre ParentDaymon ParishKatherine PelayoLauren TremblaySheldon VansickleSammy-Jo Williams

HONOURS WITH DISTINCTIONMadison KerslakeTyler Schilling

GRADE 9EFFORT HONOUR ROLLHannah BatkeRichard CelestaMegan EnglishKiera EustacheOwen HawkingsTristan HoltFelecia HuffmanDylan Huitema-HarrieJenelle JanisJustin LampreauNicholas McInnesLyric McLeish-BrownLeanna MitchellRandi NelsonDustin PawloffKathleen PilatzkeDanny PurchaSara-Kate SmithSerena SteelIvanna VilleneuveTy Waite

MERIT HONOUR ROLLHannah BatkeTristan BrackmanAlly DunnMegan EnglishOwen HawkingsTristan HoltFelecia HuffmanDylan Huitema-HarrieJustin LampreauMatthew Lee

Nicholas McInnesDanny PurchaDustin Pawloff

ACHIEVEMENT HONOUR ROLLJenelle JanisLyric McLeish-BrownRandi Nelson

HONOURS WITH DISTINCTIONKiera EustacheLeanna MitchellKathleen PilatzkeSara-Kate SmithSerena Steel

GRADE 10EFFORT HONOUR ROLLVanessa BalattiAnthony BatkeChale BoyceFlora CopleyKelley DionneKobe EwashinaHannah FellerAriel FennellBreann FischerKonnor GravesRiley HawsJenessa JonesChelsea LloydJillian McInnesJacob PetersonWill SheldrickKera SulinGarrett TremblayChelsea Wilson

MERIT HONOUR ROLLVanessa BalattiAnthony BatkeJack GreenwellEmillie NystorukDJ RempelCarter Rudd

ACHIEVEMENT HONOUR ROLLChale BoyceHannah FellerAriel FennellBreann FischerRiley HawsJenessa JonesChelsea LloydWill SheldrickKera Sulin

HONOURS WITH DISTINCTIONFlora CopleyJillian McInnesJacob PetersonGarrett Tremblay

GRADE 11EFFORT HONOUR ROLLCarlea DunnAshley FitgerChad GartnerTravis GreenallTaryn HoweCarter KrauseJordan LeFeuvreTalyse LyonsNatasha McInnesScott NelsonAlexander PetersonJessie Proulx

MERIT HONOUR ROLLTravis GreenallSadie LawrenceJordan LeFeuvreNatasha McInnesScott NelsonAlexander Peterson


GRADE 12EFFORT HONOUR ROLLAmanda BeddingtonConnor BoothChloe BurtonBraeden ChambersCrystal ColliganRussell DanaAlex ElaschukChelsey FischerNicole HuberDrew JohnsonIndigo JohnsonKia JulesCora MacLarenAlex McDonaldVictoria McInnesCurtis PilatzkeEmma SchillingJustin VogelMillie Whitehead

MERIT HONOUR ROLLAmanda BeddingtonBrycen ChambersRussell DanaLinda Lampreau

ACHIEVEMENT HONOUR ROLLSelina AllenConnor BoothBraeden ChambersCrystal ColliganChelsey FischerNicole HuberDrew JohnsonIndigo JohnsonKia JulesCora MacLaren

Victoria McInnesCurtis PilatzkeEmma Schilling

HONOURS WITH DISTINCTIONChloe BurtonMillie Whitehead

Barriere Secondary Honour Roll 2013-14 • Semester 1 Term 1

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1ST TERM 2013/2014 GRadE 4 EffoRT: Breanna HernandezDezi KellerKendra RutschkeBecky BradleyJake BradleyAlex CoughlinConnor FarrowKatelyn GilesMacky JacksonHannah KershawTanner LoewenEmma PedersonGarner RansomeSpencer SchillingTanner SchillingAlice SchnelzerKaden VanNieuwkerkGRadE 5 EffoRT: Raymond BroereAdam GordonPax GregoryTy HartmanEmma LassiBrittany BairdThompson MitchellAngela RutschkeAlexandra UnderhillGRadE 6 EffoRT: Meghan BalattiBrendon ChrystallJulie Hendriks

Taylor JohnsonMackenzie RansomeHalle SmithSummer StonehouseMonica LeeDesiree AndersonCam KerslakeHayden LoewenTyson SchillingGRadE 6 acadEMic:Julie HendriksMonica LeeMacKenzie RansomeHalle SmithSummer StonehouseAaron VanSickleDesiree AndersonCam KerslakeTyson SchillingGRadE 7 EffoRT: Meghan BoothBrooke HartmanSami JonesLane RobinsonIrene BeetonKamryn CousinsTaylynn EustacheEmma HamblinPam LeFeuvreKatie McInnesZarina MitchellCassie Pedersen

Rebecca QuidingBrittany WaiteGRadE 7 acadEMic: Brooke HartmanSami JonesLane RobinsonDaniel StonehouseKamryn CousinsTaylynn EustacheEmma HamblinKatie McInnesCassie PedersenRebecca QuidingPERfEcT aTTEndancE:Hailey MackCameron SalleAbby RilcoeChristopher FriskTravis HigdonRachel VeitchJake BradleyAshton SaundersPax GregoryAaron VanSickleRaiden VeitchMatlock BrownPamela LeFeuvreTaylynn EustacheTaytem JacksonKayla KennedyJacob Jensen

Academic & Effort Honour Roll

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A8 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

By Margaret HoubenNorth Thompson Star/Journal

The majority of the Dec. 2, District of Barriere Council Meeting was spent listening to reports on various projects.

The Barriere 100th Anniversary commit-tee reported on the status of their fund-raising, and on their vision of how cele-brations will progress during 2014.   The grant for the splash pad has been sub-mitted and they are awaiting word on whether or not it was successful.  

The next fundrais-ing community event that is being planned will be for the Fam-ily   Day long week-end in February.   On the evening of Sun-day, Feb. 9, the com-mittee will partner

with Success By Six (SB6) to host a Fam-ily Fun Pajama Party Night, to be held at the Ridge.   It will be an entry by donation event with the pro-ceeds being shared between SB6 and the splash pad.   It will consist of activities for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, older kids and even parents and grandparents.  In the gym will be a bouncy castle and an area for dancing (DJ services), while in other rooms there will be a concession, crafts with princesses and Elmo, face paint-ing, a cake walk, massages for parents, some home based business promotion, tea party, parent re-treat and more.

The committee also asked for council to consider budgeting some money for some

promotional materi-als such as pins or hats.   Council mem-bers passed a motion to spend the $1,500 remaining in the council grant fund for this.

CAO Colleen Hannigan reported on several items.  The recent free seniors workshops on care-givers were such a hit that they will be repeated in either January or Febru-ary.   They will be advertised as soon as the dates are set.

The work at the HY Louie building is progressing nice-ly.   An engineering report on the struc-ture as to whether it will support the proposed new roof is needed.   This will be done immediately, with council passing a motion to pay for the cost of this (approx

$2,500-$3,000) from Gas Tax Reserves.

During the pub-lic enquiries portion of the meeting, resi-dent Barry Thorne asked several ques-tions.  One was when will residents be told what the water rates will be.   Council ad-vised that they will be voting on the � rst readings of the bylaw at the December 16 council meeting.

Another question was, “When will resi-dents be able to start hooking up to the new sewer system”?  

Council replied that the sewer sys-tem itself will have to have been completed and tested before they can accept any sewage, so it will not happen before the fall of 2014.

The next council meeting will be on Dec. 16, at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Debbie Cruzelle

The Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called the Memory Tree) was � rst placed in the Barriere library in December of 2009.

Prior to 2009, area resident Bonnie Cruzelle-Myram had been remembering her departed loved ones at this time of year through the Kam-loops Hospice Society. Bonnie got to thinking, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to remember cherished loved ones in our own community, and at the same time the Barriere Hospice Society could bene� t from any donations that would be made in their memory. She approached Drake Smith of the North Thompson Funeral Services and asked if he would like to help with her plan, and he graciously agreed.

Bonnie passed away in 2012 at the Marjory Willoughby Hospice in Kamloops. The family was very grateful that they were able to be with Bonnie, and have the caring staff and doctors at the hospice care for her at a dif� cult time. During one of Bonnie’s many long talks with her family, she made a request that the Angel Hospice Tree in Barriere be ongoing. She felt it would be a dream come true if this valley could have a Hos-pice House of its own, a place where our loved ones could be during their time of need.

The Angel Hospice Tree is once again stand-ing in the Barriere Library, and waiting to be covered in angels with our departed loved ones names on them.

Anyone can stop in at the Library, write the name of a loved one onto a paper angel (as pro-vided), and hang the angel onto the Angel Hos-pice Tree. There is a donation box as well, and every dollar donated will go to a Hospice House in the valley.

This tradition will be continued on in years to come as Bonnie wished. With our community spirit being as strong as it is, it will not be long before the North Thompson Valley will have a Hospice House of its very own.

Happy Holidays to all.

Angel Tree at the libraryThe Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called

The Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called the Memory Tree) is waiting at the Barriere Library where area residents can write the names of their departed loved ones onto an angel to be hung on the tree.

Submitted photo:

Council grants $1,500 for splash pad fundraiser promotional materials

The majority of

Good Dog Obedience Classes for dogs 6 months and older start Sunday, January 5, 2014 6 week course • 1 p.m. • Fall Fair Hall To register call: Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023









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There is increasing evidence that shows that brain changes leading to dementia occur decades before the actual symptoms appear. This means that early diagnosis of dementia is very important. There are many on-line tests available to test you for Alzheimers and dementia symptoms. These are not reliable. your best resource is your doctor.

Winter air travel can be painful. Airplane ear, is a full, sometimes painful feeling in the ear as the plane takes off or lands. It often happens in winter when people have colds. Using a nasal decongestant spray a half hour before take-off can help. Don’t sleep during take-off and landing and try yawning to clear the ears or try pinching the nostrils and blow. It can help equalize the pressures in your head.

The holidays seem to encourage more alcohol consumption. One good rule to follow at social events is to drink tow non-alcoholic drinks to one alcoholic drink. The extra fluid might make you feel fuller and you may eat less as well.

Pharmacists are often asked if they can have a glass of wine or a beer with their medication. There are some medications in which alcohol would be totally prohibited. We will ensure you know what cautions to observe when taking your medication. So you might be able to enjoy that glass of wine after all.

You can trust the information our pharmacists give you about the drugs you are taking. Education of our customers is a job we take seriously. Let us serve your pharmacy needs soon.

North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A9

Rural table wants BC Hydro to come in out of the cold

The Barriere an-nual Christmas parade was great. Despite the bitter cold on Friday night a good number of residents came out to cheer on the parade, enjoy the � re provided by Councillor Ker-shaw, sing some carols, eat some hotdogs and hamburgers cooked up by the Grade 7 class, and last but not least have a visit with Santa.

Councillor Kershaw got the big tree light up to happen and said a few words on behalf of the district. My per-sonal thanks go out to Councillor Kershaw and to Santa for taking the time to drop in and help out.

Recently the dis-trict received a copy of a letter sent by Dag Sharman, Community Relations Manager at BC Hydro to Minister Terry Lake, responding to Minister Lake’s let-ter around the power supply to the North Thompson Valley.

In the letter Mr. Sharman mentions that the reliability of the power supply here in the valley is below the provincial average. Mr. Sharman goes on to say that B.C. Hydro must balance the needs of all BC Hydro customers in determining the alloca-tion of capital resourc-es and the resultant impact on customer

rates. Mr. Sharman also touches on the possibil-ity that an increase to the available capacity is being studied.

So, is BC Hydro saying that providing reliable hydro power at a capacity level that will not only reliably service the current needs of the residents, but one that will allow for the future growth our rural communities need to survive is not as important as build-ing an additional ser-vice to areas like the Lower Mainland?

The Lower Main-land has natural gas as an alternative power supply for things like heat. Heat is a good thing in the winter. The Lower Mainland also has a number of hos-pitals and homes for seniors.

Here in the valley we are participating in the provincial health plan and encouraging our seniors to stay in their homes as long as they can. We want them to be close to family and friends in their sunset years.

It appears though that when the power goes out, which it does regularly, the sun is about the only thing that will be heating their homes. Remem-ber here, almost all heating units require hydro power to oper-

ate some portion of the system.

I would hate to think of the fall out in public opinion towards BC Hydro if there is a power outage and we � nd a senior frozen in their home clutch-ing their recent hydro bill, trying to phone the outage number on their cordless phone that won’t work when the power is out.

Perhaps we will � nd a senior stuck to the ice on the walkway to the woodshed after they have fallen trying to get � rewood. Their fam-ily thought they had things arranged when they bought that alarm that calls when the se-nior falls. Little did they know the alarm needs power to stay charged so it can make the call when the senior cannot.

About that time it would look like we should have bundled gramps or grandma off to the seniors home in the city so they can live out their days with a bunch of strangers after having to give away their dog and say-

ing goodbye to all their friends and neighbours that they have known over a lifetime in our rural community.

To add to the joy, we can bundle the kids up and get out on the highway to see if we can survive another trip to town for a visit.

If we survive the frustrated drivers pass-ing on blind corners, and the trucks trying to run us over, we can all enjoy visiting with our loved ones and hear how much they like their cell, I mean room.

The fact that Min-ister Lake is still try-ing to get BC Hydro to come to the table and seek a solution gives me some hope.

Rural communities are an important part of the economy here in B.C., and need sup-port to prosper and grow. Both of our local MLA’s, Ministers Lake and Stone, have been working on solutions to the problems.

There is a solu-tion to every problem. Working together we can � nd the answers.

As the Mayor

sees it...with

District of Barriere Mayor

Bill Humphreys

North Thompson Star/Journal

Well, it’s a go! For those of you who would like to do a little caroling, or those who would just like to listen to some carols; come to the Barriere Bandshell at Fadear Park on Dec. 20, at 6 p.m. There you will � nd a group of enthusiastic fellow Barrierites, hap-pily caroling away the evening.

We will sing a wide variety of carols from 6 to 7 p.m., with some goodies to follow. We’ll put out a few of the benches, just in case some of you need to sit, or you can bring your own lawn chair. Dress warmly; it is winter, after all, and ‘baby it’s cold out-side’!

The goodies will include hot chocolate, for those needing a little warm-up, as well as some homemade cookies... and these will be free.

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and in the singing, too. Song sheets will be provided, but if lots of people turn out you may have to share. Mind you, most of you will know the words to many of the songs. If you’d like more information, contact Margaret Houben at 250-672-9330 (evenings).

Carol sing along at Bandshell on Friday, Dec. 20

Well, it’s a go! For those of you who would like to

Free Christmas lunchThe free Community Christmas Lunch at the Christian Life Assembly Church on Dec. 9 was another great success.  Plenty of good food served up by volunteers and the Barriere Lion’s Club, numerous door prizes, great company and seasonal entertainment from Barriere Elementary School students.

STAR/JOURNAL photo: Margaret Houben

A8 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

By Margaret HoubenNorth Thompson Star/Journal

The majority of the Dec. 2, District of Barriere Council Meeting was spent listening to reports on various projects.

The Barriere 100th Anniversary commit-tee reported on the status of their fund-raising, and on their vision of how cele-brations will progress during 2014.   The grant for the splash pad has been sub-mitted and they are awaiting word on whether or not it was successful.  

The next fundrais-ing community event that is being planned will be for the Fam-ily   Day long week-end in February.   On the evening of Sun-day, Feb. 9, the com-mittee will partner

with Success By Six (SB6) to host a Fam-ily Fun Pajama Party Night, to be held at the Ridge.   It will be an entry by donation event with the pro-ceeds being shared between SB6 and the splash pad.   It will consist of activities for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, older kids and even parents and grandparents.  In the gym will be a bouncy castle and an area for dancing (DJ services), while in other rooms there will be a concession, crafts with princesses and Elmo, face paint-ing, a cake walk, massages for parents, some home based business promotion, tea party, parent re-treat and more.

The committee also asked for council to consider budgeting some money for some

promotional materi-als such as pins or hats.   Council mem-bers passed a motion to spend the $1,500 remaining in the council grant fund for this.

CAO Colleen Hannigan reported on several items.  The recent free seniors workshops on care-givers were such a hit that they will be repeated in either January or Febru-ary.   They will be advertised as soon as the dates are set.

The work at the HY Louie building is progressing nice-ly.   An engineering report on the struc-ture as to whether it will support the proposed new roof is needed.   This will be done immediately, with council passing a motion to pay for the cost of this (approx

$2,500-$3,000) from Gas Tax Reserves.

During the pub-lic enquiries portion of the meeting, resi-dent Barry Thorne asked several ques-tions.  One was when will residents be told what the water rates will be.   Council ad-vised that they will be voting on the � rst readings of the bylaw at the December 16 council meeting.

Another question was, “When will resi-dents be able to start hooking up to the new sewer system”?  

Council replied that the sewer sys-tem itself will have to have been completed and tested before they can accept any sewage, so it will not happen before the fall of 2014.

The next council meeting will be on Dec. 16, at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Debbie Cruzelle

The Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called the Memory Tree) was � rst placed in the Barriere library in December of 2009.

Prior to 2009, area resident Bonnie Cruzelle-Myram had been remembering her departed loved ones at this time of year through the Kam-loops Hospice Society. Bonnie got to thinking, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to remember cherished loved ones in our own community, and at the same time the Barriere Hospice Society could bene� t from any donations that would be made in their memory. She approached Drake Smith of the North Thompson Funeral Services and asked if he would like to help with her plan, and he graciously agreed.

Bonnie passed away in 2012 at the Marjory Willoughby Hospice in Kamloops. The family was very grateful that they were able to be with Bonnie, and have the caring staff and doctors at the hospice care for her at a dif� cult time. During one of Bonnie’s many long talks with her family, she made a request that the Angel Hospice Tree in Barriere be ongoing. She felt it would be a dream come true if this valley could have a Hos-pice House of its own, a place where our loved ones could be during their time of need.

The Angel Hospice Tree is once again stand-ing in the Barriere Library, and waiting to be covered in angels with our departed loved ones names on them.

Anyone can stop in at the Library, write the name of a loved one onto a paper angel (as pro-vided), and hang the angel onto the Angel Hos-pice Tree. There is a donation box as well, and every dollar donated will go to a Hospice House in the valley.

This tradition will be continued on in years to come as Bonnie wished. With our community spirit being as strong as it is, it will not be long before the North Thompson Valley will have a Hospice House of its very own.

Happy Holidays to all.

Angel Tree at the libraryThe Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called

The Angel Hospice Tree (sometimes called the Memory Tree) is waiting at the Barriere Library where area residents can write the names of their departed loved ones onto an angel to be hung on the tree.

Submitted photo:

Council grants $1,500 for splash pad fundraiser promotional materials

The majority of

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A Holiday Heads Up

District of Barriere Informal Budget Open House

Dec 16, 2013 from 4-7pm at the Ridge, 4936 Barriere Town Rd

Please drop in at your convenience

A10 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

Check out the Winter Farmer’s Market this SaturdayWinter Farmer’s Markets will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14 and 21, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Sam’s Pizza and Rib House in Barriere. Vendors offer honey, jams and jellies, baking, wool, crafts, meats, vegetables, eggs and more. Pictured (l-r) at the Nov. 30 market are vendors Bernie Kershaw, Melanie Stutt and her baby boy, Harvest, Cindy Stutt, and customer Maureen Chester.

STAR/JOURNAL photo: Jill Hayward

Royal Bank celebrates 50 years

Photos by Keith McNeill

(Above)  Representatives from Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital accept a $25,000 cheque from the RBC Foundation during the 50th anniversary celebrations held Nov. 27, for Royal Bank’s Clearwater operations. Pictured are (l-r) Berni Easson, CIHS administrator for Barriere, Blue River, Clearwater and Merritt; Dr. Steven Broadbent, physician; Lorelei Rogers, nurse lead-er; Pearl Broswick, X-Ray technician; Brooke Kopetski, laboratory technician; Margot Venema, administrative assistant; Christie Dobi, RBC branch manager; and Ryan Krisko, RBC commer-cial account manager. The money will be used to buy equipment for the hospital.

(Below)  Bob and Joan Mumford of Little Fort attend the 50th anniversary festivities for Clearwater’s Royal Bank. They had a special reason for being there. In 1963, Joan had her � rst job at the newly opened Royal Bank in Vanderhoof. As in Clearwater, business there had begun a few months earlier in a trailer. A client – young, hard-working Bob Mumford – soon caught her eye. Three happy histories have followed: a long-lasting marriage, and ef� cient banking service in two deserving and appreciative communities.

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North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A11

Christmas Parade scrapbook

STAR/JOURNAL photo: Margaret Houben

The Annual Christmas Parade in Barriere was cold but full of fun. Pictured: Top left - Santa Claus meets MC Dan Sweetnam. Bottom left - Parade Marshall Sylivia Chivers’ vehicle. Above - Barrie The Bear meets Christmas present girls Aurora Sabyan and Nikki Storey.


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A12 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal


By Ashley ShannikBarriere Secondary School Phys. Ed Department

Barriere Secondary School’s (BSS) Jr. Boys basketball team was success-ful at capturing � rst place and the tournament championship at their very own Cougar Classic. The boys started off the tournament last Friday after-noon playing Hertiage Christian (Kelowna) in front of the entire school.  

With the support of their peers, teachers, and administrators the boys cruised to a very convincing victory beating their opponent 68-48.

Leading the way for the cougars was Robert Underhill with 25 points, and Carter Rudd with 21 points.

Saturday morning Barriere was matched up with Sir Alexander Mack-enzie (Bella Coola) in their semi-� nal. The home town boys controlled the game right from the opening tip off and never looked back. Barriere notched their place in the � nal with a 49-31 victory over their opponent.

Leading the way for the cougars was Carter Rudd with 16 points, and Jacob Peterson with 12 assists and six steals.

In the much anticipated � nal Barriere came up against a very talented Summerland squad. The � rst half was a nail biter with the two teams trad-ing hoops back and forth seeing the team in a deadlock tied at 30 points each at half time.

With a strong defensive team performance led by Tristan Holt, who was matched up against the tournament leading scorer and eventual MVP, Summerland’s Landon Brickenden, and another strong offensive perfor-mance from Robert Underhill and Carter Rudd, each � lling the hoop with 22 points. Barriere was able to pull away for the victory beating Summer-land 61-53 for the championship.

Tournament All-stars were; Jacob Peterson (Barriere), Carter Rudd (Barriere), Isacc Mack (Sir Alexander Mackenzie), Cassidy Pascal (Pen-berton) and Robert Underhill (Barriere).

Tournament MVP was Landon Brickenden.This coming weekend the BSS Jr. Girls take to the court hosting their

Jr. Girls Cougar Classic, on Dec. 13 and 14.

BSS Jr. Boys win Cougar Classic

Submitted photo: Barriere Secondary School

Barriere Secondary School’s Jr. Boys basketball team were successful in capturing � rst place and the tournament championship at the school’s Cougar Classic last weekend. Pictured are: (l-r) coach Ashley Shannik; ( back row)Tristan Brack-man, Treyton Vesper, Nicolas McInnes, and Daw-son Huber; (middle row Robert Underhill, Carter Rudd, Richard Celesta (holding trophy), Chale Boyce, Ty Waite, and Isaiah Ducharme; (front row) Jacob Peterson (holding trophy with Richard), Tyler Schilling (holding basketball), Tristan Holt, Dustin Pawloff.

Barriere Secondary is starting a new traditional at the school. On Dec. 21, the Athletic Depart-ment will be hosting an Alumni evening. All pre-vious Barriere Basketball grads are invited to dust off the old sneakers and come and play against our current Senior Boys and Girls basketball teams. The ladies will take the court at 5:30 p.m., and the men/boys will play at 6:45 p.m.

BSS Athletics to host Alumni evening

at the school. On Dec. 21, the Athletic Depart-ment will be hosting an Alumni evening. All pre-vious Barriere Basketball grads are invited to dust off the old sneakers and come and play against our current Senior Boys and Girls basketball teams. The ladies will take the court at 5:30 p.m., and the men/boys will play at 6:45 p.m.

host Alumni evening

Barriere Secondary School’s (BSS) Jr. Boys basketball team was success-

Do you have a sports story or event picture?

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Food vendors will be available on site

North Thompson Star/Journal Thursday, December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A13 A8 www.clearwatertimes.com Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times

8 - 9

Eleanor Deckert

What resources were available for a family with five children to celebrate Christmas on a small farm at McMurphy in the mid-1950s?

What customs were observed? And what memories have been preserved?

Although over 50 years have passed and one Christmas may blur into another, some details stand out clearly.

For parents Hans and Alice Jensen, several resources were available to provide for their family’s festivi-ties. Hans, an immi-grant from Norway, had cut family ties, seldom mentioning his family of origin, nor sharing his language, traditions or customs. His new life in Canada was centred around his own wife and children and the hopes he had for them.

Alice, an only child, had been raised nearby and her parents Bert and Mamie Kessler, lived only three miles away. Her parents had arrived from

Wisconsin, so the cold, long months of winter were familiar to them.

The couple had five children: Irene, Bob, Dave, Doris and


needed a cash income and so worked away as a crew or hotel cook. If there was money and if Dad could get home for


he would bring a fam-ily favourite – bacon.

Alice brought in the garden produce, preserved in glass jars and in the root cellar as well as the farm’s daily eggs and goat’s milk. Shipments of food were ordered and delivered on the train.

And so, when Christmas arrived, every year this family entered a time filled with possibilities and limitations. They expe-rienced both repeated traditions shared in common with others in this place and time, and interesting varia-tions and personal details held precious

in the memory of each family member.

Gifts had to be planned far in advance, ordered from the Sears or Eaton’s catalogue and arriving by train. Homemade sewing and other crafts expanded the gift options.

In the weeks lead-ing up to Christmas, Mother wrote letters to family in Seattle and Wisconsin. And every year a par-cel arrived marked, “Do not open until Christmas.”

The Christmas tree was decorated with glass balls several days before. No lights, because there was no electricity.

Because the family often home-schooled and there were few other children in the area, the wife of the station master arranged for the chil-dren to give a mini-Christmas concert. Doris remembers playing musical chairs and always being the first one “out” because she was the littlest. Standing out clearly these many years later, is the gift the woman had made for her – a tiny dresser for her dolls, made from the sliding boxes for wooden matches.

On Christmas morning, the stock-ings held mandarin oranges, hard candy and nuts.

Grandma and Grandpa arrived for dinner on Christmas Day by sled, on horseback or walk-ing, depending on the snow.

The table was filled

with plenty: potatoes, carrots, turnips from the root cellar, jars of fruit from the sum-mer months. From the barnyard: two or three roasted chickens. And especially for Christmas: stuffing. Fresh cranberries, cooked with sugar and a little lemon made Alice’s own cranberry sauce.

Brussels sprouts, which survive the frost fresh in the garden, have been saved under straw.

Goodies, much more than an everyday meal, included Dad’s skilled baking: spe-cially cut sugar cook-ies, cakes and tarts. Mom made custard pies with the eggs and milk: pumpkin, squash and even mashed car-rot. One more treat: Mother slowly boiled down milk and sugar together making a fab-ulous caramel candy!

Time to open the gifts!

Irene, the eldest, once earned money

working for her grand-parents, and gener-ously spent it on gifts for her brothers and sister. Many items in the catalogue were marked “Four for $1.00.” She had pur-chased a set of hand-kerchiefs for Grandpa, who, when opening them, promptly blew his nose and grinning, announced, “Just what I always wanted!” in his usual cheery, teas-ing way.

Dave loved when Dad made him a joint-ed marionette.

Bob remembers a steel, sleek, green, Chevy 1950s-style toy car, with bright battery operated headlights.

Doris remembers a baby doll in a wicker basket one year and another time a large, elegant bridal doll.

Frank (so often given hand-me-downs) was so proud of his new shiny boots.

After dinner, while the grownups cleared away, the children were sent outside to play in

the snow – jumping out of the barn win-dow into deep snow and even sliding off of the barn roof with laughter ringing out into the winter wilder-ness.

If it was very cold (and at that time of year it might be as severe as -40’F) the children’s clothing would first become wet from the snow, then freeze stiff.

In the evening, like every evening, by lantern light, near the wood stove, Mother read aloud the books that also arrived by train, ordered from the catalogue from the Open House Library in Victoria.

And, because it was Christmastime, Mother taught them her favourite songs, “Silent Night” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Dad played the mouth organ. Sending the children to bed at the end of a satisfying Christmas Day.

Christmas at McMurphy more than 50 years ago

Children of the Jensen family living in McMurphy were (l-r) Doris (born in 1947), Bob (1946), Frank (1951), Irene (1942), and Dave (1944), This photo was taken about 1954. Jensen family photos

Alice Elizabeth Kessler Jensen and Hans Linstrum Jen-sen at their home at McMurphy (20 km south of Avola) in the mid-1950s. Hans and his father-in-law, Bert Kes-sler, built the house of 2x4s covered with tar paper and boards milled in Blue River. Without insulation, the four wood stoves burned well over about 10 cords of wood (cut by hand with a Swede saw) each winter.

Grandparents Bert and Mamie Kessler lived three miles away.

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By Elli KohnertNorth Thompson Star/Journal

The small settle-ment of Vavenby is home to Ecki Manthei, a gifted artist who‘s artwork grows out of his connection to nature, and his drive to follow every new idea with a passion that moves him to create what is in his imagina-tion, without delay.

Ecki’s home stands out from all others in the Vavenby trailer park where it cannot be missed. Two large life-like eagles formed from wood, seem to be guarding his prop-erty. Varieties of crea-tures also made from wood, line the path to the house; and the ambiance of this place leaves no doubt that an artist lives here.

Ecki, and his life partner, Marilyn, arrived in the North Thompson Valley about five years ago. When they saw the trailer court in Vavenby, they “liked it right away and bought it”; a comfort-able, quiet place that allows his creativity to flourish.

Ecki says he emi-grated with his parents from Austria when he was a very young boy in 1945. He has lived and worked in various northern locations in

Canada, and eventu-ally came to live in Cloverdale, B.C. It is there that he began his artistic career.

Seashells were his medium then, tells Ecki as he explains how they lend them-selves to be made into clocks for instance, or be used as a canvas for his paintings.

When the couple eventually settled in the community of Vavenby, it is here that Ecki took on art as his life work.

Ecki has trans-formed one room of their home into an art gallery, where he now displays the numer-ous ‘Art By Ecki’ cre-ations.

The variety of his work is remarkable; it ranges from usable art, like wooden spoons and clocks, to wildlife and nature paintings. Ecki uses antlers for many of his carvings that depict wildlife, especially wolves, in their habitat.

“When I am walking in the forest, or along a stream, I often see something that gives me an idea for a proj-ect,” says the artist, “I may pick up a rock that would be just right to paint something on, or maybe I am lucky to find a moose or deer antler, and I know right away what I want to

carve on it!” He notes that near-

ly all the materials he uses in his creations are natural; giving the artwork its special character.

Sometimes a per-son may come into the gallery to view Ecki’s work, and they may purchase a special item of art for their own home. Most of the time though, Ecki and Marilyn market the art work by taking part in craft fairs.

“At some I do well, with others I do not,” commented the art-

ist on selling his work through craft fairs.

The couple say they have a few tentative ideas in mind for mar-keting; such as going on the road to sell their creations. But right now, they have no immediate plans that they want to follow.

“We like it here in Vavenby,” says Ecki, “We feel comfortable around here, and we do enjoy to be with the friends we have made in the area. For now, ‘Ecki’s Art’ will have its home in the North Thompson Valley .”

Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki

(Above) Ecki Manthei of Vavenby shows one of the many ant-lers he has carved that are displayed in his home gallery.

(Top left) Ecki’s life partner, Marilyn, looks on on as he passionately describes his art creations to the Star/Journal reporter.

(Bottom left) Some of the beautiful creations that Ecki offers for sale to the public from his Vavenby gallery or at craft fairs.

STAR/JOURNAL photos: Elli Kohnert

Celebration of Art in Barriere June 23, 24By Jill HaywardNorth Thompson Star/Journal

Everything is in place for the June 23, and 24, Barriere Celebration of The Arts. The venue will be similar to last year’s event and will once again be hosted on property beside Highway 5 in Barriere, now the home of Sam’s Pizza and Rib House.

The two day Celebration of Art event is an extravaganza of art and culture, featuring the amazing talent of the North Thompson Valley and British Columbia.

Put on by the North Thomspon Arts Council, and the Yellowhead Artists Cooperative, the venue

continues to be admission free to the public, and encourages youth to attend and participate in the 12 years and under Art Activity Area.

Those involved say they expect a strong turnout of ven-dors this year and that they are looking forward to presenting such a broad range of top qual-ity art for exhibition and/or for sale.

Organizers say booth space is being filled fast by artists and artisans, and they encourage those who have not yet registered to do so now and avoid being disappointed. Service groups and organizations are also wel-come to participate to promote their programs in a booth at the site. Vendors are reminded they

must supply their own canopy or tent, and that power is not available.

If you would like more infor-mation or would like to book a space, or volunteer, please call Jessie at 250-672-9772.

“We figure that all the rain will be done with by then,” said one positive thinker, “It will be a great weekend, and the vendor tents will be to provide shade from the sun, not keep the rain off. We are expecting lots of art-ists, and a steady stream of visi-tors to our presentation. Come on down and see the extremely good works being produced from people within our art com-munity. You’ll be impressed – I guarantee it!”

Shop locally

and support the

economy in your

own community!

email: [email protected] • www.terrylakemla.bc.ca

A14 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

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North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A15

Submitted by Leslie Stirling

Christmas is coming. The goose is getting fat. Hopefully that doesn’t happen to me.

But there is so much more than food to look forward to at this time of year. I love the carols, Christmas shopping, the old movies, candlelight and holly, Christmas pot lucks (oops-that is food), Christmas cards from old friends...all the things that make this time of year so special.

At the Church of St Paul two of my favorite events are the Commu-nity Carol Sing and Cowboy Church.

When the United Church and the Anglican Church joined to become the Church of St Paul, Cowboy Church was one of the traditions that the Anglicans brought to the table. It has always been a community favou-

rite and we are all pleased to continue the tradition.

Cowboy Church will be held on Sunday evening, Dec. 15. Start time is 7 p.m, and you will probably want to be early to get a good seat.

We are expecting our two favou-rite cowboys, Butch Falk and Gordie West. Reverend Isabel Healey-Mor-row will be assisting Reverend Brian Krushel. Refreshments will follow.

One week later on Sunday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m., we will gather again for our Community Carol Sing. This is the perfect evening for those who like to sing along to all the season’s favou-rite tunes and carols.

I’m not making any promises, but we often have some tidbits of enter-tainment. Refreshments will follow. This is an ideal evening for the whole family.

On Dec. 24, you are invited to join us for our Christmas Eve Service, which starts at 7 p.m.

The Church of St Paul is located on Barriere Town Road across from the park. We are an inclusive group and all are welcome.

If you need any more information please feel free to call the church at 250-672-563 or Leslie Stirling at 250-672-5706. Merry Christmas!

Christmas events at Church of St PaulChristmas is coming. The goose

Service Centre

a Arrow Lake News (Nakusp) a Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal a Caledonia Courier (Ft. St. James) a Castlegar a Eagle Valley News a Golden Star a Houston Today a Invermere Valley Echo a Kamloops This Week a Kelowna Capital News a Kootenay Advertiser (Cranbrook)

a Burns Lake District News a Merritt Herald a Valley Express (Merritt) a North Thompson Star Journal (Barriere) a North Thompson Times (Clearwater) a Northern Sentinel (Kitimat) a Omineca Express (Vanderhoof) a 100 Mile House Free Press a Penticton Western News a Princeton/Similkameen a Prince George Free Press

a Quesnel Cariboo Observer a Revelstoke Times Review a Salmon Arm Observer a Shuswap Market News a Smithers Interior News a Summerland Review or Bulletin a Terrace Standard a Vernon Morning Star a Weekend Advertiser (Kitimat) a Williams Lake Tribune a Williams Lake Weekender

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IN-HOUSE RAFFLE WINNERS FOR December 7, 20131st Draw: Donald Bulmer, Shany Young, Joanne Lewis & Betty Baillie2nd Draw: John Clarkson, Lynn Guitard, Tom Lyons & Toby Feland3rd Draw: Hazel Cross, annonymous, Ken Brown & Jasper Neighbor4th Draw: Gary Teele, Laura Neighbor, Patsy Martin & Nina ClearwatersBonus: Marian Hardy • The lucky winner of $83.00 was Gerhard Doering

• LEGION NEWS• #242 •

In-House Raffle Every Sat. At 3 PM

Open: Wed. - Sat. 3pm - 11pm (or later!)

Thanks To our volunTeers ed, verne & Darlene


Fridays - FREE POOL Thursdays - Crib & Darts at 7pm

CRIB 10 players on Dec. 5 - 1st - Terry Vaughan • 2nd - Joe Sabyan • 3rd - Orm Strom • High Hand - Laura Rathbone • Skunk - Donna Smith

DARTS 11 players on Dec. 5 - 1st - Emil Gammel & Pat Lyons • 2nd - Bruce Lyons & Paulette Bombardier • 3rd - BJ Lyons & Daniel Kashino • High Scores, Ladies - Pat Lyons w/106 • Men - Emil Gammel w/139 • High Finish, Ladies - Dorothy Carby w/50 • Men - Emil Gammel w/49

Dec 12 - Late Night Shopping Legion Basement Dec 13 - Karaoke, 8:30pm • Dec 14 - Turkey Shoot (Darts), doors open 10am, starts at 10:30am/DJ music in evening • Dec 17 - Executive meeting 6:30pm/

General meeting 7pm • Dec 31 - New Years Eve celebration, DJ music

A16 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal


February 19– March 20

January 20– February 18

December 22– January 19

May 21– June 21

April 20– May 20

August 23– September 22

July 23– August 22

November 22– December 21

October 23– November 21

March 21– April 19

June 22– July 22

September 23– October 22

A p r i l 2 3 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 2

This week is all about give and take, Capricorn. Do for others, and they will do for you. A special event calls for some extra-special gifts.

Some habits are hard to break, Aquarius. Look to a mentor to help and you will succeed. A fitness goal is easily achieved with a new piece of equipment.

The odds may be stacked against you, Pisces, but that doesn’t mean you won’t come out on top with a little ingenuity. A weekend endeavor requires a leap of faith.

Speak up, Aries, and the problem will be solved. A little miracle at home makes for an interesting weekend. Travel plans come together.

Cast aside all doubt, Taurus. The offer is genuine and will bring you many rewards. A test of faith begins— be strong. Money woes ease.

Feeling blessed these days, Gemini? Pay it forward. A compromise at home raises everyone’s spirits and fun ensues all weekend long!

A business relationship blossoms with an addition. A larger-than- life personality drops by with an offer you can’t refuse. Oh boy, oh boy, Cancer.

Oops, Leo. You fall behind on a project, raising some eyebrows. Not to worry. You will get back on track sooner than you think, thanks to an innovation.

Spend less, save more and you’ll definitely get more, Virgo. More in your bottom line and more peace of mind. Flowers provide a great pick-me-up.

Lady Luck smiles on you, Libra, and there is nothing beyond your reach. A treasured heirloom resurfaces, bringing back many fond memories.

The tiniest of changes make a vast improvement in a project. A rejection is a blessing in disguise. Be grateful for what you’re given, Scorpio.

News from afar gets the creative juices flowing, and you accomplish more than you have in some time, Sagittarius. A game of wits at the office proves challenging.

Dec. 12 - Dec. 18, 2013

Participate in something new and interesting this week, Aries. The perfect activity will present itself in the next few weeks, so be sure to keep your eyes open.

Cancer, your suspicions may be aroused by someone who has been paying more attention to you than normal. It could be something completely inno-cent, but right now you’re not sure.

Libra, prepare to juggle multiple responsibilities in the coming days. Be ready to multi-task and expect to be pulled in multiple directions.

Capricorn, you usually take your responsibilities quite seriously, and that is often for the best. Just be sure to let your hair down sometimes and have a little fun.

Aquarius, some irregularities have begun to pop up of late. It is not up to you to figure out what is going on, though. Others will discover the truth.

Taurus, delay any upcoming shopping excursions for the time being. Your coffers are getting a bit sparse, and you need to conserve the rest of your funds.

Every day is a learn-ing process, Leo. You will find that there are a number of new ideas swirl-ing around in your head, and if you pin one down, you may be on to something.

Scorpio, a small mis-understanding turns into a larger battle this week. But you have the power to put the flames out quickly by keeping a cool head.

Pisces, your head may be in the clouds, but it is quite comfortable up there. Just don’t linger up there too long.

Listen to advice this week, Gemini. Loved ones only want to help and provide support, so keep that in mind when those closest to you offer some guidance.

Your colleagues at work may be mak-ing things difficult, Virgo, but there is nothing you can do about it right now. Just work your hardest, and things will turn out for the best.

Sagittarius, you are having so much fun lately that it almost seems like life is a game. Just don’t get so caught up in the good times that you overlook your responsibilities.

GROUP OF THE WEEKEach week a group or volunteer(s) are recognized in this space for their contribution to our community.

If you, your service organization or group would like to recognize an individual please call the North Thompson Volunteer and Information Centre at 672-0033.


Barriere Farmer’s MarketThe Farmers Market runs every year from the � rst Thursday in May to the last Thursday in October. They set up on Thursdays at the grounds next to Sam’s Pizza and Rib House on Highway #5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the season.

This year, for the � rst time, they are trying out a Winter Market. They will be meet-ing at the usual location twice a month on Saturdays from now until April. For upcoming dates, check the Community Calendar on page 16.

For more information about this group, call 250-672-5159 or 250-672-5919.





& S


CES Nov 18-Dec 18 - Knitten Mitten Tree @ Interior Savings CU

Dec 5 - N.T. Communities Foundation AGM, 6:30pm @ Community Resource Centre, Clearwater.

Dec 6 - Christmas Parade & Tree Light Up. Muster for parade at Employment Centre, 5:30pm, parade starts at 6pm, tree light-up at 7pm at Fadear Park.

Dec 6-8 - Candlelight & Holly @ Barriere Legion bsmt. Fri. 10am-8pm, Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. Tables 250-672-9772.

Dec 7 - Seniors Christmas Dinner, 6pm @ Barriere Seniors Hall.

Dec 7-8 & 14-15 - Grads selling Christmas Trees, 11am-3pm @ AG Foods. To pre-order, call Emma 250-672-9241.

Dec 8 - Christmas Craft Fair, 10am @ Chu Chua Com. Hall. 672-995.

Dec 12 - Late Night Shopping. Dec 12 - Farmers Market, soup & buns, 5m @ Legion

basement - by donation for Food Bank.Dec 14 - Breakfast with Santa, 10am-1pm @ Lions Hall.Dec 14 - Winter Farmers Market, 10am-1pm @ Sam’s Pizza.Dec 14 - Old Fashioned Christmas Variety Show, w/TV

Players @ Fall Fair Hall. Info 250-672-0033.Dec 21 - Winter Farmers Market, 10am-1pm @ Sam’s Pizza.Dec 31 - New Year’s Eve celebration @ Legion.

Dec 31 - New Year’s Eve Bullarama @ NT Agriplex Jan 9 - ‘Making your money last’. Free seminar from Edward

Jones open for any age group, refreshments & snacks provided. Volunteer Centre 6:30pm.

Jan 11 - Winter Farmers Market, 10am-1pm @ Sam’s Pizza.Jan 18 - Al Fortin’s Citizen of the year banquet, 6pm @

Legion hall, downstairs.Jan 25 - Winter Farmers Market, 10am-1pm @ Sam’s Pizza.Army Cadets - 2941 RCACC Cadet Corp. - ages 12-18.

New Recruits Welcome. Marc 672-9681.Baha’i Night: Fri., 7:30pm, @ Marge Mitchell’s 672-5615.Adult Day Program: Mon. & Wed. 9-2. Lunch, crafts &

music at the Seniors Ctr. Sherry Jardine 672-5121 Barriere & District Heritage Society: 3rd Wed. of mth,

1pm at NTVIC in the winter, at Museum in the summer.Riding Club: Jan-Mar: 3rd Sun. 1pm; Apr-Oct: 3rd Thurs.

7pm at NTVIC. www.barrieredistrictridingclub.com. Darcey 250-318-9975.

Cancer Support: 672-9263, 672-0017 or 672-1890Choir: Thurs. @ Christian Life Assembly, Annesty Rd. Youth

7-18 3:30pm; Adults 19+ 6:30pm. Leah 250-957-8440.Curling Club: Oct.-Mar. Curling, league & bonspiels.Drop In Art. Fridays 11:30am-2:30pm at NTVIC end of Sep

to Mar (except holidays). Nominal fee.

Barriere Elementary PAC: 1st Wed. of mth, 6:30pm, call 672-9916 or Leesa Genier at 320-3629.

Barriere Fire Dept.: Firehall, Thurs., 7pmBarriere Food Bank: every Wed. Leave message 672-0029Genealogy: Every 1st & 3rd Friday of the mth at the Library,

6-7pm, except Jul/Aug. 250-672-9330.Barriere Hospice: Loans out handicap equip - call 250-

672-9391.Photography Club. All welcome. Shelley Lampreau 250-

672-5728.Community Quilters: 2nd & 4th Thurs. of mth, 2pm at the

Barriere Food Bank. Judy 250-672-5275 or Fran 250-672-2012.

Barriere Search & Rescue: 2nd Tues. of mth, 7pm. Training on 4th Tues. of mth, 7pm.

BSS PAC & Booster Club: 1st Tues. of mth, 5:30pm. 250-672-9943.

Survivors of Brain Injuries: Call John at 250-372-1799.Bethany Baptist Church Prayer: Every Tues., 7pm.Carpet Bowling: Mon, Wed, & Fri., 9:30am-12 @ Little

Fort Hall. Community Kitchen: If interested call Dede 554-3134.Community Soup Day: Christian Life Assembly on

Annesty Rd. 3rd Mon. of every mth, 11:30 am.

Crib: Mon. & Fri. 1-4pm @ Little Fort Hall.Crib: Barriere Legion 242, every Thurs. 7pm, Sept. to May.Darts: Barriere Legion 242, every Thurs. 7pm, Sept. to May.Gambler’s Anonymous: 250-374-9165 or 250-374-9866.Heffley Creek Acoustic Coffee House: 3rd Fri. every mth

7pm. Call 578-0056.Literacy Tutoring: Learn to read FREE. Jill Hayward 319-

8023.Little Fort Recreation Society: 1st Thurs. each mth 7pmLNT Catholic Women’s League: 2nd Mon. each mth, 7pm

at St. George’s. Call 250-672-9330 for info.McLure Rec.: 1st Wed. each mth at 7:30pm McLure Firehall.

Except Jul & Aug. 250-578-7565 for info.McLure Fire Dept.: 2nd & 4th Tues., 7pm, McLure Firehall Men’s Floor Hockey: Tues., 8-10pm at Barriere Sec. NT Fish & Game Club: 4th Mon. each mth 7pm NTVIC.

672-1843 NT Valley Hospice: 3rd Tues, 11am, Little Fort Hall. 672-

5660.Quilting: 1st Tues of the mth, 10am @ Little Fort Hall.Safe Home: Get away from domestic abuse, call 250-674-

2135 (Clw) or 250-682-6444 (Barriere).Walk & Fitness: Indoors, Tues & Thurs 12-2pm. Barriere

Ridge Gym.

FROM MY KITCHEN By DeeCelebrating 36 Years








y D


Baked RavioliBag of frozen ravioli1 jar of marinara sauce2 cups of mozzarella cheeseparmesan cheeseHeat oven to 400°F. Spray bottom & sides of a 9x13 rectangular baking dish with cooking spray. Spread 3/4 cup of the pasta sauce in baking dish. Arrange half of the frozen ravioli in single layer over sauce; top with half of the remaining pasta sauce & 1 cup of the cheese. Repeat layers once, starting with ravioli. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Cover with aluminum foil & bake 30 mins. Remove foil; bake uncovered 10 to 15 mins longer or until bubbly & hot in center. Let stand 10 mins before serving.

Bacon Wrapped Honey Chicken Bites1 lb boneless chicken breasts20 thin bacon slices

3 tbsp honey2 tsp coarse mustardfresh lemon juicesalt - optionalCut the chicken breasts in thin strips. Not too thin, the bacon has to brown & if the chicken is too thin it’ll get dry before the bacon gets crispy. Grab a bowl & combine honey with mustard. Squeeze in some lemon juice. Not too much, about a tbsp or so. Place them in a roasting tray or on a cookie sheet. If you’re afraid of cleaning up, line the tray or sheet with some tin-foil first. Brush the chicken bites with half the marinade. Bake them in a preheated oven at 425F for 10 to 13 mins. Until the bacon is crispy. As soon as one side is done, take the tray out of the oven. Flip them over & brush them with the remaining marinade. Put them back in the oven for another 10 to 13 mins, until the other side

is crispy as well. Keep an eye on them. When done, let cool for a bit, then serve.

Peanut Butter Balls3 lbs powdered sugar1 lb margarine or butter4 cups peanut butter3 packages chocolate chipsHeat the chocolate chips in a double boiler until they melt. Combine the powdered sugar, margarine, & peanut butter in a large bowl & mix them with your hands until everything is well blended. Chill for 1/2 hour. Roll the dough into balls & chill. Then, dip the balls into the melted chocolate, & cool them on wax paper. Store the peanut butter balls in the refrigerator, & try not to eat them all in one sitting! This recipe makes around 175–200 balls depending on how big you roll them (& how many you eat while making them).


Bayley’s BistroBayley’s Bistroin the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater

Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


this ad is sponsored by

North Thompson Star Journal Thursday, December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A17

Life is too shortfor the wrong job

“The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia”

In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

BARRIERE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES629 Barriere Town Rd. V0E 1E0 • 250-672-0036 • Fax: 250-672-2159

E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.barriere-employment.ca

CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 • 250-674-2928 • Fax 250-674-2938E-mail: [email protected] • Web Page: www.clearwateremployment.ca


Free Workshops to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register

for one or all of these free workshops. Using Internet & Email Basics Workshop: Thurs. Dec. 12st

Creating & Updating Your Resume Workshop: Thurs. Dec. 19th

Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you.Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info.Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors.• Blue River Library: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tuesday January 14th from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in.

Farm Supervisor: incl. accom./Salt Spring #CB0265

German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264

Professional Driver: Casual/Seasonal/Clearwater #C0263

Early Childhood Educator/Facility Manager: FT/PT Barriere #CB0262

Facilitator/Case Manager: PT/Barriere #BC0261

Support Worker - Child care programs: 2 positions/Clearwater #CB0259

Support Worker: 2 positions/Clearwater #C0257

Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256 Skating Coach: Seasonal PT/Clearwater

#C0251 Early Childhood Educator/Educator

Assistant: FT/PT Clw/Barriere#CB2050Maintenance Technician

(Instrumentation): FT/Clw#C0248Cook: 2 positions/Clw #C0240HD Mechanic/Welder/Machine

Operator: FT/Clw #C023911 Postings/Blue River: PT & FT

#CB0222 Maintenance Manager, Guide, Electrician, Dining Server, Massage Therapist, Dishwashers, Desk Attendant-Winter, Housekeeper-Winter, Gym attendant, & Lounge Server

Operated by Yellowhead Community ServicesThe Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR – Yellowhead Community Services CB0250SUPPORT WORKER – Yellowhead Community Services CB0259ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce B0260FACILITATOR/CASE MANAGER – Barriere Employment Service Centre BC0261EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR/MANAGER – Yellowhead Community Services

CB0262Go To: http://www.wiegele.com/employment.htm for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele.

Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for

re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information.We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the

information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment.• Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help •

Free information on many services.

Is seeking an

Early Childhood Educator/Facility Managerfor Little Stars Child Care Centre in Barriere.

Hours currently term time only, 9am-3pm. Program development could lead to extended hours.Education required; Early Childhood Education Certificate / lesser qualified applicants with relevant

experience may be considered.

Please send a copy of your resume and a cover letter to Susanne Butcher

612 Park Drive, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N1Tel; 250-674-2600Fax 250-674-267

Em; [email protected]

Help Wanted Help Wanted


In MemoriamIn Loving Memory

Lorne Stewart Edith Heywood

To soon you left us. The void will remain. But we have great memories and love that you gave us. For that we are eter-nally thankful. Missing you.

~ Love from your families

Cards of ThanksClearwater Seniors would like to thank the Lions Club and all their helpers for a great turkey dinner. Also thank you to the Campbell Family for the enter-tainment. Wishing all a Happy Holiday Season

Wishing all our customers A Very Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year. Rainer Custom Cutting.

Coming EventsHospital Auxiliary Gift Shop

Moonlight MadnessDec. 13

Open 4-8 p.m. (Located in hospital)

Help Wanted


Coming EventsScentsy Christmas

Open House Sunday only

Dec. 1511 am - 4 pm

Finalize your Christmas shopping.

Lots of stocking stuffers, plug-ins, travel tins, Layers body products,jewellery, shoulder

bags, etc. 436 Ritchie Rd.

(Sunshine Valley)250-587-6222

The Barriere & District Senior’s last breakfast for 2013 is on Dec. 15. We would like to give a very big Thank You to all the workers & the community for your support. It’s what keeps our hall going. We wish every-one a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

InformationAnyone in need of Radon Miti-gation & interested in splitting travel costs to Barriere of a Radon Mitigation Professional this spring, call Martin 250-851-1900.

Help Wanted




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Blackpool Hall Pancake Breakfasts cancelled until further notice

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PersonalsBarriere Alcoholics Anonymous

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Clearwater: AA meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250-674-1923, 250-674-7313


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Trades, TechnicalGPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus, Alberta needs Power Engi-neering Instructors. No teach-ing experience, no problem. Please contact Brian Carreau at 780-835-6631 and/or visit our website: www.gprc.ab.ca

HD Mechanic. Noble Tractor & Equip. is seeking a Journey-man or 4th year apprentice Service Technician for our Kamloops location. A self-starter with Ag tech back-ground is desired. Interested candidates send resume to: [email protected], or mail: Noble Tractor & Equip, 580 Chilcotin Road, Kam-loops, BC V2H 1G5

HD MECHANIC. Noble Tractor & Equip. is seeking a Journeyman or 4th year apprentice Service Techni-cian for our Armstrong location. A self-starter with Ag tech background is desired. Interested candidates send resume to: [email protected], or mail: Noble Tractor & Equip, 4193 Noble Rd, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4, fax: 250-546-3165

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Feed & HayTimothy Hay for sale, excellent horse hay, barn stored, 50-60#, $5/each. Delivery available. Ph 250-674-2905

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Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & ca-nine behaviour begins Sun-day, Jan. 5, 1pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100.To register or for more infor-mation contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023.

Merchandise for Sale

$100 & UnderTwo male song canaries. Complete w/lg cage and all necessary equipment. Call 250-587-6373

Merchandise for Sale

Food ProductsFor Sale: Farm raised frozen free range chickens, $3.75/lb. Contact Rainer Custom Cutting, 250-672-9629 or www.rainercustomcutting.com.

Free ItemsOld newspaper. Stop by the Times offi ce and pick up a bundle. 14-74 Young Rd. Clearwater

Misc. for SaleDewalt Saw $45. Craftsman Saw $40. 3 extension ladders $60 each. Plumbing crimp tool $75. Box stick nails 21o $50. Call Don, 250-672-1971

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?

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STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or on-line: www.pioneersteel.ca

Misc. WantedLocal Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030

Used Postage StampsSupport International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Develop-ment Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scout-ers in the third world.Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Real Estate

Acreage for Sale5.26 Acres Water, Power Pri-vate Paved Road, Mountain View [email protected] 403-702-1622

Real Estate

Houses For SaleCOZY little house on beautiful one acre lot, riverfront proper-ty, in Barriere, 45 minutes north of Kamloops. 2 vinyl greenhouses. Perfect for someone looking for a peace-ful and private yet convenient location. 2 bedroom plus den, Wood fi re place, New 16 * 16 addition, Electrical recently re-certifi ed, New roof, New win-dows. $139,000. Alain 250-8 1 9 - 1 1 7 1 [email protected]


Apt/Condo for RentFor Rent: 2 bdrm appt. in Bar-riere, Dunn Lake Rd. Heat & power incl. NP/NS DD $750/mo. 250-319-5220 or 250-672-9958.

Misc for RentClearwater: Riverside Guest House & Apartments all fur-nished, renting by day/wk/mo, internet/tv, w/d, hydro, etc. all inclusive. Ph. 250-674-0001 [email protected]

Homes for RentBirch Island: 3 bdrm home. Incl satellite tv, avail now. $875.00/mo 250-674-1768Clearwater: 1243 Bain Rd. 3 bdrm, 3-level, 2 bath, wood pellet heat, 10 acre lot. Avail Dec. 1. $1200/mo + util. Ph. 403-816-7979

Suites, LowerBirch Island: 2bdrm suite. $600/mo. Incl sat tv, utilities & laundry. Available Dec. 1.Ph. 250-674-1768


Auto Financing

Cars - Domestic2004 Buick Lesabre 83,000 km, 4 dr Sedan, navy blue, 6 cyl, auto, summers/winters mounted. $4,000.00 Ph. 250-674-3264

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North Thompson Star/Journal December 12, 2013 www.starjournal.net A19

I received a call from a photographer asking help with a new camera purchase. He had select-ed two, and was compar-ing their difference in frames-per-second.

I had read about both cameras, and have to ad-mit with so many other spectacular and enticing features both offered I hadn’t paid much atten-tion to how many frames each could shoot in one burst.

When I asked him why FPS was important he said, “So I can photo-graph things that go fast”.

A good point, al-though a minor one in my opinion. Shooting with continuous advance might increase the num-ber of keepers he has, as he learns techniques for photographing fast moving subjects.

I will admit I like photographing things that go fast. Capturing less than a second of a subject’s life that will

be gone forever is excit-ing. That photographer could hope to stop the action by putting his camera into it’s P, or A mode, and employing his camera like a machine gun, make a burst of the shutter to stop a moving subject.

Some experienced photographers know how to get great results at the 8-frames-per-second or more, but if he is just starting out, he might want to dial it back a little and experi-ment to � nd what works best.

The belief that faster would be better is not al-ways the case. A DSLR cannot always � nd fo-cus on a passing subject while the mirror is up, and one can’t track the action through a view-� nder blocked while several frames are being made.

When I approach action photography at say, a basketball game,

rodeo, or cars at a drag-strip, I don’t bother with the continuous frame feature on my camera. I know that the best way to stop action is with a fast shutterspeed.

First I increase the ISO so the sensor is more light sensitive. Modern cameras have no problem with ISO settings of 800 or more and depending on how bright the location is I might move ISO higher or lower. I just make some tests before things get going.

Next I set my cam-era to a mode where I choose the shutter and the camera chooses the aperture. (S on Nikon

and TV on Canon) I select the fastest shut-terspeed that will let me keep some depth of � eld, then do more test shots, and I am ready to start taking pictures.

I anticipate and choose the best loca-tion to catch the action. Gosh, it’s all that easy. I suppose one could do additional testing with a high burst of frames-per-second. I don’t think that is needed, it just eats up memory and might require hours of editing in Photoshop, but what the heck, with today’s exciting technology we need to experiment to � nd what works best for our shooting style.

My � rst camera didn’t have auto focus, programmed exposure modes, or eight-frames-a-second capability. I couldn’t even shoot at shutterspeeds over 1/500th of a second. But, I read a lot, took classes and learned about the aperture and shutter, learned how to follow a moving subject, and about how my camera exposed a subject. And practiced a lot in spite of the price attached to each roll of � lm.

My advice to that photographer didn’t discuss the need for fast shutterspeeds. As I wrote, there were so many other spectacu-lar, and enticing things about the cameras we talked about, that I for-got about adding an opinion about frames-per-second.

These are my thoughts for this week. Contact me at www.enmanscamera.com or emcam@telus.

net. Stop by Enman’s Camera at 423 Tran-quille Road in Kamloops.

I sell an interesting selection of used pho-

tographic equipment. And if you want an ex-perienced photographer please call me at 250-371-3069.

withMaking Pictures

J ohn Enman

Photographing fast moving objects

OBITUARIESI n L o v i n g M e m o r y

Mary Elzbeth Eleanore MooreOctobe r 31 , 1921 – November 25 , 2013

Eleanore Moore passed away peacefully at the age of 92 on Novem-ber 25, 2013, joining her parents, brother, daugh-ter and son. Born in Rose-town, Saskatchewan, on October 31, 1921, she is survived by her husband Keith Moore; daughters, Shirley McCaffrey and Lynne Piercy; stepchil-dren Gerry (Jan) Moore, Gordon Moore, Trevor Moore and Sherry (Phil) Braithwaite; fourteen grandchildren, � fteen great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.

A born teacher, El-eanore graduated from St. Joseph’s Convent High School at 16 years of age and after taking a stenographer’s course, attended Normal (teach-ing) School in Saskatoon, SK. Eleanore began her teaching career near Ro-setown, in a one room school with eight grades, with duties that included lighting the stove in the morning and doing the janitorial work. She mar-ried Maurice Piercy, fa-ther to Lynne, in 1942. Six years later Maurice was killed in an industrial

accident while working for Sask Hydro. Eleanore then married a returning war veteran, Jack Clark and over the next few years Kathy, David and Shirley were born. To subsidize their farming income Eleanore worked as a teller in the Toronto Dominion Bank.

In 1965 the family moved to Salmon Arm, B.C., and she formed a partnership in a dress shop “Lenore’s Fash-ions” with her sister-in-law, which she sold in 1970. Divorced in 1973, she returned to teach-ing elementary school in Salmon Arm and even-tually transferred to Bar-riere, B.C., where she met and married the love of her life, Keith Moore, and became stepmother to his

four children. A member of the Barriere Legion Branch 242 Ladies Aux-iliary, she and Keith had many enjoyable times there. In 1975 they moved to Revelstoke where she taught school until retir-ing in 1985. An avid read-er and learner, she contin-ued to take courses from Cariboo College and the University of British Co-lumbia throughout her teaching career. From 1986 to 1988, Eleanore and Keith operated a bed and breakfast at Mara Lake, B.C., until their trip across Canada. In 1991 they returned to Barriere, where they spent many happy years watching their family grow with many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

A very special lady with a kind heart, she loved to help children learn. She was always there with words of en-couragement, sage ad-vice or a comforting hug. A wonderful cook, she wrote a cooking col-umn in Kamloops Today and published a family cookbook that is cher-ished by all who have one. She embodied the

Spirit of Christmas; her parcels � lled with bak-ing, homemade jams and knitted slippers were truly treasured. Eleanore had a wicked sense of hu-mour and her family and friends have many, many wonderful memories of times � lled with laughter. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her.

Diagnosed with de-mentia, Eleanore lived the last eight years of her life at Overlander Extend-ed Care in Kamloops. In May she and Keith cel-ebrated their 40th wed-ding anniversary and they recently celebrated their 92nd birthdays to-gether. The family would like to thank the staff of Overlander Extended Care for their loving care of Eleanore. No service will be held at this time. Donations may be made to the Salvation Army (www.salvationarmy.ca) in memory of Eleanore Moore. Funeral arrange-ments have been entrust-ed to North Thompson Funeral Services, Barri-ere, B.C., 250-672-1999. Condolences may be ex-pressed at www.North-ThompsonFuneral.com

John Enman Photo

I n L o v i n g M e m o r yPeter Hoffer

December 14 , 1951 – December 6 , 2013It is with great sad-

ness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved Pete, on Dec. 6, 2013, at the Roy-al Inland Hospital in Kamloops, B.C.   Born in Holland on Dec. 15, 1951, Pete was just shy of his 62nd birthday.  

Having spent many enjoyable years with his wife, Vicki, raising their sons, Spencer and Darren on the Sunshine Coast in Halfmoon Bay, he retired from the Boilermakers #359, and moved to their summer home in Barriere, B.C.

An avid � sherman, and true outdoorsman, Pete loved their family camping trips through-out western Canada and the States; their winter home being in Yuma, Arizona.  

Pete’s daily treks to pick up ‘cans for recy-cling’ along the high-ways (and ditches) of Sechelt and Barriere, were a well know sight...

and a favourite pastime (gas money to be made, you know).  

His wood chopping warmed many a house in Sechelt over the years and carried right along in Barriere.   Many a ‘tale’ could be told by his best buddies, Sandy Matthew and Pierre Be-auregard.

Pete will be dearly missed by his loving family - wife of 37 years, Vicki, sons, Spencer (Darcy), Darren (Dean-na); grandchildren, whom he absolutely adored, Alexandra, Ja-cob, Jessica and Caitlyn,

all of Ft. MacMurray, Alberta, as well as his ‘adopted son’ Ryan and Natalie) Anderson of Campbell River, B.C.  

Predeceased by his father, Cornelius, Peter is also survived by his mom, Vera (Abbots-ford), brothers Louis (Wendy), John (Gabri-elle), Tony Gail), Fred, sisters Margaret (Terry), Brigette (Grodon), Gail (Todd), and Diane (Jan); and many inlaws, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles.  

Pete will be missed also, by so many dear friends in the Sechelt area and Barriere, as well as Yuma, Arizona.

At Pete’s request, there will be no funeral service at this time.  In-stead, a celebration of life will follow in the summertime.  

If any so desire, please consider a dona-tion to the Cancer Soci-ety or Children’s Hospi-tal, in lieu of � owers.

ness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved Pete, on Dec. 6, 2013, at the Roy-al Inland Hospital in Kamloops, B.C.   Born in Holland on Dec. 15, 1951, Pete was just shy of his 62nd birthday.  

enjoyable years with his wife, Vicki, raising their sons, Spencer and Darren on the Sunshine Coast in Halfmoon Bay, he retired from the Boilermakers #359, and moved to their summer home in Barriere, B.C.

and true outdoorsman, Pete loved their family camping trips through-out western Canada and the States; their winter home being in Yuma, Arizona.  

pick up ‘cans for recy-cling’ along the high-ways (and ditches) of Sechelt and Barriere, were a well know sight...

Are you free a few hours a week? Would you like to meet other members of the community who have similar interests? Would you like to improve the lifestyle of your community?

Try volunteering with one of the numerous organizations that make the Lower North Thompson Valley a nice place to live.

A20 www.starjournal.net Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Star/Journal

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