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train stationBASELINE

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ViewsBASELINE DOCUMENTBASELINE DOCUMENTnatural ventilated train stationnatural ventilated train station

CHAPTER 2page 10/30

CHAPTER 2page 10/30

1) Social Issues (train station and platform)

1.1) Occupant Comfort

The comfort of people in and around the building is the reason for good design. It willcreate a place with spaces within a space, where ease and comfort of movement willenhance the functional activities. People of South Africa enjoy sunshine. We thrive, asa country to function outside, between the buildings, with our environment.

1.1.1)Lighting and ventilation:

The building, will predominantly be orientated east/west. To avoid direct sunpenetration on these facades, vertical sunscreen devices (designed to retain heat inwinter and ventilate heat during summer) must be implemented and therefore,minimize natural lighting penetration during the day. The more natural light thatpenetrates the building will ensure less artificial lighting. This means less electricalenergy used and less heat within the building, generated by the electrical heat throughlighting.

The natural lighting will penetrate the lower levels (platforms), by means of doublevolumes. The double volume will introduce ventilation from the platform level, to createairflow, air changes per hour and ventilation for the structure. The ventilation willtransfer warm air or will ventilate and extract warm air as required, to keep the internaltemperature at desirable temperatures.The platforms and pedestrianised areas must be well lit to ensure a safer environment.Lighting can also be used to enhance the visual and functional clarity of the differentcirculation routes, entrances, fare-vending areas, platforms and building facades. It canalso be used for information graphics to inform people and passer-byes of train arrivaland departure times.

The passive cooling and heating system will not act as a single heating and coolingventilation system but assist the air condition system and therefore the air conditioningsystem, will use less conventional energy for operation. The system can even beswitched off if the passive system is sufficient enough.The lighting should not obstruct free movement of pedestrians or motor cars. The glaremust be at a comfortable level and placed to enhance and create a safe environment.

(Exterior Locations Foot-candles

Station Shelter 15 minimum

Interior Locations Foot-candles

Station Platforms 10 minimum

Fare Vending Area 12 minimum

Station Platforms,Uncovered

10 minimum

(Table 1: lighting requirements)


2.1Lighting and ventilation diagram





1.1.2) Noise:

Period of Day (T) (dBA), LAeq,T(dBA)Lamax•06h00 – 22h00 (daytime/evening) 60- 85(dBA)•22h00 – 06h00 (night-time) 50- 85(dBA)(Environmental Impact Assessment: Proposed Gautrain Rapid Rail Link)

Toilets 10 l/s per sq.m

Offices 15 l/s per sq.m

Arrival and departure 20 l/s per sq.m

Shops (retail) 10 l/s per sq.m

Platforms 20 l/s per sq.m

Staircase Pressurization -fire req

Equipment rooms As per functional req

(Table 2: ventilation requirements)

All aspects of the potentialconstruction modes, basedon the most likely scenario asanticipated by the civilengineering consultants werereviewed. These included thefollowing noise attributes:

Construction techniques.� Location of construction

camps, ancillary plantsites borrow-pits anddumpsites

� Construction materialdelivery routes.

� Work program.

(Environmental ImpactAssessment: ProposedGautrain Rapid Rail Link)

Other specific noise situations related to the train operations:

� The noise at stations.

� The noise generated from ancillary equipment related to the rail system (tunnel ventilation,pressure relief and dewatering pump systems, traction stations, etc.).

� The interior noise in the passenger cars.

� Problems related to marshalling yards and workshops.� Potential noise problems from track maintenance operations.

1.1.3). Views:

It is important for working people within a structure, to feel part of the outside and not isolated. At least athird of a person’s day will be spent working and people work within the confined spaces of a structure. Ifa building can be an extension of the outside, people will feel more “free” and part of the activities thatpasses them by, while working. They will feel part of the movement infrastructure.

The passing trains can be used as a viewport to the outside, if the movement can be exposed to thepeople. The pedestrians and commuters will also be exposed to the working people in the structure. Tofurther enhance the viewpoints of working people and commuters, a greenhouse, will act as the linkingspace or foyer, between the inside and outside.

1. Social issues1. Social issues Baseline document- chapterHATFIELD STATIONHATFIELD STATION 2

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CHAPTER 2page 11/30

CHAPTER 2page 11/30

The viewports and greenery will both be used, not just as an aesthetic component, but asa natural ventilation mechanism and a microclimate establisher to minimize the use ofartificial heating and cooling to acquire the desirable temperature for the functionalactivities.

The access roads (pedestrian and vehicular) will form view lines towards the departureand arrival platform areas. This will promote access to the station. Access to and from thestation is the most important point to create a fluid movement pattern, avoid confusionand promote sufficient usage of the station and its related functional activities.The arrival platform will lead people to the point where they can choose the nextfunctional activity. As the commuters arrive on this point, they will have access to retailand commercial facilities to satisfy their daily requirements or appointments. Thecommuters can travel further in the form of bus and taxi travel or make use of theGautrain mini-busses. The open air market, job center and hotel will also be directlyviewed from this point.The views at this point, will be crucial, for this will be the point of decision making,planning and then moving towards or away from and influence the movement on the site.This will also be valid for commuters, arriving for departure from the station. They willhave access to the same activities, but will access these facilities through and with otherview lines and line connection activities.

1.1.4) access to greenoutside

The outside area will consist ofpublic open spaces that willbridge the railway lines andreserves. The implementationof green open spaces will becoupled to extreme expensesand construction difficulties.The greenhouse will not onlybe used as a microclimateestablisher, but will reduceradiant heat to the building onthe northern façade. Thegreenhouse will also provideaccess to greenery, in the formof a green courtyard.

The building’s façade will open towards the green courtyard to allowcross ventilation and as a climate control element.Trees will form a fundamental constructor of pedestrian paths andpedestrian orientated streets.

View todrop off

View from adjacentsite to market andentrance

View from arrivalsto public openspace

View on arcadia streetaxis and public space

2.2(Plan explaining views and vertical circ).





Market side

public open








Main movement


2.3(Plan illustrating green areas )

As described in the urban design principals, Schoeman Street andDuncan Street will be hard edges. These streets are notpedestrianized but will have mini-bus and municipal bus stations forpick up and drop off. These waiting shelters will be adequatelytransparent to minimize vandalism and provide adequatesurveillance of the station and enhance a sense of security andopeness. Festival Street and Burnett Street will be pedestrianizedand Grossvenor Street, will be an extension of Burnett, linking thestation public open space with the pedestrian route from BurnettStreet.

1.2.) Inclusive environment.

Hatfield station will be a specifically designed building for its function. The building must accommodate1500 people at peak travelling hours per platform. This will cause vacant open spaces at certaintimes(minimum of 1500 sqm) during non-peak hours. To create a sense of activity and occupancy,commercial, retail and overnight space will be introduced as shared volumes, but not as shared usablespaces. The building’s function will be a train station, for as long as the railway commuters will use traintravel as transport medium.

The surrounding structures that form part of the station prescient, must be flexible designed, to adoptdifferent functional activities for changing times. The environment must therefore also be designed forthe building to function.

1.2.1) Public transport and routes:

Public transport will form the main access medium, with pedestrian routes, for the departure and arrivalareas on the station building. A primary access route that runs north/ south across the site will be used asa service route, drop-off zone and pick-up area for arriving and departing passengers.

A bus depot will be located within 50m of the arrival platform and theGautrain mini-bus service will be available to transport passengersto nodal activity areas (Brooklyn, Hatfield and Menlyn). A ring roadsystem (Schoeman St, Duncan St, Burnett St and Festival St), thatwill be serviced by mini busses and the municipal bus service, willbe within walking distance from the station, to the north and theuniversity, to the south, to reduce travel time within the Hatfieldprecinct.

A station building that will form an extension of our environment, but still keepthe identity and functional requirements of a train station, within the context of

the site and neighborhood.

Bus terminal

Train terminal

Gautrans taxis

drop off

( plan showing public transportation on site).2.4

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPrreettoorriiaa eettdd –– RRooccccoonn,, EEBB ((22000033))

( perspective indicating 1st floor under ground).

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Bus criteria:

� Buses should be as close as possible to the train station.

� Promote fast efficient movement with no obstructions (e.g.: crossing railwaytracks).

� Provide emergency services for railway line failure.

� Separate bus and motor car access.

� Minimize conflicts between buses, motorcars, pedestrians, cyclists and train.

� One bus bay with 3,5m x 20m with 15m tapers on each side.(LRT Design Criteria Manual. Revise October 2000).

Pedestrian movement and circulation to, from and across train platforms is essential forthe smooth operation and functioning of a train station. Movement patterns must be assimple, obvious and comfortable as possible.

The Implementation of color, texture, patterns and clear signage will enhance themovement of pedestrians to the functional activities.Elevators, escalators, ramps and stairways will achieve changes in level. Thesecirculation elements must be placed on the pedestrian routes but must not obstructmovement.

1.2.2). Circulation zones: (edges)

� A Through Zone is an unobstructed area void of above-grade utility boxes,

vertical elements, furnishings, etc. that provides free flow of pedestrianmovement.

� A Curb Zone is an unobstructed area void of utility boxes, vertical elements,furnishings, etc. that provides space for loading and unloading of vehicles.

� A Furniture Zone is an area where furnishings, utility boxes, light and sign

poles, newsstands, trash receptacles, shelters, platform equipment, etc. arelocated.

� A Guideway Zone is the horizontal train movement area that corresponds

with the vehicular dynamic envelope.

� A Bus Zone is an area where buses transition in and out of the station and

stop for passenger loading and unloading.

� A Building Frontage Zone is an area between a building line and the through

zone where passengers might lean, window shop, or avoid because ofbuilding obstructions such as window ledges, columns, etc.

� A Drop-off Zone is an area generally associated with kiss-and-ride whereautomobiles drop-off and pick-up passengers.

� A Taxi Zone is an area designated for taxi drop-off and pick-up.

� A Clear Zone is an area at the corner of an intersection that is void of utility

boxes, vertical elements, signs, newsstands, trash receptacles, etc. to allowadequate sight distances.

� A Pedestrian Crosswalk Zone is an area designated for pedestrians that

cross a street and that is clearly marked by paving or paint.(LRT Design Criteria Manual. Revise October 2000).

1.2.3) Toilets:

Each level that will be associated with the arrival and departure platforms will be equipped with publictoilet facilities.These facilities will be situated near vertical circulation areas.

Men: at least 5 wash hand basins,

5 WC’s and 5 urinals.

Women: 10WC’s and 10 wash hand basins.








2530 2940

300115 115 1100 230




1.3.) Access to facilities.

Daily living and working activities requireaccess to daily necessities and requirements ofa range of services. By providing these servicesto people, it will increase the efficiency of thebuilding’s function and reduce impacts on theenvironment.

1.3.2). Retail:

Retail will be in the form of daily requirements. The retail component will form an extension of the arrivalplatform of the station and a lengthen activity line of the open-air market. Retail will include the following:

� Stationary shop (150-200sqm)

� Chemist

� Doctor/ Dentist

� Street cafés/ coffee shops

� Restaurants

� Take away

� Post office/ I-net café

� Bank

� Supermarket (fresh produce on open market)

� Cell phone franchise

� Travel shop (suitcases/ travel bags)

� Bureau de change

1.3.1) Banking:

Banking facilities will occur in the station building and on the public open spaces. Public telephones andATM’s will be grouped together, to form a functional unit and add to security precautions, for it will beplaced where there will be sufficient surveillance and on movement axis.


(Toilet layout).

Movement patterns must be as simple, obviousand comfortable as possible.

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPrreettoorriiaa eettdd –– RRooccccoonn,, EEBB ((22000033))




ial1.3.3. Residential:

The existing building to the south of the public open square, will be converted into ahotel. The existing building to the north of the site is currently being used as a hotelschool. As a job creation opportunity and a functional requirement, the students andtrainees can be utilized as staff members for the proposed hotel.Overnight accommodation, as a cheaper form of accommodation will be available at thearrival platform area. There are sufficient accommodation facilities within a 12-km radiusfrom the station, for the site is situated in a residential area. Student accommodation forthe hotel school staff and students will be proposed on the adjacent site to be developedas well as accommodation for the proposed job center.

1.3.4) Commercial:

Commercial and retail facilities have been introduced to the area over the last 10 years.The commercial component will further lend to the multi functional development in theform of offices that will form part of the station building.

2.7( perspective indicating commercial level ).

1.4.) Participation and control.

Occupants that participate and help to decide in the functioning of their environment theywork in, will enable the users to manage and control their environment. Control over aspectsof their environment will enable personal comfort control and satisfaction.

1.4.1) Environmental control:

Users of buildings have reasonable control over their environment. Except for the building managementsystem to be implemented, occupants can participate in the climatic control of their environment, toadjust their own comfort levels, by opening and closing louvers and windows for cross ventilation andairflow and the adjustment of blinds. The implementation of the passive airflow system and the trombewall system can educate people in different applications of these construction techniques.

1.4.2) User adaptation:

The occupants must have the freedom to utilize the space, as they desire. This calls for areas that allowdifferent uses over time. Flexibility of the spaces created, is the design principle that must be achieved.This includes the design, manufacture and implementation of a modular partition system.

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� Social spaces:

Social spaces in the building and on public open spaces and pedestrian routes are importantfor the interaction between people. This can range from informal to formal spaces. Streetfurniture can be used to create seating areas along a pedestrian route and promote interactionsand rest areas. These spaces in buildings can be the restaurants or coffee cafes on theplatforms, the tearooms in the commercial offices and the arcade in front of retail shops.

� Community involvement

The station will act as a part of the Hatfield prescient. The community will use the station as atransport medium to reach their destination. The university and surrounding schools can utilizethe station for field or day trip escersions. The metro rail can utilize the central platform fordeliveries for the open-air market. The job center can provide the necessary day-to-day jobopportunities. The part of the departure platform that will not be used for commuters can beused as a capital generator, where space can be rent for storage. An overhead crane can beused to distribute heavy loads and a service lift for smaller particles.

The implementation of the passive airflow system and the trombewall system can educate people in different applications of these

construction techniques.

1.5.) Education, Health and Safety.

1.5.1) Education

We live in a technological age. Information in our respective fields is important for us to keep up withdaily advances in our professions. Information comes in a wide range of mediums. Access tonewspapers, newsmagazines, Internet and people in the same fields of interests are important to keepup with what passes us by. Seminar rooms can be used as function rooms, education rooms and lecturerooms, to educate and inform the community. The community can use the room(s) as a community hall,as a church or for discussions, relevant on the community.

1.5.2) Security:

Security in this area is important for the use of the station. If the station is labeled as an unsafe anddangerous place, commuters will return to their more expensive way of travelling and visitors will stayaway. Access routes (pedestrian and vehicular) must be well lit during the nighttime. Activities mustoverlook the pedestrian routes and buildings (commercial, residential and retail) must be placed alongthese routes.

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPrreettoorriiaa eettdd –– RRooccccoonn,, EEBB ((22000033))

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2). Economic issues.

2.1.) Local economy.

Hatfield station and the related development that will impact the site will hold enormouseconomic benefits for local contractors and development in the region. The localeconomy of the area can grow by utilizing local resources, skills and workers.

There are enormous amounts of jobless people on the streets of Hatfield and can betrained and educated in the construction, management and distribution skills of buildingconstruction, road construction, bridge construction, train related aspects, commercial,retail and education. The proposed job center can already start to promote, recruit, train,educate and advertise through the planning phases of the project.

2.1.1) Local contractors:

The principal agent, employer, contractor and tender document must try and promote 80%of the construction be carried out by contractors based within a 40km radius from the site.By using local contractors and sub-contractors, the local economy will grow. From anethical and judicial point of view, the tender document, experience and quality of workmust also be considered before appointing. The aim is not to be partial to the localcommunity but to uplift, educate and train people from the local area. If a tender of betterquality is accepted, local unskilled laborers must try to be incorporated into thecontractor’s team.

2.1.2) Local building material supply:

An estimate has been set to use 80% of building construction material, manufactured andproduced within 200km of the site. These include pre-manufactured components. Abuilding system or separate building component (e.g. wall unit, passive cooling devicecomponent).

2.1.3) Outsource opportunities:

Small emerging businesses can be given a chance to establish a reputation, by providingan opportunity for them in the development, planning, construction and maintenancephases of the project. These provisions include the education and training emergingbusinesses, outsourcing catering, cleaning services, security and to create space andopportunities for business to use space for retail and education during the phases of thedevelopment. The maintenance of the building and site can be through self-developed andtrained staff or outsource to companies within 50km of the site.

2.2.) Efficiency of use.

The efficiency of buildings occupied and used by people can be unsustainable if theplanned spaces are not used to its full potential. Spaces within a structure can be used fordifferent function during the day. This means to utilize the same space for differentfunctional activities during different times of the day. This will promote a longer occupancyduring the day to reach the 18-hour day functional activities.

2.2.1) Usable space:

Non-usable (non-rentable) spaces (toilet facilities, plant rooms, communication rooms, etc) must be inthe right proportional relation to usable (rentable) spaces. A train station has arriving and departureplatforms that can not be utilized as capital generators. To accommodate and utilize these non-usablespaces, retail can be incorporated on the path towards the platforms, to generate income, toaccommodate specific daily requirements and needs. The non-usable spaces, must not be more than20% of the total building area.

2.2.2) Occupancy:

The station and surrounding buildings must be occupied for at least 30 hours per week. The introductionof retail, housing, commercial and open-air market activities with a train station, will produce functionaldaily activities for at least 18 hours per day.

2.2.3) Space use:

The optimum management of spaces during different times of the day will intensify the functionalactivities during the day.

2.2.4) Use of technology:

Technology in communications will reduce the necessity for extra space required for conferencefacilities. Video conferencing and Internet access will be incorporated and assist the surroundingcommercial companies to reduce travelling time and expenses.

Technology in construction will be introduced in the greenhouse structure, to regulate and control themicroclimate. A louvered roof structure will open to allow ventilation from the platform levels and close toheat the air. The roof will open when there are too much moisture or heat within the green house.Thermostat and moisture sensors will trigger the opening of the roof.A computer management system will regulate the dry bulb, wet bulb and relative humidity inside thegreenhouse and allow for evaporative cooling (cross ventilation) or heating (heat pump) to allow for acomfortable environment.

Evaporative cooling will be in the form of a fine spray with gray water from the building. The spray willalso provide the necessary moisture for the plants.

2.3.) Adaptability and flexibility

As mentioned, the structure must be flexible to accommodate future functional changes during thebuilding’s life span.

2.3.1.) Vertical dimension:

A minimum of 3 meters from the floor level to the underside of the floor slab must be achieved. As apassive cooling system will be implemented in the design, access for ducting must be provided. Accessfloors and hung-ceilings will provide adequate space for ventilation ducts, piping and electrical conduits.To achieve optimum flexibility and adaptability a minimum of 4,2m will be adequate to allow therequired space for access floors hung ceilings and enough internal space. The height of 4,2m min canlater be divided into two 2,1m levels min for extra usage and flexibility. The use of brickwork and adesirable height of 4,420m will be adequate. All levels do not have to adhere to this flexible height.

2. Economic issues2. Economic issues brief document- chapterHATFIELD STATIONHATFIELD STATION 2

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BASELINE DOCUMENTBASELINE DOCUMENTnatural ventilated train stationnatural ventilated train station

CHAPTER 2page 15//30

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2.3.2) Running costs.

Buildings must be aninvestment. It mustgenerate more incomethan expenses. If runningcosts per month can bekept to a minimum, thereare more capital left atthe beginning of eachmonth. This means moreprofit and a soundinvestment.

2.3.3.) Maintenance:

A low maintenance building will ensure lower running costs per annum. Materials thatwill be used must be of high quality and the application of materials must ensure a longlife span for its intended use. The structure to bridge the railway lines can not be ofheavy mass, for the point load on the bridge structure will mean a higher constructioncost of the bridge itself.

2.8( perspective for minimum height level ).

2.3.4.) Internal partitions.

The load bearing structure must be designed in such a way that internal load bearingstructures are not required. This will allow for internal partitions to be erected at any placeto utilize every area to its full potential.The partition panels can be designed to fit in with increments of the load bearingstructure grid and will enhance the flexibility.

2.3.5.) Services.

The service shafts and service ducts must be easily accessible and can also lend itsweight to structural stability, ventilation and service routes. Well-planned serviceentrances will mean an easier way of maintenance and service providing.

A lightweight structure on the bridge grid will mean a structure of timber, steel, pre-castconcrete elements and non-load bearing brickwork and stonework. Heat retentionadvantages from heavy mass structures will therefore be a problem with lightweightstructures.This in itself will mean carefully planned and design sun protection elements for thebuilding to utilize stored heat energy during night and protection from the sun during theday.

2.3.7.) Insurance/ water/ energy/ sewerage:

A managed plan to ensure that water usage can be reduced will be implemented. Low flush toilets andurinals can be used. Water from wash hand basins, sinks and drinking fountains can be filtered andreused as gray water for the gray water system (greenhouse watering and evaporative cooling).Using low energy light bulbs can reduce energy usage and the use of natural daylighting during the daycan also reduce energy usage. A light filter automatic timer can be used to switch lights on at differenttimes of the year in and around the building.The measuring and management of water and energy usage can be determined by the managementsystem to control and check for in-consistencies during usage.

2.3.8.) Disruption and “downtime”:

The operating, management, communications, HVAC and back-up systems will be accessible by aservice lift and near a service entrance on the southern side of the building. This area will function on itsown and will not be accessible by the commuters or public. A separate controlled access point will allowentry for staff and service staff.

2.3.6.) Cleaning:

The construction elements and choice of materials to be used must be of such a natureto be cleaned easily and maintained longer. The use of tiles instead of carpets as anexample. The cleaning of windows, will it be easily reachable.

2.4.) Capital costs.

The site has the ability to bride the gap between low income and high-income living standards andconditions. An open-air market and informal trading can co-exist and compete with affluent commercialand retail activities. The dirt and grime point of view perception can be eliminated if the situation andenvironment are pleasant and safe enough to be used.

2.4.1.) Build ability:

The station building will be placed on the site to maximize its orientation sun and view advantages. Itmust also fit into context and into the existing building placement and existing building fabric. Thebuilding will be a simple U-shaped structure that will provide access from the main public open space onthe western side of the building (departure platform) and link with the market on the northern side of thebuilding (arrival platform).There will be replication of components on the building and in the building in the form of load bearingcolumns and cladding components. This will reduce construction and manufacturing costs establish astandardized component, to reduce wastage (cut-off).

2.4.2.) Construction:

The site will be developed in phases as the need for functional activity increase with commuter usage ofthe train station. The planning of the project is essential in the success of the planning and constructionphases. The first phase of the development will be the most important or the anchor of the development.In this case the train station and platforms will be the first phase of construction. If the station is safe andoperational for use, the functions to support the station can start with construction.The retail and overnight accommodation will therefore be the second phase.The commercial building to relocate the proposed hotel structure (currently commercial) will be the firstto start construction with the retail. The third phase will be the rest of the proposed commercialstructures.The buildings should be constructed as a shell (load bearing elements e.g. columns and slabs) and thenthe facades, finishes and secondary elements (ventilation installations, electrical installations, toilets,basins etc.)

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3.) Environmental issues.

3.1.) Water:

Water is a daily necessity to sustain life. Water has to be stored to accommodate thedaily needs of the building and its occupants and take up large amounts of space. Thecost of constructing the space required and the cost of conventional water supply, mustbe weight up against each other to work out the feasibility of each choice. To storewater, will mean a more environmental and cost saving method of water usage. Thereuse and re-distribution of water (gray water) will have cost saving implications.

3.1.1.) Rainwater and water use:

Rainwater will be collected and stored in basement tanks (50 kl). The water can be usedwith or separate from the gray water for evaporative cooling, flushing toilets and wateringthe greenhouse. Heat pumps can utilize solar heated water for heating in winter. Thereverse effect can also be used to introduce cooler air during summer time. Water canstill circulate the solar heaters during summer times and used from the geysers. Warmerwater in the geyser means less energy to be added for the desired water usetemperatures.

The water has to be filtered first before it is introduced into the geyser for use. Duringperiods of little or no rain (winter times) water can be obtained from the conventionalmunicipal connections.

3.1.2.) Run off:

Using steel grids in paved surfaces and paving with a fall towards channels can collect therun off. This water can also be stored in the storage tanks and then filtered for use.

3.1.3.) Planting:

Trees and soft landscaping will be used around the building as surface covering instead ofhard paved areas. The soft landscaping on the western side of the structure will have lessre-radiation properties than the paved surface. Deciduous trees will be planted on theeastern and western sides as sun control elements and as a natural environment element.The green planted areas will be on visual axis from within the building and on movementaxis.

3.2.) Energy:

Buildings consume large amounts of energy (in the form of air-conditioning units, artificiallighting, electrical appliances etc), to operate on a daily basis. All electrical appliances andequipment need electricity from the national grid to operate. Conventional energyproduction contributes to the depletion of non-renewable resources and thereforedamages the environment. This lead to a large environmental footprint (use more energyper day than nature can replace per day). The use of less conventional energy will leave asmaller ecological footprint and the use of renewable resources can lead to a controlledand manageable environmental resource usage.

3.2.1.) Location:

Commuters and visitors will use less energy, for the station is within walking distance from Hatfield, theUniversity, schools and the residential suburbs. People will not need to use vehicular transport to visit ormake use of the station presciecnt.

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3.2.2.) Ventilation system:

The building will make use of a passive ventilation system for cross ventilation. Cooler air will beintroduced through the platform level into the building by louvers in summer times. The louvers will beadjusted by a computer management system that will be connected to thermostats and pressure controlsensors. The pressure sensors will ensure positive air pressure on the inside of the building and willopen the outside façade, to introduce new air into the building every hour (depending on the space andthe activity).

In wintertime the reverse effectwill take place. The ventilated airwill be introduced into the buildingto heat the air.The greenhouse will also absorbCO2 from the surroundingenvironment and through themicroclimate, introduce fresh airas a “cleaner air supply”.

Accommodation Air changes perhour

Offices-above ground 2-6

Offices-below ground 10-20

kitchens 20-40

Public toilets 6-12

Plant room 10-15

Restaurants 10-15

Storage room 1-2

Assembly hall 3-6

Class room 3-4

Domestic habitablerooms


(J.Greeno.1998. Building services, technology anddesign.)

The air that will be in the building atthis time will circulate through theheat pump, to cool the air down orheat the air, depending on theseason and the air temperature,humidity in the air and the airquality.Trombe walls on the westernfaçade can further heat the internalair by opening the building’s façadewindows and closing the ventilationlouvers of the wall. The trombe wallwill be used to ventilate the hot airon the building’s façade in summertime and will also be used as avertical sun-screening device at thisseasonal time.

The natural ventilationsystem will assist the

artificial cooling/heatingsystem in controlling theinternal environment’s


2.9( section explaining ventilation and cooling cycles)

3. Environmental issues3. Environmental issues 2brief document- chapterHATFIELD STATIONHATFIELD STATION

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3.2.3.) Heating and cooling system:

Air changes will occur every hour during occupation times. The air that is introduced willthen be heated or cooled through the heat pump. The “new” air will replace the “oldair”(warm air rises to the roofline. Ventilation ducts open. Cold air from beneath will createairflow and replace the “old air”. Electrical fans can assist in air distribution/ expulsion).The ventilation shafts close and traps the “new air”. Blow fans on ground level will start airmovement upwards, through the triple volume and extractor fans extract air on the otherside through air ducts, where the heat pump will heat the air, add extract moisture or coolthe air down.

Solar water heaters will introduce heat to the air (heat pump stage) and will also introducewarm water into the geysers. As mentioned, the trombe wall will also heat the air orventilate the building’s façade.

This passive heating/ cooling system will only act as a mechanism to reduce energyusage and time of usage of the air conditioning system. On extreme weather conditionsduring the different seasons, the air conditioning system will be more efficient.

3.2.4.) Appliances and fittings.

All water pipe fittings must be covered with insulation materials to reduce the loss off heatduring water distribution and flow. Low energy light bulbs can be used and fluorescenttubes can be used to reduce the energy usage. The lighting can also operate on a timermechanism for different seasons, as mentioned.

3.2.5.) Renewable energy:

Energy can be generated through photovoltaic cells. The generated energy can then bestored in the form of rechargeable batteries. Electrical lights can be operated during nightfrom these batteries.

( energy conservation in hot climates: D.Holm, 1983)

( illustration of heat pump cycle for heating and cooling air)

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3.3.) Recycling and reuse:

Raw materials and new components used in buildings consume resources and energy in theirmanufacture and processes. Buildings accommodate activities that consume large amounts ofresources and products and produce large amounts of waste. Reducing the use of new materials andcomponents in buildings and in the activities accommodated and reducing waste by recycling and reusesupports sustainability by reducing the energy consumption and resource consumption.(J.Gibbert, 2002.Sustainable Building Assessment Tool.)

3.3.1.) Toxic waste:

Areas where dangerous and toxic materials will be discarded will need to be addressed, by providing theright precautionary measures to avoid accidental exposure to the waste material. The loading andtransportation of the toxins must also be considered. These areas will include the service yards for thetrains (oil, cleaning fluids etc.), the batteries for the photovoltaic cells, commercial companies andequipment used in offices, retail or household appliances.

3.3.2.) Inorganic waste:

There will always be waste products where there are people. The best way to accommodate for therecycling of waste materials is to design and create space for waste materials. Recycle waste areas canbe designed for and arrangements for pick-up can be utilized at service entrance.The waste material can also be sold to recycle companies per load, kilogram or in other measurableformats.

3.3.3.) Construction waste:

During the construction phase of the project, arrangements have to be implemented for the clearing ofwaste material on site. Excavated earth can be used to fill uneven soil areas for building purposes, butshould not be used to cover the existing topsoil, for that can destroy the existing micro-habitat oforganisms and cut off the necessary sun, air and ventilation system needed for their survival.The added soil can also cause soil erosion (loose soil with no established root system).

Construction waste can also be sold to waste management companies. The waste materials can also bere-used (loose bricks as pavers).In the design process, standardized and modular elements can also be used and designed to minimizewastage.

3.4.) Site:

Buildings invade the natural environment and replace the natural fabric with a manmade structure thatuses natural resources for the construction and running of the structure. The depletion of the naturalfabric impacts on the environment we live in and need to survive and support life on earth. The buildingleaves a “footprint” and if the footprint uses non-renewable elements, too much energy in the constructionand running of the building, the footprint can leave a permanent imprint on the earth’s surface.

This is one reason to density the functional usage on the site in an ordered, coherent and planned form.The more multi functional activities on a site will mean less ground to be broken for more buildings. Thiswill also have financial gain for investors and developers, for the more rentable floor area, means morecapital gain. For the occupants and users can only benefit from the functional activities on the site.

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3.5.2.) Manufacturing process:

The construction and manufacturing of the building components and elements mustmanufactured with as little as possible impact on the environment (construction andmanufacturing process).

3.5.3.) Recycled/ reused materials and components:

The sun control panels on the main entrance will be manufactured from recycled plasticelements. A plastic technologist will be incorporated, as sub-contractor, into the designand development of the panels. The reason for the use of plastic panels is to utilize thewaste materials as a modular system. The properties of the plastic can be altered to takeon new properties on molecular level. This can be achieved through nanotechnology.The plastic panels can absorb and store heat for more sufficient and efficient heatstorage. The plastic will minimize direct sunlight penetration on the eastern and westernfacades and can thus act as a sunscreen device on its own. The plastic can also gathermore dust and still be suitable due to the plastic’s characteristics.

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The station will form part of a new station public open area. The existing buildings werenot planned to form a public open space for the train station. The facades of the existingbuilding will be looked at and altered where necessary to form the desired building formand public open area.

3.4.2.) Neighboring buildings:

The buildings surrounding the site will only be altered where necessary and only the newpart of the Delta Motor Corporation building will be broken down and constructionelements reused where applicable. The new structures will be designed to allowmaximum heat and natural sun light penetration and also placed for sufficient naturalventilation.

3.4.3.) Vegetation:

The existing vegetation on site will be retained where possible, to minimize impact onthe natural environment. The greenhouse on the northern façade of the building will onlyuse indigenous plants. A cultivated roof system can be implemented on the easternroofs of the building for insulation purposes during the mornings and also on ground floorlevel on the eastern and western sides to minimize reflective and direct heat gain duringthe day.

3.4.1.) Brownfield site:

The Gautrans site was previously occupied by the Arcadia Primary School. It has sincebeen divided into different portions and the proposed developed site, owned by the Sage LifeInvestment Company, forms part of the divided site

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