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Page 1: Basic Communication Skills New Trends in Pharmacy Management Workshop 12- 13 March 2011.

Basic Communication Skills

New Trends in Pharmacy Management Workshop

12- 13 March 2011

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Preface• Community pharmacists should be able to

mix medicines accurately and make calculations.

• They must have good communication, They must have good communication, problem-solving and listening skillsproblem-solving and listening skills.

• Pharmacists must also be able to manage and train staff, and they need business skills for the day-to-day running of a pharmacy.

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Why Communications Skills Are So Important ?• The purpose of communication is to get your

message across to others. This is a process that involves both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error, with messages often misinterpreted by one or more of the parties involved. This causes unnecessary confusion and counter productivity.

 • In fact, a message is successful only when

both the sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way.

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CommunicationIs Affected By...

Personal Factors mood energy level / fatigue body language Environment noise temperature other distractions Whether we use old technology or new, effective

communication includes active listening, choosing our words carefully and matching them with our body language.

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Rights and Responsibilities

• Each of us has the right and the responsibility to:

Be listened to Acknowledge the concerns of others Say what we feel and think Say "No" to something we don't want to do

or don't believe in, without feeling guilty Say "I need time to think about that" Negotiate to resolve differences

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• Active listening sends the message that you want to understand what is being said, and the person speaking is important to you.

Being a good listener builds healthy relationships

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What?Say Again!

• Watch out for gestures that might show you're not interested, you're bored, or you're closed to new ideas:

• sighing • yawning • looking at your watch or over the shoulder of the person speaking • crossing your arms over your chest • standing with hands on your hips

Show your interest and respect with eye contact, a pleasant tone of voice and a smile.

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Empathy• Empathy - is listening to understand rather just to answer. • Active listening and comforting or reassuring words strengthen

relationships - they let the other person know you can see things from his or her perspective.

• It's difficult to listen or comfort another person if you're feeling really angry, afraid, or excited yourself. When feelings are intense, you may try to defend your own position first rather than hear the other person's concerns. Cool down strategies help you to calm your own emotions and listen with an open mind.

• Practice non-defensive listening when the atmosphere is relaxed - then it will be easier to use this skill when there's a problem or a conflict to resolve.

• Taking time to understand others helps with being understood.

When you need to express intense feelings, or brainstorm solutions to a problem, choose a person who is an active listener.

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Rules for good listening

• Deciding in advance that what a person is saying is not important means probably you'll tune out - and you could miss an opportunity to learn something and to strengthen a relationship.

• It's difficult to listen if you're too tired, trying to cook dinner or preoccupied with something else - in those situations, it's best to set aside another time agreeable to both, when you are able to give your full attention.

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• Preconceived ideas about what someone is saying will block communication. When you keep an open mind, you are ready to learn something new.

• Eye contact reassures the person speaking that you are listening, and builds trust in a relationship.

• Don't judge a book by its cover - important information can come from anyone, regardless of the package.

• Matching your body language with your words through eye contact, a pleasant tone of voice and a warm smile conveys interest and respect. This reassures the person speaking that you feel he/she is important.

Rules for good listening

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• Asking questions will help the person clarify what he/she is telling you. You can show you understand by paraphrasing - repeating in your own words what the person has said.

• Looking beyond the actual words to acknowledge the feelings lets the person speaking know that you are trying to see things from his or her perspective. Even though you may not agree, you will have shown that you care and that will help you to work out differences.

Rules for good listening

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Which style works best?Which style would you like to receive?

• Consider these styles of communication: •

YOU DID IT AGAIN... (yelling)You borrowed my new shirt and got stuff all over it! You're so stupid! I hate you!

• your favorite shirt that was left rumpled on the floor after your roommate borrowed it. You frown and say nothing.

• Thanks a lot! I'll wash my shirt myself. Then you think (but don't say): That's the last time I lend you anything - I don't care how many times you ask. And you slam the door.

• I found my shirt on the floor in your room and it needs to be washed. I'm angry that you didn't return it or take care of it. I need my shirt cleaned and returned today.

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Communication Styles

• Passive• Hesitates, apologizes, gives in or says nothing. • Makes little eye contact, frowns. • Speaks in a shy or timid voice, or mumbles.

• Aggressive• Interrupts, exaggerates, blames, makes

demands; uses sarcasm. • Makes glaring eye contact. • Yells, swears, calls names, clenches fist. • Ignores feelings of others.

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• Passive-Aggressive• Initially apologizes, then makes plan to get even. • Avoids eye contact. • Expresses anger through body language or actions (e.g. facial

expression or slamming a door) instead of through words. • Ignores the problem for the present but there may be an

argument later.

• Assertive• Speaks clearly and firmly using statements. • Shows respect for self and for others. • Makes steady eye contact. • Uses an upright confident body posture and a pleasant, firm


Communication Styles

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•You express your feelings and your rights clearly. •You act in your own best interests but still consider the needs and rights of others. •You develop trust and equality in your relationships. •You ask for help when you need it.

How Assertive am I?

Being Assertive Means...

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1" Messages in 3 Simple Steps• Describe the situation and how it affects you. Give just the facts.• Say how you feel. For example: sad, happy, angry, afraid...• Say what you need. Describe the action you need to see, and a promise or commitment that it

will happen.

Sometimes you can decrease tension in problem situations with humour, the tone of your voice and a smile, as you make your point.

The same 3 steps are a great way to compliment, support and encourage someone you care about. Being assertive builds healthy relationships.

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Tips on Being Assertive

• Make eye contact. • Use a pleasant firm voice. • Call the other person by name. • Use confident-looking posture. • Choose the best time and place - sometimes, it works best to

ask for a few minutes to speak to the other person in private. • Difficult People • However, the world is not made up of all reasonable people.

"Difficult" people, and reasonable people who are very stressed (that's all us of from time to time) do not always respond the way we want them to, even when we use great communication skills.

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Handling Pressure and Saying "NO!"

• Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt pressured to do something you didn't want to do?

• Lines are the pressure statements that people throw at you when they want you to do something. In some situations - such when you know there's a safety or health risk, or when it's against the law - the best comeback is "No" and you don't even have to explain.

Other times, good comebacks are useful in getting someone who is pressuring you off your back. The more often you use comebacks, the easier it gets.

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First you have to recognize when you're being thrown a line

• Statements that may seem logical, but your feelings (your intuition or your "gut" reaction) tell you something is not right.

• Try to get you to do something you don't believe in, or simply don't want to do.

• May sound like jokes, but usually leave you feeling embarrassed or scared.

• Try to persuade, manipulate and control other people. Neither lines nor comebacks build healthy relationships.

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1. If the criticism is constructive and accurate

Acknowledge your mistake and accept its accuracy.

Apologize. Take steps to correct the situation.

Q: You missed an important part in your report. A: You're right. Thanks for telling me. I'm sorry I missed that. I'll fix it.

2. If the criticism is accurate but not constructive

Acknowledge your mistake. Assert yourself in reply to any

insult. Take steps to correct the situation.

Q: You missed the most important section in your report. What an idiot! A: Yes, I did miss an important section. And no, that does not make me an idiot. I'll fix it.

Handling Criticism From Another Person

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3. If the criticism is inaccurate

Ask for more info. Correct the misperception.

Q: You're allways late. I can't depend on you at all. A: When has this been a problem? I know you think I'm always late, but it's only been once this month.

4. If the criticism is unkind, and its accuracy is a matter of opinion

Find some small way to agree. Ask for ideas.

Q: I can't believe what you're doing... you're gonna mess everything up even more doing it that way. It's a stupid idea! A1: It's possible... you could be right - but I've checked things out and I'm comfortable with the idea. A2: Yes, I may have new problems to deal with and I've thought about how I'll handle them if they do occur. A3: You have a better way... what is your idea?

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Resolving Conflict

Conflict is a part of the range of interactions we have with other people.

Resolving conflict often leads to a stronger relationship.

Two sides working together to solve a problem often arrive at a better solution than if each side worked alone.

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• Watch Out for Communication Blocks...

• Arguing • Withdrawing • Blaming or accusing • Not listening • Changing the subject

Resolving Conflict

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• Try to Avoid...• Jumping to conclusions • Mind reading • Unrealistic expectations... such as perfection

• Cool Down Time • Take 4 or 5 deep breaths. • Put the brakes on hostile thoughts... change your focus. • Buy yourself some time with "I need some time to think

about this". • Discharge the adrenaline with some exercise... go

for a walk. • Talk yourself down... listen to music... laugh. • Clear your mind for some creative solutions.

Resolving Conflict

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Increase Your Skill

• 1. Come up with a plan • Agree on the problem to be solved • Choose the time and place • Agree not to interrupt

• 2. Listen to understand • Respect the values of others • Ask questions to clarify • Paraphrase - confirm you have understood

• 3. Use "I" messages • Describe the situation and how it affects you • Say how this makes you feel • Paraphrase - confirm you have understood • Say what you need to see happen

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