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Basics and applications of tumor-derivedextracellular vesiclesYu-Ling Tai1,2, Pei-Yu Chu1, Bao-Hong Lee3, Ko-Chien Chen1, Chia-Yu Yang1, Wen-Hung Kuo4 andTang-Long Shen1,5*


Extracellular vesicle (EV)-mediated intercellular communication acts as a critical culprit in cancer development. Theselective packaging of oncogenic molecules renders tumor-derived EVs capable of altering the tumormicroenvironment and thereby modulating cancer developments that may contribute to drug resistance andcancer recurrence. Moreover, the molecular and functional characteristics of cancer through its development andposttreatment evolve over time. Tumor-derived EVs are profoundly involved in this process and can, therefore,provide valuable real-time information to reflect dynamic changes occurring within the body. Because they bearunique molecular profiles or signatures, tumor-derived EVs have been highlighted as valuable diagnostic andpredictive biomarkers as well as novel therapeutic targets. In addition, the use of an advanced EV-based drugdelivery system for cancer therapeutics has recently been emphasized in both basic and clinical studies. In thisreview, we highlight comprehensive aspects of tumor-derived EVs in oncogenic processes and their potentialclinical applications.

Keywords: Extracellular vesicles, exosome, tumor-derived EVs, homeostasis, tumor microenvironment, EV isolation,biomarker, drug delivery

BackgroundBasic characteristics of EVsEVs are transportable vesicles that participate in the ex-change of biological molecules between cells. They arepivotal in maintaining cellular and body homeostasis [1,2]. The transfer of EVs serves as an efficient and specificdelivery system that carries different types of cellularcargo, such as nucleic acids, lipids, proteins, and metabo-lites, to their target destinations [3]. Exosomes are definedas a specific subset of EVs that range from 30 to 150 nmin size. They are originally endosomal-derived intralum-inal vesicles (ILVs) that are subsequently released into theextracellular milieu through the fusion of multivesicularendosomes or multivesicular bodies (MVBs) with theplasma membrane [4–6]. Exosomes retain a conservedseries of proteins that are shared with the secreting cellduring their biogenesis. However, their uniqueness stems

from the variety of molecular constituents and lipid con-tents derived from their cell of origin and status. Giventheir intricate characteristics, exosomes display potent in-fluence on recipient cells and show promises in revealingcell-to-cell communication.In 1877, serum particles were investigated and de-

scribed as “motes floating in the sunlight” by Edmunds[7]. Later, Peter Barland et al. investigated the structureof cellular vesicles under an electron microscope [8].However, the function of these cellular vesicles remainedunclear until 1967, when Peter Wolf identified lipid-richparticles that displayed coagulant properties that he sug-gested had originated from the granules of platelets [9].In 1981, the term “exosome” was first coined to describeextracellular vesicles with an average diameter of 500 to1000 nm [10]. Later, the Johnstone group and the Stahlteam independently reported that bioactive moleculesshed from reticulocytes, such as transferrin receptors,were incorporated within vesicles (approximately 50 nmin diameter) and released by exocytosis in MVBs [11–13]. In 1987, Rose M. Johnstone et al. further describedthe functional link between exosomes and reticulocyte

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* Correspondence: [email protected] of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National TaiwanUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan5Center for Biotechnology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TaiwanFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Tai et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2019) 26:35 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12929-019-0533-x

maturation [6]. Although exosomes are secreted by awide range of mammalian cell types [4, 5], exosomes en-close limited cytosol from their parent cells with theirlipid bilayers and are devoid of cellular organelles. Thecompositions of exosomes reflect the physiological and/or pathological states of their parent cells and are associ-ated with their environmental conditions and/or stimuli[14]. Moreover, the distinct contents of exosomes heavilydepend on their parent cell types and functions, whichsuggests that exosomes have the unique property ofcargo selectivity [15]. Currently, exosomes can be iso-lated from almost all types of cells and various physio-logical and pathological fluids, such as blood, saliva,milk, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites, tears, and pleuraleffusions [16–18].Indeed, exosomes, the predominant form of microvesi-

cles, are stable and abundant in bodily fluids (> 109 vesi-cles/mL of blood) [19]. Cancer cells especially secretemore exosomes than healthy cells [20], suggesting thatexosomes function as critical mediators of cancerdevelopment.

EVs in homeostasisEVs maintain cellular homeostasis by transporting bio-active and/or regulatory molecules between cells and tis-sues. For instance, exosome secretion ablates the harmfulcytoplasmic accumulation of nuclear deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA) in cells by preventing the aberrant innate im-mune response [21]. Consistently, the inhibition of exo-some secretion, such as the depletion of alpha-1,3/1,6-mannosyltransferase (ALG2)-interacting protein X (Alix)or Rab27a, induced the cytoplasmic accumulation of nu-clear DNA and subsequently activated a stimulator of theinterferon genes, a cytoplasmic double stranded DNA(dsDNA) sensor, contributing to the reactive oxygenspecies-dependent DNA damage response [21]. In neuralEVs, cysteine string protein α, which regulates refoldingpathways at the synapse, is involved in the EV-mediatedcellular export of disease-associated proteins such as poly-glutamine expanded protein 72Q huntingtinex°n1 or super-oxide dismutase-1G93A [22]. In contrast, a loss-of-functionmutation of cysteine string protein α ablated the EV-medi-ated cellular export of disease-associated proteins [22],suggesting the critical role of the EV-mediated removal oftoxic proteins in neurons.The interaction between receptor activator of nuclear

factor-κB-ligand (RANKL)/ receptor activator of nuclearfactor -κB (RANK) induces osteoclast differentiation andfunction in bone homeostasis. Osteoblast-derived EVshave been shown to participate in this process by transfer-ring RANKL to osteoclast precursors to promote osteo-clast formation [23]. In contrast, RANK-enriched EVsregulated bone homeostasis by competing with RANK tointeract with RANKL on the surfaces of osteoclasts [24].

Recently, maturing osteoclasts-derived small EVs thatcontain RANK have been shown to induce RANKL re-verse signaling in osteoblasts via the activation of Runt-re-lated transcription factor 2 to facilitate bone formation[25]. Together, these studies indicate the importance ofEVs in the maintenance of the homeostatic cellularbalance.

EVs in cancer communicationEVs regulate the dynamic and functional communicationbetween cancer stem cells and cancer cells/the tumormicroenvironment during cancer development [26]. Indeed,exosomes secreted by C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4(CXCR4)-overexpressing breast cancer cells exhibited highlevels of stemness-related markers and metastatic-relatedmessenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs) [27]. Moreover, re-cipient cells treated with exosomes derived from CXCR4-overexpressing cells also demonstrated high expressionlevels of stemness-related markers and an increase in theinvasive ability and metastatic potential of cancer cells [27].Moreover, adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells secreteexosomes to facilitate cancer migration and proliferation ina wingless/integrated (Wnt)/β-catenin signal-dependentmanner [28]. In colorectal cancer, exosome derived fromcancer-associated fibroblasts have been shown to primecancer stem cells and to contribute to drug resistance andchemoresistance through Wnt signaling [29]. Additionally,the chemotherapeutic agent gemcitabine induced the up-regulation and secretion of miR-146a and Snail in cancer-associated fibroblast-derived exosomes, facilitating prolifer-ation and drug resistance in recipient pancreatic cancercells [30]. During gemcitabine treatment, the inhibition ofexosome generation by the inactivation of neutral sphingo-myelinase significantly reduced the survival of coculturedpancreatic cancer cells [30]. Fibroblast-derived exosomesthat contain Wnt have been shown to contribute to chemo-therapy resistance by restoring cancer stem cell characteris-tics in colorectal cancer cells in a Wnt/β-catenin signal-dependent manner [31], suggesting an important effect ofEVs derived from the tumor microenvironment ondrug resistance in cancer. Moreover, chemotherapeu-tic drugs, such as paclitaxel or doxorubicin, elicitedEVs enriched in annexin A6 that were shown to ac-tive endothelial cells, induce pulmonary C-C motifchemokine ligand 2 expression, and increase C-C che-mokine receptor type 2-positive monocyte expansion,leading to mammary tumor metastasis [32]. Thesestudies indicated the critical role of EVs in cell-to-cellcommunication during cancer development.

Association between tumor-derived EVs and cancerdevelopmentTumor-derived EVs with protumorigenic activity regulatecancer development by promoting cancer aggressiveness,

Tai et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2019) 26:35 Page 2 of 17

cancer invasiveness, the remodeling of the extracellularmatrix, angiogenesis, drug resistance, and immunosup-pression [14, 33], suggesting the important effects oftumor-derived EVs on cancer development and cancertherapy.The transfer of metastatic components (i.e., onco-

genic proteins or oncogenic microRNAs, oncomiRs)can trigger and reprogram signaling cascades, pheno-types, and the functions of recipient cells [34, 35].Tumor-derived EVs, especially exosomes, with prome-tastatic effects can also govern the pathogenesis ofcancer invasion and metastasis. For example, exoso-mal cluster of differentiation 44 (CD44) is transferredfrom ovarian cancer cells to peritoneal mesothelialcells, which subsequently results in the mesenchymaland spindle morphology of peritoneal mesothelial cellsand contributes to cancer invasion [36]. Indeed, nu-merous studies have shown exosomes to be involvedin epithelial–mesenchymal-transition (EMT) duringthe development of malignant cancer [37]. The uptakeof pancreatic cancer-derived exosomes by Kupffer cellselicited premetastatic niche formation through in-creasing transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) secre-tion and fibronectin expression by hepatic stellatecells and subsequently promoted liver metastasis [38,39]. Moreover, tumor-derived exosomal miR-1247-3phas been shown to activate the β1-integrin/nuclearfactor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells(NF-κB) signaling axis, resulting in the activation ofcancer-associated fibroblasts to foster the metastasisof liver cancer to the lung [34]. The transfer of EVmicroRNAs, such as miR-200, from highly metastaticbreast cancer cells to poorly metastatic cells altered geneexpression and facilitated mesenchymal-to-epithelial tran-sition, which promoted metastasis within the weakermetastatic cells [40]. Moreover, highly metastaticmelanoma-derived exosomes exhibited a prometastaticphenotype caused by an increase in MET expression ineducating bone marrow progenitor cells [41]. Indeed,exosomes derived from highly metastatic melanomasaltered their metastatic activity to produce poorlymetastatic melanomas [42], implicating the strongconnection between exosomes and cancer malignancy.Furthermore, tumor-derived exosomes promotedhypoxia-driven pro-angiogenic tumor responses [43]during cancer development, indicating the importanceof tumor-derived exosome in the regulation of sus-tained angiogenesis. The transfer of miR-130a fromgastric cancer cells to vascular endothelial cellsthrough exosomes facilitated angiogenesis and cancergrowth by targeting c-MYB [44]. It is believed thatEVs function as critical mediators of cancer develop-ment and malignancy. The following describes indetail the contents of EVs, their isolation and the

analytical approaches used in tumor-derived EVstudies.

EV contentsEVs containing varied molecular cargos (Figure 1), suchas nucleic acids (i.e., DNAs, mRNAs, microRNAs, longnoncoding RNAs and many noncoding RNAs), proteins,lipids, and metabolites, are directly internalized byrecipient cells, leading to morphological and functionalchanges in the recipient cells [14, 33]. It has beenhighlighted in recent years that the transfer of oncogeniccargo through EVs and tumor-derived exosomes drivesoncogenic signal transduction cascades in associationwith the development of cancer malignancies and tumormicroenvironments [5, 35]. Table 1 lists the functionaleffects of EV cargos during cancer development.

DNAsOncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are key mediatorsduring cancer progression and malignancy. Several studieshave indicated that dsDNAs represent the largest propor-tion of exosomal DNAs (exoDNAs) in tumor-derived exo-somes [45]. Indeed, double-stranded genomic DNAspanning all chromosomes has been detected in exosomes[46]. Moreover, fragments of mutated KRAS and p53, themost frequently mutated oncogenes or tumor suppressorgenes, within exosomes derived from pancreatic cancercells have been investigated in clinical studies [46]. Add-itionally, exoDNAs contain similar mutations, such asBRAF (V600E) and mutated epidermal growth factor re-ceptor (EGFR), as the cancer cell lines from which theyoriginated [45], suggesting the potential role of exoDNAsas alternative biomarkers in the detection and diagnosis ofcancers. Additionally, the complete circular mitochondrialgenome packaged within exosomes has been shown toregulate exit from therapy-induced metabolic dormancyin hormonal therapy-resistant breast cancer [47]. Never-theless, how genomic DNA or mitochondrial DNA ispackaged into exosomes and the regulatory mechanismsor functional consequences of exosomal DNA in recipientcells remain controversial. Indeed, studies reported thatretrotransposon elements present in EVs potentially had agenetic influence on disease development with low effi-ciency [48, 49].

mRNAsmRNAs within tumor-derived EVs influence the transla-tional profiles of recipient cells during tumor progres-sion [50, 51]. In 2008, Skog et al. showed that functionalmRNAs incorporated into EVs were delivered to andtranslated by recipient cells [50]. Functionally, EVs con-taining mRNAs for oncogenic proteins were enriched inangiogenic proteins and induced tubule formation in re-cipient endothelial cells [50]. Additionally, the enrichment

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of cell cycle-related mRNAs leading to endothelial cellproliferation was investigated in the transcriptome of hu-man colorectal cancer-derived EVs [52]. Of note, fewerthan one copy of nonribosomal RNA was indicated perEV, suggesting that the uptake of abundant tumor-derivedEVs as well as EV-RNAs by recipient cells might be

essential for the functional effects of EV-RNAs on recipi-ent cells [53]. Mutant mRNA variants and miRNAs signa-tures found in glioblastoma-derived EVs were clinicallydetected in only patients with glioblastoma [50]. Thesestudies emphasize that tumor-derived EVs with the onco-genic characteristics of the host serve as effective

Figure 1 Summary of diverse bioactive molecules in tumor-derived EVs. Tumor-derived EVs are phospholipid bilayer-enclosed vesicles thatcontain diverse bioactive molecules. These bioactive molecules can be divided into general groups, such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, andmetabolites. The nucleic acid group contains mutated oncogenes/ tumor suppressor genes, cell cycle-related mRNAs, and cancer-related miRNAs.The protein group can be divided into several subgroups: transmembrane proteins, growth factors, exosome biogenesis-related proteins,oncoproteins, and cytoskeletal proteins. Among members of the lipid group, cholesterol, sphingomyelin, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes can bedetected in EVs. Some amino acids, pyruvate, lactate, and TCA-cycle intermediates are included in the metabolite group

Table 1 Functional effects of EV cargos in cancers

EV cargo Type of cargo Functional effects Reference

Amino acids or TCA-cycle intermediates Metabolites Promote cancer growth [74]

Annexin A6 Protein Pre-mPremetastatic niche formation [31]

Integrins Protein Organotropic metastasis [39]

Lethal-7 miRNA family miRNA Maintain the highly metastatic tumorigenic phenotype [56]

MET Protein Pre-mPremetastatic niche formation [41]

miR-223 miRNA Enhance cancer invasion [57]

miR-10b and miR-21 miRNA Regulate cancer development [59]

Mitochondrial DNA Regulate escape from dormancy in therapy-resistant cancers [47]

Mutant K-Ras Protein Enhance three-dimensional growth of cells [68]

TGF-β Protein Promote fibroblast-myofibroblast differentiation [64, 65]

Tissue factor Protein Regulate pro-coagulant activity of endothelial cells [66]

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biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and potential therapeutictargets.

MicroRNAsMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that in-hibit gene expression by binding to the 3’ untranslated re-gions (UTRs) of messenger RNAs, which subsequentlyleads to mRNA destabilization, translational inhibition, ormRNA degradation [54]. During physiological and patho-logical processes, the transfer of miRNAs (i.e., oncomiRs)through EVs mediates cell-to-cell communication. Indeed,the encapsulation of miRNAs within exosomes protectsmiRNAs from degradation, thereby increasing the diag-nostic value of miRNAs contained in exosomes in cancerpathogenesis [55].Several studies have investigated the enrichment of se-

lective miRNAs in EVs in malignant cancers. For example,Ohshima et al. found that members of the enrichedlethal-7 (let-7) miRNA family, tumor suppressors target-ing oncogenic Ras, were selectively enriched in only highlymetastatic gastric cancer-derived exosomes, leading to themaintenance of a highly metastatic tumorigenic pheno-type by exosome-mediated clearance [56]. Additionally,tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) release EVs con-taining miRNAs (i.e., miR-223) that enhance the invasive-ness of breast cancer through the myocyte enhancerfactor 2C/β-catenin pathway [57]. Since angiogenesis facil-itates the process of cancer malignancy, angiogenesis reg-ulated by EV miRNAs has been highlighted in recentstudies [58]. EVs released from renal cancer stem cellsstimulated angiogenesis through the upregulation of an-giogenic factors (i.e., vascular endothelial growth factor)or extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation/remodeling en-zymes (i.e., matrix metallopeptidase 2 (MMP2) andMMP9) in premetastatic lung niches, leading to lung me-tastasis [58]. Of note, the association between miRNAs(i.e., miR-10b and miR-21) and the RNA-induced silencingcomplex-loading complex in breast cancer-derived exo-somes processes precursor miRNAs into mature miRNAsin a cell-independent manner, resulting in cancer develop-ment [59].Interestingly, the opposite effect of miRNAs within

EVs during cancer development was observed in glio-blastoma. The pro-oncogenic effects of tumor-derivedEVs were ablated by miR-1 which targets the abundantprotein annexin A2 in glioblastoma-derived EVs, leadingto tumor suppression of the glioblastoma microenviron-ment [60]. This finding provides an alternative strategyfor miRNA-based targeted therapy for cancer treatment.

ProteinsThe notion that several enlisted proteins are selectivelypackaged into EVs rather than packaged through a randomprocess is commonly accepted today. Unlike membrane

vesicles released by apoptotic cells with limited amounts ofbioactive proteins, exosomes are enriched with varied bio-active proteins originating from the plasma membrane (i.e.,growth factor receptors, integrins and tetraspanins), thecytosol (e.g., Rabs and annexins) and other intracellularcompartments dependent on the endocytic pathway [61,62].Integrins are a major family of cell surface receptors

that mediate cell adhesion to the ECM and modulate thebidirectional integration of signals between the insideand outside of a cell. Similarly, exosomal integrins ex-hibit an adhesive function by directing exosomes torecipient cells [62, 63], rendering specific and efficientintercellular communication. Of note, tumor-derivedexosomal integrins have been reported to be highly asso-ciated with the metastasis of human breast cancer to thelung [39], resulting in organotropic metastasis. Targetingintegrin within tumor-derived exosomes can interruptexosome uptake by recipient cells and ablate cancer me-tastasis [39], implicating the potency of exosomal integrinsin targeted cancer therapies.Various studies have indicated that tumor-derived EV

proteins shape the tumor microenvironment by remodel-ing the ECM, re-educating stromal cells, or activatingangiogenesis, thereby facilitating cancer development. Thetransfer of growth factors (i.e., TGF-β) by tumor-derivedexosomes influences the procancer stromal environmentby elevating α-smooth muscle actin expression and pro-moting fibroblast-myofibroblast differentiation [64]. TGF-β-containing exosomes triggered fibroblast differentiationthat supports angiogenesis and accelerates tumor progres-sion [65]. Furthermore, mesenchymal-like cancer-derivedEVs that exhibited an upregulated tissue factor, a trans-membrane receptor for the coagulation factor VII/VIIa,affected the procoagulant activity of endothelial cells andled to cancer malignancy [66].Importantly, tumor-derived exosomes carrying oncopro-

teins (i.e., mutant K-Ras) have been investigated in severaltypes of cancers, such as human colorectal cancer [67, 68].The transfer of mutant K-Ras from mutant K-Ras-express-ing cells into nontransformed recipient cells bytumor-derived exosomes enhanced the three-dimensionalgrowth of the nontransformed recipient cells [68]. Addition-ally, metastatic melanoma-derived exosomes transferred theMET oncoprotein to bone marrow-derived cells, enablingthe promotion of premetastatic niche formation and indicat-ing the importance of tumor-derived exosomes with a can-cer metastasis-related protein signature [41].

Lipids and metabolitesDifferent types of lipids, such as cholesterol, diglycerides,sphingolipids, phospholipids, polyglycerophospholipids, andphosphatidylethanolamine, are predominantly expressed inEVs [69, 70]. Cholesterol, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine,

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and phosphatidylinositol especially promote EV membranerigidity [69]. Some bioactive lipids (i.e., prostaglandins andleukotrienes) and lipid metabolism-related enzymes havealso been detected in EVs [69, 71, 72], suggesting the poten-tial role of EVs with cancer progression-related lipids in can-cer development.The intrinsic metabolic activity of EVs has demonstrated

their ability to synthesize adenosine triphosphate by gly-colysis as well as carry varied metabolites and metabolicenzymes, including pyruvate, lactate, and lactate dehydro-genase isoforms [73]. Thus, the metabolism of the recipi-ent cells is altered by the uptake of EVs. Of note, a studyby Zhao et al. [74] demonstrated that exosomes derivedfrom cancer-associated fibroblasts provided diverse me-tabolites, such as amino acids or tricarboxylic acid(TCA)-cycle intermediates, to nutrient-deprived cancercells to promote prostate or pancreatic cancer growth in aK-Ras independent manner.

Isolation of EVsTo understand how EVs participate in physiological andpathological processes, an efficient and reliable strategy forthe isolation of EV with high purity — low contaminationfrom other extracellular vesicles, soluble proteins, orbroken cells — is challenging but necessary for basic ex-perimental and clinical analyses. Based on the physicalproperties of exosomes, which have a specific buoyantdensity and different in flotation velocities, differential cen-trifugation is the most common method to isolate exo-somes from cell culture conditioned media or physiologicalfluids [4, 75–77]. Accordingly, live or dead cells, cellulardebris, and large particles in the cell culture conditionedmedia or physiological fluids are first separated by gradualcentrifugal forces between 200 × g to 10,000 × g, followedby the application of ultracentrifugal force at 100,000 × g toisolate exosomes [75]. In the basic research setting, themost widely used sample for EV isolation is conditionedcell culture media [77]. Larger sample volumes are requiredfor the isolation of EVs from cell culture conditioned mediathan the isolation of EVs from biofluids, such as plasma,serum, or urine [77]. Although some concerns, such as thetime-consuming nature and high equipment cost for EVisolation, have been addressed, the ultracentrifugationmethod allows for EV isolation from large sample volumesand produces high yields of EVs [77, 78]. However, the dif-ferential centrifugation method often results in protein ag-gregates or contaminations with particulates with similarphysical properties in the isolated EVs [75]. To resolve theseimpurities, modified EV isolation methods combining dif-ferential centrifugation and immunoadsorption techniques[79] or sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation [80] have beenreported in several studies.Due to increasingly high demand from the emerging

field of EV-based therapeutics and diagnostics, several

methods and commercially available kits for EV isolationbased on size exclusive chromatography, microfluidics,immunoaffinity, or flow metrics provide easy and effi-cient methods for the enrichment of purified EVs fromliquid samples, such as cell culture conditioned media orphysiological fluids. In fact, the principle of thesemethods is separation according to the density, size,mass, surface charge and/or surface protein features ofEVs. Sized-based isolation methods mainly depend onthe size or molecular weight of EVs. For example, ultra-filtration combined with sequential filtration, which is afaster procedure than ultracentrifugation despite the ob-servation of large vesicle deformation, is used for exo-some isolation [81]. Ultrafiltration, which has no specialequipment requirements, is more efficient than ultracen-trifugation [82]. In clinical studies, a nanomembraneultrafiltration concentrator was used to rapidly isolateexosomes from human urine samples [82]. Alternatively,size exclusive chromatography, which is easy and fast, toisolate EVs or exosomes from conditioned media orplasma samples depends on the hydrodynamic radius ofthe exosomes; nanoscale exosomes enter most of theporous beads and can be collected in the latter fractions,unlike larger particles, such as microvesicles or apoptoticbodies [83, 84].Regarding precision in exosome isolation, immunoaffi-

nity-based methods exhibit high specificity for exosomeisolation. Accordingly, these methods rely on specific exo-somal surface proteins, such as CD9, CD63, or CD81, thatcan be captured by their corresponding antibodies [85].Although immunoaffinity-based methods are not suitablefor EV isolation from large sample volume, high-purityEVs can be isolated from the conditioned media of cancercells or plasma samples from patients with cancer [85–87]. Notably, exosomes purified by immunoaffinity-basedmethods only represent a subpopulation of the whole exo-some population and exhibit various characteristics of thesubpopulation corresponding to different antibodies, evenwhen the antibody exhibits the same specificity againstthe same surface protein. Exosome precipitation involvesaltering the solubility or dispersibility of exosomes. Theeasy, rapid, and cost-effective method of EV isolation bypolyethylene glycol is often employed to separate exo-somes from the original soluble samples to dischargewater molecules and force exosomes out of solution [81,88]. In a longitudinal study, polyethylene glycol-based pre-cipitation enriched EVs from human serum samples forsubsequent EV miRNA analysis [89]. Inevitably, EVs puri-fied with this method coprecipitate with contaminants,such as membrane-free macromolecular/protein aggre-gates or particulates, which results in impure isolated exo-some populations.In the clinical setting, it is very important to isolate

EVs from small sample volumes within a fairly limited

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time period to improve the clinical potential of EVs incancer diagnosis [90]. Numerous innovative methods ofEV isolation, such as microfluidic- or flow cytometry-basedmethods, have been developed to enhance the sensitivityand specificity of EV isolation to fulfill clinical requirements[90]. Microfluidic-based EV purification methods, includingsieving EVs from blood samples through nanoporous mem-branes [91], capturing EVs from clinical plasma samples byan immunoaffinity antibody [92–94], or trapping EVs onporous structures such as porous silicon nanowire-on-micropillar structures, are efficient and fast [95]. Notably,microfluidic-based methods require additional off-chip pro-cesses for sample precleaning/preparation and/or reagentmixing [93]. Due to the size limitation of detection by for-ward scattered light, magnetic beads coated with antibodiesor commercial fluorescent-labeled antibodies against exoso-mal surface biomarkers allow exosomes to be detected andisolated by flow cytometry [96, 97]. Despite its low yieldsand high costs, a newly developed method based on thecharacterization, size-based separation, and quantificationof exosomes by the asymmetrical flow field-flow fraction-ation (AF4) technique combined with multidetection sys-tems, such as ultraviolet (UV) or multiangle light scattering(MALS) [98, 99], displays the powerful ability to producehigh-purity EV subpopulations, such as large exosome vesi-cles, small exosome vesicles and exomeres, at a high reso-lution [100]. Table 2 summaries the pros and cons, such asyield, purity, processing time, cost, and standardization, ofthe current methods commonly utilized for EV isolation.

Characterization of EVsIn basic experimental and clinical studies, thecharacterization of isolated EVs by imaging, biochemicaltechniques, or physiochemical techniques is an essentialstep. The main methods used to characterize isolatedEVs are electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking ana-lysis, Western blotting, and flow cytometry. Due to theirnanometer size, the morphology of exosomes is subjectto visualization and further determination by electronmicroscopy (EM). Typically, the rounded structure ofexosomes is investigated by cryogenic electron micros-copy [101]. Moreover, a modified method to characterizeexosome, the immuno-EM method, which combineselectron microscopy and antigen-specific immunolabel-ing, has been reported in many basic experimental stud-ies [75]. Furthermore, nanoparticle tracking analysis(NTA, a NanoSightTM technology) based on the Brown-ian motion of particles allows for the determination ofthe size distribution and particle concentration of EVs[102]. Other commercial NTA systems with similar out-puts are available on the market. According to the mo-lecular composition of EVs, separation of EV proteins bySDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting for specific EVbiomarkers, such as CD9, CD63, CD81, heat shock protein

70 (HSP70), HSP90, or Alix, enables the characterization ofEVs [103]. Additionally, flow cytometry-based methods,such as AF4/UV-MALS, are used to determine the size andamount of the particles discussed earlier [100].Notably, the International Society for Extracellular Vesi-

cles (ISEV) has recently launched the “Minimal Informa-tion for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018)” guideline [104] by updating the MISEV2014 guide-line to provide comprehensive mandatory considerationsfor EV characterization, including quantification, globalcharacterization, and single EV characterization.

Roles and potential applications of tumor-derived EVsThe pathologic functions of tumor-derived EVs in cancerdevelopment and malignancy are highlighted by theirbona fide effects; EVs facilitate transformation, survival,immunosuppression, epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT), invasion, angiogenesis, premetastatic niche for-mation, and metastasis. Understanding tumor-derivedEVs renders a new avenue to monitor and treat cancersince cancer evolves over time during cancer develop-ment or treatment. The dynamic and comprehensivemolecular information within tumor-derived EVs reflectsde novo cancer evolution, which also sheds light onnovel and valuable diagnostic and prognostic factors.Overall, the potential and potent applications oftumor-derived EVs will fulfill the fundamental needs ofand strategies for precision medicine. The illustration ofFigure 2 encompasses the potential roles and applica-tions of tumor-derived EVs.

EVs in cancer diagnosisThe fundamental basis of precision medicine was re-cently highlighted by biomarker discovery through liquidbiopsy, which allows for noninvasive, fast, dynamic,low-cost, and accurate diagnosis for the early andreal-time detection of cancer. To gain comprehensive in-formation on cancer development and progression, theuse of several potential and meaningful biomarkers, suchas circulating tumor cells (CTCs), cell free DNAs(cfDNAs), and EVs, in liquid biopsy aimed at the clinicaldetection of various types and stages of cancers has beenintensively investigated over the past two decades [105].Taking advantage of their highly dynamic and multispe-cies nature, abundance, and stability, cancer-related EVshave served as suitable and precise biomarkers in variousclinical settings. Indeed, the exosomal protein tumorsusceptibility gene 101 (TSG101) stored at -20 °C or -80°C was stable for over 3 months [106]. Moreover, phos-phoproteins from microvesicular and exosomal EVsfrom human plasma were stable for up to 5 years [107].Notably, although CTCs and cfDNAs allow for the rapidand easily accessible diagnosis of malignant cancers, thelimitations in detecting late-stage malignancies and the

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technical challenges of cfDNAs and CTCs have been in-dicated in several clinical utilities. Although cfDNAs en-able the detection of tumor-specific mutations [108], theexpeditious elimination of DNA by nucleases has beendocumented [109]. Although double-stranded DNA re-mains in the blood longer than single-stranded DNA,the rapid clearance of DNAs is indispensable regardlessof its size or strandedness, which limits the applicationof cfDNA in cancer diagnosis [110]. Due to the rarity ofCTCs in the bloodstream and the lack of meaningful in-formation on the number of CTCs in patients’ circulating

blood [111], improvements in detecting and capturingCTCs is required for the use of CTCs for clinicaldiagnosis.

EV miRNAs in cancer diagnosisVersatile bioactive molecules enclosed within EVs areprotected from degradation [112]. With this in mind,the content of EVs was profiled to decipher biomole-cules with mechanistic and/or diagnostic specificity forvaried types of cancers; because of their consistent androbust detection, these biomolecules are regarded as

Table 2 Summary of common EV isolation methods

Method Description Example Yield Purity/quality Equipment/Cost




Ultracentrifugation-based methods

Size- ordensity-dependentisolation

1. Differentialcentrifugation/Ultracentrifugation 2.Sucrose gradientultracentrifugation

High Proteinaggregates andparticulatescontaminations


2.5 – 48 h No commercialavailable

[75, 77–80]


Size- ormolecularweight-dependentisolation

1. Ultrafiltration2. Size exclusivechromatography(SEC) 3.Asymmetrical-flowfield-flow fractionation (AF4)

Low (AF4) High purity(AF4, SEC);exosomes maybe deformed(ultrafiltration)

Low/moderateequipmentcost(ultrafiltrationand SEC );highequipmentcost (AF4)

1 - 1.5 h(Ultrafiltration);0.5 - 1 h(SEC); 1h(AF4)

Available, .e.g..EVSecondcolumn (GLSciences) orqEV column(Izon Science)


Immunoaffinity-based methods


1. Immunocapture2. Immunoadsorption

Low High purity High reagentcost

4 - 5 h Available, e.g.MagaCapture™ExosomeIsolation Kit(Wako) orExosome-Human CD9Isolation Reagent(ThermoFisher)



Solubility- ordispersibility-dependentisolation


Dependence Contaminatedprecipitates


1 h Available, e.g.Total ExosomeIsolation Kit(Invitrogen) orExoQuick™ExosomePrecipitation(SystemBiosciences)

[81, 88,89]


Size-,density-, orantibody-antigeninteraction-dependentisolation

Microfluidic devicewith nanoporousmembrane,immuno-chip, orporous siliconnanowires-on-micropillarstructure

Dependence High purity(porousnanowires-on-micropillar structure); EVs maybe damaged(nanoporousmembrane-based filtration)


2 h (porousmembrane-based filtration); 1.5 h(immuno-chip)

No commercialavailable


Flow cytometry-based methods


1. Fluorescent-labeled antibody-based isolation 2.Immuno-magnetic-based isolation

Low High purity Highequipmentand reagentcost

12 h Avaialbe, e.g.Exosome FlowCytometry Kit(Wako)

[96, 97]

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valuable biomarkers in liquid biopsy for cancer diagnosisand prognosis (Table 3). Consistently, in an RNA-basedclinical analysis, exosomes protected miRNAs from deg-radation by ribonucleases in feces [121]. Indeed, miRNAexpression profiling in circulating EVs, such as exo-somes, has been performed to establish the predictivefunction of specific miRNA signatures in human periph-eral blood [122]. Recent efforts have also been devotedto the discovery of early diagnostic biomarkers for can-cer due to the significant improvement in the survival ofcancer patients. For example, miR-21, miR-141, miR-200a,miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-203, miR-205, and miR-214were significantly elevated in exosomes from patients withovarian cancer compared to those from patients with be-nign disease [116]. Additionally, exosomes derived from

the serum of patients with hormone receptor-negativebreast cancer (estrogen receptor-negative or progesteronereceptor-negative) exhibited a higher level of miR-373 ex-pression than those with the serum of patients with hor-mone receptor-positive breast cancer [115]. Moreover,upregulation of the exosome miR-21 in serum from pa-tients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma washighly correlated with advanced tumor classification, posi-tive lymph node status, and metastasis [114], suggestingthat EV miRNAs provide useful diagnostic information toevaluate the status of cancer development. Importantly,the development of EV-based liquid biopsy from salivaand urine provides an alternative, noninvasive and sensi-tive strategy for cancer detection. In this technique, exo-somes derived from the saliva of mice with pancreatic

Figure 2 Potential applications of tumor-derived EVs. Investigations of the specific expression patterns of mRNAs/miRNAs and transcriptomic,proteomic, and phosphoproteomic biomarkers in tumor-derived EVs, have indicated a powerful role for tumor-derived EVs in cancer diagnosis.The functional effects of tumor-derived EVs on the regulation of drug sensitivity or resistance in cancer suggest the role of tumor-derived EVs incancer therapy. Regarding the role of EVs in immunotherapy, exosomes have been shown to modulate NK effector functional effects, reinforcethe immunosuppressive function of MDSCs, and facilitate anticancer immune responses. A growing number of studies have indicated that theRGD peptide, cyclic RGDyK peptide, and CD47-modified exosomes promote the cell targeting, binding affinity, efficacy, and specificity ofexosomes, suggesting the potential applications of EVs in targeted delivery. Moreover, the EV-based therapeutic drug delivery system exhibitsincreased biocompatibility, low toxicity, and stability

Table 3 EV cargos used as diagnostic biomarkers in cancers

EV cargo Type of cargo Type of body fluid Cancer type Reference

CD63 and caveolin-1 Protein Plasma Melanoma [113]

Integrin Protein Plasma Breast cancer [39]

miR-21 miRNA Serum Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [114]

miR-373 miRNA Serum Breast cancer [115]

miRNA signatures miRNA Serum Ovarian cancer [116]

Prostate cancer antigen 3 and TMPRSS2:ERG RNA Urine Prostate cancer [117]

Salivary transcriptomic biomarkers RNA Saliva Pancreatic cancer [118]

Specific phosphoproteins Protein Plasma Breast cancer [107]

Specific protein profile Protein Ascites Colorectal cancer [119]

Survivin Protein Plasma Prostate cancer [120]

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cancer exhibited pancreatic cancer-specific salivary tran-scriptomic biomarkers [118]. The inhibition of exosomebiogenesis altered this pancreatic cancer-specific tran-scriptomic biomarker profile in salivary exosomes [118].Clinically, exosomes derived from the urine of patientswith prostate cancer have also been documented to dis-play specific prostate cancer mRNA biomarkers, such asprostate cancer antigen 3 and transmembrane proteaseserine 2:transforming protein ERG (TMPRSS2:ERG) [117].

EV proteins in cancer diagnosisCancer-specific EVs carry specific and stabile proteincargo for intercellular signal exchange to regulate thetumor microenvironment. Likewise, the detection ofunique EV proteins associated with cancer developmentand progression has been emphasized in various clinicalutilities (Table 3). For instance, survivin expression wassignificantly higher in plasma exosomes from patientswith prostate cancer compared to that in plasma exo-somes from patients with pre-inflammatory benign pros-tatic hyperplasia or normal healthy controls [120].Utilizing proteomic analysis, the specific protein expres-sion profiles in diverse body fluids EVs, including ascitesfrom colorectal cancer patients, were illustrated and de-termined [119]. Increased CD63 or caveolin-1 wasdetected in plasma exosomes from patients with melan-oma compared to that in plasma exosomes from healthydonors [113]. Recently, our study indicated thattumor-derived exosomes with specific integrin expres-sion profiles regulated organotropic metastasis [39]. Thiswas the first study to show that bioactive molecules inexosomes could determine and predict the specific organof cancer metastasis, further implicating exosome integ-rin profiles as biomarkers for organotropic metastasis[39]. Given that protein phosphorylation is essential inmany cancer cell functions, the phosphoproteome ana-lyses of tumor-derived EVs from human plasma providevaluable information for cancer diagnosis. Specific phos-phoproteins in plasma EVs are significantly increased inpatients with breast cancer compared to those in healthycontrols [107]. Together, these studies suggest that theprofiles of specific bioactive molecules in tumor-derivedEVs function as novel and valuable biomarkers to diag-nose or track the real-time status of cancer during can-cer development and progression.

EV biology during cancer therapyGiven that neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradio-therapy are effective anticancer therapeutic strategies inmany types of cancers, understanding the detailed mech-anisms of the pathologic changes in response to therapyis essential to optimize preoperative and postoperativetreatments. Because they manage both bioactive moleculesand cellular waste in cells, therapeutic treatment-induced

EVs reflected the response of cancer cells upon encounter-ing anticancer treatments [123]. Indeed, cisplatin-resistantcell-derived exosomes contained more platinum than thosederived from cisplatin-sensitive cells [124]. Moreover, exo-somes have been shown to regulate the cisplatin sensitivityof lung cancer [125]. Clinically, the secretion of annexin A3is associated with exosomes released from patients withplatinum-resistant ovarian cancer [123]. Together, thesestudies suggest the functional effects of EVs on the regula-tion of drug sensitivity and response.The EV-mediated transfer of miRNAs has also been

attributed to drug resistance. For instance, drug-resistantbreast cancer-derived exosomes regulated the drug sen-sitivity of recipient drug-sensitive cells by modulatingdrug-induced apoptosis [126]. Mechanistically, specificmiRNA profiles, including those of miR-100 and miR-222,in drug-resistant breast cancer-derived exosomes havebeen investigated [126]. In addition, the transfer ofmiR-221/222 from tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer totamoxifen-sensitive breast cancer by exosomes led modi-fied p27 and estrogen receptor alpha expression and re-sulted in a drug-resistant response in the recipient cells[127].Moreover, the crosstalk between cancer and the tumor

microenvironment by exosomal miRNAs also modulatesthe growth and response to drugs of cancers [128]. In arecent study, increased exosomal miRNAs, such asmiR-503, in neoadjuvant chemotherapy-treated endothe-lial cells exhibited an anti-breast cancer response [129].Increased plasma miR-503 has been detected in breastcancer patients with neoadjuvant chemotherapy [129],suggesting that stromal cells modulate cancer develop-ment by releasing EV miRNAs in response to anticancertherapies.

EVs in immunotherapyTumor-derived EVs in addition to tumor cells indeed par-ticipate in immunosuppression or immunostimulation inaccordance with the development and progression of can-cer [130–132]. Numerous studies have indicated thattumor-derived EVs mediate cancer development by inhi-biting immune responses. For example, tumor-derivedexosomes facilitated cancer immune evasion by triggeringthe downregulation the expression of natural killer group2D, an activating receptor for natural killer (NK) cells,leading to NK effector functional defects [133]. Moreover,tumor-derived exosomes contained membrane-associatedHsp72, which interacts with myeloid-derived suppressorcells (MDSCs), reinforcing the signal transducer and acti-vator of transcription 3-dependent immunosuppressivefunction of MDSCs [134]. Additionally, exosomes de-rived from Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyn-geal carcinoma exerted galectin-9, a ligand of T cellimmunoglobulin and mucin domain-3 (TIM-3), to

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induce the apoptosis of mature T-helper type 1 lym-phocytes [135]. In contrast, exosome-mediated apoptosiswas blocked by both anti-Tim-3 and anti-galectin-9 anti-bodies [135]. Moreover, pancreatic cancer-derived exo-somes also downregulated Toll-like receptor 4 and itsdownstream cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α andinterleukin-12 in dendritic cells (DCs) via exosomalmiR-203 [136]. Together, these comprehensive studiessuggest that the ablation or inhibition of EV-mediated im-mune responses enhances the efficacy of immunothera-peutic anticancer therapiesSeveral studies indicated that exosomes secreted from

antigen-presenting cells, such as B-cells, enable the induc-tion of the immune response [137, 138]. Intriguingly,tumor-derived exosomes have been suggested to transfertumor antigens to DCs, leading to potent CD8+

T-cell-dependent antitumor effects in vivo [139]. Clinicalstudies also suggested that tumor-derived exosomes iso-lated from ascites function as natural tumor rejection anti-gens [140]. Moreover, exosomes derived from NK cellsexpressed killing proteins, such as the Fas ligand and per-forin molecules, suggesting anticancer activity [141]. Anex vivo study also indicated that healthy donorplasma-derived exosomes displayed NK markers withexosome-induced cytotoxicity [141]. Additionally, mastcell-derived exosomes were capable of facilitating the mat-uration of DCs and inducing immune responses [142]. In-deed, the concept of the exosome-elicited immuneresponse has been under evaluation in a phase I clinicaltrial for the immunization of patients against melanomaby using autologous exosomes with MAGE 3 (melano-ma-associated antigen 3) peptides [143]. In a phase I clin-ical trial, DC-derived exosomes loaded with cancerantigen induced anticancer immune responses [144]. Fur-thermore, exosomes from interferon-γ-maturated DCswere generated to facilitate anticancer immune responsesin a phase II clinical trial [145]. Together, these studieshighlight the feasibility of EV-based anticancerimmunotherapy.

EV-based targeted deliveryGiven their cell- and tissue-tropic features, EVs are thoughtto be ideal therapeutic carriers for anticancer targeted ther-apy. Typically, in addition to carrying bioactive luminal car-gos, EVs contain cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesion receptorson their surfaces to recognize distinct receptors of their tar-get cells and tissues. For example, tetraspanin-8-expressedexosomes preferentially target CD11b/CD54-positive cells[146]. Interestingly, exosomes expressing modified recep-tors, such as tetraspanins, fused with specific candidate pro-teins displayed enhanced cell targeting [147]. Likewise, theexpression of a fusion protein containing the αv integrinarginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid (RGD) peptide and an exosomaltransmembrane protein, such as lysosome-associated

membrane glycoprotein 2b (Lamp2b), allowed dendriticcell-derived exosomes to target αv integrin-positive cancers[148]. Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-carrying exosomescontaining a fusion protein between central nervous sys-tem–specific rabies viral glycoprotein peptide and Lamp2bspecifically targeted the acetylcholine receptor of neurons,resulting in brain-specific gene knockdown in vivo [149].Since cyclic (Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Tyr-Lys, RGDyK) peptide,c(RGDyK), has a high binding affinity with integrin αvβ3on cerebral vascular endothelial cells, c(RGDyK)-conju-gated exosomes loaded with curcumin were specifically di-rected toward the lesion-containing region of the ischemicbrain, where they then ameliorated inflammatory responsesand apoptosis [150].In light of the EV-mediated transfer of biological mol-

ecules, magnet-conjugated transferrin bound to transfer-rin receptor-expressed blood exosomes has been shownto preferentially target magnets surrounding cancer cells,followed by the inhibition of cancer development [151].Furthermore, engineered glycosylation prevented theproteolytic degradation of exosomal-targeting ligands,suggesting the high stability and efficient targeting ofglycosylated exosomes [152]. Due to the CD47-mediatedprotection of exosomes from phagocytosis, cell-derivedexosomes carrying siRNAs exhibited enhanced efficacyin targeting oncogenic KRAS in a CD47-dependentmanner [153]. Taken together, these studies suggest thatEV-based targeted delivery, particularly with some modi-fications, is a highly efficacious alternative to cancertherapies.

EVs as a therapeutic drug delivery systemDrug delivery is a critical determinant for the efficacy ofclinical therapeutic treatment. As discussed above, EVshave emerged as a novel and promising drug deliverytechnology with the advantage of precise targeting, pro-longed stability and controllable release. Despite thepopularity of synthetic liposomes and polymeric nano-particles in drug delivery [112, 154, 155], the instabilityand low biocompatibility of synthetic liposomes andpolymeric nanoparticles, respectively, give rise to a de-gree of toxicity and lower efficacy in terms of clinicalutility [156, 157]. In contrast, EVs exhibit biocompatibil-ity, low toxicity, high drug delivery efficacy, specificity,and stability [158, 159]. More specifically, the lipid bi-layer harbors many unique integral proteins with variousposttranslational modifications that allow EVs to serveas a protective shelter for the sustainable release of anti-cancer drugs or cancer suppressors and to evade degrad-ation and immune responses [160]. As a result, in humanbody fluids, EVs are proper nucleic acid drug (e.g., siRNAsor miRNAs) carriers. Consistently, anti-miR-9 deliveredby mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes to glioblast-oma multiforme cells reversed the expression of the

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multidrug transporter and sensitized the glioblastomamultiforme cells to chemotherapy drugs [161]. Add-itionally, exosomes can efficiently deliver microRNAs,such as let-7a, to breast cancer cells overexpressingEGFR, inhibiting cancer development in vivo [162]. Al-ternatively, the use of exosomes to deliver small mole-cules to treat cancers and other diseases has beendemonstrated as well. For example, exosomes with en-capsulated anti-inflammatory drugs, such as curcumin,exhibited increased solubility, stability, and drug bio-availability in vitro and in vivo [163].

EV-based therapy in brain diseaseThe blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a major obstacle fordrug delivery to the central nervous system [164]. Tomediate the delivery of misfolded proteins between neu-rons in neurodegenerative diseases [165], nanosized exo-somes are presumably favorable for delivering agents/drugs across the BBB. Although nanoformulations areemployed to improve the permeability of drugs acrossthe BBB, toxicity and reticuloendothelial system-medi-ated or mononuclear phagocyte-mediated drug clearanceboth hinder the efficacy of man-made nanoformulationsin treating diseases including cancers [166]. In contrast,EVs, which are naturally produced by cells, are guaran-teed to exhibit biocompatibility and low antigenicity[158], which highlights the potential ability of EVs intreating brain disease, such as neurodegenerative dis-eases or brain cancers. Eventually, an exosome-based de-livery system for antioxidants, such as catalase, that havea beneficial effect on patients with Parkinson’s diseasewill be approved [167]. Specific biological moleculesmust be used to cross the BBB or target brain tissue,and exosomes derived from brain endothelial cell dis-played specific homing proteins that gave rise to in-creased transport across the BBB [168]. Thus, employingbrain endothelial cells-derived exosomes to carry anti-cancer drugs, such as doxorubicin, is applicable for thesuppression of brain cancer development [168].

Improvements in EV-based therapyNevertheless, some technical limitations in terms of the useof EVs as a drug delivery system, in particular, the efficiencyof loading agents/drugs into EVs, are issues that remain tobe resolved. Presumably, highly membrane-permeable smallagents/drugs can easily be loaded into exosomes followingincubation [169]. However, the loading of membrane-impermeable drugs, such as macromolecular drugs, siR-NAs, and small DNAs, into exosomes using chemical ap-proaches, such as temperature switching or detergents, isproblematic. Recently, exosomes loaded with membrane-impermeable candidate nucleic acids or protein agents/drugs were produced by the pre-overexpression of thesecandidates in donor cells [161]. Alternatively, physical

transfection methods, such as electroporation or liposome-mediated transfection, have been utilized to packagemembrane-impermeable agents/drugs into exosomes [170].Unfortunately, the low efficiency of loading agents/drugsinto exosomes through the use of membrane-permeable re-agents (i.e., liposomes) remains unimproved [171]. Alterna-tively, several studies indicated that artificial exosomemimetics could be substitutes for exosome-based drug de-livery [159]. Reportedly, exosome-mimetic nanovesiclesloaded with chemotherapeutic drugs, such as doxorubicin,could target malignant cancers in vivo [172].

ConclusionsCancer development is an evolving, dynamic and highlyregulated process associated with the tumor microenvir-onment and even distant tissues. Given the participationof EVs in local and systemic intercellular communica-tion, the essential roles of EVs in the regulation of can-cer progression and malignancy have been highlighted inthe past decade, although EVs were observed more thanthree decades ago. Until now, the biogenesis and hetero-geneity of EVs, the regulatory mechanisms of diversecargo packaging into EVs, and the in vivo functionalityof tumor-derived EVs have remained largely unknown.Nonetheless, numerous studies have provided valuableinformation, such as detailed EV cargo profiles; uniqueEV biomarkers/signatures for the early detection, diag-nosis and treatment of cancers; and powerful methodsto isolate EVs from cell culture conditioned media orbody fluids. These efforts provide the impetus for thepromising applications of EVs in disease managementand emphasize the importance of EV biology in preci-sion medicine.The molecular features of cancers change dynamically

during cancer development; following anticancer therapy,tumor-derived EVs reflect the real-time state of cancercells and allow the monitoring of disease progression. As aresult, in addition to their diagnostic, predictive, and prog-nostic utilities, tumor-derived EVs serve as novel antican-cer targets. However, optimal and/or standardizedmethods for EV isolation, storage, and characterizationare required for basic research and clinical standardizationin the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other dis-eases. Notably, a guideline for EV studies suggested by theISEV entitled“Minimal Information for Studies of Extra-cellular Vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018)” [104] was discussedand published to provide comprehensive mandatory,mandatory if applicable and encouraged considerations.Nevertheless, any new guidelines will be updated in ac-cordance with emerging studies and discoveries in EVs.Multiple aspects of EVs in cancer biology have been

indicated, which sheds a novel light in understandingthe tumor microenvironment involved in cancer

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development and the potential uses of EVs in cancermanagement. As a result, EVs are an authentic key me-diator in cancer biology.

AbbreviationsAF4: Asymmetrical-flow field-flow fractionation; Alix: Alpha-1,3/1,6-mannosyltransferase (ALG2)-interacting protein X; BBB: Blood-brain barrier;CD: Cluster of differentiation; cfDNAs: Cell free DNAs; CTCs: Circulating tumorcells; CXCR4: C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4; DCs: Dendritic cells;DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; dsDNAs: Double-stranded DNAs;ECMs: Extracellular matrixes; EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor;EM: Electron microscopy; EMT: Epithelial-mesenchymal transition;EV: Extracellular vesicle; exoDNAs: Exosomal DNAs; HSP: Heat shock protein;ILVs: Intraluminal vesicles; ISEV: International society for extracellular vesicles;Lamp2b: Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2b; let-7: Lethal-7;MAGE 3: Melanoma-associated antigen 3; MALS: Multi-angle light scattering;MDSCs: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells; miRNAs: microRNAs;MISEV2018: Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018;MMP: Matrix metallopeptidase; mRNAs: Messenger ribonucleic acids;MVBs: Multivesicular bodies; NF-κB: Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancerof activated B cells; NK: Natural killer; NTA: Nanoparticle tracking analysis;oncomiRs: Oncogenic microRNAs; RANK: Receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB; RANKL: Receptor activator of nuclear factor κB-ligand; RGD: Arginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid; RGDyK: Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Tyr-Lys; siRNA: Small interfering RNA;TAMs: Tumor-associated macrophages; TCA: Tricarboxylic acid; TGF-β: Transforming growth factor β; TIM-3: T cell immunoglobulin and mucindomain-3; TMPRSS2:ERG: transmembrane protease serine 2:transformingprotein ERG; TSG101: tumor susceptibility gene 101; UTRs: untranslatedregions; UV: ultraviolet; Wnt: wingless/integrated

AcknowledgementsNot applicable.

FundingThis work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan(105-2320-B-002-058-MY3) and Dragon-gate program, Ministry of Scienceand Technology, Taiwan (106-2911-I-002-569).

Availability of data and materialsNot applicable.

Authors' contributionsY-L T, P-Y C, B-H L, K-C C, C-Y Y, W-H K, and T-L S wrote the manuscript. Y-LT and C-Y Y designed and illustrated table. Y-L T and P-Y C designed and il-lustrated figures. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National TaiwanUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan. 2Department of Urology, University of TexasSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA. 3Division of Hematology andOncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical UniversityHospital, Taipei, Taiwan. 4Department of Surgery, National Taiwan UniversityHospital, Taipei, Taiwan. 5Center for Biotechnology, National TaiwanUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan.

Received: 27 February 2019 Accepted: 7 May 2019

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