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Page 1: Basis of Design -   · PDF fileContainer Crane Load ... Horizontal Control and basis of bearing: ... AISC 360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction

Basis of Design Terminal 5 Berth Modernization

Design Engineering Services


Page 2: Basis of Design -   · PDF fileContainer Crane Load ... Horizontal Control and basis of bearing: ... AISC 360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction

Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 1 Basis of Design

Table of Contents LIST OF EXHIBITS ................................................................................................................................................... 2

1 Project Description ....................................................................................................................................... 3

2 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Goals ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Survey Control ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Permit Information............................................................................................................................... 5

3 DESIGN CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Code Compliance ................................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 Design Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 5

4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ......................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Vertical Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Dead Load ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1.1

Live Load .......................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.2

Container Crane Load ...................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.3

4.2 Lateral Loads ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Design Vessels .................................................................................................................................. 6 4.2.1

Berthing ............................................................................................................................................ 7 4.2.2

Mooring ............................................................................................................................................ 7 4.2.3

Seismic Design .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.4

Wind Design (Substation)................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.5

4.3 Materials .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Cast-in-Place (CIP) Concrete ............................................................................................................ 7 4.3.1

Precast Concrete .............................................................................................................................. 8 4.3.2

Reinforcing Steel .............................................................................................................................. 8 4.3.3

Grout ................................................................................................................................................ 8 4.3.4

Structural Steel ................................................................................................................................. 8 4.3.5

Fender System.................................................................................................................................. 8 4.3.6

Serviceability .................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3.7

5 CIVIL ENGINEERING ...................................................................................................................................... 8

5.1 Demolition ............................................................................................................................................ 8 5.2 Berth Deepening .................................................................................................................................. 9 5.3 Slope Construction ............................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 Trackwork ............................................................................................................................................. 9 5.5 Site Grading .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5.6 Storm Drainage and Surface Drainage ................................................................................................. 9 5.7 Water System ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Fire Flow Demand .......................................................................................................................... 10 5.7.1

Water Flow Demand ...................................................................................................................... 10 5.7.2

Total Water Flow Demand ............................................................................................................. 10 5.7.3

Water System Design Considerations ............................................................................................ 10 5.7.4

Water System Construction Sequencing........................................................................................ 10 5.7.5

Sanitary Sewer System ................................................................................................................... 11 5.7.6

Switchgear Building HVAC .............................................................................................................. 11 5.7.7

5.8 Pavement ........................................................................................................................................... 11

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 2 Basis of Design

6 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ......................................................................................................................... 11

6.1 Load Characterization ........................................................................................................................ 11 6.2 Stage 1 – Wharf Upgrades for Larger Cranes ..................................................................................... 12 6.3 Stage 2 – Upgrades for Terminal Automation, Redundancy, and Cold Ironing in Future Projects .... 12 6.4 Substations ......................................................................................................................................... 13 6.5 Switchgear .......................................................................................................................................... 13 6.6 Vaults and Conduit ............................................................................................................................. 13 6.7 Coordination with Seattle City Light .................................................................................................. 13

7 PROJECT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 14

LIST OF EXHIBITS 1 PSAV Drawings 2 Project Schedule

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 3 Basis of Design

1 Project Description Vessels calling at the Port of Seattle (Port) have grown in size from 4,800 TEUs in 1997 to 10,000 TEUs today. 18,000 TEU vessels are now operating globally. To maintain the Port’s competitive position and preserve jobs, wharf and infrastructure upgrades are needed to modernize the Port and build an ability to handle current and future classes of container vessels.

The Port is planning to upgrade Terminal 5, which is on the west side of the West Waterway of the Duwamish River to accommodate the new class of vessels. When complete, the wharf structure and adjacent deepened berth will be capable of servicing Ultra-Large Container Vessels (ULCV). Dependent upon actual vessels and mooring locations, additional mooring dolphins may be required in the future. The existing wharf structure will generally be left in place with upgrades as necessary to support up to twelve new cranes, sized to service the ULCVs and supplied by future tenants.

The power supply necessary for the larger cranes with capacity for potential future move to electrified stacking operations will be provided. This project’s scope does not include all the infrastructure necessary to support automation or increased through-put, only larger ships. All other work related to modification of the terminal to accommodate new operational schemes will be handled in future work pending direction based on commercial strategy.

The Terminal 5 Berth Modernization project includes the following items:


Demolition and reconstruction of 2,750 ft of waterside crane rail to a capacity between 70 and 85 kips per foot (dependent upon pile capacity available). Reconstruction includes:

New precast concrete piles

Cast-in-place concrete beams

Utility vaults


Crane stops, and other crane related items.

Rehabilitation of limited amounts of distress on existing wharf structures to maintain existing load capacity (typically 600 psf)

Removal of existing timber and steel fender pile systems and replacement with panelized fender system

Replacement of wharf utilities as necessary based on construction areas

Replacement of pavement as needed at construction areas Landside

Construction of 2,750 ft of new landside crane rail to a capacity of between 70 and 85 kips per foot (dependent upon pile capacity available). New crane rail is to be located at a 100 ft gauge from waterside crane rail. New construction to include:

Steel pipe piles

Cast-in-place concrete beams

Utility vaults

Crane stops, and other crane related items

Replacement of pavement as needed at construction areas, including utility corridors Berth

Deepening of 2,750 ft x 150 ft berth area

Required dredging depth of -56 ft MLLW

(Project depth -55 ft) - 1 (ft advance maintenance) = -56 ft max depth

Design of structure and underwater slope improvements for slope stability to the a maximum berth depth of -55 ft project depth

(Project depth -55 ft) - 1 (ft advance maintenance) – (2 ft overdredge) = -58 ft max depth

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 4 Basis of Design

Deepening of an additional 50 ft width to as needed for full 200 ft berth width will be handled by Commercial Waterway project(s).

Installation of new sheet pile and soldier pile toe wall designed to the maximum depth noted (-58 ft)

Upland or open-water disposal of dredge materials as required based on sediment sampling. Terminal Facility

26KV dual feed power supply with 25 MW substation, two 15 MVA transformers, and three 15KV substations to supply:

12 cranes capable of servicing ULCVs (crane provider installs power from vault to cranes)

1,000 reefers

Future electrified stacking operations

Future electrified rail loading

Future office buildings

Future maintenance facilities

Future site lighting upgrades

Future dock power (includes installation of distribution conduit and power cable) Infrastructure to support future dock power is included, but wiring itself will not be

installed as a part of this project.

Re-feed of existing primary substation

Installation of conduit for future ICT needs at wharf apron

Power factor correction to 0.95

Diversity factor correction to 0.60 for reefers

Primary Substation: 30’x75’ mildly-reinforced concrete structure. Underground vault is made of reinforced concrete floor and walls. Main floor is a mildly reinforced concrete beam and slab system floor, reinforced concrete walls, and a metal roof deck supported by steel roof joists.

Two prefabricated field distribution substations

Regulatory agency-required storm water improvements based on construction impacts, assumed to be approximately 3 acres of stormwater treatment. No overall site stormwater improvements are included as a part of this project.


Mitigation as required for berth deepening


2.1 Goals A modernized and refurbished wharf capable of:

Servicing two simultaneous super-post-Panamax vessels.

Berth depth of up to -55 feet MLLW.

Support up to twelve new cranes, to be supplied by future tenants.

Power supply necessary for a potential future move to electrified stacking operations.

2.2 Survey Control Horizontal Control and basis of bearing: Seattle Tide Lands Coordinate

Vertical Control: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) as based on the 1983-2001 National Tidal Datum Epoch.

Tidal Range: MLLW = 0.0 feet; Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) = 11.36 feet

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 5 Basis of Design

2.3 Permit Information City of Seattle building permit

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Checklist and determination of nonsignificance (DNS), possibly mitigated

Department of the Army Permit (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) o Clean Water Act Section 404 (Fill) o Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 (Navigation) o Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Assessment (National Marine

Fisheries Service; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

401 Water Quality Certification (Ecology)

Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency (Ecology)

Construction Stormwater General Permit (Ecology)

Hydraulic Project Approval (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)

Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (City of Seattle)

Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Site Use Authorization

Dredged Material Management Office (DMMO) Suitability Determination


3.1 Code Compliance 2012 International Building Code (IBC) (with amendments by the City of Seattle)

2012 International Fire Code (with amendments by the City of Seattle)

2012 International Mechanical Code (with amendments by the City of Seattle)

2012 International Electrical Code (with amendments by the City of Seattle)

City of Seattle Stormwater Code 2015 Edition

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2014

City of Seattle Electrical Code

3.2 Design Criteria ASCE 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil


ASCE 61-14 Seismic Design of Piers and Wharves (for seismic design of the slopes only)

Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development and the Port of Seattle, dated May 16, 2014

Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 318-11, American Concrete Institute

Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, AISC 360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction

Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, AISC 303-10, American Institute of Steel Construction

Structural Welding Code – Steel (AWS D-1.1), American Welding Society, 2010

Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel (AWS D-1.4), American Welding Society, 2011

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Bridge Design Specifications, 2012, Sect. for reinforced concrete crack control requirements using E = 0.60

American Water Works Association (AWWA)

City of Seattle Stormwater Manual 2015 Edition

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 6 Basis of Design


4.1 Vertical Loads

Dead Load 4.1.1 Concrete: 150 pcf

Steel: 490 pcf

Asphalt: 160 pcf

Water (fresh): 62.4 pcf

Water (seawater): 64.1 pcf

8” Solid Grouted Concrete Masonry Units (CMU): 78 psf

Metal Roof Dead Load: 15 psf (max)

Live Load 4.1.2 Wharf Uniform, Typical: 600 psf (750 psf to match existing rating at limited existing structures)

Wharf Concentrated Live Load (Wheels, Outriggers, etc.): 125 kips (including impact)

Wharf Wheel/Outrigger Transverse Spacing: ≥ 8 feet

Wharf Wheel/Outrigger Longitudinal Spacing: ≥18 feet

Wharf Contact Pressure: 100 psi

Wharf Design vehicles include: o AASHTO HL-93 Trucks o Taylor “Big Red” THDC-976 Container Top Pick o Noell or Kalmar Straddle Container Carrier

Substation Live Load: 100 psf

Roof Snow: 25 psf (per SBC). The roof is not anticipated to have steps where drifting would occur.

Container Crane Load 4.1.3 Operating Wheel Loads (unfactored) Waterside and Landside rail: between 70 and 85 kips/foot

Longitudinal load at stow pin (service): 350 kips per rail for 100-foot-gage container

Crane stop (service): 1100 kips per stop, acting horizontally 4 ft 6 in above top of rail

4.2 Lateral Loads

Design Vessels 4.2.1

TEU n/a 18,000 14,500 8,000 4,500

Cargo Width # of boxes 23 20+ 17 11

Cargo Height at MHHW Feet above deck 148 140 110 <110

Overall Length (LOA) Feet 1,380* 1,200 985 950

Beam Feet 195 160 141 105

Maximum Draft Feet 52.5 51 48 45

Mean Perpendicular Velocity Feet/second 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.40

Berthing Angle Degrees 6 6 6 10

Berthing Point Fore/LOA 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5

Maximum Allowable Hull Pressure Kips/sf 5 5 5 10

* Mooring dolphins off the north end of the wharf will be needed to moor (2) 18,000 TEU vessels. These will be designed and installed at a later date as future calls demand.

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 7 Basis of Design

Berthing 4.2.2 Side berthing with tug assistance

The fender system will consist of fender panels backed with energy-absorbing rubber fender elements, and panel spacing will be uniform, estimated at 60 feet on center.

Mooring 4.2.3 Mooring Hardware: 200 ton pipe bollards

Wind Loads: o Design Wind Speed: assumed 60 mph (30-second) with vessels berthed and cranes stowed,

or as needed to stay within 400 kip bollard load o Operating Wind Speed: 40 mph (30-second) with vessels berthed and cranes operating

Mooring Loads (pipe bollards) o Line pull: 400 kips o Range of horizontal angle: 0 to 180 degrees o Range of vertical angle: 0 to 60 degrees

Seismic Design 4.2.4 Wharf Structure

o The seismic evaluation and design for the wharf structure falls under the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development and the Port of Seattle, dated May 16, 2014. Work on the wharf structure will be designed and constructed such that the limits at which a seismic retrofit will be required will not be surpassed.

o The seismic force resistance system for the wharf structure will not be modified.

Substation (Lat: 47.572450 Long: -122.362057) o Analysis Procedure: Equivalent Lateral Force Analysis o Risk Category: II o Importance Factor: IE = 1.00 o Mapped Spectral Accelerations (USGS Lat-Long): SS = 1.469, S1 = 0.569 o Site Class: D (Stiff Soil) o Seismic Design Category: D o Lateral Force Resisting System: Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls (Bearing Wall

System) R = 5, Ω0 = 2.5, Cd = 5

Wind Design (Substation) 4.2.5 Analysis Procedure: Envelope Procedure

Basic Wind Speed: 115 MPH

Importance Factor: IW = 1.00

Exposure Category: Exposure B

Topographical Factor: KZT = 1.00

4.3 Materials

Cast-in-Place (CIP) Concrete 4.3.1 Pile caps, bullrails, CIP deck (where occurs): f’c = 5,000 psi at 28 days

Deck panel shear keys: f’c = 5,000 psi at 28 days

Concrete pile build-ups: f’c = 6,000 psi at 28 days

Composite Metal Deck: f’c = 3,000 psi at 28 days

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 8 Basis of Design

Precast Concrete 4.3.2 Precast, prestressed concrete piles: f’c = 8,000 psi at 28 days

Precast, prestressed concrete deck panels: f’c = 6,000 psi at 28 days

Reinforcing Steel 4.3.3 Prestressing Steel:

o Low-relaxation strand conforming to ASTM A416, Grade 270

Reinforcing: o Deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60 o Deformed bars to be welded conforming to ASTM A706, Grade 60 o Wire for spiral reinforcement conforming to ASTM A1064 o Welded headed studs conforming to ASTM A108

Grout 4.3.4 Grout: Metallic aggregate-based non-shrink grout

Structural Steel 4.3.5 Structural Steel Shapes: ASTM A992 Grade 50

Hollow Structural Sections: ASTM A500, Grade C

Miscellaneous Steel, including angles, channels, and plates: ASTM A36

Miscellaneous Pipe, such as for bollards: ASTM A106

Anchor Bolts: ASTM F1554, Grade 55

High Strength Bolts: ASTM A 325

Steel Sheet Piles: ASTM A572, Grade 50

Steel H-Piles: ASTM A572, Grade 50

Steel Pipe Piles: ASTM A252, Grade 3, Fy = 50 ksi min

Fender System 4.3.6 UHMW polyethylene facing

Stud link chain, ABS Grade 3

Rubber compression buckling cone fender units

Serviceability 4.3.7 Reinforced Concrete Elements:

o Crack Control: Per AASHTO with exposure factor = 0.6 o Concrete Cover: Cast-in-place 3 inches for all soffits and surfaces below 16.00 ft MLLW; o 2-1/2 inches for all other surfaces

Steel Elements: o Bollards: Galvanized per ASTM A123 with shop applied epoxy coating o Miscellaneous Exposed Steel: Galvanized per ASTM A153 for hardware and ASTM A123 for

all other elements

Safety Ladders: Fiberglass reinforced polymer


5.1 Demolition Demolition will include removal of the existing fender systems including timber and steel fender

piles, concrete deck, concrete pile caps, concrete piles, and related improvements at the waterside

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 9 Basis of Design

edge. Pile extraction can only occur during in-water work periods. Overwater demolition, above MHHW (11.36 ft MLLW), can occur outside of the in-water construction restriction but effective measures will be required to prevent demolition debris from entering the water.

Demolition will also include paving and potentially some concrete structures as required for the installation of upland utilities.

5.2 Berth Deepening The structure and slopes will be designed such that the berth can be deepened to a project elevation

of up to -55 feet MLLW. Overdredge of up to 3 feet will be allowed, 1 foot of which is advanced maintenance.

The maximum dredged depth including the 3 feet of overdredge allowed at any given location will be -58 feet MLLW.

The contract dredge depth includes 1 ft advanced maintenance dredging, resulting in a contract dredge depth of -56 feet MLLW.

The slopes of the dredge area will be 2:1 or shallower for all sides that are not bordered by the toe wall structure.

Disposal options for the dredged material have yet to be determined. Sediment sampling under the Dredge Material Management Office (DMMO) program will be completed and a Draft Sediment Characterization Report will be been submitted to the DMMO.

Based on DMM sampling results and their acceptance, sediment will be disposed of at open-water locations.

5.3 Slope Construction Ground improvements consisting of an array of battered and vertical untreated timber pinch piles

will be installed. The pinch piles will be located at the bottom half of the slope as allowed by the access from the demolition for the waterside crane rail.

The existing slope and armoring will remain predominately unchanged under the existing structure, except where disturbed by new structures for slope stabilization and crane rail strengthening.

A steel combination H-pile and sheet pile toe wall will be installed at the toe of the slope. Where there is an existing steel sheet pile wall or soldier piles, the new wall will be installed waterside of the existing one.

5.4 Trackwork Trackwork for 100-foot-gage container cranes will consist of new A120 or A150 (TBD, not reused) on

a soft-mount crane rail system with welded joints. All rail appurtenances and other construction details will conform to AREMA standards. Crane rails will be grounded.

5.5 Site Grading Existing grading and slopes will be maintained.

5.6 Storm Drainage and Surface Drainage Stormwater treatment will not be required based on the assumption that this project is utility in

nature with no new/replaced pollution generating surface being constructed is exempt from treatment based on City of Seattle Stormwater Code 22.800.040-2a.

No stormwater conveyance improvements will be made. Minor revisions to an existing system will made in the parking area where the new substation will be located.

Stormwater flow control is not required since stormwater runoff discharges directly into West Water/Elliot Bay; Temporary erosion and sediment control will be provided during construction as

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Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 10 Basis of Design

needed based on City of Seattle requirements. A debris boom will be installed during dredging operations.

5.7 Water System

Fire Flow Demand 5.7.1 In general, fire flow demand for a typical container terminal is 3000 gallons per minute (gpm) with

the assumption that all buildings will be protected by a sprinkler system. Specific fire flow requirements for each type of building and occupancy are provided in the Uniform Fire Code.

Water Flow Demand 5.7.2 Water flow demand for a typical container terminal is approximately 0.25 gpm per acre of land with

a peaking factor of 1.75. Water Flow Demand in excess of typical container terminal operations must be evaluated depending upon the needs of a new long term tenant.

Total Water Flow Demand 5.7.3 The hydraulic analysis of the total water demand for a typical container terminal should be based

upon the sum of Peak Water Flow Demand and a fire flow demand of 3000 gpm at a fire hydrant located at the farthest point from the City Water Main.

Water System Design Considerations 5.7.4 The existing combined fire water/domestic water supply to the apron and on-shore fire hydrants is

old, leaking, has lead joints, and has ruptured several times under normal terminal operating conditions. The new on-shore crane rail will bring pile driving operations during construction within 20 feet of portions of the existing water main. The risk of multiple fire/water main failures and introduction of high lead levels from disturbing lead joints during construction is high. Therefore, a new 12 inch water main will be installed on-shore west of the new crane rail to mitigate these risks. This 12 inch water main will be the eastern end of a looped fire water/domestic water system.

If Terminal 5 is fully developed in the future with an intermodal container system, the remaining fire water/domestic water supply system will need to be replaced at that time with a 12 inch water main to complete a looped system.

The existing ship’s hydrant water supply system south of Bent 84 is old (15 to 30 years beyond the recommended service life of 20 years), in very poor condition, and requires replacement. The ship’s hydrant water supply north of Bent 84 was installed in 1997, has 3 years of service life remaining, and is fully functional. This equipment may be salvaged for Marine Maintenance if desired.

All existing ship’s hydrant water box structures and equipment will be demolished to accommodate the new bull rail/fender/crane rail system. New ship’s hydrant water supply piping, backflow preventers, and meters will be installed and connected to the new 12 inch water main.

The existing fire hydrants on the light pole bases will remain. The existing fire hydrant foot valves are in poor condition and will be replaced. Each fire hydrant within the Project Work Area (closest to the apron) will be connected to the new 12 inch water main.

Water System Construction Sequencing 5.7.5 The sequencing plan for the domestic water and fire water system is to maintain the existing fire

protection and domestic water supply system on shore and on the apron to the maximum extent possible while installing the new 12” domestic/fire water main on shore. Currently, the new 12” water/fire main will be installed from the south to the north alongside the crane/shore power duct-bank. The existing fire hydrants on the light pole bases will remain but we will replace the hydrant foot valves (which are in very poor condition) and 6 inch water supply piping. Water supply and

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hydrant foot valves for the southern fire hydrants can be replaced in Phase 1 and the north hydrants in Phase 2.

Phase 1 has the temporary tenant at the north end where the Ship’s Hydrant water supply was installed in 1995 and is in good condition so access to water should not be a problem. However, the condition of the existing Ship’s Hydrant water supply on the Apron south of Bent 84 is very poor but appears to still be functional. This should be verified with maintenance by testing the water flow at each water box.

If the new sections of apron including the power and water boxes in the bull rail are installed from south to north, then we can install new ship’s hydrant water box equipment in Phase 1 while the Temporary Tenant is located on the north apron. Once Phase 1 is complete there will be new Ship’s Hydrant water boxes to supply temporary tenant number 2 in Phase 2.

Sanitary Sewer System 5.7.6 Transmission of sanitary sewage from container ships to an on-shore sewer system will not be


Modification of existing on-shore sewage transfer systems is not included in the current scope of work.

If the terminal were to be fully developed as an intermodal container operation, then the existing sanitary sewer system will likely need to be replaced.

Switchgear Building HVAC 5.7.7 The Switchgear Building will require a HVAC System to provide cooling and dehumidification.

Typically, a roof or wall mounted air conditioner would be provided with electric heating coil.

5.8 Pavement Pavement removed and replaced for utility construction will be replaced with the same pavement

section as existing.


6.1 Load Characterization The identification of the potential electrical loads for the T-5 facility has been done with redundancy

in mind. Two separate electrical feeders from Seattle City Light will feed two separate transformers that in turn feed the primary substation to the terminal. The capability exists to feed all or part of the terminal in the event of one feeder or transformer being down.

With this in mind, it is possible to build the terminal in stages, possibly only doing a full build out of one berth, or phasing the automatic stacking system over time as the demand for storage modules increases.

The size of the refrigerated storage can be scaled back as needed.

Cold Ironing capability will be included.

The rail loading cranes can be added at a later time, using existing systems employed off site.

Each of the items listed above has an associated electrical load that would be reduced. It should be kept in mind that in the scaling back of the project, although there is the potential to reduce the electrical demand to below 10 MVA, there potentially is the loss of some redundancy in the systems which could affect the terminal operations during an electrical component failure.

Phasing of operational changes will affect load schedules and demand.

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6.2 Stage 1 – Wharf Upgrades for Larger Cranes Electrical loads based on Melbourne Container Study dated July 2012.

Berthing for two ships with capacity of 18,000 TEU’s per ship, of which 1,000 containers could be refrigerated units.

Crane layout for 6 ship to shore cranes per ship for a total of 12 cranes, powered by 13.8 KV AC.

Existing Crane Maintenance Facility and mobile Maintenance Facility.

Existing Operations Center.

Existing Office Building.

Existing Employee parking.

Lighting – Site lighting shall be same as existing.

Cold Ironing for two ships with 1,000 refrigeration units per ship.

No Automation (Electrified stacking).

Electrical Demand: o Ship to Shore Cranes (12 Units) – Connected Load 35.95 MVA, Connected Demand Load

19.59 MVA, Total Demand Load @ 50% Diversification = 9.79 MVA o Refrigeration Demand –(600 units) = 2.4 MVA (Existing) o Site Lighting – 1.58 MVA (Existing) o Maintenance Building/Operations Center/Office – 1.05 MVA (Existing) o Assumption that Ship to Shore Power (Cold Ironing) is used only with a lower diversification

factor for Ship to Shore Cranes and Refrigeration. See Stage 2 for greater detail.

Total Stage 1 Electrical Demand - 15.0 MVA

6.3 Stage 2 – Upgrades for Terminal Automation, Redundancy, and Cold Ironing in Future Projects

Automated Stacking Crane System based on the CTA Terminal in Hamburg, Germany: o Waterside staging and interchange area with unmanned shuttle carriers. o Two terminal blocks containing a total of 25 ASC (Automatic Stacking Crane) modules, 2

ASCs per module. o One refrigeration crane module with a capacity of 1,000 refrigerated containers, double-

stacked in each terminal module. o Land-side interchange area with truck load and unload and transfer to rail. o Rail yard with four spurs with four rail loading cranes.

Lighting – Site lighting shall be LED.

Redundancy – Dual 26 KV feeders from City Light will be provided to the site to provide redundancy to the site and connect to the 26 KV/13.8 KV transformer(s). Power will then be distributed through two separate power distribution systems to the equipment providing redundancy. See the attached preliminary Electrical One-Line Diagram.

Electrical Demand (Stage 1 & 2 Combined): o Ship to Shore Cranes (12 Units) – Connected Load 35.95 MVA, Connected Demand Load

19.59 MVA, Total Demand Load @ 50% Diversification = 9.79 MVA o ASC Electrical Demand (50 units) – Connected Load 33.94 MVA, Connected Demand Load

22.06 MVA, Total Demand Load @ 65% Diversification = 14.34 MVA o Rail Stacking Cranes – (4 Units) – Connected Load 2.68 MVA, Connected Demand Load 1.34

MVA, Total Demand Load @ 70% Diversification = 0.94 MVA o Refrigeration Demand –(2000 Units) – Connected Load 28.35 MVA, Connected Demand Load

18.43 MVA, Total Load @ 65% Diversification = 11.98 MVA o Ship to Shore Power – (2 Ships) – Connected Load 18.30 MVA, Connected Demand Load

9.15 MVA, Total Load @ 65% Diversification = 5.95 MVA

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o Site Lighting – 1.58 MVA (Existing) o Maintenance Building/Operations Center/Office – 1.05 MVA (Existing)

Total Stage 2 Electrical Demand - 44.54 MVA

Future Expansion Stage 2 Demand - 5.5 MVA

Total Stage 2 Estimated Demand – 50.04 MVA

6.4 Substations One new 25 MVA Primary Substation will be constructed on the Southeast corner of the parking lot

adjacent to the existing APL office building. o The new Primary Substation will be fed from one of two 15 MVA / 26KV-15KV transformers

located adjacent to the substation. o Power will be provided by SCL from one of two SCL substations. o The Primary Substation will be concrete construction and will be heated and ventilated to

protect the equipment from the weather. The below-ground vault will be ventilated.

Two new 15 KV Crane Substations will be constructed shore side, equally spaced along the wharf. Each Crane Substation will power six cranes.

6.5 Switchgear The new substations will be designed with redundancy in mind and will be powered by two separate


Doubled ended switchgear will be included to permit full operations in the event of a system failure of one feeder and partial operations for maintenance of equipment.

6.6 Vaults and Conduit Buried conduits will be Schedule 40 PVC encased in a steel re-enforced concrete duct bank.

Above grade conduits will be PVC-coated rigid steel.

All 5kV and above conduit duct banks will have red dye added to the concrete.

Empty 5 inch conduits will be provided for the future connections.

Empty 2 inch conduits will be provided for future communications.

Maintenance vaults will be provided in the new bull rail with a 200 amp, 480V, 3-phase crane maintenance receptacle, a 20 amp, 208V, 1-phase, receptacle with lockout switch, and a 20 amp, 120V, GFCI type convenience receptacle.

6.7 Coordination with Seattle City Light Seattle City Light will provide 26 KV power via a dual-feed connection to the Primary Substation site.

The Port will construct a vault for mounting of the SCL switchgear and the associated conduit from the vault to the Port provided 25 KVA / 26 KV-15 KV transformers.

Seattle City Light will construct the primary feeds from the SCL substations and connect to the SCL switchgear mounted by SCL on the Port provided vault. SCL will provide the cable and connect the SCL switchgear to the transformers.

Seattle City Light will disconnect the existing 26 KV power feed to the existing Substation No. 1 SCL switchgear and 26 KV-5 KV transformer and remove their cable and equipment.

The Port will construct a new vault and install a new 15 KV-5 KV transformer and provide conduit and cable from the new Primary Substation to transformer and from the transformer to the existing Substation No. 1.

Stage 2 work would require a dedicated high-voltage feed from Seattle City Light, which would be accomplished in a separate project.

Page 15: Basis of Design -   · PDF fileContainer Crane Load ... Horizontal Control and basis of bearing: ... AISC 360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction

Terminal 5 Berth Modernization 14 Basis of Design

7 PROJECT SCHEDULE Total duration of construction is expected to be approximately 27 to 36 months depending on the

actual start date relative to the dates of in-water work restrictions and the ability to complete dredging simultaneous to other in-water work.

In the best case it is anticipated that all of the in-water work can be accomplished during two in-water work periods, but a third window may be required to complete dredging.

In-water work windows are assumed to be August 16th through February 15th each year.

Notice to Proceed for construction is expected to be issued before June 2017.

The project is expected to be broken into two to three phases to accommodate interim tenant uses. It is assumed that the phases are as follows:

o Phase 1: Complete construction on south half of wharf length, expected to include electrical and other utility work on south half of the site.

o Phase 2: Complete construction on north half of the wharf length. o Phase 3: Complete berth deepening.

The overwater wharf demolition in Phase 1 may be broken out into a separate contract to allow for the start of in-water demolition as soon as the in-water work window opens.

The schedule assumes that the date of the decision to proceed with construction will occur such that a full in-water work period will be available at the first year of construction. If permit approvals or development decisions don’t allow this, it will be likely that additional time or an additional in-water work period will be necessary.

Additionally, if permit conditions impose dredge methods or limit work above MHHW construction, efficiency would be affected such that an additional in-water work period may be required.

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