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  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan


    Basic Principles of Management

    Prof:R.T.R.VarmaProf:Sreekumar.B.PillaiMr.Saju Eapen ThomasMr.Sudheer SudhakaranMr.Sreekanth S.V.

    Mr.Rajeev V.Pillai

    Foundation Programme

    July - September 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course Profile:

    Course Title Basic Principles of Management

    Number KG0 BPM

    Programme Post Graduate Diploma in Management(PGDM)

    Total Credits Pass/ Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 18

    Session Duration 1 hr 15 mins

    Faculty/course facilitator Prof: R.T.R.Varma,Prof: Sreekumar Pillai,Mr.Saju EapenThomas , Mr.SudheerSudhakaran,Mr.Sreekanth S.V.,Mr.Rajeev V.Pillai

    2. Course (overall) Objective/s:To introduce the concept of Principles of Management. The evolution of

    management theory and science, functions and skills of a manager and thefundamental steps in management.

    3. Course Outline (Syllabus)


    Weightage Description(List of topics covered in the course under each module)

    1 10% Introduction: Evolution of Management thought and basics of management theory. Functions and skills of managers.

    2 20% Planning: Types of plans and steps in planning and setting upof objectives, Nature and purpose of strategies and policies.

    Strategic planning process. Decision making-importance andlimitations.

    320% Organizing: Nature and purpose of organizing, structure and

    process of organizing. Types of departmentations. Line andstaff authority and decentralization. Effective organizing andorganization culture.

    4 20% Staffing: Recruitment, selection and training. Performanceappraisal and career strategy. Manager and organizationdevelopment.

    5 10% Tools of Management: SWOT analysis. Management by

    objectives (MBO). TOWS Matrix6 20% Controlling: System and process of controlling. Control

    techniques and Information technology

    Total 100%


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    4. Courseware:

    5. Module 1:Module Name Introduction:

    Evolution of Management thought, various managementphilosophers and basics of management theory. Functions and skills

    of managers.Sessions 4

    Weightage 10%

    5.1.1 Learning objective:To get an insight into the evolution of management and the nature and purpose ofmanagement. To provide an introduction to the Management theory and also anunderstanding of managerial functions and the managerial skills.

    5.1.2Pre requisite:Must have read the first chapter of Principles of Management by Koontz et al.

    5.1.3Pedagogy / Structure of lessonsLectures to constitute 30% of the total Course module period, 25% on Groupdiscussionsand 25% on case studies.

    5.1.4Learning outcomeStudent will be introduced to the subject and would be able to understand thatmanagement applies to every organization and to managers at every level and thatmanagement is both art and science.

    5.2 Module 2:Module Name Planning:

    Types of plan and steps in planning and setting up ofobjectives, Nature and purpose of strategies and policies.Strategic planning process. Decision making-importance andlimitations.

    Sessions 3

    Weightage 20%

    Book/ Journal/

    Article/case studiesTitle

    Author Year/



    Principles Of


    Harold Koontz,Heinz



    Eighth edition

    Tata Mc Graw J


    Principles and Practicesof Management

    L.M.Prasad 2004Sixth edition

    Sultan Chandand sons

    Principles and Practicesof Management



  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    5.2.1 Learning objectiveTo understand in detail what managerial planning is and why it is important, the varioustypes of plans and how the steps in planning constitute a rational approach to settingobjectives and selecting the means of reaching them. The steps in rational decision makingis also discussed in detail.

    5.2.2 Pre requisite:Students are expected to refresh the topics related to module 1.

    5.2.3. Pedagogy / Structure of lessonsLectures to constitute 50% of the total Course module period, 25% Groupdiscussions and 25% on case studies.

    5.2.4. Learning outcome:The learning objective should be achieved.

    5.3 Module 3:


    Organizing:Nature and purpose of organizing, structure and process oforganizing. Types of departmentations. Line and staff authority anddecentralization. Effective organizing and organization culture.

    Sessions 3

    Weightage 20%

    5.3.1 Learning objectiveTo understand the meaning of organizing and organization, the purpose oforganization structure, concept of span of management, the basic patterns oftraditional departmentation and the advantages and disadvantages of each

    and the importance of studying organization culture, major principles fordeveloping organization structure.

    5.3.2 Pre requisite:Students are expected to refresh the topics related to module 1 and 2.

    5.3.3. Pedagogy / Structure of lessonsLectures to constitute 50% of the total Course module period, 25% ongroup discussions and 25% on case studies.

    5.3.4.Learning outcome:The learning objective should be achieved.5.4

    Module 4Module Name Staffing:

    Recruitment, selection and training. Performance appraisaland career strategy. Manager and organisation development.

    Sessions 3

    Weightage 20%


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    5.4.1 Learning objective:To study in detail the nature of nature of managerial function of staffing, humanresource management, important aspects of selection, importance of effectivelyappraising managers

    5.4.2 Pre requisite:Students are expected to refresh the topics related to previous modules.

    5.4.3. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons:Lectures to constitute 50% of the total Course module period, 25% on Groupdiscussions and 25% on case studies.

    5.5Module 5

    Module name Tools of Management:SWOT analysis. Management byobjectives (MBO). TOWS Matrix

    Sessions 2


    5.5.1 Learning objective.To study some of the major tools of management.

    5.5.2. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons.Lectures to constitute 50% of the total Course module period, 25% on Groupdiscussions and 25% on case studies.

    5.5.3Learning outcome:The learning objective should be achieved.

    6. Module 6

    Module name Controlling: System and process ofcontrolling. Control techniques andInformation technology

    Sessions 2

    Weightage 20%

    6.6.1 Learning objective.To study the steps in the basic control process and techniques and also InformationTechnology as a control technique.

    6.6.2. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons.

    Lectures to constitute 50% of the total Course module period, 25% on Groupdiscussions and 25% on case studies.


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    6.6.3.Learning outcome:The learning objective should be achieved.

    7. Milestones / Important DatesSl.No.

    Assignment / Class Test / Project/Presentation etc.

    Tentative Date/ SESSION

    1 Mid-term Assessment At the end of Module III

    2 Case study on modules 1 to 3 At end of Module II

    3 Case study on modules 3 to 6 At end of Module VI

    4 Final evaluation exam On the last Friday

    8. Session Plan




    Introduction to the course




    y. Work)


    (for evaluation)

    2 The basics of management theoryand science Evolution ofmanagement thoughts andpatterns of management analysis.

    Shouldhave readchapter 1and 2 ofKoontz

    3 Functions and skills of managers

    4 Types of plans and steps in

    planning and setting up ofobjectives

    5 Nature and purpose of strategiesand policies. Strategic planningprocess.

    Shouldhave readchapter 4and 5

    6 Decision making-importance andlimitations

    Case analysisPeople ExpressKoontz Page 27

    7 Nature and purpose of organizing,structure and process of

    organizing. Types ofdepartmentations

    8 Line and staff authority anddecentralization.

    9 Effective organising andorganization culture.

    CaseanalysisOlympicToy Companykoontz and AryassiPage 6-12

    10 Human Resource management andselection


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan

    KF0 BOA

    Basics of Accounting

    Foundation Programme

    July - September 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


    Ms.Asha E. ThomasMs.Shyama P Menon


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course Profile:

    Course Title Basics of Accounting

    Number KF0 BOA

    Programme Post Graduate Diploma in Management

    (PGDM)Total Credits Pass/Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 20

    Session Duration 1 Hour 15 minutes

    Faculty/course facilitator Ms. Asha E. Thomas,Ms.Shyama P Menon

    2. Course (overall) Objectives: To introduce basics of accounting to the students

    To make them understand the accounting process and themechanism of accounting needed to prepare the financial statements

    3. Course Outline (Syllabus)

    Module No Weightage Description

    1 15 %Conceptual Framework:Introduction to accounting need and importance ofaccounting---meaning, objectives and definitions of

    accounting --- users of accounting informationstructure of business firm

    2 35 %Accounting Cycle:Accounting principles concepts and conventionsdouble entry system of accountingclassification ofaccounts journalledger, cash book and trial balanc

    3 50 % Structure of Financial Statements:

    Profit and loss accountexpenses and discretionaryexpensesdeferred revenue expenditureincome/revenueother incomebalance sheetstructure classification of assets and liabilities.Preparation of P/L a/c and balance sheet withadjustments --- out standing expense, prepaid expense,provisions for doubtful debts, depreciation.

    Total 100%

    4. Courseware:


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    5. Course implementation: Pedagogy & Evaluation Approach5.1 Module 1:

    Module Name Conceptual Framework

    Sessions 3

    Weightage 15%

    5.1.1 Learning objective/OutcomeTo understand the need and importance of accounting

    5.1.2. Pedagogy / Structure of lessonsLecture and discussions

    5.1.3. Courseware of the module:

    Text Book & ChapterReferences

    1. Basic Accounting-Rajni Sofat2.Accounting made easy- Rajesh Agrawal and R.Srinivasan

    Case Study

    5.2. Module 2Module name Accounting Cycle:

    Sessions 7

    Weightage 35 %

    Learning objective/Outcome

    To understand the accounting cycle

    5.2.2 Pre requisiteStudents are expected to be conversant with the scope and importance of financialaccounting.

    5.2.3. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons: Lecture and Worksheets

    5.2.4. Courseware of the Module:Text Book & ChapterReferences

    1. Basic Accounting-Rajni Sofat2.Accounting made easy- Rajesh Agrawal and R.Srinivasan

    Case Study

    5.3 Module 3:Module Name Structure of Financial Statements

    Sessions 10

    Weightage 50%

    5.3.1 Learning objective/OutcomeTo understand the structure of accounting statements

    5.3.2 Pre requisiteStudents are expected to be well-versed in accounting concepts and conventions.

    Book/ Journal /

    Article/Case StudiesTitle

    Author Year/



    Accountingmade easy

    Rajesh Agrawal andR.Srinivasan

    Ist Edition 2006 TMH


    Rajni Sofat 2008 Prentice-Hall of India


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    5.3.3. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons Lectures and Exercises

    5.3.4. Courseware of the module:

    Text Book & ChapterReferences

    1. Basic Accounting-Rajni Sofat2.Accounting made easy- Rajesh Agrawal and R.Srinivasan

    Case Study Smokey Valley

    6. Session PlanSessions Topics Covered Exercises

    1 Introduction to accounting. Need and importance

    2 Objectives of accounting users of accounting

    3 Structure of business firm

    4-5 Accounting PrinciplesConcepts and Conventions. Rules of accounting

    6 Double entry system of accounting. Classification ofaccounts

    7 Journal8 Ledger

    9 Cash book

    10 Trial balance

    11 Test-1

    12 Structure of financial statement introduction

    13 Nature of expense and revenue

    14 Structure of business

    15,16 Preparation of trading and profit and loss account

    17,18 Preparation of Balance sheet

    19,20 Final accounts with adjustments

    7. Evaluationa) Entry Level Aptitude Test

    b) Interim Evaluation - Test

    Section A-Objective Type

    Section B Short Questions

    Section C Accounting Problems

    c) Final EvaluationCoverage and QP pattern:

    The end term examination shall be for 2 hours and shall cover all the topics that areenvisaged in this plan and the pattern will be as follows:

    Section A Short Questions

    Section B Accounting Problems

    Section C Case study

    Weightage Topic No and/ or specification

    Test 1 30 % At the end of first module

    Test 2 70% At the end of third module


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan


    Basic Quantitative Skills


    Foundation Programme

    July - September 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)



  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course Profile:


    NumberKO0 BQS

    Programme PGDM

    Total Credits Pass / Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 20

    Session Duration 1hr.15 minutes

    Faculty/course facilitator Prof.V RAJAGOPAL / Ms. L RAMA/Dr. SHERIN MARIAM ALEX

    2. Course Objective:

    The course intends to cover the fundamentals of Mathematical conceptsneeded for assimilating various management subjects. Upon completion of thecourse the student will be able to use basic mathematical concepts inmanagement.

    a. To refresh the basic mathematical concepts and the students towards using the toolsin business scenario.

    b. To develop the skills to apply the basic arithmetic concepts in business context.

    c. To appreciate the application of calculus in business contexts.

    d. To make them understand the fundamentals of statistics and the application ofvarious statistical measures in business context.

    3. Course Outline.

    Modules Sessions Weight age Topics


    1 -3 5%IntroductionAptitude test, , Number system, Theory of Indices:

    measuring negative index, fractional index, Ratio andProportions

    2 4 - 6 20%

    Matrices, determinants, Cramers rule.

    3 7- 8 15%

    Permutations and combinations


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    49 - 13 20%

    Set theory ,relations, functions and applications tobusiness, differential calculus, maxima & minima

    5 14-16 20% Equations and inequalities,solutions of systems of equations, graphical representations

    6 17-20 20% Mathematics of finance, progressions,profit and loss,computation of interest

    4. Courseware:

    Book/ Journal, Title

    Author Year/ Edition Publisher

    Business Mathematics SanchetiKapoor&Metha

    2002/6th Sultan Chand

    Business mathematics Wazi zameeruddin&VijaykhannaBhambri.S.K

    2009/2nd Vikas

    Business Mathematics S.C.Gupta 2004/6th edition Himalaya

    Quantitative Analysis forManagerial Applications IGNOU 1991 IGNOU

    Students are expected to refer the relevant chapters for each topic, using two or more booksfrom the recommended list above and make own notes and pick exercises for self practice


    Lectures & Discussions: will be followed by exercises (to be completed individuallyand/or in groups) this will be supplemented by take Home assignments.

    Case-lets will be used to illustrate the application of various mathematical conceptsin business situations. Students are expected to identify similar situations on theirown and bring it up for discussions in class.


    i. Entry level aptitude test

    ii. The paper calls for Continuous assessment based on class participation,completion of home assignments, and regular maintenance of class work. Creditwill be given to the students for taking initiative to do extra exercises


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    iii. Group assessment: in class assignments for problem solving in teams(Initiative, leadership, problem solving and delivery skills are evaluated)

    iv. Class Test (after the third module)

    Final Evaluation:

    Written examination of two hours duration Questions will be designed to check conceptualknowledge and application skills.


    Modules Topics Covered

    Module 11 Introduction & Aptitude test

    2 Numbers, Fractions(LCM), Ratios, Proportion

    3 Indices (measuring negative index, fractional index)

    Module 2 4 Matrices

    5 Determinants

    6 Solution of system of equations using Cramers rule

    Module 3 7 Permutation & combination

    8 Permutation & combination

    Module 4 9 Set theory, Relations

    10 Functions and its application in business

    11 Basics of differential calculus

    12 Differentiation of simple functions

    13 Maxima & MinimaModule 5 14 Equations & Inequalities

    15 Solution of system of equations

    16 Graphical representations

    Module 6 17 Mathematics of Finance

    18 Progression ( Arithmetic, Geometric)

    19 Profit & Loss

    20 Computation of Interest


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1.Course Profile:

    Course Title Basics of Information Technology

    Number KS0BIT

    Programme PGDM

    Total Credits Pass/ Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 7

    Session Duration 1hr 15 minutes

    Course coordinator Prof.Mariakutty Varkey, Prof.SrikrishnanMr.Kumar Chandar S

    2. Course Objective:

    The course is intended to provide the students with the basic knowledge and skillsregarding Information Technology for their pursuit of learning throughout PGDM and later asuccessful career in management. This course shall provide inputs on a computer usersperspective and hence shall emphasize on the effective usage of personal productivity toolslike MS Office.

    3. Course OutlineThe day wise break up of this course is given below: -

    Session no Details

    1. Introduction and Assessment

    2. Basics of computers: - Software


    Popular vendors



    Security etcDossier Presentation

    3. Dossier Data EntryPersonal productivity tools: -

    Introduction, relevance in management career

    Tools available in market MS Word in detail

    o Starting MS Word

    o Tool bar options

    o Working with Menus

    o Creating and maintaining documents

    o Styles and Formatting

    o Borders and shading

    o Tables formula, sort

    o Mail merge


    Import/Exporto Hyperlinks/objects

    4. Exercise on MS-Word

    5. MS Power point: -


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Introduction, relevance in management career

    Create a presentation


    Styles and Formatting

    Slide master





    6. Internet and WWW concepts, Common browsers, Search engines, email,Intranet, Ebsco etcExercise on MS-Power point

    7. Test

    4. PedagogyThe course shall be kicked off with an assessment. As the students are coming fromdiverse backgrounds, the assessment on the usage of computers is expected to provideinputs on further fine-tuning the course structure.

    The course shall be oragnised in the lab. A hands-on approach shall be taken up for all thesessions.


    a. Pre Term Assessment/Aptitude Test

    b. Interim EvaluationExercises for each topic are planned which will closely be monitored and assessed by thefaculty.

    c. Final EvaluationA final test shall be conducted which will cover all the topics included in this course. Thistest shall be a two-hour test conducted in the computer lab.


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan

    KG0 BOC

    Basics of Communication

    Ms.Rebecca Thomas

    Ms.Rajeswari Menon

    Foundation Programme

    July September 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)



  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course Profile:

    Course Title Basics of Communication

    Number KG 0BOCProgramme Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

    Total Credits Pass/Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 20

    Session Duration 1 hr 15 mins

    Faculty/course facilitator Ms Rebecca Thomas / Ms Rajeswari Menon

    2. Course (overall) Objective/s:

    To provide the basics of effective communication to facilitate the transition to higherlevels of learning

    The main objective is to asses the initial capability and standard of all the students and their familiarity

    with the English language and to normalize entry-level differences as stated in the Programme for


    Over and above this, the programme is meant to assess the capabilities of those students who are not quite

    comfortable with the nuances of speaking and writing English. The foundation programme aims at

    identifying such students and providing them special guidance right from the Foundation to Term III.

    We plan to take students through exercises which will help them build basic spoken and written skills,

    vocabulary and critical reading skills which in turn should build confidence and belief in self.

    3. Course Outline (syllabus)

    SESSIONS Description(List of topics covered under the course)

    1 Ice Breaking and general introduction

    2 Entry level assessment based on spoken and written skills

    3 Tell a tale: Assessment based on creativity and spoken skills

    4 News Analysis Interactive session based on newspaper reading

    5 Group Discussion based on a current topic

    6 Group Discussion ..Contd

    7 Group Discussion ..Contd

    8 Lessons based on grammar

    9 Grammar lessons based on common errors

    10.Written exercises based on grammar classes

    11.Critical reading exercises


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    12. Ad review: Critical writing exercises after viewing a series of five ads

    13. Debate: On any two topics of current interest

    14. Debate: Contd

    15. Readings from newspapers

    16. Group presentations on topics of business interest

    17. Presentations: Contd

    18. Presentations: Contd

    19. Feedback to students and class test

    20. Revision

    6. Learning outcome: (Expected)

    To help students fill the gap of entry-level differences so as to facilitate a smooth transition to a learning

    style which suits corporate requirements.

    Students should be able to recognize and identify key concepts of business communicationand analyze problems in communication and their impact on business.

    To identify students who need intensive and extensive coaching to tide over languagebarriers and mental blocks to language-learning.

    7. Evaluation:

    Evaluation will be on a continuous basis.

    Written tests based on all work done in class. Questions from newspaper discussionsas well.

    Interim tests based on given topics of current interest

    Final evaluation at the close of the Foundation Course

    Based on the evaluation, additional tutorials will be given to students who fail to make thegrade


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan

    KG0 FOE

    Fundamentals of Economics

    Prof. K.J.PauloseProf. Jose PaulDr. K.R.Nisha

    Foundation Programme

    July - September 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)



  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course Profile:Course Title Fundamentals of Economics

    NumberKG0 FOE

    Programme Post Graduate Diploma in Management

    (PGDM)Total Credits Pass/ Fail

    Total Number of Sessions 18

    Session Duration 1 hr 15 mts

    Faculty/Course Facilitator Prof K.J.Paulose / Prof Jose Paul /Dr.K.R.Nisha

    2. Course (overall) Objective/s:To familiarize the students from different academic backgrounds, with the

    terminologies and basic concepts in Economics.

    To make the students well equipped to appreciate and absorb the core courses beingoffered, in both micro and macro economies, during the first year.

    3. Course Outline (Syllabus)ModuleNo

    Weightage Description

    1 20 Introduction, Micro Economics

    2 40 Macro Economics

    3 25 Indias Economic Development/New Economic Policy

    4 15 The Global Economic ScenarioTotal 100%

    4. Courseware:

    5. Course implementation: Pedagogy & Evaluation Approach

    5.1.1 Learning objective/OutcomeStudents are expected to be in a position to appreciate the basic concepts, theories andtheir applications in Economic Analysis, both at the Micro level and at the Macro level.

    5.1.2. Pedagogy / Structure of lessons: Lecture and discussionsThe course will be delivered primarily in the lecture mode. Towards the tailend of the course, two sessions are embarked for class discussions along withanalysis of one or two caselettes.

    Book/ Journal/ Article/casestudies Title

    Author Year/Edition/Volume


    Microeconomics Robert S.Pindyck 2002,5th edition Pearsom

    Macroeconomics theory &applications

    Gupta G.S 2008, 3rd edition TataMcGrawHill

    Managerial Economics D.N.Dwivedi 2008, 7th edition Vikas Publisher


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    6. EvaluationThere will be continuous performance of the students performance and withfollowing mile stones.

    1. Entry level quiz (1st session)

    2. Class test (after session 5)3. Mid module test (after session 10)4. Final evaluation Written exam of 2 hours duration.

    7. Session Plan


    Modules Topics Covered

    Module 1

    1 IntroductionDefinitions-micro and macro economics schools of thought-total vs.partial equilibrium static vs. dynamic analysis-positive andnormative analysis

    2 Basic Concepts in Micro EconomicsScarcity trade offsOpportunity costs-discounting-utility marginal concept

    3 Market StructureCriteria fro defining market structures-monopoly-duopoly-oligopoly-monopolistic competition-perfect competition

    Module 2

    4 Macro Economics : basic, major indicatorsMajor indicator-GDP-growth rate-inflation-price indices-unemployment-recession-poverty-trade balance-BOP

    5 Economic SystemsCapitalism-Socialism-communism-mixed economy /Test

    6 Monetary policyMoney supply-CRR and SLR-market intervention-forex regulations-interest rates-currency devaluation and revaluation

    7 Fiscal PolicyTaxation-subsidies-capital and revenue accounts

    8 Inflation and unemploymentComputation of rate of Inflation-price indices-kinds ofunemployment-measurement of unemployment-poverty-incomeinequalities

    9 Introduction to world economiesCapitalism command (centrally planned) economies-trade/economic blocks-regional grouping

    10 Class test

    Module 311 International trade (basics-Introduction to theories)

    Comparative advantage-barriers to trade-entry strategies-commodity agreements -cartels

    12 Introduction to Indias economic developmentPre-colonial stage-colonial era post independence postliberalization


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    Module 3 13 Indias new economic policyNew LPG regime FDI & FIT-public sector disinvestment-impact ofGATT-present state of Indian Economy

    Module 4

    14 The Asian Tigers & BRICSChina, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and India-meltdown in the 90s-BRICS economies

    15 The Global MeltdownSub-prime crisis in USA-collapse of financial institutions-recoverypackages-where world economies stand today.

    16 Mini Cases: Class discussions

    17 Mini Cases: Class discussions

    18 Course review & revision


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    Course Plan

    SOFT SKILLSProf. B.UnnikrishnanMs.Deepa PillaiLt.Cdr.Shalini NandwaniDr.V VidyeswariMs.Famina A SMs.Jitha G.Nair

    Foundation Programme

    July - September, 2010

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


    KH0 SSS


  • 8/8/2019 Batch 19 Foundation Course Plan


    1. Course ProfileCourse Title Soft Skills

    Number KH0 SSS

    Programme Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

    Total Credits N.A

    Total Number of Sessions 12

    Session Duration 1 hr 15 mins

    Faculty/course facilitator Team: Prof. Unnikrishnan, Ms.Deepa Pillai,Lt.Cdr.Shalini Nandwani, Dr.V VidyeswariMs.Femina, Ms Jitha,

    2. Course ObjectiveStudents are from diverse branches of study. This course would provide them a

    platform to familiarize themselves, learn to work in teams, come out with their creativeideas and build in a strong spirit of team. This also focuses on attitudinal skills andevaluation of the Self. On the whole, this would provide the basic foundation andprepare the students to pursue the course effectively

    3. Course outlineModule Topics Covered

    1 ICE BREAKERS (3 sessions)Activity : Scavengerhunt,TEAM BUILDING

    Working as a team A Conceptual introduction to team game:Games : Tricky Tales Game; MinesweeperMusical Rope trick

    2 MOTIVATION ( 1 session)Activity : Tower Building, Ring Toss

    3 UNDERSTANDING SELF (5 sessions)Importance of Self awareness and Self ConsciousnessUnderstanding self. Self in management, Applications and problem solvingInstruments : Learning styles , Who am I ? AssertivenessActivity : Merger mania



    5 TIME MANAGEMENT(1 sessions)Strategies for managing time,Activity : Time wizard


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    4. Evaluation PatternThis course is aimed at development of soft skills and assessment, review and feedbackwill be given on an ongoing basis. As such there is no evaluation based on written exam.

    Module Sessions Content Faculty

    A B C D

    1 1 Ice breakers SN , DP JN FAS DVV

    2 Team Building SN JN , DP FAS, DVV

    3 TB- Activity SN JN FAS, DP DVV

    2 4 Motivation- Activity JN FAS DVV DP SN

    3 5 Self Awareness 1 BUK BUK BUK BUK



    8 SA Instruments JN DP FAS, DVV SN

    9 Activity JN FAS, DP DVV SN

    4 10 Building self confidence FAS, DVV SN DP JN

    11 Positive Attitude FAS, DVV SN JN DP

    5 12 Time Management DVV SN DP JN FAS

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