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Page 1: Batman opening analysis

The zoom here is effective as it allows the audience to focus on the mask which is quite weird and scary. The posture of the man is also weird and the fact he has that mask in his hand causes the audience to know that he may be a criminal or mischievous. The man is the only focus in the shot and it subverts the fact that crime happens at night time as in this shot its broad daylight

Page 2: Batman opening analysis

The close up shot here focuses the audience on the masks and the pull focus draws attention to the guy on the left which also makes the audience aware of the masks, the different camera shots focus the audience on the masks which will intensify the thought of crime

Page 3: Batman opening analysis

The pull focus in this shot focuses the audience on the man on the right and takes away the attention from the man on the left, but it also allows the audience to focus on the man on the left due to his posture, he looks as if he was about to do something to the man that’s focused. The image shows the man is conflicting as he looks regretful due to the mask he is wearing, this also adds to the storyline as it communicates the robbery is compulsory and he may not want to be a part of it

Page 4: Batman opening analysis

Different facial codes are expressed on these masks, the effect this has is it adds comedy and might show each individuals personality. This is also effective as it is resourceful in terms of power, each man gets shot after their mask is shown. It also links to the storyline as each man is like a miniature joker, showing he has minions and they are inferior compared to the Joker being superior. This also shows inferiority as they’re all in groups, however the Joker is always on his own

Page 5: Batman opening analysis

This shot of this man as an member of the bank, shows his confidence and power as he’s the only one not wearing a mask as he’s not part of the criminals, him standing alone and having a weapon demonstrates a plot twist , emphasising the ideas already presented of the film

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