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Model No - 1 This Lithium Ion Battery lasting approx 200 Hrs to 250 Hrs @ Laser Diode drawing 30 m Ah, Size- C

Suggested Battery Compartment/Case for Size C

Model No - 2 This Lithium Ion Battery lasting approx 300 Hrs to 450 Hrs @ Laser Diode drawing 30 m Ah, Size - D

Model No-2 This Lithium Ion Battery lasting approx 450 Hrs to 520 Hrs @ Laser Diode drawing 30 m AH.

The above Li-Ion Primary Batteries are may vary discharge time, as per climate conditions and discharge ratings depend on the discharge graph given in the spec. And also we use Alkaline Batteries instead Li_ion but Alkaline, Zinc are bulky, and we need to parallel combination of more batteries as per our requirement.

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