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;; This file is a template for how a world specification file is laid out.The world specification is one; of the more complex script files used by Romans - it basically initialises the world into a given; state by adafeweding first independent items such as the date, buildings and roads, then starts adding; factions and within each faction adds armys and within each army adds units.;; At the bottom of the world specification, a section called 'battle' canbe placed, in which a battle; can be specified, which will commence immediately when the game starts running. This is the way to; create a very limited world spec for a given historical battle.;;; ; indicates a comment ;-);; >>>> start of global items section <<<<;; landmarks landmark type, strat map position; Mausoleum at Halicarnass

us; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; Statue of Zeus at Olympia; Pharos at Alexandria; Pyramids of Giza; Sphinx;; resources resource type, level, strat mapposition; gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, marble

;;; date starting data, stored as a yearsince the founding of Rome and; either 'summer'or 'winter';; from the founding of Rome ( c.753 BC)... the main campaign will; start about 300 BC, which is year 453 AUC in the Roman calender,; and the finishing date for the campaign would be about 25 BC,

; which is year 728 AUC. This equates to 550 turns.;;; >>>> start of factions section <<<<;; faction adds a new faction to the world, valid factions are:;; denari

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; poll_tax;; venice, sicily,milan, denmark,; egypt, scotland, aztecs, mongols, turks, france,; hre, england, portugal, poland, illyria, moors,; russia, spain, hungary, slave;; NB. when a faction is created it must have a faction head named character to exist;; settlement beginning 'settlement', with a brace-delimited section (each brace on its own line); parsed as specified by settlement_db:; settlement; {;(required:); level city; next_building_id 1; fortification 0

; population 1000; settlement_tax 5; plan_set <plan_set_id>; tile x z; name i;(optional:); position_offset x z (metres offset of plan from tile centre, defaults to 0,0 - rounded to terrain tile corner); faction_creator roman_julii (faction that created the settlement at its current level,; defaults to the current owner's faction if not present. Dictates plan used.);

;(optional, but once one building seen, only buildings allowed for rest of settlement section:); building; {; ; Format as specified in building_db parsing.; (required:); type roman_strongroom strongroom  - Building tech tree type, then level; (optional, in any order:); health 100%- Can be given as percentage OR as explicit value (clamped to max health for building), defaults to max health

; position_offset x z- Positioning is metres offset from plan centre, and acts only as a guide - the;- building will be placed in the nearest free position. Position values are optional,;- defaults to 0,0.; plugin tax_collector senior_tax_  collector; }

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; };;; character adds a new character to the current faction, must be followed by:; - a name id (0 for no name, +ve for predefined, -ve for user defined),; - character type, level, experience, age and an x,z coordinate on the strategy map; valid character; types are defined in descr_character.txt;; army adds a new army to the current character (and faction);; unit adds a new unit to the current army, valid unit types are; defined in descr

 _unit.txt;; >>>> start of roads section <<<<;; road road followed by start map start

ing position and strat map ending position;;;; >>>> start of battle section <<<<;; battle battle specification start, followed by x,z world location of battle;; time time of start of battle, as intand float (day into season and time in hours past midnight);; army army taking part in the battle,

followed by faction name and; army index in the lists above;;; deployment_area_point x,z coordinates of point in shape of deploymentarea;; there can be several deployment areas for each army, each of which; consists of a series of deployment_area_points (which make up an; n-sided shape de

fining the deployment area) followed by a number of; units to be placed into the area;; unit used to indicate a unit presentwithin this deployment area, must; be followed by unit index within army description, then x,z position; on battlefield (this must be inside the deployment area above), then

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; a rotation in degrees;; >>>> Start of objectives section;; objectives objectives specification start;; faction <name> specify the faction that this applies to; time floating point time limit for objectives to be completed (in days);; condition add a new condition.; Can be of form `condition <condition_type> <condition args>' or; `condition <condition 1> <or/and> <condition 2>; The second method links two previously created conditions together with a logical operator; Conditions can then be linked together (or not) into an objectives list (of 1 or more conditions); Operator binding is from right to left so A & B or C is equivelant to A & (B or C)

;; valid condition types are:; destroy_unit, capture_unit, arrive_location, capture_location, destroy_building, capture_building,; destroy_character, capture_character, destroy_faction, sight_faction, sight_unit;; condition args are:; for unit related: <faction> <army> <unit>;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The imperial campaign

;map imperial_campaign

;start_date 453, summer;end_date 728, summer

;default starting camera positioncamera_position 280, 226

;placement of landmarks; coords are measured in photoshop from Bottom left (i.e. x, 800-y), then halved.

;sphinx; photoshop coords 724, 643, therefore flipped coords are 724, 157, therefore halved coords are 362,78; pyramid is here, so use next tile across.

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landmark sphinx, 364, 78

;great pyramid; photoshop coords 724, 643, therefore flipped coords are 724, 157, therefore halved coords are 362,78landmark pyramid, 362, 78

;pharos; photoshop coords 708, 601, therefore flipped coords are 708, 199, therefore halved coords are 354, 100landmark pharos, 354, 100

;colossus; photoshop coords 656,491, therefore flipped coords are 656,309, therefore halved coords are 328,154landmark colossus, 328, 154

; temple to artemis; photoshop coords 635,462, therefore flipped coords are 635,338, therefore halved coords are 317,169

landmark temple, 317,169

; mausoleum at Halicarnassus; photoshop coords 639,480, therefore flipped coords are 639,320, therefore halved coords are 320,160landmark mausoleum, 320,160

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;placement of resources

resource gold 0, 281, 231resource gold 2, 278, 228resource gold 1, 279, 229resource iron 2, 275, 225resource marble 2, 272, 224

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; >>>> start of factions section <<<<

faction venicedenari 10000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level city

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year_founded 300fortification 0population 0settlement_tax 4tile 275 235plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



level villagename CATANAyear_founded 300fortification 0population 200settlement_tax 2tile 272 232plan_set default_set


settlement{level townyear_founded 300fortification 0population 500settlement_tax 3tile 287 225plan_set default_set



{ level bigcity capitalfounding_faction sicilyname FANUM FORTUNAEyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 272 227plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom



level villagefounding_faction milanname FORUM CORNELLIIyear_founded 300fortification 0

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population 200settlement_tax 2tile 245 197plan_set default_set


character JULIUS, named character, leader, level 0, exp 7, dig 30, drd 40, age 80, x 242, y 206attributes military 6, administrative 4, diplomatic 6, subterfuge 2skills siege 3, civil 2, logistics 7, night_raid 3, financier 6, builder_military 4skills builder_religious 5, builder_normal 6, rhetoric 4, bluster 3skills bribery 1, flattery 2armyunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary first cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort I

unit legionary cohort Iunit legionary first cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit mesoamerican light cavalry archersunit mesoamerican light elephant cavalryunit mesoamerican light cavalry;unit syrian archers;unit british celt marauders;unit german barbarians;unit gaul barbarians;unit mesoamerican chariots

character BECKHAM, admiral, level 0, exp 1, dig 30

, drd 40, age 59, x 242, y 205attributes military 4, administrative 4, diplomatic 2, subterfuge 1skills scout 3armyunit southern_european flagshipunit southern_european heavy navalunit southern_european heavy navalunit southern_european heavy navalunit southern_european heavy navalunit southern_european transport shipunit southern_european transport ship

character PONTIUS, named character, heir, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 59, x 277, y 231attributes military 4, administrative 4, diplomatic 2, subterfuge 1skills rhetoric 4, bluster 5, bribery 6, flattery 7

character BOB, named character, level 1, exp 4, dig 30, drd 40, age 57, x 277, y 230attributes military 2, administrative 4, diplomatic

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 2, subterfuge 5skills heroism 4, ambush 3, logistics 5, scout5armyunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort I

character PHIL, admiral, level 2, exp 3, dig 30, drd 40, age 25, x 237, y 206attributes military 4, administrative 2, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 1skills heroism 2, ambush 3, logistics 1, leadership 3armyunit southern_european flagshipunit southern_european heavy navalunit southern_european heavy naval

character AL, general, level 3, exp 5, dig 30, drd 40, age 39, x 279, y 230attributes military 4, administrative 2, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 1skills heroism 2, ambush 2, logistics 1, leadership 3, night_raid 6

armyunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary first cohort Iunit legionary cohort I;unit southern_european light infantry

character STAN, named character, level 1, exp 4, dig 30, drd 40, age 51, x 269, y 231attributes military 4, administrative 5, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 3

skills rhetoric 4, bluster 5, bribery 6, flattery 7, leadership 4, assassin 3

character EMINEM, named character, governor, level 1, exp 2, dig 30, drd 40, age 22, x 272, y 227attributes military 5, administrative 3, diplomatic 5, subterfuge 1skills rhetoric 2, bluster 1, bribery 5, flattery 6, leadership 1, financier 2

character MOTHER, named character, level 1, exp 0, dig 30, drd 40, age 21, x 268, y 228attributes military 2, administrative 1, diplomatic

 1, subterfuge 2skills rhetoric 2, bluster 1, bribery 5, flattery 6, financier 2, builder_military 1, assassin 4

character LEE, spy, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 26, x 270, y 226attributes military 0, administrative 2, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 15skills spying 15, counterspy 5, infiltration 2, insurrection 1, bribery 5, kidnap 6, financier 2, sabotage 1

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character LEE, spy, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 26, x 269, y 226attributes military 0, administrative 2, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 15skills spying 15, counterspy 5, infiltration 2, insurrection 1, bribery 5, kidnap 6, financier 2, sabotage 1

character TOM, assassin, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 28, x 277, y 224attributes military 0, administrative 0, diplomatic 0, subterfuge 6skills assassin 6

character JEROME, diplomat, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 28, x 288, y 224attributes military 1, administrative 2, diplomatic 5, subterfuge 1skills rhetoric 2, bluster 1, bribery 5, flattery 6, leadership 3, financier 2

character CHARLIE, named character, level 1, exp 0, dig 30, drd 40, age 19, x 267, y 226attributes military 1, administrative 1, diplomatic

 1, subterfuge 1skills rhetoric 2, bluster 2, bribery 5, flattery 3, financier 2, kidnap 1

character KEVIN, named character, level 1, exp 3,dig 30, drd 40, age 35, x 275, y 239attributes military 3, administrative 6, diplomatic 4, subterfuge 0skills rhetoric 2, bluster 1, bribery 5, flattery 4, leadership 3

;other armiesgarrisoned_army x 272, y 232

unit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Igarrisoned_army x 272, y 227unit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort I

;other_records character, gender, experience, age, living?

character_record JOSS, male, exp 5, dig 30, drd 40, age 94, dead, past_leadercharacter_record GWENDOLENE, female, exp 0, dig 30, drd 40, age 71, dead, never_a_leader

character_record MADONNA, female, exp 0, dig 30, drd 40, age 57, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record KATE, female, exp 0, dig 20, drd 60, age 50, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record BETH, female, exp 0, dig 20, drd 30, age 31, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record JANET, female, exp 0, dig 5, drd 2, age 25, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record REBECCA, female, exp 0, dig 0, drd 0, age 5, alive, never_a_leader

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character_record CLINT BASS, male, exp 0, dig 0, drd 0, age 15, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record MARY, female, exp 0, dig 0, drd 0, age 26, alive, never_a_leadercharacter_record PAM, female, exp 0, dig 0, drd 0, age 11, alive, never_a_leader

;relationships character, spouse, child_1,child_2, child_3, child_4relative JOSS GWENDOLENE, JULIUS,endrelative JULIUS, MADONNA, PONTIUS,BOB, STAN, endrelative PONTIUS, BETH, KEVIN,MARY, endrelative BOB, KATE, EMINEM,MOTHER, endrelative STAN, JANET, CHARLIE,CLINT BASS, PAM, REBECCA, end

;;;;;;;;;; I`ve put code in to link these the other way - having to set up the relationships in both directions is plain confusing! Tom;relative EMINEM, none, end;relative MOTHER, none, end

;relative CHARLIE, none, end;relative GWENDOLENE, JOSS, JULIUS,end;relative MADONNA, JULIUS, KEVIN,BOB, STAN, end;relative KATE, BOB, EMINEM,MOTHER, end;relative BETH, PONTIUS, CHARLIE,end;relative JANET, STAN, REBECCA,end;relative REBECCA, none, end


faction sicilydenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 100dread 150


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0

population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 250 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


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faction milandenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 200fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 255 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction hredenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityname NUREMBERG

year_founded 150fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 260 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction denmarkdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


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level bigcityyear_founded 300fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 265 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction egyptdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 200fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 270 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction scotlanddenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 300

fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 275 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


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faction francedenari 1000poll_tax 3dignitas 200dread 270


level cityyear_founded 100fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 2tile 284 218plan_set default_set



level village

name AQUAE SEXTIAEyear_founded 300fortification 0population 400settlement_tax 1tile 240 208plan_set default_set



level bigcityyear_founded 300

fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 1tile 280 221plan_set default_set



level townyear_founded 300fortification 0population 400

settlement_tax 1tile 290 219plan_set default_set



level fortyear_founded 400fortification 0

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armyunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican light elephant cavalry

character FIXMEUP, general, level 3, exp 3, dig 30, drd 40, age 34, x 285, y 218attributes military 4, administrative 1, diplomatic 1, subterfuge 1skills siege 1, heroism 2, ambush 3, logistics1, leadership 3, bribery 6, flattery 7, leadership 4, assassin 2armyunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican light elephant cavalry

character MRFIXIT, admiral, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 59, x 225, y 203attributes military 4, administrative 4, diplomatic 2, subterfuge 1skills scout 3armyunit southern_european flagshipunit southern_european light naval

unit southern_european transport ship

character GETAFIX, diplomat, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 39, x 289, y 229attributes military 0, administrative 0, diplomatic 5, subterfuge 0skills civil 2, rhetoric 2, bluster 5, bribery6, flattery 7, leadership 7, assassin 1, logistics

character JIMILFIXIT, assassin, level 0, exp 1, dig 30, drd 40, age 44, x 287, y 213attributes military 0, administrative 0, diplomatic 0, subterfuge 5

skills assassin 3

garrisoned_army x 240, y 208unit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort Iunit legionary cohort I

;relationships character, spouse, child_1,child_2, child_3, child_4relative ASTERIX, none, OBELIX,end

;relative OBELIX, none, end


faction mongolsdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


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{level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 280 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction timuridsdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 280 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction papal_statesdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 0fortification 1

population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 285 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


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level cityyear_founded 400fortification 1population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 285 237plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



level townyear_founded 400fortification 1population 500settlement_tax 4tile 285 234plan_set default_set

building{type financial strongroom



level villageyear_founded 400fortification 1population 400settlement_tax 4

tile 285 231plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



level fortname BENEVENTUMyear_founded 400

fortification 1population 0settlement_tax 4tile 285 228plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


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character CAESAR, named character, leader, level 0, exp 3, dig 30, drd 40, age 62, x 272, y 217attributes military 6, administrative 2, diplomatic 4, subterfuge 1skills civil 2, rhetoric 2, bluster 5, bribery6, flattery 7, leadership 7, assassin 1, logistics 1armyunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican city militiaunit mesoamerican light elephant cavalry


faction turksdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400

fortification 1population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 290 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



level cityyear_founded 400fortification 1population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 290 237plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


{level townyear_founded 400fortification 1population 400settlement_tax 4tile 290 234plan_set default_setbuilding{

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type financial strongroom}


level villageyear_founded 400fortification 1population 400settlement_tax 4tile 290 231plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level fortyear_founded 400fortification 0population 0settlement_tax 4

tile 290 228plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction aztecs

denari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 295 240

plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level cityyear_founded 400

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fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 295 237plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level townyear_founded 400fortification 0population 600settlement_tax 4tile 295 234plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


settlement{level villageyear_founded 400fortification 0population 400settlement_tax 4tile 295 231plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction englanddenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcity

year_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 300 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}

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level cityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 300 237plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level townyear_founded 400fortification 0population 500settlement_tax 4tile 300 234plan_set default_set

building{type financial strongroom


level villageyear_founded 400fortification 0population 400settlement_tax 4tile 300 231

plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level fortyear_founded 400fortification 0population 0settlement_tax 4

tile 300 228plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



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faction portugaldenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 1population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 305 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



level cityyear_founded 400fortification 1population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 305 237plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


settlement{level villageyear_founded 400fortification 1population 400settlement_tax 4tile 305 231plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level fortyear_founded 400fortification 0population 0settlement_tax 4tile 305 228plan_set default_set

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level villageyear_founded 400fortification 1population 400settlement_tax 4tile 310 231plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}


level fortyear_founded 400fortification 0population 0settlement_tax 4tile 310 228plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom



faction illyriadenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 315 240plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction moorsdenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


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{level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 315 245plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction russiadenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


{ level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 310 245plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction spaindenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcity

year_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 305 245plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}

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faction hungarydenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcityyear_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 300 245plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



faction slavedenari 1000poll_tax 5dignitas 300dread 250


level bigcity

year_founded 400fortification 0population 1000settlement_tax 4tile 295 245plan_set default_setbuilding{

type financial strongroom}



;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;faction relationships

;alliance romans julii romans senate;hostile southern_european julii aztecs


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;roads;road with starting and ending strategy map positions

road 275, 235, 284, 218;road 272, 227, 282, 225;road 293, 224, 281, 221;road 272, 232, 291, 229;

;walls;walls with starting and ending strategy map positions

wall 277, 223, 293, 222;wall 293, 222, 293, 213;wall 293, 213, 277, 211;wall 277, 211, 277, 223;


; >>>> start of battle section <<<<

; the following tile values (e.g. 255,265) have to match the ones in the settlements at the top of template.txt; otherwise no settlement will be seen on the battlefield.

;battle 255,265battle 275, 235;battle 189, 114

time 14, 8

army venice,0,attacking

deployment_area_point 600,0deployment_area_point 600,300deployment_area_point 900,300deployment_area_point 900,0

unit 0, 600, 100, 45unit 1, 600, 50, 45unit 2, 350, 50, 45unit 3, 350, 80, 45unit 4, 550, 100, 45unit 5, 550, 50, 45unit 6, 500, 100, 45unit 7, 500, 50, 45

unit 8, 450, 100, 45unit 9, 450, 50, 45unit 10, 400, 100, 45unit 11, 400, 50, 45unit 12, 350, 100, 45unit 13, 350, -200, 45unit 14, 300, -100, 45;unit 15, 325, -150, 0;unit 16, 500, 0, 22

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army france,1,defending

deployment_area_point 400, 400deployment_area_point 400, 850deployment_area_point 850, 850deployment_area_point 850, 400

unit 0, 430, 430, -45unit 1, 470, 430, -45unit 2, 450, 470, -45unit 3, 410, 410, -45unit 4, 390, 430, -45unit 5, 330, 430, -45unit 6, 390, 360, -45unit 7, 330, 360, -45unit 8, 280, 430, -45unit 9, 280, 360, -45unit 10, 280, 470, -45unit 11, 280, 470, -45unit 12, 330, 470, -45;unit 13, 330, 410, -45

reinforcement venice,2

faction_to_reinforce venicereinforcement_time 2.0

deployment_area_point 0,0deployment_area_point 0,100deployment_area_point 100,100deployment_area_point 100,0

unit 0, 600, 100, 45unit 1, 600, 50, 45

; >>>>>> Objectives <<<<<<<<<<<<<


faction venicetime 0

condition destroy_unit 1, 0 ; Adestroy unit 0 of army 1 in the battlecondition destroy_unit 1, 1 ; Bdestroy unit 1 of army 1condition 0 or 1 ; A or B

destroy unit 0 or 1 of army 1condition destroy_unit 1, 2 ; Cdestroy unit 2 of army 1condition 3 and 2 ; C & (A or B)destroy unit 2 & unit 0 or 1 of army 1condition destroy_unit 1, 3 ; Ddestroy unit 3 of army 1

; Evaluates to 2 objectives;

Page 29: Battle Hde

8/9/2019 Battle Hde

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; 1: C & (A or B); 2: D;; i.e.; destroy unit 2 & unit 0 or unit 1 of faction 1 THEN destroy unit 3 of army 0 of faction 1

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