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Page 1: Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Gaussian Field Priors

Bayesian Image Segmentation UsingGaussian Field Priors

Mario A.T. Figueiredo

Instituto de Telecomunicacoes,and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Instituto Superior Tecnico, 1049-001 Lisboa, PortugalPhone: +351 218418464, Fax: +351 218418472

[email protected]

Abstract. The goal of segmentation is to partition an image into a finiteset of regions, homogeneous in some (e.g., statistical) sense, thus being anintrinsically discrete problem. Bayesian approaches to segmentation usepriors to impose spatial coherence; the discrete nature of segmentationdemands priors defined on discrete-valued fields, thus leading to difficultcombinatorial problems.

This paper presents a formulation which allows using continuous pri-ors, namely Gaussian fields, for image segmentation. Our approach com-pletely avoids the combinatorial nature of standard Bayesian approachesto segmentation. Moreover, it’s completely general, i.e., it can be usedin supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised modes, with any proba-bilistic observation model (intensity, multispectral, or texture features).

To use continuous priors for image segmentation, we adopt a formula-tion which is common in Bayesian machine learning: introduction of hid-den fields to which the region labels are probabilistically related. Sincethese hidden fields are real-valued, we can adopt any type of spatial priorfor continuous-valued fields, such as Gaussian priors. We show how, underthis model, Bayesian MAP segmentation is carried out by a (generalized)EM algorithm. Experiments on synthetic and real data shows that theproposed approach performs very well at a low computational cost.

1 Introduction

Image segmentation has been one of the most studied problems in computervision. Although remarkably successful approaches have been proposed for spe-cific domains in which the goals are well defined (e.g., segmentation of magneticresonance images, segmentation of remote sensing images), a general purposesegmentation criterion remains an elusive concept. In the past couple of decades,many different approaches, formulations, and tools have been proposed.

Most segmentation methods work by combining cues from the observed im-age (via image features) with some form of regularization (or prior, in Bayesianterms), embodying the concept of “acceptable” (or “a priori probable”) seg-mentation. Arguably, all the work on image segmentation can be classified asbelonging to on one (or even both) of the following two research fronts:

A. Rangarajan et al. (Eds.): EMMCVPR 2005, LNCS 3757, pp. 74–89, 2005.c© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

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(a) Development of image features, and feature models, which are as informa-tive as possible for the segmentation goal. Some of the most recent propos-als combine intensity, texture, and contour-based features, with the specificgoal of mimicking human image segmentation [26]. Another recent approachcombining several types of features is reported in [27]. Classical examples fortexture-based segmentation include Gabor features [16], wavelet-based fea-tures [29], co-occurrence matrices [11], features derived from Markov randomfield local texture models [7], [8]. It’s possible to perform segmentation usingnonparametric statistical measures of texture similarity by resorting to pair-wise clustering techniques [14]. The literature on texture features and modelsis vast; [25] provides a reasonably recent survey. There are many other exam-ples of features developed for specific domains, such as color segmentation,segmentation of medical images, or segmentation of remote sensing images.

(b) Development of methods that impose some form of spatial regularity to thesegmentation, i.e., that integrate local cues (from features) into a globally co-herent segmentation. The recent graph-based methods [28], [30], [32], achievethis by formulating image segmentation as the partitioning of a graph. Spa-tial coherence may also be achieved by constraining the class of image par-titions which are considered by the segmentation algorithm (e.g., [13] and[24] consider hierarchies of polygonal and quad-tree-like partitions, respec-tively) or by imposing some prior on the length or the smoothness of theregion boundaries [34]; see recent work and many references in [17], whichalso advances research front (a). In a probabilistic Bayesian approach, asadopted in this paper, the preference for some form of spatial regularity isusually formulated via a Markov random field (MRF) prior (see [20], for acomprehensive set of references).

This paper belongs to research front (b): it describes a new way of introducingspatial priors for Bayesian image segmentation. The proposed approach usespriors on real-valued fields/images, rather than MRF priors for discrete labels,thus removing any combinatorial nature from the problem. Our formulation,is very general in that it can be used in supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised manners, as well as with generative or discriminative features.

To open the door to the use of priors on real-valued fields/images for imagesegmentation, we adopt an approach which is used in Bayesian machine learning:introduction of a (collection of) real-valued hidden field(s), to which the regionlabels are probabilistically related; these hidden field(s), being real-valued, canthen be given any type of spatial prior, e.g., it can be modelled as a (collectionof) Gaussian field(s). This approach is used in the very successful approachto Bayesian learning of classifiers known as “Gaussian processes” [31]. In thispaper, Gaussian field priors are adopted as a means of encoding a preferencefor spatially coherent segmentations. We show how the proposed approach canbe used in supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised modes, by deriving(generalized) expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms for the three cases. Inthe supervised case, the resulting segmentation criterion consists in minimizing aconvex cost function, thus initialization problems do not arise. If the underlying

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Gaussian process prior is stationary, the M-step can be implemented in a veryfast way using FFT-based processing in the Fourier domain. This is, arguably,one of the key advantages of the proposed approach.

Finally, we should mention that our formulation is close, in spirit, to the“hidden Markov measure fields” proposed in [22]; however, our hidden fields arereal valued, and totally unconstrained, thus much easier to model and manipulatethan measure fields. Recently, we have used a similar formulation to allow theuse of wavelet-based spatial priors for image segmentation [9].

In the next section, we introduce notation and the proposed formulation. InSection 3, we present our segmentation criterion and derive the EM algorithmfor implementing it. Section 4 describes the extensions to unsupervised, semi-supervised and discriminative segmentation. Finally, experiments are presentedin Section 5, and Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Formulation

2.1 Images and Segmentations

Let L = {(n, m), n = 1, ..., N, m = 1, ..., M} be a 2D lattice of |L| = MNsites/pixels on which observed images, and their segmentations, are defined. Anobserved image x is a set of (maybe vector valued) observations, indexed by thelattice L, that is, x = {xi ∈ IRd, i ∈ L}. A segmentation R = {Rk ⊆ L, k =0, ..., K − 1} is a partition of L into K regions, in an exhaustive and mutuallyexclusive way:



Rk = L and(Rj

⋂Rk = ∅

)⇐ (j �= k).

In the sequel, it will be convenient to represent partitions by a set of binaryindicator images y(k) = {y

(k)i , i ∈ L}, for k = 0, ..., K − 1, where y

(k)i ∈ {0, 1},

such that (y(k)i = 1) ⇔ (i ∈ Rk). We denote as y the set of all these binary

images, y = {y(0), ...,y(K−1)}, and as yi the set of all y(k)i for a given site

i, that is, yi = {y(0)i , ..., y

(K−1)i }. Of course, y and R carry exactly the same


2.2 Observation Model

Given a segmentation y, we follow the standard assumption that the observed“pixels” are (conditionally) independently distributed,

p(x|y) =K−1∏



p(xi|φ(k)) =∏






, (1)

where the p(·|φ(k)) are region-specific distributions. This type of model may beused for intensity-based segmentation, for texture-based segmentation (each xi

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is then a d-dimensional vector containing the values of d local texture features),or for segmentation of multi-spectral images (such as color images, or remotesensing images, with each xi being in this case a d-dimensional vector, whered is the number of spectral bands). The region-specific densities p(·|φ(k)) canbe simple Gaussians, or any other arbitrarily complex models, such as finitemixtures, kernel-based density representations, or even histograms. When thep(·|φ(k)) are fully known a priori, we are in the context of supervised segmenta-tion with generative models. This is the case we will focus on first; later, it will beshown how the approach can be extended to unsupervised and semi-supervisedscenarios, and to “discriminative features”.

The goal of segmentation is, of course, to estimate y, having observed x.The maximum likelihood (ML) estimate, yML = argmaxy p(x|y), can clearlybe obtained pixel-by-pixel, due to the independence assumption. However, it’swell known that pixel-wise segmentations may lack spatial coherence [20], [33].To overcome this, one of the standard approaches consists in adopting an MRFprior p(y), expressing the a priori preference for segmentations in which neigh-boring sites belong to the same region (see [20] for details and references). Giventhis prior, it is then most common to adopt the maximum a posteriori (MAP)criterion, yMAP = argmaxy[log p(y) + log p(x|y)] (although there are other cri-teria). Due to the discrete nature of y, finding yMAP involves a combinatorialoptimization problem, to which much research has been devoted [20]. A recentbreakthrough in MRF-type approaches (to segmentation [33] and other visionproblems [5]) is the adoption of fast algorithms based on graph cuts1.

2.3 Logistic Model

To keep the notation initially simple, consider the binary case (K = 2, thus eachyi = [y(0)

i , y(1)i ]). Instead of designing a prior for y (the field of discrete labels),

we consider a “hidden” (or latent) image z = {zi ∈ IR, i ∈ L}, such that

p(y|z) =∏


p(yi|zi) with p(y(1)i = 1|zi) =


1 + ezi≡ σ(zi), (2)

where σ(·) is called the logistic function and, obviously, p(y(0)i = 1|zi) = 1−σ(zi).

In general, for K regions, we need K hidden images z = {z(0), ..., z(K−1)},where z(k) = {z

(k)i ∈ IR, i ∈ L}. The region label probabilities are obtained via

a multinomial logistic model (also known as a “soft-max”),

p(y(k)i = 1|zi) = ez


( K−1∑




, k = 0, ..., K − 1, (3)

where zi = {z(0)i , ..., z

(K−1)i }. Since these probabilities verify the normalization


k=0 p(y(k)i = 1|zi) = 1, one of the hidden images can be set to

1 See http://www.cs.cornell.edu/∼rdz/graphcuts.html for details and references.

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zero; without loss of generality, we set z(0) = 0 (see, e.g., [3]). Notice thatz = {z(1), ..., z(K−1)} is not under any type of constraint; any assignment of realvalues to its elements leads to valid probabilities for each site of y.

2.4 Gaussian Random Field Prior

It is now formally simple to write priors for z, due to its unconstrained real-valuednature. Among the several possibilities, we will focus here on what is arguablythe simplest choice: a Gauss-Markov random field (GMRF) prior defined on thelattice L.

The goal of the prior on z is to express preference for segmentations suchthat neighboring sites have high probability of belonging to the same region.This is achieved by encouraging neighboring values of each z(k) to be close toeach other. A GMRF prior that embodies this preference is

p(z) ∝ exp{

− 14





(z(k)i − z



, (4)

where i ∼ j denotes that sites i and j are neighbors (in some neighborhoodsystem defined in L), and the wi,j are (non-negative) weights. It is clear that (4)models the set of hidden fields z = {z(1), ..., z(K−1)} as a priori independent, i.e.,

p(z) =K−1∏


p(z(k)) (5)


p(z(k)) ∝ exp{

− 14



(z(k)i − z



, (6)

where the sum is now over all i, j because we encode the neighborhood structurein the wi,j by letting wi,j = 0 when i and j are not neighbors. Let now z(k) =[z(k)

1 , ..., z(k)|L| ]

T ∈ IR|L| denote an |L|-vector obtained by stacking all the z(k)i

variables (for a given k) in standard lexicographical order. Also, let W be the|L| × |L| matrix with the wi,j weights. With this notation, we can write

p(z(k)) ∝ exp{

− 12

(z(k))T ∆ (z(k))}

. (7)


∆ = diag

{ |L|∑


w1,j , ...,




}− W (8)

is called the graph-Laplacian matrix [6]; in our case, the graph nodes are the sitesof the lattice L and the edge weights are given by wi,j (with wi,j = 0 denotingabsence of edge between nodes i and j). Notice that ∆ has (at least) one zeroeigenvalue since ∆[1, 1, ..., 1]T = 0; thus, p(z(k)) is an improper prior (it can’tbe normalized [2]), but this is will not be a problem for MAP estimation. In theGMRF literature, ∆ is also called the potential matrix [1].

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3 Estimation Criterion and Algorithm

3.1 Marginal MAP Criterion

Let us summarize our model: we have the observed field x, and unobserved fieldsy and z. These fields are probabilistically related by p(x|y), given by (1), p(y|z),given by (2) - (3), and a prior p(z) = p(z(1)) · · · p(z(K−1)) with each p(z(k)) givenby (7). Given x, the posterior probability of y and z is thus

p(z,y|x) ∝ p(x|y) p(y|z) p(z). (9)

Among the several possible Bayesian decision theoretic criteria, we considerthe marginal maximum a posteriori (MMAP), given by

z = argmaxz

{p(z)p(x|z)} = arg maxz



p(x|y) p(y|z)}


where p(x|z) =∑

y p(x|y) p(y|z) is the marginal likelihood obtained by summingover (the huge set of) all possible segmentations.

The estimate z is a probabilistic segmentation in the sense that it providesthe probability that each pixel belongs to each region, via the logistic model(3). To obtain a hard segmentation, one can simply choose the a posteriori mostprobable class ki at each site i which is

ki = arg maxk

{p(y(k)i = 1|zi)}. (11)

Clearly, the maximization in (10) can not be done directly, due to the combi-natorial nature of p(x|z). In the next subsections, we will derive an EM algorithmfor this purpose.

3.2 Why the EM Algorithm?

The following observations clearly suggest using the EM algorithm [23], treatingy as missing data, to solve (10):

– If y was observed, estimating z would reduce to standard logistic regressionunder prior p(z), that is, one could solve z = arg maxz[log p(y|z) + log p(z)].

– The so-called complete log-likelihood log p(y|z) (based on which we couldestimate z if y was observed) is linear with respect to the hidden y

(k)i vari-

ables. In fact, log p(y|z) is the standard logistic regression log-likelihood withan identity design matrix (see, e.g., [3], [12], [18]):

log p(y|z)=∑




y(k)i log


∑K−1j=0 ez




( K∑


y(k)i z

(k)i − log




). (12)

The EM algorithm proceeds by iteratively applying the following two steps [23]:

E-step: Compute the expected value of the complete log-likelihood, given thecurrent estimate z and the observations x: Q(z|z) = Ey[log p(y|z)|z,x].

M-step: Update the estimate: z ← znew = arg maxz {Q(z|z) + log p(z)}.

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3.3 The E-Step

The fact that the complete log-likelihood is linear w.r.t. the missing variables isvery important for EM: the E-step reduces to computing the expectation of themissing variables, with these expectations then plugged into the complete log-likelihood [23]. Moreover, as in finite mixtures [10], the missing y

(k)i are binary,

thus their expected values are equal to their probabilities of being equal to one,which can be obtained via Bayes law:

y(k)i ≡ E[y(k)

i |zi,x] = p(y(k)i = 1|zi,xi) =

p(xi|φ(k)) p(y(k)i = 1|zi)



p(xi|φ(j)) p(y(j)i = 1|zi)

. (13)

Notice that this is essentially the same as the E-step for finite mixtures [10],with site-specific mixing probabilities given by p(y(k)

i = 1|zi) and with fixedcomponent densities p(x|φ(k)) (recall that we’re temporarily assuming that allthe φ(k) are known). Finally, Q(z|z) is obtained by plugging the y

(k)i (which

depend on z via (13)) into the logistic log-likelihood (12):

Q(z|z) =∑


( K∑


y(k)i z

(k)i − log




). (14)

Notice that Q(z|z) is formally a standard logistic regression log-likelihood, butwith the usual hard (binary) training labels y

(k)i ∈ {0, 1} replaced by “soft”

labels y(k)i ∈ [0, 1].

3.4 Solving the M-Step

Our M-step, znew = arg maxz {Q(z|z) + log p(z)}, consists in solving a logisticregression problem with identity design matrix, given soft labels y

(k)i , and under

a prior p(z). It is well known that this problem does not have a closed formsolution and has to be solved by an iterative algorithm [3]. The standard choicefor maximum likelihood logistic regression (i.e., for maximizing only Q(z|z) w.r.t.z) is Newton’s algorithm [12]. However, as shown below, we will obtain a muchsimpler method by adopting the bound optimization approach [19], introducedfor logistic regression in [3] and [4] (see also [18]).

Let us temporarily ignore the log-prior log p(z) and consider only Q(z|z), sim-ply denoted as q(z) for notational economy. In the bound optimization approach,the maximization of q(z) is achieved by iterating the two following steps

znew = argmaxz

l(z|z), z ← znew, (15)

where l(z|z) is a so-called “surrogate” function verifying the following condition:q(z)− l(z|z) attains its minimum for z = z (see [19]). This condition is sufficientto guarantee that this iteration monotonically increases q(z), i.e., q(znew) ≥ q(z).

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Thus, by running iteration (15) one or more times, after each application of theE-step (equations (13)-(14)), the resulting procedure is a generalized EM (GEM)algorithm [23].

It is important to notice that, in the supervised mode, the objective functionbeing maximized in concave (since the logistic log-likelihood and the logarithmof the GMRF prior are both concave) and so there are no initialization problems.

From this point on, we assume that z is organized into a ((K − 1)|L|)-vectorby stacking the several z(k) vectors, i.e., z = [(z(1))T , ..., (z(K−1))T ]T . In [3], thefollowing surrogate for logistic regression was introduced:

l(z|z) = q(z) + (z − z)Tg(z) − (z − z)T B(z − z)2

, (16)

where g(z) is the gradient of q(z) computed at z and B is a positive definitematrix which provides a lower bounds for the (negative definite) Hessian H(z)of q(z), i.e., H(z) � −B (in the matrix sense, i.e., H(z) + B is positive semi-definite). Since q(z) − l(z|z) ≥ 0, with equality if and only if z = z, l(z|z) isa valid surrogate function; any other function differing from it by an additiveconstant (irrelevant for (15)) is also a valid surrogate. Matrix B is given by

B =12

(IK−1 −

1K−1 1TK−1


)⊗ I|L|, (17)

where Ia denotes an a × a identity matrix, 1a = [1, ..., 1]T is an a-dimensionalvector of ones, and ⊗ is the Kroenecker product.

The following simple Lemma (proved in the Appendix) will allow furthersimplification of the algorithm, by using a less tight, but simpler bound matrix.

Lemma 1. Let us define ξK as

ξK ={

1/2 if K > 21/4 if K = 2.


Then, B � ξK I(K−1)|L|, with equality if K = 2.

This lemma allows us to replace B by ξK I(K−1)|L| in (16) and still havea valid surrogate; the advantage is that in this new surrogate the several z(k)

become decoupled. Performing some simple manipulation, using the fact thatone is free to add to the surrogate any terms independent of z (thus irrelevantfor the maximization), leads to

l(z|z) = −ξK




‖z(k) − v(k)‖22, with v(k) = z(k) +


ξK, (19)

where ‖ · ‖22 denotes squared Euclidean norm,

d(k) =


y(k)1 − p(y(1)

1 = 1|z1)...

y(k)|L| − p(y(k)

|L| = 1|z|L|)

⎥⎥⎦ , (20)

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and the p(y(k)1 = 1|z1) are given by the logistic model (3).

Since a surrogate for Q(z|z) is also valid for Q(z|z)+log p(z), and (see (5)-(7))

log p(z) =K−1∑


log p(z(k)) = A − 12



(z(k))T ∆ (z(k)), (21)

(A is an irrelevant constant) the following decoupled update equation results:

z(k)new = argmin


{‖z − v(k)‖2

2 +zT ∆ z


}= ξK

(ξKI|L| + ∆

)−1v(k), (22)

for k = 1, ..., K − 1.

3.5 FFT-Based Implementation of the M-Step

For a general matrix ∆ (i.e., an arbitrary choice of W), (22) is computation-ally very expensive, requiring O(|L|3) operations. However, for certain choicesof W (correspondingly of ∆), we can resort to fast frequency-domain methods.Suppose that wi,j only depends on the relative position of i and j (the Gaussianfield prior is stationary) and that the neighborhood system has periodic bound-ary condition; in this case, both W and ∆ are block-circulant matrices, withcirculant2 blocks [1]. It is well known that block-circulant matrices with circu-lant blocks can be diagonalized by a two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform(2D-DFT): ∆ = UHDU, where D is a diagonal matrix, U is the matrix repre-sentation of the 2D-DFT, and the superscript (·)H denotes conjugate transpose.Since U is an orthogonal matrix (UHU = UUH = I), the inversion in (22) canbe written as

z(k)new = ξKUH

(ξKI|L| + D

)−1Uv(k), (23)

where (ξKI|L|+D)−1 is a trivial diagonal inversion, and the matrix-vector prod-ucts by U and UH (the 2D-DFT and its inverse) are not carried out explicitlybut via the efficient (O(|L| log |L|)) fast Fourier transform (FFT). Notice thatthis can be seen as a smoothing operation, applied to each v(k) in the dis-crete Fourier domain. Since the computational cost of the E-step is essentiallyO(|L|), as is obvious from (13), the leading cost of the proposed algorithm isO(|L| log |L|).

Finally, we should mention that the condition of periodic boundary condi-tions can be relaxed; in that case, the resulting matrix ∆ is block-Toeplitz withToeplitz blocks, but not block-circulant. Nevertheless, it is still possible to em-bed a block-Toeplitz matrix into a larger block-circulant one, and still work inthe DFT domain [15].

2 Recall that a circulant matrix is characterized by the fact that each row is a circularlyshifted version of the first (or any other) row.

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3.6 Summary of the Algorithm

We now summarize the algorithm, showing that it is in fact very simple.

Inputs: Observed image x, number of regions K, observation models p(·|φ(k)),matrix W or ∆, stopping threshold ε, number of inner iterations r.

Output: Estimates z(k), for k = 1, ..., K − 1.Initialization: For k = 1, ..., K − 1, set z(k) = 0.Step 1: Run the E-step (13), producing K images {y(0), ..., y(K−1)}.Step 2: Store the current estimate: zold ← z.Step 3: Repeat r times (for k = 1, ..., K − 1):

Step 3.a: Compute the images d(k) (according to (20)).Step 3.b: Compute the images v(k) = z(k) + d(k)/ξK (see (19)).Step 3.c: Compute z(k)

new according to (23). Update z(k) ← z(k)new.

Step 3.d: Go back to Step 3.a.Step 4: If maxk ‖z(k)

old − z(k)‖∞ < ε, then stop; otherwise, return to Step 1.

4 Extensions

4.1 Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Segmentation

The model and algorithm above described can be extended to the unsupervisedcase, where the parameters φ(k) of the observation models p(·|φ(k)) are consid-ered unknown. In this case, the full posterior in (9) has to be modified to

p(z, φ,y|x) ∝ p(x|y, φ) p(y|z) p(z). (24)

where φ = {φ(0), ..., φ(K−1)}, assuming the absence of any prior on φ (althoughone could easily be considered with little additional cost). Let us adopt againthe MMAP criterion, now jointly w.r.t. z and φ. The following observations cannow be added to those made in Section 3.2:

– If y was observed, estimating φ would be a simple ML parameter estimationproblem, based on the complete log-likelihood log p(x|y, φ).

– The complete log-likelihood (see (1)) is linear w.r.t. the missing variables y:

log p(x|y, φ) =∑




y(k)i log p(xi|φ(k)).

The algorithm presented in Section 3.6 can thus be modified by inserting anextra step, say between steps 2 and 3:

Step 2.5: Update the observation model parameters according to the followingweighted ML criterion:


= arg maxφ

i∈Ly(k)i log p(xi|φ).

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If, for example, the feature densities are Gaussians, p(·|φ(k)) = N (·|µ(k),C(k)),these update equations coincide with those of the EM algorithm for Gaussianmixture estimation:

µ(k) =∑

i∈L y(k)i xi

∑i∈L y


, C(k) =∑

i∈L y(k)i (xi − µ(k))(xi − µ(k))T

∑i∈L y


. (25)

In the semi-supervised case, instead of previous knowledge of {φ(0),...,φ(K−1)},one is given a subset of pixels for which the exact true label/region is known.In this case, the EM algorithm derived for the unsupervised case is applied, butholding the labels of the pre-classified pixels at their known values.

Of course, in the unsupervised or semi-supervised cases, the log-posterior isno longer concave, and the results will depend critically on the initialization.

4.2 Discriminative Features

The formulation presented above (and most of the work on probabilistic segmen-tation) uses what can be classified as “generative feature models”: each p(·|φ)is a probabilistic model that is assumed to describe how features/pixel valuesare generated in each region. However, discriminative models, such as logisticregression, Gaussian processes [31], support vector machines, or boosting (seereferences in [12]) are currently considered the state-of-the-art in classification.

Observe that all the EM segmentation algorithm requires, in the E-step de-fined in (13), is the posterior class probabilities, given the pixel values and thecurrent estimates z(k). These estimates provide some prior class probabilities in(13). Consider a probabilistic discriminative classifier, that is, a classifier that,for each pixel xi, provides estimates of the posterior class probabilities p(y(k)

i =1|xi), for k = 0, ..., K − 1 (this can be obtained, e.g., by logistic regression, or atree classifier). Let us assume that this classifier was trained on balanced data,i.e., using the same amount of data from each class. It can thus be assumed thatthese posterior class probabilities verify p(y(k)

i = 1|xi) ∝ p(xi|y(k)i = 1), as can

be easily verified by plugging uniform class priors p(y(k)i = 1) = 1/K in Bayes

rule. It is then possible to “bias” these classes, with given prior probabilitiesp(y(k)

i = 1), for k = 0, ..., K − 1, by computing

p biased(y(k)i = 1|xi) =

p(y(k)i = 1|xi) p(y(k)

i = 1)∑K−1

k=0 p(y(j)i = 1|xi) p(y(j)

i = 1).

This procedure allows using a pre-trained probabilistic discriminative classifier,which yields p(y(k)

i = 1|xi), in our EM algorithm, by using the “biased” proba-bilities in the E-step. We have not yet performed experiments with this discrim-inative approach.

5 Experiments

In the first experiment, we consider a simple synthetic segmentation problem,with known class models. Each of the four regions follows a Gaussian distribution

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Fig. 1. Top row: true regions and observed image. Bottom row: maximum likelihoodsegmentation and the one obtained by our algorithm.

with standard deviation 0.6 and means 1, 2, 3, and 4. We have used (in this andall the following examples) r = 4, and ε = 0.001. We choose the simplest possibleGMRF prior: wi,j = γ, if j is one of the four nearest neighbors of i, and is zerootherwise. The true regions, observed image, the maximum likelihood segmen-tation (obtained by maximizing (1) with respect to y), and the (hard, obtainedvia (11)) segmentation produced by our algorithm are shown in Fig. 1. This iscomparable to what would be obtained by an MRF-based method; however, itmust be stressed that the algorithm herein proposed is optimal (in the sensethat we are minimizing a convex objective function), fully deterministic, andfast (due to the use of the FFT-based M-step). This result illustrates the abilityof the proposed method to use Gaussian priors to regularize image segmentationvia the logistic modelling approach, producing well defined boundaries.

In Fig. 2 we show the final estimates z(1), z(2), and z(3) as well as the corre-sponding y(1), y(2), y(3), and y(4), obtained from the z(k) via the logistic model(3). Notice the higher uncertainty near the region boundaries. The hard segmen-tation shown in Fig. 1 was obtained by choosing, for each site, the maximum ofthe four y(k) images.

The previous experiment was repeated using the unsupervised version ofthe algorithm; a threshold-based segmentation was used for initialization. Thesegmentation obtained is visually very similar to the one in Fig. 1, and it’s notshown here, for the sake of space. The parameter estimates are within 1% of thetrue values.

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Fig. 2. Top row: final estimates z(1), z(2), and z(3). Bottom row: corresponding y(1),y(2), y(3), and y(4), obtained by the logistic model (3).

Fig. 3. Observed image, maximum likelihood segmentation, and segmentation obtainedby our algorithm

Fig. 4. Observed image, maximum likelihood segmentation, and segmentation obtainedby our algorithm

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For segmentation of real images, the results depend critically on the featuresand feature models used, and that is not the focus of this paper. We will onlyshow two examples of color image segmentation (d = 3), using Gaussian den-sities for each region. In Fig. 3, the goal is to segment the image into threeregions: clothe, skin, and background. Fig. 4 shows a figure-ground segmenta-tion problem. The results shown were produced by the unsupervised version ofour algorithm, initialized with the ML segmentations which result from fittingmixtures of Gaussians to the observed (RGB) pixels.

6 Summary and Conclusions

A new formulation for Bayesian image segmentation was introduced. This ap-proach allows using priors for continuous-valued fields as regularizers for im-age segmentation; in particular, it was used with Gaussian field priors, which(if stationary) can be easily and efficiently manipulated in the frequency do-main using the FFT algorithm. An EM algorithm was derived for supervisedsegmentation; it was shown how this algorithm is extended to handle unsu-pervised and semi-supervised problems, as well as discriminative features.Preliminary experiments show that the proposed approach has promisingperformance.

Future research will include a thorough experimental evaluation of themethod, namely in comparison with graph-based and MRF-based methods. Weare currently developing criteria for selecting the number of classes/regions, fol-lowing the approach in [10].

Appendix: Proof of Lemma 1

Recall (see (17)) that

B =12

(IK−1 −

1K−1 1TK−1


)⊗ I. (26)

For K = 2, it is obvious that B = I/4.For K > 2, the matrix inequality I/2 � B is equivalent to λmin(I/2 − B) ≥

0. Now, since λi(I/2 − B) = (1/2) − λi(B), we need to show that λmax(B)≤ (1/2).

To study the eigenvalues of B, the following fact (see, e.g., [21]) is used: let Mand P be m×m and p×p matrices, with eigenvalues {λ1, ..., λm} and {γ1, ..., γp},respectively; then, M ⊗ P has eigenvalues {λi γj , i = 1, ..., m, j = 1, ..., p}.Since 1 is a vector with K − 1 ones, 11T is a rank-1 matrix with eigenvalues{0, ..., 0, K − 1}; thus, the eigenvalues of (I − (1/K)11T ) are {1, ..., 1, 1/K}.Because the eigenvalues of I are of course all ones, the maximum eigenvalue ofB is λmax(B) = 1/2.

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