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  • 7/30/2019 BB Camping



    New Zealanders are passionate about the outdoors, especially camping. And with hundreds

    o campsites nationwide, theyre also spoilt or choice when it comes to nding the perect

    place to pitch their tents. Campers can choose rom ully-serviced campgrounds or holiday

    parks to the back-to-the roots, real camping options at more remote locations whatever your

    camping style, there is something or you.

    It is also generally accepted that i you stray o the beaten path, away rom the holiday hot

    spots and into the wilderness, your chances o nding the perect spot to get away rom it

    all are much higher. In this category Department o Conservation (DOC) has some stunningcamping locations or you to consider. In this story we suggest a ew or you to ponder over.

    For a more exhaustive list, check out the DOC website.


    WAIkAhoA BAY Whangarei

    Located in the Mimiwhangata Coastal Park, about 48km north-east o Whangarei, this

    campsite is a great or swimming and diving. It also oers some good spots or shing with

    barracuda, snapper, kingsh, kahawai, tuna, trevally and yellow-eyed mullet among the

    sh ound in the waters here. Keen anglers will have plenty to do while the kids rolic in

    the water. Commercial shing and the use o nets and long-lines is prohibited but amateur

    shing o certain species using single hooked and un-weighted lines, trolling and spear

    shing is allowed. You can also collect shellsh. The DOC website lists the species youre

    permitted to sh. The walkways in the neighbouring armland give visitors the option to see

    the rare brown teal.

    Given its beachside location and availability o water (on tap), toilets and shower (cold)

    acilities, this campsite is suitable or amilies.

    PoRt JACkSon Coromandel

    58 kilometres north o Coromandel, this campsite is at the waters edge, next to a beach. It is anidyllic place or amilies to relax, especially the ones that love water-based activities. Here you

    can enjoy boating, diving, snorkelling, shing, kayaking, canoeing and swimming. The stunning

    6km Muriwai coastal loop walk leaves Port Jackson at the northern end o the beach. Facilities

    onsite include water (rom tap), toilets, shower (cold), barbecue and rubbish bin.

    MoMoRAngI BAY Marlborough Sounds

    This north-acing campsite is located in Momorangi Bay, Grove Arm in the Queen Charlotte

    Sound. You can camp beside a beautiul sheltered bay or at fat campsites on a grassy

    hillside. Great place to relax by the waterside or or sae paddling or children. Other

    recreational activities include swimming, boating, kayaking, shing, diving, as well as short

    walks, tramping and mountain biking.

    This site is very popular during peak season and advance bookings are essential. You canalso park a campervan here or hire a cabin. Hot showers, toilets, communal kitchen with

    basic appliances, rubbish bin, water (on tap) and picnic table this campsite has plenty o

    acilities to keep amily campers happy.

    BLokES gEtAWAYS (hUntIng AnD FIShIng)

    LAkE tAYLoR North Canterbury

    This beautiul campsite is well worth the eort to get into over a pretty rough gravel road

    (accessible by 2WD). Located on Lake Sumner road, 74km northwest o Amberley, it is a

    great area to explore by oot or mountain bike. Taking your kayak or boat is also suggested.

    This is real man alone territory with great shing and hunting spots.

    Lake Taylor is good or spin-shing or fy-shing (on a windless day). You can also sh inthe nearby Lake Katrine, Lake Sumner and Hurunui River. Check out Fish and Game New

    Zealand website or shing seasons and regulations. Lake Sumner Forest Park where this

    Going h


    A night or ew under the canvas with plenty to do in the day

    love the New Zealand outdoors or its boundless ofering.




    Waikahoa Bay campsite

  • 7/30/2019 BB Camping


    5campsite is located is also popular with

    recreational hunters as pigs, red deer and

    chamois are in low to moderate numbers. You

    can hunt with a permit throughout the park.

    Facilities include toilets, picnic tables and

    water rom the stream.

    LAkE okAREkA Rotorua

    This small, scenic hidden gem is just 15

    minutes drive rom Rotorua city. Surrounded

    by native bush and tranquil lake views,

    it makes a good spot to fy-sh or trout

    (appropriate gear and licence is required).

    There are toilets and a cooking shelter at this



    This magnicent island oers the

    opportunity to hunt the elusive Whitetail

    deer, which is also known as the Grey Ghost,

    says Al Lester, author oA Sting In The Tale,

    in which he regales readers with his hunting

    experiences. Also roaming the island are reddeer. That a man can gather oysters, scallops,

    craysh and blue cod at the same time simply

    makes this the ultimate location o hunting

    and recreation, he adds. Hunting is a little

    easier in the winter months when the bush is

    wetter and thereore quieter, he suggests.

    There are a number o DOC managed huts and

    campsites within Rakiura National Park on

    Steward Island, as well as 14 specic hunters

    huts in some o the hunting blocks (bookable

    hunting areas) that have been built and are

    maintained by the Rakiura Hunter Camp Trust.

    Fees or huts vary and are available on the

    DOC website. Some o the huts are standard

    with bunks or sleeping platorms, mattresses,

    a toilet and water supply while the others oer

    very basic shelter with limited acilities.


    The terrain here is rugged and mountainous,

    and the weather oten inclement, says

    Lester. I a hunter is prepared to suer some

    discomort and put in the hard work then the

    sheer grandeur o this isolated location makeshunting red deer and wapiti an extremely

    memorable experience. A man cant beat

    being there in the roar, which is generally

    during April, he suggests or timing.

    A wide range o DOC huts and campsites

    is available, depending on which area o

    Fiordland you are hunting in.

    EASt CoASt oF LoWER noRth ISLAnD

    Hunting around the White Rock Station area

    is hard to beat. There are pigs, red deer and

    allow deer in reasonable numbers and best o

    all there is no gorse to contend with, says

    Lester. The area has magnicent sea views

    and access to paua in shallow water is always

    well worth a visit. Any time is a good time

    to visit this area, especially i you are into

    water sport alongside o your hunting, he


    Backcountry huts are available in Aorangi

    Forest park (near White Rock Station). You

    can also opt or the Putangirua Pinnacles

    campsite on the coast between Cape Palliser

    and Lake Ferry.


    Conservation land oers extensive walking

    options including nine Great Walks that are

    a must do or anyone keen on hikes and

    tramps listed on the DOC website.

    WhAngAnUI JoURnEY Whanganui

    National Park

    Although a river journey, this is part o NewZealands Great Walks network. Paddle your

    way through 145km o the Whanganui river,

    rom Taumaranui to Pipiriki, through hills,

    valleys and the heart o Whanganui National

    Park. DOC campsites, huts and associated

    acilities are provided along the river.

    Campsites have water supply with a table and

    benches or cooking while huts havebunks

    with mattresses, stoves, benches, tables and

    cooking acilities.

    Fees are charged per person, per night to stay

    in huts or campsites. There are no ees or

    cont. on pg6 >>

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    Lake Taylor, North Canterbury

  • 7/30/2019 BB Camping




    AdventureSmart: www.advventuresmart.org.nz; Department of Conservation:www.doc.govt.nz; Great Walks: www.greatwalks.co.nz;

    Fish and Game NZ:www.fshandgame.org.nz


    Check out the acilities at the campsite

    you are going to it would not be

    nice to nd yoursel without essential

    supplies in the middle o nowhere.

    Book your preerred campsite in

    advance, especially during peak season,

    school holidays and long weekends.

    Choose your tent site careully a

    shady, sheltered area preerably on high

    ground is recommended. Check or

    stones, sticks and any sharp objects in

    your chosen area.

    Some things you must carry a good

    tent, torches, spare batteries, matches

    or lighters, pocket knie, sun block,

    insect repellent, tent repair or duct tape

    and sucient ood. Clothes and gear

    suitable or all weathers is suggested, asare good walking boots. Basic camping

    equipment, depending on the sort o

    campsite you choose, is also required.

    To make it un, add to your list games,

    chilly bins, barbecues, gazebo, bikes

    this list can be as exhaustive as

    you want. Beore you add to this list,

    remember youve to carry it!

    For saety reasons, i youre going

    alone or camping in a remote place,

    ollow the outdoor saety code (onAdventureSmart website) plan your

    trip and seek local knowledge, tell

    someone about your plans, be aware o

    the weather, know your limits and take

    sucient supplies.

    I youre camping with children, check

    out the hazards in the area such as

    lakes, streams and busy roads.

    Camp responsibly and minimise your

    impact on the environment.

    Great buys


    6 X LAntERn

    A high perormance lantern

    and fashlight in one. The

    fashlight docks and charges

    in the lantern and ejectsor independent use. The

    lantern has three modes o

    light with an output o 300

    lumens. Includes a three-

    year warranty. RRP $149.99.



    The Coleman ET Outlander CO sleeping

    bag (pictured let) is a warm and

    comortable hooded design (with a pull

    cord). It eatures internal pockets or

    valuables and includes a compression

    stu sac. Comort rating 0C. One-year

    warranty. RRP $99.99.

    The Coleman BigFoot Sloop Neck

    sleeping bag (pictured right) is made

    or the bigger, heavier guys, with a

    dimension o 200 x 100cm. Its sloop neck

    provides the comort o a hood without

    ull enclosure. Also eatures internal

    pockets to store valuables. Comort rating

    0C. One-year warranty. RRP $129.99.

    www.colemannz.co.nzSWAnnDRI tEChnICAL SoCkS

    This ergonomically designed sock is made rom premium New

    Zealand merino or insulation, warmth, moisture management

    and odour resistance. It also has nylon bres or durability and

    a customised elastic support system. RRP $27.95 (tall).


    kAthMAnDU REtREAt 180 tEnt

    This tent has two ully enclosed rooms with ront porch eaturing no-see-um mesh screens

    on windows and doors and power cord access. Featuring an air venting system, the Retreat

    180 is perect or amilies. RRP $849.98.


    CoLEMAn InStAnt

    UP EvEnt 14 ShADE

    This shade sets up in less than a

    minute and oers a large shade area with its solid

    corners and two side poles or extra strength. Two

    roo vents remove excess air and keep the shelter

    cool. One-year warranty. RRP $349.99.


    park entry. Campsites are ree during o season

    (May 1 to September 30).

    ABEL tASMAn CoASt tRACk Abel Tasman

    National Park

    Located on South Islands northern shores, this

    54.4km coastal walk is blessed with a mild

    climate, golden beaches and native bush. The

    walk typically takes three to ve days and can

    be walked rom either direction. Day walk

    options are also available and visitors can walkinto the park rom the roadend carparks, catch

    water taxis to beaches along the track or kayak

    along the coast.

    Accommodation is available at any o the our

    huts and 18 campsites that dot the track. The

    campsites oer basic acilities, including toilets,

    sinks and a water supply. Some also have

    picnic tables and cooking shelters. Bookings are

    essential all year round. It is possible to arrange

    or luggage to be reighted by boat between huts

    and campsites.

    hEAPhY tRACk Kahurangi National Park

    Heaphy Track, the longest o the Great Walks at

    78.4km, combines all o New Zealands magical

    natural beauty into one walk. This track crosses

    a range o landscapes, starting rom the junction

    o the Brown and Aorere Rivers, over expansive

    tussock downs to the lush orests, nikau palmsand roaring seas o the West Coast. The track

    caters to walkers all year round and mountain

    bikers during the o-peak season (May to


    DOC provides seven huts and nine campsites

    along the track, all oering basic acilities

    including water supply and toilets.photo:90SeCoNDS,


    Heaphy Track


    An oldie, this tough and durable shirt will last

    you a lietime. Made rom 100 per cent wool, this

    pullover shirt has two large button button-up

    chest pockets and ront zip. Available in olive,

    navy, red/black and blue/black. RRP $169.95.


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