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Download - BBH- about me


TEMOUR MACHMOUCHI In this presentation you will find the following: 1) The most persuasive ad of all time 2) A few things about me 3) Some thoughts I have about the communications industry 4) My passions in life!

1) Drumroll please………………………

“Whatever you say, Mr Billboard!”

Not being big headed but.......


2) In a nutshell• I'm half Lebanese, half Ukrainian, but was born in London –

more mongrel, less Cruft's thoroughbred • Graduate from the University of Reading, where I studied

politics and international relations.• Was selected as 1 of 6 students from the UK to take part in a

global model United Nations conference held in Chicago 2011.

• A strong love of words from a very early age, I often write short bits of prose or poems. I am currently working on a graphic novel that is a dystopian re-imagining of peter pan.

• I Dj and collect vinyl's………I’m also impartial to candle light dinners and long romantic walks on the beach.


This section will cover my first baby-steps into the world of advertisement. This is an official disclaimer to point out that I am still a fresh faced, idealistic graduate, straight out underneath my mothers skirt and still yet no nothing really.

A moth to the flame…. • One day on the tube, amongst all the glum faces I see a

man smile. Intrigued I looked at his newspaper, it was an advert that caused that reaction and I began to think why? I stumbled upon the world of communications, and from there decided to set out on my journey.

• In order to understand the mind-set needed to be successful in this field, I began to read various books on the subject:

• Eg: Confessions of an ad-man, Cutting edge of advertising, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind…..

• And my personal favourite so far; Hey Whipple, Squeeze This.

• They recommended that for anyone wanting to get into advertising, an important step is to review and analyse acclaimed pieces of work.

• On my travels, here are some of the pieces I discovered which I really appreciated and drew inspiration from………..

In my head this is how I picture the person reading this…………

4. My muses

• “ A pictures worth a thousand words” – Instead of composing a generic list, I thought you could get better glimpse of my character if I just showed you……..




Not to guilt trip you into seeing me, but I do have mouths to feed……..

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