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Page 1: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

BCB 322:Landscape Ecology

Lecture 3: Theories & ModelsIsland biogeography, metapopulations & the

source-sink theory

Page 2: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Island biogeography theory• Developed originally in 1963 by MacArthur &

Wilson, & further developed by these & others• Influenced understanding of spatial influences

on organisms• For a while, it was the principle design

paradigm for conservation reserves• “The number of species on an island will reach

an equilibrium that is positively related to island size & negatively related to distance from mainland”

• Hence, large islands have more species• Islands distant from the mainland have fewer

species (far from the source of new colonists)

Page 3: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Island biogeography• Originally applied to islands, but works for any population in a

fragmented landscape.• In this case, a fragment is the “island”, & the mainland is the nearest

large contiguous source. • Species richness in the island is related to immigration rate to the island

& extinction rate on the island.• Immigration rate is a linear function of distance from mainland & is

related to size of mainland population.• Extinction rate is dependent on available resources on island. Should be

proportional to island size if all islands are similar.

Prison Island, Zanzibar

Page 4: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Immigration & emigration• IMMIGRATION• d = distance to mainland source• P = number of species on

mainland• R = number of species on island• k = island-specific parameter ,

dependent on species community

• EXTINCTION• S = island size• n,m = parameters fitted from

regression data

kRPdI )(



Page 5: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Island biogeography: criticisms• Criticisms:

– assumption of equilibrium (can take a long time)– Other factors may affect diversity on a fragment:

• resistance to invasion (eg: heathland remnants: Webb & Vermaat, 1990)

• habitat quality/ interspecific competition (Hanski, 1981)• catastrophes (eg: hurricanes) may dominate extinction

rates, independent of size (Ehrlich et al., 1980)• trophic dynamics. (eg): Bahamian spider distributions

follow IB predictions unless predatory lizards are present. Otherwise predation drives extinction rates (Toft & Schoener, 1983)

• Despite this, IB was the primary concept in reserve design until the evolution of metapopulation models in the 1980s

Page 6: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Metapopulation model• Most populations have a finite probability of

extinction m which is greater than 0• This implies that all populations will go extinct

on a large enough time frame• Fragmentation can therefore benefit a species,

allowing recolonization from neighbouring populations

• This creates a locally dynamic, but regionally stable population

• This regional population, or collection of local populations, was termed a metapopulation by Levins (1969)

• This depends on the ability to maintain an exchange of species

Page 7: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Metapopulation model• p = proportion of

locations colonized at time t

• c = probability of colonization

• m = probability of extinction

• Populations persist regionally only if m < c

• This model allows assessment of damage to regional populations by habitat destruction

Different metapopulation types.

(Farina, 1998)


dp )1(

Page 8: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Metapopulation model• If the fraction of occupied sites is

assumed to decrease in proportion to the number of destroyed sites (D), we get

• Hence, the estimate of expected colonized sites (equilibrium solution)

• The extinction threshold occurs when the fraction of available sites(1-D) <= m/c

• This means a population will disappear long before the final patches are removed

Turner et al., 2001


dp )1(


mDp 1'

m = 0.2, c = 0.6; 1- m/c = 0.666

Page 9: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Metapopulation model• Early metapopulation models assumed all patches have a similar

likelihood of colonization or extinctions, regardless of the distance between them

• Bascompte & Sole (1996) use a spatially explicit model to examine the effect of limited dispersal

• The models are more or less identical when there is no habitat destruction.

• However, limited dispersal exacerbates the effect of habitat destruction

• Hence, near the extinction threshold, spatially explicit models demonstrate an increased probability of extinction

Bascompte & Sole, 1996

Page 10: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Metapopulation model• Example: in Rana lessonae

populations (Gulve, 1994) the rate of extinction depends of deterministic & stochastic effects.

• Deterministic extinction is through drainage of ponds or natural succession.

• Permanent ponds experience extinction through population stochastic effects (random dry periods, over predation by migrant species, low seasonal birth success)

• However, extinction in permanent ponds is low (<=8.5%), indicating migration between ponds and consequent reduction in local extinctions.

Rana lessonae. http://www.reptilis.org/rana/thumbnails/tnRana-lessonae.jpg

Page 11: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Source-sink model• The metapopulation model

assumes all patches are of the same quality, & hence birth/death rates are the same across the landscape

• A special-case model was proposed (Pulliam, 1988) in which local populations have unique demographics in response to local variation in habitat quality

• This naturally gives rise to the source-sink concept (Dias, 1996)

• Areas with greater reproductive success than death rates must have a net excess of individuals, making the areas sources

• Other areas, where local mortality is greater than birth rates, have a net deficit in individuals, making them a sink

Farina, 1998

Page 12: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Source-sink model• Individuals will tend to move from sources to sinks

to avoid overpopulation of their areas, despite the poorer quality of sinks

• Patch quality is often related to size – the source effect is greater for large patches with increased per capita production.

• Long-term studies needed to determine whether a patch is source or sink:– Stochastic events (high rainfall) in a generally

unfavourable site (desert) may give a false impression that it is a source

• There are a number of observable special cases of the source-sink model that can lead to erroneous assumptions of carrying capacity of the area

Page 13: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Source-sink: Pseudo-sinks• Occurs where two adjacent areas are favourable,

but one has a better carrying capacity• The poorer site becomes overpopulated because

the net immigration rate is higher than the birth/death rate

• This site may falsely be identified as a sink• In a true sink the population becomes extinct if

immigration is removed• In a pseudo-sink, reduced immigration will reduce

the population to a more sustainable level• This effectively increases the viability of

individuals in the population, due to better resource availability

Page 14: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Source-sink: Traps• Some habitats may appear

extremely favourable to a species, but lack the resources to ensure a full reproductive cycle

• Effectively, a trap is a sink the looks like a source (Pulliam, 1996)

• Typified in many human-influenced regions, particularly due to agriculture

• Grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) are attracted by hayfields in early spring due to high food levels

• In summer, the fields are mowed before the sparrows have completed their breeding cycle, and the absence of food means that chicks may starve.

Grasshopper sparrow


Page 15: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Source-sink: Stable maladaptation• Exemplified by bluetit (Parus

caerulus) populations breeding in deciduous and evergreen oak (Blondel et al, 1992)

• Birds synchronise laying dates with food availability in deciduous forest

• In evergreen forest, the food availability is 3 weeks later, giving lower bird fertility

• Birds adapted to deciduous forest, but emigrate to evergreen forest in a patchy landscape

• In Corsica (all evergreen), the same species of bird is adapted to the altered timing, because it is an island population (gradual speciation through evolutionary adaptation)


Page 16: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

Summary• Island biogeography: The number of species on an

island is a function of island size and proximity to the main population body

• Metapopulation: locally dynamic but regionally stable population. Migration between fragments may allow species to repopulate areas after local extinctions

• Source: Area with a net surplus of individuals, from which migration occurs

• Sink: Area with net deficit in the growth rate that receives immigrants.

• Pseudo-sink: optimal area with lower carrying capacity that receives too many immigrants, lowering overall species fitness locally

• Traps: an area appears beneficial but is unable to sustain a full species life cycle

• Stable maladaptation: occurs where migration into suboptimal patches from an optimal matrix is common

Page 17: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.

References• Blondel, J., Perret, P., Maistre, M., & Dias, P.C. (1992) Do harlequin Mediterranean

environments function as source-sink for Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus L.)? Landscape Ecology 6:212-219

• Bascompte, J. & Sole, R.V. (1996) Habitat fragmentation and extinction thresholds in spatially explicit models. Journal of Animal Ecology 65:465-473

• Ehrlich, P.R., Murphy, D.D., Singer,M.C., Sherwood, C.B., White, R.R. & Brown, I.L. (1980) Extinction, reduction, stability, and increase: the responses of the checkerspot butterfly (Euphydras) populations to the California drought. Oecologia 46:101-105

• Farina, A. (1998) Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology. Chapman & Hall, London

• Gulve, P.S. (1994) Distribution and extinction patterns within a northern metapopulation of the pond frog, Rana lessonae. Ecology 75:1357-1367

• MacArthur, R.H. & Wilson, E.O. (1967) The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton University Press, Oxford, UK

• Hanski, I. (1981) Coexistence of competitors in patchy environments with and without predation. Oikos 37:306-312

• Pulliam, H.R. (1996) Sources and sinks: Empirical evidence and population consequences. In: Rhodes, O.E., Chesser, R.K. & Smith, M.E. (eds) Population dynamics in ecological space and time. University of Chicago Press, Chicago pp45-66

• Toft, C.A. & Schoener, T.W. (1983) Perspectives on Landscape Ecology. Proceedings of the International Congress of the Netherlands Society for Landscape Ecology. PUDOC, Wageningen, The Netherlands

• Turner, M.G., Gardner, R.H. & O’Neill, R.V. (2001) Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice: Pattern and Process. Springer-Verlag, New York 401pp

• Webb, N.R. & Vermaat, A.H. (1990) Changes in vegetational diversity on remnant heathland fragments. Biological Conservation 53:253-264

Page 18: BCB 322: Landscape Ecology Lecture 3: Theories & Models Island biogeography, metapopulations & the source-sink theory.


• Write an essay of no less than 2000 words on the implications of the metapopulation model and the special case of the source-sink model for conservation. Post this on to your weblog by no later than 10 days time.

• Spell check your document before submission.

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