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Delhi Edition of The Hindu

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That old spark

Nepal Prime Minister‟s visit sparks hope that bilateral ties will •find a new equilibrium At a time when the Doklam attention on Himalayan geopolitics, it was possible to miss the

significance of the visit This was his •first foreign visit as Prime Minister, and it conformed Kathmandu‟s abiding

interest in strong ties with India. The recovery of bilateral warmth has taken some doing on both sides. Mr. Deuba is Nepal‟s 10th Prime Minister in a decade, and its fourth since its Constitution

was promulgated in 2015. India had mounted strong opposition to the Constitution with demands that it be made

more inclusive, especially vis-à-vis the Madhesis in the Terai area, sending ties with Kathmandu‟s ruling establishment on a downward spiral.

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Even as Nepal struggled to cope with rehabilitation work after the massive earthquake of 2015, many in Kathmandu held India responsible for the three-month-long “great blockade” of goods and fuel supplies that followed sustained protests by Madhesi groups.

Mr. Deuba‟s visit was another opportunity, to repair the India Nepal relationship. Joint statement at the end of the Delhi leg of his visit refers to the “deep, comprehensive

and multi-faceted” ties between the neighbours as it listed projects being developed in Nepal under lines of credit provided by India.

These include $200 million for irrigation projects, $330 million for road development and $250 million for power infrastructure in Nepal.

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Yet, it would be a mistake to presume that ties can so easily return to their pre-2015 strength, as the ground has shifted in too many ways since then.

Since 2015, Nepal and China have cooperated on infrastructure plans, including 1)A big hydroelectric project and 2)-A rail link to Tibet. 3)-Belt and Road Initiative. India is struggling to leverage(पकड़) 1)-The historical closeness with Nepal, 2)-The open border the two share and 3)-The special status Nepalis working in India have enjoyed. The India-China ->Doklam will add to the awkwardness in the trilateral relationship. Mr. Deuba‟s visit will need a sustained follow-up.

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Mission indefinite

Donald Trump‟s Afghanistan policy August 21-> U.S. President Donald Trump

laid out his long awaited strategy for “Afghanistan and South Asia”.

After 16 years, Afghanistan remains America‟s longest war.

It has spent more than $800 billion and nearly 2,400 U.S. soldiers have lost their lives.

American people are now weary(थका) of this long war without victory — and Mr. Trump has characteristically promised, in the end, we will win!

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Launched with the full support of the international community in 2001 after 9/11 by President George Bush, the war in Afghanistan got derailed as the U.S. shifted focusand resources towards Iraq from 2003 onwards.

Since then, the insurgency has gathered momentum and also exposed the U.S.‟s policy weaknesses.

After taking over in 2009, President Barack Obama too had undertaken a major policy review describing the Afghan war as “a war of necessity”, “a war that we must win”.

U.S. troop presence from 55,000 in early 2009 reaching 100,000 in 2010. Simultaneous announcement that the drawdown would commence in 2011, and by 2014 the

Afghan security forces would take charge of all combat operations, Encouraged the Taliban insurgency and also exposed the shortcomings of Afghan army and

police forces, in terms of numbers, training and equipment to deal with the post 2014 situation.

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Compounding mistakes

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Mr. Trump was right when he said, “When I became president, I was given a bad and very complex hand.”

Since 2012-> his frustration with U.S. policies in Afghanistan and had applauded(सराहना) Mr. Obama‟s original decision to pull out U.S. soldiers by end-2014.

He reminded the audience that, “My original instinct was to pull out.”Withdrawal would create a vacuum for terrorists, including ISIS and al-Qaeda” Pakistan-> continue to pose “immense” security threats U.S. With these conclusions, his options were limited Today, 70% of operations on the ground are being conducted by the Afghan Special Forces.Mr. Trump has made it clear that the purpose of the U.S. military presence “is not nation-

building”, but “killing terrorists”.

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Trump‟s bad hand(बुरा हाथ)

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Key lies with Pakistan, something Mr. Trump‟s predecessors also understood. The truth is that an Afghan policy review is also a Pakistan policy reviewMr. Trump has described the Pakistan policy as a key pillar of his new strategy and

cautioned that the U.S. “Can no longer be silent about Pakistan‟s safe havens for terrorist organisations,” Pakistan ->U.S. “should not make Pakistan a scapegoat for their failures in Afghanistan”. Pakistan is upset that Mr. Trump has also indicated determination “to further develop its

strategic partnership with India” and Appreciated “India‟s important contributions to stability in Afghanistan”. Other possible access routes are through Iran or though Russia and Kyrgyzstan. Neither is feasible since sanctions on both countries have been ramped up and the U.S.

base in Kyrgyzstan closed in 2014 under Russian pressure. Consequently, Mr. Trump‟s policy reflects more continuity than he is willing to acknowledge.

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How privacy stacks up

ADM Jabalpur decision

Verdict on Section 377.

Judicial review concept-?

Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala case->?

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A lasting return to democratic order remains a long-standing concern in Thailand, but seems some distance away in this founder member state of ASEAN.

Latest twist to the ongoing political turmoil is the failure on Friday of the former Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, deposed(remove ) in 2014 by a constitutional court, to appear for the •Final verdict in a case relating to a rice subsidy scheme.

Her absence has fuelled speculation that she may have •fuelled the country, much like her sibling and erstwhile head of government Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in 2006in a military coup and has been living in exile since.

Late King-> who died last year, was an ardent(उत्साही) champion of rural development, but not enamoured of democratic freedoms.

Constitution has little to commend itself in terms of either enshrining democratic principles Any hopes for a stable democratic government in Thailand will hinge on the conduct of free

and fair general elections promised for 2018.Copyright @ Study-IQ education

Search for democracy

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News Analysis…


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Page-7-India wild ass sanctuary-? Saving little rhinos in •flooded Kaziranga

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Page–7- Ocean forecasting system unveiled Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) of the Ministry of ?->here

inaugurated the Ocean Forecasting System for Comoros, Madagascar, and Mozambique at the third Ministerial Meeting of Regional Integrated Multi Hazard Early Warning System for Asia and Africa (RIMES), held at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on Friday.

Warming information on high wave, currents, winds, tides, sub-surface ocean conditions cater to users like fishermen, coastal population, tourism sector, coastal defence officials, marine police, port authorities, research institutions and offshore industries of these countries

INCOIS is already providing these operational services to Maldives, Sri Lanka and Seychelles.

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Page-10- Army seeks funds to buy munition Plan to build up emergency reserves has nothing to do

with Doklam row, says o•cial As part of the efforts to build up emergency reserves of

spares and ammunition, the Army has sought ₹20,000crore from the Defence Ministry.

This comes at the same time the Ministry has sought₹20,000 crore more to meet its financial requirement.

The years defence allocation constitutes 1.56% of theGDP, much lower than the recommended 2%

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Page-10- Under-employment severe in India: NITI Productive and well-paid jobs needed‟Making a case for promoting highly productive and well paid jobs, NITI Aayog has said

that not unemployment but a “severe under-employment” is the main problem facing the country.

Aayog said in the Action Agenda for 2017-18 to 2019-20- government thinktank, in its three-year action plan released last week, has said a focus on the domestic market through an import substitution strategy would give rise to a group of relatively small firms behind a high wall of protection

Citing examples of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and China, it said, “The „Make in India‟ campaign needs to succeed by manufacturing for global markets.”

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Page-10- Many high-pro•le cases await new CJIWhen Justice Dipak Misra takes office as the 45th Chief Justice of

India on Monday, his 13-month tenure may see the resolution of knotty and high-magnitude issues spanning a wide spectrum, from validity of Aadhaar to the Ram janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title disputes.

With Justice Khehar‟s exit, the Aadhaar Constitution Bench has lost its lead judge.

It will up to Justice Misra now to either lead the Bench or have Justice Chelameswar lead it.

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Page-12- 3 dead as Hurricane Harvey wreaks havoc on Texas- USA

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Page-13- Class action suits ripe for review? Such cases, which help a group of aggrieved investors get

compensation, haven‟t picked up in India Both these cases saw eligible shareholders in the U.S.

getting back their moneyonly because they had recourse to a class action suit.

Interestingly, homegrown Satyam Computer Services, whose investors in India did not get any compensation even after founder Ramalinga Raju said that accounts were inflated and falsified, agreed to pay $125 million in the U.S. to settle suits filed by shareholders.

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Page-13- Why does the 2022 target for rooftop solar seem ambitious?

The government has set itself a target of 100 GW of solar power by 2022, of which 60 GW is to come from utilities and 40 GW from rooftop solar installations.

While the 60 GW target seems achievable, the country is lagging behind on the target set for rooftop solar.

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Page-16- Hamilton celebrates his 200th race with a victory Lewis Hamilton celebrated his 200th Formula One race

on Sunday with a pole-to-flag Belgian GP victory

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Last Day- Q’s- Ans…

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Mother Teresa declared as " Saint Teresa of Calcutta " by The Pope Fransis-> 2016.Noble Peace Prize in 1979 for Peace.

TB elimination by 2025 in India.

M.N.Roy Proposed an Idea for Constitution Assembly of India in 1934.Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946, election were held for the first time for the Constituent


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