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  • Beach Ripped Guide To Cutting

    Bonus PDF Guide

    By: Greg OGallagher

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    Part 1: The DIY Guide to Cutting ........................................................................... 3 Step 1: Determining Maintenance Level Calories ............................................. 3 Step 2: Set the Caloric Deficit .................................................................................... 5 Step 3: Setting the Macronutrients ......................................................................... 6 Step 4: Determine Meal Frequency ........................................................................ 8 Step 5: Determine Food Distribution ................................................................... 10

    Part 2: Counting Macros ..................................................................................... 12 Rule #1: Keep it Simple .............................................................................................. 12 Rule #2: Use an App .................................................................................................... 13 Rule #3: Get an Electronic Food Scale .................................................................. 14 Rule #4: Weight Your Meat Raw ............................................................................. 14 Hitting Your Macros .................................................................................................... 15 Epic Kinobody Meals .................................................................................................. 17

    Part 3: Cardio For Fat Loss .................................................................................. 18 Say No to Cardio? ......................................................................................................... 18 The Fat Loss Advantage of Cardio ......................................................................... 19 Too much of a good thing ....................................................................................... 20 Putting Cardio into Perspective ............................................................................. 20 Why Cardio Should Be Used? .................................................................................. 21 Beach Ripped Cardio Recommendations .......................................................... 21 Beach Ripped Cardio Workout ............................................................................... 22 Calorie Targets .............................................................................................................. 25 Beach Ripped Cardio Q&A ........................................................................................ 25

    Part 4: Coaxing Your Body to Single Digit Body Fat ......................................... 28 Our Genetic Code Hasnt Changed ....................................................................... 29 What does this have to do with getting 6-pack abs? ..................................... 30 Breaking Through a Fat Loss Plateau ................................................................... 32

    The 2-Week Diet Break .......................................................................................... 32 Lose Fat Slowly ......................................................................................................... 32 3.) Strategic Refeeds ........................................................................................... 33 4.) Emphasize Carbs at Night .............................................................................. 33

    More than one way to skin a cat ............................................................................ 34 Part 5: Your Next Steps From Here .................................................................... 35

    The Kinobody Fitness Systems ............................................................................... 35 Which One Should You Follow? ............................................................................. 35

  • Kinobody Bonus Guide Kinobody.com | Greg OGallagher 3

    Part 1: The DIY Guide to Cutting For many of us, getting lean for summer is on the forefront of our minds. We want to look our physical best with impeccable muscle definition, chiseled facial features and six pack abs (without flexing). We want to sport this killer physique all summer long; at the beach, pool and boardwalk. We also want to achieve this physique before summertime hits. That way we can enjoy the summer in maintenance mode. Having to diet during the summer months with barbecues, pool parties and nights out on the town is not fun. So get ready to get your cut on and be beach ripped for summertime! In this guide I will teach you how to cut effortlessly while retaining muscle and building strength. Lets get started!

    Step 1: Determining Maintenance Level Calories The first step to designing an effective fat loss diet is to determine the amount of calories you require per day to maintain your weight. This is known as your energy expenditure and it varies wildly depending on your lean body mass and activity level (exercise and non exercise). To get an estimate of your energy expenditure you first need to calculate your basal metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories you require to sustain yourself if you were bedridden all day. I like to use the Katch Mc-Ardle formula. However, this will require you to know your lean body mass (total weight subtracted by body fat). A good calculator to get a rough estimate for body fat percentage can be found using an online Body Fat Calculator.

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    Calculate BMR Once you know your body fat percentage you will need to multiply that number by your total body weight. That will tell you how much fat you have. So if youre 15% body fat and 150 lbs then you would multiply 150 lbs by 0.15. This would give you 22.5 lbs of fat. You will then need to subtract this number from total body weight to determine lean body mass. Lastly you will need to convert this figure to kg by dividing it by 2.2. For example: 150 22.5 = 127.5 lbs. Divided by 2.2 = 58kg of Lean Body Mass. Enter your lean body mass into the formula below to calculate your BMR. BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg) Use an Activity Multiplier The next step will be to multiply your BMR by an activity multiplier to calculate your total energy expenditure. Activity factor Lightly active = BMR x 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) Moderately active = BMR x 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) Very active = BMR x 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) If youre going to be following this beach ripped program, you will be lifting weights 3x per week and performing cardio 3x per week. I would go with the moderate activity multiplier to be safe, especially if you are mostly sedentary for the rest of your day.

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    If you are active outside of the workouts, physical job or involved in sports, then you will probably want to use the very active multiplier. Lastly, if you hate cardio and are just going to be lifting weights 3x per week then use the lightly active multiplier.

    Step 2: Set the Caloric Deficit By now you should have a rough estimate of your daily energy expenditure. Now we need to set the caloric deficit so that you can start losing fat. On this program I recommend using a moderate calorie deficit of about 20-25% below maintenance. If youre a man and 15% body fat or less (22% for women), go with 20%. If youre over 15% body fat then you can use a 25% deficit. For most of you, this will mean eating about 500-750 calories under maintenance. Enough to lose 1-1.5 lbs of fat per week. Trying to lose fat faster than this is usually a miserable experience. Hunger is overburdening, strength and workout performance drops, sex drive is diminished. Its just not worth it. To determine calorie intake multiply your energy expenditure by 0.8 (20% deficit) or 0.75 (25% deficit). So if you are 15% body fat and your energy expenditure is 2800 calories then you would multiply 2800 by 0.8. This would have you eating 2240 calories per day, a 560 calorie deficit. Now obviously this number is not going to be 100% exact. It will likely need some real world adjusting down the road. If you are losing less than 1 lbs per week you should decrease calories by about 10%. If you are losing 2 or more lbs per week then you can increase calories by 10%. Eventually you should be able to

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    find the caloric intake that allows you to lose 1-1.5 lbs of fat per week.

    Step 3: Setting the Macronutrients If youre looking at achieving the best results possible, then its not enough to just eat at a caloric deficit. You must also get the macronutrients right! Going too low in any one macronutrient can be an absolute disaster. Protein The first macronutrient to set is your protein intake. Protein plays the most important role when dieting because it will help with muscle retention on a diet. Furthermore a diet high in protein helps keep you full. Protein should be set at 1 gram per pound of goal body weight. This is slightly more than necessary but better to air on the safe side. So if you are 190 lbs and you want to cut to 175 lbs then you would eat 175 of protein per day. Fat I then recommend setting fat intake at 25% of total calories. There are reasons for this intake. Fat is the most caloric dense nutrient. High fat diets result in a big reduction in food volume. Just think about it, a spoonful of oil is 120 calories. As well, a handful of almonds is easily 200-300 calories. On top of that, fat cannot be used to replenish glycogen stores that become depleted from training. When glycogen stores are chronically depleted the risk of muscle loss becomes exceedingly higher. Lastly, a high fat diet does not support muscle growth. Yes, its true, a very low fat diet

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    suppresses testosterone. However, only a moderate intake of fat is required to stimulate anabolic hormone release. To calculate fat intake multiply your calorie intake by 0.25. Divide that number by 9 to get grams of fat per day. Round it to the nearest multiple of 5. So if your fat intake is at 63g then you would round it to 65g. Or if your fat intake was 68g you would round it to 70g. Carbs Last but not least we have our carbs. Carbs will be the dominating macronutrient on this diet, making up roughly 40-50% of total calories. This is critical for multiple reasons: A higher carb intake will support recovery and high intensity muscular work (lifting weights and cardio). High carbs will support the testosterone to cortisol ratio in active individuals, leading to better hormonal profile. High carbs will keep you satisfied and promote relaxation and better quality of sleep. This is because carbohydrates trigger the release of serotonin in the brain. When carbs are chronically low, serotonin drops negatively affecting mood and quality of sleep. Furthermore, carbs will support leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and metabolism. In the long run, low carb diets lead to a lower powered metabolism and ravenous appetite. Finally, carbs will support the maintenance and growth of muscle tissue. Carbs release insulin which plays a critical role in driving amino acids into the muscle cells where they can be used for muscle growth. To calculate carbs you will need to multiply grams of protein by 4 and grams of fat by 9. Add these two numbers together. Next, subtract this number from total calories. Take that number and

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    divide it by 4 to get grams of carbs per day. Now you should have your protein intake, fat intake and carb intake set. Now its just a matter of hitting those numbers with mostly natural foods and the occasional whatever else you want. Example For those of you who are a little bit lost, I apologize. There is a lot of math involved and it can be confusing initially. Let me give you an example to make this simpler. Lets say that your calorie intake when dieting is 2200 calories and your goal bodyweight is 160 lbs. This would mean that protein intake would be 160g per day. Fat intake would be 60g per day (2200 x 0.25 = 550, 550 divided by 9 = 61g). Protein calories (160 x 4) + fat calories (60 x 9) = 1180. Total calories subtracted by fat and protein calories = 2200 1180 = 1020 (carb calories). Carb calories divided by 4 = grams of carb per day. 1020 divided by 4 = 255g of carbs per day. Therefore, in this example, you would be consuming 160g of protein, 60g of fat and 255g of carbs per day. For those of you who are freaking out about the amount of carbs, relax! If youre in a caloric deficit you will burn fat.

    Step 4: Determine Meal Frequency Now that you have determined your daily macros, you will need to set up your meal schedule. Personally, I have had the greatest success with 2-3 meals per day in a 6-10 hour window. This is known as intermittent fasting. You will skip breakfast (black coffee and tea only), fast until lunch or later and eat your 2-3 meals within a designated 6-10 hour window.

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    The benefits of intermittent fasting are enormous. As well, it allows you to maintain a little hedonism in your life while cutting. Meals can range in size from 800-1500 calories and thus, cutting will feel like heaven. I have worked with numerous clients who have fallen in love with intermittent fasting and will never go back. It takes some adapting, but eventually the fast becomes enjoyable and the big meals are treasured. 3 Meal Per Day Intermittent Fast For the 3 meal per day option you will fast 4-6 hours after waking and consume 3 meals within a 8-10 hour window. Ex: Wake up 7am Meal 1 12pm Meal 2 4:30pm Meal 3 8pm

    2 Meal Per Day Intermittent Fast For the 2 meal per day option you will fast 6-8 hours after waking and consume 2 meals within a 6-8 hour window. Ex: Wake up 9am Meal 1 4:30pm Meal 2 10:00pm

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    Notes Dont become obsessive over your feast and fast window. Whats most important is hitting your macros. Dont sweat it if you break your fast early or extend your feast too late (cant get home for a meal in time). Dont let your fast/feast window control you. Its there to make dieting easier and more enjoyable. I often break my feast late because I am out and cant get a meal in time. The macros are what matter, stick to the macros and youll drop fat like its no ones business.

    Step 5: Determine Food Distribution The last topic I want to look at is food distribution. For many of you, I am going to encourage you to place most of your calories and carbs around dinner time. Having most of your carbs at dinner (instead of spread throughout the day) has been shown to lead to better fat loss, improved health markers, greater satiety and a smaller drop in leptin (hormone that regulates appetite and metabolism). Heres the study Greater weight loss and hormonal changes after 6 months diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner. This probably goes directly against what youve been led to believe. If youve done much nutritional reading youve probably been told that you should eat most of your carbs earlier in the day and reduce carbs at night. The reasoning behind this set up is completely flawed. The idea is that carbs are to fuel activity and since activity and metabolism slows down at night, eating carbs would lead to fat gain.

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    If youve been reading my articles for any length of time you are probably already calling BS! The problem with this belief is that it is completely irrelevant. If youre in a caloric deficit your body will burn fat, period! Eating most of your carbs at night just means that fat oxidation will be higher during the day and lower at night. Next Steps From Here For a complete course on getting absolutely shredded, I recommend my Warrior Shredding Program. This will allow you to effortlessly drop body fat while building strength in the gym and getting more chiseled than ever. This is the program I use when I want to cut down to very low body fat without going crazy. To read all about the Warrior Shredding Program, go to http://shreddingprogram.com

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    Part 2: Counting Macros

    Rule #1: Keep it Simple You want to keep your diet as simple and effortless as possible. Therefore I recommend using simplified rules. These include: 1. Dont bother counting calories from fibrous veggies/greens Trust me, there is nothing to gain from being obsessive compulsive and weighing/measuring your veggies. These foods are very high in vitamins/minerals/fiber and very low in calories. The amount of calories your body can actually utilize from fibrous veggies is so small its practically a zero calorie food. Therefore I recommend consuming a moderate intake of fibrous veggies/greens with each meal without regard for calorie/macro intake. 2. Dont bother counting calories from low calorie sauces/flavorings (mustard, hot sauce, tomato sauce, soya sauce, rice vinegar) Low calorie sauces add very few calories. Just be conscious of how much you use and there is no need to have to count that towards your calorie/macro intake. 3. Dont bother counting trace proteins Starchy carbs usually come with a trace amount of protein but I recommend ignoring this. Its simpler just to count your protein

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    from meat. So a big serving of potatoes might have 10g of protein. Consider that extra protein a bonus. When you start having to count protein from your starches it makes things very complicated when you are increasing or decreasing your carb intake. In addition, you dont want to reduce your meat intake because you are consuming more starches. Meat intake should stay relatively constant. 4. Dont worry about hitting your calories and macronutrients exactly Aim to be within shooting distance of them. So within 5g of your fat intake, within 10g of your protein and carb intake and within 50 calories of your calorie intake. Trying to be 100% exact is ridiculous. Even if you are 100% exact, you wont be. This is because food labels and measuring your food isnt even 100% accurate. You cant be 100% accurate, you just need to be within shooting distance.

    Rule #2: Use an App To really keep yourself accountable I recommend recording everything you eat with a handy smart phone app. I really like MyNetDiary.com, its a simple and easy to use app that has many neat functions. You can customize your daily calories and macros, you can search practically any food, you can scan bar codes, you can create custom foods, you can even track your weight and measurements. The customized food function is really helpful. You can find out how many carbs are in a serving of potatoes, rice, rice pasta and you can customize that food subtracting the trace protein and

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    trace protein calories. This way it wont count the trace nutrients towards your calorie and macro count.

    Rule #3: Get an Electronic Food Scale I strongly recommend you purchase an electronic food scale. This will allow you to quickly and easily weigh your food so you can accurately enter it into your app to determine the number of calories and macros your are consuming.

    Rule #4: Weight Your Meat Raw There is a lot of confusion whether you should weigh your meat before or after cooking. For greatest accuracy you should weigh it in the raw state. However, you need to make sure that you are using the uncooked nutrition information when you enter it into your app. This is because cooking your meat can reduce the weight of the food by 25-35%. So if you are weighing your chicken raw and entering it into your app as grilled chicken your calorie and protein numbers will be much higher than they should. On most grocery store bough meats the nutritional information is listed on the back. This refers to it in its raw state. Go by those measurements. 100g of raw meat most likely has around 20g of protein. Depending on the type of meat, there could be anywhere from 0-20g of fat. These fat numbers need to be counted towards your macro and calorie intake.

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    Hitting Your Macros Count your protein numbers from meat, your carb numbers from starches (potatoes, rice, rice pasta, yams, fruits), your fat numbers from meat and added fats (coconut oil, butter, macadamia nut oil, nuts). If you want to add any additional food on top of that, you will need to count both the carb and fat numbers. Example Meal 1 60g protein, 20g fat and 100g carbs 300g chicken breast (60g protein) 4tsp of oil/butter (20g fat) 135g rice/pasta (100g carbs) Broccoli (zero)

    In this example, chicken breast is practically fat free so you need to get all of your fat from added fats. In this case you can use oil/butter for cooking and taste. I like to use 1-2 tsp of oil for cooking and I also like to add the rest of the fat to the rice cooker to give the rice more flavor. Example Meal 2 80 protein, 25 fats, 120 carbs 400g Flank Steak (80g protein, 20g fat) 1tsp of oil (5g fat) 600g Potatoes/Yams (120g carbs) Cauliflower (zero)

    In this example, flank steak has fat so we need to take that into account and reduce our added fats. We have 1tsp of fat to work with so we will just use it for cooking or to add for taste.

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    Example Meal 3 75g protein, 25g fat, 100g carbs What if you want to work some desert into the meal? How about a Haagen Daz ice cream bar with 25g fat and 30g carbs. Well in this example you would need to keep your fat intake very low in the meal and reduce your carb intake to make room. 375g Chicken Breast (75g protein) 350g Sweet Potato (70g carbs) 1 Haagen Daz Icecream Bar (25g fat and 30g carbs) Veggies

    Its really this easy! You will be surprised how easy it is to hit your macros when you stick to lean meats, starches and added fats. Just count your protein and fat from the meat, get any extra fat you need from butter, coconut oil or macadamia oil. Alternatively, you could add almonds or peanut butter or even a yummy desert to reach your fat numbers so long that you take into account any extra carbs. And of course, get the bulk of your carbs from sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, rice or gluten-free pasta (rice pasta). Fat loss will never be so effortless and rewarding! Once you get in the habit of being accountable for your overall macronutrient and calorie intake then getting lean will become as easy as a stroll through the park. You will no longer be fighting your food cravings being victim to a restricted lifestyle. Instead, you will be able to eat whatever you like. This results in a very cool shift in thinking.

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    Knowing that you can have whatever you like creates a very healthy relationship with food. Just by being accountable, you tend to gravitate towards healthy, natural foods and deserts only in moderation. This is because you want to make the diet as enjoyable as possible and natural, wholesome foods are the best for satiety. If refined foods, sweets or deserts make up a big portion of your overall food intake, hunger may become exacerbated. So by default your diet becomes perfectly balanced without having to set stringent rules. But when you tell yourself, you can never have chocolate cake or ice cream again, you will be fighting a monkey off your back for the rest of your life.

    Epic Kinobody Meals Want to see the type of daily hedonism I subject myself to? On my instagram I post up some of my favorite meals. Follow me at http://instagram.com/gregogallagher Also to note, I have a cookbook coming out soon called Kino Chef. Its going to include meals, meal plans, hitting macros on a budget, strategies for eating out, and tons of other cool stuff. In short, it will be the definitive guide to eating Kino Watch out for it!

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    Part 3: Cardio For Fat Loss Cardio is the most misunderstood exercise in the world. This is increasingly true when we are talking about fat loss. Very rarely do people give cardio the credit it deserves On one hand you have people that completely overvalue cardio training. On the other hand you have people that consider cardio to be a complete waste of time. In this article I wish to clear up any confusion regarding cardio and its role in fat loss and body composition.

    Say No to Cardio? The recent trend in the fitness industry is to lift weights to promote muscle growth and use diet exclusively to lose fat or stay lean. I feel that this can be an effective approach and a great starting point for most people. You definitely dont want to get in the habit of relying on excessive amounts of exercise to lose weight and stay lean. That being said, the lift and diet strategy only works well for two types of people. One people that are just looking to maintain there weight and dont need to tap into a calorie deficit. Two people who are moderately active during the day and have larger energy expenditures. However, for those of us who are mostly sedentary, this no cardio approach can mean one of two things when it comes to losing weight.

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    1) We lose weight at a slow rate 2) We have to consume very low calories The reality of the situation is that most of us are sedentary. We drive to work, sit on our butts all day and spend a negligible amount of time on our feet. Many of us are lucky to get a combined 30 minutes of walking per day. This results in very low energy expenditures. To even tap into a calorie deficit, we have to eat a very modest amount of food.

    The Fat Loss Advantage of Cardio By increasing our movement and giving our bodies 30-45 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, we can burn 300-600 calories. This gives us much more room to work with in our diet. As well, getting exercise on a daily basis helps with dietary adherence. People are more likely to follow through with their diet if they are exercising that day. I have found that for sedentary individuals, getting 30-45 minutes of exercise on non-lifting days can help tremendously. Youll be much more satisfied as youll be able to consume considerably more food and lose weight. In addition, 30-45 minutes of cardio is relatively short. Thats like one episode of television. How many of us watch a few hours of TV each day? Not to mention, getting exercise on a daily basis helps with mood, energy levels, motivation. Lastly, this amount of cardio shouldnt have too much of an impact on your appetite and hunger.

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    Too much of a good thing Theres always the risk that someone will think a moderate amount of cardio is beneficial, therefore an extreme amount of cardio will be even more effective. This train of thinking is flawed and leads to doing more harm than good. With too much cardio you can cause what is known as cardio compensation. This is where you reach a point where any additional calories burned will result in a proportional increase in hunger. This is much more apparent during longer 1-2 hour cardio workouts. These marathon long cardio sessions tend to create an insatiable appetite. Whats more, very long cardio sessions can cut into recovery and negatively impact strength gains and muscle mass.

    Putting Cardio into Perspective One of the reasons why cardio gets such a bad rep is because its so easy to undo an entire cardio session if youre not careful. Lets say that you did cardio for one hour and burned 500 calories. A serving of desert after dinner could completely off set that one hour of cardio. In this scenario your 60 minutes in the gym was traded for the few minutes of pleasure from a desert. This scenario is common with people who solely use cardio to stay lean and let the chips fall where they may on their diet. Obviously this is not an ideal strategy for body composition. However, this is not the approach I am suggesting. My preference is to pay close attention to your diet and to use cardio synergistically. This is the ultimate fat loss plan.

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    Its a two versus one fight: Cardio + Diet vs. Body fat.

    Why Cardio Should Be Used? Let me give you a perspective on cardio that will help you understand why I value cardio training and how I like to use it. Lets say that youre an average male who isnt very active aside from 3 strength workouts per week. On your lift days your maintenance calorie requirements are around 2500. However, on your rest days your maintenance requirements are considerably less at only 2100-2200. On your lifting days you can consume 2000 calories and be at an optimal 500 calorie deficit. Unfortunately on your rest days you need to cut calories down to 1600-1700 to be at that same 500 calorie deficit. Wouldnt it be far more enjoyable to exercise at a comfortable intensity for 30-40 minutes and consume 2000 calories than have to eat very low calories? If you feel this way then cardio is probably for you! So ultimately, with cardio, you should already be eating under your calorie requirements. Cardio will help increase that calorie deficit so that you can lose fat at an appreciable rate.

    Beach Ripped Cardio Recommendations Forget about intervals, Crossfit, p90x, insanity, complexes, circuits, Medleys, and the Tough Mudder. If youre doing cardio to get lean then its a matter of burning calories while side stepping overtraining and increased hunger. Dont let the allure

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    of a turbo charged metabolic rate fool you. Thats a myth, a marketing ploy. The after burn effect of intense exercise is at best, a mere 15% of calories burned. Now that we have that out in the open lets proceed with the workout. Ultimately, the type of cardio you should do is what you enjoy the most provided that you stick to a couple key principles:

    1. Aim to burn a certain number of calories per session 2-3 calories per pound of bodyweight.

    2. Avoid activity that impairs recovery for strength and muscle building workouts.

    Abide by those two principles and youre in the clear. The options are endless, really! You can go for a long walk, alternate walking and jogging, mountain bike, jump rope, hit up the cardio machines, play a multitude of sports, swim, hike, shadow box, dance The aim of course is for movement and increased energy expenditure while realizing all of the amazing health benefits of daily exercise. Now for sake of simplicity and convenience I will outline a fun cardio protocol that you can do at your gym. The goal of the session is to burn calories, increase fat loss and avoid boredom.

    Beach Ripped Cardio Workout 1.) Treadmill Interval Pyramid - 2 min walk / 1 min jog x 6-8 or 1:15 walk / 45 second run x 10-12 For gym cardio, I always like to start with some form of interval. This is not because I feel that intervals magically boost my

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    metabolism to the stratosphere but rather, it goes by much faster as my mind always has something to focus on. This is also not to be mistaken with high intensity interval training, in which youre exerting a maximal effort. With that type of training, you are at a risk of cutting into recovery capabilities while on a diet. For these I like to use a 2 degree incline and walk at 3.8mph (4.0 mph seems unnaturally fast for a walk). For my first interval I will run at a comfortable 6mph. With each interval that passes I will build up the speed. Depending on how Im feeling I might go up by 0.5 or 1 mph each interval. So I might do 6-7-8-9-9.5-10. If the diet is getting to me or I dont have the energy I might just jog at 6 or 6.5 during the running portion of the interval. Nothing is 100% set in stone with cardio workouts so you can take the ball and run with it or walk with it. This is completely different than how I approach my strength training workouts, which are very structured, goal oriented and maximal effort. Note: Well be tracking calories during cardio. Make sure to manually enter your weight into the machine for a more accurate calorie burn reading. 2.) Steady State Cardio: 10-20 minutes During the first portion of the workout, the intervals, you should have been able to burn around 200-300+ calories. This is largely dependent on your weight, cardiovascular shape and level of exertion. During the second portion of the workout you will aim to burn the remainder of your calorie target off. I like to go at a low to moderate intensity for active recovery and fat burning (somewhere around 60-70% of your maximal heart rate).

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    Again the options are endless for this: I like to hit up an elliptical style machine, the one with the handles that you can push. I opt to avoid the bike and the rower for a couple reasons: Much of my day is spent in the seated, spine compressing position, why add to that while exercising? As well, I can burn significantly more calories on the elliptical machine. My favorite modalities for this part of the cardio workout include: jumping rope, elliptical (pushing handles) and incline walking. For incline walking I will pyramid the incline for fun. So I will walk at 3.8mph and increase the incline by 1 each minute until the halfway point. Then Ill decrease the incline by 1 each minute until Im finished. 3.) Stretching and Abs Training This is an ideal time to train your abs and stretch out any tight muscle groups. I like to do a lot of hanging abdominal movements. These exercises build very strong abs and dont cause any low back pain like most crunching movements. I finish off with bridging, the king of all exercises. Bridging is the reason why I have been lower back pain free for 2 years. These movements also serve to decompress and elongate your spine, you may notice you stand slightly taller, a nice side benefit.

    1) Leg Raises (hanging bent leg, hanging straight leg or from dip bar): 3 sets x 10-20 reps

    2) Side to Side Knee ups or Abs Whee Roll outs: 2 sets x max reps

    3) Hip/Back Bridge Hold: 2-3 sets x 20 seconds 4) Bonus stretches (optional)

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    Notes: rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

    Calorie Targets Id recommend aiming to burn about 2-3 calories per pound of bodyweight. So if youre 150 lbs, youd aim to burn 300-450 calories per session. This is a reasonable amount, shouldnt take too long to complete and will result in a proportionally smaller increase in appetite than calories burned. So you might find that its just as easy to consume 2000 calories per day on complete rest days as cardio days.

    Beach Ripped Cardio Q&A 1.) I play (insert sport here) 2-3 times per week, should I still do cardio? If you are involved in sports then you can count that as your cardio workout. So on a day that you are playing a particular sport, you wont need to do a cardio workout. Only do cardio workouts on days that you are not active or lifting weights. 2.) I work manual labor, should I still do cardio? If you work manual labor then your energy expenditure will be very high. If you are spending several hours per day walking, lifting, moving and doing physical tasks there is no need for additional calorie burning exercise. Lift weights 3x per week to build strength and maintain muscle and thats about it. 3.) I find that on days I do cardio I become very hungry?

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    There are some individuals that find even 30-45 minutes of cardio exercise can make them much hungrier. If thats the case for you and you find it more enjoyable to eat low calories without cardio then go for it. Alternatively you can try just doing a limited amount of exercise. Maybe a 10-30 minute walk to see how that affects your appetite/cravings. 4.) Wont cardio cause me to lose strength and muscle? If you stick to the cardio protocol that I laid out, there will be no negative impact on strength, power or muscle mass. Take a look at athletes from a wide array of sports including basketball, hockey, rugby, boxing, mixed martial arts.. These athletes have incredible cardiovascular fitness and in most cases great strength and muscle development. Not to mention, many of these athletes are required to do cardio intensive activities for several hours per day. The belief that cardio training will cause you to sacrifice strength, power and muscle mass has been completely over exaggerated in the fitness/bodybuilding world. For this to even remotely come about, youd already have to be very big, strong and muscular so that your body would need to take a turn to efficiency. As well, you would have to push the cardio to the limit. Perform cardio frequently and push your body very hard so that you are signalling improvements in endurance are demanded. Remember this, high level aerobic fitness and elite strength and power are opposite adaptations. Youll rarely come about a 500 lbs squatter who can run 3 miles in under 20 minutes. Trying to get stronger while trying to train for a road race is never the best idea.

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    If youve read this article you will understand that I am not trying to get you in top physical condition for an endurance competition. We are simply using cardio as a tool to increase fat loss. Therefore those extreme endurance based physiological changes will not take place. Instead you will just maintain a reasonable level of cardio fitness, think of it as your base. You can build strength and muscle at the maximal rate with this base. However, if you want to take your cardio to the extreme, you will need to put your strength and muscle into maintenance mode. Like the Chinese proverb: the man who chases two chickens catches none.

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    Part 4: Coaxing Your Body to Single Digit Body Fat A common theme you will see when an individual is striving for 6 pack abs is steady fat loss up until about 12-15% body fat. This is where most of the fit crowd ends up through a regular workout routine and healthy diet. Unfortunately, continued fat loss at this point becomes a futile endeavor leading to frustration and in many cases insanity (doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result). Now dont get me wrong, you can definitely look good at 12-15% body fat, but by no means will you blow anyone away. To acquire that chiseled and angular look, you need to drop into the single digit body fat levels, somewhere between 6-10%. Now getting to very low levels of body fat isnt exactly as simple as people make it out to be. You see, the game changes when youre cutting to 15% vs 8% body fat. In the first scenario your are bringing your body to its natural set point. In the other case you are brining your body to an extremely lean state, one that wouldnt survive all to well in a time of famine and hardship. Now if youre reading this article that is probably of very little concern to you. Just by having access to a computer and

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    internet I can almost guarantee you never have to worry about where your next meal will come from.

    Our Genetic Code Hasnt Changed That being said, we still have the same genetic code as our hunter-gatherer ancestors, many of whom faced harsh conditions like starvation. So consequently, when our brain recognizes our body fat levels getting too low, it will down regulate metabolism while up regulating appetite. This is a survival mechanism in place to ensure maximum chance of survival during periods of food shortages. By slowing down your metabolism you increase your chance of survival for when food stocks reemerge. As well, the significant drop in leptin, coupled with heightened insulin sensitivity, allows you to gain back the lost weight very quickly when food is available. This is one of the reasons why many people who lose a bunch of weight on crash diets are able to gain all of it back in record time. The same phenomenon is seen with actors who starve themselves to become emaciated for roles. Michael Fassbender Hunger Michael Fassbender dropped a large amount of weight for the film Hunger, where he played an Irish Republican who leads the

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    prisoners of a Northern Irish prison on a hunger strike. Fassbender went on an extreme diet to lose 40 lbs in 10 weeks. After filming, Fassbender was able to gain nearly all of it back within 2 weeks. It was 34 lbs in 2 weeks to be exact. This type of weight gain seems next to impossible, especially considering how much of what he gained in two weeks was lost muscle. What we must understand is that during extreme calorie restriction, various anabolic receptors and hormones become unregulated. This allows you to regain weight and muscle at an extremely fast rate once you start eating normally again. Christian Bale Machinist to Batman Begins An even more extreme example can be seen with Christian Bale! After getting into incredible shape for American Psycho, Bale wanted to erase his image of being that fit guy. What better way than to starve himself to a deathly state, sacrificing his health and sanity in the process. It took 4 months to take his bodyweight from 184 to under 125 lbs. Then, within 6 months he was filming Bat Man Begins at a very muscular 190 lbs. The human body, believe it or not, has incredible potential and is geared for maximum survival. Weight and muscle can be regained obscenely fast.

    What does this have to do with getting 6-pack abs? I apologize if you felt that I side tracked a bit there but its all for good reason. You see, the same processes that allow us to regain weight and muscle extremely fast, also keep us from getting super ripped. Michael Fassbender and Christian Bale had no easy time getting to there emaciated state. Their bodies were literally

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    starving, hunger overburdening and their ability to enjoy life deeply suppressed. They relied on sheer will power alone to get the job done. As they were losing weight and dipping below their natural set point it was as if they were pulling a rubber band. The more weight they lost the harder it was to keep pulling that rubber band back and the greater rebound effect they were setting themselves up for. Finally, when filming was complete, they created so much tension that the rubber band sprung right back up. This, of course, represents their obscenely fast weight gain. When were dieting below set point the same effect occurs, but to a lesser extent. Wrong Assumptions People start dieting and lose 1-2 lbs per week. They then think that if they continue this for long enough theyll reach 6-8% body fat. This is rarely ever the case! Sure, some people are predisposed to being very lean. Its likely that these individuals have dominant genes from ancestors that never had to worry much about food shortages. Therefore these individuals can get practically ripped without much trouble. However, most of us arent so lucky. When we try and dip below 12% body fat, its almost like our body is trying to fight back. We get extremely hungry, our gym motivation declines and next thing we know were raiding the kitchen undoing all of our positive progress. This is the rubber band effect I mentioned earlier. Getting into the single digits becomes an art. You need to learn to embrace patience and coax your body there with regular refeeds and a strategic approach.

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    Breaking Through a Fat Loss Plateau

    1.) The 2-Week Diet Break When youve been dieting for an extensive period of time, some sort of metabolic decline is inevitable. Leptin and various hormones including testosterone take a nosedive. Adhering to a strict diet becomes increasingly difficult and fat loss always seems to be slower than predicted. Not to mention, the psychological component of continued dieting becomes a major burden. The solution is to take 2 weeks to eat at roughly maintenance. Leptin and testosterone will skyrocket. In addition, you will get that psychological relief. Finally, when you go back to your diet it will feel easier than before and fat loss will resume as expected.

    2.) Lose Fat Slowly This is probably the most obvious of all points. Losing fat at a fast pace when youre already lean is never a good idea. Cut calories too much and you will experience a greater drop in leptin further exacerbating the issue. Big calorie deficits are also very counter productive when youre 15% body fat or less. This is because your body has a limit to how much fat it can burn on daily basis, which is proportional to the amount of fat on your body. If you use big calorie deficits its likely that some of your muscle tissue will become metabolized. 35 calories per pound of body fat should be the limit. So if youre 15% body fat at 180 lbs then you have 27 lbs of fat on your body. Therefore you should never exceed a 945 calorie deficit (35 x 27). This is still a very large

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    deficit and youd probably be much better off keeping the calorie deficit between 500 and 700.

    3.) Strategic Refeeds Carb Refeeds are extremely powerful at busting through a sticking point. Eating at maintenance or 5-10% above with an emphasis on starchy carbs can up regulate metabolism and lessen the difficulty of the subsequent low calorie days. You can think of this as a zig zag approach to losing fat. Aim for 3 lower calorie days (20-25% deficit) and 1 high calorie day (5-10% surplus). Cycle through this four day schedule and you should be able to coax your body to a lower body fat percentage. On the high carb refeed days you want to get the majority of your calories from starchy carbs. Carbohydrates have the most profound effect on circulating leptin levels. Therefore I recommend limiting protein to 0.82g per pound of body weight, fat at 20-25% of total calories and carbohydrates making up the remainder. My favorite carb sources for this day include potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, rice pasta and occasionally some low fat ice cream or caramel chocolate Quaker rice cakes. I like to stay away from fruit for the most part. Fructose isnt effective at elevating leptin. In addition, fruit isnt very efficient at replenishing depleted muscle glycogen. Fruit is used mostly to replenish liver glycogen.

    4.) Emphasize Carbs at Night For longtime readers of Kinobody you are probably already used to my feast at night approach. However, for many of you, this

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    may seem brashly counter intuitive. Now it has been my intuition for a couple years now that carbs should be emphasized at night. This strategy makes it so much easier to control calorie intake. As well, eating low carb or fasting during the day keeps you focused, energetic and alert. Limiting carbs during the day also helps maximize fat mobilization. Finally, loading up on carbs at night helps with relaxation and sleep and also boosts anabolism and recovery. There is some significant research that supports this! In a study comparing a low calorie diet with the placement of carbohydrates eaten at dinner vs. breakfast, the late night carb group outperformed the morning carb group. In the late night carb group fat loss was greater, health markers improved to a greater degree and leptin had a smaller drop off. Heres the study Greater weight loss and hormonal changes after 6 months diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner. Based on that research, it seems as though we can limit the drop off of leptin by eating the majority of our carbs at night.

    More than one way to skin a cat The four strategies above are very effective at implementing once youve hit a road block. In terms of an actual diet plan to follow, well lets just say there is more than one way to skin a cat. For sustainable fat loss, maximum muscle retention and strength building, my shredding program proves exceptionally effective. Check it out here http://shreddingprogram.com

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    Part 5: Your Next Steps From Here In this report (which has turned into quite the exhaustive tool for getting lean and chiseled), weve covered the fundamentals of building a Kinobody physique from diet to cardio. The thing is though - this is only the first step. To build the physique you really want, it takes more than diet (and cardio). You also need to exact lifting protocol that compliments this nutrition strategy. To help with this, Id highly recommend my full Kinobody programs.

    The Kinobody Fitness Systems

    1) The Warrior Shredding Program 2) The Greek God Muscle Building Program 3) The Superhero Bulking Program

    Which One Should You Follow? This question really depends on what your goal is. If you want to get shredded and build the lean and wiry (yet defined and muscular) look of a GQ model, then Id recommend the Warrior Shredding Program.

    Check it out here http://shreddingprogram.com

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    Do you want to build strong and dense muscle and increase your strength without adding too much mass? An example of this physique type is Brad Pitt in Troy. Lean, muscular and functional muscle defines this physique. If that sounds like what youre after, then the Greek God Program is for you.

    Check that out here http://greekgodprogram.com And finally, do you want to increase both strength and size? Do you want to look like Thor or Chris Hemsworth from the Avengers, building out mass without losing proportions to form the physique of a real-life superhero? Then the Superhero Bulking Program is for you.

    Check it out here http://superherobulking.com Want a more customized plan? I DO offer personal coaching as well, if you want me to create a plan just for you and work with you through the entire process to ensure you hit your goals. If this sounds like something youd be interested in, read about my coaching program here http://kinobody.com/coaching To Your New Physique!

    Greg OGallager

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