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Submitted to: IE Business School


Report on behalf of UN Secretary General

Made by: Shivani Choudhary


• The presentation walks us through the Iraq situation from the

time of Saddam Hussein’s, the fifth President of Iraq (serving

in this capacity from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003), capture

till date.

• The following slides throw lights on how the ISIL rose and

became powerful and what the current situation in Iraq is.

• Finally, some of the suggestions for the steps to be taken by

the Secretary General of the UN have been explained briefly.


• Iran-Iraq War – Posed Iraq as the alleged site of Weapons of

Mass Destruction, purchase and import of prohibited arms and

construction of banned missiles.

• The UN Security Council passed Resolution 1441 offering Iraq

under Saddam Hussein to comply with its disarmament


• 2003 – Invasion of Iraq by the US, UK and other nation’s

military aid; Capture of Saddam Hussein.


Reference: http://www.americanmilitaryforum.com/forums/threads/iraq-war-multimedia-2003-2011.662/


• Al Queda in Iraq emerged after the

invasion of 2003 in the form of small

terrorists group.

• Mujahideen Shura Council and Al-

Qaeda provoked violence in the country

to attack American force presence.

• The council was then disbanded and

replaced by Islamic State of Iraq(ISI)

• 2011 – The US left Iraq after ending

their military rule.

• ISI transformed into Islamic State in

Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), in April



• Includes thousands of fighters, including many foreign jihadists

(Islamist militant movements perceived as a military movement

"rooted in Islam" and "existentially threatening" to the West)

• It made money through oil smuggling in Syria, racketeering

and kidnappings, as well as donations from private jihadi

networks in the Gulf.




• 2014 – ISIL captured Mosul, Fallujah and major areas in northern Iraq.

• Since then a series of attacks and fights were carried out to seize the control of Iraq, with the intervention of the US, UK, France and Australia.



• About 50,000 Iraqi security forces, Kurdish Peshmerga

fighters, Sunni Muslim Arab tribesmen and Shia Muslim

militiamen, assisted by US-led coalition warplanes and military

advisers are involved in regaining the control of the seized

areas of Iraq from ISIL.

• Humanitarian Crisis : More than 22000 people have been

displaced from their homes in and around Mosul and around

1.5 million people could be affected by the military operations.


Reference: http://www.tert.am/en/news/2016/11/01/Mosul-battle/2179385


• ISIS as an organization has

good weapons.

• ISIS as good military

leadership which is provided

by the past Sunni Iraqi


• ISIS as support from Sunni

tribal leaders and Iraqi Sunnis

who have suffered under

Maliki's sectarian Shia’-

controlled government

Reference: http://everything-pr.com/isis-public-relations/82906/


US attacks carried out since 2014 have done little to resolve the

problem and the easy flow of arms and ammunitions in the region

aggravates the problem.

The UN should enforce strict laws which prohibit the flow

of arms into the region as it affects the civilians badly and

leads to more violence and deaths. The US should address

the issue of violations of human rights and international law

committed by its allies.





• Military strikes is no solution.

The UN should bring together various regional governments

to address the issue and instead of carrying out military

strikes, they should aim at increasing diplomatic and

financial pressures on the ISIS. This means pressurizing US

allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey to stop aiding ISIS

financially and providing them arms.


• Addressing the Civil War in Syria

Since ISIS has been trying to establish its dominance on

both the province, it is high time the UN restarts real

negotiations on ending the civil war in Syria. Every entity

involved in the war needs to come together. It consists of

the civil society in Syria, the external oppositions, the

armed forces and the ally countries – The US, Russia,

Saudi, Iran and many more. The deal signed between the US

and Russia on Sept 6, 2016 still needs to be revised and the

UN should come into the picture to do that so that a normal

life is restored in Aleppo.




• Solving the refugees issue

The Iraq insurgency and the post

airstrikes have led to a lot of

bloodshed and loss of life and

properties. Millions of people have

been forced to flee their homes. The

UN needs to take action to protect

the homeless civilians and

casualties. This includes raising

more funds than before to help

them get back to normal life. https://ninglun.wordpress.com/2007/04/27/big-announcement-on-



Atme camp on the Turkish border, 2013 (Photo: Bulent Kilic / AFP / Getty Images)


How to defeat terrorism? Don't be terrorized.

Don't let fear rule your life. Even if you are


― Salman Rushdie, Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992-




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