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Become a Word Warrior!

Become a Word Warrior! Here comes Set #2 of your Word Warriors vocabulary words!

Remember, if you work hard you can win awards and prizes at the end of camp!

If you know 13-14 words then you’ll be a Jargon General and you’ll win your very own Scrabble Slam Card Game!

If you know 15-16 words then you’ll be a Term Trooper and you’ll win your very own Scrabble Slam Card Game!

If you know 17-19 words then you’ll be a Word Warrior and you’ll win your very own Scrabble Slam Card Game AND a Boggle Reinvention Game!

So work hard this week and show off what you know on this Friday’s Final Activity!

Assure (verb) If you assure someone that something is true or

will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true often in order to make them less worried.

Example: “I guarantee you that the surgery is routine,” the doctor assured me.

Collapse (verb)

If something collapses, then

it falls down very suddenly.

Example: After the earthquake hit, buildings all over the city collapsed.

Glance (verb) If you glance, at something or someone you look at

them very quickly and then look away again immediately.

Example: After I tripped down the steps, I glanced up and down the hallway to check if anyone had seen me fall.

Panic (verb) If you panic, you suddenly feel anxious or

afraid, and act quickly and without thinking carefully.  

Example: When I accidentally knocked over my mother’s favorite vase, I panicked and tried to put it back together with a glue stick.

Stun (verb) If you are stunned by something, you are

extremely shocked or surprised. Example: The audience was stunned when the

pig sprouted wings and flew across the stage.

Tense (adjective)

If you are tense, you are stressed and nervous and cannot relax.

Example: When I feel tense, there’s nothing better than a warm bath and a cup of hot chocolate.

Let the Games Begin! Now that you’ve seen the six words for this

week, make sure you work hard every day to learn what they mean!

Then, this Friday you can show your stuff on the Set #2 Final Activity and get even closer to the awards and prizes that you can win at the end of camp!

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