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Page 1: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)



Page 2: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)
Page 3: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)
Page 4: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

AboutOurProgram•  ASDegree•  77Credits•  Full-time5semesters(continuous)•  AmericanRegistryofRadiologicTechnologists(ARRT)approved:Programnumber3161– Arrt.org

•  CommissiononAccreditationofAlliedHealthEducationPrograms(CAAHEP)110324– Caahep.org

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Page 6: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)




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•  TheDiagnosticUltrasoundProfessionisamulti-specialtyfieldcomprisedofDiagnosticMedicalSonographywithsubspecialtiesinabdominal,neurologic,andobstetricalandgynecologic,DiagnosticCardiacSonography,withsubspecialtiesinadultandpediatricechocardiography,VascularTechnology,andotheremergingfields.

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•  Thesediversespecialtiesaredistinguishedbytheiruseofdiagnosticmedicalultrasoundasaprimarytechnologyintheirdailywork.

•  Certificationisconsideredthestandardofpracticeinultrasound.

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ScopeofPractice•  TheDiagnosticMedicalProfessionalisanindividualqualifiedbyprofessionalcredentialingandacademicandclinicalexperiencetoprovidediagnosticpatientcareservicesusingultrasoundandrelateddiagnosticprocedures.

•  ThescopeofpracticeoftheDiagnosticUltrasoundProfessionalincludesthoseprocedures,actsandprocessespermittedbylaw,forwhichtheindividualhasreceivededucationandclinicalexperience.

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•  Obtain,review,andintegratepertinentpatienthistoryandsupportingclinicaldatatofacilitateoptimumdiagnosticresults

•  Performappropriateproceduresandrecordanatomic,pathologic,andorphysiologicdataforinterpretationbyaphysician

•  Record,analyze,andprocessdiagnosticDataandotherpertinentobservationsmadeduringtheprocedureforpresentationtotheinterpretingphysician.

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•  Exercisediscretionandjudgementintheperformanceofsonographicandorotherdiagnosticservices.

•  Demonstrateappropriatecommunicationskillswithpatientsandcolleagues

•  Actinaprofessionalandethicalmanner•  Providepatienteducationrelatedtomedicalultrasoundandorotherdiagnosticvasculartechniques,andpromoteprinciplesofgoodhealth.

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Page 15: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)


Page 16: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

•  Ultrasoundisalsousedforviewingtheorgansoftheabdomen.

•  Canyoutellwhatisbeingimagedinthefollowingultrasound?

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Page 18: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

•  Ultrasoundisusedtoimagevesselsthatcarrybloodfromtheheartandbacktotheheart.

•  Thefollowingimageisofthecarotidarterythatisbringingbloodtothefaceandbrain.

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Page 20: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

•  Ultrasoundisalsoveryusefulinimagingthebreast,asisseeninthefollowingimage.

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Page 22: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

•  Ultrasoundsthatareusedtoimagetheadultandpediatricheartarecalledechocardiograms.

•  Thefollowingimageisthatoftheadultheartusingcolorultrasound.

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Page 25: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

•  Ultrasoundcanalsoimagethebrainofthenewborn.

•  Asarule,ultrasoundcannotpenetratebone,butthenewborn’sskullhassoftspots(fontanels),thatallowustoscanthebrain.

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Page 27: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)


Page 28: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)


Page 29: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

Ø The process involves placing a small device called a transducer against the patient’s skin near the body part to be imaged. The transducer works like a loudspeaker and microphone because it can both transmit and receive sound.

What is Sonography?

Page 30: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

What Does a Sonographer Do?


Page 31: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

What Does a Sonographer Do?

Ø  A diagnostic Medical Sonographer is a highly-skilled professional who uses specialized equipment to create images of structures inside the human body that are used by physicians to make a medical diagnosis.

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There are several areas of specialization in the field of Sonography.

Ø  Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, s p l e e n u r i n a r y t r a c t , pancreas)

Ø  Breast-frequently used to evaluate breast abnormalities t h a t a r e f o u n d w i t h screening or diagnostic mammography.

Ø  Obstetrics/Gynecology-evaluation of the female reproductive system

Page 33: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

Ø  Vascular Technology-evaluation and analysis of the hemodynamics (blood flow) of peripheral and abdominal blood vessels.

Ø  Neurosonography evaluation of the brain and spinal cord.

Ø  Ophthalmology-evaluation of the eye. Including orbital structures and muscles.

Ø  E c h o c a r d i o g r ap hy -evaluation of the anatomy and hemodynamics (blood flow) of the heart, its valves and related blood vessels.

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Professional Responsibilities Ø  Obtaining and recording an

accurate patient history Ø  Performing diagnostic

procedures and obtaining diagnostic images

Ø  Analyzing technical information

Ø  Using independent judgment in recognizing the need to extend the scope to the procedure according to the diagnostic findings.

Ø Providing an oral or written summar y of the technical findings to the physician for medical diagnosis

Ø Providing quality patient care

Ø Collaborating with physicians and other members of the health care team.

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Technical Standards Ø  Lift more than 50 pounds routinely Ø  Push and pull routinely Ø  Bend and stoop routinely Ø  Have full use of both hands, wrist and shoulders Ø  Distinguish audible sounds Ø  Adequately view sonograms, including color distinctions Ø  Work standing on their feet 80% of the time Ø  Interact compassionately and effectively with the sick or injured Ø  Assist patient on and off examining tables Ø  Communicate effectively with patients and other health care


Ø  Organize and accurately perform the individual steps in a Sonographic procedure in the proper sequence.

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•  Aknowledgeofpathologyandphysiology(humananatomyandphysiology).

•  Goodanalyticalandproblemsolvingskills.•  Goodinterpersonalskills.•  Compassion,highdegreeofpersonalintegrityandprofessionalism.


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Page 38: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)
Page 39: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)

What are the Salaries for Sonographers?

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•  Hourly:87%– Full-time67%– Part-Time20%

•  Salaried:8%– Full-time7%– Part-time1%

•  Perstudy/scan:2%– Perpatient1%– Other2%

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•  75thPercentile:$40.00•  50thPercentile:$34.00•  25thPercentile:$29.17

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Page 43: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)
Page 44: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)
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TheoverallobjectiveoftheDMSprogramProgramGoals-ourgraduatesareabletoperformthefollowing:• Obtain,review,andintegratepertinentpatienthistoryandsupportingclinicaldatatofacilitateoptimumdiagnosticresults• Performappropriateproceduresandrecordanatomic,pathologic,andorphysiologicdataforinterpretationbyaphysician.• Record,analyze,andprocessdiagnosticdataandotherpertinentobservationsmadeduringtheprocedureforpresentationtotheinterpretingphysician• Exercisediscretionandjudgmentintheperformanceofsonographicandorotherdiagnosticservices• Demonstrateappropriatecommunicationskillswithpatientsandcolleagues• Actinaprofessionalandethicalmanner• ProvidepatienteducationrelatedtomedicalultrasoundandorotherdiagnostictestsandpromoteprinciplesofgoodhealthProgramgoalsofminimumexpectationsforourgraduates:Topreparecompetententry-levelGeneralSonographersinthecognitive(knowledge),psychomotor(skills),andaffective(behavior)learningdomains.

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•  TheDiagnosticMedicalSonographyProgramisofferedonceperacademicyear,startinginthefallandrunningfor5continuoussemesters.TheapplicationdeadlineforFallTerm2020hasbeenextendedtoJune15duetotheCOVID-19emergency.

•  Theprogramiscomprisedof11supportcoursesand20professionalcourses.•  Ofthe20professionalcourses,5areclinicalpracticumswhichtotalroughly1,000clinical


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•  Topreparecompetententry-levelGeneralSonographersinthecognitive(knowledge),psychomotor(skills),andaffective(behavior)learningdomains.

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AdmissionRequirementsDMSstudentsForAcceptedStudentsOnly•  AIDS500Certificate•  CPRCertification•  FDLEBackgroundCheck•  TechnicalPerformanceStandards•  LiabilityInsurance•  ImmunizationRequirements

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Lengthoftheprogram• Full-timeFivesemesterprofessionalcoursesequence• AssociateInScienceDegree• 77credits• TheSkillsetgraduatingstudentsprovidetothehealthcarecommunity.SonographersandVascularTechnologistscanchoosetoworkinclinics,hospitals,privatepracticephysicianoffices,publichealthfacilities,laboratories,andothermedicalsettingsperformingexaminationsintheirareasofspecialization.Careeradvancementopportunitiesexistineducation,administration,research,andincommercialcompaniesaseducation/applicationspecialists,salesrepresentatives,technicaladvisors,etc.

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Credentialing•  Takingatesttoshowthatyouhavetheabilitytoperform

competentdiagnostictestsonhumans.•  Youmaybeaskedtotakemanytests–  ARDMS(TheAmericanRegistryforDiagnosticMedicalSonography)•  SPI-SonographyprinciplesandInstrumentation•  Specialtyexam(Ab,Ob/Gyn,Br,RVT,RDCS,…)•  ARDMS.org

–  CCI(CardiovascularCredentialingInternational)•  cci-online.org

–  ARRT(S)–AmericanRegistryofRadiologicTechnologists–SonographyPrimary•  arrt.org

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•  Sonographersmustpossess:–  theabilitytoempathizewithapatientwhileremainingfocusedonthecompletionoftheexamination.

–  astrongbackgroundinanatomyandphysiology–  excellentcommunicationskills.–  problemsolvingandcriticalthinkingskills–  abilitytoworkbothindependentlyandaspartofateam.

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•  Leadershipandorganizationalskills•  Peopleskills•  Patience•  Flexibility•  Compassion•  Problem-solvingskills•  Asenseofhumor•  Theabilitytostaycalminacrisis

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•  Be sure to speakup so that you canhave asmuch“hands-on”timeaspossible.

•  Be ready to take criticism, sometimes harsh,atsomethingthatyoumaybeproudof.

•  Bereadytospendmanyhourseverynightandweekendsstudyingmaterialforyourcourses.

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•  Be sure your family and friends are ready to support yourendeavor.

•  Be ready to adapt (be flexible) with each new clinicalinternship(clinicalassignment).

•  Be ready to consider all the time involved (including drive,class,andstudytime).

•  Be ready to practice, practice, practice your scanning skills.The techniques to be successful clinically may be moredifficulttomasterthantheclasswork.

•  Besuretobeverypatient,withyourselfandothers.•  Besuretohaveahighlevelofmotivationandself-direction.•  Bereadyforarigorous,challengingprogram.Ask yourself…’Am I ready for this challenge? Do I have the


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Page 69: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)


Page 70: Become an Ultrasound Technologist · Ø Abdomen-evaluation of all the soft tissues, blood vessels and organs of the abdominal cavities (for example, liver, spleen urinary tract, pancreas)


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FrequentlyaskedQuestions•  Whatarethephysicalrequirementsforacareerinhealthcare?– Standingforlongperiodsoftime– Pushingandpullingmachines– Hearing,seeing– Liftingpatients– Walkinglongdistances

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•  Doyouneedgoodcommunicationskillsforthisprogram?– Hearing,listening,followingdirections– Peopleskills– Acceptingcriticism– Communicatingwithdoctorsandotherhealthcareprofessionals

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•  Whataretherequirementsneededinordertoenterintotheclinicalportionoftheeducationalprogram?– Backgroundcheck– Liabilityinsurance– Drugtesting– CPR– HealthClearance– Uniforms– Selfcheck(Tattoosandpiercings)

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Pre-Application Review ARDMS will conduct a "pre-application review" for individuals who wish to determine the impact of a previous criminal proceeding on their eligibility to apply for ARDMS certification. Criminal proceedings include, but are not limited to, conviction or pleas of guilty/nolo contendere to any crime or when a finding of guilt is made or returned in a criminal proceeding but the adjudication of guilt is withheld, deferred, not entered, or the sentence is suspended/stayed (including pre-trial diversion programs).

For more information regarding the Pre-Application Review process or start the process, download the ARDMS Pre-Application Request Form. The Pre-Application Review Process is recommended for individuals who are not yet ready to apply for an examination. Individuals who have already completed a program and are ready to apply should simply respond to the questions on the ARDMS examination application relating to violation matters and provide the requested documentation.

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•  Uniformsintheclassroom•  Uniformsattheclinicalsite•  Tattoos?•  Piercings?

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•  CanIworkwhileintheprogram?– DuringtheGeneralEducationphase– DuringtheProfessionalphase

•  Whatisatypicalweeklikewhileintheprogram?

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•  DoIneedtodrivetobeinthishealthcareprogram?– Youmustbeabletogettooff-siteclinicallocations

•  Ihadalegalissueseveralyearsback.CanIstillenrollinthehealthcareerofmychoice?– ANS.YouwillneedtocheckwithyourregistryorlicensingboardstoseeifyouwouldbeeligibletositforyourexamsBEFOREyouenterintoanyprogram.

– Runacertifiedbackgroundcheckonyourself?

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InconclusionØ  Lovewhatyoudo

Ø  Whateveritis!!!!

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