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Herbert W. Collins, M.D. F.A.A.F.P.

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Preface This presentation is based on clinical material derived from a solo family

practice where patients were treated with a one on one traditional encounter by the same family practitioner. Records of individual patients of the same family were kept in one folder. At the end of forty years at least one or more members of well over twenty five thousand different families had been treated. In order to accomplish this feat required the efficiency offered through improved patient care. This required the use of innovative concepts and procedures that lie outside the restraints of the inadequacies of traditional medical education and practices. By1952 the liberal use of the safe omnivorous antibiotic benefits of pooled immune globulin provided the source of an antibiotic success rate that approached 100%. This eliminated the problems of antibiotic resistant infections. By necessity the concept of autogenic pathology was updated to the extent that its expressions could be interrupted prior to its expression of cardiac arrest and the need for resuscitation. This interruption accomplished at the onset and at the safer spinal nerve level fulfilled the promise of convalescences that are not only safer for the patient but also are more comfortable, are of a shorter duration, and are associated with a lesser degree of disability.

By adapting a hypothetical and/or a theoretical approach to the practice of medicine one may substitute the inhibiting effects of unknowns with established and reproducible principles of neuroanatomy and physiology. This allows the average clinician to access the total essence of the benefits of acupuncture while its benefits are justified within the realm of basic science.

The physiology of the neurological labyrinths of individual spinal nerves makes it possible to identify spinal nerves that are harboring documented distribution specific pathology.

The ability to identify spinal nerves that are harboring insults makes it possible to correlate the physiology of the respective identified spinal nerves with the anatomical location of documented distribution specific visceral pathology. This not only verifies the existence of specific visceral distributions but also furnishes the ability for their mapping. Correlating the mapped visceral distribution with the identified respective spinal nerve makes it possible to locate unknown visceral pathology to be within the anatomical site of mapped visceral distributions in real time.

A pathway to diagnostic and therapeutic benefits of unmatched quality may be obtained by accessing, evaluating, and modifying the ongoing physiology of a selected spinal nerve. This may be accomplished through the generation and interdiction of distribution specific cutaneous impulses into the ongoing physiology

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of a selected spinal nerve or nerves. These benefits interpolate into the fulfillment of the promise of convalescences that are not only safer for the patient but also are more comfortable are of a shorter duration and are associated with a lesser degree of disability. These benefits are available with impunity, little expenditure, and with instantaneous efficiency.

The essence of herd immunity in the form of pooled immune globulin makes it possible to treat most any infection with a success rate that approaches 100%. This success rate may be used to determine whether an unknown illness is due to an infection or not.

The dead and dieing malignant cells that lie in the wake of pooled immune globulin converts the concept of the origin of malignancies from that of an untreatable same-self mutation to a treatable non-self infection. Even after a patient has been advised by their oncologist to seek hospice care it usually is not too late for low monthly doses of pooled immune globulin to provide a livable state of remission that may be maintained for a year or longer.

Autogenic PathologyClinical pictures express the results of insults to the anatomy and inadvertently

insults to the integrity of neurological labyrinths. These insults may represent structural compromises and they also alter the normal impulses of neurological labyrinths. Unless structural compromises represent significant disabilities they make little direct contributions to clinical pictures. This leaves the bulk of clinical pictures to be the neurophysiological expressions processed from neurological impulses that are being altered by insults to neurological labyrinths. Since these expressions are processed automatically and are basically pathological they are aptly termed to be the expressions of autogenic pathology.

The concept of autogenic pathology and the resulting resuscitation efforts were pioneered by a Russian physician during WWII. With casualties that overwhelmed available resources triage resulted in the separation of the living from the dead. Soldiers that kept crawling out of the designated dead required alterations to the concept of death. Even in the presence of insults with survivable potential the perpetuating expressions of autogenic pathology may eventually process the expression of cardiac arrest. That even after the patient is comatose and is without pulse or breath the processing of the expression of cardiac arrest continues until its expressions are either interrupted or terminal brain damage ensues. That if the resulting anoxemia and/or electric shock therapy, described as shocking the heart, depresses the central nervous system’s processing ability in an effective and timely manner then the expressions of autogenic pathology might be interrupted. If survival potential persists then this interruption allows pulse breath and survival potential to be restored.

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It has been stated that resuscitative efforts have saved more lives than any other procedure. Contrarily it may be stated that more lives are lost than by any other means by allowing autogenic pathology to progress until patients with survival potential are rendered to be without pulse or breath.

The prevention of the processing of autogenic pathology through anesthesia also sheds some light on the origin of autogenic pathology. All efforts that provide anesthesia are directed at preventing the expression of processed values assigned at the spinal nerve level to neurological impulses that are being altered by ongoing surgery. Local and spinal anesthesia blocks the transfer of neurological impulses while general anesthetics compromise the central nervous system’s processing ability.

The anesthesia of acupuncture takes a different approach. The relativity of processed values assigned to impulses that are being altered by insults is inversely related to the magnitude of cutaneous impulses generated through the skin’s contact with the environment. The relativity of processed values assigned to altered impulses becomes relatively insignificant when processed through an equation containing an excess of cutaneous impulses. The generation and interdicting an excess of cutaneous impulses into the processing equation at the spinal nerve level destroys the relativity of processed values. The resulting relatively insignificant values are too low to be transferred to the central nervous system for further processing. Without a string of processed values the central nervous system cannot generate the expressions of autogenic pathology.

Acupuncture provides anesthesia for a variety of surgical procedures including open chest surgery. The anesthesia of acupuncture is safer than general and spinal anesthesia, and circumvents the brain damage associated with some general anesthetics.

A Hypothetical View of EmbryologyA modified view of embryology might be helpful in appreciating the

prominent roll that spinal nerves play in the generation of the expressions of autogenic pathology.

Barbra McClintock is credited with being the first to observe that chromosomes are not as stable as once thought.

Much later research by others confirmed her observation and eventually research led to the use of restrictive enzymes to free specific gene elements from the chromosomes. Then Conjugating plasmids capable of inducing the cell they infect to conjugate with other cells were introduced into the cells containing these freed plasmids. These conjugating plasmids made it possible for the cells they occupy to conjugate with other cells and even with cells across life kingdoms. During conjugation these freed plasmids are transported in only one direction to

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the cytoplasm of the cell victimized through conjugation. Since plasmids move to and fro from the cytoplasm to chromosomes this allowed these freed plasmids now transferred to the cytoplasm of the victim of conjugation to enter its chromosomes.

The success of this effort made it possible to free the plasmids that are toxic to insects from the chromosomes of a specific bacteria. Then through conjugation these freed toxic plasmids were transported into the cytoplasm of the cells of corn plants. This resulted in the production of seeds that grow corn plants whose tissues are resistant to the attacks of insects. In a similar process colonies of bacteria were produced that synthesize human insulin.

As the embryo of chordates reach the larva stage with their gill slits and tail they have acquired the ability to sustain an almost inexhaustible supply of stem cells. As the neurological labyrinths of spinal nerves evolve from the spinal chord they become associated with migrating stem cells. The specific cutaneous, somatic, and the generally unknown but specific visceral distributions of individual spinal nerves activate specific restrictive enzymes in the stem cells they capture. These activated enzymes free specific plasmids from the chromosomes of the stem cell. As these freed plasmids replicate they differentiate their stem cell into a specific predetermined cell type. In this manner the specific cutaneous, somatic, and visceral distributions of spinal nerves grow specific segments of tissue and the organs they contain.

Cutaneous and somatic distributions differentiate cell types that are more or less generic for all spinal nerves. However specific visceral distributions differentiate some cell types that are not only unique for each bilateral pair of spinal nerves but also for each branch of each specific visceral distribution.

In this manner the DNA furnishes not only the template for the neurological grid for growing and maintaining specific tissue segments and the organs they contain but also

Source: After E. Haeckel, The Evolution of Man, London, 1879

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serves to engineer the grid that ties individual cells of tissues to the overall array of neurophysiology.

As the neurological labyrinths of bilateral pairs of spinal nerves are genetic twins as they expand in opposite directions they grow tissue segments that are mirror images.

Cutaneous and somatic distributions remain unilateral. However beginning with bilateral C-3 and going in a caudal direction visceral distributions become attached to the precursor of the common gut. As the common gut develops and expands these attached visceral distributions contributed by bilateral pairs of spinal nerves are dragged in an intermingled fashion. Though these visceral distributions of bilateral pairs of spinal nerve share the same anatomy their neurological impulses and physiology remain separate and independent.

Concepts That Make it Practical to Extract Diagnostic and Therapeutic Benefits From the Neurophysiology of the Neurological Labyrinths of Individual Spinal Nerves

In nineteen seventy Epstein published articles recommending the sublesional infiltration of a corticosteroid for treating the lesions of Herpes zoster. It became obvious that the symptomatic relief that accompanied the skin pricks of these infiltration was too rapid in its onset to be due to the action of the corticosteroid. Also the patient’s exaggerated response to the skin pricks of these infiltrations could be used to identify the cutaneous distribution of a spinal nerve harboring herpetic lesions.

Clinical trials confirmed the fact that these observations had universal application. That the patient’s exaggerated response to distribution specific exploratory skin pricks could be used to identify the cutaneous distribution of a spinal nerve harboring insults to any aspect of its neurological labyrinth. That the generation of distribution specific cutaneous impulses is accompanied by symptomatic relief. Since symptoms are an integral component of autogenic pathology symptomatic relief could be used to herald the interruption of the overall expressions of autogenic pathology.

These observation were interpolated to mean that the relativity of processed values assigned to altered neurological impulses at the spinal nerve level are inversely related to the magnitude of cutaneous impulses generated through its skin’s contact with the external environment. Consequently the relativity of processed values become insignificant when processed within an equation containing an excess of distribution specific cutaneous impulses. Relatively insignificant processed values fail to reach the threshold necessary for the continued processing of the respective

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altered impulses. Without receiving the previous stream of processed values the central nervous system can no longer process the previous expressions of autogenic pathology. In effect the benefits of and the necessity of a successful resuscitation may be circumvented by interrupting the expressions of autogenic pathology at the onset and at the safer spinal nerve level.

The evaluation and modification of the ongoing physiology of individual spinal nerves provides access to diagnostic and recovery benefits of unmatched quality. This access may be accomplished with impunity, and instantaneous efficiency. The resulting benefits fulfills the promise of convalescences that are not only safer for the patient but also are more comfortable, are of a shorter duration, and are associated with a lesser degree of disability.

A Fail-Safe Mechanism That Prevents Multiple Insults To Abdominal Viscera From Being Overlooked

The autogenic pathology of a single abdominal visceral insults is expressed with the same intensity as that of multiple insults. Though visceral distributions contributed by bilateral pairs of spinal nerves are intermingled and may share the same anatomy their neurological impulses and physiology remain separate and independent. Therefore patients will appreciate little or no symptomatic relief until the autogenic pathology of multiple abdominal visceral insults has been interrupted within the physiology of all of the respective bilateral pairs of spinal nerve. This serves as a fail- safe-mechanism that prevents multiple abdominal visceral insult sites from being overlooked.

Treating Infections With the Antimicrobial Benefits of Pooled Immune Globulin

The broad span of the antimicrobial benefits of pooled immune globulin may be used to transform most any ongoing infection and even those that are life threatening into the rapid onset of the beginning of a safe convalescence. Since immune responses are directed only at non-self infectious agents they posse no threats or untoward consequences to the cells of normal tissue. Treating any infection with pooled immune globulin combines the essence of herd immunity contributed by hundreds or even thousands of individual blood donors. Consequently pooled immune globulin has a cure rate for infections that approaches that of 100%.

One of the more remarkable revelations of the antimicrobial benefits of pooled immune globulin involves patients suffering from malignancies. Limited clinical trials indicate that regardless of its cell type the antimicrobial effect of pooled immune globulin leaves a swath of dead and dieing cancer cells in its wake. This

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antimicrobial effect transforms the concept of the origin of malignancies from that of a same-self untreatable mutation to that of a treatable non-self infection. Even after their oncologist has recommended hospice care it often is not too late for low monthly doses of immune globulin to provide a livable state of remission that may be maintained for a year or longer.

The use of Immune Serum Obtained From the Immunization of Other Mammals

By the early nineteen hundreds, most all of the aspects of immunity and the use of serum obtained by immunizing other mammals had been researched, published, perfected, and practiced.

During my time medical students processed a vaccine from a supplied culture of pneumococci. They then immunized a rabbit by injecting the toxoid they processed into the vein of its ear. These rabbits formed the pool of immune serum used to sustain the life of patients dieing from antibiotic resistant pneumococcal pneumonia. The antibiotics available at that time were the sulfas, quinine, penicillin, and streptomycin.

Because of the concern for rabbit serum sickness patients dieing from pneumococcal pneumonia were afforded ever chance to recover before receiving the life sustaining antibiotic benefits of immune rabbit serum. Such a patient in shock and at the point of death often could be removed from the critical list within one hour after receiving the respective immune rabbit serum by the IV route. It was not as though patients were cured so quickly but in a matter of a very short time frame an ongoing life threatening infection was converted into the beginning of a safe convalescence.

Physicians boastful of the benefits of penicillin at that time were considered to do so in ignorance as it was obvious that they were not privy to more dramatic benefits of immune serum.

A college told me that when he interned in NYC in 1910 that their treatment of urinary tract infections seemed to be invariably effective. This was in spite of the fact that treatment was determined only on the basis of the pH of the patient’s urine. If the patient’s urine was acid then treatment was with sodium bicarbonate if alkaline then with cranberry juice.

Research presented by Robert Cade MD at a much later time indicated that isolated urinary tract infections may be treated by using the patients own immune globulin. That ordinarily the urinary tract is kept free of infections by a small amount of immune globulin secreted by the kidneys. That a shift in the pH of the urine in either direction compromises its antimicrobial benefits. The fact that a

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urinary tract infection is confined rather than being a septicemia indicates that the patients immune response is effective. Therefore isolated urinary tract infections may be treated satisfactorily with the patient’s own immune globulin by stabilizing the pH of the urine through the buffering effect of oral sodium bicarbonate.

With the cooperation of the Red Cross by the early nineteen fifties public health was processing a readily available supply of immune globulin from dated blood. This pooled immune globulin combined the immune response of at least five hundred and later even thousands of individual blood donors. Keeping true to the concept that profits should not be made from the generosity of blood donors public health priced immune globulin to reflect only the cost of processing. This resulted in a 10 ml vial of pooled immune globulin that could be purchased for approximately ten dollars.

The omnivorous antimicrobial benefits of pooled immune globulin matched the rapid therapeutic response of immune rabbit serum but with universal effectiveness and without the troublesome side effects of serum sickness. The broad antimicrobial spread of pooled immune globulin makes its treatment of any and all infections to have a success rate that approaches 100%. Like the rapid response of immune rabbit serum the benefits of immune globulin may convert even life threatening infections into the beginning of a safe convalescence in a matter of only a few hours. This scenario is currently repeated when an infectious disease specialist administers pooled immune globulin intravenously to a patient who is in shock and at the point of death from their infection.

In the nineteen thirties there was an outbreak of hog cholera in north eastern TN. It was summertime and prior to access to refrigeration most families were killing their hogs and canning their meat. In order to curb the spread of hog cholera the sale of hogs at livestock auctions was suspended.

One farmer with more hogs at stake was obligated to take a different approach then that of killing his hogs and canning the meat. This farmer killed a hog sick with cholera and fed its blood to the rest of his hogs. He then killed a sow who had recovered from a previous outbreak of cholera. After this sow’s blood had clotted he injected a portion of her immune serum IM into the hogs that had eaten the contaminated blood. This farmer’s efforts not only saved his hogs but provided proof that when an infectious agent is introduced concurrently with an effective immune response a resulting infection is highly unlikely.

After two decades of treating infections with antibiotics most of the use of immune serum of other mammals had been abandoned. This resulted in an attempt to treat all infections with antibiotics that have only a narrow therapeutic span and are only effective for treating some bacterial infections. This is in view of the

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fact that it is estimated that infectious gene fragments number in the hundreds or perhaps even thousands. Unless an infection by one of these plasmids exhibits the characteristics of a specific infection such as mumps, chicken pox, measles and etc their existence is usually ignored and such patients are treated as though their illness is due to a bacterial infection. The general ineffectiveness of commercially refined antibiotics is partially hidden as patients frequently develop an effective immune response and recover from their infections indifferent to or even without treatment.

The success of treating infections with the antimicrobial effects of immune globulin approaches 100%. This predictable success rate makes it possible to use the antimicrobial benefits of immune globulin to determine whether an illness is due to an infection or not. The significance of the superior antibiotic benefits of immune globulin escaped the grasp of most clinicians.

However the military whose casualties in the past were more likely to result from infections readily adopted the prophylactic and therapeutic benefits of immune globulin. In theory every member of the military on deployment to the new infectious environment of Viet Nam received the full ten ml IM prophylactic dose of immune globulin. In order to minimize the development of shock from tissue displacement the dose was administered in divided intramuscular sites and recipients were then kept in a recumbent position for fifteen minutes. By the time of the invasion of Grenada the size of this prophylactic dose of immune globulin had been drastically reduced and its safety had been demonstrated. This resulted in members of the military receiving a markedly reduced IM dose of prophylactic pooled immune globulin as they lined up just before they stepped off of their ship during the invasion of Grenada.

It is a forgone conclusion that individuals will either harbor or have been exposed to and have developed an immune response to the infections that are common to their communal environment. This view was used to justify the expected benefits from the screening of individuals with the tubercular tine test.

During the nineteen twenties and thirties if an individual demonstrated a positive TB tine test then it was assumed that they had been exposed to TB and had developed an effective immune response. However a negative tine test was interpreted to mean that such an individual also had been exposed to TB but had failed to muster an effective immune response. Individuals with a negative TB tine test were suspected of being infected by the tubercular bacillus. In the nineteen thirties even family milk cows were culled if they failed to exhibit a positive TB tine test.

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For unknown reasons some individuals of the hierarchy of medicine have always opposed the use of immune globulin. Their argument was that immune globulin might have unknown untoward consequences so it should not be used unless the patient’s level of their respective immune globulin was first proven to be lower than normal. This opposition of some prominent members of medicine resulted in an exaggerated restricted use of immune globulin with untoward consequences. Due to the success of this argument most clinicians denied their patients the antimicrobial benefits of immune globulin by shunning its use altogether. This resulted in most clinicians completing a life time of practice without owning, ordering, or administrating a single dose of immune globulin.

For those who opposed the use of immune globulin the arrival of AIDS in the nineteen eighties was like a godsend. The fact that the military had already demonstrated the safety of immune globulin by it administration to well over a million military personnel was ignored.

Though it may be totally impossible for immune globulin to transport infections in nature and this is particularly true in light of current extensive efforts at its sterilization. However it was able to acquire this unnatural ability during civil litigation. This unnatural ability was possible as evidence that the patient had contracted AIDS prior to receiving the accused dose of immune globulin was not admissible to the jury during civil litigation. The generous publication of the success of such litigation lead to clinicians that previously provided the life sustaining benefits of immune globulin to quit its use altogether.

When all of the aspects of the opposition finally congealed then public health’s license and ability to process immune globulin from dated blood had been destroyed. This resulted not only in the loss of the previous availability of its life sustaining antibiotic benefits but also the loss of the pool of immune globulin previously maintained by public health. This pool was this nations only hope of meeting the challenges of future plagues or bacterial warfare.

Between 1980 and 1992 while the possibility of the transfer of AIDS was being debated and the use and availability of immune globulin was being destroyed the number of reported deaths due to infections in the US rose 22%. It is estimated that over four hundred thousand individuals continue to die each year in hospitals in the US while their infections are being treated with less than effective antibiotics. This takes on a more sinister conations when one realizes that the majority of such patients who die in the hospital from infections may have recovered safely in the comfort of their home had they received the antibiotic benefits of immune globulin at the onset of their treatment.

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The reported twenty thousand dollar dose of immune globulin administered IV by disease specialists is frequently a last ditch effort to sustain the life of a patient in shock and at the point of death from their infection. The benefits offered by a disease specialist in this setting only matches the previous patient benefits of just one ml of IM immune globulin administered at the onset of treatment. When processed by public health in the nineteen eighties a reduced but effective one ml IM dose of pooled immune globulin cost about one dollar. This same dose of IM pooled immune globulin at today’s price of over forty dollars is potentially a safer and a much better buy than that of most antibiotics.

Clinical Pictures of Physiological InsultsNo matter at what angle one views the essence of life it evolves around the

transfer of electrons from one cell to another and the inherent neurophysiological values and expressions that are transported in a string of electrons as neurological impulses. Like the electronic impulses of a computer these strings of electrons contains specific information that when processed results in the expression of specific complex perceptions and neurophysiological adjustments. This is aptly demonstrated by the ongoing complex visual perceptions processed from the string of neurological impulses that are being altered by light striking the neurons of the retina. In a similar manner the specific perception processed from the neurological impulses altered by a cut will always differ from that of a burn. Perceptions of physiological insults are also specific for particular physiological insults. As an example the stressed brain cells from compromised glucose oxidation results in a similar clinical picture whether glucose oxidation is compromised from a shortage of oxygen or that of a shortage of intracellular glucose available for oxidation.

The lack of intracellular glucose available for oxidation is aptly demonstrated by the clinical pictures of some headaches and scotoma. These headaches and scotoma might be attributed to the lack of intracellular glucose available for oxidation. This deprivation of glucose oxidation often appears to be the result of a glucose overload that follows a bout of the excessive ingestion of simple carbohydrates. Though some headaches and scotoma may be prevented by dietary restriction of simple carbohydrates their hypoglycemic origin is masked by the fact that symptoms may not develop until twenty four hours or more after the last ingestion of simple carbohydrates. Scotoma appears to be a symptom of an inadequate supply of intracellular glucose available for oxidation in the cerebellum while some headaches may be the symptom of cells being asphyxiated in the cerebral hemispheres. It is difficult to explain why scotoma is otherwise symptom free while the deprivation of glucose oxidation in the cerebral hemisphere includes the symptoms of a headache.

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Hypoglycemic headaches usually are unilateral as the unilateral hemisphere of the central nervous system is grown and monitored by the spinal nerve at the unilateral C-1 level. Even though the cerebellum is also a product of unilateral C-1 the expression of scotoma is bilateral as the distributions of bilateral ophthalmic nerves are intermingled in the same anatomy of the cerebella hemispheres. Consequently scotoma is expressed as a localized site of visual absence in the same area of the visual fields of both eyes.

The fact that scotoma and migraine headaches may occur at separate times indicates that the intracellular level of glucose available for oxidation is controlled by mechanisms that may differ. The reason that migraine headaches often occur on the same side of the head is thought to be due either to some increased susceptibility of cells of one hemisphere or a difference in the amount of intracellular glucose available for oxidation.

Infectious AgentsWith the extensive use and acceptance of the results of bacterial cultures and

sensitivity studies clinicians became complacent and more or less ignored the fact that the majority of infectious agents are not bacterial but are that of incomplete gene elements that are referred to as being plasmids. Plasmids can thrive and replicate only when they benefit from their modification of the physiology of the cell they infect. Consequently plasmids are considered to be non living.

An infectious prototrophic conjugating plasmid is suspected of being the infectious agent responsible for malignancies. Its prototrophic ability including the synthesize of nutrients allows the malignant cells that these plasmids infect to survive and to exist in the nutritionally deprived environment of multiple layers where a non infected cell would perish.

Unless infection by plasmids exhibits a recognizable clinical picture such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, and etc their existence is ignored and the patient’s infections are often attributed to and treated as being bacterial.

Infectious plasmids may be placed in one of two categories. One group of infectious plasmids after completion of their replication and obtaining a protective protein coat from the cell they infect they then escape back into nature by lysing the cell they infect. Members of the other group are conjugating plasmids and are described as being tempered. Tempered meaning that they do not lyse the cell they infect. Instead conjugating plasmids gain entrance to other cells by being transported during the time that the cell they infect is conjugating with another cell.

In order to protect their new borne from the infections of nature the first milk of mammals contains the essence of the mother’s immune response in the form of colostrums. The superior antibiotic benefits of colostrums and/or immune globulin

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is demonstrated by the calves of dairy cattle. Even with the benefit of any and all available antibiotics it is almost if not totally impossible for a dairy calf to survive the infections of their environment without the antimicrobial benefits of colostrums. This indicates the possibility that the environment of a dairy is not only riddled with bacteria but also contains a variety of infectious plasmids. There is no reason to believe that with the exception of the benefits of the safe management of sewage, food, and drinking water that the dangers of the infections of our communal environment differ greatly from the environment of a dairy.

Just as ones environment is expected to include occult exposures to TB it also may include a conglomerate of unrecognized infectious entities held at bay by the immune response of each individual. One only needs to review the statistics of the deaths from individuals vulnerable to small pox in the past to appreciate the malignant potential of some unrecognizable infectious plasmids.

By the nineteen eighties when the threat of AIDS surfaced the military had already provided proof that pooled immune globulin was safe and effective. By then well over a million different members of the military had already profited from the safe benefits of immune globulin. However some cases of the transfer of hepatitis remain as a tentative suspect. Today with much more advanced methods of sterilization it is even more unlikely that sterilized immune globulin is capable of transporting any and all infectious agent.

It is estimated that more than 400,00 untimely deaths occur each year in the US due to individuals having their infections treated in hospitals without the superior antimicrobial life sustaining benefits of pooled immune globulin. Over the years the accumulated number of such untimely deaths in the in the US is estimated to match or to have exceeded the number of prescribed deaths in Germany during WW11. Thus the justification for conning the phrase America’s holocaust.

These untimely deaths from infections has a more sinister connotation when one realizes that the majority of patients who die from their infections while being treated in the hospital may have recovered safely in the comfort of their home had they received the life sustaining antibiotic benefits of immune globulin at the onset of treatment. The atrocity of denying individuals the life sustaining antibiotic benefits of immune globulin and the waste of perhaps trillions of medical dollars to fund less than effective hospital treatment of infections should be considered to be more than enough. However the pool of immune globulin previously maintained by public health was also lost. This pool was this nation’s only hope of meeting the challenges of future plagues and/or biological warfare.

Most patients when first seen by an infectious disease specialist are in shock and at the point of death. Now such a patient’s primary prospects for survival rests on the antimicrobial benefits of pooled immune globulin administered by the IV route.

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The reported twenty thousand dollar cost for a single dose of IV immune globulin is a far cry from that of the cost of the nineteen eighties. A one ml IM dose of immune globulin administered at the onset of treatment in the nineteen eighties at a cost of approximately one dollar had the equivalent therapeutic value of a current $20,000 IV dose administered by an infectious disease specialist. The same 1ml IM dose of pooled immune globulin at today’s cost of forty dollars administered at the onset of treatment may be a much better buy than most antibiotics or the cost of hospitalization.case report

A sixteen year old boy was chided by his father for not moving his legs in order to assist those helping him down the hall way. He was given 1 ml of IM immune globulin and admitted with the tentative diagnosis of the Guillain Barre syndrome. His orders included a consultation and transfer to a neurologist. After the neurologist found this patient to be neurologically intact the consultant discharged this patient the next day. The neurologist’s comment was that treatment the day before must have cured the patient. However the consultant showed no interest in learning about this treatment.discussion

The consultant like most clinicians would be skeptical that any therapeutic measure would be so effective in treating the Guillain Barre syndrome. This is particularly true when this syndrome is considered to be due to an autoimmune disorder and not an infection. The lack of interest in the treatment would make one suspicious that the consultant felt that this patient had not been ill in the first place.

Other diseases attributed to an auto immune disorder may also be the result of an infection and such infections as rheumatoid arthritis would also be expected to respond favorably to the antimicrobial benefits of pooled immune globulin.

This case demonstrated the broad span of the antibiotic benefits expected from immune globulin and is irrespective of the infectious agent. However like that of tetanus not ever case of the Giuliani Barre syndrome should be expected to show such favorable results as irreversible neurological damage may occur prior to the advent of symptoms.case report

A man in his forties suffered from bilateral mump orchiditis. This case occurred in the earlier days when the full ten ml of immune globulin was given IM. Two days after receiving this dose this patient’s edema and discomfort were remarkably reduced. His recovery was completed in a few days without apparent sequel.

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discussionHere again immune globulin demonstrated a safe and rapid onset of a

favorable antimicrobial response to a viral infection where processed antibiotics would have been useless. With further experience the markedly reduced dose of only one ml of immune globulin seemed to be just as effective. Some clinicians have surmised that the benefits of immune serum or immune globulin other than that of neutralizing toxins are usually a reflection of its quality and not its quantity.


case reportA retired RN was advised by her oncologist to seek hospice care as her gastric

carcinoma was considered to be inoperable and untreatable. She declined this advise so ten days after receiving 1ml of IM pooled immune globulin she became concerned about the development of a huge mass in her right abdomen. The right lobe of her liver was firm to touch, was not tender, and was so enlarged that it was palpable into the right pelvic region. The left lobe extended below the rib cage and had the size and feel of one half of a soccer ball. This patient denied any troublesome discomfort and her liver enzymes were normal. Twenty days after this dosing this patient‘s liver was back to a normal size.

Due to the lack of previous experience to such a dramatic response and the concerns of the patient and her family plans to continue low doses of immune globulin were abandoned and she died a few months later.discussion

The mass of dead cancer cells of the metastatic lesions in the liver in response to the antimicrobial effects of immune globulin in effect alters the concept of the origin of malignancies from that of a same-self untreatable mutation to a non-self treatable infection. The extensive mass of dead metastatic cancer cells in the liver tasked the protolytic and circulating abilities of this patient. This resulted in engorgement with a tremendous degree of enlargement of the liver. What was also noteworthy is that in spite of its enlargement the nerve supply, the blood supply, and the function of the liver remained intact. This was verified by the fact that this patients remained fairly symptom free during this enlargement and the liver enzymes remained normal.

Abandoning the plans to administer monthly doses of immune globulin immune globulin was a mistake. Observations obtained by treating and following cancer patients at a later time indicated that this patient could have received further low monthly doses of immune globulin with impunity. Continued treatment likely would have provided this patient with a livable state of reemission that could have been maintained for a year or longer.

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case reportA mother and wife instinctively knew that the lump in her right breast was a

malignancy. This patient’s sister died while being treated for a carcinoma of her breast. Consequently this patient postponed the seeking of care for two years. She agreed to be admitted provided that she would not be seen by an oncologist, a surgeon, or a radiologist.

She had a large mass in her right breast a smaller mass in her left breast, and thousands of millet seed sized skin lesions. Biopsies of the skin and bone marrow were interpreted as being compatible with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the breast. She receive 1 ml of IM pooled immune globulin and was discharged. Two weeks after this dosing her daughter called to report that her mother was getting well and that all of the skin lesions were disappearing.

One month after this dosing this patient was readmitted. The skin lesions were now scarred and a repeated skin biopsy was reported as being compatible with sclerosed adenocarcinoma of the breast. Her previous anemia was also corrected. The mass in here left breast was no longer palpable and the primary lesion in the right breast was greatly reduced in size and had the feel of a breast that had been augmented with strips of rubber.

She received another 1ml of pooled IM immune globulin and was discharged with arrangements being made for her to receive 1ml IM doses of pooled immune globulin once a month.

About a year into her treatment she was admitted suffering from an acute episode of anemia.

She refused any and all manner of diagnostic procedures and a possible life sustaining transfusion.discussion

It has been said that not a single woman has died from the carcinoma in her breast that all deaths are due to its metastatic lesions. Even so the apparent mild nature of the metastatic lesions allowed this patient to survive a generalized array of metastatic lesions.

Here again the antimicrobial effect of low dose pooled immune globulin demonstrated its ability to produce what appears to be a complete atrophy of all metastatic lesions while atrophy of the primary lesion is reduced to the size maintained by the resident nerve’s capture of replacement stem cells.

The most obvious aspects of the difference of a primary lesion and metastatic lesions is that though both have blood vessels but only primary lesions have a nerve supply. Though it can not be proven it is highly suggestive that the resident nerve’s capture of vulnerable replacement stem cells may be instrumental in maintaining a

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pool of infected malignant cells during periods of remission. This suggests that the antimicrobial benefits of pooled gamma globulin coupled with the obliteration of the resident nerve might be more likely to provide a cure and might prove to be a favorable alternative to radical surgery.case report

A grandmother now in her eighties had the history of while she was in her forties of having exploratory surgery for an abdominal mass. The huge abdominal mass encountered was considered to be an inoperable and untreatable malignancy so without further efforts her incision was closed. After this exploratory surgery she made a complete recovery and enjoyed forty years or so of good health. Now in her eighties she has recently developed severe upper digestive symptoms that evaded the extensive diagnostic efforts of the gastroenterologist who accepted her transfer. She continued to do poorly and in a few days suffered cardiac arrest.

Autopsy findings revealed an esophageal mass of cells in various stages of differentiation that were enclosed by a membrane and therefore this primary lesion was considered by the pathologist to be a benign lesion.discussion

There are so many unknowns both in this case and also about malignancies that discussion by necessity has to be conducted without all of the facts. It is likely that cauterization used to control bleeding during this patient’s exploratory surgery inadvertently resulted in the cauterization of a portion of the metastatic lesion in her abdomen. Somewhere in this area of cauterization the respective infectious agent of the malignancy would have been heated to the exacting degree to make it recognizable as being a non-self infectious entity.

Perhaps due to the resulting immune response all of the cells of all of the metastatic lesions would have perished. At the same time a pool of malignant cells in remission was being maintained by the primary lesion in the esophagus. Once the patients immune response finally waned then the sustained malignant cells of the primary lesion regained their ability to conjugate with new stem cells. The increasing number of malignant cells now confined within a closed space in her esophagus exerted pressure on the resident nerve of this primary lesion. This pressure would have altered the neurological impulses of the resident nerve of the primary lesion. When these increasing numbers of altered impulses were processed the resulting perpetuating expressions of autogenic pathology would account for this patient’s clinical picture and the ultimate expression of cardiac arrest.

During the practice of folk medicine cauterization of warts is a common treatment. After a needle has been passed through a wart and the sharp protruding end has been heated with a match then the needle is withdrawn.

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Somewhere within this resulting cauterization the infectious agent of the wart is heated to the exacting degree to make it recognizable as a non-self entity. This recognition excites the generation of an effective immune response that not only results in the atrophy of the treated wart but also all other warts if present.

The clinical picture and history of this patient suggests that cancer patients might be benefited by the safe generation of an immune response by partial cauterization of suspicious lesions at the time of biopsy.case report

A navy veteran of WW11 had an incomplete resection of a mass in the arch of his aorta. A biopsy taken during this surgery was interpreted as being compatible with the presence of a mesothelioma. This patient declined seeking the recommended hospice care so he was placed on monthly low doses of I ml of IM poled immune globulin.

Approximately one year into treatment this patient’s non productive cough returned with follow up serial chest x-rays showing that the size of the remnants of the primary lesion was beginning to increase. The dose of the immune globulin was increased to 3ml to no avail. During the last six months of his treatment he recovered from surgery for a broken hip and he fractured his upper arm the week of his terminal illness.discussion

The antimicrobial effect of immune globulin causes the rapid demise of cells of all metastatic lesions but atrophy of the primary lesion is reduced only to the size maintained by the resident nerve’s capture of replacement stem cells. When immune globulin looses its antibiotic effects or the patient’s immune response wanes then malignant cells maintained in the primary lesion resumed their conjugation with new stem cells. Therefore immune globulin or an immune response is not a cure. Theoretically a cure of a patient suffering from a malignancy is dependent not only on the antimicrobial effects of immune globulin or the patient’s development of an effective immune response but on the elimination of the malignant cells maintained in the primary lesion .

A Summation Of Information Garnered From Treating Cancer Patients With Low Monthly Doses of Pooled Immune Globulin.

The rapid demise of malignant cells as demonstrated by only three cases including a case of adenocarcinoma of the breast, mesothelioma, and gastric carcinoma serves to move the concept of the origin of malignancies from that of an untreatable same-self mutation to a non-self treatable infection. The transfer of the essence of herd immunity through immune globulin leaves masses of dead

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and dieing malignant cells in its wake. However after a year or so immune globulin looses its antimicrobial effects and the pool of malignant cells of primary lesions escape their remission with resurgence of their conjugation with other cells.

In order to be successful the plasmid responsible for malignancies needs to adjust the physiology of the cell it infects to insure not only its own survival but also the survival of the cell it infects. To gain metabolites from sources outside the cell or to conjugate with other cells requires some of the respective infectious plasmids to enter or to even go outside the wall of the cell it infects. In this position the respective plasmids are vulnerable to an immune response. Just how an immune response causes the demise of malignant cells remains a mystery. This mystery is compounded by the ability of malignant cells of the primary lesion to survive even during prolonged periods of remission.

Nothing but an immune response is specific enough to target the infectious agents without harming the cells of normal tissue. Also it is doubtful if a patient will fully recover from any infection until they have the benefits of an effective immune response. The infectious plasmid or plasmids responsible for malignancies should not be an exception for the need for the therapeutic benefits of an effective immune response. Malignant lesions of other mammals should be a readily available media from which a safe and effective vaccine for malignancies might be processed.


case reportA few weeks after moving into her daughter’s home a grandmother with a

normal hematological picture developed severe upper abdominal symptoms. The patient described the onset of her symptoms as going from a state of comfort to almost unbearable pain in less than one hour. The patient’s exaggerated response accompanied exploratory skin pricks that were adjacent to her spine at both the bilateral T6-7 and L3-4 levels . Extension of these skin pricks was accompanied by profound symptomatic relief that usually lasted for about a week. However the patient experienced no appreciable symptomatic relief until an excess of cutaneous impulses had been generated in all four of the respective cutaneous distributions.

The recurrence of this patient’s symptoms prompted her admission with consultations being obtained from both a surgeon and a gastroenterologist. Shortly after her first admission this patient had a resurgence of her symptoms with relief that required the generation of an excess of cutaneous impulses at all four of the above bilateral spinal levels. This treatment was noted by the floor nurses and some attendants including the consultants. Since the patient had a normal blood picture

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and after this treatment remained symptom free the consultants suggested that she might be discharged with the diagnosis of a functional GI complaint.

Her symptoms continued to recur so she was readmitted. During this second admission prior interruption of autogenic pathology as an outpatient kept her asymptomatic and her blood picture remained normal. So after an essentially negative colonoscopy she was discharged with the diagnosis of a redundant colon.

Her symptoms continued to recur so during her third admission endoscopy revealed both a gastric and duodenal ulcer. With treatment her recovery was uneventful.discussion

Undoubtedly these consults took a dim view of both a patient whose severe abdominal symptoms could be relieved by skin pricks and also the clinician who believed in this possibility.

In spite of its difficulties this case provided a bellwether of new information. It confirmed the fact that the increased sensitivity of its cutaneous distribution could be used to identify a spinal nerve or nerves monitoring distribution specific documented visceral pathology. The anatomical location of the respective documented visceral pathology outlines at least a branch of the respective nerve’s visceral distribution. The ability to correlate the increased sensitivity of the cutaneous distribution of a specific spinal nerve with the anatomical location of documented visceral pathology not only verifies the presence of specific visceral distributions but also makes their mapping possible. The increased sensitivity of its cutaneous distribution can be used to identify the nerve or nerves harboring visceral insults. Correlating such an identified nerve or nerves with their mapped visceral distribution will allow unknown visceral pathology to be located to specific mapped visceral sites in real time.

Unlike insults to cutaneous or somatic labyrinths the perceptions processed from insults to visceral distributions are without specific location information. Being able to place unknown visceral pathology within the general visceral distribution of a specific spinal nerve still lacks specific location information. As an example the various branches of the visceral distribution at the L3-4 level monitors the duodenum, the kidneys, the adrenal glands, the ureters and the bladder. Therefore once a visceral distribution is identified as harboring pathology then the clinician is left with the task determining which branch of the identified visceral distribution is being insulted. As in the case of the spinal nerve at the L3-4 level this patients symptoms confined to the digestive tract made it obvious that the branch monitoring the duodenum was involved and not that of the urinary tract. The specificity of clinical pictures usually makes the location of pathology to a specific branch of an identified visceral distribution to be rather straight forward.

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This case also demonstrated that the expression of a single documented abdominal visceral insult is expressed with the same intensity as that of multiple abdominal visceral insults. That even though visceral distributions contributed by bilateral pairs of spinal nerves share the same anatomy their neurological impulses and physiology remain separate and independent. Consequently patients will appreciate little or no symptomatic relief until autogenic pathology has been interrupted at all of the multiple sites of abdominal visceral pathology. This finding represents an automatic-fail-safe mechanism that prevents multiple abdominal visceral insult sites from being overlooked.

Without prior knowledge of the existence and specificity of visceral distributions as this case demonstrated the accurate selection of definitive diagnostic studies is less likely. If the information furnished by this case had been available at the beginning and the doubts of the consultants could have been circumvented then perhaps endoscopy would have been performed during this patient’s first admission. Just the information of this case alone can be used to tentatively determine whether a gastric or duodenal ulcer is present, whether neither, or as in this case both are present.case report

A filling station attendant burned his hand while removing a radiator cap. The distribution of this burn made it easy to correlate the distribution of the burn with the identifying vertebrae and consequently the respective cutaneous distributions. A burn also furnished the opportunity to observe directly the therapeutic benefits if any that results from the interruption of the expressions of autogenic pathology.

A single session of skin pricks introduced unilaterally and adjacent to the vertebrae identified by the distribution of the burn elicited an exaggerated patient response. Extension of these skin pricks was accompanied by profound symptomatic relief. This profound rapid onset of symptomatic relief was followed by a state of shock which was resolved by elevating the patient’s feet. Since analgesics were not needed after proper dressing of the burn it was safe for this patient to return to his work place. The burned hand healed more readily than was expected with little discomfort edema or bulla formation.discussion

The development of shock following profound symptomatic relief is a common expectation. Rapid healing of the burn with less discomfort edema or bulla formation could be attributed to the interruption of the expressions of autogenic pathology and particularly that of interrupting the inflammatory process.case report

After several days of intensive care a child with a burned hand failed to respond to resuscitative efforts.

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discussionThis case occurred prior to the advent of the concept of the existence of and the

ability to address autogenic pathology at the onset and at the safer spinal nerve level. If this information had been available and practiced then the interruption of autogenic pathology initially and repeated as necessary might have allowed this child to survive without the usual amputation of the burned hand. Amputation of a severely burned hand is commonly practiced as it trades the more malignant expressions of autogenic pathology of a burned hand for the more benign pathology of an amputation.case report

A housewife in her thirties experienced urgency frequency and spasm of the urinary tract as the result of her pyelonephritis. Exploratory skin pricks elicited an exaggerated response at the bilateral L3-4 level. Extension of these skin pricks surprisingly was accompanied by profound relief of her symptoms. With treatment her recovery was asymptomatic and uneventful.discussion

Such complete relief of urinary tract spasm from such a simple procedure is almost inconceivable. This case suggests that the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra are all grown and monitored by the bilateral visceral distributions at the L3-4 level.case report

An elderly retiree experienced an acute onset of lower back pain with cramps in his right lower extremity. This episode was resolved by bed rest. A few weeks later he suffered a more severe episode that was not relieved by bed rest. The generation of an excess of cutaneous impulses at the identified unilateral L3-4 level allowed this patient to promptly abandon his wheel chair and to ambulate more or less symptom free for approximately one month. A subsequent MRI revealed a 60% stenosis of the spinal column from a protrusion at the L3-4 level. A repeated session of skin pricks a month later converted another acute episode into a bearable chronic state. After symptomatic relief this patient suffered from duodenitis for a few months and in the meantime time developed hypertension with readings being in excess of 220/120. The duodenitis and hypertension theoretically should be predictable as duodenitis and hypertension are a common companion of nerve compression at the L3-4 level.

The interruption of the expressions of autogenic pathology relieved this patient’s symptoms but remnants of autogenic pathology may have persisted to be expressed as duodenitis and the development of hypertension. A more aggressive approach resulting in an early and complete interruption of all of the aspects

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of nerve compression at this critical level might be instrumental in reducing the incidence of hypertension. The outpatient treatment of this patient was more patient friendly and cost effective than that offered by in house care.case report

A college student deferred seeking medical care while difficult in swallowing saliva due to his sore throat left him dehydrated. Exploratory skin pricks elicited an exaggerated response at the bilateral C3-4 level. Extension of these skin pricks was accompanied by profound symptomatic relief. He then was able to immediately drink water without pain or difficulty in swallowing. Antibiotics were prescribed to cover possible bacterial infection. Laboratory results available at a later time confirmed the suspicion of infectious mononucleosis. He made an asymptomatic rapid recovery.discussion

Without the benefits of the interruption of the expressions of autogenic pathology this patient’s degree of dehydration would have made hospitalization necessary. Not only was this treatment more convenient for the patient but the monetary savings were also substantial.case report

After receiving maximum doses of morphine over a twenty four hour period a patient in coronary care failed to achieve any appreciable degree of symptomatic relief. Exploratory skin pricks elicited an exaggerated response at the bilateral T3-4 level. Extension of these skin pricks was accompanied by symptomatic relief. This patient then made an uneventful pain free recovery.discussion

Without the interruption of autogenic pathology this patient may have been a prime candidate for cardiac arrest. Also the interruption of the inflammatory component of autogenic pathology may have been instrumentals in providing a smother convalescence.

Immune Responses And Infectious AgentsIn addition to bacteria infectious other infectious agents exist. They includes less

than complete life forms as strands of gene material that thrive and replicate only when benefited from the physiology of the cell they infect. Consequently these gene fragments called plasmids are considered to be non-living. These plasmids are frequently referred to as being viruses, viroid, and etc. For simplicity it is convenient to group these gene elements with common traits together and designate them as just being plasmids.

It is estimated that infections caused by plasmids may number in the hundreds

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if not thousands. Unless their infection has an identifying clinical picture such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, and etc then their existence and infections are usually overlooked. Patients suffering from unrecognized plasmids are usually treated as though they are suffering from a bacterial infection.

If antibiotics are not effective and death ensues from an infection by an unrecognized plasmid then it is comforting to assume that the infectious agent just happened to be an antibiotic resistant bacteria. Often treatment may not make much of a difference as patients frequently develop an effective immune response and make a spontaneous recovery regardless of or even without treatment.

Individual suffering from any infective agent do so because they have failed to muster an effective immune response. Also it is unlikely that a patient will recover completely from any infection unless they develop or receive the antimicrobial benefits of an effective immune response.Summary

A review of material garnered from traditional clinician patient interactions with one or more members of over 25,000 different families reveals an inventory of inherent short comings of current practice.

The unfounded fear that immune globulin transmitted AIDS in the nineteen eighties coupled with the efforts of lobbyists and the legal profession destroyed the average clinicians’ license to use the safe and superior antibiotic benefits of immune globulin. This resulted in the loss of Public Health’s previous ability to process immune globulin from dated blood. Due to the curtailed use of immune globulin the number of reported deaths from infections rose 22% between 1980 and 1982. Fortunately the safe and superior antibiotic benefits of immune globulin has been reconfirmed by the current use by infectious disease specialist.

In another manner there is a sustained failure to recognize and to appreciate the existence and consequences of autogenic pathology.

The failure to interrupt the expressions of autogenic pathology at the onset of therapy and at the safer spinal nerve level results in an inordinate incidence of preventable expressions of cardiac arrest and frequently the avoidable need for resuscitative efforts. .

The swath of dead cancer cells that lie in the wake of pooled immune globulin converts the concept of the origin of malignancies from that of an untreatable same-self mutation to that of a treatable non-self infection.

Currently some patients die in the hospital while their infections are being treated with less than effective antibiotics. This is of a more sinister connotation when one realizes that most of such patients might have recovered safely in the comfort of their home had they been treated with pooled immune globulin.

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Lessons learned by the military suggests that patients on admission to the contaminated environment of hospitals would profit from a prophylatic dose of pooled immune globulin.

In order to meet an expected need and increased demand for and cost effectiveness Public Health should once again be allowed to resume the processing of immune globulin from dated blood.

The recognition of autogenic pathology and the prominence it plays in determining the outcome of patients with survivable insults should promote a knowledgeable and more humane approach to the management of problems associated with cardiac arrest and the need for resuscitative efforts.

The transformation of the concept of the origin of malignancies to that of an infection might lead to the development of alternative therapy. This might include the generation of an immune response by cauterization of a suspicious lesion at the time of biopsy, the destruction of the resident nerve of the primary lesion might be a favorable alternative to radical surgery, and the use of vaccines for their prophylactic and therapeutic benefits References• Collins H Facilitating survival and recovery by removing autogenic pathology

from the clinical picture 1998 med. Hypo. Vol 50 pp 417-19• A pharmaceutical’s application for a US patent 2007/01666313A1 includes the

results of research necessary to make monthly low dose pooled immune globulin the treatment of choice for all malignancies.

• Modern biological therapies Lederle laboratories Google eBook 1 EPUB• Infections and resistance Hanz Zinsser Google eBook 1 EPUB• A text book of bacteriology Philip Hanson Hiss Google eBook 1 PDF• Microbiology a human perspective Nester. Roberts. Pearsall. Anderson.

Nester. Second addition• Principles of Genetics third edition Eldon J Gardner

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Clinicians might purchase IM pooled gamma globulin or prescriptions might be filled by Walmart Specialty Pharmacy in Orlando Florida ph (877) 453 4566.

Small rollers with handles and multiple rows of needle points makes the management of autogenic pathology more efficient and more patient friendly. These needle rollers may be available to clinicians on the Internet with one possible source being at ph (978) 263 0935.

This presentation may be accessed free of cost on the Internet at http://issuu.com/creativepgm/docs/benefits_of_pooled_immune_globulin. Or by emailing request to [email protected].

As a convenience printed copies may be purchased post paid from Creative PGM at 1009 Pine Street, Orlando, Florida 32824 with a check or money order for twenty five dollars.

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