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Beowulf, the great masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon literature, was orally passed from generation to generation by North European peoples. It is considered the first significant literary work written in the English language. The highly artistic, action-filled narrative mixes Christian theology with pagan mythology, describing the conflicts during the early middle ages. What are some aspects of Christian theology and pagan mythology that are present in modern day America? Think for 90 seconds, write for two minutes, share.

Continuously, the principal narrative is interrupted by speeches, songs, chants, and remembrances of battles past - excellent mnemonic devices for transmitting oral history. What is your best guess for mnemonic devices? Think for 30 seconds, write for 30, share. Listen, amend your response for 30 seconds.

Beowulf is an epic poem. Epic poems are longer narrative poems that tell a tale. It is set in Denmark during the sixth century. The principle characters are Beowulf (the protagonist hero), Hrothgar, (King of Denmark), Unferth, a Danish warrior and Wiglaf, (Beowulf's nephew).

Kennings are often used in the text; they are a method of naming a person or thing by using a phrase that signified a quality of that person or thing. A warrior might be “the helmet-bearing one" or an ocean might be "the riding place of the whales."

As you read this abbreviated version of the text, identify how Beowulf goes through the steps of the monomyth. “Part One” is starts from “Long ago…” and goes down to the line break. Part Two” starts with “One day…” and goes to the end of the narrative. Complete your monomyth chart for Beowulf’s life as a whole.

Long ago in Hrothgar's Danish kingdom lived a gruesome monster-giant named Grendel, who nightly roamed the countryside. Rising from his marshy home, he would stalk to the King's high hall, and there devour fifteen of Hrothgar's sleeping warriors. Then, before departing, the monster would seize fifteen more men with his huge arms and bear them back to his watery lair. For twelve years the slaughter continued. Word of this terror spread across the sea to the land of the Geats, ruled by Hygelac. Beowulf, Hygelac's principal advisor and warrior and a man of great strength and courage, heard the tale of Grendel's murderous attacks. Straightway, he set sail to free the Danes from the demon's depredations.

In Denmark, a coast-watcher met the weary company of fifteen seafarers. Learning of Beowulf's intended mission, he permitted the Danes to pass. They started out then - the spacious ship remained behind, riding on its rope, ... Figures of boars, bright and fire-hardened, gleamed gold-adorned above the cheek-guards; in war the boarhelped guard those fierce men's lives ...

To Hrothgar's high hall they marched. There the King spread a banquet feast in Beowulf's honor; the mead cup was passed around, and the boasting began. But the Danish warrior Unferth, "drunken with wine," taunted the Geat, reminding him of a five-day swimming contest in which Beowulf was said to have been bested. The Geat answered boldly, however, that he had not only emerged victorious in the race, but had been forced to kill nine deadly sea-monsters during the course.

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After the feast, Hrothgar and his warriors went to their rest, leaving Beowulf and his men in the hall. Then came the fiendish Grendel, "with an unlovely light, like a hellish flame in his eyes." The ironbound door burst open at the touch of his fingers, and he rejoiced at the rich feast of human flesh awaiting him. He seized one sleeping warrior, tore him up furiously, bit through muscles and sinews, and drank the blood in streams. Then he quickly consumed the entire corpse "as a wolf might eat a rabbit." He reached toward another victim, but the beast was destined to dine no more that night. Without shield or spear, Beowulf took hold of the dreaded monster, wrenched off his right arm, and the maimed Grendel fled back to his home. “The wise and brave warrior from afar had cleansed Hrothgar's hall, reclaiming it from woe." As a sign of victory, Beowulf hung his bloody trophy on the wall above the door inside the hall. The brave hero was honored once more with a sumptuous feast and magnificent priceless gifts.

But on the next night, Grendel's brooding and miserable mother made "a sorry journey to avenge her son." Rushing into the great hall, she seized Aeschere, Hrothgar's dearest counselor and a famed and heroic warrior, snatched Grendel's severed arm from the wall, and fled into the darkness. Asleep in a house at some distance from the hall, Beowulf did not learn of the she-monster's visit until the next morning. After vowing to rid the people of this second, even more wretched demon, Beowulf turned to comfort the King with his sage philosophy of life and death. With Hrothgar leading the way, the Danes cautiously approached the dreaded marsh-lair. Arriving at the moor's edge, the soldiers came upon the head of the ill-fated Aeschere and sighted a stain of blood on the water. Beowulf prepared to descend to the home of the foe. Unferth nobly offered the Geat his own blood-hardened sword - the finest in the kingdom - thus forfeiting a chance to win for himself immortal glory and fame.

As Beowulf sank beneath the murky waters, he was immediately encircled by enormous and vicious creatures. After an immense struggle, he came to the cave of Grendel's mother and began to do battle. Beowulf, never lucky with weapons, failed in his first attempt to wound the she-monster with Unferth's sword and turned to his mighty handgrip, strong enough to "match the strength of thirty men." Though he was able to grasp the monster by the shoulder and throw her to the ground, still, in the grim hand-to-hand battle that ensued, Beowulf was almost overcome. But fate intervened. On the floor of the lair, in the midst of other weapons pried from the hands of fallen warriors, Beowulf spied a legendary sword that had once belonged to a race of ancient giants. Stretching with all his might, he managed to reach and take hold of the "invincible and strong-edged blade" and plunge it into the heart of Grendel's mother. She rose, then fell in a helpless heap of death. Beowulf turned and saw Grendel himself, lying crippled on the ground nearby. Swiftly, he swung the sword again, and smote Grendel's loathsome head from its body.

Then, as the hero swam to the surface of the marsh, the wondrous sword melted, leaving only the head and hilt intact. Upon seeing Beowulf alive and undefeated, the Danes rejoiced and feasted him anew. The Geat warrior presented Hrothgar with the sword hilt and returned Unferth's weapon to him without revealing its failure.

Now the time had come for Beowulf to sail back to his Geat homeland. He left Denmark in great glory. Upon his return to the court of Lord Hygelac, he was revered and rewarded with riches and high position. And after several years, Beowulf himself became King among the Geats.

One day, after Beowulf had reigned wisely and courageously for some fifty years, a servant, troubled by his lack of prestige in Beowulf's court, stumbled upon an ancient treasure. While its guardian dragon slept, he stole away a golden goblet which he presented to his King, hoping to gain favor. But the dragon, discovering that the goblet was missing, rose up in fury and began to ravage the Geat villages with fire. Beowulf was now an old man. Nevertheless, he determined to rid his kingdom of this scourge and to win the dragon's rich hoard for his people. Sensing that this might be his final battle, he paused to gather strength, bid farewell to his faithful subjects, and to reflect on his long life of valiant deeds. The moment of confrontation came. Beowulf advanced toward the dragon's cave, ordering his warriors to withdraw so that he alone might engage the beast in battle.

... It is not your venture ... to match [Your] might with the fearful foe's, to do this heroic deed. By daringshall I gain the gold, or dire battle, ending life, will take your lord away!

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Finding his shield less protection than he had hoped against the dragon's fiery breath, he still plunged on through the flames and struck the dragon's side with his famed and ancient sword - to no effect. His foil shattered on the creature’s bony plate, and the infuriated dragon only belched forth more intense fire. Once again Beowulf was forced to rely on his relentless grip. In the savage exchange, of all the Geat-King's warrior companions, only Wiglaf, a younger kinsman, stood by to defend his ruler. All others had fled. The dragon rushed and sank its terrible teeth into Beowulf's neck. But Wiglaf fearlessly smote the beast on its underside with his sword, and, with his war-knife, Beowulf gave it the death blow. Weak from loss of blood, the old hero was dying. As his last act, Beowulf gave loyal Wiglaf, the last of his family line, kingly jewels and armor. He rejoiced that he had succeeded in winning the treasure for his subjects, but mourned the fact that he must now leave them. The Geat troops honored their fallen lord with magnificent funeral rites. The body of their hero was burned on a pyre, according to pagan custom; then the precious hoard was taken from the dragon's lair and buried in the great ground covering the King's ashes. Thus his hearth-companions in the hostof the Geats mourned the going of their, lord: they said that of worldly kings he was,the mildest of men and the gentlest, most kind to his people, most eager for fame.

And so, with due ceremony, the Geats mourned the passing of the dauntless Beowulf, who had crowned a heroic life with an equally heroic death.

How was it said? How did the author make specific choices to create a desired effect in the reader’s mind? How did he/she “paint the picture”?

Two examples of specific authorship tricks, approaches or devices that the author used to express the messageApproach, Strategy, Literary Device Words from the text that show it Effect on the text and reader

Metaphor “Heaven’s eye shined brightly” Puts an accurate picture of the sun’s power in the reader’s mind.

Quote from a scientist “90% of the animals were harmed” Adds authenticity to the text’s argumentKenning Hearth-companions Name for Beowulf’s “friends that mourned his

death” to show how much they cared

Learning Targets 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0Determine the author’s craft of narratives, informational and persuasive texts.

I can insightfully explain all examples of author’s craft accurately beyond teacher’s expectations.

I can plainly explain several examples ofauthor’s craft relatively accurately and consistently.

I can mention some examples of author’s craft somewhat accurately and somewhat consistently.

I can partially identify a few examples ofauthor’s craft with some inaccuracies & teacher assistance.

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Vocabulary HuntMy name is _____________________, and I was reading _________________________________. As I was reading, I

found a few words that I don’t know, YET.

Unknown word = ____________________________________Please use ALL of the strategies below to figure the word.

Strategy #1 = Break the word down into parts1) Answer all questions: Does it have a prefix? What is the prefix? What does that prefix mean?

2) Answer all questions: Does it have a suffix? What is the suffix? What does that suffix mean for the word?

3) Answer all questions: Does the root word look like a word that I already know? What does the root mean?

Strategy #2 = Analyze the word’s part of speechCircle which part of speech the unknown word is and answer the questions that correspond to that part of speech.

a. Verb = What action is it performing? Who/what is performing this action? What is receiving the action of this verb?

b. Noun = Circle the right choice: is it singular or plural and common or proper and concrete or abstract? What words describe this noun from the sentence?

c. Adjective = What noun is it describing? What are other adjectives in that sentence that describe this same noun?

d. Adverb = Does it end in “-ly”? What action verb is it describing?

Strategy #3 = Use context cluesHere is the sentence that the word was in:

Using the word’s environment, my best guess is that the word might mean_______________________________

BECAUSE ________________________________________________________________________

Definition of word IN MY WORDS in 5 words or less:

New sentence that I wrote that uses (and underlines) the word correctly:

Learning Targets 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0Determine meaning of unknown words using context clues, word parts & parts of speech.

I can insightfully describe all examples of unfamiliar words accurately beyond teacher’s expectations.

I can plainly explain several examples ofunfamiliar words relatively accurately and consistently.

I can mention some examples of unfamiliar words somewhat accurately &somewhat consistently.

I can partially identify a few examples ofunfamiliar words with some inaccuracies & teacher assistance.

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